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1. Please tell me about your family

nuclear family (2 thế hệ)
extended family (nhiều thế hệ) with
My mother is very beautiful, she is about 40 years old. She works as a doctor
in a local hospital ….
My family always lives in harmony . I love my family so much
I’m over the moon when I can tell you about …..
I come from a nuclear family of five, which includes my parents, my 2 sisters
and myself. My mother is very beautiful, she is 50 years old. She works as a
doctor in a local hospital. My family always lives in harmony. I love my
family so much.
2. Please tell me about yourself
Tên, tuổi, quê quán, sống trong gia đình bao nhiêu người, nghề nghiệp,
chuyên ngành, trường học, lí do bạn chọn ngành, sở thích, thói quen, tự nhủ,
tự động viên bản thân
Currently, I'm a nurse at UMC, which is a hospital in HCMC. I must say that
i love my job because it brings meaning and purpose to my life. I really want
to help my patients overcome illness. As you know, my job is very
demanding, that's why i usually fell overwhelmed at work. Even so, i always
try to do better every day.
3. Tell me about your hometown/ Tell me about a famous place in your
Quê hương ở đâu, khí hậu (peaceful and nice, cold, cool, warm), con người
( friendly, kind, helpful, hospitable…), thức ăn ( Ha Noi is well-known for
Pho, Banh Mi,...) I really love dishes here and I always wanna try. If you
have a chance to visit Vietnam, Ha Noi is the best choice for you.
4. Tell me the best way to travel around your country? (transportation)
Liệt kê: Phương tiện, lí do tại sao chọn phương tiện….. If you have a chance
to visit Vietnam, why don’t you try this kind of transportation to travel
around my country. I will like it.
5. Tell me about your friend(s)/ a member in your family
He/She has a head for + V-ing…. I hope this friendship will last forever.
6. What is the weather like today?/What is your favorite season?
Như thế nào, thời tiết ảnh hưởng đến chúng ta như thế ( trang phục, tâm
trạng, các hoạt động). I think this atmosphere is very suitable for us to ….. I
love this kind of weather….
7. Please tell me about one of your good memories
(kể ra 1 điều gì đó)
8. What do you like doing with your friend?/ What do you like doing in
your free time?/ What did you do last night/on the weekend?
Kể mình thích gì, với ai, lúc nào, cảm xúc, nó giúp gì cho bạn, duy trì những
thói quen đó
9. Please tell me about your first school?
Tên trường tiểu học, ở đâu, có bao nhiêu lầu, sân? cây cối? canteen, sơn màu
gì (it is painted yellow with many windows in order to get enough light), bạn
bè, thầy cô, hoạt động ở trường , học ở trường bao lâu, yêu quý không?
10. Describe the room you are in?
Diện tích, màu gì, máy điều hòa (make me feel more comfortable under this
hot weather). Trang bị (This room is equipped with many computers,..... Bao
nhiêu giám thị? Cảm giác ở phòng như thế nào I had butterflies in my
stomach but I will try my best to pass the exam with flying colors.
11. Describe your journey here today?
Chọn thi mấy giờ, đi sớm, đi bằng gì, đi với ai, thời tiết ra sao, bạn mặc đồ gì
đi, có kẹt xe, có sự cố xảy ra, cảm xúc của bạn
12. Your typical day? (điển hình)
In the morning,
In the afternoon,
In the evening,
After a long day, I go to bed at ….
13. What are you wearing today?
Tôi rất thích trang phục nào ( loại trang phục , màu gì). Tại sao mình lại chọn
( because it makes me look younger and more beautiful/ pretty/ handsome.
Another reason ….. I love my style.
Well, I prefer casual clothes because it is simple and comfortable. A pair of
jeans and a t-shirt would be great. But of course, I also wear formal clothes
on special occasions.
My job is a nurse, so my uniform is a blouse. I feel very comfortable and
confident when I wear it. Whenever I put on my blouse, I so proud of my job.
It also reminds me to always dedicate and complete the task well.

14. When do you feel tired?

2 days ago, the weather was very hot, I had to

2 days ago. Thời tiết (hot) besides, I had to ….. I felt weary and wanted to go
to bed immediately. I don’t wanna experience such a terrible day like that day

2 days ago, the weather was very hot, I had to go to the post office which is
20 minutes by bike away from my house. I felt very tired and desired to go to
bed immediately. I don’t want to experience such a terrible day like that day.

15. Describe a typical Vietnamese meal

Very simple including 4 dishes:

The main dish is rice

The next one

The third one

Final dish is dessert

(tốt cho sức khỏe, ngon, dễ chế biến, đa dạng, bản thân mình thích ăn )

16. Tell me why are you interested in traveling?

I am a freshman at SaiGon University. My major is Tourism so I really love

traveling. (Lí do).

17. Tell me why do you learn English?

- Mở rộng cơ hội việc làm, thăng tiếng

- Có chứng chỉ tiếng anh để tốt nghiệp
- Có thể giao tiếp với người nước ngoài
- Có thể xem phim, nghe nhạc bằng tiếng Anh
- Đu idol - Taylor Swift
- Làm đẹp CV

The English is becoming more and more common in the world. And
people are dedicating time to study English as their second language. I can
find a new job or travel around the world easily with English. If I know
English, I will have more chances to get a good job. It also helps me
communicate with people from many countries.

18. Tell me about your job? (làm tương tự câu 2)

Giới thiệu bản thân - công việc ấy làm lúc mấy giờ, làm ở đâu, chuyên ngành
lĩnh vực, tại sao bạn chọn ngành đó, ngành đó có giúp cho bạn đủ sống hay
không, yêu thích hay không?

19. Bộ câu hỏi về favorite: music, singer, film, book, place, sport, …
*Form chung cho chủ đề favorite: music, sport, film, food, place, book,
singer , ....
1. I am over the moon when I can tell you about my favorite … .
2. There are so many types of … that I am keen on such as … but my
favorite is … .
3. I …(thực hiện sở thích) with my father on a regular basis.
4. Every now and then, I …(thực hiện sở thích) with my friends if we
have a chance.
5. I am a big fan of … since it makes me feel ecstatic and helps me let my
hair down after a hard working day.

During my leisure time, I enjoy reading book and my favorite genre is selt-
help book. Currently, I’m reading book called Đac Nhan Tam. It’s supper
During my leisure time, I usually go to the movies with my buddies, and our
favorite genre is a horror movies, so we usually catch a horror flick if
possible. Actually, recently we’ve watched this horror movies call “The
Nun”. It’s super scary and super exciting as well.
During my leisure time, I usually hit the gym and work out, because I
wanna stay fit and get lean.
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