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To urge – daJinebiT moTxovna, darwmuneba

To furnish information to – informaciis miwodeba

To expose – mxileba, gamoaSkaraveba
Opinion-molders – is, vinc sazogadoebriv azrs qmnis
To induce – stimulis micema, Segulianeba
Immediate problem – gadaudebeli problema
To counteract – ganeitraleba, winaaRmdegobis gaweva
Sinister malady – avbediTi seni

To drive somebody insane – Wkuidan gadayvana

Malady had run its course – senma Tavisi dro moWama

Not to look a gift horse into the mouth – naCuqar cxens kbilebs ar usinjaveno

10th WEEK

1st day

Inclement – mkacri, susxiani (amindi, hava)

To peruse – yuradRebiT kiTxva
Premonition – winaTgrZnoba
To desist – Sewyveta, Tavis danebeba
To recoil – ukan daxeva

An uneasy feeling – usiamovno grZnoba, mousvenroba

Trouble was on the way – ubedureba axlovdeboda
Onset = beginning; dasawyisi
To detect = discover
To gnaw – RrRna
Calamity = great and serious misfortune or disaster
Premonition of calamity – ubedurebis winaTgrZnoba
To recoil with fear / in horror – SiSiT ukan daxeva

Promulgated a warning – sajarod gamoacxades gafrTxileba

To pay the piper = to have to pay heavily

2nd day

Pertinent – saqmesTan dakavSirebuli, saTanado

Mastiff – mastifi (ZaRlis jiSi)
To obsess – Sepyroba (Sepyrobili mag. SiSiT)
Doleful – mwuxare, naRvliani, melanqoliuri
Wan – avadmyofurad fermkrTali, gafiTrebuli

Disregard – uyuradReboba, arafrad Cagdeba

Foaming jaws – duJmoreuli ybebi
To force one’s way through – gzis ZaliT gakvleva

Was obsessed with the idea – azriT iyo Sepyrobili

Ruddy face – RaJRaJa saxe

On the carpet = being scolded

Called her on the carpet – galanZRa, datuqsa, miwasTan gaaswora

3rd day

Histrionics – emociebi, isterika

Elusive– mouxelTebeli, Znelad misaRwevi
To frustrate – CaSla, xelis SeSla
Symptomatic – simptomuri, niSandoblivi
To interject – SeniSvnebis CarTva, Careva

Rabies – cofi
To frustrate attempts – Zalisxmevis / mcdelobis CaSla
To undergo = experience
To administer vaccination– acris / vaqcinaciis daniSvna
It had been foaming at the mouth – piridan qafi sdioda
To growl – Rrena

Suspense = uncertainty
Wealth is easy to come by – simdidre advili saSovnelia

To show one’s hand – ganzraxvis gamJRavneba

4th day

Inert – uZravi
Salient – gamorCeuli, cnobili, TvalSisacemi, aSkara
Imminent – gardauvali
Squeamish – panikiori, dapanikebuli
Engrossed – Cafluli

Saliva [U] – nerwyvi
Spine = backbone; xerxemali
Numbness – gaSeSeba
Convulsion – krunCxva
To gasp = struggle for breath; sulis SexuTva, Zlivs sunTqva

To tilt at windmills – brZola warmosaxviT / moCvenebiT mtrebTan

To tilt – SubiT brZola

11th WEEK

1st day

Poignant – gulisamaCuyebeli
To inundate – datborva, wyliT dafarva
Fruitless – usargeblo, uSedego
Garbled – areul-dareuli, abdaubda
Sanguine – optimisti

Meanwhile – amasobaSi
To notify – Setyobineba
A poignant appeal for somebody – gulisamaCuyebeli Txovna
To come forward – gamoxmaureba
Lead – Cveneba, miTiTeba
To vanish = disappear

A poignant sermon – gulisamaCuyebeli qadageba

To bring tears to somebody’s eyes – cremlis mogvra Tvalze
Salient – TvalSisacemi
To wrest control of the government – mTavrobis xelSi Cagdeba / mmarTvelobis sadaveebis xelSi
Traitors were incarcerated – moRalateebi daapatimres
Skipper = captain

To feather one’s nest - isargeblo situaciiT da gamdidrde; xelis moTboba; cxovrebis mowyoba

2nd day

Phlegmatic – flegmaturi
To corroborate – dadastureba
Comprehensive – yovlismomcveli, srulyofili
Zealous – gulmodgine, mondomebuli
To coerce – daZaleba, Zaldataneba (to coerce sb into doing sth)

At the suggestion of some friends – ramodenime megobris winadadebiT

To fan = to spread like a fan (maraosaviT); gaSla
Empty-handed – xelcarieli
To be in great spirits – SesaniSnav gunebaze yofna
Vigil = the act of keeping awake at times when sleep is customary; sifxizle

Elusive fugitive – mouxelTebeli devnili

Swindler – TaRliTi, yalTabandi

Fair-weather friends – vai megobrebi

3rd day

To elapse = pass; gasvla (drois)

Meticulous = very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly;
yuradRebiani, mowesrigebuli, pedanti
Domicile – saxli
Lax – daudevari, mouwesrigebeli
Sporadic = occasional; araregularuli, iSviaTi

Forty hours had elapsed – 40 saaTi miilia / miiwura

To pay off – Sedegis gamoReba
Meticulously – guldasmiT
To cross-check – gadamowmeba
Apologetic= regretfully acknowledging fault
Directed = told
Muzzled shepherd – alikapiani mecxvare ZaRli
To have a sporadic mean streak – xandaxan mouvlian xolme, Setevebi emarTeba

Inadvertently – Tavisdauneburad, daufiqreblad

Was punctuated = was interrupted
Mortar fire – naRmtyorcnis cecxli
Watchman – yarauli

To sow one’s wild oats – eweode uzrunvel cxovrebas

4th day

Rash – naCqarevi
Conjecture – varaudi
To obviate – Tavis arideba
Lurid – sensaciuri
Quip – xumroba

Rabid – cofiani
Summons = command to do something
To treat somebody to – gamaspinZleba
Double feature = a movie programme with two main films; ormagi seansi

Sheer = complete
Counterfeiter – falsifikatori
Coverage – mimoxilva, gaSuqeba (axali ambebis)
Exceedingly rash – metismetad naCqarevi
Longshoreman – portis muSa
Lusty quip – jansaRi iumori / xumroba

Windfall – moulodneli finansuri mogeba, gamarTleba

To strike oil = find oil in the ground

12th WEEK

1st day

Diatribe – mwvave kritika

Inhibition – TavSekaveba, kompleqsi
Fortuitous – SemTxveviTi
Incoherent – araTanamimdevruli, uTavbolo
Ilk – amnairi, amis msgavsi

To be convulsed with laughter – sicilsgan CabJireba

To launch into a diatribe on / to go into a diatribe on – mwvaved gakritikeba, nataciis
Ulcer – wyluli
To mutter = grumble in an indistinct voice, butbuti
Beatnik = a person who rejects mores (= customs) of established society (by dressing or
behaving unconventionally)
Others of that ilk – sxva am juris xalxi

To construe = interpret, axsna, daskvnis gamotana

To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve – grZnobebis, gancdebis aSkarad gamoxatva

2nd day

Prestigious – prestiJuli
Placard – plakati
Integral – ganuyofeli, mniSvnelovani
Remuneration – anazRaureba
Nominal – minimaluri
All-round man = good at doing many different things; mravalmxrivi adamiani
Stock company (US) = a permanent repertory (provinciuli) company attached to a theatre
Props = stage properties = articles required on the stage; rekviziti
Spear – Subi
Walk-on role – epizoduri roli
Integral part – ganuyreli, ganuyofeli nawili
To fulfill a life-long ambition – aixdino mTeli cxovrebis ocneba

Looting – Zarcva
Ferocious = cruel

To wash dirty linen in public – piradi saqmeebis yvelas gasagonad ganxilva

3rd day
To expunge – waSla
Flamboyant – nairferi, kaSkaSa; = very energetic, lively in order to attract attention
Anathema – wyevla
Schism – ganxeTqileba
Utopia – utopia

Ledger – sabuRaltro wigni

Script – scenari

To perform a thousand and one odd jobs – aTasi wvrilmani saqmis gakeTeba
To perspire – oflis Rvra
To expunge something from one’s mind –mexsierebidan raimes amoSla
The schism widened – ganxeTqileba gaizarda
Press release = an official statement or report supplied to the press

To save face – sircxvilis arideba

4th day

Timorous – mSiSara
Truncated – Semoklebuli
Jaunty – mxiaruli
Fractious – moCxubari, Wirveuli
Ostentatious – myvirala, kaSkaSa, gamosaCeni, saCvenebeli

Apprentice – Segirdi, moswavle

Audition – mosmena
To cast = give an actor a part in a play
Tryout – gamocda
Rough competition – Zlieri konkurencia
The stage- struck accountant – scenaze gagiJebuli buRalteri

To strut – medidurad siaruli

Sprightly = lively

Indian summer – Semodgomis Tbili amindi

13th WEEK

1st day

To importune (sb. for sth.) – daJinebiT moTxovna

Incontrovertible – udavo
Surreptitious – maluli
Haven – TavSesafari
To subjugate – dapyroba, damorCileba

Distinguished = well-known
To importune somebody for authorization – daJinebiT moiTxovo sanqcia, ufleba
All-out = using all possible strength energy, etc.
All-out effort – maqsimaluri, yvelanairi mcdeloba / Zalisxmeva
Incontrovertible evidence – udavo faqtebi, samxili
Surreptitious experiment – maluli eqsperimenti
Speedy approval – saswrafo dasturi, Tanxmoba
Atomic supremacy – atomuri batonoba
To be sanguine about = to be optimistic about
Inclement weather = cold, stormy weather
Duplicity = deliberate deception; cbiereba, gaiZveroba
Meticulous bookkeeper = careful accountant
Incontrovertible testimony – udavo Cveneba
To corroborate – to confirm; dadastureba
To take the bull by the horns – gabedulad, Seupovrad moqmedeba; pirdapir SeebrZolo problemas

2nd day

Ultimate – saboloo
To eventuate in – saboloo Sedegis miReba
To emit – gamoyofa
Subterranean – miwisqveSa
Viable – gansaxorcieleblad SesaZlebeli, realuri, sococxlisunariani

Device – meqanizmi
Which could eventuate in a chain reaction – romlis saboloo Sedegic jaWvuri reaqcia iqneboda
Chunk = thick, solid piece
Rod = thin, straight piece of wood or metal
To speed up the production – warmoebis daCqareba
Atomic pile – atomuri reaqtori
Confinement = imprisonment
Subterranean dungeon – miwisqveSa dilegi
Wan = pale
To issue a diatribe against – mwvave gakritikeba
Smokestack – sakvamuri
Poisonous fume – momwamvleli gamonabolqvi
Zealous = enthusiastic; gulmodgine
The schism was healed = the schism was ended
The lion’s share – lomis wili

3rd day

Premise – safuZveli, winapiroba

To jeopardize – safrTxeSi Cagdeba
Incredulous (be incredulous about) – skeptikuri, urwmuno
To permeate – gavrceleba, gaJRenTva
Propitious – xelsayreli

Abandoned – mitovebuli
To proceed = go on
To ascend = to rise
Incredulous observer – skeptikuri damkvirvebeli
To mount the balcony – aivanze asvla
Unbearable tension permeated the atmosphere – autanelma daZabulobam gaJRinTa atmosfero
(At a) propitious moment – xelsayreli momenti
Lineup – ganlageba
To be squeamish about – be easily shocked about
To expunge = to erase
Skunk = small, bush-tailed American animal able to send out a strong evil smell as a defence when
attacked; skunsi, myrala
Handler = person who trains and controls an animal, e.g. a police dog

Out of the frying pan into the fire – vais gaveyare uis Seveyareo (ufro uaresi damemarTa)

4th day

To surmise – fiqri, varaudi

To curtail – Semokleba, Sekveca
To repress – CaxSoba, Sekaveba
Cryptic – daSifruli, saidumlo
Inchoate – sawyisi etapi

Reserved - TavSekavebuli
To repress excitement – aRelvebis CaxSoba, damalva
Soberly = seriously
To relay – gadacema, translireba
Navigator – Sturmani
Natives – adgilobrivi macxovreblebi
Lurid magazine = sensational magazine
Pertinent = appropriate; saqmesTan dakavSirebuli
To repress desire – survilis CaxSoba
To interject = to insert, CarTva
Nominal = slight; minimaluri
Inchoate state – sawyisi mdgomareoba

To keep the pot boiling – interesis gaRviveba

Uncertainty and suspense – gaurkvevloba da molodini

14th WEEK

1st day

To aspire (to) – miswrafeba

To inveigh (against) – lanZRva, gineba
To nettle – gaRizianeba
Overt – aSkara, daufaravi, Ria
To relegate (to) – daqveiTeba

Mess = messhall = the room, etc in which the meals are eaten (especially in the Armed Forces)
Messman = messhall servant
Fighting fleet – sabrZolo floti
To be nettled by = to be irritated by; iyo gaRizianebuli
Overt prejudice – aSkara, daufaravi crurwmena, mikerZoeba

Quip = joke
Premonition – winaTgrZnoba
To curtail = to cut short
To curtail freedom – Tavisuflebis SezRudva
Overt acts of violence – Zaladobis aSkara qmedeba
Parole – TavdebiT gaSveba

To bury the hatchet – zavis dadeba

Hatchet – najaxi

2nd day

Supine – zurgze wola

Mammoth – uzarmazari
To repulse – mogerieba
Havoc – ganadgureba, zarali
To raze – ganadgureba

To knock somebody flat on the back – daagdo vinme zurgze

Supine position – mwoliare mdgomareoba
Powerfully-built – Zlieri aRnagobis
Headed for the deck – gaemarTa gembanisken
To repulse the attack – Setevis mogerieba
To feed ammunition to a machine gunner – miawodo sabrZolo masala (yumbarebi) artilerists

To repulse request – moigerio Txovna

Populace – mosaxleoba

Philadelphia lawyer – gamorCeuli niWis mqone advokati

To set someone free – vinmes gaTavisufleba

3rd day

Lethal – sasikvdilo
To scurry – gaqceva
Incisive – mwvave
To precipitate – daCqareba
Stereotype – stereotipi

To drag somebody to safety – gaaTrio vinme usafrTxo adgilas

To train the gun on – damizneba
He was credited with destroying four bombers – mis angariSze oTxi bombdamSenis
ganadgureba iyo
To dodge the bullets – tyviebis Tavidan acileba
Incisive blow – mwvave dartyma

