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Privacy Data Security Policy of Medical Cloud Platform

Based on Lightweight Algorithm Model

As cloud computing has become more frequently employed in the healthcare business,
security and privacy issues about patients' medical information have grown in relevance.
Cloud computing platforms provide various benefits to the healthcare business, including
scalability and cost-effectiveness, but they potentially jeopardise patient data security. The
purpose of this project is to create a Privacy and data security policy (PDSP) for a medical
cloud platform using a basic algorithm model. The goal of the PDSP is to boost computer
efficiency while protecting people's privacy, maintaining the security of sensitive data, and
ensuring the reliability of critical infrastructure. Privacy must be protected while storing
sensitive medical data on the cloud. This requires the employment of a lightweight algorithm
model that provides secure data encryption, decryption, and access control. The PDSP also
includes regulations for information interchange, auditing, and compliance in order to
enhance data integrity and transparency. The trial findings reveal that the proposed PDSP
successfully preserves medical data and limits the extent of any possible security issues on
the medical cloud platform.

1. Introduction
The ageing population is having a wide range of societal consequences, with the number
of Chinese citizens aged 55 and up expected to quadruple by 2025. Medical care costs
have risen for both individuals and communities [1]. Despite these obstacles, cloud-based
healthcare technology is becoming more commonly adopted and easier to use.
Mora and his colleagues created a health monitoring system employing edge computing
and the Internet of Things to reduce the number of tragic, untimely deaths among athletes
[2]. Vilaplana and colleagues developed a programme that can receive SMS messages in
order to efficiently monitor people with hypertension [3]. While Hamid et al. [4]
advocated fog computing in conjunction with edge computing as a form of cloud-based
data encryption, Shah Nazir et al. [3] predicted cardiac events using machine learning.
Alberto et al. [5] developed the ICE++ framework to improve hospital cyber security.
Shaukat Ali and colleagues [6] developed a model-based monitoring technique for n+2-
dimensional cyber-physical systems that face border cybersecurity challenges. Edge
nodes on the healthcare cloud platform execute computing operations, allowing for real-
time data access and enhancing user engagement. The paper suggests a security
architecture for securing patient data stored in the cloud while allowing other
technologies to be used. It suggests activities that edge devices may do to improve their
security without requiring additional hardware [6].
This research largely focuses on how to dynamically scale data storage to meet
computational requirements. This contributes to the protection of personal information.
The following are the primary objectives: Edge node security deployment with a mobile
device focus as part of the edge node architecture without sacrificing responsiveness In
order to do this, the architecture of an online medical platform must be altered. The
computer architecture is intended to safeguard edge nodes while also allowing for a
secure connection to cloud-based healthcare services. If you want to reduce the
computational load on your border nodes, a lightweight framework is your best bet. Users
may relax since their data is safe on the cloud.

2. Background
1. **Literature Review**: Start by conducting a thorough literature review on the topic of
"Privacy Data Security Policy of Medical Cloud Platform Based on Lightweight
Algorithm Model." Identify the five related methods that have been proposed in previous
research papers.

2. **Methodology**: Understand the methodologies used in each of the five methods.

Look for the lightweight algorithm models they have applied to address privacy data
security in medical cloud platforms.

3. **Key Features**: Identify the key features of each method. What are the unique
aspects of each approach that differentiate it from others?

4. **Evaluation Metrics**: Consider the evaluation metrics used to assess the

performance of these methods. Some common metrics for security and privacy can
include accuracy, false-positive rate, false-negative rate, computation time, scalability,
and resistance to attacks.

5. **Data and Datasets**: Check if the studies used the same or different datasets to
evaluate their methods. Ensure that the datasets are appropriate for the specific problem
and domain.

6. **Security Analysis**: Look for any security analysis provided in the papers. How do
the methods address potential vulnerabilities and privacy threats?

7. **Advantages and Limitations**: Determine the advantages and limitations of each

method. No method is perfect, and it's essential to understand the trade-offs.

8. **Implementation Complexity**: Consider the implementation complexity and

resource requirements for each method. Some lightweight algorithms might be more
suitable for resource-constrained environments like medical cloud platforms.

9. **Recent Developments**: Check if there have been any recent developments or

improvements on these methods after the publication of the original papers.

10. **Comparative Discussion**: Summarize and compare the findings from each
method. Identify which method is more effective and efficient for the given problem

Remember that a comparative study should be objective and well-documented, based on

the available literature and methodologies. If you need to perform such a study, I
recommend conducting a systematic review of relevant research papers to ensure the
accuracy and comprehensiveness of your analysis.

