Dela Cruz - P.E 4

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Core Subject


Class No: B-5 Score: /40
Name: Dela cruz, Mikee Marcos T. Date: November 14, 2023
Grade and Section: 12-St. Nicholas Of Myra Teacher Ms Galang

Objectives: After accomplishing this module, you must be able to:

● describe the significance of dance
● enhance social behavior and personality through dancing
● perform the dance with confidence and posture
Topic: Classification of Dance - Folk Dance
Materials: Video links, Improvised costume
Time Frame: Week 4
Most Essential Learning Competency (DepEd Learning Matrix):
Self- assessed health related fitness (HRF) status barriers to physical activity assessment participation & one’s
I. Concept: Mindanao Dance
Like their brothers from central and northern Philippines, Filipinos in the South are avid lovers of dance. The
dances, particularly of the Maguindanao, the Maranao, and the Tausug, are largely ceremonial and are often
accompanied by percussion instruments such as gongs and drums. The presence of Indian influences,
introduced no doubt by Hinduized Malays, is prominent in the dance called Kandingan, a Tausug wedding
dance; in the Lanao dance Singkil, performed in the presence of the Maranao royal family; in the Sagayan, a
Maranao and Maguindanao war dance recalling the exploits of the great Muslim warrior Bantugan; in the
Pangalay, performed with expressive hand movements in varied versions among the Tausog, Badjao and
Samal; in the Tahing Baila, a Yakan dance for a bountiful fish catch; and in the Lunsay, a popular Jama Mapun
community song-and-dance number performed during wedding celebrations(Source: Pobre, C.P., et al, 1978.
Tuladan, The Philippine South. Metro Manila, Philippines: The Executive Committee; 160pp..

II. Activity 1: Dance with Us

A. Directions: Fill in the box. Write the historical background of the following Mindanao Folk Dances.

Name of Dance Purposes Place of Origin

Dugso The kaliga-on ritual, involving thanksgiving, From Mindanao in

appeasement, supplication, and consultation of Bukidnon,Agusan andalso
nature spirits. Misamis Oriental.

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Udol The involving a male priest invoking spirits to From Southern Davao
guide the deceased's soul.

Itik itik The celebration of thanksgiving is held in From Mindanao in Surigao.

gratitude to their patron saint for hearing their

B. Activity 2: Get Started!

When you are asked to dance the folk dance from Mindanao, what questions
come first into your mind? List down your questions below.
Ex. What should be my attire?

How do you feel when you dance?

What inspires you to dance?

What does folk dance help people?

C. Activity 3: Warm up: Perform “Makulay ang Buhay” exercise (3 repetitions). Submit your personal video
through email. Watch Video:
ATTIRE: PE Uniform / Rubber Shoes

Here are some tips to stay safe and injury free:

● Be aware of your body. Think about how the particular exercise is
making you feel.
● Warm up and cool down.
● Pace yourself.
● Stay hydrated.
● Be weather aware.
● Do it right.
Reminder: In case of injury, apply the RICE Method.

D. Activity 4: Dance! Dance!

Dance! Mindanao (Major
Performance Task)
1. Perform the dance of
Kappa Malong Malong
(Boys) and Janggay
2. Attire: Improvised Costume. (Boys wear top shirt)
3. Limit the presentation to 2 minutes.
4. Submit your dance video performance through email/LMS.
5. Watch video and click the link

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- also called Sambi sa Malong,, this Maranao dance shows the many ways of wearing a malong, a
simple tubular yet highly functional piece of cloth.
- The traditional women’s version shows this cloth of countless colorful designs; used mostly as a skirt
woven in many different ways, depending on the purpose of the wearer.
- Other ways the women wear malong is as a shawl, a mantle, or a head-piece.
- During more recent dance documentation, a men’s version was derived.
- This version shows in masculine rendition, how men don the malong—displaying its use as a sash or
waist-band,shorts or bahag, and a head-gear that can be either functional while working in the fields,
or decorative as a turban. (Retrieved from

- The Janggay or 'Igal Janggay" is one Badjao dance that is performed to the tradition of the Pangalay.
- Pangalay being a predominant dance form favorite among the gentle people of the Sulu archipelago.
- Janggay refers to metal fingernails or claws that the dancers wear on their hands as the sinuous
movements of pangalay figures are executed.
- To the Sama de Laut people it is called "solengkengkeng".
- The janggay is supposed to enhance or magnify the dancer's hand twists and wrist flicks because it
serves like a sort of an extension.
- From the usual starting position, the Sinalayan, the dance progresses to different pangalay postures
moving to a dampened sound of local gongs. Emphasis is however, not moved away from the
janggay, the object of the dance.
- This dance is indigenous to the southern Philippine Island of Sulu. The capital of the once mighty
Sulu Sultanate. It stands true to its Malay past. (Retrieved from:

III. Assessment (Note: Deduction of one point per day for late submission, and a fair grade for copied work.)
Criteria 10 9-8 7-6 5-4 Points Total
The dance was performed Complete Missed 1 Missed 2 - 3 Missed 4 -
correctly. elements element elements 5 elements


The student memorized the 2-3 Many
No error 4 - 5 errors
sequence of the dance. errors errors

The student has exerted all effort Somewhat
to make the appearance more Mostly fit an Unappealing
presentable. appealing

PUNCTUALITY IN SUBMISSION Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair

IV. Reflection:
What do you think the quotation means? Give an example on how this quotation
holds true.
“What matters for now is for every Filipino to protect our tradition and let
no one distort it under the guise of modernization. Leave the folk dances as
(Your answer should contain at least two to three sentences only. Write legibly
and avoid erasures.)

It is essential that we maintain our cultural heritage, and Filipinos should preserve their traditions. Folk dances are
important cultural artifacts that should be conserved. While development is important, expansion shouldn't come at
the expense of our legacy.

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