Why Circuses Are Bad For Animals 1

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Why Circuses are Bad For Animals!

I strongly believe that animals shouldn’t perform in circuses for many reasons.
First, animals in circuses are taken from their natural habitats. Another reason is
that they live in poor living conditions, in addition to being forced to perform
unusual tricks against their nature.

The first reason why circuses are bad for animals is that they are taken away from
their natural habitat. To clarify, animals are taken from their environments where
they can find food, water and shelter. Moreover, Animals feel frustrated in the
cages as they feel lonely and scared away from their families and natural homes.

Secondly, animals in circuses live in poor living conditions. Animals are being
locked in cages; therefore, they have less space to move and play as they would in
the wild. Additionally, cage owners can treat animals in a cruel and unkind way by
not giving them food when they are hungry. Imagine being stuck in a tiny room all
day long without food, how would you feel?!

Finally, animals are forced to perform unusual tricks which they didn’t use to do in
the wilderness. Some of these tricks are dangerous and can hurt the animals
badly. For instance, wild animals such as tigers are forced to jump through hoops
of fire. Other animals are pressured to stand on their heads to amuse the

In conclusion, although circuses are fun and entertaining to humans, they are
cruel and unkind to the animals in them. Next time you think about going to the
circus, remember what’s happening to these animals!

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