Gst214 Compiled Qs and Ans by Ceo@Agm and Associates

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GST214 COMPILED Qst and Ans


CEO@AGM and Associates

Framing analysis is the following except____ a. Objective b. Subjective c. Special d. Critical

Conflict analysis is done by using the following except __ A. Framing b. Rhetorical c. Textual d. Is
the answer
ADR types are … except ____ a. ….. something sha (is the answer) b. Mediation c. Arbitration d.
Boko Haram claimed the following except __ A. Adoption of Shari’a law B. Adoption Western
Education C. ….
The recent attack on Agathu people in Benue state was allegedly carried out by ____ A. Local …
B. Foreign Herdsmen C. Fulani herdsmen D. …
Boko Haram was established in ____ A. 2002 B. 2004 C. 2009
Physiological, safety security, psychological, social and spiritual are ____ needs A. Social B. Basic
C. Economical D. …..
Boko Haram is characterized as the following except ___ A. Prescribed B. Proscribed C outlawed
D fugitive
Benue where fresh conflicts are happening is in _____ Nigeria A. North West B. North Central
C. North East D. South South
Peace in Afrikaan means ____ A. Amani B. Kuthula C Vrede
What's the term for peace in Swahili A - amani B - paco C - Azimio D - apoh
In Igbo land, the kola-nut that has four cotyledons is called A - Oji Igbo B - Oji ubara
mmadu omumu na ukwuoma C - Oji udo na ngozi
________ is not among the celebrities that supported #EndSARSA - 2 Face B - Tiwa
Savage C - Davido D Wizkid
Which one of these is method of conflict analysis A - Zigzag B - Island
House, Foods and Clothes are type of needs? A - Basic needs B - Social needs C - D -
Economic needs
What's the term for peace in Mexico A - Aylobaha B - paco C - Tecocatu D - apoh
The British-Nigeria that supported #EndSARS protest....A - John Boga & Antony
Joshua B - Justin Bieber and Rick Ross
"Home of all" is which state motto A - Kwara B - FCT C - Anambra D - Cross River
The people that government used to replaces SARS A - SWAT B - OPC C - SWAP
White colour in Nigeria's flag A - Peace B - Violence
Kwara State motto is A - State of harmony B - People's Paradise C - Home of all D -
Land of equity

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

The two (2)types of peace are..,.. and.... [a] extant and distant [b] remote and
immediate (c) positive and negative [d regular and irregular
The organized private sector properties which were hit by Boko Haram insurgencies in
Nigeria, include all the following, except… A - Banks B - Media houses C - Sleeping houses D -
Recreational units
"Home of all" is which state mottoA - Kwara B - FCT C - Anambra D - Cross River
The people that government used to replaces SARS A - SWAT B - OPC C - SWAP
White colour in Nigeria's flag A - Peace B - Violence
Kwara State motto is A - State of harmony B - People's Paradise C - Home of all D -
Land of equity
The beauty of Ubuntu reflects in Abdulrahman Inn Khaldun's concept of......A - Quran
B - AS-sabiyyah C - Hadith
The Football player that supported #EndSARS protest....A - C Ronaldo B - Messi C -
Ighalo D - Ndidi
The beauty of Ubuntu reflects in Abdulrahman Inn Khaldun's concept of......A - Quran
B - AS-sabiyyah C - Hadith
What are the elements of sustainable peace ?
Peace represent all the following except..... A. Nascent B. Tranquility C. Violence D. Serenity
Rainbow ribbon signifies A. War B. Global Peace C. Conflict
Non violent conflict (Marxist, structural Marxist)
Boko haram has been terrorizing Nigeria for how many years (21 22 23 24)
Media that didn’t take part in endsars (twitter, cnn, bbc, TVC)
Boko haram have connections with all except (mend, alshabab or somalia)
Approach to conflict includes all except ( textual, contextual, rhetorics, framing)
Tv that wasn't part of stations that covered end SARS Answer- TVC news
When is sars created? A. Sept 2020 B. October 2020
Slogan to end brutality is END ( SWAT/SWAP/SARS)
Top leadership guys are the __Answer - Military Guys
The word ‘lafiya' originated from. [a] Hebrew (b) Arabic [c] Chinese [d] Hausa
Full meaning of ADR A. Alternative Dispute Resolution B. Bla bla bla
Northern Nigeria has had sporadic disagreements between Muslim members of.A.
Tijaniya and Qadiriya B.Izalatul Bidi'ah and Tijjaniya C. Wahabiya and Salafiya D.Izalatul
Bidi ah and Ahl-s-Sunnah.
Mapping conflict situation requires the identification and analysis of all of the
following,except...A.interventions for the conflict B.trigger events
C.root causes of the conflict D.consequences of the conflict
is a 'humanistic' an 'holistic' term that symbolises both 'negative' and'positive' peace.
A. Elewab.Ubuntu C. Zulu D. Swahili
Conflict is ubiquitous means that it. [a] ceases to exist everywhere [b] does not
escalate anywhere (c) occurs everywhere [d] does not appear anywhere
….cannot lead to violent conflict.
(a) love and friendship [b] injuries and maiming [c] destruction of property and death
[d] everlasting enmity
The Bible and Quran revealed that...was a force in the interpersonal conflict between

