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1. Organizational Culture of FPT

FPT Corp is one of the largest information technology service companies in Vietnam. FPT is
always constantly innovating and continuously creating with the desire to bring customers the most
optimal technology products/solutions/services. FPT has nearly 29,000 employees, including more
than 17,000 information technology engineers, programmers, technology experts, and office systems
in 22 countries and territories outside Vietnam. FPT is also a leading enterprise in the fields of:
Software export, System integration; Software Development; IT services. Over the past 32 years, FPT
has not only pioneered the development of software that brings technology to life, strongly promoting
education and modernizing the nation's key economic sectors (, 2024).

Understanding corporate culture is key in understanding the nature and operations of any
organization. The analysis delves into the corporate culture of FPT Corp, a leading technology
company known for innovation and global impact. By examining the values, norms and practices that
define FPT's organizational character, we aim to uncover the fundamentals that shape business
strategy, employee dynamics and performance overall.
Architecture and corporate appearance
The headquarters of FPT Corporation is FPT Cau Giay building, Hanoi. Opened on October 8, FPT
Cau Giay building, located at Lot B2, Small Industry and Handicraft Production Cluster, Pham Hung
Street (Hanoi), includes 15 main floors, 2 technical floors and 1 upper basement. Land area of 4,000
m2, usable area of more than 20,000 m2, is the workplace of about 2,000 employees. With a total
investment of more than 200 billion VND, it is designed with two functional areas including a software
production center, software human resource training and office area. The building was designed by
WSP Hong Kong Company, with consultation Participated in the design of PTW Australia Company.
Modern architectural style, many open office spaces with high-speed smart elevator system, central
air conditioning.
The new logo inherits and promotes the core values of the FPT brand with 3 unique colors that
have their own meanings: orange represents vitality, creativity, and community sharing; Green
represents change and development; Dark blue is associated with wisdom, stability and unity. More
deeply, “Blue is the corporate color that communicates stability, symbolizes leadership, and is the
color of the corporation, used to convey sustainability. Green is the color of friendliness, environment
and health. Orange is the color of retail, attracting attention” - Al Ries & Laura Ries - The 22 Immutable
Laws of Branding said. They emphasized that blue was placed at the top as a goal that the company
was aiming for (and becoming a corporation was a wish the company had achieved after nearly 20
years). Orange was also true for the company. What FPT has: Currently, FPT is ranked in the top 10
retailers in Vietnam, top 500 retailers in the Asia-Pacific region. Green is the color that shows the
company's friendliness to its partners. The 3 colors blue, orange and green on the logo are the
meaning that FPT wants to aim for: A strong corporation - A leading retailer - Always a reliable and
sustainable friend to partners and customers.
Festivals are an indispensable part of FPT culture. Every year, during festivals, all members of the
Group gather together to exchange, have fun, and live in an FPT atmosphere. The FPT
Communications and Community Department is responsible for developing and preserving FPT
culture. Every year, the FPT Communications and Community Department always organizes cultural
and sports activities to bring FPT people a rich spiritual life, attachment to the company, and
confidence in the future and success with FPT.
Culture of uniforms and wearing personnel badges at FPT
In the current era of industrial civilization, uniform culture can be considered one of the beauties
that express the identity and characteristics of the new era, the era of a vibrant market economy and
corporate culture. integration period with strong and urgent needs to express one's personality and
brand. It represents the characteristics of the working environment, nature of work or brand... of the
unit or business. that, and is considered the "open door" of the cultural path, of a modern, civilized
society. FPT is a large corporation consisting of 11 member companies - in which each company has its
own unique characteristics. with a separate shirt color. The colors of FPT uniforms are quite diverse
and unique, mainly bright, youthful, dynamic colors such as orange, red, white... with a harmonious
and delicate color combination expressing youth, creativity and fire. enthusiasm of "FPT people".
Uniforms in FPT Corp are not simply "repetition of the same", on the contrary, hidden within that
"similarity" there are many profound meanings. It is an expression of the spirit of harmony, solidarity
and professionalism, playing a role in creating great collective strength. In addition, FPT Corp also
implements uniforms wearing personnel badges to the workplace. Each FPT employee is provided
with a card number to access the company.
FPT has achieved many outstanding achievements today thanks to 5 fundamental philosophies:
"Deep, Bright, Excellent, Clear, Phong". In which, “Deep” is profound in thinking, “Bright” is lucid in
leadership and management, “Excellent” is in excellent quality, “Intelligent” is thorough in selecting
information, “ Phong" means richness and diversity in product design. At the same time, FPT members
are also proud of a unique tradition called STICO - the culture of composing songs that are only passed
down internally within the company. STICO will organize many collective activities, teams, art clubs...
to promote the creativity of each member. These songs all carry philosophical values about
management, team spirit or a beautiful desire to contribute. This activity fully demonstrates the
leadership's understanding when creating opportunities for the team to freely express themselves and
present new ideas. It also helps FPT employees relieve stress and maintain a productive and positive
working spirit (, 2022).