To castigate – mkacri gakritikeba

Inert body – usicocxlo sxeuli
A lethal kick – sasikvdilo dartyma
Fractious = quarrelsome

To gild the lily – xotbis Sesxma

4th day

Stentorian – mquxare
Singular – iSviaTi, uCveulo, gamorCeuli
Valor – simamace
Bias – crurwmena, mikerZoeba
Sinecure – ioli samuSao, “Tbili adgili”

To preside over a ceremony – iyo ceremoniis Tavjdomare

Award – jildo
To commend = praise
Singular act of valor –iSviaTi, gamorCeuli simamace
To disregard for his own personal safety – arad Caagdo piradi usafrTxoeba
To shatter the bias against Africans – daamsxvrio crurwmena afrikelebis Sesaxeb
Combat zone – sabrZolo zona

In his customary stentorian tones – misTvis damaxasiaTebeli mquxare toniT

Fistfight – muStebiT Cxubi

To steal one’s thunder – daswreba

My cousin stole my thunder – Cemma biZaSvilma damaswro (Cemi koziri gamoiyena)

15th WEEK

1st day

Complicity – Tanamonawileoba
Liquidation – likvidacia
Accomplice – Tanamzraxveli, Tanamonawile
To recant – naTqvamis ukan waReba
Culpable – damnaSave
To confess to complicity in – aRiaro Tanamonawileba
To establish oneself as an accomplice – warmoadgino Tavi Tanamzraxvelad
To recant confession – aRiarebis ukan waReba
He was found culpable – is damnaSaved cnes
Hoodlum = (sl.) a dangerous criminal
Nobody raised an eyebrow over - warbic aravis Seuxria
Hapless felon = unlucky criminal
Swindle –TaRliToba
Surreptitiously = secretly
Mammoth = huge
A mammoth conflict arose – uzarmazari konfliqti wamoiWra
Incontrovertible evidence – udavo samxili
A servant was held culpable = a servant was found culpable
Isolated parish – izolirebuli samrevlo
He is engaged in woolgathering - is ocnebiTaa dakavebuli (RrublebSi dafrinavs)

2nd day

To abrogate – darRveva, Selaxva

Alleged – eWvmitanili
Access – daSveba
To invalidate – anulireba
To preclude – xelis SeSla
To take an interest in – interesis gamoCena
To abrogate the rights – uflebebis Selaxva
Alleged accomplice – TanamonawileobaSi eWvmitanili
He had been denied access to an attorney – uari uTxres daeSvaT masTan advokati
To invalidate the conviction – ganaCenis gauqmeba
To entitle – uflebis micema
To question a suspect – eWvmitanilis dakiTxva
On the grounds that – im mizeziT, rom
To uphold a law = to support a law
To play havoc with – areulobis Setana
Slugger = heavy-weight boxer
Court-martial – tribunali
Pep pills = pills that stimulate the nervous system
To whitewash – damnaSavis umankod warmoCena
Virtuous = (formal) behaving in a very honest and moral way [≠ wicked]

3rd day

To persevere – Seupovrad gagrZeleba

Landmark – istoriuli mniSvnelobis
Extrinsic – gareSe, ucxo
To declaim – sityviT gamosvla
To fetter – dabrkoleba, xelis SeSla

To persevere in the defense of – Seupovrad gaagrZelo dacva

The case was argued – saqme gaasaCivres
The Supreme Court – uzenaesi sasamarTlo
A landmark decision – istoriuli mniSvnelobis gadawyvetileba
To reverse conviction – ganaCenis Secvla

Law enforcement – samarTalgamoyeneba
In the long run – bolos da bolos
Extrinsic evidence is secured – gareSe faqtebi, samxili moZiebulia
A justice = judge of a supreme court
Ill-conceived = not planned well and not having an aim that is likely to be achieved;
Legitimate methods of criminal enforcement – sisxlis samarTlis sferoSi kanon aRsrulebis
legitimuri meTodebi
Avidly – gulmodgined
Ostentatious fabrics – TvalSisacemi qsovili

To break the ice – situaciis ganmuxtva (yinuli daiZra); navsis gatexva

4th day

Paragon – gansaxireba, srulyofilebis nimuSi

Nomadic – moxetiale
Asperity – ukmexoba, uxeSoba
Epithet – epiTeti
Controversial – sakamaTo, sadavo

Release from prison – cixidan gaSveba

Inmate – patimari
To begin suits for freedom – sasamarTlo saqmis wamowyeba Tavisuflebis mosapoveblad
To violate the rights – uflebebis Selaxva
On its merits = according to the rights and wrongs of the case, without being influenced by
personal feelings; samarTlianad
To be convicted of the offense - damnaSaved cnoba
A paragon of virtue – Rirsebis gansaxiereba
To lead a nomadic existence – eweode moxetiale cxovrebas
With asperity – ukmexad
Police harassment – Zaladoba, devna policiis mier
To endure privation – gaWirvebis atana
Display of asperity – ukmexobis gamomJRavneba
They hurled vile epithets at each other – isini bilw epiTetebs esrodnen erTmaneTs
The grapevine – kuluaruli Worebi

16th WEEK

1st day

Indigenous (to be indigenous to) – mkvidri

Gregarious – megobruli, gulRia, gundurad mcxovrebi
Habitat – sacxovrebeli adgili, samSoblo (cxovelis, mcenaris), samyofeli
Cursory – naCqarevi, zerele (= perfunctory)
Interloper – gareSe piri, daupatiJebeli stumari

That is indigenous to all parts of the globe – romelic globusis yvela nawilSi mkvidrobs
Colony = number of animals or plants, living or growing together
A cursory study – zerele Seswavla
Hive – ska
Distinct odor – gansakuTrebuli, gamorCeuli surneli
To repulse invasion – Semotevis mogerieba

He took a cursory glance – man zereled gadaxeda

Cryptic message – daSifruli mesiji
To decode a message – mesijis gaSifvra
To be replete with – iyos savse ramiT
To scurry from group to group – gaiqce erTi jgufidan meorisken

In a bee line – umoklesi gziT

To make a bee line for – waxvide sadme umoklesi gziT

2nd day

Prolific - nayofieri
Bulwark – dacva, burji, sayrdeni
Sedentary (to) – mjdomare, uqnara, umoqmedo
Frugal – ekonomiuri, momWirne, yairaTiani
Antithesis (of) – sapirispiro, sawinaaRmdego, kontrasti

Sedentary drone – uqnara mamali futkari

To mate with – Sewyvileba / Sejvareba
Eggs that hatch into thousands of female workers – kvercxebi, saidanac iCekeba aTasobiT
muSa dedali futkari
The antithesis of the lazy drone – zarmac mamal futkarTan sruli kontrastia
In effect = in fact
To starve to death – SimSiliT sikvdili

To come up with a good plot – moigono kargi siuJeti

Reticent – sityvaZunwi
To shake off the fetters (of) – moiSoro borkilebi
To badger = continually nag; gulis gawyaleba

The world, the flesh, and the devil – cTuneba, amqveyniuri siamovneba

3rd day

Altruistic – Tavdauzogavi, sxvebze mzrunveli, altruisti

To embellish – Selamazeba, morTva
Cache – samalavi, sacavi
Coterie – saerTo interesebis mqone adamianTa jgufi, saZmo
Cupidity – sixarbe, gaumaZRroba

Waterproof honeycomb – wyalgaumtari fiWa

Beeswax – Taflis sanTeli
In search of nectar and pollen – neqtarisa (yvavilis wveni) da yvavilis mtvris saZebnelad
Hind legs – ukana fexebi
Is entrusted with – evaleba
Welfare of the queen – deda futkris keTildReoba

Through a fortuitous remark – SemTxveviTi replikis wyalobiT

His reprehensible cupidity would eventuate in a loss of all his friends – mis gasakicx sixarbes
Sedegad yvela megobris dakargva mohyveboda
Irate = angry

To make bricks without straw – wamoiwyo uimedo saqme

4th day

Virtuosity - virtuozoba, ostatoba

Temerity – windauxedaoba, uazro simamace, gambedaoba
Amorous – sasiyvarulo
Progeny - STamomavloba
To saturate – gavseba, gajereba, gaJRenTva

Saga = story
Larva – matli (larvae – matlebi)
Royal jelly = a substance secreted (romelic gamoiyofa) by worker bees and fed to all larvae
when very young and to larvae destined to become queens throughout their growth.
Pupa (pl. pupas or pupae) – Wupri
To hatch – gamoCekva
To challenge – gamowveva
Progeny saturate the hive – STamomavloba avsebs skas
Scouts are dispatched – mzveravebs agzavnian
To swarm = (of bees) move or go in large numbers round a queen bee for emigration to a new
Beatnik = a young person in the late 1950s who rebelled against conventional attitudes and styles of
To be noted for valor – iyo cnobili simamaciT

To have the upper hand – upiratesobis mopoveba

I had him at my mercy – is Cems xelSi iyo

17th WEEK
1st day

To perpetrate – Cadena, Sesruleba, ganxorcieleba

Consummate – srulyofili
Subterfuge – xriki, eSmakoba, fandi
To concoct – SeTxzva, mogoneba
Fallacious – mcdari, yalbi

Ruse = trick; xriki, eSmakoba, oini

Allied troops – mokavSire Zalebi, armia
Bold – gabeduli
Ingenious = clever
To concoct an ingenious subterfuge – Wkvianuri xrikis mogoneba
To plant sth on / upon sb = (informal) to hide stolen or illegal goods in someone's clothes,
bags, room etc in order to make them seem guilty of a crime
Fallacious documents – yalbi dokumentebi
To observe the effects of the plan – daakvirde gegmis Sedegebs

To give a cursory attention to –zerele yuradRebis miqceva

To surmise = to guess
Controversial – kamaTis moyvaruli; controversial issue – sakamaTo sakiTxi
To give a consummate attention to – mTeli yuradRebis mipyroba
To concoct a convincing story – damajerebeli ambis SeTxzva
To perpetrate the swindle – TaRliTobis Cadena
Confidence man = conman, TaRliTi
To adopt an amorous approach – sasiyvarulo urTierTobis damyareba

To draw in one’s horns – Tavis Sekaveba gabrazebisgan, Tavis xelSi ayvana

2nd day

Manifold – mravalricxovani
Assiduous – gulmodgine
Impeccable – umwikvlo, unaklo
Fraught (to be fraught with) – savse
Resourceful – moxerxebuli, sazriani, marjve

Escapade = a mischievous act or adventure; oini, eSmakoba; gamoxtoma

To encounter manifold problems – waawyde mravalricxovan problemebs
To conduct an assiduous search for – ganaxorcielo gulmodgine Zebna
Authenticity – utyuaroba, WeSmariteba
Personal effects – piradi nivTebi
Schemer = deviser of impracticable (ararealuri) schemes

Burdened by – datvirTuli
To preclude – xelis SeSla
Crippled airplane – dazianebuli TviTmfrinavi
To be razed = to be destroyed
A paragon of mercy – gulmowyalebis gansaxiereba
To put the cart before the horse – ukuRma / Tavdayira gakeTeba

3rd day

Murky – mRvrie, bundovani, gaurkveveli

Component – komponenti
Hoax – tyuili, eSmakoba
Labyrinth – labirinTi

To evaluate – Sefaseba

Submarine – wyalqveSa gemi

Embassy – saelCo
To scrutinize – dawvrilebiT / guldasmiT Seswavla
To reseal – beWdis Tavidan dadeba
To swallow the bait – ankesze wamogeba

Motion picture – kinofilmi

To wander – xetiali
To come face to face with – waawyde
Incisive (= caustic) comments – mwvave, gesliani komentarebi
Murky quality – gaurkveveli, bundovani xarisxi

To turn the tables (on sb.) – situaciis Secvla Sens sasargeblod

4th day

To exult – gaxareba, zeimi

To attest (to) – dadastureba
Gullible (be gullible about) – mimndobi
To deploy – ganlageba
Enigma – gamocana, Tavsatexi

All evidence attested to the fact – yvela samxili adasturebda faqts

Inconsequential – logikurad gaumarTlebeli, alogikuri
Subsequently – SemdgomSi
Allied casualties – mokavSireTa msxverpli
Citation = an official commendation (Seqeba) or award, esp. for bravery
A genuine enigma – namdvili Tavsatexi

A gullible dupe – mimndobi gulubryvilo adamiani

To deploy chess pieces – ganalago Wadrakis figurebi
To attest to the authenticity – daadasturo utyuaroba, namdviloba
To exhibit cupidity – gamoamJRavno siZunwe

A chip off the old block – gavde mamas; kvici gvarze xtiso; ali-kvali mama

18th WEEK
1st day

Abortive – warumatebeli, uSedego

To modify – Secvla
To accommodate – Sewyoba, morgeba
Spontaneous – spontanuri
Innate – bunebrivi, Tandayolili
Resourceful – marjve, sazriani
Abortive attempt – uSedego mcdeloba
To persevere – Seupovrad gagrZeleba
To hit upon - migneba
Extensive vocabulary – didi leqsika

Innate cunning – Tandayolili moxerxebuloba

To see through the spy’s subterfuge – gaSifro, amoicno jaSuSis xriki
Diver – myvinTavi
To admonish = scold, warn; gakicxva
Incoherent – araTanamimdevruli
Fallacious statement – mcdari gancxadeba
To accommodate the patient’s special needs – pacientis gansakuTrebuli moTxovnebis dakmayofileba
Under the wire – swored droze, bolo wuTSi
Term paper – sakurso naSromi

2nd day

Veneer (of) – moCvenebiTi, garegnuli

Myriad – uTvalavi, auracxeli
Urbane – daxvewili
To crave – survili, miswrafeba
Irrelevant – Seusabamo, uadgilo

A veneer of intelligence – moCvenebiTi inteleqti

That are familiar to – romelic nacnobia
Index finger – saCvenebeli TiTi

To practice cupidity - gamoamJRavno siZunwe

To concoct the hoax – tyuilis mogoneba
Urbane humor – daxvewili iumori
Sophisticated playwright – daxvewili dramaturgi
A veneer of ignorance – moCvenebiTi umecreba

To be at large – iyo Tavisufali (gaTavisuflebuli cixidan)

3rd day

To deem – CaTvla, miCneva

Inherent – Tandayolili
Buff – gulSematkivari, moyvaruli
To romp – xtunva, celqoba
Latent – damaluli, faruli

Ape = tailless monkey (gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-outan, gibbon); primati

