Met Ocean Conditions For Offshore Engineering

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Estimation of Extreme Met-Ocean Conditions for

Offshore Engineering Applications

Vijay Panchang1 and Chan K. Jeong2
1 Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX, USA
2 Dockwise USA, Houston, TX, USA

years, Gumbel (1941) provided perhaps the first systematic

1 Introduction 1 approach to this ill-posed problem. The essence of the proce-
2 Basic Theory 2 dure lies in fitting available data to an appropriate probability
3 Parameter Estimation 3 distribution and then using that distribution in inverse fashion
4 Other Distributions 5 to identify an event corresponding to the specified N.
Such techniques, in general, have been used to iden-
5 Selection of the Appropriate Distribution 5
tify 100-, 200-, and other larger N-year return period esti-
6 Data Requirements 6
mates of significant wave heights (SWHs) and windspeeds
7 Trends in the Data 7 for offshore engineering applications in many parts of the
8 Recent Developments: Modeled Wind and Wave world. Examples include Panchang, Jeong, and Demirbilek
Data 7 (2013) and Panchang and Li (2006) for the Gulf of Mexico,
9 Summary and Conclusions 9 Neelamani, Al-Salem, and Rakha (2006, 2007) for a part
Acknowledgments 12 of the Persian Gulf, Golshani, Taebi, and Chegini (2007)
Endnotes 12 for the Caspian Sea, Canellas et al. (2007) for parts of the
Glossary 12 Mediterranean Sea, Aarnes, Breivik, and Reistad (2012) for
References 12 the Norwegian Sea, Panchang, Pearce, and Puri (1999) and
Panchang, Jeong, and Li (2008) for various regions of the
Gulf of Maine, and Muzathik et al. (2011) for the South
China Sea. Engineers can refer to these publications for
1 INTRODUCTION first-order estimates as needed for their design calculations,
although as described below, considerable scope may exist
The design of offshore structures entails the characterization for obtaining improved estimates. In any case, the method-
of events corresponding to a specified frequency of occur- ology lends itself to multiple solutions and it behooves the
rence. In engineering parlance, these events are related to the engineer to consider more than one estimate with knowledge
“return period” (also called the recurrence interval), denoted of the attendant limitations and assumptions.
by N and loosely defined as an event that is equaled or In fact, recent events have given a fillip to the exami-
exceeded once in N years. Although engineers had grap- nation of such issues. The hurricanes in the Gulf Mexico
pled with such estimation using ad hoc methods for many during the 2004–2008 period resulted in wave heights that
Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
exceeded the previously calculated 100-year return period
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. estimates (SWH100 ) by as much as 6 m (approximately 50%)
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition)
in the vicinity of several offshore facilities (Panchang and
ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2 Li, 2006), inflicting considerable damage to the structures
2 General

