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Maximum Marks: 70 Time Allowed: 3 hours.

General Instructions:

(1) There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E.

(3) All the sections are compulsory.

(4) Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four Assertion Reasoning based of 1 mark
each, Section B contains five questions of two marks each, Section C contains seven questions of three
marks each, Section D contains two case study-based questions of four marks each and Section E
contains three long answer questions of five marks each.

(5) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question in
Section B, one question in Section C, one question in each CBQ in Section

D and all three questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.

1. A body can be negatively charged by

(a) giving excess of electrons to it (b) removing some electron from it

(c) giving some protons to it (d) removing some neutrons from it.

2.When air is replaced by a medium of dielectric constant K, the force of attraction between two
charges separated by a distance r

(a) decreases K times (b) remains unchanged (c) increases K times (d) increases K–2 times

3. The Electric flux through the surface

(a) in Fig. (iv) is the largest. (b) in Fig. (iii) is the least. (c) in Fig. (ii) is same as Fig. (iii) but is smaller
than Fig. (iv) (d) is the same for all the figures.
4. Which among the curves shown in figure possibly represent electrostatic field lines?

5. Which of the following is not the property of an equipotential surface?

(a) They do not cross each other.

(b) The work done in carrying a charge from one point to another on an equipotential surface is zero.

(c) For a uniform electric field, they are concentric spheres.

(d) They can be imaginary spheres.

6. An electric dipole placed in an electric field of intensity 2 × 105 N/C at an angle of 30° experiences a
torque equal to 4 Nm. The charge on the dipole of dipole length 2 cm is

(a) 7 µC (b) 8 mC (c) 2 mC (d) 5 Mc

7. If the net electric flux through a closed surface is zero, then we can infer

(A) no net charge is enclosed by the surface. (B) uniform electric field exists within the surface. (C)
electric potential varies from point to point inside the surface. (D) charge is present inside the surface.

8. An electric dipole consisting of charges + q and – q separated by a distance L is in stable equilibrium

in a uniform electric field E. The electrostatic potential energy of the dipole is

(A) Qle (B) zero (C) – qLE (D) – 2 qEL

9. Two-point charges A and B, having charges +q and –q respectively, are placed at certain distance
apart and force acting between them is F. If 25% charge of A is transferred to B, then force between the
charges becomes:

(a) F (b)9 F/ 16 (c) 16F/ 3 (d) 4F /3

10. A positively charged particle is released from rest in a uniform electric field. The electric potential
energy of the charge; (a) remains a constant because the electric field is uniform.

(b) increases because the charge moves along the electric field.

(c) decreases because the charge moves along the electric field.

(d) decreases because the charge moves opposite to the electric field.
11. The electrostatic potential on the surface of a charged conducting sphere is 100 V. Two statements
are made in this regard:

S1: At any point inside the sphere, electric intensity is zero.

S2: At any point inside the sphere, the electrostatic potential is 100 V. Which of the following is a
correct statement?

(a) S1 is true but S2 is false. (b) Both S1 and S2 are false.

(c) S1 is true, S2 is also true and S1 is the cause of S2.

(d) S1 is true, S2 is also true but the statements are independent.

12. n identical capacitors joined in parallel are charged to a common potential V. The battery is

disconnected. Now, the capacitors are separated and joined in series. For the new combination:

(a) energy and potential difference both will remain unchanged

(b) energy will remain same, potential difference will become nV

(c) energy and potential both will become n times

(d) energy will become n times; potential difference will remain V

For Questions 13 to 16, two statements are given –one labelled Assertion (A) and other

labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the options as

given below.

a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion.

b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.

d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.

14. Assertion (A): An electron has a higher potential energy when it is at a location associated with a
negative value of potential and has a lower potential energy when at a location associated with a
positive potential.

Reason (R): Electrons move from a region of higher potential to a region of lower potential.
15. Assertion: The Coulomb force is the dominating force in the universe.
Reason: The Coulomb force is weaker than the gravitational force.

16. Assertion: Consider two identical charges placed distance 2d apart, along x-axis.
The equilibrium of a positive test charge placed at the point O midway between them is stable
for displacements along the x-axis.
Reason: Force on test charge is zero.


17.(a) An electrostatic field line is a continuous curve. That is, a field line cannot have sudden breaks.
Why is it so? (b) Explain why two field lines never cross each other at any point.

18. An electric dipole is held in a uniform electric field. (i) Show that the net force acting on it is zero.

(ii) The dipole is aligned parallel to the field. Find the work done in rotating it through the angle of 180°.

19. (a) Define electric flux. Write its SI unit. (b) A spherical rubber balloon carries a charge that is
uniformly distributed over its surface. As the balloon is blown up and increases in size, how does the
total electric flux come out of the surface change? Give reason.

20.A test charge ‘q’ is moved without acceleration from A to

C along the path from A to B and then from B to C in electric
field E as shown in the figure. (i) Calculate the potential
difference between A and C. (ii) At which point (of the two) is
the electric potential more and why?

21.The space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is completely filled in two ways. In the first
case, it is filled with a slab of dielectric constant K. In the second case, it is filled with two slabs of equal
thickness and dielectric constants K1 and K2 respectively as shown in the figure. The capacitance of the
capacitor is same in the two cases. Obtain the relationship between K, K1 and K2.

22.Net capacitance of three identical capacitors in series is 1 µF. What will be their net capacitance if
connected in parallel? Find the ratio of energy stored in the two configurations if they are both
connected to the same source.


23. Charges (+q) and (–q) are placed at the points A and B respectively which are a distance 2L apart. C is
the midpoint between A and B. What is the work done in moving a charge +Q along the semicircle CRD?

