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INTERNAL REGULATION ● Temperature is one of the most important things our

body needs to regulate which must be maintained at
What is temperature? 37 degrees Celsius.
According to Merriam Webster, temperature is the degree of ● Maintaining temperature requires twice as much
hotness or coldness measured on a definite scale. energy as all other activities combined.
● Can be regulated by increasing energy use (adding
Three temperature scales: heat to the body) by muscular activities, metabolic
activities, hormonal activities (hormones: thyroxine
● Fahrenheit (°F) temperature scale- used in the US and
and adrenaline), and radiation.
a few other English-speaking countries.
● Heat loss processes occur through convection,
● Celsius (°C) temperature scale- the standard in all
conduction, and evaporation (sweating).
countries and adopted a metric system of
measurement. Basal metabolism
● Kelvin (K) scale- the absolute temperature scale.
- the energy used to maintain a constant body temperature
Temperature regulation while at rest.
- Also called thermoregulation, wherein “thermo” means
Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy that must
thermometer and “regulation” means control.
be used to keep the body functioning while physically
- It is a biological mechanism by which maintaining body
inactive. It also measures how many calories we are
temperature through self-regulation independent of
burning while at rest. BMR reduces with age, so changing
external temperatures.
our dietary plan is recommended.
- Temperature regulation is one of the body’s biological
I. Homeostasis and Allostasis Maintaining the vital organs of the body to function even
while at rest.
Factors influencing Basal Metabolic Rate
- Refers to the process of maintaining stable internal
● Measuring BMR requires complete rest.
conditions of the body that is necessary for survival.
● Increased BMR includes higher muscle mass,
- It has an ability to detect and oppose changes.
lean muscle, height, and weight.
- Homeostasis happens by stabilizing our body temperature,
● Caloric restriction can reduce basal metabolic
blood sugar, and breathing. rate.
Set point ● BMR reduces with age.

- Refers to a single value that the body works to maintain. Poikilothermic (ectothermic) species
Examples: body temperature, glucose, levels of water, ● Their internal temperature is generally varied with
oxygen, calcium, protein, acidity in the body the environmental temperature.
- Processes that reduce discrepancies from the set point are ● Poikilothermic includes amphibians, reptiles, fish,
known as negative feedback. and insects.
● These species lack internal, physiological
Negative feedback
mechanisms of temperature regulation.
- Is an important type of control found in homeostasis, ● Although known as “cold-blooded”, an organism
keeping different variables around a constant set point by is cold only if the environment is cold.
making a counteracting response when variables trigger.
- In thermoregulation, negative feedback happens when the Homeothermic (endothermic) species
body counteracts in response to bringing back a stable ● Evolved automatic and behavioral
temperature. thermoeffectors to maintain a relatively
constant core temperature over
environmental temperature.
- Refers to the process of achieving stability through an ● Characteristics of mammals and birds
adaptive way response to change the organism’s internal ⮚ Mammals evolve to have a
environment in order to satisfy the anticipated needs. constant temperature of 37
- It motivates us to find our needs, like drinking water when degrees Celsius or 98 degrees
our body feels to hot. Fahrenheit
● A core temperature lower than 35
II. Controlling Body Temperature degrees Celsius is hypothermia.

● Heat exhaustion can lead to

heatstroke or hyperthermia
(temperature about 40 degrees
⮚ In humans, the blood vessels in
the skin and muscles contract to
protect core temperature.
⮚ Muscle activity benefits from being
as warm as possible and ready for
strenuous activities.
● Requires energy to fuel.
● Decreases temperature through sweating The hypothalamus (thermostat) measures the temperature of
and panting blood flowing through and collects information from temperature
● Increased temperature via shivering, a sensors. It will decide if the body temperature is too low or high
process of controlling blood flow in the skin. and will try to bring it back to the set point (37 degrees Celsius).
After detecting the current body temperature, the hypothalamus
III. Mechanism of Body Temperature will send the signal to the body via nervous system that results
in various effects like sweat gland secretes and shivering.
- The hypothalamus is a
structure deep within the
brain. It’s the main link
between the endocrine
system and the nervous
system. The hypothalamus
keeps our body balanced in a
stable state called

Preoptic Area / Anterior Hypothalamus

- The preoptic area of the hypothalamus (POA), located in
the anterior part of the hypothalamus, is known to be
critical for both thermoregulation and sleep. In
addition, it is also involved in regulating energy
homeostasis, parenting, and sexual behaviors, each of
which is controlled by dedicated circuits (Simerly, 2002;
Dulac et al., 2014; McKinley et al., 2015; Kohl and Dulac,
2018; Yu et al., 2018; Tsukahara and Morishita, 2020).

- Heating the POA/AH leads to panting or sweating: cooling

leads to shivering.

There are three mechanisms of the human body:

● Afferent sensing – receptors (skin)
● Central control / Thermoregulatory Centre–
hypothalamus, acts as a thermostat.
● Efferent responses – response behavior
Benefits of Fever
● Activates immune cells and alters them to
better reach infections.
● Induces the release of proteins to help our
cells survive.
● Reduces inflammation.
Vasoconstriction happens The vasodilation process happens ● Protects us against some harmful
when we feel too cold, or our when our body temperature is too molecules coating the surface of bacteria.
temperature is too low. The high. The blood vessels will ● Reduces organ damage from infections.
blood vessels constrict, and expand to allow blood to flow ● Enhance resistance to some diseases.
we will start shivering. through. This process will make
Wherein, the muscles the blood vessels cool down and THIRST
contract to produce heat. the heat will radiate from the blood
The goose pimples have tiny into thin air that will produce ● Water constitutes 70% of the mammalian body.
bumps and hairs. This will sweat. ● Water in the body must be regulated within narrow
function as a trap layer of air limits.
which is a great insulator of ● The concentration of chemicals in water determines
heat. the rate of all chemical reactions in the body.

Water Regulation
IV. FEVER ● Mechanisms of water regulation vary for humans.
- Also called pyrexia, it is an abnormally high temperature ● Water can be conserved by:
of the body. It is part of an overall response from the body’s - Excreting concentrated urine.
immune system that is usually caused by an infection. - Decreasing sweat and other autonomic
- Its mechanism appears to be a defensive reaction of the responses.
body against infectious diseases. ● Most often water regulation is accomplished via
- When bacteria or viruses invade the body and cause tissue drinking more water than we need and excreting the
injury, one of the immune system’s responses is to rest.
produce pyrogens.
● These chemicals are carried by the blood to Vasopressin
the brain, where they disturb the functioning of the ● is a hormone released by the posterior pituitary which
hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates body raises blood pressure by constricting blood vessels.
temperature. The pyrogens inhibit heat-sensing neurons ● helps to compensate for the decreased water volume.
and excite cold-sensing ones, and the altering of these ● Vasopressin is also known as an antidiuretic hormone
temperature sensors deceives the hypothalamus into because it enables the kidneys to reabsorb water and
thinking the body is cooler than it actually is. In response, excrete highly concentrated urine.
the hypothalamus raises the body’s temperature above the Internal Regulation: Thirst
normal range, thereby causing a fever. The above-normal
temperatures are thought to help defend against microbial Thirst Satiety
invasion because they stimulate the motion, activity, and ➔ Satiety
multiplication of white blood cells and increase the ➔ 70% of our body is made up of water, applicable to all
production of antibodies. At the same time, elevated heat mammals
levels may directly kill or inhibit the growth of some bacteria ➔ The cells in the body are made up of water, amounting
and viruses that can tolerate only a narrow temperature
to 65 to 90 % of a cell.
➔ The blood is mostly made up of water
➔ Same goes for our cerebrospinal fluid CSF which is a
Symptoms of Fever
fluid found in the Central Nervous System
● Sweating
➔ When there’s a force emitted towards the brain and
● Chills and shivering
spinal cord, the CSF helps lessen the impact
● Headache
➔ With this in mind, we can say that water regulation
● Muscle aches
plays a crucial role in the function of the human body.
● Loss of appetite
➔ Drink until we reach the state of being satiated.
● Irritability
➔ There are limits one should be cautious of as to not
● Dehydration
wash away electrolytes because lack of electrolytes
● General weakness
can result in a heart attack
Water regulation ➔ When water flows in a membrane from low solute
concentration to a high solute concentration in an
➔ Different for everyone/Different body types attempt to balance solute concentration.
➔ Management of water input and output: ➔ One part of the membrane is more concentrated than
Input: drinking a lot of water results in concentrated or clear the other.
urine. ➔ This will cause cell shrinkage and
➔ This signals the brain that we need more water.
➔ Concentrated urine means lack of dehydration.
Output: Lessening sweat.
➔ Lessening sweat means lessening water output
therefore, allows regulation of bodily fluids if there are
not enough water available
The best way to attain water regulation is drinking more than we
need and letting the body excrete the excess. Sodium ions will spread in the blood when we intake salty foods.
And neurons will detect our loss of water, so the brain says we’re
Mechanisms of Water regulation thirsty. So basically, intake of salty food will result in drinking
Vasopressin more water because of neuron shrinkage via osmotic pressure.

➔ Hormone released by the posterior pituitary gland. How does the brain detect osmotic pressure?
➔ Which is a section of the pituitary gland that’s also The brain area responsible for detecting osmotic thirst:
responsible for supplying the oxytocin hormone.
➔ Receptors in the third ventricle
Its functions are the following:
The OVLT - organum vasculosum laminae terminalis
➔ Constricts blood vessels
➔ Balance decrease water volume subfornical organ - detect osmotic pressure and salt content.
➔ ADH antidiuretic hormone
➔ Helps the kidney reabsorb water and release clear and Will relay information to the hypothalamus, specifically
concentrated urine these two parts:

The 2 different kinds of Thirst ➔ the supraoptic nucleus

➔ paraventricular nucleus
1. Osmotic Thirst ➔ The PNS specifically the stomach has receptors which
2. Hypovolemic Thirst detect high levels of sodium.
A different kind of thirst results with different kind of • Both control the rate at which the posterior pituitary
process releases vasopressin which helps the kidney reabsorb
Osmotic Thirst:
• Receptors also relay information to the lateral preoptic
➔ A kind of thirst associated with eating food that are high area which controls drinking.
in sodium.
➔ Eating salty food results in imbalance hence needing
more water
➔ Usually occurs because the human body is made up of
concentrated solutes
➔ Solute is defined as a solvent dissolved in a solution.
➔ And these solutes in the body produce what is called
osmotic pressure

How its triggered: When one has osmotic thirst, drinking water will go
Osmotic Pressure
1. Digestive system
2. Carried by blood to the brain
This process takes about 15 minutes Sodium-specific hunger
To keep from being thirsty, our body swallows a lot and the ➔ An Allostatic response (allostatic response aims to
stomach and intestines enlarge reach equilibrium and balance in the body).
➔ When the body needs more sodium intake to balance
After these processes, we reach thirst satiety depending on sodium level
the amount of sodium intake.
Introduction to Hunger
Since osmotic pressure causes shrinkage of neurons in the
brain, I guess this serves as one
of many explanations why our
head hurts when we don’t drink
enough water.
Hypovolemic Thirst
➔ A kind of thirst associated
with water output like
➔ Low bodily fluids like a Eating strategies of:
smaller number of electrolytes in the body
● Human
How its triggered: ● Animals
These following hormones trigger hypovolemic thirst
Humans tend to eat more than what they used to, where at that
Vasopressin point, it shows that their ways of eating vary from animals.

➔ which as we know a hormone from the posterior Factors that contribute in hunger
pituitary gland
● Learned factor – Classified as external
angiotensin II ● Unlearned factor – Classified as internal
➔ tightens blood vessels that result for a lower blood Digestive System
➔ Excite neurons located in the brain’s third ventricle The function of the digestive system is to break down
which will connects to the hypothalamus food into smaller molecules that the cells can use.
➔ Released as a neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus
Two major parts:
Hypovolemia is the low volume of bodily fluids in the blood, the
kidneys will respond with releasing renin, which helps balance Digestive tract - a continuous tube with two openings:
and control blood pressure. Then the proteins in the blood will the mouth and the anus.
begin to form angiotensin I which will soon be converted to
angiotensin II that signals the need to drink. Accessory organs - include the teeth and tongue,
salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

Digestion begins in the mouth

where enzymes in the saliva break
down carbohydrates. Hydrochloric
acid and enzymes in the stomach
digest proteins.

The small intestine has enzymes

To combat these kinds of thirst, there are taste preferences. that digest proteins, fats, and
carbohydrates and absorbs digested food into the bloodstream.
Since osmotic thirst is caused by sodium intake pure water is The large intestine absorbs water and minerals and lubricates
the best option the remaining materials to pass as feces.
And hypovolemic thirst is the loss of bodily fluids, options best Hunger
are those drinks packed with electrolytes with slight sodium in
its ingredients. To name brands, this means Pocari sweat or At the age of weaning, most mammals lose the intestinal
Gatorade enzyme lactase.
➔ Milk consumption after weaning can cause gas and The duodenum also releases the hormone cholecystokinin
stomach cramps. (CCK), which helps to regulate hunger.
➔ Declining levels of lactase may be an evolutionary
mechanism to encourage weaning. Cholecystokinin (CCK) released by the duodenum
➔ Most human adults have enough lactase to consume regulates hunger by:
milk and other dairy products throughout their lifetime.
➔ Only small quantities of dairy products can be ➔ Closing the sphincter muscle between the stomach
consumed. and duodenum and causing the stomach to hold its
contents and fill faster.
Carnivore- is an animal that eats meat and necessary ➔ Stimulating the vagus nerve to send a message to the
vitamins are found in the meat consumed. hypothalamus that releases a chemical similar to CCK.