and disrupting supplies. Hurricane Katrina caused overtop- general, to estimate the N-year SWH (denoted by SWHN ),
ping of and damage to the levees that protect New Orleans Equation 2 may be rewritten as
from the 100-year surge. As a result of these events, exten-
sion of the design condition to larger return periods (or lower 1
1− = P(H < SWHN )
frequencies of occurrence) must be seriously considered. N
Even though a structure may be designed to withstand the { [ ( )]}
SWHN − a
100-year event (i.e., an event corresponding to a 1% prob- = exp − exp − (3)
ability of exceedance in any year), during its “design life”
of, say, 30 years, the probability of such an event being
experienced at least once is as high as 1 − (0.99)30 = 26%, The parameters a and b are determined in conjunction
which most engineers would be reluctant to accept. Prudence with available data (through a process known as parameter
would suggest lowering this risk by opting for a higher return estimation). Several methods are available for this process.
period. Differences in wave properties at different locations, as
While the basic framework for estimating conditions corre- represented by data, manifest themselves through differences
sponding to long return periods, described by Gumbel (1941, in a and b, so that, even if the Gumbel distribution itself is
1958) and subsequently in many textbooks, is fairly straight- applicable to the different locations, the actual formulas will
forward, the various steps involved present many alterna- be different.
tives, which have been the subject of considerable research In addition to the Gumbel distribution, other extreme value
in the past few years. The purpose of this article is to provide distributions have also been used. Isaacson and MacKenzie
a brief review of the salient features of such estimation and (1981), Muir and El-Shaarawai (1986), and Sorenson (1997)
to identify the most relevant methods available to the engi- provide lists of formulae for multiple distributions such as
neer and the choices that confront him. It is also intended the lognormal, Gumbel, Weibull, and the Frechet distribu-
to supplement the excellent earlier reviews by Isaacson and tions. In the well-cited papers authored by Chevron engineers
MacKenzie (1981) and Muir and El-Shaarawai (1986) by Petruaskas and Aagaard (1970, 1971), two distributions are
describing some more recent developments. reported as being common in offshore engineering practice:
the Gumbel and the Weibull distributions. The latter is given
( )𝛼−1 ( ( )𝛼 )
Consider a set of SWHs (h1 , h2 , h3 , …, hi ), pertaining to H−𝛾
𝛼 H−𝛾
p(H) = exp − (4)
some regular or irregular time intervals, which cover a total 𝛽 𝛽 𝛽
[ ( )𝛼 ]
time duration of T (e.g., 1 year). Over a long period of time H−𝛾
(say several years), many such sets, say M, may be available P(H) = 1 − exp − (5)
to the engineer. Now consider the set of maximum SWHs,
hereafter denoted by H, corresponding to each set; so long where 𝛼, 𝛽, and 𝛾 are the parameters of the distribution.
as the original SWHs in each of the M sets follows the In recent years, increasing ease of computational work has
same distribution, the maxima follow an “extreme value” enabled wider adoption of a more robust alternative, namely,
distribution. One such distribution is the well-known Gumbel the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution:
{ [ ( ( ))]} [ ( )]−(1∕𝜉)−1
H−a H−a 1 H−𝜇
p(H) = exp − + exp − (1) p(H; 𝜇, 𝜎, 𝜉) = 1+𝜉
b b 𝜎 𝜎
{ [ ( )]−1∕𝜉 }
{ [ ( )]}
H−a H−𝜇
P(H) = exp − exp − (2) exp − 1 + 𝜉 (6)
b 𝜎
where p(H) is the probability density function, P the cumu-
lative distribution function representing the probability of { [ ( )]−1∕𝜉 }
an SWH being less than a specified value H, and a and b P(H; 𝜇, 𝜎, 𝜉) = exp − 1 + 𝜉 (7)
the parameters of the distribution that are yet to be esti- 𝜎
mated. However, once a and b are established, SWH100
may be determined simply by specifying the latin hypercube for 𝜉 ≠ 0. When 𝜉 = 0, the above-mentioned equations take
sampling (LHS) of Equation 2 as 0.99 and calculating H. In the following form:

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
Estimation of Extreme Met-Ocean Conditions for Offshore Engineering Applications 3


Significant wave height (m)

1 5 10 25 50 100 500 1000
Return period (years)

0.01 0.10 0.300.40 0.60 0.80 0.90 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.990 0.995 0.997 0.998 0.9991
Cumulative probability (P)

Figure 1. SWHs for various return periods, estimated using method of moments. (Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI
(National Centers for Environmental Information) © (2015).)

[ ( )]
1 H−𝜇 yieldsa = 4. 23 and b = 0. 654. This calculation is practically
p(H; 𝜇, 𝜎, 𝜉) =
exp − instantaneous. Specifying the LHS in Equation 2 as 0.99 (or
𝜎 𝜎
{ [ ( )]} substituting N = 100 in Equation 3) yields SWH100 = 7. 22 m
H−𝜇 as a first estimate. Choosing other values of N results in
exp − exp − (6a)
𝜎 Figure 1.
{ ( )} These preliminaries now enable us to address other aspects
H−𝜇 of extreme value prediction for ocean engineering applica-
P(H; 𝜇, 𝜎, 𝜉) = exp − exp − (7a)
𝜎 tions.
where 𝜉, 𝜇, and 𝜎 are the shape, location, and scale parame-
ters, respectively, of the distribution.
Equations 1–3 permit the demonstration of the basic calcu- 3 PARAMETER ESTIMATION
lations for estimating SWH100 , for example. Assume that this
estimate is needed in the vicinity of 27∘ 54′ 25′′ N, 95∘ 21′ 10′′ As described earlier, once the parameters of a particular
W in the Gulf Mexico. At this location, measurements from distribution are determined using the available data, it is
a buoy (NDBC 42019), maintained by the US National a simple matter to estimate the desired SWHN . Several
Data Buoy Center (National Ocean & Atmospheric Admin- methods are available for parameter estimation. In the
istration, NOAA), are available ( engineering community, the “plotting position” method
The data consist of hourly values of SWH for the period has for many years been popular (Petruaskas and Aagaard,
1990–2013. The maximum SWH for each year is extracted 1970, 1971; Sorenson, 1997; Goda, 2010). It has been
to yield the following data Hi . used, for example, by Neelamani, Al-Salem, and Rakha
While details of parameter estimation are described later, (2007) for extreme wave height calculations in Kuwaiti
a quick solution may be obtained by using an appropriate waters and Panchang, Pearce, and Puri (1990) in the Gulf of
(free or inexpensive) software package. For example, using Maine. This method exploits the linear relationship between
Minitab or MATLAB with the Gumbel distribution option y = H versus x = −ln (−ln P)), which results from rewriting
and the “method of moments” for parameter estimation (Equation 1). The procedure consists of ranking the data

