Happines Is A Complicated Word

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Maya Muhek Inkret


“The only way to happiness is by helping others”

The person who wrote this quote, was clearly looking subjectively on this. For some people-
yes, they find their own happiness by helping others and it makes them feel like they did a
good deed, but I think happiness really depends from the person.

Happiness is something which we can’t describe in words. It can only be felt from
someone’s expression of a smile. Happiness is very simple to feel and difficult to describe.
Moreover, happiness comes from within and no one can steal your happiness.

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

I belive money cannot buy happiness. Sometimes, especially in times when social medias
have a big impact on our lives, we see influencers and celebrities that tend to have a perfect
life on social medias. They look happy from the outside but deep down they are broken and
are sad from the inside. For many people, money is the main cause of happiness or grief.
But this is not right. Money can buy you food, luxurious house, healthy lifestyle servants,
and many more facilities but money can’t buy you happiness.
And if money can buy happiness then the rich would be the happiest person on the earth.
But, we see a contrary image of the rich as they are sad, fearful, anxious, stressed, and
suffering from various problems.

Happines comes from within

I belive happiness can also come from a person, but first you need to be happy within. If
you’re not happy and loving to yourself, then you can’t give the love and affection that your
loved person deserves.
In addition, true happiness comes from within yourself. Happiness is basically a state of
Moreover, it can only be achieved by being positive and avoiding any negative thought in
mind. And if we look at the bright side of ourselves only then we can be happy.

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