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managemnent planning involvas

12 The statement forecasts, objectives, policies
any enterprise is the development of
1 Planning function in schedules and budret
(a) a short-term
programmes, procedures,
(b) a continuous process
is given by Koontz O Donnell
(a) Henry Fayol (b)
(c) done in emergencies (d) Theo Haimann
(d) top management's
will (c) Louis A Allen
courses of action is an statement about plannino
2 Examination of alternative 13 Which of the following
activity which falls under (b) organisation function is correct?
involve control of activities
(a) planning function (d) control function la) Planning does not alternatives
does not identify
(c) direction function (b) Planning
management is primarily Planning does not result into selection of corret
of (c)
3 Planning function alternative
performed by
fa) top management
(b) middle management (d) Planning does not set goals
part of strategic
(c) lower management
(d) Al of these
14 Which of the following is not a
important part of the process planning?
4 Policy making is an (a) Social responsibility (b) Objectives
of (b) coordinating (c) Choice of business (d) Purpose and mission
tâ) planning organisations is all
(c) organising
(d) motivating
15 Strategic planning in service
formulated in order to meet about
5 A special kindof plan (a) where the organisation is
the challenge of competitors is called heading
(b) programme (b) where the organisation should be
(a) single use plan change in order to be
(d) projects (c) how the organisation needs to
<c) strategy more effective
arises because of the accomplish for the
6 The necessity of planning have to
(d) what the organisation intends to
fact that business organisation community
(a) operate (b) survive
16 The most effective way to plan for the future is
(d) Al of these committee
(c) progress (a) appoint a long range planning
solid relationships throughout your
7 Which is not a step in planning? (b) develop
organisation Organisation
(a) Determination of objectives for the
(c) hold a retreat
(b) Forecasting
(c) Decision-making (d) engage in strategic planning
fd) Welfare activities 17} The biggest challenge in planning for change is
following activities in correct (a) who will be affected by the change
8 Arrange the outcomes
(b) anticipating its unintended, unexpected
sequence. should implement the change
2. Planning (c) deciding who
1. Organising
3. Directing 4. Staffing (d) communicating why the change is needed
decision-making in staff
5. Controlling 18 The overall process of
Codes selection includes which of these stages?
(a) 1,2,3,4,5 b) 2,1,4,3,5 (a) Deciding which candidate to appoint
(d) 2,4,1,3,5 (b) Identifying the need for a new memnber of
(c) 2,4, 1,5,3
(c) Agreeing the job specification
9 Corporate planning encompasses fd) All of the above
(a) strategic planning (b) selection
not a reason for
(c) automation (d) defamation 19 Which of the factors listed below isbeing a complex
10 and their violation leads to decision-making in organisations
are rigid
! pròcess? historical context
in a
(a) Procedures
3i 2 (b) Methods (a) People have to make decisions interest in tne
(d) Objectives (b) Several stakeholders will have an
c) Rules decision
organisation attec
11 Which among the following is a planning as well (c) Factors in thecurrent contèxt of the
as controlling technique? the decision
enable people to evalu
(a) Procedure (b) Method (d) Modern information systems
(c) Budget (d) Policy a range of possible outcomes
Functions of Management 69