Herbivores- are animals that exclusively eat plants. Glucose, insulin, and glucagon levels also influence feelings of
Omnivores- are animals that eat both meat and
plants. ➔ Most digested food enters the bloodstream as glucose,
an important source of energy for the body and nearly
Herbivores and omnivores must distinguish between edible and the only fuel used by the brain.
inedible substances to find sufficient vitamins and minerals. ➔ When glucose levels are high, liver cells convert some
of the excess into glycogen and fat cells convert it into
Selecting foods to eat is usually accomplished via imitation of fat.
others. ➔ When low, the liver converts glycogen back into
Other strategies of selecting food include:
What influences Hunger?
➔ Selecting sweet foods and avoiding bitter foods.
➔ Preferring things that taste familiar. Glucose - a tiny, simple sugar that is used as a key source of
➔ Learning from consequences that happen after a food energy for the brain, muscles, and a variety of other organs and
is consumed.
tissues in the body
A conditioned taste aversion is a distaste for food that develops
if the food makes one ill. Insulin - protein-based hormone that is made by the beta cells
of the pancreas.
Glucagon - natural hormone your body makes that works with
● Mouth other hormones and bodily functions to control glucose (sugar)
● Stomach levels in your blood.
● Intestines
● Fat cells and elsewhere. Insulin:
The desire to taste and other mouth sensations, such as ➔ to regulate glucose levels.
chewing, are also motivating factors in hunger and satiety. ➔ functions as a “key” to move glucose out of the
bloodstream and into our cells.
Sham feeding experiments do not produce satiety.
➔ categorized as an anabolic hormone.
The main signal to stop eating is the distention of the stomach ➔ Insulin levels rise as someone is getting ready for a
meal and after a meal.
Purpose of Vagus Nerve and Splanchnic Nerve

The vagus nerve conveys information about the

stretching of the stomach walls to the brain.

The splanchnic nerves convey information about the

nutrient contents of the stomach

Duodenum - a part of the small intestine where the initial

absorption of significant amounts of nutrients occurs.

Distention of the duodenum can also produce feelings of satiety.

➔ Consequently, high levels of insulin generally decrease ➔ Remember: Insulin lowers your blood sugar levels,
appetite. and glucagon raises them.

Long-term hunger regulation is accomplished via:

➔ monitoring of fat supplies by the body.

➔ The body’s fat cells produce the peptide leptin.
➔ Leptin - signals the brain to increase or decrease

➔ Note: Low levels of leptin increase hunger. However,
high levels of leptin do not necessarily decrease

Some people are obese because of a genetic inability to

produce leptin.
What will happen if Insulin levels constantly stay high? Information from all parts of the body regarding hunger
impinge into two kinds of cells in the arcuate nucleus:
➔ The body continues rapidly moving blood glucose into
the cells long after a meal. ➔ The arcuate nucleus is a part of the hypothalamus
➔ Blood glucose drops and hunger increases in spite of containing two sets of neurons:
the high insulin levels. ➔ neurons sensitive to hunger signals.
➔ Food is rapidly deposited as fat and glycogen. ➔ neurons sensitive to satiety signals.
➔ The organism gains weight. ➔ Neurons sensitive to hunger signals receive input from:
➔ The taste pathways.
For people with diabetes: ➔ Axons releasing the neurotransmitter ghrelin.
➔ Ghrelin - known as the “hunger hormone,” facilitates
➔ insulin levels remain constantly low, but blood glucose the sensations of hunger and fullness, and it promotes
levels are high. fat storage and released as a neurotransmitter in the
➔ – People eat more food than normal, but excrete the brain.
glucose unused and lose weight.
Glucagon: Signals indicating both long-term and short-term satiety
are sent to the arcuate nucleus' satiety-sensitive cells:
➔ Distention of the intestine triggers neurons to release
the neurotransmitter CCK.
➔ Blood glucose and body fat increase blood levels of the
hormone insulin.
➔ Some neurons release a smaller peptide related to
insulin as a transmitter.
➔ Leptin provides additional input.

Output from the arcuate nucleus goes to the

paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus:

➔ Paraventricular nucleus - part of the hypothalamus that

➔ hormone
inhibits the lateral hypothalamus which is important for
released from the alpha cells in the pancreas.
feelings of hunger and satiety.
➔ The primary function is to raise glucose levels if they
➔ Axons from the satiety-sensitive cells of the arcuate
get too low.
nucleus deliver an excitatory message to the
➔ a catabolic hormone (opposite from insulin).
paraventricular nucleus which triggers satiety.
➔ Glucagon stimulates the liver to convert some of its
➔ Output from the paraventricular nucleus acts on the
stored glycogen to glucose to replenish low supplies in
lateral hypothalamus.
the blood.
➔ The lateral hypothalamus controls insulin secretion
➔ As insulin levels drop, glucose enters the cell more
and alters taste responsiveness.
slowly and hunger increases.
Output from the arcuate nucleus goes to the - Examples: how much stomach distention
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus influences the ending of eating, how much
one overeats when food tastes good.
➔ Animals with damage to this area refuse food and ● Obesity can also be a function of genes interacting with
water and may starve to death unless force fed. changes in the environment.
- Example: Diet changes of Native American
Pimas of Arizona and Mexico.
● Obesity has become common in the United States and
has increased sharply since the 1970's
- Attributed to life-style changes, increased
fast-food restaurants, increased portion
sizes, and high use of fructose in foods.

Eating Disorders
Weight Loss
● Weight-loss is often difficult, and specialists
rarely agree.
● Plans should include increased exercise and
Input from the decreased eating.
hunger- sensitive ● Some appetite-suppressant drugs such as
neurons of fenfluramine and phentermine block reuptake
the arcuate nucleus is inhibitory to both the paraventricular of certain neurotransmitters to produce brain
nucleus and the satiety- sensitive cells of the arcuate effects similar to that of a completed meal.
nucleus itself. ● “Orlistat” is a drug that prevents the
intestines from absorbing fats.
➔ inhibitory transmitters include GABA, neuropeptide Y
(NPY), and agouti-related peptide (AgRP).
➔ Note: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related
peptide (AgRP) are inhibitory transmitters that block
the satiety action of the paraventricular nucleus and
provoke overeating.

Damage to ventromedial hypothalamus can lead to:

➔ overeating and weight gain

➔ eat normal sized but unusually frequent meals.
➔ Increased stomach secretions and motility causes the
stomach to empty faster than usual Anorexia Nervosa
➔ Damage increases insulin production and much of the ● Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder
meal is stored as fat. associated with an unwillingness to eat as
much as needed.
Obesity ● Genetic predisposition is likely.
● People with a mutated gene for the receptors –no clear link has been established
melanocortin overeat and become obese. ● Associated with a fear of becoming fat and
● Melanocortin is a neuropeptide responsible for not a disinterest in food.
hunger. ● Biochemical abnormalities in the brain and
● Prader-Willis syndrome is a genetic condition marked blood are probably not the cause, but a result
by mental retardation, short stature, and obesity. of the weight loss.
● Blood levels of the peptide ghrelin are five times higher
than normal. Bulimia Nervosa
● Although a single gene cannot be identified, a genetic ● Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which
influence has been established in many factors people alternate between extreme dieting and
contributing to obesity. binges of overeating.
- Monozygotic twins resemble each other more ● Some force vomiting after eating.
than the dizygotic twins in factors contributing ● Associated with decreased release of CCK,
to obesity increased release of ghrelin, and alterations
of several other hormones and transmitters.
● Maybe the result and not the cause of the ● When we eat, our body instantly works to process the
disorder. processing of glucose.
● Reinforcement areas of the brain are also ● The pancreas, which generates hormones such as
implicated. insulin, is very important in glucose management.
● When we eat, our bodies signal the pancreas to
CONTENT OF DISCUSSION release insulin to deal with the growing blood sugar.
Thirst ● Remember that with the help of pancreas, enzymes
● Water accounts for up to 60% of the adult human body. begin the breakdown process.
According to H.H. According to Mitchell, Journal of ● However, in some cases, there are people who don't
Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are 73% rely on pancreas. If pancreas did not produce the
water, and the lungs are 83% water. Water makes up required insulin, there's a big possibility of developing
64% of the skin, 79% of the muscles and kidneys, and diabetes. That's why there's this called 'insulin
31% of the bones. injections' to help in managing glucose with people with
● You've certainly heard that eight glasses of water per diabetes.
day is the rule, but everything from your activity and ● The liver is a key organ for blood sugar regulation since
hormone levels to your body weight can influence how it helps glucose storage to produce enough glucose
much water you need. As a general rule, most adults that our body may need.
should take at least eight 8 oz. However, certain fluids ● Remember that it is a simple sugar that is always
and water-soluble fruits and vegetables count toward present in our bloodstream. It might also be in normal,
your daily hydration intake. high, or low levels.
● Drinking and eating diuretic foods and drinks may ● When we eat foods containing glucose (or
necessitate more water, and women may need to drink carbohydrates) our pancreas secretes insulin. In that
more during their menstrual cycle to compensate for way the glucose absorbed by the cells can be used for
higher hormone levels. Begin by committing to drinking cell metabolism. It is essential in our cell metabolism
four to six 8-ounce glasses of water per day, and then because without it, life threatening situations can occur
adjust as needed. and could lead to death.
● Vasopressin regulates blood pressure, osmolality, and ● There is also a direct relationship between glucose and
volume. Vasopressin helps significantly to blood insulin. As glucose level falls, the insulin level also falls.
pressure maintenance during water deprivation by As the glucose level rises, the insulin also rises.
increasing systemic vascular resistance. ● Glucagon is a natural hormone our body makes that
● Your kidneys may expel too much water if you do not works with other hormones and bodily functions to
have adequate vasopressin. This results in frequent control sugar level.
urination, which can induce dehydration and low blood ● Our body carefully regulates our blood sugar primarily
pressure. with the hormones glucagon and insulin. When our
body glucose level falls, the pancreas releases more
Eating Disorders glucagon. If our blood glucose level rises, our pancreas
● Eating disorders, according to Ma'am Petre of Health releases insulin to bring it back into range.
Line, are a group of psychological illnesses that lead to Leptin and Ghrelin
the development of problematic eating patterns. They ● Leptin is a hormone our body releases that helps in
may begin with a fixation with food, body weight, or maintaining our normal weight on a long-term basis.
body shape. So an eating disorder affects not only ● The level of leptin in our blood is directly related to how
eating but also mental health concerns. much body fat we have.
● “Orlistat” is a medication that is doctor-aproved and ● Leptin resistance causes us to feel hungry and eat
proven to be effective prevents the intestines from more even though our body has enough fat stored. It
absorbing fats regulates hunger by providing the sensation of satiety.
● If anorexia is when you are afraid and limit your eating, ● Leptin helps prevent hunger and regulate energy
bulimia is when you continually eating unusually large balance. In that way our body will not get triggered to
amounts of food in one sitting, especially things that feel hungry when it doesn’t need energy.
the person would typically avoid, and then constantly ● It mainly acts on our brainstem and hypothalamus.
worrying or whining about becoming fat. ● It doesn’t affect our hunger levels and food intake but
Hunger, Glucose, Insulin, and Glucagon rather acts to alter food intake. Without leptin, our body
● Glucose is known as blood sugar. thinks that there’s no body fat which will lead to
● It is a monosaccharide which is the simplest form of uncontrolled hunger.
carbohydrates. ● Ghrelin is a hormone, and its primary role is to regulate
● Energy is required by every cell in the human body. our appetite.
● Our body digests glucose several times a day.
● The production and release of ghrelin occur mainly in Pituitary Gland
the stomach but also in the small intestine, brain, and
pancreas. -called the “master gland” because its secretions influence
● It facilitates the sensations of hunger and fullness, and other glands
it promotes fat storage.  Posterior Pituitary Gland- Releases
● Ghrelin plays a key role in hunger and satiety.
However, reducing levels of ghrelin may cause people -oxytocin & vasopressin
to have less appetite and cause us to lose weight.
 Anterior Pituitary Gland
Lateral Hypothalamus and Ventromedial Hypothalamus Synthesizes 6 hormones:
● Lateral hypothalamus initiates eating while
ventromedial suppresses eating.  Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
The Effects of Sex Hormones  Somatotropin or Growth hormone (GH)
 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
 Leutinizing hormone (LH)
Chemicals secreted by the glands and carried by the blood to
Organizing Effects of Sex Hormones
the other organs whose activity they influence.
Organizing Effects
Endocrine Glands
Hormones coordinate long-lasting changes in many parts of  Occurs mainly during a sensitive stage of
the body. development
 Determines whether the brain & body develop as
CLASSES OF HORMONES a male or female
HORMONES Activating Effects
 Composed of chains of amino acids.  Are temporary, happening only while a hormone
 Proteins are longer chains; peptides are shorter present
chains.  Can occur at any time in life
 Attach to receptors on cell membranes where they
activate 2nd messengers within the cell. Sex Differences in the Gonads & Hypothalamus

STEROIDHORMONES  Differentiation begins with the chromosomes

 Female = XX & Male = XY
 Cortisol & corticosterone  Gonads are the reproductive organs
 Bind to membrane receptors like protein or  In mammals, the gonads of males & females are
peptide hormones identical early in prenatal development.
 Enter cells & attach to receptors in the
cytoplasm, which then move to the nucleus where The SRY gene provides instructions for making a protein
they determine gene expression. called the sex-determining region Y protein.

SEXHORMONES This protein is involved in male-typical sex development, which

usually follows a certain pattern based on an individual's
 Androgens: testosterone chromosomes. People usually have 46 chromosomes in each
 Estrogen: estradiol cell.
 Anabolic steroids: testosterone & other androgens,
The testes — also called testicles — are two oval-shaped
& synthetic chemicals derived from them
organs in the male reproductive system. They're contained in a
 Sex-linked genes: genes activated by sex hormones. sac of skin called the scrotum. The scrotum hangs outside the
OTHER HORMONES body in the front of the pelvic region near the upper thighs.

