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1. She is proud of her cooking. (PRIDE)
2. The loss of the account was not our fault. (BLAME)
3. She found her book so interesting that she didn’t even hear me.
4. Julian is proud of his stamp collection. (PRIDE)
5. We ought to have dropped in on Muriel when we were in town. (PAID)
6. Amanda always turns shy when there are adults around. (PRESENCE)
7. He said I could concentrate on more important matters. (TURN)
8. Jason and I shared the driving. (TURNS)
9. Roger is now responsible for the whole sales department. (CHARGE)
10. This matter has nothing to do with her. (CONCERN)
11. Suppose they don’t grant him his right to see a lawyer? (OF)
12. Time is precious, so can we please hurry? (SHORT)
13. If you carry out your threat, there’s a good chance that you will be
prosecuted. (RUN)
14. According to the newspaper, there are plenty of jobs going in Australia.
15. I travelled through France for a week. (SPENT)
16. Andrew enjoys teasing his sister all the time. (DELIGHT)
17. Noel seems to enjoy making people feel uncomfortable. (PLEASURE)
18. Picasso played a major role in the development of the 20 th century art
movement. (CONTRIBUTION)
19. He always had everything he wanted as a child. (SHORT)
20. We don’t need to buy any more detergent just yet. (ENOUGH)
1. Seargeant Tucker is away until the end of the month. (LEAVE)
2. The two models are much the same. (NOTHING)
3. David should concentrate more on his studies. (APPLY)
4. If he continues to be rude to her, she’s going to give him a piece of her
mind. (RUDE)
5. It’s really worth knowing people in high places sometimes. (PAYS)
6. Your father will never allow you to marry Alec. (CONSENT)
7. Judging by the outside of the house, very rich people live here.
8. That the socialists won the election was totally unexpected. (SURPRISE)
9. The police will keep him in custody until they have proof he is not a
terrorist. (FREE)
10. Women all over the world copied the Princess Diana look. (TREND)
11. Many people do not approve of the new measures to control crime.
12. If only I could read music. (LOVE)
13. It is very difficult to stay up-to-date with technology. (PACE)
14. Apparently we ‘ll have to start from scratch. (LOOKS)
15. A lot of people have been talking about his new film lately. (SUBJECT)
16. At first sight, it seems like a worthwhile plan of attack, but we’ll see.
17. Very few employees agree with the new proposals. (FAVOR)
18. They blamed her for the error, even though she had been absent at the
time. (HELD)
19. I think this difficult situation will resolve itself after a while. (SORT)
20. If my mother calls , tell her I’m on my way home. (HAPPEN)
1. She damaged the car badly when she backed into the tree. (DAMAGE)
2. These old laws should be abolished. (DONE)
3. It’s such a shame that Terry and Carla broke up. (SEPARATE)
4. Judy‘s thinking about moving to France. (THOUGHT)
5. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new
tax. (EXEMPT)
6. Terry did not agree with me about the best way to proceed. (SHARE)
7. It seems highly unlikely that the weather will improve during the next few
days. (SIGNS)
8. The open-air concerts in the park take place on alternate Sundays.
9. John was quite frank about his criminal record. (SECRET)
10. Our bus timetable may vary from one month to the next. (SUBJECT)
11. There have been a lot of redundancies in that area. (LOST)
12. The number of places offered on the course has been drastically reduced
owing to lack of funds. (REDUCTION)
13. Doesn’t anyone but me care about this issue? (ONLY)
14. I was amazed at the speed with which Chris learned to drive. (FOUND)
15. When you go to the city, watch out for pickpockets. (LOOKOUT)
16. Several flights have had to be cancelled because of heavy snowfalls.
17. Nobody knows what happened to the money. (MYSTERY)
18. It took three hours to get there, but we all agreed we were happy we had
done it. (WORTH)
19. The only thing I can do is to tell Monica everything. (ALTERNATIVE)
20. It was the first time Lenny had used a computer. (EXPERIENCE)
1. Do you understand what he’s written at the end? (SENSE)
2. If the referee hadn’t intervened promptly, a fight would have developed
on the pitch. (INTERVENTION)