20 A solution to a problem that is arrived at through

30 decisions are non-repetitive in nature.
an unstructured process of
called a decision-making is (a) Programmed fb) Non-programmed
(c) Operative (d) All of these
(a) bounded rationality (b) programmed decision
(c) non-programmed decision (d) uncertainty 31 For planning and decision-making, the method
21 As a that consists in analysing and stimulating is
manager moves to higher positions in an known as
organisation, the ability to make (a) the model
becomes important.
(a) programmed, less (b) the marginal analysis
-(b) non-programmed, more (c) the experiment
(c) non-programmed, less (d) programmed, much more (d) All of the above
22 Which of the following is nota benefit of informal 32 In which type of decision, the information system
organisation to employees?
(a) Security plays a critical role?
b) Status (a) Unprogrammed decisions
(c) Self-actualisation (d) Social satisfaction
(b) Programmed decisions
23 Advantages of participative
include decision-making (c) Experience decisions
(d) Top-level management decisions
(a) employees set higher goals for themselves
33 Simon observes that serious blockades may
(b) more points of view are offered at three levels of communication.
(c) participants buy into the final decision
d)AIl of the above Which of the following is not one of them?
24 A/An (a) Initiation (b) Transmission
organisation is a network of
personal and social relations not established or (c) Reception (d) Noise
required by the formal organisation and arising 34 Almost all decisions need to be
preceded by the
spontaneously as people associate with One same set of logical analyses. This is known as
another. (a) decision-making process
(a) informal (b) formal (b) logic of decision-making
(c) partly formal (d) strategic (c) process of logic
25 Decision-making situations can be categorised (d) universality of decision-making process
alonga scale which ranges from 35 For planning and decision-making, the method
Aa) certainty to risk to uncertainty to ambiguity
(b) certainty to uncertainty to risk that consists in consulting the past, is known as
(c) certainty to risk to uncertainty
(a) experience (b) experiment
(d) uncertainty to certainty to risk (c) the model (d) None of these
26 Decision-making step, which consists of 36 For planning and decision-making, the method
organisation goals, predicting alternatives and that consists in trying out alternatives, is known
communicating goals is called
(a)organisation (b) alternation (a) experience (b) experiment
c) planning (d) valuing (c) the model (d) None of these
27 What are the 37 Which of the following is not an
characteristics of a programmed in decision-making?
important factor
A(a) Routine and non-comnplex (a) The name of the organisation
(b) Low risk and certain (b) Relevant facts gathered by the staff agencies
(c) Uncertain and non-routine (c) Attitude of superiors and subordinates
(d) Comnplex and risky (d) Competence and morale of the decision-making
28 What is not an assumption 38 The ability to follow a systematical, logical and
underpinning the
rational decision-making model? thorough approach in decision-making is called
(a) High level of certainty regarding the environment ta) Rationality (b) Feasibility
(b) A structured problem (c) Self-efficacy (d) Bounded rationality
C) An agreed goal 39 Organisation is a process of
(d) Incomplete information (a) identifying and grouping of work to be performed
29 Simon (1960) is associated with what type of (b) defining and delegating the responsibility and
(a) Programmed
model? authority
Kc) Both (a) and (b)
b) Administrative (d) None of the above
(c) Classical (d) Rational
UGC NET Tutor" Human Resource Management
50 In line organisation, the business activities are
establishes relationship between divided into following three types.
40 Organisation resources
fa people, work and Aa) Accounts, production, sales
(b) customer, work and (b) Production, quality, sales
(c) people, work and management (c) Production, quality, maintenance
(d) customer, work and (d) Production, maintenance, sales
charts are used
41 The organisational action and the responsibilities of then
51 The process of dividing the work andfor the
(a) for giving the plan grouping them into units and sub-units
all employees
apart from social legitimacy purpose of administration is known as
(b) for formulating things of the organisation at a glance fa) departmentation
providing a picture relationship
(c) for statutes that define (b) organisational structure
d) as manuals and
between various offices (C) committee
always flows from (d) All of the above
42 Responsibility b) subordinate to superior
(a)superior to (d) None of these
52 Linking pin structure of the organisation was
(c) Both (a) and (b) proposed by
organisation should have more (a) Scott (b) Kahn (c) Sherwood (e) Likert
43 No one on the
than one boss" is a statement of 53 The following is not a principle of organisation.
(a) principle of specialisation (a) Principle of exception (b) Principle of balance
(b) principle of authority tc) Principle of complexity (d) Principle of coordination
fc) principle of unity of command 54 Which organisation structure is generally
(d)principle of span of control followed by big steel plants?
44 The effective number of individuals to (a) Line organisation
supervised by a single superior or departmental
head should be linmited to in a average (b) Functional organisation

(c) Line and staff organisation
(b) ten (d) All of the above
ta) six
(c) fourteen (d) twenty 55 A reporting relationship in which an employee
organisational receives orders from and reports to, only one
45 The following is not a type of supervisor is knoWn as
8tructure. (b) centralisation
fa) Line organisation (a) line of authority
(c) unity of direction -td) unity of command
(b) Functional organisation
(c) Line and staff organisation 56 Organisation structure is primarily concerned
(d) Flexible organisation with and of tasks and authority.
46 Organising aims to serve t ã allocation, delegation
(a) conmon purpose
b) c0-operation (b) allocation, apportionment
(c) authority structure (d) All of these (c) reporting, delegating
47 In which of the following organisational structure, (d) setting standards, delegation
each specialist is supposed to give his functional 57 Authority always flows from
advice to all other foremen and workers? (a) superior to subordinate
(a) Line organisation (b) subordinate to superior
b) Functional organisation (c) Both (a) and (b)
(c) Line and staff organisation Ad) None of the above
(d) Allof the above 58 As per the principle of balance, there should
48 In hospitals, the following type of balance between
departmentation is common (a) the activities
ta) by function (b) by committee (b) authority and responsibility
(c) by geographical region (d) All of these (c) standardisation of procedures and flexibility
is also known as military d) AIl of the above
49 The following
organisation. 59 Departmentation is a process where
a) Line organisation (a) tasks are grouped into jobs
(b) Functional organisation (b) jobs are grouped into effective work groups
(c) Line and staff organisation (c) work groups are grouped into identifiable
(d) None of the above Ad) Al of the above
Eunctions of Management