 Thyroid hormones: released by the thyroid gland Wolffian Ducts

containing iodine Wolffian ducts (WDs) are the embryonic structures that form
 Monoamine hormones: norepinephrine & dopamine the male internal genitalia. These ducts develop in both the
male and female embryo. However, in the female they
subsequently regress, whereas in the male they are stabilized  Dopamine is a feel-good neurotransmitter that involves
by testosterone. reward, motivation, and pleasure centers.
 At low concentrations, dopamine stimulates D1 and D5
receptors which facilitate erections in male and
What does Mullerian inhibiting hormone do? sexually receptive postures in female rats.
 In higher concentrations, dopamine stimulates D2
Mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF), also called the anti-Mullerian receptors which leads to orgasm.
hormone (AMH), plays a significant role in sexual
differentiation. It is produced by the Sertoli cells in male SEXUAL BEHAVIORS IN HUMAN
fetuses and signals the regression of the Mullerian ducts,
fallopian tubes, and uterus.
MULLERIAN DUCT  Sexual excitement is highest when testosterone levels
are highest.
Developmental anomalies of the mullerian duct system  Decreases in testosterone levels generally decrease
represent some of the most fascinating disorders that sexual activity.
obstetricians and gynecologists encounter. The mullerian ducts  Sexual pleasure during orgasm is due to the secretion
are the primordial anlage of the female reproductive tract. They of large amounts of oxytocin.
differentiate to form the fallopian tubes, uterus, the uterine  Impotence is the inability to have or maintain an
cervix, and the superior aspect of the vagina. A wide variety of erection. It is usually not caused by low testosterone
malformations can occur when this system is disrupted. levels.
The Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus  It can be treated by increasing blood circulation in the
penis & hypothalamus.
 In early prenatal development, when a particular
event has a long-lasting effect
 A mammal with low levels of hormones in early  Menstrual cycle - periodic variation in hormones and
development will develop female anatomy fertility over the course of about one month.
 Male characteristics develop with the introduction of  Menstrual phase - The menstrual phase is the first
testosterone day of menstruation that happens when that
fertilization does not happen.
 Follicular phase - It starts when the hypothalamus
 A protein that binds with estrogen & keeps it from sends a signal to your pituitary gland to release follicle-
entering cells during the early sensitive period. stimulating hormone (FSH) that promotes the growth
• This process keeps females from becoming of a follicle in the ovary.
masculinized with their own estrogen.  Ovulation - This phase happens when the ovary
releases that mature egg down the fallopian tube on its
CHARACTERISTICS  Luteal phase - In this phase, the follicle that released
 If female fetuses are exposed to androgens, they tend the egg produces hormones that thicken and ripen the
toward masculine behaviors. uterus to ready it for pregnancy.
• Male & female brains differ in regions unrelated to  Preovulatory period: the midpoint of the menstrual
sexual behavior cycle when sexual interest increases.
 •i.e. language areas of the left temporal lobe & the  Premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysmorphic
corpus callosum. syndrome) is characterized by anxiety, irritability &
depression during the days before the menstruation.
ACTIVATING EFFECTS OF SEX HORMONES  Birth control pills containing estrogen & progesterone
prevent a surge of FSH and LH that would release an
 Sex hormones activate sexual behavior partly by
Nonsexual Behavior
enhancing sensations.
 The medial preoptic area (MPOA), ventromedial  Testosterone increases aggressive behavior in many
nucleus & anterior hypothalamus are principal areas species
affected by sex hormones.  Estrogen stimulates the growth of Dendritic spines in
 ·Sex hormones prime the MPOA & other areas to the hippocampus & prevents neuronal death.
release dopamine. The more dopamine they release,  Estrogen is linked to the ability to perform motor &
the more likely the male is to copulate. cognitive skills
Parental Behavior individuals whose development is intermediate between
male & female (not androgynous).
The Biochemistry of Parenthood
 Damage to the medial preoptic area impairs parental
behavior in rats. •Males with genital appearance of females
 Increase in oxytocin & prolactin by the day of delivery
•Cause: inability of androgens to bind to cells.
is necessary for maternal behavior in rats.
 Later stages of maternal behavior are not dependent •Cells are insensitive to androgens & the external genitals
on hormones. develop similar to those of a female
Interpretations of Mating Behavior REDUCTAS EDEFICIENCY
 Men are more likely to be interested in short-term -Genetic disorder in males where the penis does not
sexual relationships with many partners develop until puberty & the child is usually identified as
 Men’s mating strategies: female.
 One-mate strategy
 Women have less to gain in multiple-mate strategy PROBABILITY OF HOMOSEXUALITY
What Men & Women Prefer in a Mate?  Highest in monozygotic twins of the originally
Main Preferences identified homosexual person.
 Lowest in dizygotic twins
 Healthy, intelligent, honest & physical attractiveness.  Lowest in adopted brothers & sisters
 Genetic factors not only the determinant of
Women’s Additional Preferences
sexual orientation.
 Acceptable odor, being a good provider.
 Power is highly attractive
-Prenatal stress decreases male sexual behaviors.
Men’s Additional Preferences
Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen
 Physical appearance is important
 Men have a strong preference for a younger partner Can exert a masculinizing effect similar to testosterone.
Differences in Jealousy  Anterior commissure & suprachiasmatic nucleus is
larger in homosexual men than in heterosexual men
 Men tend to be more upset about wives’ sexual
infidelities than women about their husbands’  Interstitial nucleus 3 of the anterior hypothalamus
infidelities (INAH-3) in homosexual males & heterosexual
females is similar in size, but smaller in heterosexual
 Women tend to be more upset about emotional
infidelity than sexual infidelity
 If a behavior has a clear advantage for survival or
reproduction & is similar across cultures, it can’t be
concluded it developed by evolution.
DETERMINANTS OF GENDER IDENTITY  It is the ability to alter behavior on the basis of experience

If a female fetus is exposed to elevated androgen levels,  It is the acquisition storage and retrieval of sensory
then partial masculinization of her anatomy will occur. information.
 Its ability to recall past events at conscious or unconscious
individual whose genitals do not match normal THOUGHT
development for their genetic sex
 It is a result from a pattern of stimulation of many parts of
INTERSEXES (PSEUDOHERMAPHRODITE): the nervous system at the same time and in a definite
sequence, probably involving the cerebral cortex, — Learning relationship between two stimuli.
thalamus, limbic.
— Pavlovian conditioning.

REFLEX LEARNING  It is cortical phenomenon.

 These are example of higher learning.
Non-associative  Conditioned reflex is reflex response to a stimuli that
— Person learns about properties of single stimulus when previously elicited little or no response.
repeatedly exposed to same stimulus.  It depends upon formation of new functional
connections in CNS.
 HABITUATION  Thus temporal association made between neutral
conditioned stimulus(CS) and unconditioned stimulus
— Decrease in response to benign stimulus when stimulus (US).
presented repeatedly. If a stimulus is repeated many times.  Acquired by repeatedly pairing given stimulus with
1. First time it evokes a novel response (orientation another stimulus which normally produces the
response or what is it response). response.
2. Evoke less and less response when repeated.
 Were present in all animals.
3. Subjects become habituated to the stimulus and
 Inborn reflexes.
ignores it.
 Centre in spinal cord and medulla.
CELLULAR BASIS OF HABITUATION  Example: Postural reflexes for maintaining body
posture, salivary reflex and sexual reflexes.
 Given by KANDEL and his colleague.
 The brain learn to ignore matter of less important. CONDITIONED REFLEX – are acquired reflex.
 This result from inhibition of the synaptic pathway.  Certain conditions are required to fulfill it.
1. Repeated Stimulus  Centre-cerebral cortex.
2. Gradual inactivation of Ca+2 influx at axon endings.  In case of Pavlov experiment the ringing of bell is a
Decrease intracellular Ca+2 neutral stimulus.
3. Neurotransmitter release at synapses.  It will not cause salivation in any dog unless trained.
 For establishment of a conditioned reflex fresh
 SENSITIZATION connection are
— Increase in response to benign stimulus when  established in the nervous system between the
stimulus presented repeatedly with pleasant or unpleasant auditory center and center salivation.
stimuli. The type of sensory information which cause PRE-REQUISITES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CONDITIONED
pleasure, pain or interest are stored in brain by facilitation REFLEX
of synaptic pathway.
EXAMPLE: SPANKING  Alertness and good health.
 Should not be harmful.
 Reinforcement - once CS is established the pairing
of conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is done at
----Given by KANDEL and his colleague.
1. Repeated Stimulus  Internal Inhibition - If you go on ringing the bell and
2. Ca+2 mediated changes in adenylyl cyclase. that's not followed by giving meat, then no salivation
3. Increased production of cAMP. occurs.
4. Neurotransmitter release at synapses  External Inhibition - If the animal is disturbed by an
external stimulus immediately after CS is applied, the
CS may not occur.
Due to Presynaptic Facilitation by third interneuron ---  CS should precede on US
Facilitatory Neuron which releases SEROTONIN.  Summation - If few CS are summated the response
is better.
Associative  Discrimination - Animal can discriminate between 2
— Person learns about relationship between two stimuli or a different stimuli. Example: Change of sound
stimulus and behavior. frequency of bell cause internal inhibition.
 Linking - Animal learns to associate 2 different
 Classical Conditioning processes.
 An immense number of somatic, visceral, and other TYPES OF MEMORY
neural changes can be made to occur as conditioned
reflex responses.  Implicit Memory
 Biofeedback - Conditioning of visceral responses.  Non-declarative/reflexive memory.
 The changes include heart rate alteration and BP  How to perform something.
changes.  Not associated with awareness does not involve
processing in hippocampus.
 Conditioned decrease in BP has been advocated for
treatment of HTN.  Does not depend on conscious process.
 Includes motor skills, habits, behavioral reflexes and
 Operant Conditioning learning procedures and rules.
 Learning relationship between special behavior with a  Unconsciousness and automatic.
reinforcement event.
 Instrumental or Trial and Error conditioning.  Explicit Memory
 Declarative/Recognition memory.
Reward Conditioning  Factual knowledge of people, places, and things.
 Naturally occurring response is strengthened by  Associated with awareness, involve processing in
 positive reinforcement (reward). hippocampus.
Semantic Memory
Adversive Conditioning  About knowledge of objects, facts, and concepts.
 Naturally occurring response is weakened by  Words and their meanings.
negative reinforcement (punishment). Storage of semantic memory
 It is to avoid an unpleasant event.
 In distributed fashion in different association cortices.
 Visual memory.
 Auditory memory.
Positive Reinforcement  Somatosensory memory.

 pressing a lever is associated with positive DAMAGE TO CORTICAL AREA - LOSS OF SPECIFIC
reinforcement, reward i.e., food. INFORMATION

Negative Reinforcement  Associative Visual Agnosia

 pressing a lever is associated with negative — posterior parietal cortex damage.

reinforcement, punishment i.e. electric shock.
— can identify but cannot name the objects
MEMORY  Appreciative Visual Agnosia
Acquisition storage and retrieval of sensory information.
— posterior occipital lobe damage.
TYPES OF MEMORY — can name the objects but cannot draw.
IS STORED AND RECALLED  Memory of events and personal experience.
 Explicit Memory
 Implicit Memory Storage of Episodic Memory
 In association are of prefrontal cortex.
DEPENDING UPON PERMANENCY OF STORAGE  With other areas of neo-cortex for collection of
 Short term information.
 Intermediate long term  Damage – Amnesia
 Long term
Short term memory
 Neutral substrate for encoding of memory.
Theory of reverberating neurons — Very small entry of Ca+2 - very little amount of NT released
— Caused by continual neutral activity resulting from nerve Mechanism for facilitation
signals that travel round in a temporary race through a circuit
of reverberating neurons. 1. Stimulation of facilitator terminal B at the same time of
sensory terminal A.
Presynaptic facilitation or inhibition 2. Serotonin released by the sensory terminal B.
3. It acts on the serotonin receptor in sensory terminal A
— Occurs at synapses that lie on the presynaptic terminals, membrane.
not on the subsequent neuron. The neurotransmitter secreted 4. Receptor activate enzyme Adenylyl cyclase at
at such terminals frequently caused prolonged facilitation or membrane.
inhibition. 5. Formation of cAMP inside A
Synaptic Potentiation 6. cAMP activates Protein Kinase.
7. Protein Kinase cause phosphorylation of a protein
— It can enhance synaptic conduction. that is part of K+channel at sensory terminal A.
8. This blocks the channel for K+ conductance (mins to
— Accumulation of large amount of Ca in presynaptic
terminals due to train of impulses passing through.
9. Lack of K+ conductance cause greatly prolonged AP
— When amount of Ca become greater than the mitochondria in terminal A (Outflux of K+ is necessary for
can absorb -causes prolonged presynaptic release of NT. transmission of AP)


