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MC: Ladies and gentleman this is the last award

for the night.

I nearly roll my eyes to the back of my head. I

don’t even know why I’m here but Nkanyiso
dragged me here knowing exactly this is not my
scene. He said I should socialize more and be
out with people I don’t even know what that
does that mean because I’m not a people’s
person. I’m antisocial and I’m not ashamed to
admit it. I’m just that person who walks in the
room with a mere hi and shut my mouth after
that. I just want to go home and indulge on my
novels, bible or TV with a hot cup of tea. Yes
you heard right tea not wine or champagne. I’m
not those housewives who drink champagne
and do shopping for a living. Tea is my poison
and sometimes that annoys the hell out of my

MC: And the winner is.....

He trails off leaving them in suspense. I drop

my eyes to our conjoined hands as Nkanyiso
squeezes mine. Are we conjoined twins now?
His palms are sweating indicating his nervous. I
don’t even know why does he bother entering
this things because he always loses. His a sore
loser, there isn’t a single award of his back
home. This is a waste of my time and day
because I’m forced to doll up and look like a
rich housewife of Johannesburg while I want to
be in my sneakers and baggy clothes. There
only time I’m dressing up is on Sunday when I
go to church to pray for our union to be
stronger than most unions. He should just give
up already because he will never win these
stupid business awards.

MC: Nkanyiso Makhanya.

Didn’t I say he will lose. Shame this poor

husband of mine doesn’t learn. Now I have to
nurse his fractal broken ego. SMH men.

I’m brought out of my thoughts as people clap

their hands with smile plastered on their faces.
The bright light of a flash light makes me close
my eye. Flipping my eyes open Nkanyiso is
padding to the stage. Where is he going? I pull
the chair backwards and hike my dress in my
hands before rushing towards him. Didn’t he
hear the MC not calling his name? Now I have
to be the one who walks around with a husband
that will embarrass me in front of the people
while he always say I embarrass him most of
the time.

Nkanyiso: I don’t even know what to say.

Me: Nkanyiso get down from there before you

embarrass the both of us.

I murmur through gritted teeth as I approach

the stage. He flashes me a breathtaking smile.

Nkanyiso: It’s okay baby.

I shake my head there's nothing okay in there.

Me: I know baby it hurts not to win like you
assume but I promise you next year you will win
if you just put more effort on your work.

I console him lying through my teeth. I know he

won’t win and at this point I don't care whether
he wins or lose because I’m just that person
who doesn’t care when it comes to him
business. It takes most of his time and leaving
me asking myself where do I fit in the equation.
Surely his many business trips should have
came in handy when they were selecting
business men of the year. Don’t they know his
hardly home because of this? They should
consider me in all of this and beside I know
once we get home he will be devastated as
expected but I have a positive pregnancy test
that will cheer him up.
Nkanyiso: Winning this has been my dream
since I was young. I always tell my beautiful
wife here that someday my hard work will be
recognized and you will understand why I work

I roll my eyes and force my lips to smile. Jeez!

Now I'm on the spotlight. Why haven’t the
security come to drag his ass out of this stage?

Me: Babe it’s okay to feel like this. Winning or

losing it doesn't matter to me because you will
always win in my heart.

The crowd erupt in chorus ahh.

Nkanyiso: (chuckling) I’m one lucky son of a

gun to have a wife whose my cheerleader on
top of everything. This award is my dedication
to her for the late nights I’m always not home.
The business trips and the pile of work I always
come home with. Thank you.

The crowd applaud him as he ascend the stairs

making his way towards me. He wraps his arm
around my waist and smashes his lips on my

Me: I’m sorry you lost again sthando.

I say breaking the kiss.

Me: Let’s just go home before we find you in a

prison cell. We will explain to the security on the
door that you didn’t hear the MC correctly when
he announced the winner. Surely they will
understand that right?

He chuckles and cup my face. His eyes soften.

Nkanyiso: I won sthando.

Me: I know.....Wait what?

Nkanyiso: (smiling) I won baby.

A scream escape my lips before launching

myself in his arms. I take back what I said
about him being a sore loser. I want to scream
to the whole world that his my husband.

