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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites

- Asphalt

Date: 30/03/2011
Version 3

PMF-012-QUA-020_02 Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites (Asphalt).pdf

Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

This edition of a Guide to the NWC Asphalting Standard has been issued to include material
as per the international standards and best practice.

This guide is intended to guide the Contractor in planning, preparing and the execution of any
asphalting without any responsibility on the NWC company or any of its employees.

Table of Contents
1.0 General 3
2.0 Scope and Application 4
3.0 Definitions and Abbreviations 4
4.0 NWC Specification 5
5.0 Example Method Statement 6


Inspection Schedule WW0198-IS-006 (2 pages)

Drawing No. C-EPL-G100

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

1.0 General

Before commencement of asphalting, the Contractor must first submit a Method Statement
outlining his proposed method for carrying out the works. The Method Statement must, as a
minimum, include the following:

• How does the Contractor intend to carry out the work?

• What resources does he intend to deploy?
• What is the timescale for completion?
• Confirmation that any Municipality Permits, etc. have been obtained;
• What quality control measures he proposes to undertake?
• What safety measures he is planning to implement?
• At what stages of the construction works these will be implemented?
• Are any material approvals needed and/or testing that will be carried out?
• Any other relevant information concerning the execution of the works

The contractor shall submit a Permit-to-Work request form for the NWC’s approval as detailed
in PMF-015-HSE-005 Permit to Work. On acceptance of the Method Statement by the NWC
PM, a Permit-to-Work will be issued allowing the Contractor to commence the work detailed in
the Method Statement.

An example Method Statement, covering quality management, is included in Section 5.0 of

these guidelines.

A flow diagram of the acceptance procedure is given in Figure 020-01 below:

Contractor prepares the

Permit-to-Work request form
and submits with the required
supporting documents (e.g.
Method Statement,
Municipality Permit, etc.)

Did the Contractor obtain the

required permits from the No
relevant local authorities ?


Asphalting permit to be
rejected in writing giving the
Did the Contractor provide reasons for the rejection
the necessary quality control No
measures? Request to be resubmitted
after comments are


Are the proposed HSE

measures adequate?


Permit-to-Work issued by
Figure 020-01
Asphalting Permit Basic Requirements

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

2.0 Scope and Application

This sub-section applies to all asphalting operations, including new site roads, reinstatement
of asphalted public roads following trenching works and repairs to existing asphalted roads.
This sub-section only covers the construction of the asphalt surfacing from the underside of
sub-base and does not cover trench backfilling and compaction (see relevant section of this
Quality Manual).

3.0 Definitions and Abbreviations

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials.

CBR California Bearing Ratio.

JMF Job Mix Formula.

Asphalt material formed from a mixture of aggregate and bitumen and used
in road construction.

Sub-base layer of graded (50mm or less) and compacted layer of aggregate up

to 300mm thick that forms the foundation for the base course and
asphalt layers.

Base Course layer of graded (37mm or less) and compacted aggregate up to

250mm thick onto which the asphalt road construction is placed.

Binder Course layer of bituminous material placed onto the base course.

Wearing Course final layer of bituminous material forming the running surface of the

Prime Coat liquid bituminous product (MC-70) sprayed onto aggregate courses
prior to the placement of the receiving layer.

Tack Coat liquid bituminous product (RC-70) sprayed onto the binder course
and edges of existing asphalt prior to the placement of the wearing
course to provide a suitable bond between the layers.