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
4 General

Table 1. Annual maximum SWH (in meters) near NDBC Buoy 42019.
Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
SWH (m) 4.8 4.5 4.4 5.8 3.5 4.5 5.45 4.2 5.4 4.85 4.33 3.83
Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
SWH (m) 4.81 5.55 3.64 5.92 4.89 4.26 6.31 3.58 4.57 3.46 4 3.99
Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) © (2015).


Significant wave height (m)

−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 5 10 25 50 100 500 1000

Return period (years)

Figure 2. Return period estimated using the plotting position method. (Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI (National
Centers for Environmental Information) © (2015).)

(m = 1 for the smallest) and assigning to each data point an formula i and the fact that i takes on multiple (somewhat
interim (empirical) probability (CDF), say i = m/(M + 1) or arbitrary) forms. In fact, in one example described by Petru-
variations thereof (Carter and Challenor, 1983; Muir and askas and Aagaard (1970, 1971) for the Weibull distribu-
El-Shaarawai, 1986), typically called the plotting position tion, this approach has produced a value of 𝛾 > Hmin , which
formula. violates the requirement for this distribution.
Using i in place of P ( _ ), the points x and y are plotted, Alternative methods such as the method of moments and
and the best-fit straight line yields a = 4.226 and b = 0.717 the method of maximum likelihood had been eschewed,
by way of the slope and intercept for the data set in Table 1. until recently, on the grounds of mathematical complexity
The calculations are quite easy to perform using Excel, (Goda, 1989; Isaacson and MacKenzie, 1981). However,
and Figure 2 shows the result for the data set used earlier. recent developments in computational techniques and soft-
Although in this case the parameters are fairly close to ware availability, combined with the speed of modern PCs,
those obtained earlier using the method of moments (with invalidate this objection. The method of maximum likeli-
Minitab), the plotting position method has been promoted hood, in particular, yields estimates that are statistically the
primarily because of its ease of use; in general, though, it most robust. (It is usually acknowledged to be superior to
can be faulted for its requirement of an interim probability other methods since it provides consistent estimates for large

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
Estimation of Extreme Met-Ocean Conditions for Offshore Engineering Applications 5

data sets and no other unbiased estimator has a smaller vari- in Section 2 and the joint distribution is considerably more
ance.) These estimates are obtained by maximizing the joint complicated. While the relevant equations are presented by
likelihood (L) of the observed data, since in fact the data did Sobey and Orloff (1995) for the Gumbel distribution and
occur. This elegant principle leads to the following equations: by Coles (2001) for the GEV distribution, again the soft-
H1 ware available at
𝜕L∕𝜕a = 0 and 𝜕L∕𝜕b = 0 (8) software.html enables a user to readily apply these methods
to the data at hand. As in the case of the peaks-over-threshold
where L = pdf (H = H1 )⋅pdf (H = H2 ) . . . . (In practice, method, sensitivity of the results to the number of maxima
the natural log of L is used for convenience). Numerical chosen each year and also to the procedures used to sepa-
solution methods for the often complex nonlinear equations rate them must be examined. Application of this method is
(corresponding to Equation 8) are described in Panchang described in Jeong and Panchang (2008) for buoy data in the
(1967) for the Gumbel distribution and in Panchang and Gulf of Mexico, by Guedes Soares and Scotto (2004) for data
Gupta (1989) for the Weibull distribution. obtained from a North Sea buoy, and by Aarnes, Breivik, and
In his seminal book, Coles (2001) has described the use Reistad (2012) for Norwegian Sea data.
of maximum likelihood estimates for various forms of the A comparison of the results off the Italian coast, obtained
GEV distribution as well as other distributions. Nowadays, using multiple methods, may be found in Martucci et al.
the engineer need not concern himself with the intricacies of (2010). Aarnes, Breivik, and Reistad (2012) examined the
obtaining such parameters: free software from the National GEV distribution using the annual maxima, the r-largest
Centers for Atmospheric Research can be conveniently and maxima (r > 1), and the peaks-over-threshold methods; they
reliably availed of ( concluded that no model was uniformly superior in all cases.