This is our next story that will start on the 9th of
August. Set your alarms and do tag your friends.
Don't forget to share and also invite others.
Good afternoon family. I miss you guys already.
Toxic Attraction



He whistles tapping the steering wheel with his

fingertips to the jazz music playing softly in the
car as he drives us home. Any other day I would
have chosen a different playlist but today it’s
his day and I don’t want to spoil the mood. I just
can’t wait for us to get home so I can surprise
him. I'm caught between being nervous, excited
and feeling giddy. I can’t comprehend which
emotion is on the forefront but I’ll just run with
being giddy because my butt can’t seem to stay
rooted on the car seat since we drove out of the
venue. My mood drops from 100 to 0 in a
instant when my eyes land on the cars in our
driveway. Great! The whole fucken clan of
Mgundundluvu is here. He kills the engine and
bolts to the house not bothering to open the
door for me. I sigh dreading to walk inside. It
was suppose to be a dinner for two to celebrate
his achievement and our pregnancy but now I
have to accommodate his whole family.

Opening the door I close it behind me and roll

my eyes as I hear enthusiastic multiple voices. I
can bet on my last money that they even
brought that deadbeat cousin of his. Don’t get
me wrong or anything, I love his family but
sometimes they can be too much and over stay
their welcome. I dragging my feet to the lounge
where they are and bite my tongue as his
nephews bounce on my new couches while my
new dinner set is displayed on the table like a
chicken waiting to be roasted. That damn
dinner set is for my mother for her anniversary,
Nkanyiso bought it for her. I should have
wrapped them with a tape and place them in
the garage cause I know they would have
unwrapped them even if I place them in the
back of the other dishes in the cabinet. I close
my eyes and breath in and out to calm myself.
Those spoilt brat know kids are not allowed to
seat on the couches but I bet they are taking
advantage since Nkanyiso is here.

Me: Dumelang baholo.

I force my lips to smile even though my whole

mood is ruined.

Khaya: Useyamemeza ngalolo limi lwakhe

namanje emva kweminyaka eshade nawe bafo?
Sidume siyekuphi? {She’s still screaming in that
language of hers after years being married to
you brother?}

The deadbeat cousin of his remarks.

Grace: Khayelethu.

My mother In-laws warns throwing a sharp look

at him. My lips curve into a full blown smile at
my superwoman. No matter how life turns out
to be I know that woman has my back. She took
the role of being a second mother from my
mother seriously. There has never been a day
she made me feel like a outcast in her family
and I would be forever be grateful to her.

Khaya: Cha anti umuntu kumele akhulume kanje

njengoba nonke niyamesaba.Ufunda nini
ukukhuluma kahle nesekheweni bakhe ngolimi
olufuthayo kuye ngoba engumfazi womZulu?
{ No aunt somebody has to say this since you're
all scare of her.When is she learning to talk
properly with her In-laws in a language that is
sutaible for her because she's a Zulu wife?}

I definitely missed the part where they told me

to change myself into someone I barely
recognise when the elders where advicing me
the day of the lobola negotations and the day
before the wedding. I didn’t know being
someone’s wife means changing your whole
identity even your mother tongue especially
being a stupid “Zulu wife” as he calls it.

Nkanyiso: Mzala you will respect my wife

especially in her house.

I mentally snort. His late by a few jab of insults.

He should have shut down his cousin the
minute he open his mouth but as always I came
last to him.

Khaya: Kodwa ngikhuluma iqiniso. { But I’m

telling the truth.}

Truth my left foot. This is one of the reasons I

don’t like his extended family especially
Khayelethu and his mother Nokuthula. That
woman has a diarrhea mouth for days. I can
deal with his parents because they are humble
people but Nokuthula and her son are just
another issue I can't seem to tackle. His sister
is just another story for another day while his
brother is a stranger I never met since I step
foot in this family. I bet he ran for the hills trying
to escape people like Khayelethu because last
time I heard he was working overseas.

Sizwe: Enough.

He roared banging the table causing the kids

and I, jump startled.

Sizwe: We haven’t been here for a day and

already you’re causing trouble. You will not
disrespect Sthando especially in her house.

Nkanyiso shifts his eyes at me a with a smirk

plastered on a face. I stifle a giggle shaking my
head. If only he knew where that name Sthando
came from he wouldn’t have randomly say it.