To embark on = start
To rear = bring up; aRzrda
Inherent ability – Tandayolili niWi
Cinema buffs – kinos moyvarulebi
Latent intelligence – damaluli inteleqti
To cajole into doing sth – vinmes dayolieba
Intercity competition – saqalaqTaSoriso Sejibri
To romp over = to win easily; advilad gamklaveba
Hapless rival – uiRblo metoqe
To become cognizant of - mixvedra
Inherent alertness – Tandayolili sifxizle

To go against the grain – gaRizianeba, nervebis moSla

It goes against my grain – es me nervebs miSlis

4th day

Tortuous – mixveul-moxveuli, CaxlarTuli

Itinerant – moxetiale, mogzauri
Peregrination – mogzauroba
Conjugal – saqorwino, colqmruli
Barometer – barometri

Maze – labirinTi
Lever – berketi
Nomadic – moxetiale
To swing (swung, swung) – gadaadgileba, gaqaneba
Loyal – erTguli
To be nettled about – iyo gaRizianebuli
To ascend – asvla
Conjugal havoc = conjugal destruction; ojaxis dangreva
Sedentary – uqnara, mjdomare
Lobby – vestibiuli
Beggar – maTxovari
Others of that ilk – sxva misnairebi
May be construed = may be interpreted

To wink at – Tvalis daxuWva rameze (TiTqos ver amCnev)

Plethora of – siWarbe
Illegal shipment – aralegaluri gadazidva

19th WEEK
1st day

Megalomania – didebisken swrafva, gandidebis mania

Profligate – TavaSvebuli, mflangveli
Strife – uTanxmoeba, konfliqti, ganxeTqileba
Legion – uamravi
Coup –amboxeba, saxelmwifo gadatrialeba

Was afflicted with megalomania – gandidebis maniiT iyo Sepyrobili

Profligate rule – mflangveli mmarTveloba
Treasury – xazina
Rampant = growing and spreading uncontrollably; gavrcelebuli
Domestic strife was mounting – Sida areuloba izrdeboda
To be incarcerated = to be imprisoned
Bloodless coup – usisxlo gadatrialeba
Took command of the poor nation – gaRatakebuli eris saTaveSi movida
Singular disregard for = extraordinary indifference; gansakuTrebuli uyuradReboba
Spouse = husband or wife; meuRle
To be culpable for – iyo damnaSave
To execute - sikvdiliT dasja
To obviate = to avoid; Tavidan acileba
Veneer – niRabi
Feelings of inferiority – arasrulfasovnebis SegrZneba
To play possum – Tavis momkvdaruneba / mokatuneba
In jeopardy – safrTxeSi
Voracious = very hungry or greedy

2nd day

Amnesty – aministia
Expatriate – emigranti
To exonerate – reabilitacia, Sewyaleba
Fiat – dadgenileba, brZaneba
Mendacious – matyuara, cru

To declare an amnesty for – aministiis gamocxadeba

To abrogate oppressive fiats – despoturi dadgenilebebis gauqmeba
Predecessor – winamorbedi
Things began to look up temporarily – saqmeebi droebiT ukeTesobisken midioda

Myriad of law suits – uTvalavi procesi

To deliberate – mofiqreba, awon-dawonva
To exonerate the culprit – damnaSavis Sewyaleba
Obvious feint = obvious pretence; aSkara TvalTmaqcoba
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good = (spoken) used to say that every problem brings an
advantage for someone; sxvisi ubedurebiT sargebloba; zogi Wiri margebeliao; нет худа без добра.
Quarterback – mcveli
Rookie – axalbeda
To mumble – Cabutbuteba

3rd day

Parsimonious – Zunwi
Pecuniary – finansuri
To dismantle – daSla, demontaJi, dangreva
Sumptuous – uxvi, mdidruli
To underwrite – dafinanseba

Pecuniary powers – finansuri Zalaufleba

To get the little country back on its feet – patara qveyana isev fexze daeyenebina
To slash all the waste from the budget – amoiRo yvela zedmeti xarji biujetidan
To underwrite a substantial loan – mniSvnelovani sesxis gamoyofa
To be in desperate trouble = to be in serious trouble

Sumptuous feast – mdidruli nadimi
To modify one’s parsimonious attitude – Secvalo Zunwi damokidebuleba
Fractious = quarrelsome; anCxli

To know the ropes – icode yvela procedura; ramis zedmiwevniT codna; saqmis kursSi yofna

4th day

Restrictive – SemzRudveli, mkacri

To balk – Tavis Sekaveba, uaris Tqma ramis gakeTebaze
Blunt – utaqto, ukmexi
Nostalgia – nostalgia
Rife – farTod gavrcelebuli

Ration = a fixed allowance of something that is scarce, such as food or petrol in wartime
Food rationing – kvebis norma
Graft = the practice of obtaining money by taking advantage of one's position; meqrTameoba
Under Andre – andres mmarTvelobis dros
Everybody got his slice of the pie – yvela Tavis lukmas iRebda

Decree – dadgenileba
To crave freedom = to desire freedom
Urbane = refined in manners; daxvewili

Behind the eight ball = in trouble

She found herself behind the eight ball – mas problemebi Seeqmna

20th WEEK
1 day

Reviled – galanZRuli, saZulveli

Derogatory – Seuracxmyofeli, damamcirebeli
To indict – bralis wayeneba
Nebulous – bundovani, gaurkveveli
Pesky – abezari, gamaRizianebeli

Cockroach – tarakana
On the face of the earth – dedamiwis zurgze
Fiction = literary works invented by the imagination, such as novels; mxatvruli literatura
Nonfiction = writing that deals with facts or real events
Derogatory references to – damamcirebeli moxsenieba vinmesi an raimesi
Ubiquitous – yvelgan myofi, yvelgan modebuli

Careers of viruses – virusis matareblebi
Yellow fever = an acute infectious tropical disease causing fever and jaundice, caused by certain
mosquitoes; yviTeli cieb-cxeleba
Polio = short for poliomyelitis
To contribute to asthma – xeli Seuwyos asTmis Camoyalibebas

Expatriate poet – emigranti poeti

Mobster = (US) a member of a criminal organization; gangster
To exonerate = to clear (someone) of blame or a criminal charge; Sewyaleba, braldebis moxsna
To be blunt with someone – iyo uxeSi vinmesTan
Columnist = a journalist who writes a regular feature in a newspaper

Left holding the bag – gadabraleba; vinmeze xelis Sewmenda

Profligate – mflangveli

2nd day

Redolent – suniT gaJRenTili

Repose – simSvide, dasveneba
Omnivorous – yvelafris mWameli
Disparate – gansxvavebuli
Abstemious – TavSekavebuli Wama-smaSi

To menace = to threaten
To be redolent with = smelling of; (aq) ayrolebuli
Odor = a particular and distinctive smell
Foul = stinking or dirty; ayrolebuli, WuWyiani
In repose – mosvenebul mdgomareobaSi
Atop = on top of
Disposition - ganwyobileba
To feast upon = to eat a large amount of
Upholstery = covering of a chair or sofa
To begin in earnest = to begin seriously
To issue a fiat – dadgenilebis gamoSveba
A lick and a promise – saqmis zereled gakeTeba, mifuCeCeba

3rd day

Extant – arsebuli; Cvenamde moRweuli

Vicissitudes –cvalebadoba, sirTule
Edifice – Senoba
Sultry – papanaqeba, mgznebare
Trenchant – mwvave, gamWriaxi, zedmiwevniTi

To endure the vicissitudes of weather – gauZlo amindis cvalebadobas

To reside = (Formal) to live permanently (in a place)
Frigid climate = very cold climate
To persevere = to continue to make an effort despite difficulties
Trenchant analysis – guldasmiT gakeTebuli analizi
To make the point – daskvnis gakeTeba
Forthcoming – moaxloebuli
Sultry scenes = passionate scenes
Latent strength – faruli Zala

Tongue in cheek – aragulwrfelad, gaiZverulad

To speak with one’s tongue in cheek

4th day

Puissant – Zlieri
Unabated – daucxromeli
Maudlin – sentimentaluri
Levity – araseriozuloba, Tavqarianoba
Lugubrious – sevdiani

Admits to frustration – aRiarebs rom CaeSala

To breed a resistant strain – gamZle STamomavlobis gamravleba
Descendant - STamomavloba
Extermination = destruction a group or type of people, animals, or plants completely; sruli
To continue unabated = to continue without any reduction in force;
To become maudlin – sentimentalur xasiaTze dadgoma
Persecution - devna
To make a lugubrious plea – sevdiani TxovniT mimarTva

Rebuttal = prove to be false

Reunion = a gathering of people who have been apart
Alumnus (pl. alumni) or (fem) alumna (pl. alumnae) = (Chiefly US & Canad) a graduate of a school or
To admonish = to reprimand sternly; sayveduri
To take the wind out of one’s sails = (informal) to make someone lose their confidence,
especially by saying or doing something unexpected;
To voice = to express verbally

21st WEEK

1st day

Scion – STamomavali
To indoctrinate – damoZRvra, ganswavla
Opulence – simdidre, fufuneba
Obsequious – pirferi
Fulsome – gadaWarbebuli

Ivory – spilos Zvali

To assume throne – taxtis memkvidreobiT miReba
To be shielded from the cruel realities of the world – iyo daculi samyaros mkacri realobisgan
To cater to one’s desire – daakmayofilo vinmes survili
To lavish = to give or to spend very generously or in great quantities
To lavish fulsome praise upon – miuZRvna gadaWarbebuli qeba

Edifice = building
Vicissitudes of life – cxovrebis sirTuleebi
Gullible – miamiti, mimndobi
To revile = to scold; galanZRva
Trenchant criticism – mwvave kritika

Two strings to one’s bow – ori gza miznis misaRwevad

To appear in person – piradad gamocxadeba

2nd day

Lush – mdidruli
Destitution – siRatake
To ponder – Cafiqreba, awon-dawona
Supplication – xvewna, mudara
Decadence – daknineba, dacema

Lush surroundings – mdidruli garemo

Misery – ubedureba, tanjva
To plead with somebody – vedreba, Txovna
To come forth – gamoxmaureba, (aq) xmis gacema
To make amends – cvlilebebis Setana

Buffs = fans
Strife – uTanxmoeba
Rife = widespread

On tenter hooks – daZabul, aRelvebul mdgomareobaSi

To keep someone on tenter hooks – amyofo vinme daZabul, aRelvebul mdgomareobaSi

3rd day

Penance (n) – codvebis monanieba

Ascetic – asketuri
Desultory – uTavbolo, umizno, amao
Disciple – mimdevari
Metamorphosis – metamorfoza, gardaqmna

Garments = clothes
Monk - beri
Robe – mantia
To do penance for - codvebis monanieba
To cleanse – ganwmenda
Desultory wandering – uTavbolo xetiali
A handful of disciples - erTi muWa mimdevrebi
Torment – satanjveli
To undergo a metamorphosis – ganicado metamorfoza
Enlightened – ganaTlebuli, gabrwyinebuli

Lugubrious – sevdiani
Levity – araseriozuloba
Mendacity – sicrue
To impose a penance upon someone – codvebis miteveba
Sinner – codvili

The fat is in the fire – ukve gvianaa, mosaxdeni moxda

To desist = stop

4th day

Bona fide – WeSmariti

Salvation – xsna
Materialism – materializmi
To nurture – aRzrda, swavleba
Nirvana – nirvana, budistebis samoTxe

Worldly pleasure – amqveyniuri siamovneba

Self-torment - TviTgvema
To reject self drives – uari Tqva pirad miswrafebebze
To preach – qadageba
To shape one’s own destiny – Seqmna sakuTari bediswera
Good deed – keTili saqmeebi
Pure – wminda
Religious worship – religiuri kulti
To idolize – gaRmerTeba

To accommodate needs – moTxovnebis dakmayofileba

To find solace in – ipovo Sveba
Conviction – rwmena

Like Caesar’s wife – umwikvlo, ucodveli

22nd WEEK

1st day

To juxtapose – Sedareba, Sepirispireba

Plight – mZime mdgomareoba
Covert – faruli, maluli
To cope – Tavis garTmeva
Incompatibility – SeuTavsebloba

To cope with life’s vicissitudes – Tavi gaarTva cxovrebis sirTuleebs

With asperity – ukmexad

Disparate personalities – gansxvavebuli xasiaTis mqone adamianebi
In a desultory fashion – uTavbolod
To move to tears – Tvalze cremlis mogvra

Plea bargain – garigeba aRiaro danaSauli im mizniT, rom Tavidan airido braldeba ufro seriozuli
To agree to a plea bargain
Offense – danaSauli
Assault = a violent attack, either physical or verbal

2nd day

Incapacitated – mwyobridan gamosuli, uunaro

To fabricate – SeTxzva
Connubial – col-qmruli
To demur at – winaaRmdegobis gaweva, Sepasuxeba
Appellation – saxelwodeba, saxeli

Socially – erTad TavSeyrisas

To conceal = to cover and hide, to keep in secret
To attribute sth to = to explain; miawers

Maudlin = foolishly or tearfully sentimental, esp. as a result of drinking

She grew maudlin – mas guli auCuyda
To reminisce = to talk or write about old times or past experiences; mogoneba
Connubial bliss = connubial happiness; col-qmruli bedniereba
Pesky = (US & Canad: informal) troublesome; nervebis momSleli, problemuri
Skin rash – gamonayari kanze

In apple pie order - dalagebuli, dawkrialebuli

The house was in apple pie order – saxli dawkrialebuli iyo

3rd day

Escalation – masStabebis zrda, eskalacia

Indifference – indiferentuloba
Potential – potenciuri, SesaZlo
Cumulative = growing in amount, strength, or effect by small steps; dagrovili
Recondite – bundovani. Mmaluli

Aside from - garda

To indict - dabraleba
Contributory factors – xelSemwyobi faqtorebi
To taper off = diminish gradually; TandaTanobiT Semcireba

Derogatory = expressing or showing a low opinion of someone or something; Seuracxmyofeli

Escalation of the conflict – konfliqtis gamwvaveba
Puissant = adj (Archaic or poetic) powerful
When destitution grips – (aq) rodesac siRatake batonobs;
To grip = grasp; xelis taceba
Sultry weather – papanaqeba
To shorten someone’s temper – moTminebidan gamoyvana
To preclude – xelis SeSla

Apple polishing – pirferoba

Advancement - dawinaureba

4th day

To palliate – dayuCeba, Semsubuqeba

To delude – SecdomaSi Seyvana, motyueba;
To delude someone about something
Prelude to – dasawyisi, Sesavali
Chimerical – qimeriuli, auxdeneli; warmosaxviTi
To acknowledge – aRiareba