Trenching works excavation and backfilling works associated with installation of

sewerage pipelines, water supply pipelines, ducting, etc.
SCE the organization (Supervising Consulting Engineer) that is appointed
by NWC to supervise the project(s) as per the Contract.
Contractor the organization that is appointed by NWC to construct the project(s)
as per the Contract.
NWC National Water Company (the Employer)
HSE Health, Safety and Environment

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

4.0 NWC Specification

All works shall comply with the requirements of the relevant NWC Technical Specifications
included in the Contract Documents. The specific sections are listed below:

• Technical Specification For Sewer Networks – Part 3: Pavement and Road Surface
• Technical Specification For Water Networks – Part 3: Pavement and Road Surface

• Aggregates used for sub-base and base courses to conform to AASHTO
classification system A-1-a & b
• Aggregates for asphalt to conform to the Table in Section 3.1,B1 and Clause B2 of
the Technical Specification
• Mineral Filler to conform to ASTM D-242
• Sampling of bitumen to conform to AASHTO T-40
• Bitumen to conform to requirements of AASHTO M20
• Prime Coat to conform to AASHTO M-82
• Tack Coat to conform to AASHTO M-81

• Compaction of sub-base & base course to conform to AASHO T-180

The Contractor shall carry out the tests stipulated by the Municipality or, as a minimum, the
following tests (as appropriate) and these shall be detailed in his Method Statement together
with the stages of the construction works at which the tests will be implemented;
Aggregates for Sub-base and Base Courses
• Nuclear Field Density Test to determine compaction
• Proctor tests for CBR value conform to ASTM D1883
• Gradation of aggregates to conform to AASHTO T-27
• Clay content to conform to AASHTO T-88
• Fines content to conform to AASHTO T-27
• Abrasion to conform to AASHTO T-96
• Soundness to conform to AASHTO T-104
• Fine aggregate to conform to AASHTO T-89 7 T-90

Materials for Binder and Wearing Course

• Specific Gravity and Water absorption
• Abrasion
• Friable materials
• Flakiness
• Soundness
• Plasticity Index
• Sand equivalent
• Stability
• Extraction
• Air Voids
• Marshall Density

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

5.0 Example Method Statement

Method Statement for the Reinstatement of Sewerage Trenching within Public Road
Ref- WW0198-MS-015, Rev 01
Date: 10 March 2011

Description of Works:
Length: 250m
Location. MH 102 – MH 350
District: Al Rawdah
Drawing Ref: C-EPL-G100

2 gangs (1 Foreman + 3 Workmen)
2 Machine Operators
1 Materials Engineer
2 surveyors
2 Steel Roller Compactors
1 ‘Fradah’ Mechanical Asphalt Spreader and Compactor
2 ‘Bobcat’ front loaders

2 weeks from receipt of Permit-to-Work


A safety risk assessment has been carried out in accordance with PMF-015-HSE and the findings
summarised below.
• All open trenches and working areas to be protected from traffic by concrete block barriers
with lighting.
• Approaches to the works are to be appropriately signed with traffic warning signs in line with
NWC standards.
• Barriers will also be provided to prevent pedestrians entering the active working areas and,
where required, pedestrian bridges will be provided over the trench works at appropriate
crossing places.
• All operatives will be required to wear Personal Protective Equipment consisting of hard hat,
high visibility vests and safety boots. Where work is being undertaken alongside noisy
equipment, ear defenders will be provided.

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

Method of Working:


The trench backfilling and compaction operations to the underside of the sub-base are the subject of
Method Statement for Backfilling (Ref WW0198-MS-005). This MS covers the work involved in placing
sub-base, base course, asphalt binder course and asphalt wearing course. The Inspection Schedule
for Asphalting (Ref WW0198-IS-006 – attached at the end of this document) summarises the
proposed testing and inspections to be carried out together with the stages these are to be requested.

Work will not commence until a valid Municipality Permit and a NWC Permit-to-Work have been
received to authorise the commencement of the works.

Material Approvals – Aggregate

Prior to commencement of site works, the proposed aggregate complying with AASHTO
Classifications A-1a and A-1b will be tested to ensure compliance with F.1 and F.2 of Part 3.02.2 of
the NWC Technical Standard. A Materials Acceptance Form (MAT) will be issued to the NWC PM for
approval with evidence of the material’s compliance.