Sizwe: If you can’t seem to cut of your

disrespectful tail then I will cut it for you boy or
better yet shut the trap you call a mouth or do
us all a favor a leave while the doors haven’t
been locked.

Khayelethu shamelessly drops his eyes to the

floor like a dog he is. God bless your soul father
in law, now I know I can rely on you too. He
warmly smiles at me.

Sizwe: How are you my daughter?

Me: Ke hantle le wena ntate? { I'm good and you


Nkanyiso: That’s because I take good care of


He rise from his seat and makes his way

towards me. Taking my hand in his, he twirls
me in front of them whistling.

Nkanyiso: Makhanya,
Duze kaMnengwa Gcwabaza,
Thusi, Lingela,
Zukezela, Makhutha,
Wena owakhanyisa ngothi lomshanelo ngoba
ezonda ubumnyama,
Wakhanyisa ngothi lomshanelo kwaze kwasa
luvutha MAKHANYA!!

They clap hands as his raises his pants

attempting to dance.

Nkanyiso: kodwa ngibonga amadlozi akithi

ngokungilethela uSthando. Bheka ukuthi muhle
kanjani. { But I’m grateful to my ancestors for
bringing me Sthando. Look how beautiful she is.

I blush hiding my face with my hands as he

leads me to the table while the others erupt in
laughter. One thing I know about my husband is
that his not afriad to show PDA{ Public Display
Affection} and that is one of my many love

Grace: Your much better dancer than your

father son. I'm sure if he would stand up here
we all going to spend a night on the benches of
the hospital.

She teases causing the whole room to burst

into laughter. Man I love moments like these
where I can spend time with my husband
laughing with his family even though I don’t like
some members. I wish days like these can last
longer or I can freeze time so it would go slower
than normal time. If only life had a rewind
button I would gladly press it over and over

A light tap on my though brings me out of my


Nkanyiso: I lost you there.

I smile shaking my head.

Me: I’m an over thinker and you know that.

He chuckles and place a kiss on my cheek. My

mouth starts to salivate as Sis Maria our helper
brings the food. I guess they prepared
everything while we were away because I know
this is not I asked her to prepare.

Yolanda: (shouting) Kids time for food.

A few minutes later they came in running. Mihle

flashes me his famous toothless smile and I
melt instantly. There’s just something about
children that makes one to lose all morals when
it comes to them. My only wish is that their
innocent faces cannot be taunted by the world.

Nkanyiso: You’re doing it again.

He whispers causing shiver run down my spine.

I snap out of my daze giggling.
Me: Sorry.

Grace: Before we eat, Yolanda don’t you have

anything to say to your brother?

The table becomes dead quiet as we divert our

attention on her. She rolls her eyes sucking a
deep breath. Raising a spoon she opens the
dishes of food placed in front of us and start
dishing up for herself. Haibo where are her
manners? The elders haven’t dished up for
themselves and my husband and I also haven’t
dished up yet as hosts, not to mention Mme
Grace blessing the food.

Yolanda: (mouthful) I'm pregnant.

My eyes widen.
Me: Again?

They all shift their eyes to me. Shit my mouth

has a brain of it’s own.

Grace: You can say it that again my baby. I don’t

know when will Yolanda stop popping babies
like a baby making machine. Mzingisi is not
even 6 months old. It’s too much now by the
time you and Nkanyiso have your first child I
would be already tired because of her kids.

Yolanda snorts rolling her eyes. She seems to

be doing a lot of that tonight.

Yolanda: You speak as if you’re the one

maintain my children. It’s my brother who feeds,
cloth and send them to creche while you do
nothing. Tell me sisi when are you falling

Nkanyiso: (hissing) Enough!

My hand involuntary slip under the table and rub

my belly. A smile lurks on my lips.

Me: I hav-

I get interrupted by the intercom going off. I

raise to my feet and padded to it since sis Maria
is busy in the kitchen.

Nkanyiso: I don’t know whether you and

Khayelethu told yourselves about this but the
disrespecting Reneilwe day ends now.

I tap my stomach lightly chuckling.

Me: Can you hear that baby, daddy is shielding

us from the big bad wolf whose your aunt.