Long term memory
Long-term memory refers to the memory process in the
brain that takes information from the short-term memory
store and creates long lasting memories. These memories
can be from an hour ago or several decades ago.
 Consolidation of memory.
 Storage of memory.
The changes are:
 structure of neurons including growth of new
processes and synapses.
 memories are re-encoded by remembering the
events or information. this will cause few to several
information to change or being mixed-up with other
similar story or memories we have. 10. Prolonged AP causes prolonged activation of Ca+2
— In contrast to working memory long term memory was
11. Tremendous quantity of Ca+2 enter into the sensory
improved with exposure of the subject to an enriched
terminal A.
12. Ca+2 result in increased NT release, thereby greatly
— This induce dramatic anatomical changes in cerebral cortex, facilitating synaptic transmission.
hippocampus and cerebellum of brain.
Intermediate Memory
— still labile until becomes long term by process.
— Due to temporary physical or chemical change in pre or
Consolidation memory
post synaptic membrane.
Rehearsal of the same information again and again in the mind
Mechanism of Habituation
accelerate and potentiate the degree of transfer of short term
— Results from progressive closure of Ca+2 channel of memory to long term memory.
For mild – 5-10 mins — Amphetamine,
For strong – 1 or more hour — Physostigmine (Inhibit acetylcholinesterase, prevent
breakdown of Ach)
If this time given – retrograde amnesia
— Nicotine (stimulate nicotinic cholinergic receptors)
e.g. – precise time of sleep
— Pemoline (stimulate RNA synthesis)
Mechanism of action
-Consolidation is the process by which memories are
strengthened to allow for long-term retention. — By facilitating consolidation of energy.
 Morphine
 Amphetamine
 Cocaine
 Heroin
 Nicotine
 All these produces dopamine on the limbic
CONSOLIDATION system on nu. Accumbencs
 All stimulate reward area
Similar information is recalled from the memory storage bin
and used to help process the new information. AMNESIA
Parts involved Antegrade
 Hippocampus — Inability to establish new long term memories.
 Thalamus
 Prefrontal cortex — Mostly in lesions involving hippocampus.
 Amygdala Retrograde
 Neocortex
— Inability to recall past memories.
— Amnesia greater for recent past than remote past.
A process of accessing stored memories
— Lesions involving temporal lobe (Temporal lobe syndrome)
 Recall
 Recollection SENILE DIMENTIA
 Recognition Syndrome in elderly people characterized by progressive
 Relearning impairment of memory and cognitive capacity.
Long-Term Potentiation CAUSES
 Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a process involving  Alzheimer’s disease
persistent strengthening of synapses that leads to a  Cerebrovascular disease. Parkinsonism
long-lasting increase in signal transmission between  Lewy body dementia
neurons.  Prion disease
 Long-Term Potentiation is the ability of brain cells to
retain how frequently they send signals to other brain ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE
cells. Brain cells that are used for mental exercises
(such as languages and math problems) have a  Senile dementia
tendency to last longer than those that aren't used.  Prototypical neurodegenerative disease
 Degeneration of pathways from septal region of the
APPLIED ASPECT forebrain to the hippocampus
 Affecting 15-25% people over 65
Drugs facilitating learning & memory
 Cholinergic neurons cease functions
— Common CNS stimulant  Associated with decrease release of Ach in some
area of brain
— Caffeine,
 Loss of postsynaptic neurons.  It is important to a number of brain functions,
including how nerve cells (neurons) communicate
 Loss of recent memory  It plays a housekeeping role that removes toxins in
your brain that build up while you are awake.
Impairment in other areas of cognition  Poor quality sleep increases the risk of disorders
including high blood pressure cardiovascular disease,
 Language,
diabetes, depression and obesity
 Problem solving,
 Judgment, DID YOU KNOW?
 Calculation,
 Attention,  Your brain and body stay remarkably active while you
 Psychiatric symptoms,
 You spend about 1/3 of your time on sleeping.
 Loss of spatial orientation.
 Wakefulness- the absence of sleep and is
CONCEPT OF DOMINANT HEMISPHERE characterized by consciousness, awareness, and
Interpretive functions of Wernicke’s area, Angular  It is marked by the ability to encode new experiences
gyrus & Frontal motor speech area – more developed in to memory and systematically retrieve past
Dominant Hemisphere. experiences respond and interact with the
 95% left hemisphere is dominant. environment and exhibit a wide variety of problem-
 Wernicke’s area in Nondominant is concerned with solving abilities.
emotional content, intonation of spoken language,  Wakefulness is a term popularized by Nathaniel
understanding & interpreting nonverbal, visual & Kleitman, the dean of American Sleep Science. His
auditory experiences as interpretation of Music. classic book, Sleep and Wakefulness remains one of
the defining works in the field.
CONCEPT OF CATEGORICAL AND REPRESENTATIONAL  As measured by EEG (electroencephalogram)
HEMISPHERE readings, the mind experiences a predominance of
Functions allotted to left hemisphere in right handed alpha waves and beta waves. Alpha waves are
person medium frequency brain wave while beta waves,
irregular low frequency waves, indicate a very alert
 Right hand control. and attentive state of mind.
 Spoken language.  During periods of wakefulness, glycogen, the body`s
 Written language. principal store of energy is exhausted. As glycogen is
 Mathematical skills. broken down into adenosine, extracellular levels of
 Scientific skills. adenosine begin to accumulate in the basal forebrain,
 Reasoning. leading to the replenishment of glycogen levels with
recovered sleep.
Functions allotted to right hemisphere in right handed
 Left hand control. Endogenous Cycles- endogenous generated by the body
 Music awareness. regardless of environment. Endogenous means that it is “built
in” and it naturally occurs within our body. Endogenous
 Three-dimensional awareness.
biological rhythms are regulated by the organism and are not
 Art awareness.
dependent on external stimuli.
 Insight.
 Imagination.  Endogenous Circannual Rhythm- internal calendar which
prepares a specie for annual seasonal changes.
 Endogenous Circadian Rhythm- internal rhythm lasting
Sleep – A natural, periodically recurring state of inactivity, about a day in humans, the circadian rhythm is about 24
characterized by the loss of consciousness and reduced hours.
responsiveness to external stimuli. Mechanism of Biological Clock
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)- area of the hypothalamus
 Quality sleep is as essential to survival as food and that sets circadian rhythm.
water.  Controls rhythms through the regulation of 2 genes
 It affects almost every type of tissue and system in period and timeless.
the body.  Neurons produce circadian rhythm in tissue culture.
 Code for proteins Per & Tim which are low and Types of Brain Waves
increase during the day but increase in the evening For the analysis of the states of sleep and wakefulness, EEG
sleepiness. frequencies are conveniently grouped into bands:
 Pineal gland releases melatonin 2 hours before  Delta, 0.5 to 4 Hz
bedtime.  Theta, 4 to 8 Hz
 Pill may help adjust to new time zone but effect of  Alpha 8 to 12 Hz
long term uses unknown.  Beta 14 to 30 Hz
 Gamma 30 to 50 Hz
 Biological clock is primarily reset by light or the time Delta, 0.5 to 4 H
giver.  The lowest frequencies are delta. These are less
 Blind people produce circadian rhythms longer than than 4 Hz and occur in deep sleep and in some
24 hours abnormal processes.
 Under constant bright light, hamsters developed two  It is the dominant rhythm in infants up to one year of
periods of wakefulness and sleep. age and it is present in stages 3 and 4 of sleep. It
 Also affected by noise, meals, exercise, and tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest
temperature. waves.
 Marine animals affected by tide.  We increase Delta waves in order to decrease our
JET LAG awareness of the physical world. We also access
 Going west we stay up later and phase-delay our information in our unconscious mind through Delta.
circadian rhythm.  Meanwhile, Peak performers decrease Delta waves
 Going east we sleep earlier and it is phase- when high focus and peak performance are
advanced required.
 Flight attendants experience some memory  However, individuals diagnosed with AD, naturally
impairments. increase rather than decrease Delta activity when
trying to focus. The inappropriate Delta response
SHIFT WORK often severely restricts the ability to focus and
 Many people may not adjust completely to night maintain attention.
work still feel groggy and do not sleep well during
Theta, 4 to 8 Hz
 Less light in night environment.  Theta activity has a frequency of 3.5 to 7.5 Hz and
is classed as “slow” activity. It is seen in connection
SETTING AND RESETTING BIOLOGICAL CONT. with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, and
SCN rest by axons in retinohypothalamic path way from fantasizing and is a repository for memories,
retina to hypothalamus. emotions, sensations.
 Retinal ganglion cells do not contribute to vision and  Theta waves are strong during internal focus,
respond to overall average amount of light. meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness. It
 Light still resets biological clocks in mice few rods reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep
and cones. and relates to the subconscious mind. It is abnormal
 Light resets circadian rhythm in blind mole rats. in awake adults but is perfectly normal in children
up to 13 years old. It is also normal during sleep.
Hans Berger  Theta is believed to reflect activity from the limbic
 The German psychiatrist in 1929 discovered that system and hippocampal regions. Theta is observed
the electrical activity of the brain could be recorded in anxiety, behavioral activation and behavioral
as brain waves and that these waves changed as inhibition.
wakefulness gave way to sleep.
 This discovery of the electroencephalogram (EEG), Alpha, 8 to 12 Hz
as it is now known, made the objective study of  Alpha waves are those between 8 and 12(Hz).
sleep possible.  Alpha waves will peak around 10Hz. Good healthy
 By detecting synchronous activity of cortical alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness,
neurons and recording voltage fluctuations in terms aids in the ability to mentally coordinate, enhances
of the amplitude of the resulting waves and their overall sense of relaxation and fatigue. In this state
frequency, the EEG is thus used to differentiate you can move quickly and efficiently to accomplish
changes in alertness and sleep stages. whatever task is at hand.
 When Alpha predominates most people feel at ease  Your heartbeat, your eye movements, and your
and calm. Alpha appears to bridge the conscious to breathing slows with it
the subconscious. It is the major rhythm seen in  Your body relaxes and your muscles may twitch
normal relaxed adults – it is present during most of
life especially beyond the thirteenth year when it 2. NREM Stage 2
dominates the resting tracing.
According to the American Sleep Foundation, people
Beta, 14 to 30 Hz spend approximately 50% of their total sleep time during
 Beta activity is ‘fast’ activity. It has a frequency of 14 NREM stage 2, which lasts for about 20 minutes per cycle.
and greater Hz. It reflects desynchronized active During stage 2 sleep:
brain tissue. It is usually seen on both sides in
symmetrical distribution and is most evident  You become less aware of your surroundings
frontally. It may be absent or reduced in areas of  Your body temperature drops
cortical damage. It is generally regarded as a  Your eye movements stop
normal rhythm and is the dominant rhythm in those  Your breathing and heart rate become more regular.
who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes
open. 3. NREM Stage 3
Gamma, 30 to 50 Hz Deep, slow brain waves known as delta waves begin
to emerge during NREM stage 3 sleep—a stage that is also
 Gamma is measured between 30 and 44 (Hz) and
referred to as delta sleep. This is a period of deep sleep where
is the only frequency group found in every part of any noises or activity in the environment may fail to wake the
the brain. When the brain needs to simultaneously
sleeping person. During NREM stage 3 sleep:
process information from different areas, its
hypothesized that the 40Hz activity consolidates the  Your muscles are completely relaxed
required areas for simultaneous processing. A good  Your blood pressure drops and breathing slows
memory is associated with well-regulated and  You progress into your deepest sleep
efficient 40Hz activity, whereas a 40Hz deficiency
creates learning disabilities.
REM Sleep
EEG data are combined with those from concurrent
While your brain is aroused with mental activities
recording of eye movements from the electrooculogram
during REM sleep, the fourth sleep stage, your voluntary
(EOG), and muscle tone from the electromyogram (EMG) to
muscles become immobilized. It's in this stage that your brain's
define the states of sleep and wakefulness. Other signals,
activity most closely resembles its activity during waking hours.
such as breathing rate, are also recorded during
However, your body is temporarily paralyzed—a good thing, as
polysomnographic evaluation of human sleep in the clinic but
it prevents you from acting out your dreams.
they are not required for state definition. In animals, EEG and
EMG signals can be sufficient to define the states of sleep REM sleep begins approximately 90 minutes after falling
and wakefulness. asleep. At this time:
 NON-REM SLEEP - Considered deep sleep.
 REM SLEEP- A stage of sleep associated with  Your brain lights up with activity
dreaming and memory consolidation.  Your body is relaxed and immobilized
 Your breathing is faster and irregular
Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep is the usual term for  Your eyes move rapidly
this state. In humans, NREM sleep is further subdivided into  You dream
four Stages: NREM Stage 1, NREM Stage 2, NREM Stage 3
and REM Sleep. Brain Function in REM sleep
STAGES OF SLEEP  Pons and limbic systems – activity increases
 Parietal and temporal cortex – activity increases
1. NREM Stage 1
 Primary visual cortex, motor cortex, dorsolateral
The first stage of the sleep cycle is a transition period prefrontal cortex – activity decreases.
between wakefulness and sleep.
Brain Function in REM Sleep cont.
During stage 1 sleep:
 PGO (pons-geniculate-occipital) waves, high
 Your brain slows down amplitude electrical potentials, occur during REM
 Neural activity first in pons, second in lateral Getting to Sleep cont.
geniculate nucleus of thalamus and third in the
occipital cortex.  Prostaglandins (chemical present in much of body
 High density of PGO waves after deprivation of that promote sleep)
REM sleep.  Accumulate during the day and decline during
 Cells in pons contribute to REM by inhibiting motor sleep
neutrons that control body’s large muscles.  Inhibits hypothalamic cells that increase
 Prevents acting out during sleep arousal.
 Basal forebrain and hypothalamus promote sleep
Wakefulness & Arousal in the Brain by releasing GABA, an inhibitory transmitter
 If damaged, prolonged wakefulness results.
1) Cut through midbrain separating forebrain and part of  Anesthesia works by increasing GABA
midbrain from all lower structures. release.
 Animal enters prolonged state of sleep because Abnormalities of Sleep
reticular formation is damaged.
 But, cut each of the individual tracts that enter  Insomnia – Problems falling or remaining asleep (you
medulla a spinal cord and animal continues to have have insomnia if you feel consistently tired and you
normal wakefulness and sleep. often do not get the 6-8 hours of sleep we need)
2) Reticular Formation 3 categories of insomnia:
 Sends axon intro brain and into spinal cord 1. Onset Insomnia – trouble falling asleep (the body
 Pontomesencephalon area maintains arousal in wide temperature still falling at normal sleep time so can’t fall asleep
regions of cerebral cortex right away)

3) Locus coeruleus 2. Maintenance Insomnia – waking up frequently during the

night after falling asleep
 Emits bursts of impulses in response to meaningful
events 3. Termination Insomnia – waking up too early & cannot go
 Important for information storage, almost completely back to sleep. May be due to biological rhythm abnormalities
inactive during sleep. or the use of sleeping pills.

