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Wallagga University Shambu Campus

Faculty of Technology

Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering Department

Soil Mechanics II Assignment

Maximum Mark: 20%

Submission date: June 03, 2024

1. Given the data in Fig. below, determine the ultimate bearing capacity qu using:
a. Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation,
b. Meyerhof’s bearing capacity equation and
c. Hansen’s bearing capacity equation.

Figure: An isolated footing

2. Square footing of 1m is located at depth 1.5 m below the ground surface. The soil
properties are c’ = 0, 𝜙’=24°, γ = 16.7 kN/𝑚3 and γsat =20 kN/𝑚3, Fs=3. for φ’ = 24° use
Nc = 23.36, Nq =11.40, Nγ =8.58
Determine the allowable gross load per unit area using Terzaghi’s bearing capacity
a) When water table is 1m above the base of the foundation.
b) When water table is at the base of the foundation.
c) When water table is 2m below the foundation level.
3. For the retaining wall shown in Figure below, determine
a) The total resultant lateral earth force at rest per unit length of the wall.
b) The location (z) of the resultant earth pressure.

4. A 6-m-high retaining wall is to support a soil with unit weight 𝛾 = 17.4 kN/m3,
soil friction angle 𝜙 = 26°, and cohesion 𝑐 = 14.36 kN/m2. Determine
a) The Rankine active force (P𝑎) per unit length of the wall both before and
after the tensile crack occurs, and
b) The Rankine passive force (P𝑝) per unit length.

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