The intercom goes off again as I murmur to

myself. They just know how to ruin a good

Me: Hello?

A feminine voice reply on the end of the


Voice: Hello is this the Makhanya residence?

My eyebrows furrow.

Me: Yes can I help you?

Voice: Thank god!

She exclaim sounding so happy.

Voice: Is Nkanyiso home?

If my eyes where not popped out of their

sockets when my sister in law announced her
pregnancy now they are.

Me: How do you know my husband?

Voice: Girly is he home or not?

She snapped agitated causing my brow to quick

up. I open the gate and watch her driving in with
her Alfa Romeo Stelvio Range. She kills the
engine and steps out of the car. Blue peep toe
strappy heels from Zara is the first thing my
eyes set on. Her beautiful pedicure nails set on
display on the shoes like they were made for
them. Her white knee boycott dress is clinging
on her body like a second skin. She flips her
weave to the side and makes her way to me.

Me: Hi, can I help you?

Lady: The question you should be asking darling

is how can I help you.
Me: (frowning) Huh?

Nkanyiso: (shouting) Sthando whose at the


The woman smiles and pushes me aside before

she cat walks inside. I stand there with my jaw
on the floor. I know she didn’t just bypass me
like that in my own house.

Sign, sealed and delivered as promised. Happy
women days to all those beautiful, strong,
courageous, fearless women out there. Good
morning family, it's good to be back. How I
missed you guys.
Toxic Attraction


Judging by the sound they are making in the

lounge it means they know who the woman is. I
close the door and stumble where the noise is.
Nkanyiso has the biggest smile I’ve ever seen
him flashing.

Yolanda: Oh my goodness Amanda you look

fabulous. Where have you been?

She muttered engulfing her in a hug. This

Amanda woman kisses her cheek and padded
to my chair and sit on it.
Me: Excuse me but this is my seat.

Yolanda snorts.

Yolanda: Don’t you know the first rule of being a

hostess is that you treat your guest warmly so
they can sing praise about your hospitality. It
makes them want to return to your place.

Me: But she's not my guest.

I protest feeling cornered. Why is my husband

not saying anything?

Me: She just waltz in out of nowhere.

I mumbled under my breath as Nkanyiso shoots
me a sharp glance causing me to shut the hell

Nkanyiso: Seat on the kids table Rene.

I gasp shocked. My husband has never called

me with my name before. The last time he
called me by name was when he was still
courting me and that was 3 years ago. Even if
his pissed of at me he doesn’t use my name.
I'm always Sthando, short for Sthandwa to him
so who the hell is this woman?


I press the answer button and lean on the

armrest as the driver, drives me to my hotel

Me: Hello?

Voice: Have you arrived yet?

I chuckle.

Me: ¿Lydia me extraña de repente? { Is Lydia

suddenly missing me?}

I tease my secretary stifling a laugh. She


Lydia: (gasping) Quién, yo, te extraño? Ese sería

el día en que sé que no me amo a mí mismo.
Eres un esclavista y solo estoy comprobando
que no lo eres. Sigo siendo el mismo país en el
que estoy. Me tomé unas vacaciones en el
momento en que saliste de esa oficina. {Who
me, missing you? That would be the day I know
I don’t love myself. You’re a slave driver and I’m
just checking that you’re not still the same
country I'm in. I took a vacation the minute you
walked out of that office.}

I throw my head back bursting into laughter.

Me: Damn woman you’re savage.

She giggles on the end of the line.

Me: Well to answer you question I’m still driving

there. My family don’t know that i’m back in the
country yet and I would love to keep it like that.

Lydia: I thought you went back there to see your


Me: My family is one fucked up family who I

don’t want to associate myself with except my
parents off course. I wish I could move them to
another planet where they wouldn’t get
consumed by the family toxicity.

Lydia: Then why are you in South Africa?

My lips curve into a smile as a dangerous glint

flicks in my eyes.

Me: There's a business opportunity I came

across into and I can’t let it pass me by. The
owner and I have a history.

Lydia: I just hope you’re not there to cause

havoc Anthony.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes as she always

does when she's annoyed by me.

