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i. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of ten 10 questions
ii. Answer all questions
iii. All writing must be written in the space provided

1. For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives
and write its letter in the box provided
i. John was told by his teacher that the earth makes one complete rotation
every twenty-four hours from which direction does it rotate?
A. West
B. South
C. North
D. East
ii. What type of rainfall occurs when the warm moist wind from the ocean is
forced to rise up by the mountain?
A. Orographic rainfall
B. Frontal rainfall
C. Convectional rainfall
D. Cyclonic rainfall
iii. Joti and john were required to calculate a distance of a road on a map
provided which possible method could they use?
A. Tracing method
B. Stripping method
C. A pair of dividers
D. Division method
iv. Tuzo was drawing the map of her house roughly without considering the
actual size of the area, which map was drawn?
A. Wall map
B. Sketch map
C. Topographical map

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D. Atlas map
v. Suppose you have been asked by the headmaster to measure the direction
of wind around your dormitory, which instrument will you use?
A. Wind vane
B. Barometer
C. Hydrometer
D. Anemometer
vi. A businessman from Beijing 120E is scheduled to fly to Arusha 300E for a
major conference. Flight is leaving Beijing capital international airport at
11;00 pm .At what time the person will arrive in Arusha?
A. 06:00 pm
B. 06:00 am
C. 05:00 am
D. 05:00 pm
vii. A teacher was teaching about Mountain which are formed by
accumulation and cooling of molten lava and ashes around the vent. They
are conical in shape. which one among the following is a good example of
such mountains
A. Sekenke
B. Usambara
C. Urugulu
D. Kilimanjaro
viii. What boy said, I want to be a surveyor, a cartography (map maker) or a
pilot in which branch of geography the said jobs can be studied?
A. Physical geography
B. Political geography
C. Practical geography
D. Human geography
ix. The temperature at Dar es salaam which is at the sea level is 320c what will
be the temperature at a place where altitude is 1500m?
A. 0.60C
B. 230C
C. 090C
D. 410C
x. A large percent of people living in villages are engaged in agricultural
activities. using a knowledge of geography, you learnt in your class; these
activities fall in which branches of geography?
A. Physical geography
B. Regional geography
C. Practical geography
D. Agriculture

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i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

2. Match the relief features of the ocean floor in List A with their corresponding
names in list B by writing the letter of the response below the item number in the
table provided


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

A. Continental shelf

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B. Continental slope
C. Ocean ridge
D. Ocean deep
E. Deep sea plain
F. Ocean island
G. Sea level

i ii iii iv v

3. a) Carefully study the climatic data for station X and answer the following

DAYS Monday Tuesday weds Thurs Frid Sat Sun

Maximum 30 37 29 45 42 31 20
Temp 0C
Minimum 26 27 25 17 20 22 17
Temp 0C

i. Calculate weekly range temperature for

ii. Find mean / average temperature for minimum temperature

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iii. Why Sunday is the coldest day in a week?

b) If the temperature at Dar es salaam at sea level is 350c, what will be the
temperature at manyovu-kigoma with an altitude 1,200 meter?

4. a) A certain group of people wanted to establish a weather station in Maweni

primary school
Point five factors they should consider to establish weather station
i. ……………………………………………………………
ii. ……………………………………………………………

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iii. ………………………………………………………….
iv. …………………………………………………………..
v. …………………………………………………………..
b) What is the name of the wooden small box that will be fixed in the station?
C)State the reason why the box has louvers
d) What happened if the box painted black colour?
5. The earth and the other bodies are always in motion around the sun in a certain
manner that may collide to each other
a) What is the name of such arrangement
b) State four effects as the moving to complete 365 days
i. ……………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………..
iii. ………………………………………………….
iv. ………………………………………………..

c) State four effects as the moving on its own axis

i. ………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………….
iii. ……………………………………………………
iv. …………………………………………………..

6. a) As a form one student name four ways used to show position on a map
i. …………………………………………….
ii. ……………………………………………
iii. …………………………………………….
iv. …………………………………………..

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b) In station X on a map an area covered by thick forest was found to be
12complete squares and 26 incomplete squares. Calculate the area of the
thick forest in square kilometer if map scale is 1;50,000

7. a) Hamida and Asha both are living almost around the mountain. Asha sees the
sun earlier compared to Hamida. Give the direction of Asha with respect to the

b) If the map distance of river Limpopo is 32 centimeters, calculate the actual

ground distance of river in kilometer given that the map scale is 1;50,000
convert the following map scale into statement scale
i. 1;50,000

ii. 1;25,000

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8. Define the following terms
i. Isotherms
ii. Isohyets’
iii. Isobars
iv. Contours
v. Isonephs

9. Differentiate between aphelion and perihelion using a diagram

10. A great circle is any circle that divides the earth in two equal spheres
i. Identify the latitude which is a great circle

ii. Identify the longitude which are great circles

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