To be cognizant of = be aware of
Medication = treatment with drugs

Extrinsic = originating or acting from outside; gareSe

To do penance for his sins – codvebis monanieba

The Draconian Code - mkacri kanonebi

Counselor = an adviser; (US) a lawyer who conducts cases in court

23rd WEEK

1st day

Heterogeneous – sxvadasxva Semadgenlobis, gansxvavebuli (≠homogeneous)

Gamut – gama, diapazoni, masStabi, speqtri, siRrme
Perspicacious – gamWriaxi, SorsmWvreteli
Analogous – analogiuri, msgavsi
Maladjusted – Znelad aRsazrdeli

Metropolitan = of or characteristic of a metropolis (the main city of a country or region)

High school = a secondary school
Disparate = utterly different
IQ = intelligence quotient (koeficienti)

Scurrilous = untrue or unfair, insulting, and designed to damage a person's reputation;


The distaff side = the female side of a family; qalebi

To spin - Zafis darTva
Porch – veranda

2nd day

Phenomenon – fenomeni (pl. phenomena)

Mortality – sikvdilianoba
Decade – dekada, aTwleuli
Susceptible – mgrZnobiare, midrekili
Neurotic – nerviuli

To pursue = to continue to discuss or argue (a point or subject); gagrZeleba, miyola

To corroborate – dadastureba
Finding = the conclusion reached after an inquiry or investigation; daskvna, mokvleva
Life expectancy - sicocxlis xangrZlivoba
To contract = to become affected by (an illness)
To contract ulcers – daavadde wyluliT
To be susceptible to sth – iyo mgrZnobiare / midrekili ramis mimarT

Acrimony – RvarZli
Querulous = complaining; buzRuna

On the qui vive – fxizlad yofna, iyo dadarajebuli

To be on the qui vive for something

3rd day

Pedagogue – pedagogi
To enunciate – sajarod warmoTqma, gamocxadeba
Inordinate – gadaWarbebuli, metismeti, zedmeti
Irascible – ficxi
Introspective – gulCaTxrobili

Peril = great danger or jeopardy; safrTxe

To dismiss = to allow (someone) to leave
To recite = to repeat (a poem or passage) aloud from memory before an audience; zepirad
Jittery - nervebaSlili, gaRizianebuli

Profligate – mflangveli
Parsimonious - Zunwi
Crank = eccentric person; axirebuli adamiani
Gregarious = enjoying the company of others; megobruli
Assiduous = hard-working; gulmodgine

To get one’s back up – gabrazeba

4th day

To perpetuate – ukvdavyofa, mudmivad SenarCuneba

Mandate = an official or authoritative command to carry out a particular task; uflebamosileba, mandati
Compensatory - sakompensacio, makompensirebeli
To neutralize – ganeitraleba
Catastrophic – katastrofuli

To badger - tvinis gaburRva

To bring about changes – cvlilebebis ganxorcieleba
A compensatory factor – makompensirebeli faqtori
To earn the appellation of – moixveWo saxeli
Unabated = without any reduction in force; daucxromlad
To incapacitate = to deprive (a person) of strength, power, or ability, disable

To bring home the bacon – ojaxis rCena

Incompatibility - SeuTavsebloba

24th WEEK

1st day

Anthropologist – anTropologi
Bizarre – ucnauri
Inanimate – usulo
Fetish – kerpi, avgarozi, amuleti
Artifact – xelnakeTi

Average American – Cveulebrivi amerikeli

Pebble – kenWi
To derive power from – Zalis miReba
Carving – CuqurTma

Beating a path to his door – mis kars miawydeba

To get down off a high horse – moeSva ampartavnebas (miwaze daSveba)

2nd day

Taboo – tabu
Imprudent – gaufrTxilebeli, windauxedavi
Prohibition – akrZalva
Imperative – gadaudebeli, saswrafo, savaldebulo
Taint – samarcxvino daRi, laqa (v. dabinZureba)

Outgrowth = a natural development or consequence; Sedegi, bunebrivi gagrZeleba

To lend something magic – jadosnuri Zalis miniWeba
Imprudent native – windauxedavi mkvidri
To violate the prohibition – akrZalvis darRveva
It becomes imperative – savaldebulo xdeba
Offender – damnaSave
To remove the taint - samarcxvino daRis moSoreba
To die through one’s fears – SiSiT sikvdili

To place a prohibition on – akrZalvis daweseba

To win the case – saqmis mogeba sasamarTloSi
To accept charity – miiRo mowyaleba
To lay off from the job = to sack

The first water – saukeTeso, udidesi

3rd day

Universal – universaluri
Contemptuous – damcinavi
Absurd – absurdi
Bigot – fanati
To abhor – zizRi

To be contemptuous of – abuCad agdeba, zizRiT yureba

Superstition – crurwmena
Dyed-in-the-wool – namdvili, naRdi
Yearning – miswrafeba, ltolva

To feel contemptuous of someone – gagiCndes zizRis grZnoba vinmes mimarT

Notorious = well-known for some bad reason; cudi saxelis mqone
On the basis – imis safuZvelze, rom

Dyed-in-the-wool – namdvili, gamousworebeli

4th day

Vulnerable – daucveli
Entreaty – xvewna, mudara
Tradition – tradicia
To originate in – saTavis aReba, warmoSoba
Inviolable – urRvevi, xelSeuxebeli

Propitious moment – xelsayreli momenti

To make an entreaty to – xvewna
Ignorance – umecreba
To continue inviolable – ucvlelad gagrZeleba

Adolescence – siymawvile
To make an entreaty to someone for a pardon – Txovna SewyalebisTvis
Inexorable torture – Seubralebeli wameba
Armor – javSani

Blue chip – Zvirad Rirebuli aqcia an qoneba

25th WEEK

1st day

Awesome – sazareli
Eruption – amofrqveva
Puny – susti, uRono, uZluri (puny attempts)
Debris – nangrevebi, namsxvrevebi
Dispersed – mimofantuli

Singularly – araCveulebrivad
To dwarf = to cause (someone or something) to seem small by being much larger; umniSvnelod
gamoCena, daCrdilva
To blow up - afeTqeba
Tidal wave – moqcevis talRa
To scatter – mimofantva
Startlingly beautiful – saocrad lamazi

To be stunned by = to be shocked or astonished so that he or she is unable to speak or act;

Secbunebuli, Sokirebuli
To put up the puny resistance to – uRono winaaRmdegobis gaweva
Capture – nadavli
Fluffy = being light or soft; fumfula, fafuki
Milkweed – rZiana

As broad as it is long – mniSvneloba ara aqvs

2nd day

To obliterate – mospoba, ganadgureba

Deplorable – savalalo, samwuxaro
To initiate – wamowyeba
Conflagration – didi xanZari
To rue – sinanuli

To obliterate life – sicocxlis mospoba

Deplorable prospect – samwuxaro perspeqtiva
On a scale far beyond our imagination – im masStabiT, romelic Cvens warmosaxvas scildeba
Envelop the world = to cover, surround the world; moicavs mTel samyaros
To consider something mandatory – raimes savaldebulod miCneva
To seek agreement on – ecado miiRo Tanxmoba
We may rue the day – Cven SeiZleba vinanoT is dRe

Bizarre – ucnauri
Umpire = referee; msaji

Blow hot and cold – meryeoba

He is blowing hot and cold on it – is amaze meryeobs

3rd day

Congenial – Sesaferisi, mimzidveli
To hoard – dagroveba, Senaxva
Sage – brZeni, brZnuli
Aegis – mfarveloba, dacva, egidiT, xelSewyoba
Detriment (to) – ziani

Congenial condition – xelsayreli mdgomareoba

To sink measurably – dakleba Sesabamisad
To conserve water – wylis SenarCuneba
Dry spell – mSrali periodi
To heed = to pay close attention to (a warning or piece of advice)
Sage advice – brZnuli rCeva
To limit the wasteful use of – SezRudo araekonomiuri moxmareba
Under the aegis of – xelSewyobiT
Imprudent waste – windauxedavi flangva
To the detriment of all – yvelas sazianod

Square = (informal) someone who is considered boring and unfashionable [= nerd]

Dubious – saeWvo
Fortuitous – SemTxveviTi

In the doldrums – depresiaSi yofna

4th day

Longevity – xangrZlivi sicocxle, dRegrZeloba

To imbibe (of) – daleva, STanTqma
Virile – mamakacuri
Senile – daZabunebuli, daCaCanakebuli
Doddering – mocaxcaxe, mobarbace, mofamfalebuli

Every so often – drogamoSvebiT, dro da dro

To what do these people owe their longevity – ras umadlian es xalxi TavianT xangrZliv sicocxles
Robust = very strong and healthy; axovani, zorba
Sturdy = (of a person) healthy, strong, and unlikely to tire or become injured; Zlieri
Specimen – nimuSi
Hardy humanity – amtani, gamZle
Folk = relatives, people

With the aid of a cane – xeljoxis daxmarebiT

Burn the midnight oil - SuaRamemde muSaoba / swavla

26th WEEK

1st day

Lethargic – indiferentuli, uenergio

Prevalent – gabatonebuli, farTod gavrcelebuli
Paramount – umaRlesi, umniSvnelovanesi
Remiss – ugulisyuro, uyuradRebo
Hostile – mtruli, agresiuli

To be susceptible to an influence – moeqce gavlenis qveS

To shape public opinion – sazogadoebrivi azris Seqmna
To be remiss in one’s duty – iyo ugulisyuro movaleobis SesrulebaSi
Hostile comment – mtruli / agresiuli komentari
To level against – mimarTva (mimarTuli)
Opinion-molder –sazogadoebrivi azris Semqmneli

To be susceptible to – midrekilebis qona

To split hairs – dava wvrilmanebze

To argue about the hair-splitting question – idavo wvrilmanebze

2nd day

To rebuke – sayveduri
Aversion (to) – antipaTia, arakeTilganwyoba
To evince – gamomJRavneba
Vogue – moda
Superficial – zedapiruli

To devote space to foreign items – dauTmo adgili ucxour sakiTxebs

To claim – damtkiceba (amtkiceben)
To evince interest in – interesis gamomJRavneba
To the point of distortion – damaxinjebamde

Imperative – savaldebulo, aucilebeli

To give a rebuke for something – usayveduro ramis gamo
To imbibe – daleva
To be in vogue – modaSi yofna

To strike while the iron is hot – isargeblo situaciiT

Allowance = an amount of money given at regular intervals

3rd day

To jettison – Tavidan moSoreba, gadayra (tvirTis)

Inevitable – gardauvali, aSkara, eWvgareSe
Lucrative – momgebiani
Tussle – brZola, Cxubi
Intrinsic – Tandayolili, bunebrivi, damaxasiaTebeli

To endanger a lucrative business – safrTxeSi Caagdo momgebiani biznesi

Constant tussle – mudmivi brZola
To offend – wyenineba
It is intrinsic to the operation of mass media – damaxasiaTebelia masmediis muSaobisTvis
News coverage – axali ambebis gaSuqeba
Editorial = an article in a newspaper expressing the opinion of the editor or publishers;
mewinave statia

Conscience – sindisi
Yearning – ltolva
To set the price of – fasis daweseba
Imprudent – windauxedavi

Once in a blue moon – Zalian iSviaTad

4th day

Acute (= incisive) - mwvave

Gist – arsi, deda azri
Transient – xanmokle, wuTieri, warmavali
Terse (= succinct) - mokle, lakonuri
Cogent – damajerebeli

Acute problems – mwvave problemebi

When it comes to – roca saqme exeba
Broadcast - gadacema
To transmit the gist of a story – ambis / movlenis arsis gadmocema
If his attention wanders – Tu yuradReba gaefanteba
Cogent presentation of news – axali ambebis damajerebeli warmodgena

To get the gist of the message – mesijis arsis gageba

To make a terse statement – lakonuri gancxadebis gakeTeba
A contemptuous accusation – damcinavi braldeba

Sleep on it = (spoken) to not make a decision about something important until the next day ;
gadawyvetilebis miReba mxolod dafiqrebis Semdeg

27th WEEK

1st day

Pinnacle – piki, mwvervali

Array – wyeba, mwkrivi, rigi
Obscure – ucnobi, Znelad gasagebi, SeumCneveli
Ardent – mgznebare, Tavgamodebuli
To culminate (with) – kulminaciis miRweva

To reach one’s pinnacle – miaRwio piks, mwvervals

Bewildering = confusing, puzzling; gamaognebeli, gansacvifrebeli
To come into one’s own – miiRo raime damsaxurebis mixedviT
Field – sfero
To become paramount in = become supreme, gaxde saukeTeso

Imposing – STambeWdavi
Transient – xanmokle
Ardent love – mgznebare siyvaruli
Obscure artist – SeumCneveli mxatvari
Inevitable day of recognition – is gardauvali dRe, rodesac aRiarebas moipoveb

To break the ice – yinulis galRoba, situaciis ganmuxtva

Stiffness – daZabuloba

2nd day

To constrict – SezRudva, SekumSva

Prodigy – saswauli, fenomeni
Bereft (of) – warTmeuli, moklebuli
To falter (in) – waborZikeba, yoymani, meryeoba, Seferxeba
Exultation – zeimi, lxena, sixaruli

A child prodigy – vunderkindi

To hold a post – Tanamdebobis dakaveba
His health began to fail – misma janmrTelobam daiwyo gauareseba
He turned to composing – is miubrunda musikis SeTxzvas
Bereft of hearing – smenas moklebuli
To reflect – asaxva
To evince exultation about – gamoamJRavno sixaruli

To be filled with exultation – sixaruliT savse

To appear on the stage – scenaze gamoCena
Knight – raindi

Loaded for bear – kargad momzadebuli

The defenders were loaded for bear – mcvelebi kargad momzadebulebi iyvnen

3rd day

Vitriolic – gesliani, sarkastuli

Invective – lanZRva-gineba
To besmirch – saxelis gatexva
Voluminous – didi moculobis, mravaltomiani
Retrospect – retrospeqtiva, warsulisken mibruneba

Successor to – memkvidre
Object of vitriolic attacks – gesliani Tavdasxmebis obieqti
They heaped invective upon him – lanZRva-ginebiT aavses
To produce voluminous varieties of compositions – didi moculobis sxvadasxva Janris
nawarmoebis Seqmna
In retrospect – dRevandeli gadasaxedidan
His originality is appreciated – misi originaluroba dafasebulia

How life on this continent originated – rogor warmoiSva sicocxle am kontinentze

To bring down the house – didi enTuziazmis gamowveva

He can be counted on – SeiZleba misi imedi gvqondes

4th day

Egotist – Tavmomwone, pativmoyvare adamiani, egocentristi

Humility – Tavmdabloba
Pungent – mwvave, gesliani
Inveterate – gamousworebeli, mourjulebeli
Adamant (about) – uryevi