4) Basal forebrain  Sleep Apnea – inability to breathe while sleeping

 The inability to breathe during sleep (common
 Increases arousal, learning and attention cause is obesity)
 Damage leads to decreased arousal, impaired  Possible cause of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
learning and memory, extensive in Alzheimer’s Syndrome)
Disease.  Obstructive Apnea is most common type &
related to snoring
5) Hypothalamus  Central Apnea is related to a CNS problem &
 Couple of paths stimulate arousal by releasing is inherited
histamine  Narcolepsy – Frequent, unexpected periods of
 Antihistamines cross blood-brain barrier and cause sleepiness during the day
drowsiness.  gradual or sudden attacks of sleepiness
 Occasional cataplexy, (muscle weakness while
Getting to Sleep the person remains awake)
 Sleep paralysis (inability to move when falling
 Reduce temperature in the brain and body asleep)
 Body cools when lying down and blood flows  Hypnagogic hallucinations (dreamlike
to periphery and warms hands and feet. experiences)
 Decrease stimulation  Symptoms interpreted as REM sleep intruding
 Quiet room into wakefulness
 Low or no light  Overactive acetylcholine synapses &
 Adenosine produces sleepiness deficiency of orexin are 2 possible
 Accumulates during the day and declines explanations
during sleep.  Treatments: stimulants (pemoline or
 Caffeine inhibits adenosine, increasing methylphenidate
 Periodic Limb Movement Disorder – Involuntary  Clinico-Anatomical Hypothesis
movements of the legs that can cause insomnia.  Dreams begin with arousing stimuli from the
 Occurs during NREM sleep Treatment: brain’s own motivations, memories and
Tranquilizers arousal.
 Common among middle aged and older.  Either internal or external stimulation activates
parts of the parietal, occipital, & temporal
 REM behavior disorder – Vigorous movement cortex.
during REM sleep apparently acting out the dreams.  No visual information overrides the stimulation
 Probably due to the inability of the pons to & no criticism of the prefrontal cortex censures
inhibit spinal motor neurons. it, so it develops into hallucinatory perceptions.
 Night terrors
 Occur during NREM sleep (common in Emotion
 Nightmares occur during REM The word ‘emotion’ is derived from the Latin word “Emovere”,
which means to be ‘stirred up,’ or ‘to stimulate’.
 Sleep talking  A multifaceted (subjective, physiological, neurological,
 Occurs in most people during REM and NREM and cognitive) reaction to the presentation of a
 Common in children 2-5, mostly early at night stimulus or event.
during stage 3-4 sleep.
 Due to the closeness of emotion with feeling, the
The Functions of Sleep number of emotions increases with the increase in
feeling, and the body gets evoked or stimulated. This
 Repair and restoration theory stimulated condition is known as ‘emotion.’
 The main function of sleep is to enable the
body to repair itself, especially the brain, after What is an emotion?
the exertions of the day “An emotion is a complex psychological state that involves 3
 After several days a rat’s immune system distinct components:
eventually fails, loses resistance to infection
and brain activity ceases.  A subjective experience
 Sleep increases during illness  A physiological response
 Not supported by fact that how long we need  A behavioral or expressive response.”
sleep is not dependent on activity during the
day. - Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2007
 Evolutionary theory Definition of Emotion
 We sleep to conserve energy; body
temperature drops, and we save energy. Ex:  Each emotion is a feeling, and each is at the same
Hibernation (even sleep a lot on days awake) time, a motor set. – Woodworth
 Sleep varies with time needed to search for  Emotion is an acute disturbance of the individual as a
food and safety from predators. Ex: Horses whole, psychological in origin, involving behavior,
and grazing animals sleep less compared to conscious experience, and visceral functioning. - P.T.
wolves and other predatory animals. Young (1961)
 Theories are complementary and compatible.  Emotion denotes a state of being moved, stirred up,
or aroused in some way.- Jersild (1960)
Biological Perspectives on Dreaming  Human emotion involves…. “physiological arousal,
 Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis expressive behavior & conscious experience. -
 During dreams, various parts of the cortex are David G. Meyers
activated by the input arising from the pons Characteristics of Emotions
and environmental stimuli. (the cortex
synthesizes a story to make sense of all the Accompanied by the aroused state in the organism.
 Vestibular stimuli also may give feeling of Usually accompanied by physiological changes.
flying or falling. A lot of energy is released in every emotion, except grief.
 Feeling of not being able to move true since
muscles turned off. Components of Emotion
1. Subjective Feeling - It describes how we interpret emotions questions about the brain’s role in a range of emotions, but
and think about situations. Researchers believe that the they’ve pinpointed the origins of some common ones, including
experience of emotions can be highly subjective. Our unique fear, anger, happiness, and love.
experience of emotions is probably much more multi-

2. Physiological Response - How the body reacts to an  The limbic system is a group of interconnected
emotion. Many physical reactions we experience during an structures located deep within the brain. It’s the part of
emotion, are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, a the brain that’s responsible for behavioral and
branch of the autonomic nervous system. It contains emotional responses.
involuntary body responses such as blood flow and digestion.  Scientists haven’t reached an agreement about the
full list of structures that make up the limbic system, but
3. Behavioral Response - How you express and show your the following structures are generally accepted as part
emotions. This is the actual expression of emotion. We spend of the group:
a significant amount of time interpreting the emotional  Hypothalamus- In addition to controlling emotional
expressions of people around us. And our ability to accurately responses, the hypothalamus is also involved in
understand these are tied to our emotional intelligence. sexual responses, hormone release, and
regulating body temperature.
Two types of emotions:
 Hippocampus- The hippocampus helps preserve
and retrieve memories. It also plays a role in how
you understand the spatial dimensions of your
 Amygdala- The amygdala helps coordinate
responses to things in your environment, especially
those that trigger an emotional response. This
structure plays an important role in fear and anger.
 Limbic cortex- This part contains two structures, the
cingulate gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus.
Together, they impact mood, motivation, and


 This response is generated by stimulation of the
amygdala, followed by the hypothalamus. This is why
some people with brain damage affecting their
Bodily Changes in Emotions amygdala don’t always respond appropriately to
dangerous scenarios.
External Changes
 From a biological standpoint, fear is a very important
 Facial expressions emotion. It helps you respond appropriately to
 Vocal expression threatening situations that could harm you.
 Postural expression  When the amygdala stimulates the hypothalamus, it
 (Body Language) initiates the fight-or-flight response. In addition to
initiating the fight-or-flight response, the amygdala also
Internal Changes plays a role in fear learning. This refers to the process
by which you develop an association between certain
 Heartbeat
situations and feelings of fear. The hypothalamus sends
 Blood pressure signals to the adrenal glands to produce hormones,
 Blood chemistry such as adrenaline and cortisol.
 Galvanic skin response  As these hormones enter the bloodstream, you might
 Metabolic changes notice some physical changes, such as an increase in:
 Brain waves  Heart rate
 Blood sugar
The brain is a very complex organ. It controls and  Perspiration
coordinates everything from the movement of your fingers to
your heart rate. The brain also plays a crucial role in how you WHAT PART OF THE BRAIN CONTROLS ANGER?
control and process your emotions. Experts still have a lot of
 Anger starts with the amygdala stimulating the  Sadness has been studied more than other emotions
hypothalamus, much like in the fear response. In because depression may last for a long time; the
addition, parts of the prefrontal cortex may also play a effects of antidepressants can be measured based on
role in anger. improved symptoms
 Parts of the prefrontal cortex of the brain may also .
contribute to the regulation of an anger response. WHAT PART OF THE BRAIN CONTROLS
People with damage to this area of the brain SURPRISE?
sometimes have difficulty controlling their emotions,  Surprise activates the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus
particularly anger and aggression. and the bilateral hippocampus. The hippocampus is
strongly associated with memory, and the element of
WHAT PART OF THE BRAIN CONTROLS HAPPINESS? surprise is, by nature, associated with experiencing
 Imaging studies suggest that the happiness response something that you do not remember or do not
originates partly in the limbic cortex. Another area expect.
called the precuneus also plays a role. The  Localized disease in the brain can cause changes in
precuneus is involved in retrieving memories, emotions. Similarly, diffuse disease, such as that
maintaining your sense of self, and focusing your seen in conditions such as multiple sclerosis and
attention as you move about your environment. small vessel disease, can also induce changes in
 A 2015 study found that people with larger gray emotional status, which are often recognized clinically
matter volume in their right precuneus reported being as changes in a patient’s personality.
happier. Experts think the precuneus processes
certain information and converts it into feelings of Functions of Emotions
happiness.  It is impossible to imagine life without emotion.
 It may sound strange, but the beginnings of romantic According to Cannon, 1927; Darwin, 1872; James,
love are associated with the stress response triggered 1890, emotions play a variety of roles in people's lives
by your hypothalamus. It makes more sense when and have been the subject of psychological research
you think about the nervous excitement or anxiety you for over a century. In general, we will see that
feel while falling for someone. emotions are a important aspect of our psychological
 As these feelings grow, the hypothalamus triggers composition, having meaning and function to each of
release of other hormones, such as dopamine, us individually, to our relationships with others in
oxytocin, and vasopressin. groups, and to our societies as a whole.
 Dopamine is associated with your body’s  Emotions in three areas of life:
reward system. This helps make love a
desirable feeling. 1. Intrapersonal
 Oxytocin is often referred to as the “love
2. Interpersonal
hormone.” This is largely because it
increases when you hug someone or have 3. Socio-cultural
an orgasm. It’s produced in the
hypothalamus and released through your 1. Intrapersonal Functions of Emotions
pituitary gland. It’s associated with social The intrapersonal functions of emotion describe the roles
bonding as well. This is important for trust that emotions play within each of us individually
and building a relationship. It can also
promote a feeling of calmness and  Emotions Help us Act Quickly with Minimal
contentment. Conscious Awareness
 Vasopressin is similarly produced in your
hypothalamus and released by your pituitary Emotions are rapid information-processing systems that
gland. It’s also involved in social bonding help us act with minimal thinking (Tooby & Cosmides, 2008).
with a partner. Problems associated with birth, battle, death, and seduction
have occurred throughout evolutionary history and emotions
WHAT PART OF THE BRAIN CONTROLS evolved to aid humans in adapting to those problems rapidly
SADNESS? and with minimal conscious cognitive intervention
 It is associated with increased activity of the right  Emotions Prepare the Body for Immediate Action
occipital lobe, the left insula, the left thalamus the
amygdala and the hippocampus. The hippocampus is Emotions prepare us for behavior. When triggered,
strongly linked with memory, and it makes sense that emotions orchestrate systems such as perception, attention,
awareness of certain memories is associated with inference, learning, memory, goal choice, motivational
feeling sad. priorities, physiological reactions, motor behaviors, and
behavioral decision-making (Cosmides & Tooby, 2000; Tooby Escape: avoid, flee, run, chase, hide, dodge, move, progress,
& Cosmides, 2008) disappearance, flight, getaway, miss, avert
 Emotions Influence Thoughts Amygdala: emotions, aggressiveness, fear, anger, sadness
Emotions are also connected to thoughts and memories. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
Memories are not just facts that are encoded in our brains;
they are colored with the emotions felt at those times the facts The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, or HPA axis as it is
occurred (Wang & Ross, 2007). commonly called, describes the interaction between the
hypothalamus, and pituitary gland, and adrenal glands; it plays
 Emotions Motivate Future Behaviors an important role in the body’s response to stress.
Because emotions prepare our bodies for immediate The hypothalamus is a small structure in the brain. It is
action, influence thoughts, and can be felt, they are important located at the center of the base of the brain, near the pituitary
motivators of future behavior. gland, and is about the size of a walnut. The hypothalamus is
important in regulating hormone levels in the body. It also
2. Interpersonal Functions of Emotions plays a role in regulating many body systems including the
-the interpersonal functions of emotion describes the sleep/wake cycle, body temperature, and weight.
meanings of emotions to our relationships with others The pituitary gland is about the size of a pea and is located
at the base of the brain. Its role is to create and release
 Emotional Expressions Facilitate Specific
hormones in the body. Hormones are vital in many body
Behaviors in Perceivers
functions, including those that affect growth and maturation.
People observing fearful faces, for instance, are more likely
Activation of the HPA axis initiates a number of behavioral
to produce approach-related behaviors, whereas people who
observe angry faces are more likely to produce avoidance- and physiological changes that can improve an individual’s
chance of survival when faced with homeostasis challenges.
related behaviors (Marsh, Ambady, & Kleck, 2005)
Our initial stress response occurs almost immediately and
 Emotional Expressions Signal the Nature of
results in the secretion of hormones called epinephrine and
Interpersonal Relationships
norepinephrine. These hormones work to enact changes to the
Emotional expressions provide information about the body to maintain homeostasis during times of stress, such as
nature of the relationships among interactants. increasing the heart rate and perspiration.

