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Imbalanced freedom creates the system of Lordship and Slavery. Therefore it

must be kept in balance but it will not maintain its equilibrium till the time there
will be no quality awareness about rights and duties and the knowledge about the
environment. That is why we see such revolutionary movements with particular
ideological messages, information and schools like study circles where political
students learn about the issues, problems they face and about the sketch, body of
the current system present before them.

Slavery can develop in two phases, first in the form of physical slavery either
through physical aggression war like matters or through economic aggression.
Economic aggression can be either through personal inabilities in the sense of
laziness, obliviousness, and lavishness trends which makes one a debtor, needy
under pressure or due to a feudal and capitalist system where people are
deprived from their natural rights.

Keeping in view these facts we find Pakistan in the quagmire of two things, firstly,
the mental standard by average slavish and secondly, the socio-political and
economic baseness which has brought our nation beneath the burden of loin
breaking debts where we pay 3thousand Erab rupees only in the interest besides
of the capital amount. Physically we are free but mentally and practically we
behave like mean slaves.

Why we couldn’t get rid of this curse, during the past seventy years of physical
freedom? The reason is clear, as we worked not on the mental freedom of our
nation and corrupt political leadership comprised of the old English royal slaves
drove the cart according to that guided path which the old lords has ordained and
laid down for us.

Our history based on manipulated views rather than original facts which could
enable our students to know about things critically. Criticism is the only thing
which can remove, ambiguities, doubts and guide us towards facts.

Who were responsible for the partition of India, Muslims, Hindus or British rulers?
Let us go towards 1905 when the British government decided to divide the
province of Bengal in two parts due to its thick population and complicated
administration. Division of Bengal was strongly opposed by the western part for
various economic reasons. Western part was largely dominated by the Hindu
businessmen and traders while it was the head-office of all departments related
to court affairs, education, healthcare and administration.

It was basically a clear economic issue but the western part had Hindus in
majority and in the eastern part Muslims were in majority which converted the
matter into religious color.

Congress supported the western part, as the western part businessmen provided
funds to Congress and Congress neglected the terrible consequences of this
stupid action which were in its long run hazardous for the Unity of India.

If Congress leaders had explained the critical situation before the western
Bengalis honestly that the division of Bengal will protect India from splitting they
would have really accepted it though as a bitter dose of medicine. But it didn’t
care the future of India and preferred to deprive the east Bengali Muslims from
their legal right necessary for easy administration on government level.

The first step towards India’s splitting.

Eastern Bengali lords gathered to consider for the future of Muslims, if Congress
will behave like this what should be the reaction of Muslims for the safety of their

This practical concern motivated Muslim lords towards a political platform which
could defend their rights from east to west and south to north. Thus Muslim
league party was announced in 1906 as the representative of Muslims in the

Bengal’s issue moved onward up to 2011 and was decided in the favor of
Congress, western part. Short sighted Congress preferred the splitting of India
against the division of Bengal, where Muslims were expected to receive little
benefit from the provincial division.
With the passage of time religious hater used to emerge here and there.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah was a hundred percent secular minded political leader had
joined Congress and was not happy on the existence of Muslim League as he had
opposed strongly the division of Bengal and had sarcastically expressed his views
in this way, “East Bengal will be a Province without a Heart” He was regarding
Calcutta as a heart.

But on the way Mohammad Ali Jinnah also came to know that Congress leaders
were not honestly secular, but cutter fanatic Hindus beneath the skin. So, he
partially joined Muslim League in 1913 when Shuddhi Sanghton Movement was in
its full swing blowing the fire of malice in the country. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
despite this situation fairly carried on his struggle to unite both Congress and
Muslim league and was worrying for the religious bigotry causing peace and unity
at risk. But Hindu leaders after one thousand years of double slavery were caring
nothing except the greed of power.

There were Many Muslims who favored United India and even Muslim League
was not in the favor of India’s splitting as it (partition) was mainly harming
Muslims who had more than four hundred princely states in the total number of
565 princely states of the subcontinent. Heavy majority of landlords belonged to
Muslim community from west to east. United India was favorable to Muslims.

According to Quran Muslims can make a coalition government with Non-Muslims

if Non-Muslims oppose not the justifiable economic system based on general
equality of rights and duties. For this we can take guidance from the Chapter “Al
Tauba, 9” and from the authentic story of Joseph the prophet, and Aziz ruling
family of Egypt. The prophet Joseph and Aziz of Egypt agreed on a justifiable
economic system for the well being of all, while only Jacob family was the Muslim
monotheist and no one other in Egypt across. Joseph played his remarkable role
in the favor of Egyptian Pagan working community without being accepted as the
prophet of God.

