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Bound roots:
1. -ject- (throw)
o Examples: inject (throw in), reject (throw back)
2. -spect- (see, look)
o Examples: inspect (look into), spectator (one who looks)
3. -struct- (build)
o Examples: construct (build together), destruct (build down)
4. -ceive- (take, seize)
o Examples: receive (take back), perceive (take through)
5. -mit- / -miss- (send)
o Examples: transmit (send across), dismiss (send away)
6. -fer- (carry, bear)
o Examples: transfer (carry across), refer (carry back)
7. -dic- / -dict- (say, speak)
o Examples: predict (say before), dictionary (a collection of words)
8. -rupt- (break)
o Examples: disrupt (break apart), erupt (break out)
9. -sist- (stand)
o Examples: resist (stand against), assist (stand by)
10. -tend- / -tens- (stretch)
o Examples: extend (stretch out), intense (stretched tightly)
11. -duct- (lead)
o Examples: conduct (lead together), abduct (lead away)
12. -tain- / -ten- (hold)
o Examples: contain (hold together), tenacious (holding fast)
13. -gress- (step, go)
o Examples: progress (step forward), regress (step back)
14. -vene- / -vent- (come)
o Examples: intervene (come between), advent (coming towards)
15. -duce- (lead)
o Examples: produce (lead forth), reduce (lead back)
16. -puls- / -pel- (drive, push)
o Examples: propel (push forward), repulse (drive back)
17. -pos- / -pon- (place, put)
o Examples: compose (put together), opponent (one who is placed against)
18. -scribe- / -script- (write)
o Examples: describe (write down), manuscript (written by hand)
19. -cur- / -curs- (run)
o Examples: occur (run towards), cursive (running style of writing)
20. -tain- / -ten- (hold)
o Examples: maintain (hold in hand), tenant (one who holds)
21. -vene- (come)
o Examples: convene (come together), intervene (come between)
22. -fid- (faith, trust)
o Examples: confident (with trust), fidelity (faithfulness)
23. -vert- / -vers- (turn)
o Examples: convert (turn together), reverse (turn back)
24. -voc- / -vok- (call)
o Examples: vocal (related to calling), invoke (call in)
25. -cede- / -ceed- / -cess- (go, yield)
o Examples: recede (go back), proceed (go forward), access (go to)

26. -cap- / -capt- / -cept- (take, seize)

o Examples: capture (take by force), accept (take in), intercept (seize between)
27. -cide- (kill)
o Examples: homicide (killing of a human), pesticide (substance that kills pests)
28. -claim- / -clam- (shout, cry out)
o Examples: exclaim (cry out), proclaim (shout forth)
29. -clud- / -clus- (close, shut)
o Examples: include (shut in), exclude (shut out)
30. -cred- (believe)
o Examples: credit (belief in one's reputation), incredible (not believable)
31. -dict- (say, speak)
o Examples: dictate (speak to), contradict (speak against)
32. -duc- / -duct- (lead)
o Examples: conduct (lead together), induce (lead into)
33. -fact- / -fect- / -fic- (make, do)
o Examples: factory (place where things are made), affect (make an impact), fiction
(something made up)
34. -form- (shape)
o Examples: conform (shape together), reform (shape again)
35. -fract- / -frag- (break)
o Examples: fracture (a break), fragment (a broken piece)
36. -gress- / -grad- (step, go)
o Examples: progress (step forward), graduate (step to the next level)
37. -hydr- (water)
o Examples: dehydrate (remove water), hydroplane (skid on water)
38. -ject- (throw)
o Examples: eject (throw out), project (throw forward)
39. -log- / -logy- (word, study)
o Examples: dialogue (conversation between two people), biology (study of life)
40. -luc- / -lum- / -lus- (light)
o Examples: illuminate (light up), lucid (clear, easy to understand)
41. -man- / -manu- (hand)
o Examples: manual (done by hand), manufacture (make by hand)
42. -mort- (death)
o Examples: mortal (subject to death), immortal (not subject to death)
43. -ped- / -pod- (foot)
o Examples: pedestrian (one who walks), tripod (three-footed stand)
44. -phon- (sound)
o Examples: telephone (device for sound at a distance), phonetic (related to sound)
45. -port- (carry)
o Examples: transport (carry across), import (carry in)
46. -rupt- (break)
o Examples: disrupt (break apart), interrupt (break in between)
47. -scrib- / -script- (write)
o Examples: describe (write down), transcript (written copy)
48. -sens- / -sent- (feel)
o Examples: sensitive (easily felt), sentiment (feeling or emotion)
49. -tact- / -tang- (touch)
o Examples: contact (touch together), tangible (able to be touched)
50. -ten- / -tain- / -tin- (hold)
o Examples: retain (hold back), maintain (hold in hand), continue (hold together)
51. -tract- (draw, pull)
o Examples: attract (pull towards), contract (draw together)
52. -ven- / -vent- (come)
o Examples: convene (come together), advent (coming towards)
53. -vers- / -vert- (turn)
o Examples: reverse (turn back), convert (turn together)
54. -vid- / -vis- (see)
o Examples: video (I see), vision (sight)
55. -voc- / -vok- (call)
o Examples: vocal (related to calling), evoke (call out)
56. -volv- / -volut- (roll, turn)
o Examples: revolve (roll around), evolution (rolling out)
57. -psycho- (mind)
o Examples: psychology (study of the mind), psychosis (condition of the mind)
58. -chrono- (time)
o Examples: chronology (study of time), synchronize (occur at the same time)
59. -geo- (earth)
o Examples: geology (study of the earth), geography (study of the earth's surface)
60. -bio- (life)
o Examples: biology (study of life), biography (written account of a person's life)

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