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

Abel and Cain, who were children of Prophet Adam[a]Selflessness[b]Brotherhood[c]Envy
[d]Religion *Which of the following match
the SARS _____.* A. October 2020 B. November 2020 C. December 2020
*Which of the Online internet supported the End SARS protest ________?.*A. Yahoo Africa B.
Google Africa C. Encyclopedia D. NTA
*Boko Haram can be called with the following names except______?*A. Prescribed
group B. Proscribed group C. Outlawed group D. Fugitive group
*Which of the British personnel from the following joined the End SARS protest________?.*A.
Anthony Jonathan B. Victor Moses C. Jaysam Micheal D. Estelle Fanta Swaray
*Which of the following match the SARS _____.*A. October 2020 B. November 2020 C.
December 2020
One of the most violent Muslim-Christian conflicts of the 1990s happened in A. Ebutemeta
B. Abuja C. Kaduna (Zango Kataf)
The #EndSARS protests were response to ______'s viral video
of two men who were brutalized in a hotel by SARS officials (Amnesty International,
2021) A. October 4, 2020 B. October 2, 2020 C. October 6, 2020
The following are ways in which youths protested #endsars A. Sitting at home B. Social
media C. Peaceful demonstrations D. Civil disobedience
Slogan for Borno state Ans: A. Home of peace B. Home for all
The word "fifa" by fon tribe from which country A. Algeria B. Benin Republic
C. Cameroon
What year was Boko Haram formed A. 2002 B. 2004 C. 2009
The ____ region has their pound of flesh of insurgents and terrorists A. North East B. North
West C. North Central D. South South
____ believe in peaceful conflict A. Neo-marxists B. Marxists C.
They concept lafiya is used by all the ethnic groups except A. Hausa B. Ebira C. Gbari
D. Nupe
Northern has had sporadic disagreements between Muslim members. A. Izzalatul bidi'ah
and tijjaniya B. …
Conflict resolution is the ____ A. Proactive B. Progressive C. (Answer not provided)
A rainbow ribbon symbolizes A. Global peace B. Conflict C. War D all of the above
The recent attack on the Agathu people was allegedly carried out by A. Foreign
nomads B. Expatriates C. Herdsmen D.
Name of peace in Chile..... A. Hacana B. Uvchin
"Vrede" means peace in which south African language?A. Zulu. B. Xhosa C. Afrikaans
Boko haram are called these except A.proscribed B.prescribed C.insurgent
Hacana mean peace in what language A. Edo B. Aymara(Bolivia) C. Nupe
Boko haram have been terrorizing Nigeria for how many years? 22
Dropping explosives on children and unarmed civilians is A. Tenets of Islam B.
Accepted in Islam C. International conflict laws D. Terrorists and insurgents laws
Boko Haram insurgency started ... A. 9800 B. 2000 C. 2009 D. 2005
Major forms of conflict A) 10 b) 8 c)6 d) 4 somatic injury inflict on humans by using of guns/machine guns thereby killing
and wounding people. a. Mechanical violence b. Chemical violence c. Physical violence