Lightweight Data/Datasets
Method Algorithm Model Key Features Evaluation Metrics Used Security Analysis Advantages

Method Feature 1, Accuracy, False Dataset 1, Resistance to Attacks, Advantages of

1 Algorithm A Feature 2, ... Positive Rate, ... Dataset 2 Vulnerabilities Method 1

Method Feature 3, Precision, Recall, Dataset 3, Security Measures Advantages of

2 Algorithm B Feature 4, ... Computation Time, ... Dataset 4 Implemented Method 2

Method Feature 5, False Negative Rate, Dataset 5, Privacy-preserving Advantages of

3 Algorithm C Feature 6, ... Scalability, ... Dataset 6 Techniques Method 3

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3. Proposed platform Architecture

Data storage and processing in the cloud offer rapid performance, unlike the constrained
resources at the periphery. The cloud's capabilities enable the effective implementation
and adoption of diverse security policies. As a result, a substantial portion of computing
and data storage occurs in the cloud [7, 8]. Ensuring greater responsiveness and
timeliness is crucial for a medical cloud platform. Figure 1 illustrates the proposed fast-
acting security framework for cloud-based medical platforms.
Fig - 1

The edge node's function is critical for offloading computing activities and maintaining
tight data security. Edge devices employ a specified transmission protocol to provide
compute results, such as basic attributes and individualised physical indications, to the
cloud, ensuring data security while in transit. To increase the framework's security,
reduce API usage without compromising algorithm accuracy, and eliminate extra security
risks generated by complicated APIs, a secure cloud hosting and analysis solution has
been developed.

Consider how to securely send confidential medical information from IoT devices to the
cloud [9, 10]. Due to resource restrictions, certain carriers may find it difficult to
completely execute the security programme, which may have an impact on the edge layer
and the IoT technology layer. Smartphones are the primary edge nodes in this system due
to their strong CPUs, enormous data storage capacities, and ability to capture biometric
data. Throughout the smartphone registration process, private and public aspects of a
person's personal information are separated. IoT sensors collect vital sign data and send it
to the cloud or the user's smartphone, where it may be examined by healthcare experts
and other authorised parties. The cloud's processing speed and storage capacity make it
possible to apply comprehensive security measures, which are critical for protecting
devices. Data from Internet of Things (IoT)-linked devices is commonly translated into
digital signals for use in healthcare applications [11, 12].

3.1. Sensors Represented by Smart Phones

Internet-of-Things devices are increasingly being used to collect ambient data due to their
low power consumption and minimal maintenance requirements. Modern, high-sensitivity
sensors, such as blood pressure monitors and hand rings, capture data quickly, precisely,
and efficiently. Several precautions have been taken to assure the safety of the machinery
[14, 15]. The technology described in this study employs smartphones as edge nodes that
may perform computing and storage activities. Cellphones are equipped with a variety of
security measures. EdgeSec, a new security service developed by Ranadheer and his
colleagues [16], may help improve IoT security at the edge layer. [17] Xiao et al.
investigated a variety of security issues at the edge layer, providing viable answers and
useful recommendations for further research.

Although establishing security policies on smartphones acting as edge nodes creates

issues due to resource constraints and the need to keep conventional smartphone
functionalities, the approach utilised in this work overcomes these constraints. It uses
secure telephony, existing open source projects, and the TrustZone hardware design to
safeguard critical user data stored on edge nodes. Figure 2 displays the secure mobile
phone for the proposed architecture in use.

Fig - 2

If the proposed design is implemented, people would be able to access the system and
collect data using their mobile devices. Individuals can create a PHR by signing up for a
cloud-based service and entering relevant health data. The smartphone serves as a crucial
data receiver for IoT devices. Continuous data uploads are not required for reliable
chronic disease forecasts. Rather than sending your data to a faceless server farm, keep it
all in one secure spot on your encrypted smartphone. This information will be analysed in
order to provide a diagnosis and comments.