Gruff - uxeSi
Likeable – sasiamovno
To have an extremely lofty opinion of oneself – didi warmodgenis qona sakuTar Tavze
He was not noted for his humility – is ar gamoirCeoda TavmdablobiT
Pungent sense of humour – gesliani, mware iumoris grZnoba
To warm up to – simpaTiiT ganwyoba vinmes mimarT
Inveterate stay-at-home – gamousworebeli “saxlis kaci”
To confer an honorary degree upon somebody – sapatio wodebis miniWeba
To be adamant about – uryevad idge Sens sityvaze; simtkicis gamoCena

Inveterate smoker – gamousworebeli mweveli

Imprudent habit – windauxedavi Cveva
Pungent odor – mkveTri suni
Umpire – msaji

Meekness – moridebuloba
Unyielding – uryevi

To pull one’s weight – Seasrulo samuSaos Seni wili

28th WEEK

1st day

Vulnerable to – daucveli, mgrZnobiare

Bedlam – sagiJeTi (a noisy confused situation)
Cacophony – kakafonia
To exploit – gamoyeneba, Sens sasargeblod gamoyeneba
Propinquity – siaxlove

Winding – mixveul-moxveuli
To be on the alert to – fxizlad yofna
To exploit a mistake by an opponent – Seni oponentis Secdomis Sens sasargeblod gamoyeneba
The propinquity of sudden death – uecari sikvdilis siaxlove

Slight = to insult (someone) by behaving rudely; uxeSad mopyroba, abuCad agdeba

Lucrative – momgebiani

A white elephant – Zvirad Rirebuli, magram usargeblo nivTi

Attic – sxveni

2nd day

Disgruntled – ukmayofilo
Infallible – Seumcdari, utyuari
Panacea - panacea
To eradicate – aRmofxvra, amoZirkva, Tavidan moSoreba
To impede – dabrkoleba, xelis SeSla

To be dissatisfied with – iyo ukmayofilo ramis gamo

Infallible way – uSecdomo gza
Paramount objective – umniSvnelovanesi, umaRlesi mizani
Creative talent – SemoqmedebiTi niWi
To exploit the talent to the limit – niWis bolomde gamoyeneba

To be disgruntled with = to be dissatisfied with

The infallible sign of spring – gazafxulis utyuari niSani
Crocus = a plant with white, yellow, or purple flowers in spring
Vitriolic verbal attack – gesliani sityvieri Tavdasxma

Lock, stock, and barrel = including every part of something; mTlianad, yvelafrianad
e.g. The Knolls have owned the town lock, stock, and barrel for 15 years.

3rd day

Sedate – dinji, mSvidi, darbaiseli

Equanimity – simSvide, aRuSfoTebloba, wonasworoba (adamianis xasiaTze)
Compatible (with) – Sewyobadi, SeTavsebadi
Serenity – myudroeba, siwynare
Revere – pativiscema

The Dutch – holandielebi

The slow rhythm of life – cxovrebis neli tempi
Barge = a flat-bottomed boat, used for transporting freight, esp. on canals
Is not in accord with – ar Seefereba; ar aris harmoniaSi
Rigid = inflexible or strict; uryevi
Liberty = freedom

To use invective – gamoiyeno salanZRavi sityvebi

Composure – simSvide

A feather in one’s cap – saamayo

4th day

Irrational – ugunuri, uazro, absurduli

Avarice – sixarbe, gaumaZRroba (avaricious – xarbi)
Insatiable – gaumaZRari, daukmayofilebeli
Nadir = the lowest or worst point of anything; ufskruli, yvelaze dabali zRvari
Moribund – momakvdavi

Irrational demand for – uazro moTxovna

Specimen = sample; nimuSi, egzemplari
At awesomely high prices – saSinlad maRali fasebiT
In their avarice – gaumaZRrobiT Sepyrobilni
Before long – male
To reach one’s nadir – miaRwio ufskruls, fskers

With equanimity - mSvidad

Irrational behaviour – ugunuri saqcieli

Out on a limb = a) in a precarious or questionable position rTul, sarisko situaciaSi

b) (Brit) isolated, esp. because of unpopular opinions;
c) alone and without help or support;
e.g. She's left out on a limb - is marto darCa Tavis problemebTan
All the other countries signed the agreement, leaving Britain out on a limb.
He'd gone out on a limb (=taken a risk) to help us.

29th WEEK
1 day

Lithe – moqnili
Obese – msuqani
Adherent – momxre, mxardamWeri, fani, gulSematkivari
Bliss – netareba, gancxroma, bedniereba
Pathetic = arousing pity or sympathy; Sesabrali, sevdiani

To weld = to unite closely; SeerTeba, SeduReba
To gain mastery over an opponent – Zalauflebis mopoveba oponentze
Knowledgeable = intelligent or well-informed
He is in a state of bliss – is gancxromaSia, bednieria
To execute something to perfection – raimes srulyofilad Sesruleba

He switched his loyalty to the opposition party – Tavisi erTguleba opoziciur partiaze gadaitana
Step = one of a sequence of foot movements that make up a dance; sacekvao moZraoba
Insatiable hunger – daukmayofilebeli SimSili
Ardent couple – mgznebare wyvili

On the spur of the moment – daufiqreblad, impulsurad

To turn thumbs down on – uaris Tqma

2nd day

To exhort – rCeva, darwmuneba

Apathy – apaTia, uinteresoba
Fracas – Cxubi
Inebriated – mTvrali
Adversary – mteri, mowinaaRmdege

To play a superficial role – zedapiruli rolis TamaSi

A spirited cheer – energiuli SeZaxili
Stand – tribuna
To spur on the team = encourage the team; gaamxnevo gundi
Long standing rivals – didi xnis metoqeebi
Feelings run high – emociebi kulminacias aRwevs
A fracas may break out – SeiZleba Cxubi gaCaRdes

To go on a diet – dietaze gadasvla

Sedate – mSvidi
To besmirch one’s good name – saxeli gautexo vinmes
Disgruntled – ukmayofilo
Cogent arguments – damajerebeli argumentebi

Fracas = brawl; Cxubi

A fly in the ointment – mcire minusi, nakli

Ointment – malamo

3rd day

Indolent – zarmaci
Gusto – siamovneba, interesi, enTuziazmi
Garrulous – sityvamravali, molaybe (= voluble) (# reticent)
Banal – banaluri
Platitude – banaluroba

To attend in person – piradad daswreba

Contest – Sejibri
Inclement weather = stormy or severe weather
Garrulous group of announcers – ybedi komentatorebis jgufi
Laudable = deserving praise, commendable; qebis Rirsi (# despicable)

Sumptuous feast – mdidruli nadimi

To eat with gusto – Wama siamovnebiT
Sultry days of summer – zafxulis mcxunvare dReebi
To go to great lengths – yvelanairad ecado
To eschew work – Tavidan airido muSaoba
Cryptic remark – daSifruli, saidumlo SeniSvna

Zest – interesi

To take French leave (from) – unebarTvod wasvla

To fine someone – dajarimeba

4th day

Pique – aRSoTeba, guliswyroma, daZabuli urTierToba

Dilettante – diletanti, moyvaruli
Atypical – ara tipiuri, atipuri
Nondescript – SeumCneveli, amoucnobi, Znelad aRsaweri
Wane – kleba, Semcireba

One day is set aside – erTi dRe gamoyofilia

Avid viewer – mowadinebuli mayurebeli
To put someone into a pique – gagiJeba, aRSfoTebis gamowveva
Amateur variety – samoyvarulo varianti
Intrepid = fearless or bold; uSiSari, gabeduli
To be on the wane – klebulobs

To scoff at – dacinva
To embellish the story – Sealamazo ambavi
Nondescript nature of the criminal – kriminalis amoucnobi buneba
Virulent disease – sasikvdilo daavadeba
To slam the door – karebis gajaxuneba

In the arms of Morpheus – CaZinebuli

Enervate = to deprive of strength or vitality

30th WEEK

1st day

Extinct – gadaSenebuli, aRar arsebuli

Idyllic – idiliuri
To galvanize – gamococxleba
Encumbrance – tvirTi, dabrkoleba
Gaudy – Wyetela, kaSkaSa

Steamer – orTqmavali
To capture the events – movlenebis aRwera

Tranquil – wynari
Turbulent – mSfoTvare
To recall – gaxseneba
Race – Sejibri; to conduct a race – Sejibris Catareba
Swift = fast
To talk with gusto – enTuziazmiT laparaki
To strip – (aq) moaSoro yvelaferi zedmeti
To lighten – Semsubuqeba

Trend – tendencia
Extinct species – gadaSenebuli saxeoba
To yearn for – survilis qona, monatreba
Pretext – sababi

Forty winks – waZineba, CaTvlema

To catch forty winks now and then

2nd day

To condescend – Rirsad CaTvla, mowyaleba

Candor – gulwrfeloba
To mortify – damcireba, wyenineba, Seuracxyofis miyeneba
Jocose – mxiaruli, xumara
To malign – augis Tqma, galanZRva

With the utmost candor – ukiduresi gulwrfelobiT

To grow senile – dabereba
Raft = a floating platform of logs or planks tied together; tivi
To be replete with = be well supplied with

To have disdain for someone – gqondes zizRis grZnoba vinmes mimarT

Avarice – sixarbe
Doleful = sad = lugubrious
To utilize = use
A defeated adversary – damarcxebuli mowinaaRmdege

From pillar to post – iqiT aqeT

To send someone from pillar to post
3rd day

Omnipotent – yovlisSemZle
Zenith – zeniti
Fledgling – axlad gamoCekili (to fledge – bartyebis wamoCitva), axladgamomcxvari, damwyebi
Peremptory – mbrZanebluri, kategoriuli
Precedent – precedenti
Riverboat pilot - locmani
To hold a high position – maRali Tanamdebobis dakaveba
Fledgling pilot’s apprentice – locmanis axlad gamoCekili Segirdi
To abjure – Tavidan moSoreba, uaris Tqma
Unfettered = not limited or controlled; Tavisufali, SeuzRudavi
To hamper = to make it difficult for (someone or something) to move or progress; dabrkoleba,
winaaRmdegobis gaweva, SeboWva
To issue peremptory commands – kategoriuli brZanebebis gamocema
Imminent danger – moaxloebuli saSiSroeba (to be in imminent danger)
To behave impeccably – moiqce unaklod, umwikvlod
Pernicious – mavne
To undermine someone’s limitless authority – vinmes usazRvro avtoritetis Seryeva
Under the aegis of - mfarvelobiT
To reach the zenith of the career – miaRwio karieris zenits
Frugal life – momWirne, ekonomiuri cxovreba
Temerity – wandauxedaoba, uazro gambedaoba
To disobey a peremptory order – ar daemorCilo kategoriul brZanebas
In the lap of the gods – RmerTis xelSia
To hand in – Cabareba

4th day

To wheedle (=cajole) – dayolieba, dacincvla

Rustic – soflis, ubralo
Jubilant – gaxarebuli, mozeime
Decorum – zrdiloba, wesiereba
Charlatan – Sarlatani
To wheedle someone into a card game - CaiTrio vinme kartis TamaSSi
Rustic appearance – sofluri Sexeduleba
To get someone drunk – vinmes daTroba
When the first hand was dealt – rodesac pirveli xeli daariges
A jubilant expression came over his face – mozeime gamometyveleba aRibeWda mis saxeze
Wager = a bet on the outcome of an event or activity; fsoni
Sucker = (Slang) a person who is easily deceived or swindled
To remove the veneer of respectability – Tavidan moiSoro garegnuli, moCvenebiTi
Ace – tuzi
Clandestine confederate – faruli Tanamzraxveli
Duplicity – cbiereba, gaiZveroba
Faith healing = treatment of a sick person through the power of religious faith
Repress your uncouth manners and act with decorum – moToke Seni uxeSi manerebi da moiqeci
Achilles heel – aqilevsis qusli, susti wertili

31st WEEK

1st day

Heresy – 1. an opinion contrary to the principles of a religion; eresi, mwvalebloba

2. any belief thought to be contrary to official or established theory; gansxvavebuli azri,
Prudent - gonieri (=reasonable), frTxili, brZnuli
Ostensible = seeming to be the reason for or the purpose of something, but usually hiding the real
reason or purpose; garegnuli, moCvenebiTi, oficialuri
Fervid – mgznebare, vnebiani, aqtiuri, intensiuri, mZafri
Spurious (=not genuine or real) – yalbi

Sagely - brZnulad
To form public opinion – sazogadoebrivi azris Seqmna
Vulnerable to – daucveli

Cogent = forcefully convincing; damajerebeli
Specious = apparently correct or true, but actually wrong or false; aragulwrfeli, yalbi. (=
Ostensible purpose – oficialuri mizani
Fervid propagandist – aqtiuri propagandisti
To distinguish = differentiate
Perfunctory = superficial; zerele, zedapiruli

Adherents – mimdevrebi
To throw someone into frenzy – vinmes gagiJeba
Mob = 1. a riotous or disorderly crowd of people
2. (Informal) any group of people
3. (Slang) a gang of criminals
To exhort = urge strongly, advise; rCeva, darwmuneba, Segulianeba
Apathetic = равнодушный; uintereso, indeferentuli; (apathy = lack of interest or enthusiasm)
Rash – naCqarevi
Eradication – aRmofxvra
Conflagration – didi xanZari
Spurious charge – yalbi braldeba

To give sb the cold shoulder – vinmes civad miReba, ignorireba

To be piqued at – iyo aRSfoTebuli ramis gamo
Uncouth behavior – uxeSi saqcieli

2nd day

To propagate – gavrceleba, gamravleba

Anomaly – anomalia, gadaxra normidan
Innocuous – uwyinari, uvnebeli (innocuous snake — неядовитая змея)
Surfeit – uxvi, Warbi raodenobiT a surfeit of
Milieu – atmosfero, garemoplural pl. milieux or milieus [countable]; formal

It is intrinsic – damaxasiaTebelia
Inherent right = innate, intrinsic right; misi kuTvnili ufleba
To propagate ideas – gaavrcelo ideebi
Convert = a person who has been converted to another belief or religion; axalmoqceuli, sxva
partiaSi gadasuli; mxardamWeri
To preclude – xelis SeSla
Unrecognized – ucnobi, araaRiarebuli

To inveigh against - lanZRva, protestiT gamosvla

Incongruous – Seuferebeli
Abstemious – TavSekavebuli Wama-smaSi
Milieu of avarice and affluence – sixarbisa da fufunebis garemo