Me: (smirking) I'm a saint. You know I’m a

private person but problems just like to follow

She snorts. I can only imagine her rolling her


Lydia: Problemas es tu segundo nombre.

{Trouble is your middle name.}

I chuckle.

Me: Tanta fe en mí gracias amigo. {So much

faith in me. Thank you buddy.}

I sarcastically muttered. She giggles.

Lydia: Solo estaba controlándote para que no te

asustes cuando no me contactes. Me volveré
rebelde hasta que regreses. {I was just
checking on you so you wouldn’t freak out when
you don’t reach me. I'll be going rogue until you
came back.}

I chuckle shaking my head. Trust Lydia to speak

in codes.

Me: Noted.

Lydia: Recuerda Anthony, Sudáfrica no es

España. No tienes policías en tu nómina de ese
lado. {Remember Anthony, South Africa is not
Spain. You don’t have police in your payroll that

She disconnect the call leaving me in my

thoughts. I wouldn’t be back here if my fucked
up mind didn’t want revenge. I'm baying for
blood and I want hers for everything she did. I
want to take every single thing she has until she
comes crawling to beg for forgiveness. No one
plays with my heart especially a woman and
lives happily ever after. I don’t care whether it
affects my brother since she saw him man
enough over me. They will both suffer. Lydia
was one right about one thing, I’m here to cause
havoc and my freaking brother Nkanyiso will be
on the receiving end with his bitch Amanda.


I've never been so disrespect in my life. I'm

being treated like a doormat in my own house. I
sat there with the children and ate with them
while they sat there laughing like hyenas, having
the time of their lives. This Amanda woman has
everyone wrapped in her little fingers even my
new parents. It doesn’t surprise me that my
husband forgot about me, after all his the same
man who hop from one business trip to the
other for months leaving me here knowing he
will still find me waiting for him in this damn
Amanda: It was nice seeing you all after a while.

Nkanyiso: (frowning) Where are you going?

Amanda: Hotel.

Nkanyiso: You didn’t have to book a hotel while

we have many rooms in this house. Rene will
sleep at her house while I crush on the couch.

His voice snaps me out of my daze. I know very

my ears are probably deceiving me.

Me: (scowling) Why do I have to sleep at

parents my house while I have a room in this
Nkanyiso: That’s became Mandy will be
sleeping in our room.

Me: (shocked) What? That’s not going to


Nkanyiso: It’s just for a couple days Rene. I'm

sure your parents will be delighted to see you.

I chuckle in disbelief.

Me: Let me get this straight, I?

I say poking my chest.

Me: Reneilwe your wife will be sleeping at my
parents house leaving my house and
matrimonial bed to be occupied by a stranger.

Yolanda: She’s not a stranger but family.

Me: If she is family what am I?

The room becomes dead quiet. A lump forms in

my throat as I nod my head.

Me: Why doesn’t she share the room with the


Amanda: Honey I need my beauty sleep and

wake up rejuvenated the following day so I can
be able to work, after all I don’t expect you to
understand because you’re not running any
company so you’re not familiar with that.

I push the chair backwards and padded to the

kitchen. I could feel my eyes becoming moist
with unshed tears but I refuse to let the fall. I
blink them back and fake a smile as sis Maria
turns to me.

Maria: O hloka eng? {Do you need anything?}

Me: E re ke o thuse ka dijana. {Let me help you

with the dishes}

She nods and hands me the dishcloth to wipe

them. I gasp shocked as the plate I was wiping
slips from my hands. The laughter ceases from
the lounge but nobody bothers to come and
check on the incident.

Me: Shit!

I bend down to pick up the pieces.

My mind is all over the place I wasn’t aware that
I didn’t hold the plate firmly on my hands.

Maria: E tlohele ke tla. {Leave it I'll-}

I shook my head interrupting her.

Me: It’s okay Sis Maria I got it.

Maria: Rene khalase e ka 'na ea u khaola. { Rene

the glass might cut you. }
Me: (snapping) Ke itse ke phela sesi Maria
bothata ba hao ke bofe? { I said I’m fine Sis
Maria what’s your problem?}

Maria: Rene

She cooed sofly bending down with the dustpan

and a broom. I fake a smile shaking my head. I
refuse to let them bring me down. I refuse to
break down in front of her because I know she
will tell my parents what’s going behind this
close doors since she lives on the same street
as them.