The maximum quantity of data that must be transferred can be reduced by boosting the
efficiency of these procedures at the edge node. Extensive research and security processes
have been implemented to ensure the security of edge node storage and computing.
Among these techniques are the development of TrustZone hardware and the free and
open-source OP-TEE [18, 19]. Linaro created the first trusted execution environment
(TEE), which was later released on GitHub as OP-TEE. It is platform-independent since
it uses the trustworthy OPTEE OS kernel and has multithreading capabilities. The ARM
Juno Board and the HiKey Board are two examples of similar systems. Because it
incorporates the great amount of API encapsulation made accessible by platform
organisations all across the world, this universal platform support provides significant
portability benefits.

The protocols for ARM's TrustZone technology have been designed and tested
extensively. For example, by exploiting the Xiaomi phone's anti-theft technologies, the
Huawei Mate 8 physically manifests an ARM in the device's shell. Huawei's OS is used
in the unencrypted configuration; in the encrypted configuration, a distinct, proprietary
OS is used. These safeguards ensure that the user's sensitive health information is never
compromised by unauthorised access.

Because of TrustZone's TZPC IP core, the device can be readily administered remotely,
ensuring that critical data is maintained securely and that no unauthorised changes are
made. ARM TrustZone is a cost-effective and versatile development environment that can
be tailored to each client's specific needs. The OP-TEE project and ARM TrustZone are
partnering to create a secure environment for mobile devices.

While the secondary OS functions in a secure enclave within the mobile device security
ecosystem, the primary smartphone OS can continue to function normally in the outside
world. They are isolated from the rest of the system to protect the secure world's
hardware resources from any potential attacks. The secure monitor call (SMC) and the
common application programming interface (API) allow communication across secure
and non-secure contexts. This establishes a secure environment that protects against
unauthorised access, data loss, and invasion of privacy.

Sensors collect the user's unique biometric data and communicate it wirelessly and
securely to the mobile device. The data is subsequently stored in the network's safe,
dependable zone. Any big data analytics results saved in the cloud are kept safe in a vault.
The trustworthy app in the buffer zone generates inferences based on the user's signal
data. A smartphone may be used as a dependable edge node with minimum processing
and storage needs due to its mobility, independence, and the breadth of hardware
platforms supported by its open-source OP-TEE. Huawei smartphones include HiSilicon
CPUs, which improve hardware security, making them perfect for use as trustworthy edge

3.2. The Cloud and the Edge

Cloud computing is being pushed to the margins due to poor edge-layer processing and
storage [20]. Edge computing, on the other hand, can reduce the burden on the cloud and
provide clients with quicker response times [21, 22]. Edge nodes must swiftly connect to
a huge number of low-power Internet of Things devices and post data to the Internet in
real time, necessitating increased security.

Even though ARM TrustZone and OP-TEE protect the storage and processing context of
edge node machines, hackers can still get unauthorised access to mobile devices and steal
data. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a reliable method for validating a user's
identity and increasing security. In order to offer a safe and effective communication
protocol between edge nodes and the cloud for both user data and accounts, MFA
requires at least one extra identity in addition to the user's password.
A variety of strategies may be used to execute an MFA programme in an organisation
[23–25]. Static passwords are commonly used in conjunction with other pieces of
information, giving rise to the phrase "users can gain a static password." Static passwords,
on the other hand, are easily cracked or stolen, necessitating the employment of extra-
secure verification methods.

In contrast to other kinds of identification, biometric authentication confirms a person's

identity by using their unique physiological attributes and behavioural inclinations.
Biometrics can compensate for a lack of security authentication in a variety of businesses
by producing more trustworthy verification results [26, 27]. Given that data is received
via smart devices, the suggested technique is ideal for collecting biometric data. Figure 3
shows how fingerprint features for user identification may be employed cost-effectively
and safely.

Fig - 3

After registering a mobile device, users may use the app's functions in the real world.
Using the information users submit during enrollment, a secure electronic health record
(EHR) will be built and maintained in the cloud. Additionally, fingerprints and other
biometric data will be encrypted before being saved in the cloud. The user's fingerprint
data will be matched to previously saved data on subsequent logins to validate their

Following a successful registration, the model parameters given by the cloud will be
accepted and saved on the encrypted smartphone. The edge node will classify the initial
diagnosis of the condition and react to the user promptly. The encrypted smartphone of
the user will temporarily store predictions for subsequent use. The cloud-based system
will collect data from users all around the world, and updates will be delivered when
demand for cloud services is low. To safeguard data, an OP-TEE-based secure
smartphone and the model technique are used. When employed together, they ease the
load on the nodes closest to the network's edges. Data is protected at the network's edge to
prevent unauthorised access, and the user is alerted whenever the model's settings are
changed. It is now feasible to forecast the start of probable illnesses by leveraging the
storage and computational capabilities of the user's mobile device.