Without rhyme or reason - sruliad umizezod, arafris gamo

Pennant = a flag indicating the winning of a championship in certain sports; gamarjvebulis droSa
To jettison = to reject or give up; Tavidan moSoreba

3rd day

Strident – mkveTri, gamgmiravi (= shrill) in more strident tones – ufro mkveTri tonebiT
Concomitant - Tanmxlebi
Lassitude – gadaRliloba, daqanculoba
Deleterious – mavne, saziano
Efficacy – efeqti, Zala, moqmedeba

To discern – garkveva, garCeva

Stepped-up propaganda – gaZlierebuli, intensiuri propaganda
To retreat = to retire or withdraw to seclusion or shelter; ukan daxeva, ganmartoeba
Aversion to – antipaTia, zizRi

Obesity = fatness
Gist – arsi

Swan song – saboloo, gedis simRera

4th day

To dissent from – ar daTanxmeba, gaprotesteba

Ferment – areuloba, SfoTi, Widili, duRili
Attenuated – Sesustebuli, dauZlurebuli, gamofituli, Semcirebuli
Arbiter – arbitri, msajuli, msaji
Incumbent, It is incumbent on us – Cven gvakisria pasuxismgebloba; Cveni valia

To dissent from the official line – oficialuri xazis gaprotesteba

In a clandestine manner – malulad
Inevitable – gardauvali, savaldebulo
Ferment of ideas – ideebis Widili
To be cognizant of = to be aware of

Zealous = extremely eager or enthusiastic; mondomebuli, aqtiuri

Deleterious effects – mavne efeqti
Flamboyant - nairferi, kaSkaSa
Embellishment – Selamazeba
Ultimate = highest, supreme, or unchallengeable

To get the sack – samsaxuridan gaTavisufleba; mas guda-nabadi aukres

To be obsequious toward – iyo pirferi vinmes mimarT
To be lethargic about – iyo indeferentuli ramis mimarT

32nd WEEK
1st day
Profound – Rrma
To alleviate – Semsubuqeba (tkivilis, tanjvis), daameba (=palliate)
Prodigious – uzarmazari, gansacvifrebeli, sakvirveli
To expedite = to do quickly; swrafad Sesruleba
Celerity – (Formal) siswrafe
Automation – avtomatizacia
To permeate – gaJRenTva, gajereba
Concomitantly – amas Tan axlavs is, rom
Are finding their ways – gzas ikvleven
To alleviate the burden of – tvirTis Semsubuqeba
Prodigious information – uzarmazari informacia
To inundate – datborva, gadatvirTva
Encumbered library system – biblioTekis gadatvirTuli, gadaWedili sistema
To expedite the selection of pertinent information – swrafad ganaxorcielo saTanado informaciis
To scan = to glance over quickly
To expedite the solution to the fracas – Cxubis problemis gadaWris swrafad moZebna
Elusive = difficult to find or catch; Znelad gadasaWreli
With celerity – swrafad
To construe – daskvnis gamotana, axsna-ganmarteba
To alleviate the harmful effects – Seamsubuqo mavne zegavlena
To attenuate the harmful effects – Seasusto mavne zegavlena
To make a prodigious effort – uzarmazari Zalisxmevis ganxorcieleba
To repress the uprising – amboxebis CaxSoba
Ivory tower – izolirebuli
To live in an ivory tower – icxovro sakuTar samyaroSi

2nd day
To usurp – xelSi Cagdeba, mitaceba, uzurpacia, dapyroba, aneqsia
Paltry – umniSvnelo, araRirebuli
To condone – miteveba, Serigeba (ramesTan)
Trivial – banaluri, trivialuri, Cveulebrivi
Bizarre – ucnauri
To usurp the proper functions of the mankind – xelSi Caigdo kacobriobis kuTvnili funqciebi
Corroboration – dasturi, dadastureba
A handful of = a small number of
A profound knowledge – Rrma codna
Vital information – saWiro informacia
To condone the situation – Seurigde situacias
To do an impeccable job – Seasrulo samuSao umwikvlod / unaklod
As bizarre as it might seem – rogorc ar unda ucnaurad mogeCvenoT
A period of ferment – areulobis periodi
To usurp power – Zalauflebis xelSi Cagdeba
To condone that reprehensible act – Seurigde gasakicx / dasagmob qmedebas
Deleterious effect – mavne efeqti

To feather one’s nest – isargeblo situaciiT da gamdidrde

To play up to – pirferoba
To make out a will – anderZis Sedgena

3rd day

Menial – damamcirebeli, laqiis, rutinuli samuSao
Venerable – Rrmad pativsacemi, sapatio; venerable age — sapatio asaki
Extraneous –ucxo, gareSe; (=extrinsic); (# intrinsic)
Ambiguous – bundovani, gaugebari
Succinct – lakonuri
In less mundane ways – nakleb banalurad
Back – mcveli (fexburTSi)
Lineman – garemarbi
To feed into – CatvirTva
Extraneous material – ucxo masala
Touchdown = (American football) a scoring move in which an attacking player takes the ball into
the area behind his opponents' goal
(TD) гол, тачдаун В американском футболе [football] засчитывается, когда мяч
или игрок с мячом пересекает линию гола [goal line] противника; при этом
команде засчитывается шесть очков
To revere – pativiscema
Vitriolic = (of language) severely bitter or harsh; gesliani
Congenial – Sesaferisi
Susceptible to – mgrZnobiare
Shibboleth = a custom, phrase, or use of language that reliably distinguishes a member of one group or
class from another; extraneous shibboleths – ucxo frazebi

The writing on the wall – cudis momaswavebeli incidenti, miniSneba

The writing is on the wall also see/read the writing on the wall = used to say that it seems
very likely that something will not exist much longer or someone will fail
He should have seen the writing on the wall – is unda mimxvdariyo

4th day

Archaic – arqauli, moZvelebuli

To emulate – metoqeoba, konkurenciis gaweva
Facetious = saying things that are intended to be clever and funny but are really silly and annoying;
komikuri, mxiaruli, moswrebuli
Rabid – cofiani, fanatikuri, Tavgadakluli
Salubrious – janmrTeli, sasargeblo
To originate paintings – naxatebis Seqmna
To emulate an artist – konkurencia gauwio mxatvars
Rabid adherents – Tavgadakluli mxardamWerebi
Singularly favorable – saocrad xelsayreli
Harbinger – momaswavebeli
To reap the salubrious benefits – didi sargeblis naxva
With all candor – mTeli gulwrfelobiT
In all humility – mTeli TavmdablobiT
It’s not prudent – ar aris gonivruli
To malign – augis Tqma, galanZRva
Laudable – qebis Rirsi

On the bandwagon – mibaZo / SeuerTde umravlesobas

To get on the bandwagon
33rd WEEK

1st day

Complacent (about) – TviTkmayofili, arxeini

Somber – daRvremili, bneli, sevdiani
To debilitate – dasusteba, dauZlureba, Zal-Ronis gamocla
Impetuous – impulsuri, vnebiani, mgznebare (= ardent)
Occult – saidumloebiT moculi, saidumlo, zebunebrivi

Frugal – momWirne, ekonomiuri

The remainder – danarCeni
To maintain strength – Zalis SenarCuneba
Fervid search for – intensiuri Zebna
To thrust money upon = to push money with force upon someone
Solace – nugeSi
Occult power – zebunebrivi Zala
Cursory inspection – zedapiruli Semowmeba
Prudent – gonieri, frTxili
To enervate = debilitate; dasusteba, Zal-Ronis gamocla
Propitious moment – xelsayreli momenti
To exhibit his occult abilities – gamoamJRavno zebunebrivi unari
Deleterious result – mavne Sedegi
To put someone in a somber mood – daayeno vinme sevdian xasiaTze
Jocose – mxiaruli

To hit the nail on the head – zustad mixvedra

He hit the nail on the head – zustad aTianSi gaartya

2nd day

Discreet – windaxeduli, frTxili (=prudent)

To foment – gaRviveba, gaRviZeba (grZnobis), gamZafreba
To glean from – to gather (information) bit by bit; Segroveba informaciis
to glean experience - gamocdilebis dagroveba
Quarry – nadavli, is visac eZeb, “suliko”
Slovenly – uwesrigod / uwesrigo, uyuradRebod, moumzadeblad, usufTao

To foment opposition – winaaRmdegobis, mtruli damokidebulebis gaRviveba

Recondite – gaurkveveli, bundovani
In a hapless situation – umweo mdgomareobaSi, cud dReSi
To obviate – Tavidan acileba, ukugdeba
In such slovenly fashion – ase moumzadeblad
Meticulous – yuradRebiT Sedgenili
To fabricate a deplorable and blatant untruth – SeTxza samwuxaro da aSkara tyuili
In the midst of rustic surroundings – Sua sofelSi
To keep a discreet silence – SeinarCuno windaxeduli siCume

On the dot – zustad droze

To take forty winks – CaTvlema mcire droiT

3rd day

To abjure – uaris Tqma, gandgoma

To reproach – sayveduri
Penitent – momnaniebeli, sinanuliT aRsavse
Evanescent – wuTieri, SeumCneveli, warmavali
Tantamount to – gaTanabrebuli, tolfasi
To abjure fruitless searching – uari Tqva uSedego Ziebaze
To importune = implore; Txovna
Penitent confession – sinanuliT aRsavse aRsareba
To feel sanguine about = cheerful and confident; igrZno Tavi optimisturad
Evanescent concerns – wuTieri SeSfoTeba
With tremulous fingers – akankalebuli TiTebiT
It was tantamount to a challenge – is gamowvevis tolfasi iyo
Inveterate gambler – gamousworebeli moTamaSe
He became penitent – sinanuliT aivso
Contrite = penitent
Reprehensible behavior – dasagmobi saqcieli
Vicissitudes of life are evanescent – cxovrebis sirTuleebi warmavalia
You shouldn’t condone his sordid behavior – ar unda apatio sulmdabali saqcieli
At the zenith of his career – karieris zenitSi
To take under one’s wing – mfarvelobaSi ayvana
The senior took the freshman under his wings – meoTxe kurselma pirvelkurseli Tavis
mfarvelobaSi aiyvana
(I – freshman; II – sophomore; III – junior; IV – senior)

4th day

Propensity for – midrekileba, miswrafeba, gadaxra

Wary – frTxili (=prudent); to be wary of doing sth
To allay – dawynareba, daZleva (SiSis, tkivilis)
To deter from – xelis SeSla, SeCereba (ramis gakeTebisgan)
Connoisseur – eqsperti, mcodne
Avid fan of – aqtiuri / mowadinebuli fani
Fledgling ballet dancer – baletis axlad gamomcxvari mocekvave
Venerable ballet company – baletis pativsacemi dasi
To allay the sudden fear – daZlio ucabedi SiSi
Nothing would deter him from succeeding – veraferi SeuSlida xels warmatebisTvis mieRwia
Throng = crowd
A veneer of knowledge – moCvenebiTi codna
Susceptible – mgrZnobiare / midrekili ramis mimarT
To succumb to drugs – danebde narkotikebs
Swarthy = having a dark complexion; Savgvremani
Gaudy clothes – Wyetela tansacmeli
Encumbrance – tvirTi
This would attenuate her chances – es Seamcirebda mis Sansebs
Rash and perverse actions – naCqarevi da axirebuli qmedebebi

He was out of his depth – es mas ar xelewifeboda

To know the ropes – iyo saqmis kursSi
To find someone behind the eight ball - gasaWirSi

34th WEEK

1st day

Site – adgili
Vigil – sifxizle, morigeoba
Cumbersome – veeberTela, Zneli
To interrogate – dakiTxva
To divulge – gamJRavneba; to divulge the secret – saidumlos gacema
Tranquil – wynari
Lobby - vestibiuli
Disgruntled – ukmayofilo
He was making no tangible progress – is veranair xelSesaxeb warmatebas ver aRwevda
He might uncover a pertinent clue to Evelyn’s whereabouts – mas SeiZleba gaego raime
xelmosaWidi miniSneba evelinis adgilsamyofelis Sesaxeb
With rancor – braziT
Voluminous – didi moculobis, mravaltomiani
To admonish – gafrTxileba
To incarcerate = to confine or imprison
To maintain a discreet and wary vigil – SeinarCuno windaxeduli da frTxili sifxizle
To bag = to capture or kill, as in hunting
Under duress – ZaldatanebiT
He was adamant – is iyo uryevi
To take a leaf out of someone’s book – mibaZva
The chip off the old block – ali-kvali mama
To sow one’s wild oats - to have casual sexual relationships while young / eweode udardel

2nd day

To fluctuate – meryeoba
Unmitigated = something that is completely bad or good; aSkara, sruli, absoluturi, usaSvelo
Commodious – vrceli, farTo; (= spacious)
Antiquated – Zvelmoduri, antikvaruli
Disheveled – aCeCilii, mojajuli, mouwesrigebeli, feTxumi
Unmitigated despair – sruli sasowarkveTileba
To desist = stop
To elicit = to draw out (information) from someone; garkveva
On the pretext – im sababiT, rom
In the commodious lobby – farTo vestibiulSi
Wan face – gafiTrebuli saxe
Slovenly dress – usufTao kaba
Disheveled hair – aCeCili Tma
Scrutiny (n.)= very careful study or observation; dawvrilebiT gamokvleva
Sumptuous house – mdidruli saxli
Den = (Chiefly US) a small secluded room in a home, often used for a hobby
Array - wyeba
Trophy = cup, shield, etc., given as a prize; prizi, jildo
Incontrovertible evidence – udavo mtkicebuleba
In our milieu - Cvens droSi
In a sporadic fashion – xandaxan, dro da dro
Nondescript = lacking outstanding features; aravisgan gamorCeuli
Indolent = lazy
Brass tacks – realuri problema an situacia;
To get down to brass tacks = (informal) to start talking about the most important facts or
details of something
Congenial levity – xelsayreli, sasiamovno araseriozuloba / Tavqarianoba

3rd day

Tenacious – magari, jiuti (to be tenacious in doing sth)

Facade – fasadi, Sexeduleba, niRabi
Asinine – suleli
Grimace – grimasa, zizRis gamometyveleba
Calumny – mcdari braldeba

To follow up every lead – miyve yvela miTiTebas / Cvenebas

To be behind the eight ball = (idiom) in trouble
To galvanize = excite or arouse to activity; gamococxleba, stimulis micema
To crumble = to fall apart or decay
The facade of hope – imedis naperwkali
In desperation – sasowarkveTil mdgomareobaSi
To expurgate = remove objectionable (= offensive) parts or passages; arasasurveli, miuRebeli
nawilis amoReba
Punk coterie - pankebis dajgufeba
To congregate = to collect together in or as a crowd
Incredulous = not prepared or willing to believe something; urwmuno
Vituperative = bitterly abusive; Seuracxmyofeli
Doleful – sevdiani

