Gec 101 WK16

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GEC 101 – Understanding the Self

Worksheet No. 16


Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the kind of parent you are or you want to be.

-I want to be the kind of parent,which my child can freely share whatever

he/she's going through.A parent that can guide and support what my child want in life as long as
it cannot harm him/her and the people around.As long as I can do it,I will be forever a parent to
them.I will always show and teach them things they need in life.A parent that my child can
always lean and count on.

2. Describe the kind of wife/husband you are or you would become.

-I would like to become the kind of wife that have encouragement and respect to
my partner.A wife that believes in resolving issue immediately will benefit both
of us.A wife that has a solid plan when it comes to our family and future so that
when the day come it will not be hard for us.I will also make sure that my
husband will be the best version of himself whenever he's around me.

3. Are you in favor of using a Family Planning Method as a means of becoming a

responsible parent? Defend/support your answer.

-Yes,because even though every couple or individual has the freedom to choose
how many children they want to have and the freedom to decide the timing and
spacing of any pregnancy.We should always consider our capability to raise a
child.For example,a right to education is a basic right which means every each of
us has the right to go to school or to gain knowledge.However,there are some
cases where in some parents can't send some of their children to school because of
financial problem or some of them force their children to go to work so that they
can help provide for their family as early as they can.The example I provide is a
case where in the parents is not responsible enough to raise their children and give
the right to have education.

4. Do you agree or you disagree with this statement, “There would be no problem
children if there are no problem parents?” Justify your agreement or
-I agree with this statement,because I believe that for this problem to occur there
must be a cause or triggering factors.May be ome kids with bad parents do well in life, whereas
some kids with nice parents don't.But I do believe that,inadequate parenting has a big
contribution on how their children behaves.Children without positive parenting are more at risk
for their own relationship troubles, depression, anxiety, and aggression, among other negative

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