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Car Buy and Sell Website

(Functional Requirements & Flowchart)

Submitted by:
Abdul Manan Dar
Muhammad Shawaiz Iqbal
Zaki Abbas
M.Nadeem Tariq
Rizwan Niazi

BS (Computer Science)

Muhammad Aqib

Advanced Programming

Department of Computer Science

Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology
Session 2021-2025
Functional Requirements for car Buy and Sell Website

1. User Authentication Module:

1.1 Allow users to register with the platform.
1.2 Enable users to log in and log out securely.
1.3 Provide password recovery options.
1.4 Support social media login integration (e.g., Google, Facebook).

2. Car Listing Module:

2.1 Enable sellers to add new car listings.
2.1.1 Input fields for car details (make, model, year, mileage, price, etc.).
2.1.2 Upload images of the car.
2.2 Allow sellers to edit existing listings.
2.3 Provide an option for sellers to delete their listings.
2.4 Display car listings with comprehensive details and images.

3. Search and Filter Module:

3.1 Offer an advanced search option for users.
3.1.1 Search by keywords.
3.2 Provide filters to narrow down search results.
3.2.1 Filter by price range.
3.2.2 Filter by car make and model.
3.2.3 Filter by year of manufacture.
3.2.4 Filter by mileage.
3.3 Display search results with relevant details and images.

4. Communication Module:
4.1 Implement a messaging system for communication between buyers and sellers.
4.2 Send notifications for new messages, offers, or updates.
4.3 Allow users to view their message history.
5. Additional Features:
5.1 User profiles:
5.1.1 Display user information.
5.1.2 Show user activity history (listed cars, purchases, etc.).
5.2 Rating and review system:
5.2.1 Allow users to rate and review each other.
5.2.2 Display ratings and reviews on user profiles.
5.3 Admin dashboard:
5.3.1 Manage user accounts.
5.3.2 Verify new user registrations.
5.3.3 Monitor listings and transactions.
5.3.4 Resolve disputes and handle reported issues.
5.4 Responsive design:
5.4.1 Ensure the platform is accessible on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
5.5 Security measures:
5.5.1 Implement SSL encryption.
5.5.2 Regular security audits and updates.
5.6 Data backup:
5.6.1 Regular backups of user data and listings.
5.7 SEO optimization:
5.7.1 Optimize the website for search engines to improve visibility.
Flow Chart of Registration/Login Process
Flow Chart of Buy and Sell Process

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