Without Answer (86-89) POC

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VIBRANT ACADEMY Daily Practice Problems

(India) Private Limited

CLASS : XIII(ALL) DATE : 01/01/2011 TIME : 15 MIN. M.M. 36 DPP. NO.-86

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 0744-2423406 [1]
VIBRANT ACADEMY Daily Practice Problems
(India) Private Limited
CLASS : XIII(ALL) DATE : 03/01/2011 TIME : 15 MIN. M.M. 36 DPP. NO.-87
1. Tick mark the reagents which will give positive response with the following compound.
(A) Na Metal
(B) NaHCO3
(C) 2,4-DNP
(D) AgNO3 + NH 4OH
(E) Fehling solution
(F) NaNO2/HCl (cold)
(G) ZnCl2(Anhydrous)/HCl
(H) Cu2Cl2 + NH4OH
(I) Br2/H2O
(J) Dil. KMnO4 (cold)

2. Compound ‘A’ (C 3H 6O), decolourizes Br2 water. It liberates colourless, odourless gas on addition of sodium
metal. On ozonolysis, it gives B and compound ‘C’ (C 2H4O2). Identify ‘A’.

(A) (B) CH2 = CH – CH2OH (C) (D) CH3–CH2–CHO

3. Compound X(C3H6O) gives negative tests with following reagents. (a) Br2 (b) 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (c)
Na metal. It gives two monochloro products. Identify ‘X’ (Excluding stereoisomer)

(A) CH2 = CH – O – CH3 (B) CH3–CH2–CHO (C) (D)

4. The compound A gives following reactions.

Its structure can be

(A) (B) OHC – (CH2)2–CH = CH COOH

(C) (D)

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 0744-2423406 [2]
5. The function of sodium during preparation of lassaigne’s extract is to
(A) Decrease the melting point of the compound
(B) increase the ionisation of the compound
(C) convert the covalent compound into ionic compound
(D) increase the reactivity of the compound.

6. An organic compound is fused with Na metal and the aq. solution (Lassaigne’s Solution) is treated with
HNO3 cooled and then treated with AgNO 3 a white precipitate is obtained. The compound can be

(A) I, II, III, or IV (B) II, III, or V (C) only III (D) All

7. Compound A (C7H8O) is insoluble in water, dilute HCl & aqueous NaHCO3, it dissolves in dilute NaOH. When
A is treated with Br2 water it is converted into a compound C 7H5OBr 3 rapidly. The structure of A is

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Subjective :

8. 9.


X exists in four stereoisomeric forms. Draw possible structures.

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 0744-2423406 [3]
VIBRANT ACADEMY Daily Practice Problems
(India) Private Limited
CLASS : XIII(ALL) DATE : 04/01/2011 TIME : 15 MIN. M.M. 36 DPP. NO.-88
Question No. 1 to 3 (3 questions)
A research scholar synthesised the compound A in the laboratory


He wanted to study this compound in acidic medium and kept for some time in it. After an hour, when
isolated the compound, to his surprise, he got the mixture of two compounds B, C. He studied their properties
and compared them with A.
reaction with NaHCO3 brisk effervescence no no
blue litmus red no no
NaOI no no yellow ppt.
[Ag(NH3 )2]  no no silver - mirror
H O  carbon  54.55%,
clue original A 3 
 B  C
hydrogen  9.1%
1. B formed is

(A) (B) (C) (D) none

2. Compound C is

3. B is formed due to
(A) cleavage of C–O bond followed by esterification between –COOH and –OH present.
(B) decarboxylation of –COOH group
(C) oxidation of –CH2COOH into –COOH
(D) none

aq. H SO
4. MeCH (CN) CO Me   4  P

(A) P giving +ve iodoform test & –ve test with Fehling solution.
(B) P giving –ve iodoform test & +ve test with NaHCO 3 solution.
(C) P gives +ve Lucas test & –ve test with NaHSO 3 solution
(D) P gives +ve test with NaHSO 3 & cerric ammonium nitrate solution.

5. Compound A, C5H10O forms a phenyl hydrazone and gives negative Tollen's and iodoform tests, compound
A, on reduction gives n-pentane. A is
(A) a primary alcohol (B) a secondary alcohol
(C) an aldehyde (D) a ketone
6. Fehling's solution can make distinction between :
(A) CH3CHO and C6H 5CHO (B) CH3CHO and CH3 COCH2 OH
(C) CH2 CH(OH)CO C H3 and HCHO (D) CH3CHO and HCHO

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 0744-2423406 [1]
7. A compound [X] discharges bromine water in CCl4. The compound neither gives a any colour with FeCl3 nor
effervescences with aq. NaHCO 3 solution. However, its hydrolysate with conc. KOH followed by acidification
gives another compound Y which gives colour with FeCl 3 solution as well as effervescences of CO 2 with
NaHCO3 solution. Compounds X and Y respectively are

(A) and (B) and

(C) and (D) and

8. is differentiated by

(A) 2,4-DNP (B) NaHSO 3 (C) Tollen’s reagent (D) Fehling solution


is differentiated by
(A) Tollen’s reagent (B) Br2/H2O (C) Na-metal (D) NaHCO 3.

10. Which of the following pair differentiated by Br 2/H2O

(A) (B)

(C) C – C  C – C , C–C–C–C (D)

11. Which of the following compound will not undergo Lassign Test ?

(A) (B) NH2–NH2 (C) NH2–NH–Ph (D)

12. Which of the following compound reacts with Tollen’s reagent.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(E) (F)

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 0744-2423406 [2]
VIBRANT ACADEMY Daily Practice Problems
(India) Private Limited
CLASS : XIII(ALL) DATE : 07/01/2011 TIME : 15 MIN. M.M. 36 DPP. NO.-89

Alcohols will react with carboxylic acids under acid catalysis. The acid (usually HCl, or H 2SO4) reversibly
protonates a small percentage of the carboxylic acid molecules, and the protonated carboxylic acids are
extremely susceptible to attack by even a weak nucleophile such as an alcohol.

This tetrahedral intermediate is unstable because the energy to be gained by re-forming a C=O bond is
greater than that used in breaking two C–O bonds. As it stands, one of the leaving groups (R–,HO–, or RO–) is
very good. Once the oxygen atom of, say one of the OH groups is protonated, it becomes a much better
leaving group (H2O, pKaH – 2, instead of HO– , pKaH15). Loss of ROH. Loss of ROH from the tetrahedral
intermediate is also possible: this leads back to starting materials––hence the equilibrium arrow in the
scheme above. Loss of H2O is more fruitful, and takes the reaction forwards to the ester product.

Esters not only undergo acid hydrolysis, they also undergo base-promoted hydrolysis. Base-Promoted
hydrolysis is called saponification.

 

Matrix -Match Type

1. Column I Column - II

(A) Saponification (P) H

+ CH3–OH 

  4

(B) Trans-esterification (Q)

 
(C) Esterification (R) H2O

(D) Acid Hydrolysis (S) H

(T) H

2. Most reactive alcohol towards esterification

(A) primary alcohol (B) sec. alcohol (C) ter. alcohol (D) all have same reactive
3. Most reactive acid towards esterification
(A) formic acid (B) methanoic acid (C) ethanoic acid (D) propanoic acid

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 0744-2423406 [1]


6. + MeOH








14. Br
 (A)   (B) (C)
h ii H3O 

15. +

16. + (C)

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 0744-2423406 [2]

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