3. Don’t play with that ball indoors anymore, or you will break something.
4. How can you bear him? (PUT)
5. You are old enough to stand on your own two feet. (HIGH)
6. The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months. (IF)
7. The Prime Minister would prefer to use diplomatic discussion when faced
with a crisis. (RATHER)
8. You’ve no chance of succeeding if you’re going to be so pessimistic.
9. It is said that he has been to prison several times. (REPUTED)
10. You stand little chance of passing with such low marks. (PASS)
11. You could be arrested for not giving a blood sample to the police, you
know. (LEAD)
12. It would have been inconsiderate if I hadn’t invited the neighbors to the
wedding. (HAVE)
13. She is likely to be the next president. (GOOD)
14. Could you please type these letters before you go to lunch? (MIND)
15. I fully intend to find out who is responsible for the graffiti. (EVERY)
16. It wasn’t easy for Christine to get used to living in the country.
17. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed.
18. Mrs. Wilson says she’s sorry she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday
morning. (SEND)
19. The proposal has received unanimous support from the members.
20. They wouldn’t let the former chairman attend the conference.
1. While the boss is away, I’ll be in charge. (ABSENCE)
2. The northwest of Britain has more rain each year than he southeast.
3. Running those last ten miles in the marathon was really hard.
4. I had underestimated the changes I would find in my hometown.
5. I knew he would get into trouble again. (SURPRISE)
6. Immediately I heard from her, I left for London. (SOONER)
7. I began to understand that he was only interested in his own career.
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8. A taxi will get there in a third of the time it takes the bus. (AS)
9. It makes no difference to me whether we go to France or Spain. (GO)
10. I’ve never met such a vain person as Sally. (FAR)
11. Although Judy was severely disabled, she participated in many sports.
12. When the police searched the car, they knew they had been taken in.
13. When we receive the money, we’ll ship the goods. (ON)
14. He doesn’t want to be disturbed unless something urgent happens. (UP)
15. She didn’t see the point of waiting anymore. (LONGER)
16. She could hardly remember her childhood. (FAINT)
17. He moved so clumsily that she was afraid he would break everything in
the shop. (MOVEMENTS)
18. The price of a litre of petrol is going up by two cents. (RISE)
19. We have been trying to sell our house for well over six months. (FOR)
20. The restaurant was even better than I had expected. (SURPASSED)
1. I rarely see my sister these days. (BLUE)
2. It’s a pity you didn’t tell him, firmly and finally, that he can’t stay here.
3. The government is trying to conceal the truths. (UP)
4. I found my job because I subscribe to that magazine. (SUBSCRIPTION)
5. I tried as hard as I could to convince them to stay. (BEST)
6. The teacher used such difficult words that no one could understand him.
7. I finally met her by chance. (ONLY)
8. He hasn’t been to the college since May. (LAST)
9. When did he last write a book which was a best seller? (LONG)
10. I don’t think she will agree to your terms. (DOUBTFUL)
11. If you don’t comply with the rules, you’ll be expelled from the school.
12. If there is no frost this spring, the crop will be good. (PROVIDED)
13. You may need to call the agency again, so keep their card. (CASE)
14. It’s a pity she did not accept my proposition. (WISH)
15. I don’t want you to disturb me while I’m working. (RATHER)
16. I know you want to drive there, but how about flying instead?
17. Could you please move your car? (ENOUGH)
18. He pretended that he had not heard of the new regulations. (HAVE)
19. He survived the train crash but died of a heart attack the following day.
20. We are expecting Mr. Westwood’s arrival at any moment. (DUE)
1. I began to feel really scared when the dog came close. (CLOSER)
2. His biggest fear is losing his sight. (WHAT)
3. Your son isn’t stupid but he’s very lazy, I’m afraid. (MORE)
4. The path was so slippery that we couldn’t carry on walking up the
mountain. (TOO)
5. Press that button and the lift will start. (MOMENT)
6. Despite the fact that she had problems, she was a very happy person.
7. However hard I try, I can’t please the new supervisor. (AS)
8. Despite our efforts, the company couldn’t pay its debts and had to close.
9. He studied so hard to get his degree that he became ill. (EXPENSE)
10. She learned French so that she could get a job in Paris. (AIM)
11. “Let’s invite them down to the cottage for the weekend” said Rachel.