Hook, line, and sinker - mTlianad

To fall for – dajereba

4th day

Pittance – groSebi
Au courant – Tanamedrove, moduri
Fastidious (about) – momTxovni, daxvewili
Noisome – ayrolebuli, WuWyiani
Unkempt – mouvleli, dauvarcxneli; (= disheveled) (= slovenly)

Imminent – moaxloebuli, gardauvali

Bereft of hope – uimedo
To recoil – ukan daxeva
Incongruous - Seuferebeli
Incontrovertible fact – udao faqti
Transient – warmavali
In disdain – zizRiT
To lose equanimity – wonasworobis dakargva

Lily-livered – mxdali
He got cold feet – SeeSinda
He spilled the beans – yvelaferi dafqva
35th WEEK
1st day

Parable – igav-araki (= fable)

Whimsical – eqscentriuli, ucnauri, gonebamaxviluri
To lampoon – gamasxaraveba, pamfletebis wera (n. pamfleti)
To countenance – mowoneba, mxaris daWera
Sanctimonious – farisevluri
Venerable – pativsacemi
To promulgate = to make widely known; sajarod gamocxadeba
Reticent – Cumi, sityvaZviri
With alacrity – mkvircxlad, swrafad
To eschew = to avoid doing or being involved in (something disliked or harmful)
Sanctimonious façade – farisevluri niRabi
With pretext – sababiT
To live in a salubrious milieu – icxovro jansaR garemoSi
Noisome fumes – mavnebeli, myrali gamonabolqvi

To pull up stakes – adgilidan ayra, adgilis mitoveba

To rule the roost = be the leader

2nd day

Equanimity – simSvide, wonasworoba

Effrontery – nagloba, Tavxedoba, utifroba
Nonentity – araraoba
Flabbergasted – gancvifrebuli, gaocebisgan enaCavardnili
Debacle – marcxi, fiasko
To puncture – (aq) mwvave SeniSvnebis gakeTeba
Incisive = direct and forceful; mwvave
Platitude = a trite or unoriginal remark; Sabloni, banaluroba
To hand down through generations – TaobebisTvis gadacema
Saw = (Old-fashioned) a wise saying or proverb; aforizmi, andaza
Sage – brZeni
To construe – daskvnis gamotana
Precocious = having developed or matured early or too soon; naadrevad ganviTarebuli
Supercilious = behaving in a superior and arrogant manner; qedmaRali, ampartavani
Facetious = joking, or trying to be amusing, esp. at inappropriate times; komikuri, xumara
Turbulent times – mSfoTvare dro
Capricious = having a tendency to sudden unpredictable changes of attitude or behaviour; Wirveuli,
To face acrimonious criticism with equanimity – Sexvde RvarZlian kritikas mSvidad
To exonerate – Sewyaleba
Column = (Mil) a narrow formation in which individuals or units follow one behind the other
Relief column – samaSvelo razmi
Adroit escape– marjve gaqceva
Imminent debacle – moaxloebuli / gardauvali marcxi

To raise Cain - skandalis atexva

He was left holding the bag (American English) - be left holding the baby (British English) = to
be left as the only person responsible for dealing with a difficult situation, especially something
someone else started; Seawmindo vinmes xelebi; aqcio gantevebis vacad

3rd day

Vivacious – sicocxliT savse

Gaunt – Ronemixdili, ZalRonegamoclili, Zvali da tyavi (= emaciated)
Mien – garegnoba, manera
Hirsute – Tmiani
To refute – uaryofa, ukugdeba
Nefarious = evil, wicked
To keep a vigil – sifxizlis SenarCuneba
To surmise - varaudi
With a perfunctory glance –zedapiruli SexedviT
Interloper = person in a place or situation where he or she has no right to be; gareSe piri
To have a mien of humility – gqondes Tavmdabali adamianis garegnoba
To refute an irrelevant and tortuous argument – uaryo Seusabamo da CaxlarTuli argumenti
To strive for – miswrafeba
Au courant = up-to-date

To leave no stone unturned – yvelanairad ecado, nemsis yunwSi gaZroma

4th day

Pensive – Cafiqrebuli
To whet – gamowveva, aRZvra (madis, survilis)
Stupor = a state of near unconsciousness in which a person is unable to behave normally or think clearly;
gaSeSeba, gaTiSva
To wince – ukan daxeva, SekrToma, daklakvna (tkivilisgan), SeSmuSvna
Cliché – kliSe
To make one pensive – rom adamiani Caafiqros
A pane of glass – fanjris SuSa
Goldfinch – Citbatona
Was knocked inert – usicocxlod daeca
To divulge to sb = reveal, gamJRavneba
To deride – dacinva
Irrational = incapable of reasoning; absurd
To whet interest – interesis gaRviZeba
With gusto – enTuziazmiT
To abjure – uaris Tqma
To be knocked into a stupor – gaTiSva
To wince with pain – tkivilisgan daklakvna
To preclude – xelis SeSla
Condolence = sympathy expressed for someone in grief or pain; TanagrZnoba
To juxtapose sth with sth – Sedareba, Sepirispireba
Hostile rebuke – mtruli sayveduri
To whet desire – survilis gaCena

Tongue in one’s cheek – aragulwrfeli

To have one’s tongue in one’s cheek
To sow wild oats = to do wild and foolish things
To kick over the traces (Rvedebi) – awyveta, giJurad moqceva
36th WEEK
1 day

Genre – Janri
Candid = telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing samarTliani,
obieqturi; galaxdili [= frank] n. candor (to speak with candor)
Unsavory – arasasiamovno, ugemuri (=tasteless)
To degrade – gauareseba, damcireba
Venial – misatevebeli
To attain = to manage to do or get (something); miRweva, mopoveba
To be prolific in – iyo nayofieri
Foremost = first in time, place, or importance; umniSvnelovanesi, yvelaze gamoCenili
To disparage = to speak contemptuously of; damcireba, Seuracxyofis miyeneba (=belittle)
To besmirch – saxelis gatexva
Venial sin – misatevebeli codva
Fallacious = mcdari
Fabrication – SeTxzuli, gamogonili ambebi
To mortify = cause grief to; wyenineba, danaRvlianeba
Sanctimonious – fariseveli
To keep a stiff upper lip – simtkicis SenarCuneba
To hear through the grapevine – gaigo rame Sida arxebis saSualebiT
The fat was in the fire – mosaxdeni moxda

2nd day
Epitome – a) warmomadgeneli, gansaxiereba; b) konspeqti
Dexterity – simarjve
Grotesque – groteski, SarJi
Compassion (for) – sibraluli, TanagrZnoba adj. compassionate
Repugnant – sazizRari, autaneli
With the utmost dexterity – udidesi simarjviT
Hapless = unlucky
Downtrodden = oppressed and lacking the will to resist; Cagruli; (to tread, trod, trodden –
Under the aegis of = with the sponsorship or protection of
To flee (fled, fled) into exile – gadasaxlebaSi gaqceva
The repugnant rule came to an end – autaneli wesebi dasasruls miuaxlovda
Expatriate – emigranti
To return from exile – gadasaxlebidan dabruneba
Adulation = uncritical admiration; qedis moxra, pirmoTneoba
Acclaim = an enthusiastic expression of approval; aplodismentebi
Idol – kerpi
Innocent progeny – udanaSaulo STamomavloba
To succumb = die
Edifice = a large or impressive building
Corpse = a dead body, esp. of a human being; gvami
Squeamish onlookers - panikiori mayureblebi
With dexterity – marjved
To thwart = to prevent; xelis SeSla
Pugnacious = ready and eager to fight; CxubisTavi
Adversary = an opponent in a fight, disagreement, or sporting contest; mowinaaRmdege, mteri
To throw the book at someone – maqsimumis misja
To get one’s back up - gabrazeba
3 day

Acme – piki, mwvervali (=pinnacle), (=zenith)

Copious – uxvi, baraqiani
Vehemently – Zlier, gabedulad, mgznebared
To depict – aRwera, asaxva
Naïve – miamiti, alali
To reach one’s acme – miaRwio mwvervals
Repugnant poor laws – ubadruki, autaneli kanonebi
Boarding school = a school providing living accommodation for pupils; skola-internati
Infamous = well-known for something bad (=notorious)
Misadventure = an unlucky event, misfortune; ubeduri SemTxveva
To galvanize people into action – stimuli misce xalxs samoqmedod
At the acme of his power – Tavisi Zalauflebis zenitSi
To dissent = to disagree
He felt it incumbent upon him – Tavis valad miaCnda
Abortive coup – warumatebeli amboxeba
Urbane gentleman – daxvewili jentlmeni
Flabbergasted - gancvifrebuli
Fervid interest – mZafri interesi
Wrestling – Widaoba
Decorum = polite and socially correct behaviour; etiketi, qcevis wesebi

To weep copious tears - uxvad cremlebis Rvra
Terra firma – myari miwa
Took the wind out of one’s sails – fexqveS miwa gamoecala (SiSisgan)
To be on terra firma – miwaze fexis myarad dadgma

4th day
Perfidious – muxanaTi, moRalaturi
To covet – survili, ndoma
Ingratiate oneself = to act in order to bring (oneself) into favour (with someone); vinmes gulis mogeba
Penury – siRaribe (=destitution); To live in penury – siRatakeSi cxovreba
Ignominious – samarcxvino, damamcirebeli
Insatiable desire – gaumaZRari survili
To get ahead – warmatebis miRweva
Feasible = able to be done
To ingratiate herself into the heart of her employer’s son – Tavisi ufrosis vaJis gulis mogeba
Salubrious – jansaRi
Ostentatiously – gamomwvevad
To form a surreptitious liaison with – faruli sasiyvarulo urTierTobis damyareba
Liaison = secretive or adulterous (qorwinebis gareSe) sexual relationship
Misguided = mistaken or unwise; gzasacdenili
In a debacle – marcxiT
He was able to ingratiate himself into the hearts of the public – man SeZlo xalxis gulis mogeba
Underdog = a person or team in a weak or underprivileged position; uiRblo; susti moTamaSe неудачник;
In seventh heaven – mecxre caze

37th WEEK

1st day

To confront – Tvalis gasworeba (problemisTvis)

Antipathy (towards) – antipaTia, siZulvili, zizRi
Servile – monuri, morCili
Volition – survili, wadili
Sojourn – droebiTi gaCereba

To solve the enigma – Tavsatexis / gamocanis amoxsna

Ignominious = shameful; samarcxvino
To attain genuine wealth - moipovo namdvili simdidre
Perusal of nature – bunebis yuradRebiT Seswavla
By his own volition / at his own volition – Tavisi sakuTari surviliT
Penury = extreme poverty, extreme scarcity; ukiduresi siRatake (= destitution)
Epitome of wealth – simdidris gansaxiereba
Degrading – damamcirebeli
To give up nomadic life – Tavi daanebo moxetiale cxovrebas
To confront the unsavory problems of our times – Tvali gausworo Cveni drois usiamovno problemebs
A tenacious competitor – Zlieri / sastiki konkurenti
To place one’s title in jeopardy – vinmes statusis safrTxeSi Cagdeba
Nebulous = vague and unclear; bundovani
To construe = deduce, infer; daskvnis gamotana
Perfidious = treacherous or deceitful; moRalaturi

To tighten one’s belt – qamris moWera (naklebis xarjva)
To draw in one’s horns = to restrain oneself; Tavis Sekaveba
He would wind up on skid row – usaxlkaroebis ubanSi moxvdeboda

2nd day

Austere – mkacri, asketuri

Felicitous = appropriate and well-chosen; xelsayreli, bednieri (SemTxveva)
Halcyon – wynari, mSvidi; (= serene)
Tenable – logikurad gamarTlebuli, gonivruli, dasayrdnobi, gamZle
Superfluous – zedmeti, gadaWarbebuli
To propagate one’s fame – popularuli gaxado vinmes saxeli; saxeli gauTqva
Hut – qoxi
To live an ascetic existence – icxovro asketuri yofiT
Indolent = lazy
To recall the halcyon days with pleasure – gaixseno mSvidi dReebi siamovnebiT
The only tenable way of life – erTaderTi logikurad gamarTlebuli gza cxovrebisa
Sinecure = a paid job that involves very little work or responsibility; Tbili adgili, ioli samuSao
Ostentatious - TvalSisacemi, myvirala
The acme of fashion - modis mwvervali
Itinerant worker = working for a short time in various places
On that felicitous occasion – im bednier SemTxvevaSi
Off the beaten track – uCveulo
To live under a sword of Damocles – icxovro mudmiv xifaTSi

3rd day

To motivate – motivireba
To rationalize = to find reasons to justify or explain one's actions; axsnis moZebna vinmes
Therapy – Terapia
Nascent – sawyisi, axlad aRmocenebuli
Iconoclast – a) tradiciebis, crurwmenebis winaaRmdeg mebrZoli; b) xatmebrZoli
To revere – pativiscema, dafaseba
Physician = a medical doctor
Subconscious – qvecnobieri
To keep repugnant memories - Seinaxo saZageli mogonebebi
To come to the surface – zedapirze amotivtiveba
Surreptitiously = secretly
And motivate behavior – da ganapirobebs qcevas
To rationalize his actions – axsna mouZebnos, gaamarTlos Tavisi qceva
Suppressed memories – gaumJRavnebeli, sakuTar TavSi CaxSuli mogonebebi
To air = to make known publicly; saaSkaraoze gamotana
Mandatory – savaldebulo
Complacent people – arxeini, TviTkmayofili xalxi
Pathetic = arousing pity or sympathy; Sesabrali
A square peg in a round hole (=a round peg in a square hole) – vinme, TavisTvis Seuferebel
A bitter pill to swallow – mware marcxi

4th day

Erudite – eruditi
Phobia – fobia, nevrozuli SiSi
Germane – Sesaferisi, kavSirSi ramesTan
Vertigo – Tavbrusxveva
Conducive (to) – xelSemwyobi (=propitious)
A surfeit of amateur psychologists – uxvi raodenoba moyvaruli fsiqologebisa
With celerity – swrafad
Dubious education – saeWvo ganaTleba
Germane to the problem – kavSirSia problemasTan
Pertinent = relating to the matter at hand, relevant; xelmosaWidi
To countenance – mowoneba, mxardaWera
Lethal weapon – sasikvdilo iaraRi
It was tantamount to a phobia – es nevrozuli SiSis (fobias) tolfasi iyo
Temerity – gambedaoba
A steel girder — стальная балка; foladis Zeli
Onset = a start, beginning
Bedlam - sagiJeTi
To upset the apple cart – gegmis an ganzraxvis Secvla
A dark horse = a person who reveals little about himself or herself, esp. someone who has
unexpected talents; bneliT moculi adamiani