Me: Ke phela hantle sis Maria. Ke khathetse ke

eona feela. { I'm fine sis Maria. I'm just
exhausted that’s all}
She narrows her eyes at me.

Maria: Na u na le bonnete? {Are you sure?}

Me: Ke hantle hore u se ke ua tšoenyeha ka 'na.

Mme ke maswabi ka ho o jabela. {I'm okay you
don’t have to worry about me. And I’m sorry for
snapping at you.}

The glass pierces through my finger. I whimper

bringing my bleeding finger to my mouth.

Maria: You wouldn’t be bleeding if you moved

away like I told you. Move Rene.

I sigh leaping up to my feet. She bends down

and start sweeping the plate while I padded to
my room. Nkanyiso’s eyes widen as I pass the

Nkanyiso: What happened?

For a second a catch a glimpse of the man I

married three years ago.

Me: A plate slipped while I was wiping it.

Amanda: Why are you paying the helper if you

will be doing her job? No wonder your nails are
like that you’re so rural.

She shifts her eyes to my sister in law.

Amanda: Didn’t you school her that helpers are
there for a reason? Where did you get her in the
first place? Doesn’t she know Nkanyiso doesn’t
like woman in her calibre?

Me: That’s it! I'm done being nice.

I muttered kicking my heels off and fold my

hands into fists. Who does she think she is to
tell me what my husband likes and prefers. I
throw my weave to the side and remove my
earrings. I shift my gaze to the man I married.
Long forgotten the bleeding finger.

Me: I’m about to whoop someone’s butt and

you better call an ambulance when I’m done
and also come and bail me from jail.
I muttered jumping to her. Her screams echoes
the whole house.
Toxic Attraction



I’m dragging Rene to the garage while she's

kicking and screaming. I don’t know what
happened, one minute we were concerned by
her bleeding finger and the next she's jumping
on Amanda like a crazy woman.

Rene: Let me go Nkanyiso.

She seethes trying to escape my tight grip on

her waist. Squirming she claws my hands. I hiss
removing my hands from her. She pushes me
aside and run inside. I stagger before finding
my foot and run back inside. I catch her as she
turns pass the kitchen to the lounge. I throw her
over my shoulder and made my way to the
garage. She's screaming, hitting my back with
her fists and using any swearing words out
there. I grunt opening the car door and throw
her inside. She winces when her back hits the

Me: (hissing) Enough Reneilwe. What the fuck is

wrong with you?

Her eyes widen as she rubs her back.

Rene: Me? I’m the one whose suppose to ask

you what the hell is wrong with you. You sat
there laughing with them like nothing was
happening, disregarding my presence like I was
not in the same room as you guys. How is your
family suppose to respect when my own
husband doesn’t.

I scoff.

Me: This is not about respect Rene and you

know it. You just attacked someone out of the

She screeches rolling her eyes.

Rene: You call that attacking? I didn’t lay a

single finger on her because you were there
manhandling me like I’m sort of a criminal.
Me: I wouldn’t have treated you like if you were
not forcing my hand. You expect people to
respect you while you don’t respect yourself.

She gasped shocked.

Me: I haven’t seen those people in there in

months and you had to ruin a family reunion
because you couldn’t sit there and behave like a
married woman.

I snapped agitated. This situation is getting out

of control and I need to handle it before the fire
spreads out. I sigh running my hand on my face
as she bit her quivering lip while tears fall down
her cheeks.

Me: Just get in the car Rene and go home. We

will talk in the morning when both our heads
have been cleared.

I throw the keys in her lap. She looks at them

and raise her eyes to me.

Rene: You expect me to drive to Soweto at this


Me: Yes before we exchange words that we will

regret later on. It’s for your own good too.

I turn around making my back to the house to

defuse another fire. How did things escalate so

Fresh tears falling down my cheeks as I speed
of the drive way to my parents house. I wipe my
face as my vision get blur. I'm just surprised I
made this far without causing any accident
because my tears refuse to stop falling. The
betrayal sinking in makes me cry harder.

