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Aydan Ağayeva

Lesson Plan
Subject: English
Class: 4th
Age-older primary (9-11)
Total time 45minutes
Teaching topic: Clothes
Focused core skill: listening, speaking, reading.
 Increasing vocabulary related to clothes
 Visually create and name descriptions of clothing and seasonal real
 To develop listening comprehension skills by mastering the topic
 Presenting the clothes she wears and describing her favorite clothes while
 Strengthening listening, speaking and reading skills:
Materials: Skills book, Audio track 40, 41 ,large letters
İntroduction: In exercise 2 on page 52, ask the children to name the clothes
they are wearing and guess what Tom and Sam are doing. (5min)
Story: First, explain to the students what they are going to do. Everyone should
read the text on page 54 carefully individually and discuss the text with the
group pair next to them. Those couples then have to share their summer
experiences with their partner. Choose three pairs of volunteers, call them to the
board and ask what their friends remember from their summer experience. Pay
attention to the vocabulary and pronunciation they use for how they choose
clothes during the summer months in a particular year and ask them how they
make sand castles. (15min)
Point and say names: Look at the sandcastles on page 55 and try to find their
names with the class. Repeat the name of each with the class. Distribute a small
worksheet and divide the class into three groups and have each group create
their own beach and describe and name their sandcastle. (10min)
Aydan Ağayeva

Ball game: Prepare slips of paper with questions about the text and fold them
into a ball so that they are not visible. Divide the class into three groups and call
two people from each group to the board in turn and form a circle of 6 people.
Everyone will throw the ball to each other in turn and open the paper and answer
the questions. From every two questions, students will change and the one who
answers more questions correctly will win. For example, What artists use to
make sand castles? (10min)
Conclusion: Divide the children into four groups and gather together which
activities they do most during the summer. Those who like ice cream, planting
trees, playing football and volleyball. Which group is dominant? What do
children like most? (5min)
Homework: Exercise 5 on page 57 and the essay on "My Favorite Summer

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