Creating Personal Health Records (PHRs) and enrolling users are the initial steps in
acquiring data for the algorithm. Electronic medical records (EMR) from many sources,
including hospitals, are included in the PHR system. While the improved APC model
detects illness in a protected cloud environment, the user's smartphone is used to store the
model's encrypted parameters in a secure, encrypted edge layer environment. It is the role
of the edge layer to determine a user's current state as soon as they arrive. Customers turn
to the cloud for a healthcare solution that fully meets their needs when they want accurate
sickness estimations, prognosis findings, and treatment plan recommendations.

The model technique is presented to deal with difficulties caused by changes to physical
sign data. It is generally known that these differences have a significant impact on both
prognosis and diagnosis. According to the study, a decline in physical performance has
also been associated with an increased risk of chronic disease in the elderly. Historically,
medical diagnostic and prognostic algorithms have paid less attention to the security and
usability of platform deployment architecture. To address these concerns, we present a
very sensitive model for predicting and diagnosing sickness in the elderly, with an
emphasis on edge computing security. This paradigm intends to improve the precision
and reliability of disease prediction and detection in the elderly by understanding the
relevance of data security in the setting of edge computing.

4. It is crucial to think about algorithm sensitivity

Dr. Annie Fox-Statical Galalis' contributions to our study and the helpful advice she
offered are greatly appreciated. Without the funding assistance of the Massachusetts
General Hospital, Washington University in St. Louis Health Professionals, and the
university's department of vocational rehabilitation, this study would not have been able
to be carried out.
The great degree of sensitivity of the algorithm was maintained during our research since
we used sign data to transmit a new identity. The gathering of fundamental information
not only helps with disease diagnosis and prognosis, but it also helps create a personal
health record (PHR) that is maintained in the cloud. The age-period cohort (APC) model
has been extensively used for TB data analysis since it was developed by Frost in 1939.
This paradigm emphasises demographic, temporal, and age categories. To determine
whether there is a link between socioeconomic traits and the emergence of cancer in the
population, Pes et al. employed the APC model [28]. This method is useful for predicting
the progression of viral infections as well as chronic disorders.
In prior studies, we increased the sensitivity of the APC model by examining the impact
of variables like smoking and alcohol consumption on the results [29]. In addition to
employing sign data to enhance the algorithm's ability to detect diseases, we also used
basic data to assess the algorithm's precision and accuracy in foretelling a person's health
state. While the system was still being created, this was done. In business management
software, performing attribute selection from a large data pool is a frequent activity that
requires the application of a variety of algorithms based on the situation being addressed.
Selecting the appropriate strategy is crucial, particularly when working with large datasets
that have a high dimension. The clustering approach has the potential to boost overall
productivity. However, the methods employed to reduce the amount of dense training
data may lead to inaccurate disease predictions. The automated PROCLUS system still
has a number of shortcomings despite its enhanced performance, such as the inability to
detect microscopic clusters and the creation of inadequate findings [30]. Iterative and
clustering methods are combined in the genetic clustering strategy to get reliable results.
This enables us to utilise organic processes like mutation, exchange, and selection. This
approach is helpful in identifying whether or not older individuals have issues with their
neurological system or cardiovascular system because of its simplicity, reliability, and

John Holland taught at the University of Michigan in the 1960s and 1970s and is largely
regarded as the originator of genetic algorithms. A book was released in 1975 that would
become the foundation for the theory and execution of genetic algorithms. This
optimising method, influenced by natural selection principles, produces great outcomes.
Its utility and adaptability have led to its implementation into a variety of industries,
including but not limited to biotechnology, neural networks, and artificial intelligence

Genetic algorithms are especially useful for clustering issues due to their evolutionary
character. This has resulted in their widespread use for this purpose. In this paper, we
employ a genomic clustering technique to overcome clustering problems. Due to the use
of fixed criteria for things like cluster centre selection and sample input order, problems
with local optimisation and other difficulties develop often in classical clustering
approaches. We overcome these restrictions by integrating the best solution of the
evolutionary algorithm with traditional clustering approaches. This is especially
beneficial for analysing high-dimensional and sparse medical data for the elderly.