The holy prophet Mohammad established his government with the coalition of
Yathrab Pagans, Muslims and Jewish tribes. Before Him locals have arranged to
establish a government under the leadership of a Pagan called “Abdullah bin
Aubai bin Saloul” (This gathering only created a mind set up for the next coming
migrant Mohammad (p.b.u.h.).

So, it proves that Faiths, beliefs are personal individual things with no concern to
Socio-economic and political system related to all with different faiths and beliefs.

Today it also proved that those who were in the favor of a separate land only on
the basis of faith were either unknown from Quran or simpletons or vested ones
working on the agenda of foreigners as many suspected from the very beginning.

But here we know the personal experience of Mohammad Ali Jinnah who had
been remained the member of Congress for a long time and had a lot of
acquaintance with the leaders of Congress and knew their outlook about
minorities especially Muslims. Mohammad Ali Jinnah showed his liberal and
secular role practically in the sub continental long run politics as he opposed the
Congress struggle in the favor of Caliphate –e- Ottoman of Turkey after world war
first. Jinnah also showed his disapproval on the matter of Bengal and supported
the Unity of Bengal. Jinnah also tried his best to bring close Congress and Muslim
League to one platform of the “Indian National League”. On the way he found the
Congress leaders suspected and cunning, not ready to a justifiable socio-political
and economic system. Jinnah also met several times with Gandhi to solve
problem and protect India from Partition but Gandhi and Nehru were not liberal
enough to accept the terms condition of Muslim League related to United India.
For this we can watch Indian scholar’s videos who have blamed Gandhi for his
hypocritical role in the Indian politics against Muslim minority. Finally in 1940
Muslim League and Jinnah were made compel to pass the Pakistan resolution and
decide the partition of India into two main parts. Till this time no Muslim leader
had ever thought about the splitting of India yet they were talking about the
peaceful system of Islam but inside the United India. According to accepted rules
those parts of the Indian sub continent where Muslims were in majority were to
be included in Pakistan and the rest with in Bharat. Kashmir issue shows the
practical violation of Congress party against justice, this can be easily understood
from the suspects Jinnah feared in his mind about Congress.
So, it was Congress who compelled Muslim League with the larger loss of Muslim
interests related to United India. It divided Muslims into three parts while Hindus
remained United across the India.

Here we should not exclude the role of British Empire as it played the role of a
naked hypocrisy during the freedom occasion. It kept Congress and Muslim
League away from each other due to hidden intrigues and let them not to reach
any unified decision favorable for the interests of all. More over it the British
Empire was keen to do two things, first to create dreadful enmity between the
two newly born states, second to create a buffer zone or a landlord’s dynasty
which could only block socialism waving on the next border of Afghanistan. Third
it also knew the western border issue related to Durand Line. So, the British
Empire was fully satisfied that Pakistan would face severe problems after freedom
and separation and will be used for what US and UK wanted in the region.

The anti-Pakistan role of the General Frank about the Issue of Kashmir, the
careless mode of Pakistani government about the health of Mohammad Ali
Jinnah, and finally the killing of Nawab zada Liaqat Ali Khan cries though in
suppressed words that there were really conspirators working for the former
lords against Pakistan, against the cause of Islam the cause of a welfare state.

Now let us talk about facts, natural trends related to slavery, physical freedom,
real freedom and the system of peace and prosperity.

Moses freed the Children of Israel only physically. During the long period of
Slavery slaves were mentally addicted, habituated to idolatry as they demanded
Idols across the water, as Summary (Conjurer priest of Israel) prostrated them
before a calf. Mentally they were trodden by Pharaoh and were by large majority

From this we learn, that suppressed ones will be given freedom may they belong
to any religion, any caste, any race.

From this we learn that such people will be given concession if behave awkwardly.
From this we learn that after physical slavery there will be a period for mental
slavery at least forty years if there were no remains of the old system in economic
field. Jews had no feudal system in the desert of Sinai; they were homeless living
in Thatcher made shelters or tents, poor but not under the shadow of landlordism
as peasants and tenants.

Here in the subcontinent we see that only feudal lords was given freedom not the
working community. We can’t think of a freedom without economic justice.
Slavery with the passage of time changes its dress and behaves histrionically.
Today slavery is in its indirect form. When population was short and the land was
vast then people use to exploit through direct slavery. When the population grew
up rapidly and the land remained the same in volume, now cunning and tyrant
people decided to occupy lands and free slaves and thus to keep deprive the vast
majority of people who will live like anonymous slaves around the world.
Whenever they will go towards land the owner will demand freedom money
against a home plot, shop plot or industry plot.

Occupy the means of production it will make the deprived ones as indirect slaves.

Till the time there will be feudal system we can’t satisfy ourselves like a free
nation. Around the world all working people are slaves if deprived of basic human

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