 Emotional Expressions Provide Incentives for How does the HPA Axis Work?
Desired Social Behavior
When something stressful happens, the initial response is
Facial expressions of emotion are important regulators mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. This causes the
of social interaction. In the developmental literature, this release of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine
concept has been investigated under the concept of social which triggers physical responses to stress such as increased
referencing (Klinnert, Campos, & Sorce, 1983); heart rate. About 10 seconds after this initial response, the
HPA axis will be stimulated. Firstly, the hypothalamus will
Social Referencing- is the process whereby infants seek out release a hormone called corticotropin-releasing hormone
information from others to clarify a situation and then use that (CRH). CRH is the central regulator of the HPA axis.
information to act.
As well as CRH increases the activity of the sympathetic
3. Socio-cultural Functions of Emotions nervous system, it also works by signaling the pituitary gland,
which is located just below the hypothalamus. The result of the
-the section on the socio-cultural functions of emotion
activation of the HPA axis is the release of cortisol. Cortisol is
describes the roles and meanings that emotions have to the
a steroidal hormone. It has many effects and is sometimes
maintenance and effective functioning of our societies and
called the “stress hormone.” Cortisol must be balanced in
cultures at large.
the body: too much or too little can have wide-ranging health
DISTINGUISH THE TERMS RELATED TO EMOTION (FEAR, effects. Cortisol has many properties that help a body respond
ANXIETY, ESCAPE, AMYGDALA) to stressful events. It sends more blood to muscles,
increases the amount of glucose in the blood, and
Fear: panic, fright, afraid, angst, terror, dismay, wary, terrifies, increases blood pressure.
agitation, alarming, anguish, phobia, creeps, dismay, gallantry,
hardihood, intrepidity, intrepidness, stoutness, valor, cold feet, These are all helpful responses during a stressful event
that might be a “fight or flight” situation. That is how we
Anxiety: care, concern, solitude, worry, desire, eagerness, define a situation where there may be a need to defend
fear, panic, discomfort, stress, paranoia, tension, nervous oneself or run away from a harmful event.
Cortisol also turns off or dials down those body functions that Stress can cause mental health problems. And it can make
won’t help in a stressful situation. existing problems worse. For example, if you experience lots of
stress, this might lead you to develop a mental health problem
There is another part to the HPA axis, called the negative like anxiety or depression. Or a traumatic period of stress
feedback loop. Cortisol isn't supposed to be produced for long might lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
periods of time. Its production should end when the stressful
event is over. Defining stress
For that reason, the cortisol produced by the stress  Stress is a normal biological reaction to a potentially
response also turns around and acts upon the dangerous situation. When you encounter sudden
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. It connects with stress, your brain floods your body with chemicals
receptors on the hypothalamus. This causes the HPA axis to and hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
slow down and stop the production of corticotropin-releasing  That gets your heart beating faster and sends blood
and adrenocorticotropic hormones.The HPA axis is regulated to muscles and important organs. You feel energized
by the nerves, which act as a sensor for all the stress in the and have heightened awareness so you can focus on
environment and then relays these signals to all of the glands your immediate needs. These are the different stages
involved in the HPA axis. An example of when the HPA may of stress and how people adapt.
be activated is when someone is experiencing extended
periods of stress at work, or when someone is facing a lot of What makes us stressed?
anxiety.The HPA axis is therefore integral in our healthy Many things can lead to stress: bereavement, divorce or
response to stress. Overall, a healthy stress response is separation, losing a job or unexpected money problems. Work-
characterized by a quick rise in cortisol levels, followed by a related stress can also have a negative impact on your mental
rapid decline when the stressful situation ends. health. People affected by work-related stress lose an
What is stress? average of 24 days of work due to ill health. Even positive
life changes, such as moving to a bigger house, gaining a job
 Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or promotion or going on holiday can be sources of stress. If you
threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation feel stressed in these situations you may struggle to
that we don't feel we can manage or control. Stress is a understand why or be unwilling to share your feelings with
situation that triggers a particular biological response. others.
When you perceive a threat or a major challenge,
chemicals and hormones surge throughout your body. When is stress a problem?
 Stress triggers your fight-or-flight response in order to fight Stress can be short-term or long-term. Both can lead to a
the stressor or run away from it. Typically, after the variety of symptoms, but chronic stress can take a serious toll
response occurs, your body should relax. Too much on the body over time and have long-lasting health effects.
constant stress can have negative effects on your long-
term health. Sometimes, a small amount of stress can help us to complete
 Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different tasks and feel more energized. But stress can become a
situations or life events can cause stress. It is often problem when it lasts for a long time or is very intense. In
triggered when we experience something new, unexpected some cases, stress can affect our physical and mental health.
or that threatens our sense of self, or when we feel we
You might hear healthcare professionals refer to some types of
have little control over a situation.
stress as 'acute' or 'chronic':
 Stress can cause a number of physical symptoms and
illnesses. Symptoms can come on as soon as your level of  Acute stress happens within a few minutes to a
stress increases and worsen as stress continues. These few hours of an event. It lasts for a short period of
symptoms usually go away once your stress level lowers. time, usually less than a few weeks, and is very
Research has linked both chronic stress and shorter intense. It can happen after an upsetting or
periods of acute stress to depression. Stress throws unexpected event. For example, this could be a
several of your brain chemicals out of balance, sudden bereavement, assault or natural disaster.
including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. It  Chronic stress lasts for a long period of time or
also elevates your cortisol level. All of these are linked keeps coming back. You might experience this if you
to depression. When this type of chemical imbalance are under lots of pressure a lot of the time. You might
occurs, it negatively affects your: also feel chronic stress if your day-to-day life is
 Mood difficult, for example if you are a carer or if you live in
 sleep pattern poverty.
 appetite
 sex drive Who is affected by stress?
 All of us can probably recognize some of the feelings  It’s important to connect the physical and emotional
described above. Some people seem to be more signs you’re experiencing to the pressures you are
affected by stress than others. For some people, faced with. Don’t ignore physical warning signs such
getting out of the door on time each morning can be a as tense muscles, tiredness, headaches or migraines.
very stressful experience, whereas others may be Think about what’s causing your stress. Sort them
less affected by a great deal of pressure. into issues with a practical solution, things that will get
 Anyone can be affected by stress, but the extent to better with time and things you can't do anything
which we experience stress depends on our lifestyle about. Take control by taking small steps towards the
and is, therefore, largely self-imposed. Whether you things you can improve.
have control over the situation that is causing you to  Make a plan to address the things that you can. This
stress or not, you can have control over your reaction might involve setting yourself realistic expectations
to the situation. In other words, you can control how and prioritising essential commitments. If you feel
stressed you become. Some people are more likely to overwhelmed, ask for help and say no to things you
experience stressful situations than others. can’t take on.
Stressors 2. Think about where you can make changes
 Stressors are not all unpleasant–most life situations that  Are you taking on too much? Could you hand over
require change or adaptation can be viewed as stressors. some things to someone else? Can you do things in a
Even pleasant events such as promotions, vacations and more leisurely way? You may need to prioritise things
marriage are stressors since they require many adjustments and reorganise your life so you’re not trying to do
and place demands on the person. Nonetheless, there is everything at once.
increasing evidence that it is not the change per se, but the
quality of the change that is potentially damaging to people. 3. Build supportive relationships
Events that are sudden, abnormal, undesired, severe, and  Find close friends or family who can offer help and
sustained, and those over which the individual has little or no practical advice can support you in managing stress.
control are the most detrimental. Any event which is very Joining a club or a course can help to expand your
distressing and outside of the realm of normal human social network and encourage you to do something
experience is termed a traumatic stressor, for example, rape, different. Activities like volunteering can change your
physical assault, natural disasters, and serious accidents. perspective and have a beneficial impact on your
 Such events normally involve a perceived threat to the
physical integrity of the individual or others and evoke 4. Eat healthily
reactions of intense fear, horror and/or helplessness.
Exposure to such stressors can produce a very intense  A healthy diet can improve your mood. Getting
response which may overwhelm the individual’s coping enough nutrients (including essential vitamins and
mechanisms. Such a response is a common reaction of minerals) and water can help your mental wellbeing.
normal people to an abnormal situation and it does not 5. Be aware of your smoking and drinking
indicate that the person has developed a psychiatric
disorder. Nonetheless, such exposure can lead to the  Cut down or cut out smoking and drinking if you can.
development of a posttraumatic stress syndrome. After They may seem to reduce tension but actually make
exposure to a traumatic stressor, minimization of the intensity problems worse. Alcohol and caffeine can increase
and duration of the stress response decreases the resultant feelings of anxiety.
neurochemical dysfunction which in turn decreases the
chances of a post-traumatic stress syndrome developing. 6. Get some exercise
One proven way of minimizing the intensity and duration of  Physical exercise can help manage the effects of
such a response is through the expression of emotions, stress by producing endorphins that boost your mood.
fears, regrets, disappointments and specific traumas in a It can be hard to motivate yourself if you're stressed,
supportive, structured setting soon after exposure to such an but even a little bit of activity can make a difference.
event. For example, you could aim to walk for 15-20 minutes
How can you help yourself? three times a week.

If you're feeling stressed, there are some things you can try to 7. Take time out
feel less tense and overwhelmed.  Take time to relax and practice self-care, where you
1. Recognise when stress is a problem do positive things for yourself. For instance, you could
listen to our podcasts about relaxation to calm your
body and mind. Striking a balance between Post-traumatic stress
responsibility to others and responsibility to yourself is
vital in reducing stress levels.  This is the “fight-or-flight” response that prepares your
body to deal with a threat or challenge in the
8. Be mindful environment by pumping more blood and oxygen to
your muscles, and it shuts down non-critical functions
 Mindfulness meditation can be practiced anywhere at like digestion.
any time. Research has suggested it can be helpful
for managing and reducing the effect of stress and Post-traumatic stress disorder
 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder
9. Get some restful sleep that develops in some people who have experienced
a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.
 If you’re having difficulty sleeping, you can try to  Anyone who has experienced or witnessed a situation
reduce the amount of caffeine you consume and
that involves the possibility of death or serious injury,
avoid too much screen time before bed. Write down a or who learns that a close family member or friend
to do list for the next day to help you prioritise, but has experienced a traumatic event, can develop post-
make sure you put it aside before bed. traumatic stress disorder, although most people don’t.
10. Be kind to yourself What are the symptoms of post-traumatic stress?
 Try to keep things in perspective and don't be too  If you’re experiencing post-traumatic stress, your
hard on yourself. Look for things in your life that are heart may race, hands shake, you may sweat or feel
positive and write down things that make you feel afraid and nervous.
 After the stressful event, you might avoid or be leery
Stress management of engaging in that activity again, you may have a bad
dream about the event you just experienced, or you
 The goal of stress management isn’t to get rid of it may feel nervous in a situation that reminds you of
completely. It’s not only impossible, but as we the unpleasant event.
mentioned, stress can be healthy in some situations.
In order to manage your stress, first you have to Post-traumatic stress Treatment
identify the things that cause you stress — or your
 Since post-traumatic stress is not a mental disorder,
triggers. Figure out which of these things can be
treatment is not required as the symptoms will likely
avoided. Then, find ways to cope with those negative
improve or subside on their own within a month.
stressors that can’t be avoided.
However, you should talk to a healthcare provider if
 Over time, managing your stress levels may help you feel troubled by your symptoms — if they’re
lower your risk for stress-related diseases. And it’ll interfering with your work, school, or relationships or if
help you feel better on a daily basis, too. you’re engaging in reckless behavior such as drinking
Identify the symptoms of post-traumatic stress or using drugs to cope with symptoms.

What is post-traumatic stress? 6.COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS

 Post-traumatic Stress is a common, normal, and often Anatomical Differences between the Hemispheres
adaptive response to experiencing a traumatic or •Cognitive Functions
stressful event. Common occurrences, like car
accidents, can trigger PTS as well as more unusual Cognitive functions are the skills we utilize to carry out any
events like military combat or kidnapping. Almost task. We use them every day to interpret and understand the
everyone who experiences a scary situation will show world around us. Using cognitive functions allows us to
at least a few signs of post-traumatic stress. That’s choose, receive, store and process information so that we can
because our brains are hard-wired to tell our bodies analyze the situation and make good decisions about how to
to tense our muscles, breathe faster, and pump more appropriately act and respond. Cognitive functions can be
blood when we’re under intense stress. generally categorized into attention, orientation, memory,
 This fight-or-flight response is a normal reflex during executive functions, language, social cognition, and
and sometimes even after a traumatic event, which is visuospatial. These systems are interconnected, and they are
why PTS is considered a normal reaction and not a working simultaneously to allow us to perform everything such
mental illness. as to turn off the alarm in the morning. Depending on the task
 But most of the time, people are confused if it is PTS in the environment, different functions and areas of the brain
or PTSD? Let us differentiate them first. will be activated using millions of neural connections and
pathways to allow for seamless perception and decision  We can divide the brain into two cerebral
making. hemispheres: the left hemisphere and right
•Surfaces of Cerebral Hemisphere
 The left side of the brain controls the right side of
the body, while the right side of the brain controls
the left side of the body.
•Contralateral Control
This simply means that the left side of the brain
controls the right side of the body, and vice versa. This is
true for basically all our senses. An example of this is the
information from left visual field will be processed by the
right side of occipital cortex. And when I raise my right
hand, left hemisphere is in control. That is what we called
contralateral control.
 The superolateral surface. It is the most convex and
•Cerebral Lateralization
most extensive. It faces upwards, laterally and
conforms to the corresponding half of the cranial  The brain is specialized for different functions.
vault.  Left and right hemisphere are not mirror images
 The medial surface. It is flat and vertical. It presents a of each other.
thick C-shaped cut surface of the corpus callosum.  The two hemispheres have division of labors.
 The inferior surface. It is irregular to adopt the floors
of anterior and middle cranial fossae. •Left-Brained/Right-Brained Personalities are a Myth

•The Borders Left and Right Hemisphere is not the same. They
have different roles. Our brain has a dominant side. It is
possible to have a dominant part of the brain, the left is
dominant than the right and vice versa. This does not
support the myth of left-brained or right-brained individual.
Some says that a left-brained individual is more analytical
and mathematical while right-brained is more creative and
artistic. But there is no such thing as left-brained or right-
brained individual. Overall, we use both sides of our brains
 Superomedial border which separates superolateral
surface from the medial surface. •Anatomical Difference between Hemispheres
 Inferolateral border that separates superolateral surface  The clear differences in language function
from inferior surface. between the left and right hemispheres have
 Medial orbital border separates medial surface from the naturally inspired neurologists and
orbital surface. neuropsychologists to find a structural correlate
 Medial occipital border which separates medial surface of this behavioral asymmetry. One hemispheric
from the tentorial surface. difference that has received much attention is an
asymmetry in the superior aspect of the temporal
•The Lobes
lobe known as the planum temporale. This area
was significantly larger on the left side.
 Because the planum temporale is near the
regions of the temporal lobe that contain cortical
areas essential to language, it has been widely
assumed that this leftward asymmetry reflects
the greater involvement of the left hemisphere in
Each of the cerebral hemisphere is divided into four language. Nonetheless, these anatomical
lobes: Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Temporal lobe, and differences in the two hemispheres of the brain,
Occipital lobe. which are recognizable at birth, have by no
means been proven to be an anatomical
•The Hemispheres correlate of the lateralization of language
•Why Lateralization Exists? found in the left hemisphere. Visually-based
languages are also the domain of the left hemisphere.
 Some studies focus on anatomical differences Language that is perceived via right ear is processed
between the hemispheres. Such as difference in sizes in the left hemisphere when brain waves are
between areas of the cortex in either hemisphere, measured using electroencephalogram (EEG), it
some people have a different sizes of corpus emerges that left hemisphere processes auditory,
callosum and temporal plane which do indeed exist, speech, and information more rapidly.
but these have not been conclusive.  Mathematical Computations, Rational Reasoning,
 Thus, there are some relatively consistent anatomical Logical Analysis.
differences between hemispheres, whether these  It has the ability to understand the sum of any
physical differences are causally related to observed situation/look at things from.
behavioral differences between two hemispheres,  It involves the movement of large muscles such as
however, is still unclear. walking.
Functions of Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain  It plays an important role in maintaining balance. It is
responsible for non-verbal communications.
•The Left Hemisphere of the Brain  It can sense smell, taste, and sound. It is responsible
for emotional functions.
 The left side of the brain controls the right side of the  It regulates avoidance behavior. It controls the
body. If the left side of the brain is dominant, the immune system.
person is logical and more academically inclined.  It is in charge of involuntary body functions like
They most likely excel in academics, especially math digestion, the beating of the heart, and breathing.
and science. The left hemisphere of the brain is also  It affects the person’s ability to pay attention to
called the digital brain. details.
 The left brain is responsible for rational though  Convert sounds to language and translates meaning.
processing, logical sequencing, and analytical
considerations. It is the one responsible for verbal, •Functions of the Right Brain Hemisphere
analytical order, reading, writing, computations,
 Intuition.
sequencing, logic, mathematics, thinking in words,
linear thinking, and visual-based language such as in It is the feeling in your gut when you instinctively know that
mute and deaf people. something you are doing is right or wrong. Or moments when
•The Right Hemisphere of the Brain you sense kindness or fear in another’s face.