Because of its numerous advantages, the evolutionary algorithm is an excellent solution

for tackling clustering concerns [31]. In the genetic technique of clustering, the output of
the augmented APC model is regarded as a discrete characteristic. We included gender-
specific research in our analysis since there are evident disparities in the frequency of
disease between the sexes. Table 1 describes the data input format, and our main goal is
to improve the clustering process by using evolutionary algorithms. This improves the
dependability of illness projections, which helps patients' health in the long run.

Fig - 4

The categorization of individuals into subgroups that are determined by their

chronological age and gender is referred to as age-based clustering. This method, which
has been discovered to boost the accuracy of the clustering operation, has been used. This
method strengthens the reliability of the results by splitting individuals into groups with
characteristics that are comparable to one another. However, there is not enough
information in the dataset to do a cluster analysis on people who are under the age of 50
or who are above the age of 75.

Cluster analysis is performed on the data collected from people whose ages vary from 50
to 75 years, which yields a total of 50 data sets for each test. Patients with heart disease,
stroke victims, victims of traumatic brain injury, and victims of cardiac arrest are
represented by the colour red, whereas healthy persons are represented by the colour
black. According to the findings, people of different ages and genders have different
reactions to the same traits.

Users are divided into young and elderly categories so that relevant and age-appropriate
content may be provided to each of them more effectively. Important factors include the
influence of non-self attributes (APC model value) on the body as well as physical
indicator data such as heart rate and pressure difference. The population queue is the basis
for genetic algorithms, and the clustering model generates a collection of four to nine
graphical representations (Figures) of the data it processes.

There is a substantial gap in behaviour between the ages that were examined. Old
patients, particularly those with problems connected with hypertension, which may be an
indication of a general loss in immunity, are more likely to provide physically inaccurate
data. This is especially true in cases where the patient has hypertension-related disorders.
Women who have high blood pressure have a greater chance of developing heart failure
and other cardiovascular diseases.

An individual is able to access both previous and more recent diagnostic information
when it is stored in the PHR format. Following the collection of data from a new user, the
model does a cluster analysis in order to categorise the collected information into groups
with similar characteristics.

Instead of using age and gender as the primary identifiers of groups, this model uses the
eigenvalues derived from a modified version of the APC model as its characteristics. In
order to improve the accuracy of the model's predictions, such as the onset time, the
population is partitioned into a number of distinct groups. It is possible to obtain
macroparameters by employing the expanded APC model, which takes into account age,
gender, and other variables.

Figure 10 presents a comparison of our findings to those obtained using classical genetic
clustering, which utilises grouping criteria such as blood pressure, heart rate, and body
mass index. The approach of the programme enhances the accuracy of prediction and
offers essential data for calculating the sickness risk for various demographic categories.
Fig - 5

Due to the model's adoption of both the key ideas found in the enhanced APC architecture
and the standardised physiological parameters, accuracy is improved, as seen in Figure
10's Area Under the Curve (AUC). Even though the traditional technique has a superior
AUC (false-positive comparison) for the same false-positive rate (FPR), the suggested
model beats it in predicting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders in the senior

The provided algorithm model ensures the highest level of clustering accuracy, which is
required to identify which individuals are most similar to one another. A queuing analysis
is one approach to locating people your age in a large group. PHR data may be tracked
over time and compared to that of individuals of similar age to identify general trends in
illness progression. An area's demographic composition affects the disease's incidence
rate. In this study, a precise prevalence rate is given, comparable groups are found,
computation is made simpler, and user engagement is raised. According to the results of
user onset period estimations, disease risk is 23% each year, 47% between the ages of 2
and 5, and 59% between the years of 5 and 10. Over the following ten years, 20% of
people will get ill, while 10% will remain well. To guarantee the validity of the results,
100 test simulations were done in the research. The trials' findings show that the accuracy
is 91.34 percent and that the average variance for incorrect projections is one year.

5. Conclusion

The technique proposed in this study ensures complete isolation between cloud-based
computations and private data, as well as the edge node used to access trained model
parameters. The safety of sensitive customer information and digital assets is one of the
most significant elements of the cloud; hence, this separation is critical. It has also been
suggested that mobile phones be used as edge routers to increase edge node security.
ARM TrustZone and the open-source, free OP-TEE project ensure the security of edge
nodes. To properly secure sensitive client data, the platform's latency must be lowered
while the processing capabilities of edge nodes are increased.

6. Information Access

The article's research was a collaborative effort.

7. Interested-Party Disagreements

Contrary to what the authors assert, there are no conflicting interests.


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