12. He’s accepted more work than he can finish in a week. (ON)
13. I think I gained five kilos on that holiday. (PUT)
14. This is a bi-monthly magazine. (OUT)
15. His English seems to be improving. (ALONG)
16. Let’s continue with these corrections, shall we? (ON)
17. No matter how hard I try, I can’t find the time or energy to paint the
fence. (ROUND)
18. He’s determined to have a few days break. (AWAY)
19. She is no longer young, is she? (ON)
20. Where did you get this information? (BY)
1. Such behavior is unforgivable. (EXCUSE)
2. Only if you work hard now do you have any chance of success. (ON)
3. She gets on well with all her students. (RELATIONSHIP)
4. He’s unlikely to come to the party. (WHETHER)
5. Anne doesn’t have her own phone at the moment as she’s just moved
house. (ON)
6. This essay is better than your last one. (ON)
7. Everyday our town becomes more polluted. (AND)
8. Andy used to be careless, but he’s not anymore. (MORE)
9. Don’t pay any attention to what he says. (NOTICE)
10. The new plans for the library have been approved by the authorities.
11. They will have to accept your offer. (NO)
12. That’s none of your business. (NOTHING)
13. Money counts for little on a desert island. (OF)
14. Most people know that the country’s economy is dependent on oil.
15. You are not alone in finding this subject rather difficult. (ONLY)
16. The advertisement completely deceived her. (IN)
17. The test showed that the girl could hear perfectly well. (WRONG)
18. We don’t have too much time to go sightseeing. (LITTLE)
19. I don’t know much about feng-shui, I’m afraid. (LITTLE)
20. The Tourist Board advised us on where to stay. (GAVE)
1. The surgeon didn’t start until the anaesthetic had taken effect.
2. She had all her jewellery insured by Lloyd’s. (EVERY)
3. Peter said the operation was completely painless. (SUFFER)
4. The expiry date on the passport is March 5 th , 2004. (VALID)
5. We closed the club as membership had fallen steadily. (DECLINE)
6. If she weren’t so patient, she wouldn’t be such a good teacher.
7. If you hadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have finished on time. (FOR)
8. If you aren’t careful, the engine will seize up. (UNLESS)
9. If you bump into him, give him my love. (SHOULD)
10. She didn’t see anything because she was asleep. (HAD)
11. There is no way you can justify his actions last night. (FOR)
12. Whatever you do, don’t panic. (LAST)
13. Not many people wants typewriters nowadays. (IN)
14. You’d better leave early to avoid the rush hour. (LEFT)
15. If you don’t tell them, you will be severely punished. (BETTER)
16. The staff would sooner have a shorter lunch break and leave earlier.
17. I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name. (REPEATING)
18. We don’t seem to have any coffee left. (RUN)
19. Robert is in the wrong in this instance. (AT)
20. I always make the same mistake. (ON)
1. They don’t let me stay out after midnight. (NOT)
2. The police allege that the managing director of the bank has been
embezzling money for years. (IS)
3. He is sure to pass the exam. (LIKELY)
4. Well, eventually we arrived at a small town. (COURSE)
5. “The opening ceremony will just be beginning then”, he said to us.
6. “I’ll fill in the form for you”, said Claire. (OFFERED)
7. Malcolm admitted having caused the damage. (CONFESSED)
8. The greenhouse effect seriously threatens life on this planet. (POSES)
9. His business collapsed so he owes a lot of money. (HEAVILY)
10. It takes six hours to fly from here to Toronto. (FLIGHT)


1. I never thought of borrowing money from him. (OCCURRED)
2. Sheila is worried about the proposed changes at work. (PROSPECT)
3. Buenos Aires is much hotter than London. (NOWHERE)
4. I sure know the man’s name but I can’t quite remember it. (TONGUE)
5. That woman looks an awful lot like my mother. (BEARS)
6. May is bound to pass her exam. (FOREGONE)
7. Now that your situation is the same as mine, I don’t suppose you think it’s funny. (BOAT)
8. This song reminds me of my trip to the South of France. (MIND)
9. Carolyn has accepted that she’ll never be selected for the team. (HERSELF)
10. He made a mistake of thinking he could do anything he liked around here. (AWAY)

11. The agricultural plan will cause a lot of objections from dairy farmers. (RISE)
12. It was impossible to tell from her papers who she really was. (CLUE)
13. It’s the easiest thing in the world, just don’t be afraid. (NOTHING)
14. Several local residents are against the council’s plans to build a bypass. (OBJECTIONS)
15. If you had phrased your remark more tactfully, he wouldn’t have been offended by it.
(OFFENCE) ……………………………………………………………………………..