The extreme value distributions in general are intended to As noted in Section 2, the estimate of 7.22 m as SWH100
be used in conjunction with a set of maxima (Hi ) from for the example considered was described as a first esti-
a chosen time interval (e.g., annual maxima). When the mate. This is because there is no a priori reason to assume
data set is not sufficiently large, two other options find that the Gumbel distribution, chosen in Section 2 for illus-
appeal. The first depends on extracting the “peaks” in a tration, is the best fit. Although engineering studies often
specified time interval T that exceed a chosen “threshold” confine themselves to a preselected distribution (Neelamani,
(the “peaks-over-threshold” method), for example, all SWH 2007; Berek et al., 2007), it must be recognized many distri-
values exceeding, say 7 m, may be selected for each year, as butions may fit the data well and there may be consider-
long as the chosen exceedances do not belong to the same able differences in the estimates obtained for long return
event (i.e., they are sufficiently far apart as to be indepen- periods. It must also be noted that the process of estimating
dent). In this case, the Generalized Pareto distribution is most a condition corresponding to a large N (i.e., a low proba-
often used (MacAfee and Wong, 2007), although Neela- bility of occurrence) involves, fundamentally, extrapolations
mani, Al-Salem, and Rakha (2007) and Golshani, Taebi, and to a range considerably exceeding the length of the data1 ;
Chegini (2007) have used this approach with the Gumbel yet it is only the data set, covering a much smaller period,
and Weibull distributions. One limitation of this approach, that can, using traditional statistical tools, help to measure
as opposed to the selection of annual maxima, is that the the goodness of fit. It is therefore incumbent upon the
results can be sensitive to the method used to select the data, engineer to examine multiple distributions and use subjec-
namely, to the chosen threshold, and a sensitivity analysis is tive as well as quantitative methods to choose an appro-
thus necessary (MacAfee and Wong, 2007; Canellas et al., priate result. Often, elementary techniques for identifying the
2007). Other difficulties while using this distribution relate appropriate distribution, based on goodness of fit, are used
to the parameter estimates (Mackay, Challenor, and Bahaj, (Martucci et al., 2010) use a simple coefficient of determina-
2011). tion relating to the model parameter estimates; Neelamani,
A second approach consists of using multiple maxima in Al-Salem, and Rakha (2007) used a coefficient of regres-
a given year. For instance, the three largest independent sion; see also Petruaskas and Aagaard (1970, 1971). Muir
SWHs in a year may be selected. Of course, the distri- and El-Shaarawai (1986) provide a list of methods that can
bution functions for the second largest SWH, third largest be used for this purpose. However, a fairly robust quanti-
SWH, and so on are different from the equations presented tative method, described more recently by Li et al. (2008),