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

d. Sociological violence
The conflict btw Igbo and Hausa lead to a. Nigeria civil war b. Nigeria police force c.
Federation something
A rainbow ribbon symbolizes A. War B. Conflict C. Global Peace D all of the above
In 2018,Nigeria ranked what position in the peace index .A. 145 B. 145 C. 148 D. 149
In 1990,the mass killing between Muslim and Christian was in .a.ebute meta b.zango kataf
c.ado ekiti d.abuja
The conflict between Igbo and hausa in 1967 led to a.federal charter b.civil war
There are several processes of peace but the major ones are a.10 b. 6 c. 8 d.4
El Hibri gives a.peace economic award b. Peace education award c. Peace sociological award d.
Peace political award
Psychological,security,social,physiological needs are … a.human needs theory b.human desire
theory d.human basic theory
Which of the following is part of peace a. Analytical b. Conceptual c.methodological d. Technical
SARS was later renamed as? A. ISIS B. ISWA C. SWAT
Boko haram was rechristened to? A. SWAT B. ISWA C. SARS
The founder of boko haram was? A. Muhammed Yusuf B. Namdi Kanu
When was SARS disbanded? A. November 11th 2020 B. October 11th 2020
#ENDSARS was a ____ of citizens.... A. Memory B. brainchild C. Last stage,
El-Hibri foundation give what prize.... A. Peace political B. peace sociological C. Peace

There are ____key methods of data eliciting analysis A. 3 B. 4

The key methods of data eliciting in conflict analysis are these except __ A. Fact finding b. Case
studies c. Observations d. Analysis meetings

Kaduna, katsina, zamfara are in ___ region in Nigeria a. North East b. North Central c. North

The Middle East countries are majorly ___ A. Arabs B. Non Arabs

Note: Read your Handouts on Ubuntu… Boko Haram and EndSARS with latest ones don’t be
ambush by Questions in all. May Allah bless our endeavors. Try to revise Palestine handout
with the following questions too.

Al-ikhwan al Muslimin (Society of the Muslim Brothers) was founded by ____

A. Hassan al-Banna
B. Muhammed Yusuf
C. Hasan Yousef
D. Ahmed Yassin

Mujama al-Islamiyya has link with and support from ___

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

A. Boko Haram
C. Muslim brotherhood

Al-ikhwan al Muslimin was established in ___

A. 22nd April, 1992

B. 22nd June, 1786
C. 22nd March, 1928
D. 22nd December, 1890

Hamas sprung up from ____ in December 1987

A. Al-ikhwan al Muslimin
B. Intifadah
C. Al-Qaeda

Al-ikhwan al Muslimin a.k.a ____

B. Islamic jihadist Society
C. Islamic movement
D. Muslim brotherhood

Hamas emerged and transformed from ____

A. Mujama al-Islamiyya
B. Al-ikhwan al-muslimin
C. Al-Qaeda

Jama'at Al-ikhwan al-muslimin is an Egypt’s_____

A. Islamic revivalist
B. Charity group
C. Political movement
D. All of the above

Civil war between two Palestinian groups occurred in ____

A. 2008
B. 1978
C. 2007
D. 2005

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was assassinated in ___

A. 2008
B. 2004

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

C. 2007
D. 2005

The third Leader of Hamas was __

A. Ismail Haniyeh
B. Khaled Meshaal
C. Abdel aziz al-Rantissi
D. Ahmed Yassin

___ the second leader, was assassinated in a month after the First leader of Hamas

A. Ismail Haniyeh
B. Khaled Meshaal
C. Abdel aziz al-Rantissi
D. Ahmed Yassin

Ismail Haniyeh is ___

A. Former prime minister of Palestine

B. Secretary of Sheikh Yassin
C. Current leader of Hamas since 2017
D. All of the above

Hamas membership strength is ___

A. 10,000 to 20,000
B. 20,000 to 25,000
C. 5,000 to 10,000
D. 2,000 to 5,000

The most severe in Israel history was deadly attack launched by Hamas in 2023 led to ____ deaths, 240

