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Unit 6, Vocabulary 11.

make sb’s day: to make somebody feel very happy

on a particular day
pp. 44&45 The phone call from Mike really made my day.
12. call it a day: (informal) to decide or agree to stop
Phrases, patterns and collocations doing something
After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to
Note: The following comments cover only some of the
call it a day (= to retire).
lexical items given on pp. 44&45. If necessary, look up
13. in this day and age: now, in the modern world
the others in a dictionary.
Slavery continues to exist, even in this day and age.
1. about: used to describe the purpose or an aspect of Why dress so formally in this day and age?
something 14. any day now | any time (now): (informal) very soon
Movies are all about making money these days. We expect more info on this any day/time now.
What was all that about? (= what was the reason for 15. day in, day out: every day for a long period of time
what has just happened?) Living on junk food day in day out is not good for you.
2. be about to do something : to be going to happen or
do something very soon 16. first/last/only...ever (to): used for emphasizing that
We arrived just as the ceremony was about to begin. something has never happened before
He is the first person ever to beat me at tennis.
3. act/be your age: used for telling someone that they 17. never ever:
are behaving in a stupid way, as if they were much We must never ever forget how those brave men
younger than they really are fought for our freedom.
4. age bracket/group: the range between two particular 18. as ever: You say as ever in order to indicate that
ages something or someone's behaviour is not unusual
people in the 50–60 age bracket because it is like that all the time or very often.
5. age [uncountable]: the state of being old As ever, the meals are primarily fish-based.
The jacket was showing signs of age. He was by himself, alone, as ever.
with age: Wine improves with age.
the wisdom that comes with age 19. keep regular/late etc hours: to perform the same
activities every day at regular/late etc times,
6. run/take its course: to develop in the usual way and especially going to bed and getting out of bed
come to the usual end 20. hours [plural]: the amount of time during the day or
When her tears had run their course, she felt calmer week that you work; a fixed period of time during
and more in control. which people work, an office is open, etc.
With minor ailments the best thing is often to let Opening hours are from 10 to 6 each day.
nature take its course. Most people in this kind of job tend to work long
7. in the course of time: when enough time has passed hours.
Synonym: eventually 21. during office, business, etc. hours
It is possible that in the course of time a cure for The library is open during normal working hours.
cancer will be found. What are your office hours?
In the course of time, I began to understand. a hospital’s visiting hours
8. in due course: at the right time and not before 22. hours: a long time
Your request will be dealt with in due course. hours/days/weeks etc on end: used for emphasizing
9. course: (countable) a series of lessons or lectures how long something continues
on a particular subject He talks for hours on end about absolutely nothing.
on a course: My boss has been on a course this 23. until all hours (disapproving): very late
week. He stays up drinking until all hours.
You need to go on a management training course. 24. after hours
10. course or course of action [countable] a way of This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after
acting in or dealing with a particular situation the normal closing time for pubs).
What course of action would you recommend? 25. out of hours
It was the best course of action to take in the You can contact me on this number out of hours (=
circumstances. when the office is closed).
The wisest course would be to say nothing.
26. do a good, bad, etc. job (on something) | make a 38. office party noun: a party, usually just before
good, bad, etc. job of something: to do something Christmas, for the people who work in a particular
well, badly, etc. office or company
They did a very professional job.
You've certainly made an excellent job of the kitchen 39. on and on: without stopping; continuously
(= for example, painting it). 40. She went on and on about her trip.
We haven’t done a very good job on the publicity for 41. You’re on! used for saying ‘yes’ when someone has
the show. invited you to compete or do something difficult or
27. in a job : an increase in the number of people in jobs dangerous
(= having jobs) ‘I bet I can sell more tickets than you.’ ‘OK, you’re on.’
28. out of a job: He's been out of a job (= unemployed)
for six months now. 42. give sb/take a second to do: Could I take a second
29. The takeover of the company is bound to mean more to think about it?
job losses. 43. second (also informal sec): a very short time
30. on the job: while doing a particular job Synonym: moment
No sleeping on the job! in a second I'll be with you in a second.
on-the-job training 44. in/within seconds They had finished within
31. moment: a very short period of time 45. split second noun: a very short moment of time
in a moment: I'll be back in a moment. 46. for a split second Their eyes met for a split second.
This won't take a moment.
47. make a start on/at sth/doing sth [start: countable,
_____________________________ usually singular] the act or process of beginning
32. never mind: do not worry about it I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls.
"I lost that wallet you gave me." "Well, never mind, I 48. get off to a good/flying/bad etc. start : to make a
can always buy you another one." good/very good/bad etc. start; to begin something well
Never mind if you get paid for it or not, you can’t She’s got off to a flying start in her new career.
tutor Jane this afternoon. We’re going to Granny’s. 49. head start: an advantage over other people in the
same situation as you, especially in a competition
33. now (conjuction): now (that)… because the thing The reading course gives young children a head start.
mentioned is happening or has just happened 50. for a start: used for introducing the first point in a
Now that the kids have left home we've got a lot of series, especially in an argument
extra space. They are too young for a start.
34. (every) now and then/again: from time to time,
occasionally 51. in the long/short/medium term/run: used to
Now and then I receive letters from my former describe what will happen a long, short, etc. time in
students. the future
She comes to London every now and again. Such a development seems unlikely, at least in the
short term (= it will not happen for quite a long time)
35. office: [uncountable, countable] an important position in the long term/run: not immediately but at some
of authority, especially in government; the work and time in the future
duties connected with this Cutting jobs could be more expensive in the long
take office: begin to work in a position term/run if we have to hire freelancers.
The present government took office in 2017. 52. long-term/short-term: lasting or having an effect
The new President takes office on January 20th. over a long/short period of time
36. public office: (uncountable), Uk Our long-term goal is to lower operating costs by 10
a job in the government that you have because you per cent.
were chosen or elected short-term plans
He has never sought public office.
37. office-holder (also office-bearer): a person who is in 53. make time (for): to find time to do something or be
a position of authority, especially in the government or with someone in spite of being busy
a government organization He’s finding it difficult to make time for his children.
54. time frame: the period of time during which Serbian equivalents mostly taken/adapted from the Oxford
something happens or must happen English-Serbian Dictionary (englesko-srpski rečnik sa
55. at this moment in time: (informal) now, at the srpsko-engleskim indeksom).
present time
At this moment in time, I don't know what my decision
will be.

56. work something in | work something into

something: to try to include something
Can't you work a few more jokes into your speech?
57. work like magic or work like a charm:
to be very successful, or to have exactly the effect you
She found that a little flattery worked like magic.
58. work a treat , UK: to be successful, or to operate
I put a bit of oil on it, and it worked a treat.

59. year on year: used for talking about situations in

which something continues to change or develop
every year; (used especially when talking about
figures, prices, etc.) each year, compared with the last
Spending has increased year on year.
a year-on-year increase in spending


English definitions mostly taken/adapted from the Oxford

Advanced Learner's Dictionary, the Cambridge Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus online and Collins
Online English Dictionary.

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