I clutch my chest gasping for air as the car

suddenly derives me the air my lungs need. I
park on the side of the road and bolt out of the
car crying. My knees hit the tar road as I gasp
for air while crying at the same time. Everything
that happened from the early hours of the
morning to few minutes ago plays out vivid on
my mind like a horror movie. I don’t how know
how many hours, minutes or even seconds I sat
there in the middle of the road crying. If this a
bad dream I pray someone wakes me up before
sunrise. I drag my wobbly legs to car and close
the door behind me. My purse is still on the
passenger seat where I left it earlier on. I snatch
it from the seat and look for my phone.
Scrolling down the contact list I place a call and
wait for her to pick up. She picks up on the third

Keitu: Hello?

I press my lips suppressing a sob to escape my


Me: I-

A voice interjects on the background.

Voice: Doc we need you this side.

Keitu: I can’t talk right now but I’ll call you later.
Love you.

She disconnects the call after that. I place my

head on the dashboard and burst into tears.
Knowing how demanding my sister’s job I was
stupid to think she will have a few minute to
spare. The sound of screeching tar's makes me
raise my head. There's a car parked in front of
mine while the owner steps out of it. He
stumbled to my car and knock on the window. I
wipe my tears with the back of my hand and roll
down the window. A gun is placed on my face
the second I roll the window down.

Man: Open the door.

My eyebrows furrow while my mind tries to
graps what is going on. My hands trembles as I
open the door.

Man: The backseat now.

I look at him like his grown two heads. I could

feel my face frowning involuntary.

Man: Jump on the backseat now.

He roars causing me to jump startled. I dive to

the backseat and sit there waiting for my next
instruction. He steps inside the car and close
the door behind before he speeds off. The car
infornt of us starts moving catching up on us,
one more behind it which I didn’t see cause it
was behind mine.
Man: Do you have any cash on you?

Me: (frowning) No I only have my card and

phone, why?

Man: The pin.

Me: (confused) Huh?

Man: (hissing) The pin number of the card.

Me: 8601

My mouth blurts out before I can stop myself.

He makes a U-turn and hoots to the cars
following us to follow. I'm still trying to process
everything happening around me when the car
cames into a halt. He throws my purse in my

Man: Go and withdrew all the money you have

in there and bring it to me.

I nod.

Man: I will be here waiting for you. Any funny

business I'll blow your brains out.

Once again I nod and step out of the car. The

two drivers of the other cars also step out. They
follow close behind me as I make my way to the
ATM and withdrew. The tall one places a gun in
my waist and wait for me to punch the pin with
my trembling hands while the other one is one
standby checking th coast. I withdrew all the
money I have as instructed and padded back to
the car with the gun still in my waist. They open
the door for me a shove me inside.

Man 2: (smiling) She co-operated willingly

unlike the others we have to hurt.

The tall one who placed the gun on my waist

muttered. Co-operated willingly unlike the
others what does that mean? What the hell is
going in here?

Man 1: Thank you so much sweetie for making

our job easy I will be forever be grateful to you.

He one who drove my car chastised before

hitting my head with the back of the gun. A
gasp escapes my lips as the stars dance in my
vision. Their voices become faintly as my
eyelids become heavier.

Man 3: What do we do with her?

Man 2: Throw her on the side of the road,

hoping a good samaritan will find her. She's not
our problem anymore

It’s the last time I hear before I shut my eyes

completely. Now it dawns on me how serious
the situation is. I'm being kidnapped and
hijacked. I willingly participated anaware
because my mind was running all over the place.

I heavily sighed as I bump on my parents on my
way to the lounge.

Mom: We are off to bed son.

Me: I'm sorry about what happened.

Mom: You should be sorry because it’s your

fault after all.

Me: (snapping) Mom not now okay.

She shakes her head as I pass them. I'm not in

the mood for her famous lecture classes I’ve
been on my whole life. I don’t know why am I
being crucified for two grown adults who have a
brains of their own.

Yolanda: You need to defuse the situation right

now because Amanda is threatening to open a
case against Rene.

My eyes popped out of their sockets.

Me: (shocked) What? Where is she?

Yolanda: She's upstairs in your room. And to tell

you the truth she has my full support. Rene was
wrong on so many levels. She can’t act hulk on
everyone because she can.