A. 1,400
B. 14,000
C. 140,000
D. 104,000

Oslo Accord includes ____

A. Relinquishment of use of violence in seeking Independence

B. Agreement to recognize Israel as a state
C. Acceptation of Idea to establish two state for Israel and Palestine
D. All of the above

The Hamas political rival is ____

A. Fatah

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

B. Israel
C. Al-ikhwan al-muslimin
D. Al-Qaeda

Major conflicts between Hamas and Israel started in ___

A. 2007
B. 2008
C. 2017
D. 2023

Hamas ideology stance includes ____

A. Anti Zionism
B. Anti Israel
C. Anti secular
D. Anti-Semitism
E. All of the above

West Bank and Gaza both made up of _____

A. Jerusalem
B. Jordan
C. Palestine
D. Israel

Modern Palestine is made of two disconnected territories occupied by _____

A. Palestinian
B. Israel
C. Egyptians

Hamas is Translated into English language as ___

A. Islamic Resistance Movement

B. Islamic Movement
C. Militant Nationalist
D. All of the above

Hamas are affiliated with the following sects except ____

A. Sunni Movement
B. Egypt’s Islamist Muslim Brotherhood
C. Al-Qaeda

Gaza is dominated and ruled by ____

A. Israel

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

B. Fatah
C. Ajmah
D. Hamas

Israel major cities include the following except ___

A. Ashqelon
B. Haifa
C. Rafah
D. Jaffa

Palestine major cities are these except ____

A. Jerusalem
B. Tel Aviv
C. West Bank
D. Gaza strip

There was Civil war between ____ vs ____ the two Palestinian groups in 2007

A. Israel vs Hamas
B. Al-Qaeda vs Hamas
C. Fatah vs Hamas
D. Al-ikhwan al-muslimin vs Hamas

Hamas means ____

A. Harakat al-muqawamah al-Islamiyyah

B. Harakat al-Muslim al-Islamiyyah
C. Haawam al-Muslim al-Islamiyyah
D. Hawaalul al-muqawamah al-Islamiyyah

____ is an agitation or struggle by an individual or group of individuals in pursuit of freedom, recognition

of inalienable rights.

A. Conflict
B. Peace
C. Nationalist Movement
D. Resolution

The main reason for interreligious conflicts between Palestine and Israel is ___

A. Holy Land
B. Increasing annexation of Palestine lands by Israel
C. Strategic importance
D. All of the above

Most recent deadly and coordinated attacked launched by Hamas on Southern Israel was on __

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

A. 7th October, 2023
B. 11th October, 2023
C. 7th March, 2023
D. …

Hamas is a faction of ___

A. Boko Haram

PLO refers to ____

A. Palestine Library Operation

B. Palestine Liberation Organization
C. Palestine Liberty Operation

Modern Palestine is made of ___ and ___ territories

A. Syria and Jordan

B. …
C. Gaza strip and West Bank

Hamas mission is ____

A. To establish Islamiyyah University

B. To establish Military governing state
C. To establish anti Israelites state
D. To establish Islamic Palestinian State

Hamas affiliated with ___

A. Sunni Movement
B. Egypt's Islamist Muslim Brotherhood
D. All of the above

Branches offices of Hamas are in ____

A. Amman, Jordan (1996-1999)

B. Damascus, Syria (2001-2012)
C. Doha, Qatar (2012-2023)
D. All of the above

Gaza strip and Gaza city are the main ____ of Hamas

A. Branches
B. Hideout

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

C. Headquarters
D. ….

Hamas was founded in ___

A. 1990
B. 10th December, 1987
C. 1908

Mujama al-Islamiyya was founded by a Palestinian Imam and activist called ___

E. Ibrahim Shekau
F. Muhammed Yusuf
G. Hasan Yousef
H. Ahmed Yassin

Alhamdulillahi robbil Aalameen

GST 214 Compiled Questions and Answers by CEO@AGM AND ASSOCIATES

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