 The right side of the brain controls the left side of the  Spatial Awareness.
body. A right hemisphere dominant person excels in It is knowing where your body is in space in-relation to
arts. It is visual and intuitive. It is also called the objects or other people. To have good spatial awareness, you
analog brain. also need to understand and respond to a change in position
 The right brain helps out with creative thought, to objects. This is a complex skill that children develop from an
intuition, and looking at a big picture. It is the one that early age.
is responsible for creativity and imagination, holistic
thinking, arts, feelings, visualization, non-verbal cues,  Music, Creativity, Facial Recognition, Art,
rhythm, daydreaming, and emotions. Rhythm.

•Right Brain Hemisphere vs. Left Brain Hemisphere It allows young children to grasp and understand the concept
of more versus less.
 The left brain hemisphere is needed for rational
thinking and logical skills such as mathematics and It is responsible for some of the cognitive functions such as
language. On the other hand, the right side of the attention, processing of visual shapes and patterns, emotions,
brain is responsible for creative activities like arts and verbal ambiguity, and implied meanings.
connecting to others in an emotional way. So, a Although the functions of the brain is divided based on the
person who is left brain dominant is logical while the hemispheres, even a particular functions to be executed still
right brain dominant is more emotional. need the entire brain. The brain is used holistically, although
•Function of the Left Brain Hemisphere some people are more analytical than artistic. For many
people, it is possible to be logical and creative at the same
 Speech and Language. time. Remember that we used both sides of our brain equally.
 The left brain is more active to speech production
than the right brain. The two main language area
known as Broca’s Area and Wernicke’s Area are
analysis, speech, comprehension, and logical
Lateralization and Handedness  The right hemisphere is mainly involved with functions
•Lateralization such as creativity, spatial ability, context, perception,
and emotions.
 Refers to the idea that each hemisphere is  It is to be noted, however, that no function is 100%
specialized for different functions. isolated. Meaning that a function only favors 1 side of
 States that each hemisphere of the brain has its own the hemisphere but does not exclude the other.
way of processing the information as if the two are  An example would be hearing, both sides of the
entirely different sets of people. hemisphere function when it comes to hearing, but
 I would advise you to think of your hemispheres as the left hemisphere is favored when it comes to
two different people with your left hemisphere being a recognizing words and spoken language, while the
person who is analytical, scientific, and excellent at right hemisphere is favored in analyzing sounds such
language and speech. Think of your right hemisphere as music.
as a person who is creative, artistic and excellent with  Going back to thinking of the two hemispheres as two
spatial relationships. Lateralization believes that each different people, the left hemisphere, side of the brain,
hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. is a person who is great at science and analysis, all
The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body that stuff, it is where their talents lie. It is where their
while the left hemisphere controls the right side of the objectives lie. They're good at it. But it doesn't mean
body. This is seen where information that is that they are unable to do art. It just simply means
processed in the left side of your body or in the left that their talents are oriented towards scientific and
hand is processed in the right hemisphere while analysis and language, but they can still do art. But to
objects in the right side, is processed in the left a much lesser extent compared to the right
hemisphere. hemisphere.
 For example, if I touch a pen in my right hand then  Lateralization also affects our visual field. The visual
the information of the touch is processed in the left field is what is available to us at any moment using
hemisphere. So the left side of the body processed in our eyes.
the right hemisphere, and the right side of the body  Light from the right side of the visual field shines into
processed in left hemisphere. The left hemisphere of the left half of both retinas. The visual information
the brain is mainly involved with functions such as coming from the right side of the visual field is
problem solving, language analysis, speech processed in the left hemisphere.
comprehension, naming objects and logical thinking  Light from the left side of the visual field shines into
while the right hemisphere is mainly involved with the right half of both retinas. The visual information
functions such as creativity, spatial ability, context coming from the left side of the visual field is
perception and emotions. It is to be noted, however, processed in the right hemisphere.
that no function is 100% isolated meaning that a
 Now anything you can see in the right that is your
function only favors one side of the hemisphere but
right visual field and anything you can see from the
does not exclude the other.
right visual field goes to the left half of both of your
retinas, think of your eyeball as being in half, now
light coming from the right side of the visual field goes
to the left half of your retinas and is processed in the
left hemisphere. Vice versa, any light coming from the
left visual field goes to the right half of both of your
retinas and is processed in the right hemisphere.
 The axons that pass this information to each
hemisphere are located in what is called the optic
 The auditory system is different when compared to
the visual system as each ear sends the information
 Lateralization believes that each hemisphere controls to both sides of the brain.
the opposite side of the body. The right hemisphere  When you hear something, both hemispheres gain
controls the left side of the body, while the left the information at the same time meaning that for
hemisphere controls the right side of the body. example if I cover one ear and only hear from the left
 The left hemisphere of the brain is mainly involved ear it doesn't mean that only the right hemisphere
with functions such as problem-solving, language, gains the information, no. If I only hear from my left
ear then that information is passed towards both of previously discussed, the right hemisphere
the hemispheres. isn’t really oriented towards naming objects,
it can do it, but compared to the left
•Corpus Callosum hemisphere, it is not that good. That is why
 The part of your brain that connects both sides of the split-brain people, when they see something
hemisphere thus enabling them to communicate with in the left visual field, they have a slower
one another. It allows each hemisphere of the brain time, actually naming the object because
access to information from both sides. they are using their right hemisphere which
 Information crosses to the other side of the is not oriented towards naming objects.
hemisphere with only a brief delay.  The left hemisphere focuses on visual details rather
 Now, again, visual example anything I see from the than patterns.
left visual field goes to the right half of my retinas and  The planum temporale is an area of the temporal
is processed in the right hemisphere, but that cortex that is larger in the left hemisphere in 65% of
information goes to the left hemisphere through the people.
Corpus Colossum. While the right hemisphere gains •The Rasmussen’s Encephalopathy
the information first, the information also is also
passed along to the left hemisphere using the Corpus  Is a rare condition in which the immune system
Colossum. initially attacks the glia and the neurons of one
 People who have severe epilepsy have their corpus hemisphere of the brain. This results in the removal or
callosum cut in order to prevent seizures. disconnect in the damaged side of the brain.
 People who have undergone surgery to their corpus  When disconnection or removal occurs, language is
callosum are referred to as split-brain people. affected but slowly recovers. The undamaged side of
 Split-brain people maintain normal intellect, but they the brain adapts and changes in order to compensate
tend to use their hands independently in a way others for the damaged side of the brain.
cannot. They also tend to respond differently to  It has been proven that people can survive with only 1
stimuli presented to only one side of the body. half of their brain.
 Split brain people are actually pretty normal even  If I were to have one hemisphere, let’s say the left
before they have gone through surgery. The hemisphere is destroyed or disconnected, it is the job
intelligence they had before surgery is the same of the right hemisphere to change and adapt, to
intelligence they have after the surgery. But they do compensate for lack of the left hemisphere. If my left
have tendencies that are different compared to non- hemisphere were removed, I may have problems in
split-brain people. language, and speech, because I no longer have the
hemisphere that is oriented towards speech and
•Right Hemisphere vs. Left Hemisphere language, but since my right hemisphere can also do
 The right hemisphere is better at perceiving emotions. those things, just in a least effective way my right
Damage in the right hemisphere causes difficulty in hemisphere will change itself to better itself regarding
analyzing emotions, humor, and sarcasm. said activities. The right hemisphere will learn through
 It is also better at comprehending spatial time how to be better at doing speech and language,
relationships. just as well as the left hemisphere.
 The right hemisphere focuses on visual patterns •Handedness
rather than details.
 The left hemisphere seems to be specialized for  Is the preference of one hand over the other.
language in most people. Damage in this hemisphere  1/10 of the world population is known to be left-
often results in language deficiencies. handed.
 Split-brain people also have trouble naming objects  Handedness is a roll of the dice, but the odds of being
briefly viewed in the left visual field as the left brain is left-handed are determined by your genes.
dominant for language in most people.  Just because both of your parents are left handed, it
 When I see this pen in the left visual field, it does not automatically mean you will be left-handed.
passes through the right half of my retinas Now, let’s look at the chances:
and is processed first in the right  If your father is left-handed but your mother is right-
hemisphere. Thus, split-brain people with handed, you have a 17% chance of being left-
their corpus callosum cut, can no longer handed.
pass information through the corpus  If your father is right-handed but your mother is left-
callosum, meaning that the information is handed, you have a 22% chance of being left-
mainly in the right hemisphere. Now as handed.
 If both of your parents are right-handed then you only •Gestures and Mimic
have a 10% chance of being left-handed.
 If both of your parents are left-handed then you only  An idea from (Corballis, 2009) states that language
have a 25% chance of being left-handed. arose from gesture systems, enabled by the presence
 You being left-handed or right-handed is not certain, of mirror systems in primate brains.
but the odds are determined by your genes.  Mirror systems could give the understanding of
another's behavior required for a gesture system to
Evolution and Physiology of Language function. Typical among other primates, they like to
prevent the constant physical contact between mother
•How Languages Evolved and infant, so to bridge the gap in contact, this may
Kanzi the ape, a male bonobo specifically, is the first ape to have developed the system of vocal signals (Falk,
show that language may be learned spontaneously by 2010).
observation rather than through deliberate training, as well as  All mammals, including humans, communicate by
the first to display a rudimentary comprehension of grammar, gestures.
syntax, and semantics. This is a very significant thing because  Children’s capacity to communicate through gestures
humans claimed that language can distinguish them from other predicts how quickly they will develop spoken
animals. language (Iverson & Goldin-Meadow, 2005).

•Definition of Language •Non-verbal Components of Language

 A system for communicating thoughts and feelings  Most adults use non-verbal components of language
using arbitrary signals, such as sounds, gestures, or to communicate like gestures, facial expressions, eye
written signals. contact, touch, and body movement or posture to
 Human language is a complex form of accompany the majority of their speech.
communication. •Mimic & Vocalizations
 Human language is highly productive in comparison
to other vocalizations of other species or organisms.  Although most vertebrates have a gesture system, if
 Human language is most likely a modification of body language is included, only a few species are
behavior that can be found in other species. capable of learning vocalizations.
 Human Language is a complex form of  Language vocalization requires the presence of a
communication. Human language is highly productive phonological loop in the brain, or a process for
in comparison to other vocalizations of other species hearing, comprehending, and making sounds, and it
or organisms. We have productivity, meaning, we was very critical step toward vocal communication.
have the ability to generate, or we are better in can  Pathways connecting auditory processing to the
understanding new signals to express new ideas, prefrontal lobe have become strengthened in primate
where chimpanzees rarely utilize symbols in new and evolution (Aboitiz, 2012). In humans, this pathway
creative symbols, that’s why they’re not as productive might have included mirror systems that made
as humans. imitation possible, and imitation is essential to learned
vocalization. The simultaneous gesture and
•How did Humans Evolve Language? vocalization establish shared attention between two
 Human language is most likely a modification of a people.
behavior that can be found in other species.  The efficiency and complexities of vocalization vs
 Like the chimpanzees, that instead of describing gesture gradually began to make vocalization more
something, they instead use their symbols to request dominant. Furthermore, vocalization involves
something, or how the big apes generate noises, significantly less energy than gestures (ask anybody
however, their use of sounds for communication is who signs for the deaf). It allows for communication at
limited and inflexibe. Like non-primates that also night or when hidden from sight.
display some aspects of spoken language. •Click Languages
 Elephants imitate sounds they hear, including the
vocalizations of other elephants  Spoken by African populations from Tanzania to
 Dolphins respond to gestures and sounds South Africa, may be the earliest form of human
 The African gray parrot shows a great ability for language. Click languages employ the tongue's clicks
imitating and using sounds meaningfully. to represent words. Click linguistic studies of genetic
 Language must have evolved as a modification of relatedness among African communities demonstrate
some other capacity when our ancestors first began that the groupings are diverse from one another
to evolve. (Knight et al., 2003). Despite their shared usage of
click languages, these populations have not shared
ancestors for 15,000 to 35,000 years. This implies information, that is why this area serves as the
that the development of click languages occurred long perception of spoken language.
before humans settled down to start farming (Tishkoff  Gyrus Angularis functions as a switchboard for all
et al., 2007). types of brain impulses. Concerned with
comprehension, interpretation, understanding of visual
•Anatomical Features of Humans that Make Language
information, that is why this area serves as the
Possible perception of written language.
 Oral/Pulmonary Features (The Vocal Tract)
 Nervous Features (The Brain)  Executive Areas / Expressive Areas
 The evolution of human language is closely  It is referred to as the motor speech areas since it is
connected with changes in two organs essential for responsible for speech expression.
the use of language; the structure and the size of the
human brain and the shape of the vocal tract.
•The Origins of Human Language
 Anthropologists have gathered evidence that Homo
Habilis and Homo Erectus had to develop the brain
"fit" for fundamental linguistic activities around 2
million years ago.
 They determined that roughly 400,000 years before
Christ, when Homo Sapiens evolved from
Neanderthalensis to Homo Sapiens himself, Homo o
Sapiens developed a vocal tract that progressively  Broca's area is located in the front of the left
became ready for the use of some form of speech or hemisphere of the cortex and was named after the 19th
communication. century French physiologist Paul Broca (1824-1880). It
 The most fundamental requirement for language is respoNsible for several aspects like words
production is a well-developed central nervous association, ordering principles, and speech output. It
system with an extensive cortex. Here are some regulates functions of muscles of lips, tongue, pharynx
approximate figures. Homo Sapiens have average and larynx. It will receive information from the
brain volume of around 1,400 cubic centimeters, while Wernicke’s Area – then it will be processed into
the brain of Homo Neanderthalensis have 1500 cubic detailed and coordinated pattern – then projected to
centimeters, bigger than us. This shows that we motor cortex – initiate appropriate movements of lips,
shouldn’t just examine the size, instead, we should tongue, and larynx – then produce spoken speech like
examine the brain structure. vocalization.