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
6 General

may be of interest to users. Essentially, the process consists those resulting for the Gumbel distribution. This type of anal-
of making numerous additional simulations by first gener- ysis helps the engineer make informed choices.
ating equally plausible data sets by resampling the original
data set multiple times and then estimating the percentage of
the results that satisfy a prescribed criterion. 6 DATA REQUIREMENTS
The jackknife or the bootstrap method can be used to create
resampled data sets, but the degree of randomness in the As the earlier discussion suggests, a plethora of statistical
bootstrap resampling is apparently greater and the stability techniques and tools are available to the engineer for esti-
of the optimized parameters has been rigorously tested by Li mating high return-period events. What has been perhaps a
et al. (2008). A large number of data sets (say K = 500) are more vexing matter is obtaining, generating, and/or identi-
created using these resampling methods, and the maximum fying the appropriate data. Xu and Huang (2011) demon-
likelihood parameter estimates Q are calculated for each of strate the deleterious effects of short data sets on estimates of
the various cumulative density functions (G) being tested. long return-period conditions. According to a rule of thumb,
The maximum error norms are computed based on the differ- extrapolation is acceptable to a return period that is approx-
ence Δ between the empirical probabilities (=m/(M + 1), as imately three times as long as the data duration. In the Gulf
described in Section 3) and the modeled probabilities GQ , Mexico, for example, some buoys provide measurements that
and the average error norm for the K replicates is found as span approximately 35 years. At the locations of these buoys,
follows (Li et al., 2008): then, data may be sufficient to estimate SWH100 , but as noted
⟨ ⟩ in Section 1, often a higher return-period is desirable, for
|[ m ]h | which these data may be inadequate. Most other locations
E⟨Δm (Qj )⟩ = E max || − GQ (rmj )h || (9)
1≤m≤M | M + 1 m
| in the world yield far shorter data sets or no data at all.
As noted in Section 2, the classical method consists of
where E stands for the expected value, r1 , r2 , …, rM are the creating a data set containing the maxima from a given
SWH data in increasing order, j = 1, 2, …, K represents the interval of time. This interval of 1 year is chosen such that
individual sample number, and h is a parameter described the SWHs in these intervals are independent and identi-
later. To elaborate, one can generate 500 data sets, each cally distributed. Therefore, the annual maximum tends to
containing N points, from the original data using the boot- be a reasonable choice (the distribution of SWHs in 1 year
strap method, and for each data set, the maximum likeli- could generally be reasonably assumed to be comparable to
hood parameters Q can be determined. For each data point that for the following year, etc.). Caires, Swail, and Wang
in the set, the absolute value of the difference between the (2006) describe this as a “statistically sound method.” In the
empirical and theoretical probabilities is determined and the event, the largest SWHs occur in the late autumn and winter
maximum difference for all N points is found. E represents months, it may be best to use a summer-to-summer year
the average of this estimate for the 500 samples. If the candi- rather than the calendar year, to avoid the possibility of two
date distributions are, for instance, the Gumbel, Weibull, and maxima in successive years stemming from the same events.
GEV distributions, this calculation is repeated for the three To overcome the limitations of short data sets, monthly
distributions, and the distribution with the least error norm is maxima are sometimes chosen. However, the distribution of
selected as the preferred distribution. SWHs in each month may not be identical (e.g., calm seas
The parameter h is used to emphasize different parts of the occur in some months and stormy conditions in others), and
data while fitting the distribution to the data. If h is set equal if this approach is used, comparisons to other methods or esti-
to 1, both the lower and upper tails receive equal emphasis. mates may be needed to enhance confidence in the results
When h < 1, emphasis is placed on the lower tail, and when (Panchang and Li, 2006; Carter and Challenor, 1981).
h > 1, the upper tail, where “extreme” events occur, domi- Hindcasting of met-ocean conditions can be used to “gen-
nates. This aspect, along with a preference for the smallest erate” a data set using mathematical wave models, if no
error norm, helps the engineer select the most appropriate measurements are available. Sometimes, specific historical
model, rather than limiting himself to any preselected model. storms are modeled. This approach has been used, for
Panchang, Jeong, and Demirbilek (2013) have availed of example, by Panchang, Pearce, and Puri (1990) for the Gulf
this method to identify which of the three distributions of Maine and by Cavaleri et al. (1986) for the Tyrrhenian Sea.
mentioned in Section 1 is the most appropriate at various The maximum SWHs from each of the storms constitutes the
locations in the Gulf of Mexico. It was found that if the requisite data set. This is acceptable since the distribution
engineer chooses to emphasize the upper tail, estimates of SWHs during the different storms may be assumed to be
from the GEV distribution were to be preferred, and the comparable (typically, some small SWHs followed by some
SWH100 resulting from this distribution were larger than very large SWHs as the storm peaks, followed by smaller

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
Estimation of Extreme Met-Ocean Conditions for Offshore Engineering Applications 7