60 The department can be created 70 Which

(a) by function of the following
(b) by product activities should be
(c) by process d) Al of these performed by the superior in the process of
e1 Departmentation leads to grouping of delegation?
(a) activities
(a) Commensurate authority
(b) personnel (b) Clear responsibility
tO Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (c) Development the subordinates
62 The refers to the td) All of the above
authority and responsibilityassignment of formal
to another person for 71 Which of the following give rise to authority?
carryig out Specific activities. (a) Traditions (b) Legal positions
(a) decentralisation of authority (c)
Charisma in personality td) All of these
(b) delegation of responsibility 72 Which of the following ig a limitation
(c) centralisation of authority of
tßj delegation of authority (a) Does not aid organisation in adapting to the
63 Why is decentralisation a environment
management? significant tool in (b) Gives managers more freedom
(a) It helps you to dump your work on fc) Considerable expense for training managers
someone else
o) It allows you to get rid of the (d) Adds to burdern on top management
distasteful tasks and
assign to someone else 73 Indicate which of the following is not among the
(c) It is atool to help you achieve more and
people at the same time
develop your six main types of organisational structure?
(a) Line organisation (b) Functional organisation
(d) It allows you to punish the smart
alecks with So much fc) Committees f ) Department
work they will never dig out 74 The willingness of subordinates to take On
64 Decentralisation is a disadvantage due to additional responsibilities is a factor that affects
(a) growth and diversification the degree of
b) lack of uniformity (a) centralisation -fb) decision-making
(c) executive development (c) decentralisation (d) controlling
(d) All of the above 75 is the
unbroken line of authority
65 In a formal organisation, »power' is associated with linking each employee with the top most position
(a) an individual b) position in the organisation through series of
(c) relationship (d) control management posts.
66 The structure of organisation includes (a) Unity of command (b) Chain of command
Aa) identification and classification of required activities (c) Degree of command d) Unity of direction
(b) informal organisation 76 Restricted view of organisational goals is
(c) establishing enterprise objectives represented by deploying a
(d) authority relationships (a) vertical structure (b) divisional structure
67 The degree to which an organisation relies on -tcj horizontal structure (d) functional structure
rules and procedures to direct the behaviour of 77 Shared task
employees is divisioning is encouraged at
(a) linear structure (b) vertical structure
(a) complexity te) horizontal structure
b) formalisation (d) comnpound structure
(c) centralisation 78 Managers not having control over many activities
is a drawback of
(d) motivation
(a) matrix structure fb) network structure
68 One of the advantage of matrix structure is that (c) vertical structure (d) horizontal structure
(a) it is easily understood by the people involved
B) improved lateral communications 79 Managerial decision-making refers to
(c) product lines can be recognised as cost centres, it eases (a) programmed decisions b) unprogrammed decisions
(c) information system (d) operational research
financial control
(d) top management has more time to devote to long-term 80 These decisions are original and the product of
strategic isSues managerial wisdom. These decisions are known as
69 Unity of command
means (a) programned decisions a) unprogrammed decisions
(a) parity of authority and responsibility (c) middle-level system (d) top-level decision
(b) flow of command from subordinate to
superior 81 A manager multiples himself through
c) flow of command from superior to
(d) parity in controlling
subordinate ta) delegation (b) coordination
(c) cooperation (d) influence
UGC NET Tutor " Human Resource Manageme
93 Among the following alternatives which of
depends on the
82 The delegation of authority managerial function deals with filling and 1
sub-ordinate's (b) educational qualifications keeping the organisation structure filled?
(a) training (d) personal appearance (a) Planning (b) Organising
tc) ability and potential (c) Directing d) Staffing
function deals with placing 94 Which of the following activities focus on
83 Which managerial 1
right things at right places?
Ab) Organising
estimating how many workers are currenty
employed in the organisation?
(a) Planning (d) Directing
(c) Staffing (a) Job analysis Ab) Workforce analysis
delegation of authority forms (c) Workload analysis (d) Job dpecification
84 Decentralisation, of the following managerial

