Aptis: British Council

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Part 1: You want to join a photography club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. What is the weather today? It is extremely hot.
2. The most favorite time of the year? I'm a big fan of Spring.
3. What do you usually do when you are free? I Often Listen to Music.
4. What is your favorite sport? I'm Keen on Swimming.
5. A place you want to visit in your country? I would like to visit Da Nang.

Part 2: You are a new member of a walking club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 40
When would you like to walk?

When I have leisure time, my friends and I usually walk in the park near my university. We also
brought some soft drinks and snacks to eat. Therefore, I can let my hair down after a hard
working day.
Part 3: You are a member of a walking club. You are talking to some other members in the travel club chat
A: I often walk. Do you like to walk or not?
I see eye to eye with you. Moreover, I am a big fan of walking with my friends. Because we can tell a lot of fun
stories during this time and we can keep fit. Honestly, I've been quite busy with my homework recently. Therefore, I
was once on a blue moon walking. I hope I have more leisure time to walk with my friends.

B: I like to walk but when it rains I was wet. Please tell me about the time when you have a bad experience
when walking?
Last month, when I completed my classes, my friends and I walked to the park together. Unfortunately, it was the
rainy season at that time, so it was raining cats and dogs throughout the night. Luckily, there is a convenience store
nearby so we had to buy an umbrella.

C: Walking is the best gym. Do you think when many people walk and know it is good for health?
I absolutely agree with this statement, there are many ways to improve your health such as going to the gym,
doing exercise outdoors, running,… But I think when we walk outdoors, we can enjoy the fresh atmosphere and
keep our body fit. Besides, we also save money as there is no need to pay for the gym.
Nhiệm vụ đầu tiên khi làm Part 4: xác định vấn đề của đề bài là tích cực hay tiêu cực ⇒ ĐỌC HIỂU ĐỀ.
Hi An,
Bước 1: hỏi thăm (3 câu)
1. How are you these days? / How are you doing? / How is life treating you?
2. We haven’t talked to each other for a while / It seems like ages since I last saw you
3. I hope everything goes well with you . / I hope this email finds you well.

Bước 2: Đề cập vấn đề (trích lại đề bài hoặc paraphrase)

Have you heard about the notice of the club? …(trích) I received an email from the manager of the club about...

Bước 3: Cảm xúc khi nhắc về vấn đề đó.

To be honest, I was on cloud nine when I heard this news as I have been waiting for it for a
long time. -> ( vui )
To be honest, I was in a black mood when I heard this news -> ( buồn )

Bước 4: Đề xuất ngắn/ đề xuất chung chung.

I think I should send an email to the manager about my ideas. What do you think?
Love, / Hugs,
Ký Tên.
EMAIL GỬI NGƯỜI QUẢN LÝ: 120-150 từ. Không được viết tắt vì đây là email trang trọng. Khi viết thì tách đoạn

Dear Sir,
Bước 1: giới thiệu bản thân + mục đích viết thư.
My name is (họ và tên) and I have been a club member for 2 years. I am writing this email to express my feelings and opinions
concerning the recent notification that I have received from the club.

Bước 2: Đề cập vấn đề (trích đề bài/paraphrase)

According to the announcement/the news/the notice, … (trích đề/paraphrase).

Bước 3: Cảm xúc.

I was on top of the world when I heard this news since this plan is the best thing since sliced bread. → vui
This is a little disappointing to me as it was such a bolt from the blue. → buồn
Bước 4: Giải pháp cụ thể. (yêu cầu xác định chuẩn vấn đề đề bài là tích cực hay tiêu cực)
From my perspective, it would be preferable if the club could post details regarding this notice on the club’s forum so that
people can follow and attend with us./ give their suggestions to fix this problem. Moreover, I would be grateful if we could ...

Bước 5: Câu kết:

Please take my suggestions into consideration. I look forward to receiving your response soon.
Best regards, / Your sincerely, / Your faithfully,
Họ và tên.
Part 4: You are a member of a walking club. You received this email from the
Phiên bản 1:
Dear member,
As members of the Club know. The club will organize a 2 -week Walking Tour
through countries in Europe. Some of the members' opinions on this issue. What
do you think, please give your opinion or recommend this plan?