16. In all likelihood the board of directors will choose Derek rather than Neil. (BOARD)
17. The old schoolhouse is in very bad condition and the council should do something about it.
(DECAY) ……………………………………………………………………………..
18. I just cannot understand why she said that. (LOSS)
19. You must make sure this never happens again or there will be trouble.
(SEE) ...............................................................................................................
20. This hotel could do with a facelift. (DAYS)
1. The press claim he was present when the signing took place. (SPOT)
2. The doctor says Harry’s health is improving. (SIGNS)
3. However much I try to figure it out, I still have no idea how he did it. (BEAT)
4. What he said is evidence of the fact that he’s a liar. (WITNESS)
5. He conceded that, in retrospect, he had made the wrong decision. (HINDSIGHT)
6. Our photocopier frequently breaks down. (PRONE)
7. We went to say our last goodbye to the great statesman at his funeral. (RESPECTS)
8. Hobbs disobeyed orders and now he’s suffering for it. (PENALTY)
9. I have to write everything out in triplicate and I’m completely fed up with it. (DEATH)
10. The trouble with Thomas is that he has such a pessimistic outlook on everything. (DARK)
11. Jenkins is the first person to have scored so many goals in the history of the school team.
(RECORD) ……………………………………………………………………………..
12. Henry is really angry with Freddie again. (BOOKS)
13. When threatened, chameleons do not move a muscle. (STATUE)
14. We should make a move before dad gets home. (WEAVING)
15. Plans are in progress for a new children’s hospital. (UNDER)
16. It’s time you realized that he has no intention of paying money back. (WOKE)
17. The book is slow in the beginning but the action gets faster after a while. (PICKS)
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18. We are scheduled to discuss that matter at the next meeting. (AGENDA)
19. Fiona will not join the strike because she thinks it is morally incorrect. (PRINCIPAL)
20. Real Madrid lost heavily to Barcelona in the quarter final. (DEFEAT)
1. I can’t believe he said that to her face. (CAME)
2. Try and forget the whole experience or it will upset you and your family. (BEHIND)
3. Don’t you think it’s time you went to bed, David? (TURNED)
4. I could just discern the figure of a man through the fog. (OUT)
5. Our plans to visit Jamaica this summer have fallen through again. (NOTHING)
6. He talked about nothing but the weather. (SOLE)
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7. The proposals are acceptable to everybody. (RAISED)
8. The jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her. (GROWN)
9. The employment scheme proved to be unsuccessful after all. (MET)
10. Don’t forget those at work on this lovely, sunny day. (SPARE)
11. It is quite obvious that he’s doing no work whatsoever. (ESCAPING)
12. Whatever you do, don’t mention the subject of his accident. (UP)
13. Sue is always ready to help you out. (TURN)
14. When we went to London, we visited all the interesting places. (SIGHTS)
15. These tools will accomplish the task in half the time. (TRICK)
16. Edward might not agree to the proposal. (OPEN)
17. I took an aspirin for my toothache but it didn’t help at all. (DIFFERENCE)
18. He owed so much money that his business went bankrupt. (DEEP)
19. You ‘ll have to manage with the old computer for a few more months. (DO)
20. I managed to persuade John not to resign. (TALK)
1. So long as the examiner can read your handwriting, he’ll accept your answer. (LEGIBLE)
2. What he said had nothing to do with the subject we were discussing. (NO)
3. The board of directors is still thinking about the new salary proposals. (UNDER)
4. Don’t sell your house until you have considered it carefully. (TWICE)
5. I object very strongly to what he said and I’ll let him know. (EXCEPTION)
6. I didn’t work long hours because I was aware of health risks. (BETTER)
7. They decided not to go by boat because they thought they would be seasick. (PROMPTED)
8. It’s only to look at. You can’t use it, sir. (SHOW)
9. He’s always happy to help you out. (SHOWS)
10. Becoming the centre of attraction was all he wanted. (STAGE)
11. Don’t forget that whatever happens, we mustn't give up, Robin. (SHOW)
12. You would benefit from taking out holiday insurance. (BEST)
13. I’m afraid I’m just about to leave for work. (POINT)
