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aeleao Repae) Lpeelh

( AMLTAle semlenca: A ajeua delena makelalltakemak

epneijel an ofunien y hnan ay anti Aeent
ec ua Janin
T un Jijel in theeot
Atng er on_oiedda entente au
Said, 3eplied oladded lontinted
mKim wiond n qetieycent a
MMelaaii JenemleiAh inlervncgatile Jertenta

a quetHen mah y Kmeaun o unansatule
,en ae 2yp in unctenogate lerena

WH QDuiend j hen2
you halu yew beaKloltl Pid ye
wwhat uwo you dsing ilu neu
when oun ithday

AKO, gionedenamlod
unKing w on mkniagatilu akno a
P 7 uwhethen
Yo Me yp ehena, luhen
WH R WH up pe uha
hA hy
Jendenle ehich y ded do
iTn@rakodanento The
iy Lneunal
Conly a lemmae Ph a Joqut
mpraie A e n a

02/ 1og

>otottny ynb lo imponalionknh
9bed Cammandb, JwqLuAJ,

unXimg od Lan_impenvakle`enknuts
To eliloepkno
Mat legctilo hmkn
h e o examply each fan potitJu GMagntRIe
VIhalle Jen he boak
Shalini mam pehAIkly Jfliod hat fhe had noa)

Shalbni omam egailoly Jpli! hat ho kal


(i) Exrlam.aloryJerkente- en erckamateny Seekra

male aHdement hat lonleyeeng emaisBn
1 Litement iyKnalln ay entlamatoy erene
ex- lhnt a bonteiU day!

KegoHng MenbLy LutlaMAlOy jeeeno

Erlaumel Lhdly o hapily),Complimenles
inuin wolp kon xllameley Jerderte

Kogotiug jesth
By Charging ha Prensuny
(n y ChAnging chima ard ecpalion
y Changing en e Covspendinrg pok Lora
Sumple pojent k Smple pa
hest p past pnelt
pnokrtenMLOy o lontintueuy,
obnd punpet (etcknuoy joit prlet Coctlalle
02/ 3jDg :abDd

UuekJeorch IndinatkSpath
de das did
/am /a wlo/uw
hhale ha
did hae
ha halu don had don
Shall Sheuld uleu
had to
hede nedk

hat day
Vohelday a pnelliay dey
st esday/telelletigla

Unilal Lh lemalny he dama

(N) w halla de profeyluntiny_ lua

) LoLenwt diut dpech té indizst
uhka sa halw had m4 beaxtet e4y
RaXho Jaid that Jhahas eakn k bLuallet tindirnd

plint Car' yan ind y Joliw uoldo
UtHMon heideTn uln Hay dordtmi
Kliny pzpke
Jolliony Ale, u doni Kney hot! do
Mto hing ue halle en
Te punto oke uhethen hoy Cnnnd
Jpllin wuhs uili Cut she man end min
H wH Lail Hhat Un thuy
Kallhng Lople
The o i y negekuey epltodhat dhaydert/is
hocuhalD Ao dot
hey hen Jav that uo mataHing athay
had peenHanght
3Dena Lawla- vAne yeiu lomin demanew
DonGonabi Met lor-iainly,s t Va Junny
Maning ATd mt nly uill I Not lae ola
th ird bLt TLl bing a a0 Cauml
DenaLnu' Ihank yax ony MuCh.Bib au raku
0 ulay atertion
Dena lama dRo Den bienhale Luhthen o dbe
leming Ahe Mere day
Gcyaleapus that i t ul a Junnyeni
h ou delinikely ln
He uuthe Jais that heLuuauld mat Mor dtuay
Ah indy inbtend o woul bing Jeme umby-
Lauwx thanked him_ans Jaiv h kindy iillk
nalehaulon stha
02/ 1 1Dg abDd

3Sha hat thinking "AH ynEn el Ty Cenm
The O man uent nHi Mame Lul NOL Vng
AH Bajalliah.3 am amad at how at Hak o
Schlami guuy Lahenit ynMaraled o itien
A Shat thinkiy that al hat ui mene hon Lonlern
Tha manuldnt en ayin hat tho Mana LLia/ net
Sanoi ut Balallaiah
H unthen Jaid that ho L amhd at holaly
Aoak en uch Wali guiles uLhen maliskd e itiom

02/ :3Dg

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