•The Nervous Features

 The human brain centers principally involved for
speech production and comprehension (language
 The receptive areas are Wernicke’s area and Angular
Gyrus. The executive areas are Broca’s area and
Exner Area.
•Receptive Areas/Sensory Speech Areas
 They receive and interpret sensory information in  Exner Area and its function is to receive information
preparation for speech. from the Broca’s Area – then it will be processed into
 The first of these centers is known as Wernicke's area detailed and coordinated pattern – which then
after the German physiologist Carl Wernicke (1848- projected to motor cortex – initiate appropriate
1905). It is known as the “sensory center for speech”. movements of hands & fingers – to produce written
It is responsible for the receiving and processing the speech.
sensory information for speech. Essential for word and
language comprehension, recognition, and  The Oral/Pulmonary Features
construction. Concerned with comprehension,  According to research on hominid skulls, all of
interpretation, understanding of auditory and visual these centers or areas of the brain were pretty well
developed as early as Homo habilis, who lived
from 2.3 million years before Christ. Thus, the  Could someone with overall intellectual
brain of Homo habilis was prepared for the impairment, with IQ ranging from 50 to 60, have
cognitive foundations of language. good language? Psychologists would have
 In able to make language possible, the second answered “no,” until they discovered Williams
requirement is a specifically shaped vocal tract Syndrome. It affects about 1 person in 20,000 and
that is capable of producing a sufficiently vast the affected people are poor at tasks related to
sound repertoire. Apart from the lips which is a numbers, visuomotor skills (e.g., copying a
special source of phonation, we need the larynx drawing), and spatial perception (e.g., finding their
with the vocal folds, as well as a flexible resonance way home). They have frequent lapses of
chamber that can amplify and adjust the basic attention, poor planning, and difficulty inhibiting
frequency provided by the sound source in the inappropriate responses.
larynx. The Hyoid Bone (on the top of the larynx)  They require continual supervision throughout
is connected to our tongue by the hyoglossus their lives and are unable to perform even simple
muscle. tasks. Despite this, many of them can
 All mammals make vocalizations by contracting communicate grammatically and fluently. Many
muscles that compress the rib cage. The windpipe demonstrate musical abilities, such as the
transports air from the lungs to the larynx, where capacity to clap a complex rhythm and memorize
it passes between the vocal cords. These melodies, as well as the ability to interpret facial
structures, which resemble flaps rather than expressions such as relaxed or worried, serious or
cords, that when the air from the lungs passes by, humorous, flirty or uninterested. Although their
it will produce a buzzing sound that produces the language abilities develop more slowly than
voice. average, some individuals have remarkably good
language, considering their impairments in other
 Language: A By-product of Intelligence, or regards.
Specialized Adaptation?  People with Williams syndrome do not handle
 One view is that humans evolved big brains for language perfectly. Still, observations of Williams
some other reason and language developed as an syndrome indicate that language is not simply a
accidental by-product. However, this hypothesis by-product of overall intelligence.
faces serious problems.  Language as a Specialization
 This hypothesis faced serious problems, and one  Language must have evolved as a specific brain
is that whales and elephants have bigger brains mechanism if it is not simply a byproduct of overall
than humans but they can’t speak. However, if we intelligence. Humans, according to Noam Chomsky
just focus on humans, there are still problems. and Steven Pinker, have a language acquisition
device, or a built-in system for learning language.
 People with Normal Intelligence but Impaired  Most children learn language so rapidly and easily that
language it appears they were physiologically or biologically
 If language is a product of overall brain size, then prepared to do so. Deaf children also learn sign
anyone with a full-sized brain and normal overall language quickly, and if no one teaches them one, they
intelligence should have normal language. invent one and teach it to one another.
However, it doesn’t happen to everyone. In one  In this case, language relates to the long period of
family, there are 16 over 30 people over three dependency in childhood, social interactions among
generations that shows severe language deficit people, including those between parents and children,
even though their intelligence is normal in other and favored the evolution of language. In that case,
regards. Because of one particular dominant overall intelligence may be a by-product of language
gene, the people affected by this have serious development more than language is a by-product of
troubles in pronunciation and other aspects of intelligence.
language, like even the simplest grammatical
rules. Brain Mechanism for Multilingual
 Despite the language difficulties, these people
behave normally and intelligently in most regards.
Evidently, language requires more than just a  Multilingualism
large brain and overall intelligence.  It is being proficient in more than one language.
 Language ability is measured through active parts
 People with Relatively Spared Language but Low which are speaking and writing, and passive parts
Overall Intelligence which are listening and reading.
 The left hemisphere of the brain is for analytical
and logical processes, while the right hemisphere
is for emotional and social processes. But this  Effects of Brain Damage
does not mean that a multilingual person rely only  For emotional component, brain damage heightens the
on one hemisphere because when it comes to chance of anxiety and depression, including behavior
using and understanding language, both these control after the injury.
hemispheres are involved for their functions.  For cognitive measures, brain damage can affect our
attention, memory, decision-making and problem-
 How Multilingual’s Brain Works? solving.
 People who grow up speaking two languages from  For social aspect, brain damage impacts the way a
the start, show substantial bilateral activity during person adapts to being in an environment that is ever-
speech, for both language. changing.
 According to Critical Period Hypothesis, a theory
that states people learn a second language best
when they were young. Although, adults are better
than children at memorizing the vocabulary of a
second language, children have a great
advantage on learning the pronunciation and
 This is because of the plasticity of their developing
brain that allows them to easily use both
hemispheres in language acquisition. However,
adults exhibit less emotional bias and more
rational approach to learning a second language  Just a recap, left hemisphere is called the dominant
that is more inclined to only one hemisphere which hemisphere because it is responsible for language and
is the left. Multilingual people have similar brain speech. The two regions that are critical for this are the
activation to that of bilingual people, but the Broca’s Area and Wernicke’s Area.
activation is much more sensitive and a lot faster.  Broca’s area is the major language center that allows
speech production and damage to this result to
 Advantage of Multilingualism impaired verbal expression. Wernicke’s area allows
 Enhance concentration and task performance. comprehension of speech and damage to this result to
 People who are multilingual learn to control their inability to understand language.
attention and block distractions.  These two regions together with the basal nuclei form
 Better working memories. a language implementation system that analyzes
 People who are multilingual have practiced using words heard and produce speech in response. A
the executive control system that is used in surrounding set of cortical areas links this system with
analyzing and other higher functions. other regions of the cortex that are responsible for
 Delay the onset of diseases like dementia and communicating our thoughts.
 People who are multilingual have better plasticity  Communication Disorder
that is the ability for the brain to undergo constant  Aphasia is a condition involving the loss of the
change and adapt to this accordingly. ability to speak or to understand a spoken
 In addition with this, American Sign Language is a language. It could be a result from brain damage
language not of sounds but of sight and caused by strokes or head injuries.
movement. It provides an interesting contrast  Aphasia is known as a disorder that makes you
between language functions, typically lateralized lose words. Depending on the area of the brain
to the left hemisphere, and spatial functions, that is damage, there are difference on how
generally typically to the right hemisphere. aphasia affect a person.

 Types of Aphasia
Brain Damage and Language  In 1861, a Parisian physician Paul Broca treated a
 Brain Damage 51 year old man referred to as a Tan who had
 Or brain injury is the degeneration of brain cells. It been mute for more than 20 years. “Tan” is one of
occur due to a wide range of internal (acquired brain the few syllables he could produce, and despite
injury) and external factors (traumatic brain injury). being institutionalized, he can understand and can
respond in a way of gesture. He died shortly after,
and that is when Broca performed an autopsy on
his patient’s brain. He found a lesion in the left
frontal cortex of Tan’s brain and as he examined
his other patients with aphasia, he discovered a
damaged that is in the same area as Tan’s, in  Transcortical Aphasia is a language disorder resulting
which are now known as Broca’s area. This from damage to the connections and cortical areas
became the earliest observations of the associated with the major language centers.
localization of language in the brain and open for  Damage to connections and cortical areas associated
modern neurology. . with the major language centers. Patients are similar
with either Broca’s or Wernicke’s aphasia. However,
 Broca’s Aphasia or non-fluent aphasia is a they retain the ability to repeat words that is lacking in
condition marked by the production of slow, these other aphasias.
laborious speech accompanied by good
comprehension, poor repetition, and poor naming.  Transcortical Motor Aphasia is a condition in which
 The primary symptom of Broca’s aphasia is language is not fluent, but the ability to repeat is
difficulty in producing speech in all forms of retained.
language. In here, speech is slow and laborious  Damage occurs in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
but generally meaningful. They generally omit Patients do not speak fluently, however, they are
pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs capable of accurately rate repetition of complex
when speaking. They understand most speech, sentences.
except when meaning depends on complex
grammar.  Transcortical Sensory Aphasia is a condition in which
 In 1874, a junior assistant in a German hospital comprehension is poor, but the ability to repeat is
named Carl Wernicke discovered that damage in retained.
part of the left temporal cortex produced a different  The connections between the language centers and
kind of language impairment. the parts of the brain responsible for word meaning are
disrupted. Patients retain fluent, grammatical speech,
 Wernicke’s Aphasia or fluent aphasia is a but their comprehension is impaired.
condition in which speech is fluent, but  Most stroke survivors suffers from aphasia. And some
comprehension, repetition, and naming are quite of them take speech therapy for language
poor. improvement. Our scientist of today also conduct
 The major deficit here is the comprehension, experiments to enhance the brain plasticity.
usually for both the written and spoken word. In
here, speech is rapid and fluent but virtually  Reading and Writing Disorder
meaningless. They suffer from anomia or the  Alexia is a condition characterized by the ability to
difficulty to recall the names of the objects so they speak and understand the spoken word normally
start to make up names that is called paraphasias. accompanied by an inability to read or to point to words
Poor language comprehension. and letters on command.
 Also referred to as pure word blindness.
 Conduction Aphasia is a condition characterized by
fluent speech and good comprehension but poor  Agraphia is a condition characterized by the loss of the
repetition and naming; believed to result from damage ability to write.
to the arcuate fasciculus and underlying structures.  A person can also be alexic but not agraphic, meaning
 A band of fibers known as the arcuate fasciculus to say they cannot read what they have just write.
connects the area of Broca’s and Wernicke’s to each
other. Damage to the arcuate fasciculus and adjacent  Dyslexia is a condition characterized by difficulty
cortex results in conduction aphasia. The speech of learning to read in spite of normal intelligence and
patients remain fluent, and comprehension is fairly exposure to standard instruction.
good. These patients are less impaired in language  People with dyslexia see things as normal people do,
function than patients with either Wernicke’s or Broca’s the problems starts when it comes to the manipulation
aphasia. of letters. Dyslexia is not an eye disorder, but is a
processing problem.
 Global Aphasia is a condition in which all language 
functions are lost, including both language production  Takeaways
and comprehension.
 Patients lose all language functions. Ability to speak, Anatomical Differences of the Hemispheres
comprehend, read, and write are impaired.  Contralateral Control is the arrangement whereby the
Comprehension is typically limited to a very small set motor cortex of each cerebral hemisphere is mainly
of words.
responsible for control of movements of the  Broca’s Area regulates breathing patterns while
contralateral (opposite) side of the body. speaking and vocalizations required for normal
 Celebral Lateralization refers to the functional speech.
specialization of the two cerebral hemispheres.  Multilingualism is the ability of an individual speaker to
 Anatomical Differences communicate effectively in two or more languages.
 Human brain is basically symmetrical, split down the Brain Damage
middle: the right cerebral hemisphere receives sensory  Aphasia is an acquired language impairment that
input from and directs movement on the left side of the results from brain damage typically in the left
body, while the left hemisphere governs corresponding hemisphere.
functions for the right side.  Alexia is the loss or impairment of the ability to
 However, the differences involves the corpus comprehend written or printed words as a result of
callosum, which has been found to be larger in left- lesions, stroke, or other forms of neurological damage
handers and those who are ambidextrous (showing no or disorder.
strong hand preference) than in those who consistently  Agraphia is the loss or impairment of the ability to write
prefer their right hand. as a result of neurological disorder. The specific forms
Functions of the Left and Right Hemispheres of writing difficulties vary considerably but may include
 Representation in the Left Hemisphere problems with spelling irregular or ambiguous words,
 Motor control of the right side of the body, processing writing numbers or particular letters, or performing the
of the right visual field, and right-ear advantage in motor movements needed for handwriting.
dichotic listening tasks, logical processing, associated Dyslexia and Stuttering is a developmental disorders
with language functions, such as formulating grammar in which an otherwise intelligent person experiences
and vocabulary, and containing different language difficulty learning to read or to articulate clearly when
centres. exposed to standard experience and instruction.
 Representation in the Right Hemisphere
 Motor control of the left side of the body, processing of
the left visual field, left-ear advantage in dichotic
listening tasks, intuition, spatial relations, and
associated with more visuospatial functions such as
visualization, depth perception, and spatial navigation.
Lateralization and Handedness
 Lateralization is the one-sided preferences, such as
handedness, eye dominance, and footedness. It is
observed more frequently in humans than in other
primates, lateralization is manifested in the way tasks
are performed and can also be inferred from the effects
of localized brain damage
 Corpus Callosum is a wide band of axons connecting
the right and left cerebral hemispheres.
 Handedness is the consistent use of one hand rather
than the other in performing certain tasks. It is the
preference usually is related to a dominance effect of
the motor cortex on the opposite side of the body. Also
called hand dominance; manual dominance.
 Language is a system of communicating with others
using sounds, symbols, and words to express a
meaning, idea, or thought.
 Wernicke’s Area is the region of the brain that contains
motor neurons involved in the comprehension of
 Gyrus Angularis is the hub of several networks that are
involved in various functions, including attention, self-
processing, semantic information processing, emotion
regulation, and mentalizing.

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