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© Analysis of the Strategies to e mitigate the impact of Climate change on Agriculture through Precision farming By Salman Muhammad Bashir 13/10AC307 1.0 INTRODUCTION Climate Change is posing serious threat to the survival and existence of every ecosystem of the planet Earth, Over the past centuries, long-term changes in the Earth's climate patterns have been observed, leading to a gradual increase in the average global temperature-a phenomenon known as global warming. This increase is primarily caused by the higher concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), nitrous oxide (N20), and others. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), GHG emissions have already caused global warming of 1.0 °C above pre- industrial levels, and it is projected to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052. By 2050, the global mean temperature may increase by 1.4 to 5.8 °C (Fawzy et al. 2020). CONTINUATION These temperature changes have far-reaching impacts on various sectors, particularly agriculture. Agriculture continues to be a key source to GHG emissions through crop agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fisheries. According to commonly reported estimates using the 100-year global warming potential, the global food system is accountable for approximately 21 to 37% of annual GHG emissions (Lynch et al. 2021). The consequences of climate change and global warming are manifested through more frequent extreme weather events, including droughts, floods, heatwaves, and cyclones. These events, coupled with unpredictable rainfall patterns, pose significant challenges to agricultural production and productivity. 1.1Concept of precision agriculture Precision Agriculture is a farm management system that integrates information technology and production techniques, to identify, analyse, and manage variables within fields. PA is also referred to recision farming (PF)”, “satellite farming (SF)”, “site specific farming”, “smart farming” (Mani et al. 2021). Its primary aim is to enhance the long-term efficiency, productivity, and profitability of site-specific and whole-farm production while minimizing adverse effects on the environment and ecosystem/wildlife. This is achieved by using cutting-edge technologies such as Remote sensing (RS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographical Information System (GIS), Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (Al), Internet of Things (IoT), Drones, and other modern agricultural toolsto apply the right input, at the right amount, to the right place, at the right time, and in the right way (SR's) (Khosla, 2008). 1.1.2 Needs for Precision Farming Below are some of the potential benefits achievable through the adoption of Precision farming Techniques: Increased agricultural productivity + Prevention of soil deterioration Reduction of chemical use in crop production + Efficient use of water resources + Dissemination of modern farming methods to increase product quality, quantity and cost + Promoting positive attitudes + positive change of farmer’s socio-economic situations 1.2 Principles and Approach of Precision Agriculture Precision farming is rudimented on the rule of blocking such that a large field is divided into a limited number of sub-plots via map- based or sensor-based approach. An input-based adjustment is thus made to each plot according to the data so obtained from the mapping system. This ideally ensures a reduction in the associated risks and allows for maximum productivity on agricultural investments without environmental degradation (Rimpika er al. 2003, Adamchuk et al. 2004, Auernhammer et al. 2001) 2.0 Components of Precision farming The series of activities in precision farming are achieved through the use of some tools which form the components of precision agriculture. Some of the common tools and components according to Seelan et al. (2003) are: 1.Global positioning system, GPS 2.Geographical Information System, GIS 3.In-field and Remote Sensing 4.Variable-Rate Technology, VRT 5.Miniaturized computer components 6.Mobile computing 7.Yield monitoring device 8.Advanced information processing and telecommuni 9.Automatic control 10.Soil, plant and pest sensors tion 2.1Global positioning system, GPS +The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based radio-navigation system that provides accurate 3-dimensional location data worldwide, regardless of weather conditions. Maintained by the United States Department of Defense, it consists of at least 24 satellites orbiting the Earth + GPS determines precise locations by transmitting radio signals from satellites to receivers. This technology allows for instantaneous analysis of soil and crop information, enabling farmers to make management decisions tailored to specific locations. With GPS navigators, farmers can collect soil samples accurately, monitoring crop conditions annually and observing spatial variability at both macro- and micro-scales. 2.2 Geographical Information System, GIS + GIS is a computer hardware and software tool that combines feature attributes and location data to facilitate map creations (Rimpika et al, 2023). According to Kumar et al (2017), GIS is considered as the brainbox of Precision Agriculture as it ensures the storage of layers of information, such as yield, soil survey maps, remotely sensed data, and so on, which serve as ant feature of agricultural GIS. This platform information, with other systems or users. +In_ general, the information service primarily consists information management, message exchange and update, decision analysis, and information release. The potential ability of GIS to analyze,process and store large amount of location specific data at high speed contributes to the essentiality of the system (Lee et al, 1997) Also, time and money saving could be achieved by analysing remote sensing data and maps collected through satellite information systems for land cover and land management simultaneously (Mandal and Ghosh, 2000). 2.3 Remote Sensing (RS) + Remote sensing (RS) uses sensors which are placed on satellites or mounted on aircraft for the collection of data by detecting the energy that is reflected from Earth. Remote sensors can be either passive or active. + Remote sensing technology has enabled us to collect the field- related data from the ease of sitting at a place. Under precision farming, remote sensing is an approach used to collect field information such as internal information of field plots for making decisions related to crop growth habits, plant status, and spatial variability information + Remote Sensing system components are broadly classified into three groups including: spatial foundation system, ground base system and data storage system (Yin et al. 2019). + RS has the ability to monitor the dynamic conditions of soil, plant, area under cultivation (with 95% accuracy), single crop cultivation area (within 10 days with 90% accuracy). 2.4 Variable-Rate Rate Technology, VRT + Variable-rate technology (VRT) is used to modify agricultural inputs based on the site-specific needs of each portion of the field, + Variable-rate applications require a) precise field positioning( obtainable using GPS); b) accurate location information(achievable through GIS maps); and c) farm machinery equipped with VRT controllers. +A typical VR Technology will have a Differential Global Positioning System,DGPS receiver to determine the exact and specific location of spatial variability in the field and automatically control the rate of application based on pre- derived input application maps as obtained from the GIS tool. 3.0 Basic steps in Precision farming + The available technologies allow us to identify variability and control it by providing site-specific agronomic recommendations, which makes precision agriculture feasible. Finally, assessment must be a component of any precision farming system. + Precision farming is a 3-steps management System. The basic steps are: 1. Assessing Variation 2. Managing variation 3. Evaluation 4.0 Conclusion + Precision Agriculture as seen above would go a long way to tackle the various forms of challenges and uncertainties consequential to the negative impacts of climatic and weather changes. This is because with the adoption of the technological advancements in precision farming, sustainability and profitability of farming endeavours are guaranteed. There's is low input cost per farm produce as precise management attention is accorded to a specific location at the right amount and in a very high precise approach. PA utilizes information, technology, and agricultural machinery to maximize and scientifically utilize depleting natural resources while promoting sustainable productivity. Cutting-edge technology and tools such as drones, satellite photos with sensors, and digital education technology contribute to build eco-friendly agricultural infrastructure.

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