14. Twelve people lost their jobs in the company’s reorganisation. (REDUNDANT)
15. That city ‘s worth visiting – it’s got just about everything. (GOING)
16. He speaks the English language well. (COMMAND)
17. I think we’re going back to where we started, Robert. (ROUND)
18. I don’t have to give him any money until the end of next week. (NEED)
19. His accident ruined any hopes of an international career. (PAID)
20. I think at least the minister should attend the meeting for a short time. (AN)
1. I tried to make her feel comfortable but in vain. (EASE)
2. It’s impossible to express it in another way, Mr Dean. (DIFFERENTLY)
3. You are on your own! I’m not going to save you this time. (RESCUE)
4. Your car license has expired, sir. (OUT)
5. According to Joe, her English will improve if she subscribes to that magazine. (SUBSCRIPTION)
6. The pilot endangered all our lives during the flight. (IN)
7. Our getting the contract depends on Jonathan. (ON)
8. A police car stopped outside the house. (UP)
9. I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics. (IGNORANT)
10. Why Roy can’t accept the fact that he is incompetent? (FACE)
11. I know that it’s true because he told me himself. (LIPS)
12. The prisoners have still not been captured. (LARGE)
13. We did nothing yesterday so we must do extra today. (MAKE)
14. He mentioned the delays we experienced last year. (REFERENCE)
15. Clap your hands and that dog will run away. (TURN)
16. I didn’t go to their party because I didn’t feel like it. (MOOD)
17. He came very close to having a fatal accident. (INCH)
18. Nobody in the whole room blushed but me. (RED)
19. He was so angry his face changed color. (BLUE)
20. It wasn’t my intention to be in the red for so long, Mr. Philips. (MEAN)
1. We simply cannot afford to buy a new car this year. (IN)
2. Could you leave out the technical details and tell me how this battery works? (SCIENCE)
3. The technical staff went on strike in sympathy with the pilots. (CAME)
4. They had planned to stay two months in India at first. (INTENTION)
5. I doubt that they will turn down your invitation. (TURN)
6. The project received the unanimous approval of the committee. (FAVOUR)
7. He was promoted to captain because he was a fine leader. (VIRTUE)
8. Everyone knows that Jesse Owens was one of the best athletes ever. (STANDARDS)
9. Nobody knows whether he will take part in the race or not. (NO)
10. From what everyone says, he’s been to prison at least five times. (ACCOUNTS)
11. David is too boring to join us on a weekend camping trip. (BLANKET)
12. The management’s statement does not conform at all to previous policy. (TOTAL)
13. My father was serious when he told you not to come here again. (MEANT)
14. I knew it was a risky investment, but I didn’t expect to lose every penny. (BANK)
15. I was aware it was hard work, but I didn’t realise I had to work every weekend. (FOR)
16. The cash dispenser hasn’t worked for weeks. (OUT)

17. I always beat dad when we play chess. (BETTER)

18. Even though this passport has expired, they allowed him to travel on it. (REGARDLESS)
19. When I last saw Jackson he was going to the park. (FOR)
20. The landlord cheated them and wouldn’t give them their deposit back. (OUT)
1. I don’t know how he ‘ll ever compensate for what he’s done. (MAKE)
2. It’s amazing how she’s managing to stay so strong during this difficult time. (UP)
3. Be a little patient and I will explain everything to you. (WITH)
4. What you say has nothing to do with what I’m discussing. (UPON)
5. Everyone started laughing when Bert imitated the boss. (OFF)
6. A German company has bought our factory. (OVER)
7. He’s made friends with the kids next door. (UP)
8. He did not fool me in the least with his lies. (IN)
9. The weather wasn’t good enough for us to sail that day. (AGAINST)
10. The accounts manager has been taken to court for fraud. (UP)
11. He picked up the model plane and it broke into pieces. (APART)

12. The essential thing here is how committed you are to the company. (DOWN)
13. A new tomb has been found by Austrian archaeologists. (ACROSS)
14. Did you make them understand what you wanted them to do? (ACROSS)
15. He was lucky that the judge only gave him a suspended sentence. (OFF)
16. Malcolm does not think he will be able to attend the wedding. (DOUBTS)
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17. This setback seems disastrous now but it may be better for us in the end. (TURN)