All comments from employees are respected by the company's leadership. If conflicting ideas
appear, FPT corporate culture will reconcile the situation and ultimately find the most optimal
solution. Each member has the right to express and defend political opinions based on the spirit of
solidarity. The leader of FPT Corporation once affirmed: "Even if FPT is bought or sold in the future or
belongs to a foreign corporation, FPT people will always be FPT people." FPT corporate culture is also
expressed through annual internal events. The company's leadership is clearly aware of the strength
and solidarity that need to be nurtured through team games or kickoff sessions. When participating in
team activities, employees can interact with each other and clearly understand the characteristics of
each department. From there, businesses can easily connect people, enhance the spirit of corporate
pride and build a civilized and open working environment (, 2022).

2. Organizational politics
Organizational politics refers to the agenda of each employee in the company and the activities
they engage in to achieve, enhance, and utilize power as well as resources to achieve desired
outcomes. Organizational politics is present in most organizations (AIHR, 2024). Every business has a
hierarchy, and along with this hierarchy comes an uneven distribution of power. Some employees are
more capable of pursuing this power than others, which is considered workplace politics. For
managers in the organization, they engage in corporate politics with the aim of increasing their power
within the company (Jennifer M. George et al, 2012). Once achieved, they will use their power to
influence decision-making for the organization to pursue goals beneficial to their personal interests,
function, and department. Therefore, for managers to understand and manage politics in the
business, they employ political strategies, including tapping the source of functional end divisional
power, recognizing who has power, controlling the agenda, bringing in an outside expert, and building
coalitions and alliances, to increase power and opportunities to achieve their goals. In the context of
FPT Corporation, organizational politics at FPT can manifest in many different ways, reflecting the
struggle for power, influence and movement within the organization. At FPT, employees often engage
in the intricate dynamics of organizational politics to advance their careers within the company. They
strategically navigate the internal landscape by cultivating alliances with key decision-makers and
influential colleagues. These alliances serve as a means to garner support and endorsement for
promotions or desirable positions within the business hierarchy. , employees may actively lobby for
specific roles or projects that align with their career goals, leverage their networks and interpersonal
skills to secure these opportunities. In some cases, individuals may resort to tactics aimed at
undercutting competitors vying for the same promotions, employing strategies such as discrediting
their achievements or highlighting their concerns. Overall, the organizational politics at FPT play a
significant role in shaping career trajectories and determining success within the company.
3. Power of Leadership
3.1. The concept of power in organization
Formal power in organizations refers to the authority, influence, and control that individuals
hold by virtue of their position within the organizational hierarchy. This power is formally designated
and recognized within the organizational structure. It is typically derived from a person's official title,
job role, or position in the organization's hierarchy (Cobb, 1980). Formal power comes with certain
rights, responsibilities, and expectations, such as the authority to make decisions, allocate resources,
assign tasks, and enforce rules and policies. This type of power is often stated in job descriptions,
organizational charts, and official documents (Maas, 1979). There are various forms of formal power
within organizations, including: Legitimate power, Reward power, Coercive power, Informational
- Legitimate power: is the power given by the organization in many forms. It can be clearly
specified in contracts, written or verbally to outline the manager's responsibilities. Based on the
appointed position and approval of the manager, subordinates believe that the manager has the
right to directly regulate the behavior of workers (, 2024).
- Reward power: is the ability to create motivation for action in the team through the
implementation of incentives and incentives such as: monetary rewards, prioritizing privileges,
promotions, etc. Determining the purpose of the reward, the reward roadmap as well as other
related actions has the ability to alleviate autocratic habits in the power of awarding rewards to
employees (, 2024).
- Coercive power: is the ability to influence others through the use of measures and sanctions to
punish instead of measures to reward. In other words, it is the ability to control others based on
their fear of punishment or having something of value taken away. This type of power makes
employees believe that they can be fired if they do not comply with their superiors' orders
(, 2024).
- Informational power: Informational power stems from an individual's access to valuable or
critical information within the organization. This can include privileged knowledge, expertise, or
access to data that others need or want.
Informal power in organizations refers to the influence, authority, and control that individuals
wield based on personal relationships, expertise, or other informal sources rather than through official
position or title in an organization's hierarchy. Unlike formal power, which is officially assigned and
recognized within the organizational structure, informal power emerges organically in the social
dynamics of the workplace.
- Expert power: is a manager's ability to influence employees based on the manager's knowledge
base, expertise, and proven ability. Employees are given a fair opportunity to choose to work
with qualified people to expand their scope of knowledge. Expert power is the amount of
knowledge that someone has compared to the amount of knowledge of the remaining
members, so in certain situations, subordinates may have more expert power than leaders. .
- Referential power: is confirmed based on identifying people with less power than managers. The
ability to share, personal personality, admiration, idolization are sources of personality power, in
which the power of prestige is a complex part of personality power. Normally, subordinates
often learn the behaviors and styles of leaders. Employees will proactively change their behavior
to comply with the leader's wishes when receiving requests. Therefore, personality power needs
to be built appropriately to bring benefits to the business.
- Charismatic power: is an intense form of referent power stemming from a person's unique
personality, physical strengths, or other capabilities that induce others to believe in and follow
that person.