part of which 95 One cannot perform control function without

functions? (a) staffing (b) planning
(b) Planning fd) All of these
(a) Staffing (d) Budgeting (c) organising
tc) Organising which is already 96 Which of the following is the meaning of human
management step resource planning?
85 A predetermined by rules, regulations
systematised, known as
(a) Evaluation of job
or procedures is better
decision (b) Satisfaction of the employees on the job
(a) a management decision (c) Appraising the performance of employees
(b) an unprogrammed
decision (d) It is the process by which an organisation ensures that
te) a programmed it has the right number and kind of people at the right
(d) an act of management place, at the right time
organisation is also
86 The mechanistic theory of 97 The management of personnel is also called
known as (b) controlling
(a) Bureaucratic theory fb) Scientific management (a) staffing
(c) co-ordinating fd) communication
(c) Behaviourist theory(d) Classical theory
87 Grapevine' is a term used in relation to 98 Directing comprises of the following activities.
and their
(a) formal communication (a) Issuance of commands to the juniors
6) informal communication supervision
(b) Guidance to the subordinate
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) this term is not used in relation to
communication (c) Leading and motivating the subordinate
informal td) All of the above
88 The greatest weakness of the
organisation is 99 To guide and oversee the efforts of assistants in
--fa) its utter instability order to attain administration's objectives is a
function of
(b) its behaviour can be predicted (b) organising
(c) it does not change (a) planning
(c) directing -fd) controlling
(d) All of the above
device is 100 Which of the following statement is not correct?
89 To achieve vertical linkages, first vertical (a) Staffing does not involve recruitment
(a) management information system (b) Controlling is looking backward as well as forward
(b) plans (c) Directing is all pervasive
(c) rules td) Orientation and appraisal is a part of staffing
-(d) hierarchical referral
101 Which of the managerial function is the essence of
90 Specialised task divisioning takes place at management?
(a) computed structure (a) Planning Vb) Coordination
b) vertical structure (c) Communication td) Directing
(c) comnplex structure 102 An organisation designed for efficiency,
(d) horizontal structure emphasises on
91 The procedure of removing inappropriate (a) centralisation
applicants is called Ej horizontal communication
(a) selection (b) recruitment (c) decentralisation
(c) training (d) aptitude test Ad) vertical communication
92 Recruitment and selection are part of which of the 103 An organisation that emphasises horizontal
following managerial function? communication and coordination, is designed for
(a) Planning (b) Organising a) adaptation (b) efficiency
(d) Controlling a return on share
c) Staffing (c) quality
Gunctions of Management 73

Which One of the following is considered as the 115 The managerial function of guiding, overseeing
frst principle of organisation? and leading people is
(a) Delegation fb) Coordination (a) planning
(c) Unity of (d) Supervision fb) directing
R Whogave this definition of control, Management (c) motivating
is the profession of control"? (d) coordinating
(a) Harold Koontz b Stafford Beer 116 Which of thefollowing activities is associated with
(c) Adam Jr Elbert (d) Mckenna coordination of work in the business organisation?
anG Some of the ancient control techniques used for (a) Planning b) Organising
controlling are (c) Staffing (d) Directing
(a) break-even analysis (b) unity of policies 117 Selecting the best possible objects, policies,
(c) budgetary control Aa) AIl of these procedures and programmes out of available
407 Which of the following is a type of coordination? alternatives comes under
(a) External (b) Internal (a) coordination (b) organisation
io) Vertical and Horizontal All of these o) planning (d) controlling
108 Which of the following statement is correct? 118 You are the manager of a firm. Which of the
fatTechniques of managerial control are useful in following activities do you initiate first?
conducting shareholder's meetings ta) Planning (b) Organising
(b) Control techniques help in planning for profit (c) Staffing (d) Directing
() Control techniques identify appropriate technology 119 Forecasting helpsthe management in
(d) Techniques of control helps in selecting plant location (a) developing a business
109 Which of the following statement is incorrect? (b) providing adequate information for exercising effective
(a) Management audit signifies evaluation of control
(c) helping the management executiives 1n effective
effectiveness of the management and its functional
performance coordination

b Ratio analysis is a synonym for cost profit volume t All of the above
analysis 120 Which of the following is not the advantage of
(c) Budgetary control helps in delegation delegation?
(d) None of the above ta) It causes lack of trust in subordinates
(b) It improves managerial effectiveness
110 The function of attracting, acquiring, retaining
and developing human resource is (c) It facilitates organisational growth
(a) recruitment (d) It motivates subordinates
(b) training and development 121 Which of the following is not related to staffing?
(c) selection (a) Human resource planning
a) staffing (b) Managerial appraisal
111 Personnel management is not possible tc) Decision-making
(a) where the workforce is too less (d)Job definition
b large-sized concern 122 To channelise the activities of the workers and to
(c) number of workers so large induce them to work is
(d) None of the above (a) control b) coordination
112 Hierarchy has been described as the 'scalar (c) motivation (d) organisation
process' by 123 Press the right button but convincingly; to get a
(a) LD White (b) Mooney and Reliey desired reaction " For which function of
(c) PH Appleby <d) Gullick and Urwick
113 Effective management this statement is quoted?
supervision is an activity of (a) Organisation
(a) organisation function 85 Motivation
(b) staffing function (c) Control
tc) direction function (d) Direction
(d) control function
114 Which of the following is not 124 Management by exception means
(a) Job security non-monetary? a) only important problems are looked after by the top
(b) Effective communication (b) rewarding the efficient and punishing the inefficient
Ac) Bonus (c) Neither of the above
(d) Motivation (d) Either of the above

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