Year 1 - Independent Work 25 Task Sheet

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Task Sheet - Independent Work Week 25 - Revision

Assessments take place WC 22/04/2024


To help with your revision, complete and mark the equivalent assessment from last year.
Video solutions are available, make sure you use these to support.
There are also similar questions if you want to do more on areas that your have found harder.
WARNING: this old paper does not cover every topic you could be tested on.

Prepare for your fourth formal assessment in A level Maths.
The assessment includes questions from a range of topics you have covered so far this year.
You should prepare everything up to and including Integration from Pure Maths
Mechanics and Statistics will be assessed on everything up to and including Connected Particles.
See the topic list for more details

You should spend some time on recall of the factual knowledge required, the best techniques for this involve active
recall (e.g. flashcards, read information the write down all you can remember, mindmap and then check included all key
facts etc)

But remember that the biggest part of your revision should be practising doing Maths questions!

There are many sources you can use:

• Cambridge go textbook
o Use individual exercises for specific practice
o Use mixed exercises at the end of chapters for general revision on the whole topic.
• Unused tasks from previous independent study work
• DrFrostMaths
o videos resources available
o Online questions for all topics
o Easy to search for a topic
• Maths Genie
o Videos
o Exam Questions by topic and solutions
• PhysicsandMathsTutor.
o New Spec AQA section: Exam questions by topic and worksheets
o Old spec resources C1 – questions by topic (we have covered most of these pure topics)
• Madas
o Question by topic files
o Start easy and get harder
o Questions at the end are very challenging questions! Great for extension.
• TLMaths
o Well explained video lessons
o Covers all topics on the specification

Don’t forget that we are here to help in subject support too if you have questions!

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