3.2. Applying in FPT
Truong Gia Binh - The person known as the soul of FPT, who led FPT from zero to become a
strong and powerful technology company with 6 subsidiaries and 4 affiliated companies "covering" in
45 countries. countries in the world. Mr. Truong Gia Binh was born in 1956 and is a famous
Vietnamese businessman. His life and career are closely associated with the FPT Brand. Starting a
business with little capital and new business knowledge caused Truong Gia Binh to endure many
difficulties. With a sharp mindset, eagerness to learn and the quality of a scientific researcher, FPT
President has proven his bravery and talent. Although businessman Truong Gia Binh's path to success
was longer and more difficult than other entrepreneurs, his persistence and determination helped him
overcome difficulties and make extraordinary achievements. Under the leadership of Chairman Truong
Gia Binh and colleagues, FPT has had increasingly outstanding developments. The group's business
results in the first 10 months of 2019 increased by 19.8% and 26.5% in revenue and pre-tax profit
compared to the same period last year. Profit after tax of company shareholders reached 3,351 billion
VND, up 26% over the same period in 2018. The company reported profit after tax of 3,734 billion
VND, up 24% over the same period (, 2024 ).
Formal power
Mr. Truong Gia Binh's legal power originates from his official position as Chairman of the Board
of Directors. This position gives him the authority to direct the company's strategy, including key
decisions related to investments, acquisitions and corporate governance. Over the years, Mr. Binh may
have built relationships with key stakeholders, including shareholders, executives and government
officials, to further consolidate his power and legitimacy. him in the organization. His long tenure and
successful track record at FPT Corporation contributed to the perception of his legitimate power.
Employees may view him as a symbol of stability and continuity, enhancing his influence. Mr. Binh's
ability to influence rewards and incentives within FPT Corp does not stop at monetary compensation.
He may also have the authority to allocate resources, such as funding projects or accessing
development opportunities. Through performance evaluation and feedback mechanisms, Mr. Binh can
shape employee behavior by linking rewards to desired results, promoting a culture of meritocracy
and high performance. Furthermore, his personal endorsement or recognition of individuals or groups
can act as a powerful motivator, reinforcing desired behaviors and values within the organization.
While coercion may not be Mr. Binh's primary means of influence, his position still gives him the
power to impose consequences for non-compliance or poor performance. This may manifest itself in
decisions regarding promotions, layoffs or organizational restructuring. Employees are aware of the
potential consequences of not meeting expectations, which can influence their behavior and decision
making. However, effective leaders like Mr. Binh usually try to minimize the use of coercive power,
preferring to rely on positive reinforcement and empowerment to promote performance and
commitment. As an experienced and visionary leader in the technology industry, Mr. Binh possesses
profound knowledge and insights that are sought after by many people within FPT Corp. His ability to
interpret market trends, predict industry disruptions and articulate a compelling vision for the
company gives him significant informational power. By sharing this information with employees
through various channels such as town hall meetings, company communications and informal
discussions, Mr. Binh empowers them to make informed decisions. make informed decisions and align
their efforts with the company's strategic goals. In addition to these formal sources of power, Mr.
Truong Gia Binh's informal influence within FPT Corp is also reinforced by his charismatic leadership
style, strong network of relationships and corporate culture that he has helped formed over many
years. Collectively, these factors contribute to his effectiveness as a leader and his ability to drive
organizational success.
Informal power
Mr. Truong Gia Binh can hold significant professional power within FPT Corp thanks to his
extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of technology. With a background in computer science
and extensive experience in leading FPT Corporation through many technological advancements and
market changes, Mr. Binh is highly appreciated for his insight and understanding. about the industry
context. Employees and stakeholders within the organization respect Mr. Binh's expertise and often
turn to him for guidance and decision-making on complex technical issues. His ability to provide
strategic direction based on his technical acumen has enhanced his influence within the company,
particularly in shaping the organization's long-term innovation and technology strategies. Referential
power stems from personal qualities, charisma, and the ability to inspire and influence others through
admiration and respect. As a visionary leader, Mr. Binh has likely built a strong personal brand
characterized by integrity, vision and commitment to excellence. Employees and colleagues may see
Mr. Binh as a role model, wanting to emulate his leadership qualities and values. His reputation for
ethical leadership and dedication to social responsibility further enhances his referential power,
promoting trust and loyalty among employees and stakeholders.Strength Charisma refers to Mr. Binh's
ability to inspire and motivate others through his compelling vision, passion, and persuasive
communication ability. Mr. Binh's charismatic leadership style can be characterized by his ability to
present a clear and inspiring vision of the future of FPT Corp. He possesses excellent communication
skills, which enable him to mobilize support and commitment from employees, investors and other
stakeholders. Mr. Binh's charisma can energize and mobilize individuals and groups within an
organization, fostering a sense of shared purpose and identity. In short, Mr. Truong Gia Binh, as
Chairman of the Board of Directors of FPT Corp, holds significant informal power thanks to his
expertise in the technology industry, referral power based on his personal qualities. his humanity and
integrity as well as his charismatic leadership style. . These sources of power complement his formal
authority, allowing him to exert himself

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