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Public Hearing of the Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs joint

with the Committee on Women, Children, Family Relations and Gender


Chairperson: Sen. Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa

28 September 2023, Thursday, 9 a.m., Session Hall, Senate

Re: The following matters:

I. Alleged operation of a shabu laboratory and presence of heavily-

armed private army of extremist groups at the heavily-guarded Sitio
Kapihan, Barangay Sering, Socorro, Surigao del Norte

P. S. Res. No. 796—Sen. Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa

II. Allegations of systematic rape, sexual abuse, trafficking, forced

labor, and forced marriage of children in the context of cult-like
activities among the members of Socorro Bayanihan Services, Inc.
in Sitio Kapihan, Barangay Sering, Socorro, Surigao del Norte

P.S. Res. No. 797—Sen. Risa Hontiveros

III. Privilege speech of Sen. Risa Hontiveros dated 18 September 2023


• Proposed Senate Resolution Nos. 796 and 797, and

the privilege speech of Senator Hontiveros look into
the issues hounding Socorro Bayanihan Services,
Inc. (SBSI), which was organized almost 43 years
ago on December 20, 1980.
• These issues include alleged operation of a shabu
laboratory; existence of a heavily-armed private
army in the SBSI compound; alleged murder of the
SBSI president and her daughter-successor; forced
marriages of children; sexual abuse and violence;
and compelling members to remit money from Source: SBSI FB account
wages, proceeds on the sale of real properties, and
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subsidies for senior citizens and Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps),
among others.
• The public hearing will be conducted to explore legislative remedies to address the
issues that have been brought to the Committee's attention.


P. S. Res. No. 796

• Proposed Senate Resolution No. 796 by Senator Dela Rosa is based on a letter from
Mayor Riza Rafonselle T. Timcang of Socorro, Surigao del Norte, requesting for an
investigation on the aforementioned matters.

• In particular, the proposed Senate resolution looks

Ø the alleged presence and operation of a
shabu laboratory at the underground bunker
within the vicinity of the white house where
Kapihan Leaders Karren J. Sanico and Jey Rence
B. Quilario are residing;
Ø Murder of SBSI President Rosalina L. Taruc and
her daughter-successor, former Mayor Denia
T. Florano;
Ø Presence of a heavily-armed private army dubbed
as the "Agila" with arms, ammunition, and
uniforms allegedly provided by extremist groups
in Southern Mindanao, and the use of the people
as “human shields” in the heavily-guarded Sitio Photo of Jay Rence Quilario
Kapihan by one of the four identified group AKA Sr. Agila. Source: SBSI FB
leaders, Karren J. Sanico; account
Ø Forced marriages of child-members at the age of
12 and alleged ordering of the girl-brides to sleep with the Supreme Leader
Quilario first for one night before being turned over to the young groom;
Ø Disallowing children starting from birth up to their marriage from going out
of the enclosed community; and
Ø Collecting 50% of the wages of their carpenter/mason-members, 50% of the fish
catch of their fisherman-members, 30% share of the proceeds on the sale of the
members' real properties, and 50% of subsidies for 4Ps beneficiaries and senior

P. S. Res. No. 797 and Senator Hontiveros’ Privilege Speech

• Senator Hontiveros filed Proposed Senate Resolution No. 797 following the
alarming reports on alleged wrongdoings of the SBSI.

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• SBSI is a people’s organization,
with 3,560 members including
1,587 children, based in an
enclosed and heavily guarded area
in a mountain known as Sitio
Kapihan, in Socorro, Surigao del
• According to direct and first-hand
testimonies, Quilario would engage
in acts of sexual abuse and violence
against minors, including ordering
girl-children to sleep with him,
Source: facilitating marriages of children as
young as 12 years old with adults,
and locking adolescents in rooms in order for them to engage in sexual activities.
• Minor and adult members were made to perform forced labor under pain of
physical punishment. Adult members with social welfare benefits (4PS and senior
citizen pensions) were forced to surrender 40%-60% of their subsidies to Quilario.
• In her privilege speech last September 18, Senator Hontiveros narrated the
harrowing story of eight children who managed to escape the cult and recounted
their experience while inside the cult community. The children are now under the
care of the local government unit and the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD). Given the circumstances, she stated that it is their duty
not just as senators, but also as parents and as human beings, to save children
in most need of their help.

Possible Points for Discussion

1. History of SBSI: Understanding the background and historical context of SBSI to

shed light on its activities and practices.

2. Potential Legal Violations: Examining SBSI’s potential violations of the following

laws, among others:
• RA 11596: Prohibition of Child Marriage Law, criminalizing child marriage and
the cohabitation of an adult with a child.
• RA 7610: Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and
Discrimination Act, penalizing engagement in or facilitation of child
prostitution and sexual abuse.
• RA 9262: Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act, protecting
women and children from all forms of violence.
• RA 9208 (Amended): Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, recognizing
various forms of exploitation, including forced labor and prostitution, as acts
of trafficking.
• Other Relevant Children’s Welfare Laws: Including PD 442 (Labor Code of the
Philippines), PD 603 (The Child and Youth Welfare Code), and RA 9231 (which
addresses child labor and amends RA 7610).

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3. Actions by Authorities: Measures taken by various authorities such as the
provincial and local governments of Surigao del Norte, DSWD, National Bureau of
Investigation, and the Department of Justice in response to the activities of the

4. Potential Charges Against the Group and Leadership: Possible cases that could
be filed against the cult group and its leader, Jay Rence Quilario, including
kidnapping, illegal detention, trafficking, rape, illegal drugs, murder, practice of
child marriage, and violation of child protection laws.

5. Possible Misuse of 4Ps Cash Benefits: Investigating any potential misuse of the
4Ps cash benefits by the group or its members.

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