Materials Approvals – Asphalt Aggregate

Prior to commencement of site works, the proposed asphalt aggregate will be tested to ensure
compliance with B.1 and B.2 of Part 3.03.2 of the NWC Technical Standard. A Materials Acceptance
Form (MAT) will be issued to the NWC PM for approval with evidence of the material’s compliance.

Materials Approvals – Bitumen

Prior to commencement of site works, the proposed bitumen products complying with AASHTO M-20
60/70 Penetration Grade will be tested to ensure compliance with B.1 and B.2 of Part 3.03.2 of the
NWC Technical Standard. A Materials Acceptance Form (MAT) will be issued to the NWC PM for
approval with evidence of the material’s compliance.

Materials Approvals – Prime and Tack Coats (MC70 & RC70)

Prior to commencement of site works, a request for approval of the proposed prime & tack coats
(MC70 & RC70) complying with AASHTO M-81 and M-82 will be made using a Materials Acceptance
Form (MAT) issued to the NWC PM for approval with evidence of the material’s compliance.


The sub-base will be placed in a thickness not exceeding 300mm and the tests set out in C1 of Part
3.02.3 of the NWC Technical Standard will be carried out. The layer will be compacted using a Steel
Roller Compactor to 100% of maximum density in accordance with AASHTO T.180 and tested in
accordance with AASHTO T.191 or T.205. A Work Inspection Request (WIR) Form will be issued to
the NWC PM to notify the NWC Inspector when inspections can be carried out.

Following approval of the sub-base layer by the NWC PM, the base course will be placed in a
thickness not exceeding 250mm and the tests set out in C1 of Part 3.02.3 of the NWC Technical
Standard will be carried out. The layer will be compacted using a Steel Roller Compactor to 100% of
maximum density in accordance with AASHTO T.180 and tested in accordance with AASHTO T.191
or T.205. A Work Inspection Request (WIR) Form will be issued to the NWC PM to notify the NWC
Inspector when inspections can be carried out.

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

Following approval of the base course, the surface will be treated with the Prime Coat and the existing
exposed edges of the asphalt treated with a Tack Coat (RC-70) road prior to the placement of the
Binder Course.

The Binder Course will be placed using a ‘Fradah’ Mechanical Asphalt Spreader and Compactor at a
o o
temperature between 145 C and 165 C and compacted to 97% of the Marshal Bulk Density. Testing
in accordance with Table 3.3 of the NWC Technical Standard will be carried out on the Binder Course.
A Work Inspection Request (WIR) Form will be issued to the NWC PM to notify the NWC Inspector
when inspections can be carried out.

Following approval of the Binder Course, the surface will be treated with the Prime Coat (MC-70) and
the existing exposed edges of the asphalt treated with a Tack Coat (RC-70) prior to the placement of
the Wearing Course.

The Wearing Course will be placed using a ‘Fradah’ Mechanical Asphalt Spreader and Compactor at
o o
a temperature between 145 C and 165 C and compacted to 97% of the Marshal Bulk Density.
Testing in accordance with Table 3.3 of the NWC Technical Standard will be carried out on the Binder
Course. A Work Inspection Request (WIR) Form will be issued to the NWC PM to notify the NWC
Inspector when inspections can be carried out.

The thicknesses of the Binder and Wearing Courses will be proved by taking core samples at 50m

On completion of the testing, a visual inspection of the finished road surface will be undertaken by the
NWC Inspector to ensure smoothness of the place asphalt and that good jointing between the new
and existing road surfaces is evident. A Record of Asphalt Laying form shall be completed as
evidence that all tests have been successfully completed.

A request for inspection by the Municipality Inspector will be made and evidence of the test results
and a further visual inspection undertaken to ensure his satisfaction.

Following acceptance by the Municipality Inspector of the works, a Sectional Acceptance Certificate
will be completed and submitted to the NWC PM for his authorisation.

Inspection Schedule WW0198-IS-006 (2 pages)
Drawing No. C-EPL-G100


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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

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Quality Guidelines for Construction Sites - Asphalt

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