24.(a) Twelve negative charges of same magnitude are equally spaced and fixed on the circumference of
a circle of radius R as shown in Fig. (i). Relative to potential being zero at infinity, find the electric
potential and electric field at the Centre C of the circle. (b) If the charges are unequally spaced and fixed
on an arc of 120 of radius R as shown in Fig. (ii), find electric potential at the Centre C

25.(a)Draw the equipotential surfaces corresponding to a uniform electric field in the z-

direction. (b) Derive an expression for the electric potential at any point along the axial line of
an electric dipole.

26. A 100 F capacitor is charged by a 12 V battery. (a) How much electrostatic energy is stored
by the capacitor? (b) The capacitor is disconnected from the battery and connected in parallel
to another uncharged 100 F capacitor. What is the electrostatic energy stored by the system?

27. Three-point electric charges +q each are kept at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of
side a. Determine the magnitude and sign of the charge to be kept at the centroid of the
triangle so that the charges at the vertices remain in equilibrium.

28. (a)Three charges –q, Q and –q is placed at equal distances on a straight line. If the potential energy
of the system of these charges is zero, then what is the ratio Q:q?


29. Read the following source and answer the following questions:
Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force
when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of charges positive and
negative charges. Also, like charges repel each other whereas unlike charges attract each

(i) A body is positively charged, it implies that:

(a)there is only a positive charge in the body
(b)there is positive as well as negative charge in the body but the positive charge is
more than the negative charge
(c)there is equally positive and negative charge in the body but the positive charge lies
in the outer regions
(d)the negative charge is displaced from its position
(ii). On rubbing, when one body gets positively charged and the other negatively
charged, the electrons transferred from the positively charged body to the negatively
charged body are:
(a)valence electrons only (b)electrons of inner shells
(c) both valence electrons and electrons of the inner shell. (d)none of the above
(iii). Charge on a body that carries 200 excess electrons is:
(a)-3.2 × 10-18 C (b)3.2 × 10 18 C
(c)-3.2 × 10-17 C (d)3.2 × 10 -17 C
(iv). Charge on a body that carries 10 excess electrons is:
(a) -1.6 × 10-18 C
(b) 1.6 × 10 -18 C
(c) 2.6 × 10-18 C
(d) 1.6 × 10-21 C

30. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

When an insulator is placed in an external field, the dipoles become aligned. Induced
surface charges on the insulator establish a polarization field Ē i in its interior. The net
field Ē in the insulator is the vector sum of Ē, and Ē i as shown in the figure.
On the application of external electric field, the effect of aligning the electric dipoles in the
insulator is called polarization and the field Ē; is known as the polarization field.
The dipole moment per unit volume of the dielectric is known as polarization (P).
For linear isotropic dielectrics, P =χE, where χ = electrical susceptibility of the dielectric

(i) Which among the following is an example of polar molecule?

(2) O₂
(b) H
(c) N2
(d) HCI

(ii) Which of the following is a dielectric?

(a) Copper
(b) Glass
(c) Antimony (Sb)
(d) None of these

(iii) For a polar molecule, which of the following statements is true?

(a) The center of gravity of electrons and protons coincide.
(b) The Centre of gravity of electrons and protons do not coincide.
(c) The charge distribution is always symmetrical.
(d) The dipole moment is always zero.
(iv) When a comb rubbed with dry hair attracts pieces of paper. This is because the
(a) comb polarizes the piece of paper
(b) comb induces a net dipole moment opposite to the direction of field
(c) electric field due to the comb is uniform
(d) comb induces a net dipole moment perpendicular to the direction of field


31. (a) Derive an expression for the electric field at any point on the equatorial line of an electric dipole.
(b) Two identical point charges, q each, are kept 2m apart in air. A third point charge Q of unknown
magnitude and sign is placed on the line joining the charges such that the system remains in equilibrium.
Find the position and nature of Q
(a)Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with air present between the
two plates. (b) Obtain the equivalent
capacitance of the network shown in
figure. For a 300 V supply, determine
the charge on each capacitor.

32. (a) An electric dipole is held in a

uniform electric field. (i) Using suitable
diagram show that it does not
undergo any translatory motion, and (ii) derive an expression for torque acting on it and specify its

(b) Derive an expression for the work done in rotating a dipole from the angle 0 to180 in a uniform
electric field E.


(a) A dielectric slab of thickness 't’ is kept between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor with plate
separation 'd' (t < d). Derive the expression for the capacitance of the capacitor.

(b) A capacitor of capacity 𝐶1 is charged to the potential of 𝑉𝑜.

On disconnecting with the battery, it is connected with an
uncharged capacitor of capacity 𝐶2 as shown in the adjoining
figure. Find the ratio of energies before and after the
connection of switch 𝑆.

33. (a) Using Gauss law, derive expression for electric field due to a spherical shell of uniform charge
distribution  and radius R at a point lying at a distance x from the Centre of shell, such that (i) 0 < x < R,
and (ii) x > R

(b) An electric field is uniform and acts along + x direction in the region of positive x. It is also
uniform with the same magnitude but acts in – x direction in the region of negative x. The value
of the field is E = 200 N/C for x > 0 and E = – 200 N/C for x < 0. A right circular cylinder of length
20 cm and radius 5 cm has its Centre at the origin and its axis along the x-axis so that one flat
face is at x = + 10 cm and the other is at x = – 10 cm. Find: (i) The net outward flux through the
cylinder. (ii) The net charge presents inside the cylinder.


A parallel plate is charged by a battery. When the battery remains connected, a dielectric slab is
inserted in the space between the plates. Explain what changes if any, occur in the values of (i)
potential difference between the plates (ii) electric field strength between the plates (iii)
capacitance (iv) charge on the plates (v) energy stored in the capacitor.

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