18. I think Jack has his own reason for helping you. (ULTERIOR)
19. Mary did really well in the marathon. (ACCOUNT)
20. The most important question here today is whether we accept divorce or not. (BURNING)
1. Though it looks bad now, it’ll be ok in the end. (RUN)
2. Unfortunately, he is flat broke these days. (PENNY)
3. His writing isn’t worse than yours. (NO)
4. Her feet were freezing. (ICE) ………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Don’t pay any attention to what he says. (NOTICE)
6. After the scandal, he was asked to resign immediately. (IN)
7. Being a tennis coach doesn’t really suit him, you know. (OUT)
8. I want to stay out of this quarrel. (SIDES)
9. Lee was fired after only six months. (SACK)
10. The number of employees at the factory has been reduced. (CUTBACK)

11. “What you tell me will never go beyond these four walls”, he said. (IN)
12. Isn’t it time you confessed and admitted you leaked the information? (CLEAN)
13. The workers stopped speaking to their workmate as he voted against the strike. (SENT)
14. James must be totally crazy if he thinks I’d agree to such a plan. (OUT)
15. The baby is a bit sick today and seems to do nothing but cry. (SORTS)
16. I don’t really care where we go tonight. (DIFFERENCE)
17. The way you reacted to her question was completely over the top. (OUT)
18. This doesn’t concern you, so stay out of it. (MIND)
19. If they weren’t always working against each other, they’d do a lot better. (IN)
20. I’m sure he didn’t know his brother was seriously ill. (POSSIBLY)
1. Mark knows all about motorbikes. (WIDE)
2. Hiking twenty miles a day doesn’t sound like much fun to me. (IDEA)
3. Her cryptic comments made me uneasy. (LEFT)
4. It’s a wonderful idea, but can you use it in real life? (PUT)
5. John and I do not have any kind of financial agreement. (INTO)
6. Life has its ups and downs and you must learn to face both. (ROUGH)
7. I don’t think we will be ready for the concert this weekend. (PUT)
8. I think living in the country suits you more. (OFF)
9. You didn’t have to make all these preparations just for me. (GONE)
10. I‘ve never heard that name before, I’m afraid. (NOTHING)
11. Dave was ill for a week, but he’s now out of bed and doing things again. (UP)
12. I like to play the piano now and again to make sure I haven’t lost my touch. (TIME)
13. Your injured back means you do not have to serve in the army. (FROM)
14. Mark is spending more than he earns at the moment. (BEYOND)
15. The cheetah easily caught the gazelle. (STAND)
16. I can’t believe he said that to her face. (CAME)
17. Sara inherited the house from her father. (LEFT)
18. I had a disagreement with Alice about the party. (OF)
19. You acted quickly and that saved many lives. (PROMPT)
20. Luckily, they were able to return to Anne’s idea when John’s plan faile. (BACK)
1. How would you deal with such a challenge? (PRESENTED)
2. Don’t worry you will be well taken care of at the hospital. (GOOD)
3. Saying something is not the same as doing it. (WORLD)
4. It’s yours forever, but remember that I gave it to you. (FOR)
5. I don’t care if he meant it or not. The fact is, he said it. (IMMATERIAL)
6. We worked continuously to get the project done. (AROUND)
7. While she was pregnant, she was always longing to eat anchovies. (HAD)
8. There’s a lot of money depending on the success of this venture. (STAKE)
9. There are widely differing opinions on the morality of cloning humans. (SCHOOL)
10. Nobody at this school has ever done such a thing before. (PRECEDENT)
11. You can’t possibly be a social worker if you can’t accept others’opinions. (MIND)
12. You’ll have to wait and see whether the new girl can do the job or not. (TELL)
13. The government received many criticisms concerning their new housing policy. (FEW)
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14. The two horses were exactly equal as they crossed the finishing line. (NECK)
15. The players were given an encouraging talk before the game commenced. (PEP)
16. They may be brother and sister but they are very different in their attitude to politics. (APART)
17. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (HAS)
18. The shipwrecked sailors were washed up on the beach late at night. (CAST)
19. He wouldn’t stop saying flattering things about me at the reception. (PAYING)
20. If you really want to try and get into acting school, I won’t stop you. (PATH)

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