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 75 words.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 225 words.
Part 4: You are a member of a walking club. You received this email from the

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 225 words.

phiên bản 1:
- research the country’s customs and culture and learn basis phrases language
such as “hello,” “thank you,” “excuse me.” This will help you can communicate
with locals.
Part 4: You are a member of a walking club. You received this email from the
Phiên bản 2:
Dear member,
Currently in the Walking Club, there are many people who are not focused on
pedestrians but use their phones when walking on the road. The club wants the
members to give comments and proposals on this issue

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 75 words.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 225 words.
Part 4: You are a member of a walking club. You received this email from the

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 225 words.

Phiên bản 2:
organized public education campaigns
warning signs in high-traffic areas.
Part 1: You want to join a photography club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. Where are you from?
2. What’s the weather like today?
3. What do you do in your free time?
4. First language?
5. Who do you usually go to the movies with?
Part 2: You are a new member of a photography club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences.
Use 40 words.
What is your favorite time and place to take pictures?

Part 3: You are a member of a photography club. You are talking to three other members in
the photography club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 60 words.
A: Hi! Welcome to the club. What is your favorite photo?
B: Hi! What kind of photos do you like to take?
C: Is it good to take pictures with the phone?
Part 2: You are a new member of a photography club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 40
What is your favorite time and place to take pictures?
I usually spend my weekend arriving in mountainous areas to take a lot of beautiful and memorable
pictures. Especially, I prefer to visit mountains in autumn because natural scenery and weather are
fabulous in the autumn. I can enjoy fresh air and take a large number of photos about animals,
special plants, and traditional costumes of people who live in high mountains.

Part 3: You are a member of a photography club. You are talking to three other members in the
photography club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 60 words.
A: Hi! Welcome to the club. What is your favorite photo?
Hello, glad to talk to you. I really like a picture presenting a waterfall in Cao Bang province. I saw it
last month at my friend's house. The majestic and fabulous scenery in that picture made a strong
impression on me.
Part 3: You are a member of a photography club. You are talking to three other members in
the photography club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 60 words.

B: Hi! What kind of photos do you like to take?

Hi. I am a big fan of World’s natural beauty so all pictures that I took are of natural scenery. I
usually take photos of sunrise and sunset on the sea, waterfalls in forests, ripe rice fields and so
on. I love to see beautiful nature in the world.

C: Is it good to take pictures with the phone?

In my perspective, taking pictures with the phone is convenient for people. The phone is smaller
and easier to carry than a camera so you could take photos or save memorable moments
quickly anytime and anywhere. With modern and high-quality phones, you also have high
resolution photos as a camera.
Part 4: You are a member of a photography club. You received this email from
the club.

Dear member,
Last year, the club held a contest but there was only one category. This year, the
club will be divided into several categories including women, men and children
under 16 years old. Do you have ideas for this plan?

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 75 words.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 225 words.
Part 4: You are a member of a photography club. You received this email from
the club.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 225 words.

- offer prizes for the best photos, such as gift cards or photography equipment, to
encourage participation and inspire people to showcase their best work.

PART 1 ( 30s /answer)

Tell about your first school.

What is your favorite music?

Please tell me a typical meal in your country.


Tell about your first school.

As far as I remember my first school was a primary school which is

called Hoa Mi. It was 10 minutes away from my home. The school is
quite wide and has many colors on the wall to attract students.
Moreover, teachers and friends here are also very friendly and lovely.
Honestly, I have a lot of beautiful memories here. Looking back on
this memory, I feel very happy and I think I will never forget this.

What is your favorite music?

I’m keen on listening to instrumental music because it helps me to

easily focus on my study or work. But sometimes, I would love to
put on my earphones and enjoy other kinds of music such as Pop,
R&B, and EDM so that I can feel relaxed and get more positive

Please tell me a typical meal in your country.

There are various kinds of food in my country. One of the most

recommended dishes is pho. I am also a big fan of pho. Honestly,
I'm crazy about it as I can eat seven days a week without getting
bored. This dish is also not expensive and you can find it
anywhere and anytime.

Describe the picture

Do you often watch TV?
Why is free time important?

Question 1: ( 45s) Describe this picture

Well, in the picture, I can see a man watching TV. He is lying on the sofa. It must have been his

relaxing time after a hard day. Perhaps he is watching his favorite TV programs. I guess it may
be a soccer match, a fashion show, a music concert or something like that. It is so great for us to
have leisure time after long working hours, right? So don’t forget to take your time to refresh

your mind and prepare well for a new day.


