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Republic of the Philippines


Sudapin, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato

Grade 8 Daily School UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN Grade Level 9
Lesson Plan MINDANAO
Date and Time May, 21, 2024 Quarter 2nd QUARTER
of Teaching 7:30 am

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use
processing, assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and
formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and
interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance Standard The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and
Audience Contact.
C. Learning Competencies EN9LT-IIe- 2.2.2
At the end of 60-minute period with 80% proficiency level, the students are
able to;
I Define setting
Explain why setting is important
Identify the setting of the Philippine fable entitled “The Monkey and The
A. References Learning Portals: Accessing Language Skills through World Literature
B. Other references
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or Where do you usually spend your evenings in the house?
presenting the new lesson Sample answer: I usually spend my evenings in the living room, watching
(REVIEW) TV or reading a book. It's where the whole family gathers and relaxes

When is your favorite time to relax at home?

Sample answer: My favorite time to relax at home is in the evenings. It's
when I can finally wind down after a busy day and enjoy some quiet time.

All your answers are an examples of a setting

B. Establishing a purpose for the At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
(PRESENTATION OF  Define setting
OBJECTIVES)  Explain why setting is important
 Identify the setting of the Philippine fable entitled “The Monkey
and The Turtle”
C. Presenting examples/ instances of ACTIVITY: CAN YOU FIND ANY?
new lesson
The teacher will show an interesting cover design and the students are
asked to list down their guess about the cover design.

DIRECTION: List down at least three things you observed in the

cover design

Sample Answer: animals, trees, sun, jungle. etc.

D. Discussing new concepts and ACTIVITY: STORY TIME
practicing new skills #1 Direction: The teacher will be dividing the class into 4 groups. Each group
(ACTIVITY/ANALYSIS) will create a very short story of their choice with 5-8 sentences containing
time, place and weather/environment in a ½ sheet of paper. Afterwards, in
the same paper, each group will answer the question ‘What is the importance
or role of the time, place, and weather/environment in the story?” They will
be given 5 minutes to do the task and a representative will then present their
output in the class.

Content- 10 points
Cooperation- 5 points
Timeliness- 5 points

E. Discussing new concepts and LETS’S DISCOVER!

practicing new skills #2
(ABSTRACTION) • All stories have particular elements to them that make them fun to read.
Characters, plot, theme, and setting are all necessary to tell a great story.

• Setting
 Tells the time, place, and weather or environment and are particularly
important because it helps support the plot and the decisions characters
 Important literary device that is often taken for granted or easily
 Creating clear depictions of time and place in a story creates a mood and
moves the story long
 A key element of a strong setting is using descriptive details, pulling on
the reader’s senses.

(The teacher will show a short video clip about setting that helps create the mood
and atmosphere)

What is the time, place and weather/ environment shown in the cartoon clip?
What mood or atmosphere created?

Sample Answer: In a beach during a summer time with hot weather which creates
energetic, joyful and relaxing mood and atmosphere.
• Aside from giving the story a sense of structure, writers often use the
setting as a contributing factor for a story’s theme with the help of the
following ideas:
 The setting helps create the moods and atmosphere
 The settings are described in the story instead of being
directly stated, it strengthens the sense of imagery. Mood
and atmosphere referred to the overall emotional climate
of the story.

 The setting determines the factors that affect the character’s

lives and actions
 A character living in a small close-knit farming town will
have a very different mindset compared to character who
has spent his life in a large city filled with selfish,
indifferent people.

F. Finding practical applications of THE MONKEY AND THE TURTLE SETTING

concepts and skills in daily living
(APPLICATION) Direction: The teacher will play a short cartoon clip of the Philippine fable
entitled “The Monkey and The Turtle” by Dr. Jose P. Rizal. With the same
group in the previous group activity, each will identify the setting/s of the
fable using any graphic organizer. within 2 minutes A representative will
then present and explain their output in the class. Be guided with the
rubrics below.

Example output:

Time: Summer Place:

The Monkey Jungle
and the

Weather: Hot
Accuracy- 10 points
Cooperation- 5 points
Timeliness- 5 points
20 points
G. Making generalizations and The teacher will ask the following questions:
abstraction of the lesson
(GENERALIZATION) • What is setting?
• Why setting is important?
H. Evaluating Learning REMEMBER ME
(EVALUATION) Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in a ¼ sheet
of paper.

1. What elements are necessary to tell a great story?

a) Characters, plot, theme, and setting

b) Dialogue, conflict, resolution, and climax
c) Introduction, rising action, climax, and conclusion
d) Protagonist, antagonist, conflict, and resolution

2. What does the setting of a story typically include?

a) Characters, plot, and theme

b) Time, place, and weather/environment
c) Conflict, resolution, and climax
d) Introduction, rising action, and conclusion

3. How does creating clear depictions of time and place in a story

affect the narrative?

a) It confuses readers and disrupts the flow of the story.

b) It helps support the plot and the decisions characters make.
c) It diminishes the importance of the setting in storytelling.
d) It prevents readers from visualizing the story in their

4. What is the role of the setting in strengthening the sense of imagery

within a narrative?

a) It distracts readers from visualizing the story.

b) It limits the reader's imagination.
c) It enhances the reader's ability to picture the story.
d) It prevents the reader from connecting with the characters.

5. How does the setting of a story contribute to the overall mood and

a) By providing dialogue between characters.

b) By establishing the central conflict of the story.
c) By creating a sense of time, place, and
d) By introducing the main characters and their motivations.

I. Additional activities for Assignment: Take me Away!

application and remediation
(ASSIGNMENT) In a one whole sheet of paper, write a short story base from your favorite life
experience or moment that contains time, place, and weather/environment
with a minimum of 7 sentences and maximum of 10 sentences. Using any
graphic organizer, write the main setting below your written story. Be guided
with the rubrics below.
Content 5 points
Grammar 5 points
Total 10 points

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Submitted by:
Pre-service Teachers:

Submitted to: Clint Abygyl Serdon

Cooperating Teacher

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