38th WEEK

1st day

Glib – enamWevri, enakvimati, molaparake (= garrulous, voluble)

Homogenous – erTgvarovani, erTferovani (‡ heterogeneous)
Malleable – damyoli, damTmobi
Legerdemain – TvalTmaqcoba, oini, fokusi, gawafuli xelebi
Trend – tendencia, midrekileba
Pernicious – mavne
Craze = a short-lived fashion or enthusiasm; gataceba
To resist vehemently – SeewinaaRmdego gabedulad
To become malleable – gaxde damyoli
Sudden shifts – uecari cvlilebebi
Fortuitously – SemTxveviT
Through legerdemain – gawafuli xelebiT
Gullible – mimndobi, gulubryvilo
To embrace = to accept eagerly
To embrace the latest trend in fashion – modis ukanaskneli tendenciis miReba / gaTaviseba
To wheedle money out of the naïve audience – datyuo / dacinclo fuli miamit msmenels
A glib talk – enamWevri laparaki
To expunge pain – tkivilis gayuCeba
Dexterity – simarjve
To galvanize – gamococxleba
Urbane – gaTviTcnobierebuli, daxvewili
He ingratiated himself into their confidence – man moipova maTi ndoba
Malleable crowd was shaped into a subjugated mass – damyoli brbo Camoyalibda morCil masad
By hook or by crook – ramenairad, raime saSualebiT
Without rhyme or reason - sruliad umizezod

2nd day

Stagnant – uZravi, inertuli, erT adgilze gayinuli
Fatal – fataluri, sasikvdilo, sabediswero, damRupveli
Passé – Zvelmoduri, dromoWmuli
To procrastinate – dayovneba, gaWianureba
Facet – aspeqti, mxare
“Set” = determined, gansazRvruli
Affluent = having plenty of money
To be cognizant of = be aware of
Vigilant = on the watch for trouble or danger; fxizeli
To be in the making – Seqmnis procesSi
To the consternation of – Tavzardasacemad
Distraught = upset; ganerviulebuli, gagiJebuli
To use the lethal weapon – gamoiyeno sasikvdilo iaraRi
On that fatal occasion – im sabediswro SemTxvevis dros
An unsavory task – arasasiamovno davaleba
To have the propensity for - gqondes midrekileba, swrafva
To feel complacent with – igrZno kmayofileba
To get up on the wrong side of the bed – marcxena fexze adgoma
To raise Cain – skandalis atexva
Slovenly room – areuli oTaxi

3rd day
To foist (on sb) – Tavs moxveva, SeCeCeba
To stigmatize – daRis dasma, uwodo (raime samarcxvino), Seracxva
To capitulate (to) – danebeba
Audacity – gambedaoba, Tavxedoba
To tantalize = to show or promise something that someone really wants, but then not allow them to have
it; wvaleba vinmes
To disparage = to speak contemptuously of; arad Cagdeba, damcireba
Complacent about – TviTkmayofili
Arbitrary decision – TviTneburi gadawyvetileba
Despite tenacious resistance – miuxedavad Zlieri winaaRmdegobisa
To oust = to force (someone) out of a position; gagdeba, gandevna
Strongpoint - gamagrebuli punqti
To capitulate to the enemy – danebde mters
Asinine – suleluri
To exacerbate – gauareseba
To submit – wardgena
Reprehensible – gasakicxi, dasagmobi
Castles in the air / in the sky / in Spain – ocnebis koSkebi
To build castles in the air – ocnebis koSkebis ageba

4th day
To retort (to) – pasuxis gacema
Reticent – sityvaZviri
Tacit – usityvo, nagulisxmevi
Chicanery – xriki
Docile – morCili, damjeri
Derogatory comments – Seuracxmyofeli komentarebi
With alacrity = with eagerness
To emulate – metoqeobis gaweva
Hem = the bottom edge of a garment, folded under and stitched down; Semonakeci kabis bolos
To give tacit approval – usityvod daeTanxmo

To jostle – xelis kvra
To reach conclusion – daskvnis gamotana
To countenance = to support or tolerate
Intimidation = to subdue or influence (someone) through fear; daSineba, SiSi
To divulge the blatant chicanery – gaamJRavno aSkara xriki
Fractious – Wirveuli
Egregious behavior = shockingly bad behavior
A tacit reproach – usityvo sayveduri
To retort to the rash question – pasuxi gasce daufiqrebel kiTxvas
Propensity for imbibing – midrekileba dalevisken
To maintain the status quo – SeinarCuno arsebuli mdgomareoba
To hit the nail on the head – aTianSi gartyma
To change horses in midstream = to change one’s mind

39th WEEK
1st day
Saga – saga, Tqmuleba, ambavi
Belated – dagvianebuli
Decrepit - daZvelebuli (xmarebisgan), dasustebuli (asakis gamo)
Imperturbable – mSvidi, aRuSfoTebeli (= serene)
To vacillate – yoymani
To make a belated escape from – dagvianebuli gaqcevis ganxorcieleba
Array – wyeba, rigi
At their own volition – TavianTi surviliT
Skipper – gemis kapitani
To bomb implacably – umowyalod dabombva (implacable = inexorable)
To remain imperturbable – darCe uZravad / mSvidad
Vessel = a ship or large boat; xomaldi
Paragon of comradeship – megobrobis nimuSi
In times of jeopardy – safrTxis dros
Lone – martoxela
To confront the turbulent oceans – SeewinaaRmdego aRelvebul okeanes
Exploit = a notable deed or feat; gmiroba
Laudable – saqebi; (# despicable)
To shout caustic comments – mwvave komentarebis srola
Mendacious activities = untruthful activities; cru / araswori saqmianobebi
Ingrate = an ungrateful person; umaduri
To accept someone’s belated gift – vinmes dagvianebuli saCuqris miReba
Released from incarceration – gaTavisuflebuli patimrobidan
Gaunt = bony and emaciated in appearance; Zalian gamxdari
A sacred cow – xelSeuxebeli
To throw down a gauntlet – gamowveva

2nd day
Staunch – erTguli, mtkice, sando, udreki
Opprobrium = strong criticism or disapproval, especially expressed publicly; lanZRva, zizRi
Machiavellian = perfidious in conduct, activity; moRalaturi, uprincipo

one who imitates Niccolo Machiavelli, a statesman and writer, of Florence (1469 – 1527):
any cunning and unprincipled statesman;
Unconscionable – arakeTilsindisieri, unamuso (= unscrupulous)
Pandemonium – areuloba, Rrianceli
Prevalent = widespread or common
Meticulously – guldasmiT, detalurad
Inexorable = unable to be prevented from continuing or progressing; ulmobeli, umowyalo
Anathema – wyevla
Infamous = well-known for something bad
They have no capacity for compassion – maT ar SeuZliaT TanagrZnoba
With opprobrium – zizRiT, agdebiT, Seuracxyofas ayeneben
Duplicity = deceitful behaviour; cbiereba
At hand – xelT aqvT
To strive (strove, striven) – miswrafeba
Evil is ubiquitous – boroteba yvelganaa
Another fracas will erupt – meore Cxubi gaCaRdeba
To heap opprobrium upon – lanZRva-ginebiT avseba
Fledgling – axlad gamomcxvari
Nominee = a person who is nominated to an office or as a candidate
Convention site – Sexvedris adgili
To cause a schism – ganxeTqilebis gamowveva
Through thick and thin – nebismieri sirTulis miuxedavad
Fair-weather friends – vai megomrebi

3rd day
To flay – mkacri gakritikeba, tyavis gaZroba
Demeanor – saqcieli, manera
Delineation – aRwera, sityvieri portreti
To vindicate – gamarTleba
Heinous – sazizRari, boroti
Mutiny = open rebellion against authority, esp. by sailors or soldiers against their officers;
Repugnant – saZageli
H.M.S. = His (Her) Majesty's Ship; inglisis samxedro gemi
Unmitigated villain - sruli aramzada
The crew developed an aversion to – ekipaJs gauCnda antipaTia
Capricious = having a tendency to sudden unpredictable changes of attitude or behaviour; Wirveuli
To go to great lengths – yvelanairad ecado
Garrulous = constantly chattering; (=voluble)
In a stentorian voice – mquxare xmiT
To take by storm – STabeWdilebis swrafad moxdena
To carry the day – mxardaWeris mopoveba

4th day
Turpitude – unamusoba, uzneoba, sulmdabloba
Infraction – darRveva (kanonis)
Callous – ugulo, gulqva
To redress – gamosworeba
Vituperation – lanZRva-gineba
To improve tainted image – aRadgino Selaxuli imiji
To be imprudent in – iyo windauxedavi
To keep one’s temper under control – Tavis gakontroleba, wonasworobis SenarCuneba
To carry out callous actions – imoqmedo ugulod
Astutely – Wkvianurad
Prodigious feat – saocari / udidesi sagmiro saqme
To restore one’s good name – aRadgino vinmes kargi saxeli
To blame on – dabraleba
Coterie – jgufi
Benevolent attitude – keTilganwyobili / gulmowyale damokidebuleba
To condone – miteveba, Serigeba ramesTan
To fall for the line = be cheated by false talk
To fall for the line of a loathsome boy – motyuvde saZageli biWis laparakiT
To heap vituperation upon someone – vinmes lanZRva-ginebiT avseba
To be in fine fettle – SesaniSnav gunebaze yofna (old-fashioned) healthy or working properly
To do woolgathering = idle or absent-minded daydreaming
Indian summer = a period of warm sunny weather in autumn

40th WEEK
1 day

Rhetoric – ritorikuli, oratoruli xelovneba

Clique – wre, jgufi (=coterie)
To extol – qeba-dideba, gandideba
Mentor – aRmzrdeli, maswavlebeli, damrigebeli, winamZRvari
Facile – advilad misaRwevi
Glib politician – enamWevri politikosi
To run for office – kandidaturis wardgena
Prevalent topics – gabatonebuli Temebi
A clique of trustworthy aides (= an assistant) – sando damxmareebis jgufi
To disperse = to scatter over a wide area; (aq) gavrceleba
Loudspeaker – mikrofoni
To shake the hand of their mentor – xeli CamoarTvan TavianT damrigebels
Facetious = joking, or trying to be amusing, esp. at inappropriate times; xumara
To convince the incredulous – daarwmuno urwmunoebi
Sporadically = occasionally
Tangible proposals – realuri winadadebebi
Unconscionable (= excessive) rhetoric – gadaWarbebuli ritorika
Adamant prisoner – uryevi, gautexeli patimari
In such a facile way – ise advilad
To give incontrovertible evidence – udao samxilis / faqtebis warmodgena
To extol the halcyon days – qebiT moixsenio mSvidi dReebi
The adulation of the throng – brbos qedis moxra
In all humility – mTeli TavmdablobiT
To credit = attribute; miCneva, miwera (raime qmedebis)
To live in a fool’s paradise – datkbe moCvenebiTi bednierebiT
To sow one’s wild oats – uzrunvelad cxovreba
To pay the piper – sazRauris gadaxda

2nd day
Cant – farisevluri, aragulwrfeli ena; Jargoni; (=specialized vocabulary of a particular group, such as
thieves or lawyers) [= slang]
Umbrage – wyena
Magnanimous – didsulovani
To vilify – lanZRva, augis Tqma (=malign)
To elucidate – naTelis mofena, axsna-ganmarteba

Cant phrases – aragulwrfeli frazebi
A cliché filled statement – kliSeebiT savse gancxadeba
To procrastinate – gaWianureba
A new facet of his personality – misi xasiaTis axali aspeqti
Demeanor – saqcieli, manera
To take umbrage at – wyena
To favor the affluent – mdidrebis mfarveloba
To be magnanimous to the indigent – iyo didsulovani Raribebis mimarT
To be accused of turpitude – daadanaSaulo uzneobaSi
Discreetly = carefully, cautiously
To allude to = to refer indirectly to; miniSneba
Controversy = a serious argument about something that involves many people and continues for a
long time; polemika, diskusia, debatebi
To see through – gaSifvra
Somber = sad, or gloomy
Sunken in apathy – apaTiiT moculi
Lot – xvedri, bedi
Whimsical remarks = unusual, playful
The sum and substance – arsi
Pyrrhic victory = a too costly victory
To go up in smoke – uSedegod damTavreba

3rd day
Vapid – mosawyeni, uintereso (= banal)
Unwieldy – veeberTela, umarTavi (= cumbersome)
Proximity – siaxlove
Lassitude – gadaRliloba
To vitiate – gafuWeba, waxdena, CaSla
Concomitant to – Tanxmlebi, Tanamdevi
To rest one’s head on the desk – Tavis magidaze dadeba
Aural = using the ears or hearing; smeniTi
To vitiate the learning process – saswavlo procesis CaSla
The scion of an affluent family – mdidari ojaxis STamomavali
To be in proximity to opulence – iyo axlos simdidresTan
Progeny = offspring, descendants; STamomavloba, Svilebi
Enervating sun – momTenTavi mze
To stagger = to walk unsteadily; barbaciT siaruli
Vituperative – Seuracxmyofeli
A vapid life – mosawyeni sicocxle; a vapid speech – mosawyeni sityva / saubari
To be disgruntled about = be dissatisfied with
To preclude conviction – xeli SeuSalo braleulobis ganaCenis gamotanas
On pins and needles – eklebze jdoma
To cool one’s heels = be kept waiting

4th day
To augment – gaZliereba, gazrda
Fatuous – uazro, suleluri (= inane)
To contort – mokuntva, damanWva
Repertoire – repertuari
Imperceptible – umniSvnelo, SeumCneveli
To augment speech – metyvelebis gaZliereba
Silent motion picture – uxmo filmi
Flamboyant = behaving in a very noticeable, extravagant way; TvalSisacemi, myvirala

To fling one’s arms wide – xelebis farTod gaSla; to fling, flung, flung
Discreet gestures = reserved gestures
To gain favor with one’s boss – ufrosis keTilganwyobis mopoveba
Obsequious – pirferi, mliqvneli
The paroxysm of coughing – xvelis Semoteva
To gain respite – Svebis miReba
Parsimonious - Zunwi
To augment wealth – simdidris gazrda
To remove sth from its cache – samalavidan amoReba
To have at one’s fingertips - zedmiwevniT codna; xuTi TiTiviT codna


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