Describe two picture?

Do you like to play with horses or with snakes?
Should children be exposed to animals?
Describe two picture?
Both of the photos depict the children's contact with animals.
In the first picture, I can see the father and his son playing with a horse. The father wears a ... shirt
and the son wears a .. shirt. The boy seems very happy because maybe it's the first time he saw a
horse. looking at the background of the photo, I guess this place is the park and they are enjoying
their day off to hang out.
Looking in the second picture, I can tell that this is a teacher with her students. The teacher wears a
...shirt and she is guiding the kids to learn and play with the snake on the table. The kids look
excited and happy.
Do you like to play with horses or with snakes?

I like playing with horses more than playing with snakes because I have been very
afraid of snakes since I was a child. I think horses are friendlier than snakes, they are
intelligent animals and are trained by humans. I’m very keen on horse riding. I rode a
horse once when I was in 8th grade and that is my most memorable and interesting
memory till now.
Should children find out to animals?

From my perspective, I see eye to eye with this statement. Nowadays, Animals play an
important role in our lives. Not only provide us with friendship, but also having a pet has
various benefits for children. Firstly, it help children developed the closest strong bonds
to animals. Furthermore, caring for their animals, such as taking them for a walk,
feeding them and grooming them teaches the children to be responsible not only
towards other animals but also with people.

1. In my life, I have experienced / undergone many + ( đề )

2. Each of them has a certain meaning to me. However, I would like to tell
you... That give me the strongest impression.
3. As far as, I remember ....
4. When - Where - Who - How - What
5. Looking back to that moment, I feel + adj
6. I think it is a/an unforgetable/ memorable event to me
Lưu ý: dùng thì quá khứ khi kể.

Khi kết thúc câu trả lời nhưng còn khoảng 10s

It was my happy time/great time, bad/terrible experience (trải nghiệm)

That's all my answer for this question. Thank you for your listening and
your attention

Thời gian 3 phút gồm 3 câu hỏi đưa ra cùng lúc - 1 phút chuẩn bị và trả lời
trong vòng 2 phút.

Tell me a time when you visit a new city?

How did you feel about it?
Why do people always study new things?
2 years ago, I took a trip with my family to Da Nang – a coastal city in the middle of Vietnam, which has been
widely considered the most worth-living place in my country.

Da Nang has various landscapes and my favorite place: Ba Na Hills. The first thing we did when we reached Ba Na
hills was going to the top by cable car, I could see magnificent mountains.

Moreover, the first thing that caught my attention was the Golden Bridge which has a wonderful design. Then, I
almost screamed out of excitement when we reached an area called The French Village. I took lots of photos there.
Of course, since Da Nang is a coastal city, it’d be a huge mistake if I don’t mention its beautiful beaches and the
delicious seafood because of their quality and perfect flavor.

All in all, Da Nang is a wonderful accommodation for traveling. Hopefully, I’ll soon have a chance to pay this
beautiful city another visit.

Thời gian 3 phút gồm 3 câu hỏi đưa ra cùng lúc - 1 phút chuẩn bị và trả lời
trong vòng 2 phút.

Buy expensive items

In my life, I buy something expensive once in a blue moon. But on a basic regular I would like to buy some present
for myself after my efforts such as, smart phone, Apple watch or jewelry. Each of them has a certain meaning to
me. However, today I would like to talk about an expensive item I bought recently, which is a camera.

To tell the truth, I am a big fan of wonderful pictures and I am keen on being a photographer so I really want to
challenge myself beyond my safety and I bought a camera a month ago. But I have encountered some difficulties
researching the camera because it has many types on the market. Besides, I watched a lot of review videos on
social media to expand my knowledge. Fortunately, I have a best friend who was a camera expert. Honestly, I
would like to say that I am really sincerely grateful to him as he was very enthusiastic and thoughtful. He gave me
a lot of advice on which models to buy as well as which are both economical and suitable for beginners.

Finally, I made the best decision of my life when I bought the Canon M3. It is a small white camera and it’s not too
heavy so it is really convenient when I want to shoot outdoors. Honestly, I extremely love my camera.

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