SWHs as the storm subsides). In this case, as well as in the wind speeds and wave heights. Zheng et al. (2015) have
case when data are available but lack continuity, the number investigated decadal variability in global SWHs.
of maxima in the data set may be different from the overall The presence of such increasing trends suggests that the
duration (e.g., 15 storms covering 10 years or 15 annual likelihood of occurrence of a certain event is not the same
maxima for a period of 20 years in case of an incomplete now as it was some decades ago. As a result, nonstationary
data set). Equation 2 must then be modified as follows: statistics are gradually being introduced in ocean-related
{ [ ( )]} applications. The treatment of such models is beyond the
1 SWHN − a scope of this paper; however, a fairly simple description
1− = exp − exp − (10)
𝜆N b covering both increasing and decreasing extreme events can
be found in Salas and Obeysekera (2014). Essentially, the
where 𝜆 = average number of data points per year. parameters of the chosen distribution(s) are modeled as a
function of time. For example, for water level applications
using the Gumbel distribution, Salas and Obeysekera have
used the following:
H − 𝜇t
The calculations described earlier are based on the assump- P(H) = exp − exp − (11)
tion that the individual data points (annual or storm maxima)
covering a period of several years have an entirely random where 𝜇t and 𝜎 t represent time-dependent parameters
likelihood of occurrence and are largely independent of (corresponding to the constant parameters a and b used in
time, that is, the stochastic process allows the selection Equation 1) and are sometimes modeled as 𝜇t = 𝜇0 + mt
of a joint distribution that is stationary. In other words, and 𝜎 t = 𝜎 0 + nt (Ruggiero, Komar, and Allan, 2010; Katz,
data from various time periods are essentially similar to 2013). Similar relations have been used by others, based
each other. However, the recognition of trends in several on an examination of the data and heuristic grounds, in
met-ocean parameters due, for example, to climate change conjunction with the software available at http://www.isse
or multidecadal oscillations has gained prominence in recent
years. For the northeast Atlantic, Wang, Zwiers, and Swail By way of results of such methods, in the context of
(2004) projected a 5–35 cm increase in the mean winter wave wave heights, Wang, Zwiers, and Swail (2004) projected a
heights in 2070–2099 relative to 1961–1990. A 109-year 60–100 cm increase in the fall SWH20 in the Norwegian Sea
hindcast enabled Bertin, Prouteau, and Letetrel (2013) to between 1990 and 2080. Caires, Swail, and Wang (2006)
relate increasing trends in the SWHs in the North Atlantic provide a demonstration of SWH calculations under different
to increasing wind speeds. Off the California coast, Graham climate change scenarios and suggest that SWH20 estimates
(2005) reported an increasing trend in the largest modeled for the year 2080 would be larger in some parts of the
SWHs of about 1.0–2.5 m for the period 1949–1999 (see world by about 20% relative to those for 1990. Examples of
also Graham et al., 2013). Examining buoy data, Komar applications to water levels include Warner and Tissot (2012)
and Allan (2007) reported an increase of 1.7 cm/year off and Obeysekera et al. (2013) who studied the effects of trends
the US east coast. Ruggiero, Komar, and Allan (2010) in the Gulf of Mexico; Mudersbach and Jensen (2010) who
reported an increase of about 7.1 cm/year in the largest estimate that the 100-year extreme water levels for the North
SWHs since the mid-1970s off the US northwest coast. Sea coast to be 5.07 m above datum using stationary methods
Based on 51 years of simulations, Panchang, Jeong, and but in excess of 5.4 m above datum for the year 2100; and
Demirbilek (2013) found that the eastern part of the Gulf Masina and Lamberti (2013) who examined extreme sea
of Mexico shows an increasing trend of approximately levels in the northern Adriatic in the context of North Atlantic
5.6 cm/year in the maximum SWH. In the same vein, and Arctic oscillations and wind-related seasonality.
using 40 years (1958–1999) of wave height simulations in
selected areas near the Italian coasts, Martucci et al. (2010)
reported the existence of a negative trend in the annual- 8 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: MODELED
and winter-averaged sea state heights, and the existence WIND AND WAVE DATA
of a turning point in late eighties in the annual-averaged
trend of sea state heights at a site in the Northern Adriatic As can be seen from the earlier discussion, a data set of
Sea. Trends in the North Sea have also been discussed by sufficient length is a prerequisite to the generation of high
Weisse and Günther (2007). Using satellite altimeter data, return-period estimates that inspire confidence for design
Young et al. (2012) have examined trends in both global purposes; but it must be recognized at the outset that at any

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
8 General

desired location of interest for offshore engineering applica- Heideman and Mitchell, 2009; Panchang, Jeong, and Demir-
tions, there is only a remote chance of obtaining a database bilek, 2013). Often, such global forecasting/hindcasting
greater than, say, 25 years. In recent years, mathematical systems are scaled down or nested with regional/coastal
hindcast models have advanced tremendously and these may modeling systems such as the Alaska Ocean Observing
be reliably used to produce surrogate met-ocean data such System (
as wind speeds and SWHs. In addition to efforts by indi- search?page=1&tagId=42&q=). These provide real-time
vidual groups (companies, university researchers, etc.), the forecasts (Singhal, Panchang, and Lillibridge, 2010) but the
most notable development of interest may be the long-term modeled information is usually archived and may perhaps
hindcasts produced by major governmental agencies such be obtained from the modeling group.
as NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Predic- Using these data sets as a starting point can help alleviate,
tion (NCEP) and the European Centre for Medium-Range at least to a considerable extent, concerns such as the choice
Weather Forecasting. Simulations using a set of advanced of models and calibration and validation. To assist the engi-
wind and wave models, along with recomputations owing neer, we have developed a MATLAB package that links to
to technical/scientific advances, have enabled the creation the NOAA web site and helps the user to identify the grid
of databases covering much of the globe. Hindcasts and points closest to the specified location, to access the rele-
forecasts are available, often at no cost, to the public. Fore- vant data and perform spatial interpolations as needed, and
casts can be used for planning operations, and the hind- to determine monthly and annual maxima. Three statistical
casts cover approximately three decades. NOAA/NCEP’s distributions may also be selected and the estimates corre-
data sets are available at sponding to a specified return period will be readily calcu-
CFSR_hindcast.shtml. lated using two standalone codes (Gumbel and Weibull) and
The data sets include NOAA’s simulations with the WAVE- one optional method (GEV distribution) using the MATLAB
WATCH III model, which are called the Climate Forecast statistics tool box.
System Reanalysis Reforecast (CFSRR). This global data The package consists of two parts, as shown in Figure 3.
set is based on a 31-year (1979–2009) numerical wave hind- The first part builds the database using the CFSRR data and
cast and covers most offshore locations except the Caspian the multigrid WW3 model. As described earlier, CFSRR
Sea region. It presents wind speeds and directions, SWHs, data are available for the period 1979–2009, and the multi-
wave periods (Tp s), and the mean wave direction on a grid WW3 model is available for 2005 to present. Although
0.5∘ × 0.5∘ grid at a temporal resolution of 3 h. A some- the two simulations are based on different wind inputs, the
what different data set is based on the “multigrid WW3” results are largely consistent. (This can be verified by exam-
model that uses the “Global Forecast System” analysis or ining the data from the overlapping period 2005–2009.)
GFS windfields ( Thus, a combination of the two data sets is rendered possible,
branch=GFS). These data cover the entire globe and are resulting in a database up to 36 years in length, which can
carried out in monthly installments from February 2005 to yield monthly values of SWH, Tp , wave direction, wind
the present ( speed, and wind direction.
Other modeling efforts also lead to various databases The second part performs statistical analysis using the
and hindcast results that are available (e.g., http:// selected database. It provides monthly and annual distribu-; Cieślikiewicz tion plots and tables by way of basic analysis and estimates
and Paplińska-Swerpel, 2008; Music and Nickovic, 2008; of SWH values corresponding to specified return periods as

Part 1 Part 2

Read data Basic analysis

Build database

Longitude, latitude, and MATLAB tool
desired return period N
analysis resilts
NOAA data

Figure 3. Flowchart of the MATLAB package.

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
Estimation of Extreme Met-Ocean Conditions for Offshore Engineering Applications 9



Bathymetry (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 4. Bathymetry off the Nigerian coast; the ⊗ denotes the location of interest. (Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI
(National Centers for Environmental Information) © (2015).)

Table 2. Estimated extreme wave heights off the Nigerian coast. with specified peak periods can be prepared. For the location
Return Period Gumbel Weibull GEV Maximum SWH being considered, all of the NOAA modeled data (every 3 h
(m) (m) (m) Recorded (m) for 31 years) can be placed in bins, as given in Table 3.
SWH10 3.34 3.16 3.16 3.42 Figure 5 shows the joint distribution of SWH and Tp for
SWH100 3.86 3.37 3.38 two seasons. This figure, based on three-hourly data for all 31
years, indicates that the SWHs have some variation between
Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI (National Centers for
Environmental Information) © (2015). two seasons but that the periods are constant between 10
and 15 s all year round. Similar seasonal or monthly analyses
can be performed for various wind and wave parameters. For
well as joint distribution of SWH and Tp . The user merely example, the three-hourly data for the month of July for all
supplies the input consisting of the longitude and latitude for 31 years yield Figures 6 and 7. If similar plots are constructed
the location of interest and the desired return period. for the whole year, they show that the direction of the winds
By way of example of the application of this package, we and the waves are largely constant from the south-west all
consider a location (4.0∘ E, 5.0∘ N) off the coast of Nigeria year round (not shown).
(Figure 4), which is an active area for offshore operations. The analyses described earlier can be extremely useful
The water depth is approximately 1683 m, and data length is for planning various offshore operations. The MATLAB
31 years (1979–2009). package makes it convenient to do so rapidly. Interested engi-
Table 2 gives, by way of output, the estimated 10- and neers may contact the authors for further information about
100-year return period SWH values using 31 annual SWH this tool.
maxima. The three methods yield different estimates. Note
that the SWH100 of 3.86 m estimated by the Gumbel model is
larger than the maximum SWH modeled, in 31 years, for that 9 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
location (viz. 3.42 m), whereas the other two distributions
yield smaller values. This is quite normal. (The MATLAB We have provided a brief summary of the salient features
package described earlier does not make computations for involved in estimating met-ocean conditions corresponding
identifying the preferred distribution, as described in Section to a specified recurrence interval. Such estimates, needed for
5.) design, cannot be “validated” with ground truth, and thus,
The availability of the database enables one to make the estimation represents a challenge from the viewpoint
other more elementary but useful calculations as well. For of establishing confidence in their use. Indeed, the Amer-
example, a composite table of the joint occurrence of SWHs ican Petroleum Institute (2000, 2007) has recently revised

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2

DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Table 3. Number of waves with specified SWH and Tp characteristics (total 90,584).

This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

SWH (m) Tp (s)

0–1 1–2 2–3 3–4 4–5 5–6 6–7 7–8 8–9 9–10 10–11 11–12 12–13 13–14 14–15 15–16 16–17 17–18 18–19 19–20
0.0–0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.25–0.5 0 0 4 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5–0.75 0 0 0 11 0 7 0 7 20 27 21 26 19 15 9 4 1 0 0 0
0.75–1.0 0 0 0 0 8 13 6 30 170 556 694 620 384 308 161 85 70 25 4 7
1.0–1.25 0 0 0 0 42 77 27 41 411 1730 3096 3965 2680 1814 1186 594 387 217 51 35
1.25–1.5 0 0 0 0 21 125 37 17 223 1388 3289 5340 4955 3623 2461 1476 858 464 113 75
1.5–1.75 0 0 0 0 1 101 78 0 50 580 2454 3734 4607 3696 2554 1497 897 401 140 70
1.75–2.0 0 0 0 0 0 30 76 0 2 94 1048 2043 2899 3225 2122 1246 674 341 125 48

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2.0–2.25 0 0 0 0 0 7 45 3 2 24 281 883 1184 1611 1505 876 453 195 50 32
2.25–2.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 31 7 0 0 34 320 370 594 690 452 213 87 44 12
2.5–2.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 3 0 0 0 63 166 184 265 174 92 32 13 8
2.75–3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 39 48 75 87 60 25 13 0
3.0–3.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 22 13 4 1 0
3.25–3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 1 0

Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
3.5–3.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.75–4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.0–4.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.25–4.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.5–4.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.75–5.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) © (2015).
Estimation of Extreme Met-Ocean Conditions for Offshore Engineering Applications 11

5 5
Nigeria Nigeria
4 (Nov. to Apr.) 4 (May to Oct.)

3 3
Hs (m)

Hs (m)
2 2

1 1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Tp (s) Tp (s)

(a) 1000 2000 3000 (b) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Figure 5. Joint distributions of Hs and Tp (number of observations) for two seasons. (Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI
(National Centers for Environmental Information) © (2015).)

50 50

40 40
Percentage (%)
Percentage (%)

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
(a) SWH (m) (b) Wind speed (m/s)

Figure 6. Wave and wind characteristics for July. (Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI (National Centers for Environmental
Information) © (2015).)

0° 80% 0° 80%
337.5° 22.5° 337.5° 22.5°

315° 60% 45° 315° 45°

40% 25%
292.5° 67.5° 292.5° 67.5°

270° 90° 270° 90°

247.5° 112.5° 247.5° 112.5°

225° 135° 225° 135°

202.5° 157.5° 202.5° 157.5°

(a) 180° (b) 180°

Figure 7. SWH (a) and wind direction (b) for July. (Created by the author using data from NOAA NCEI (National Centers for
Environmental Information) © (2015).)

Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
12 General

its estimates of such conditions in the Gulf of Mexico. The GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) a flexible
availability of data in recent years has been greatly enhanced distribution three parameter model that combines
owing to the modeling efforts of various government agen- the Gumbel, Frechet, and Weibull.
cies. These data can be used with a variety of statistical tools, Gumbel Extreme value theory type I.
the usage of which has also been greatly facilitated by the distribution
availability of free software. These tools are considerably NCEP model Hindcast Wave Model by National
more sophisticated than those used in previous years and Centers for Environmental Prediction.
allow the engineer to explore the use of multiple distribu- Trends Extremes of non-stationary statistics.
tions, to use multiple ways of using the data, to examine the Weibull Extreme value theory type III.
effects of trends in the data, and to use robust methods for distribution
identifying preferred distribution. The examination of such
alternatives should be emphasized because, as noted earlier,
there can be no validation of the estimates in the real sense of
the word, and one is tackling the inherently ill-posed issue of REFERENCES
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DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
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Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2
14 General

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Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, online © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe125
Also published in the Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering (print edition) ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2

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