I ignore her and rush to my room. I frown as my

eyes set on the empty room. I hear the water
running indicating she’s showering. I sit on the
edge of the bed and wait for her. She steps out
of the shower with a towel wrapped around her.
She abprudly pauses mid step and narrow her
eyes at me.

Mandy: I hope you’re not here to beg on behalf

of that hooligan you call a wife.

I sigh laying on my back on the bed and close

my eyes.

Me: Why are you here Amanda?

Mandy: (frowning) What?

Me: Why are you here?

Mandy: What kind of question is that Nka? I
came to see you and congratulate you.

Me: You could have called or even sent a text.

She chuckles.

Mandy: Am I missing the point here or what?

I flip my eyes open and look at her as she

punches something on her phone.

Me: What are you doing?

Mandy: Calling the police off course.

She rolls her eyes placing her phone on her ear.
I leap up to my feet and snatch the phone from
her hands and hang up the call.

Me: (hissing) You can’t just fucken waltz in here

and expect everything to be sunshine and roses.
Your on her personal space what did you expect?

Mandy: (yelling) You’re defending her?

She claps her hands chuckling.

Mandy: You’re actually defending her after she

nearly sent to me to the nearest ICU.

She muttered raising her voice. I snort.

Me: She didn’t touch a single strand of your hair
stop being dramatic.

Mandy: I'm being dramatic for wanting her

behind bars? You’re unbelievable right now.

Me: You still haven’t answered my question.

She folds her arms across her chest fuming. I

know her tactics very well. If I start entertaining
her I might be dancing to her tune.

Mandy: Which is?

Me: Why are you-

My phone beeps interrupting me. I fish it out of
my pocket to read the text. My eyes widen.

Me: The fuck?

Mandy: What’s going on?

I furiously tap the green button calling her but

the phone goes straight to voicemail.

Me: Rene just withdrew a ridiculous amount on

one of her cards.
Toxic Attraction


This is not how I imagined my first night back in

my country would be like. I look at my
wristwatch and heavily sighed before lowering
me on the cold hospital bench. It’s 2:am and
nobody has the guts to update me about the
woman who was thrown on the car I was in. I
yawn stretching my stiff muscles. Exhaustion
and jet lag are finally kicking in on me. I should
have booked a hotel close to the airport but I
want one close to my brother’s house so I can
know what I’m up against. I would have been
sleeping in my hotel room sleeping if the bloody
driver didn’t drive like a grandmother who can’t
see. But on the bright side maybe my path and
the woman were meant to cross path. I don’t
normally believe on the fate shit Lydia always
talks out about but on this case I do. I rise to my
feet when my eyes set on the doctor making his
way to me. I don’t like the look his giving me.

Doctor: How do you know the patient again?

Me: She's my sister. How is she?

I muttered lying through my teeth. He squints

his eyes at me.

Doctor: I hope you’re not lying because the

bump on her head shows domestic violence.

I chuckle shaking my head. I hope his not

insinuating that I’m the one who abused her.

Doctor: Animals like you are the one ruining our

image as men. Why don’t pick up someone on
your own size or better yet go punch a punching

I crack so hard. Damn I don’t know when was

the last time I had a good old like laugh like this.
His eyebrows knit together as I laugh. I may be
many things but I’m not an abuser. I respect
women because of the woman who mothered

Me: Have you considered changing careers

because you’re dumb for being a doctor.
Comedy central has nothing on you.

His nostrils flare while he clenches his jaws.

Doctor: Don’t insult my intelligence you-

I interject stepping on his shoes and grip the
collar of his coat. Fear clouds his eyes, man
how I love what I’m seeing.

Me: (firmly) You don’t know me and I don’t

know you, so let’s not step on each others toes.
How the fuck is she?

He swallows hard.

Doctor: (stuttering) H-h-her a-arm is broken and

we had to patch it with a sling. The bump in her
head might cause migraines from time to time.
I’m sorry to say this but she lost the baby.

I suck in a sharp breath and loosen my grip on

him. The air in my lungs gets knocked out. I
have a soft spot for children and I don’t want to
think about what her reaction would be like
when she wakes up. I know I would fall apart.

Doctor: We are discharging her as soon she

wakes up.

My eyes bulge out.

Me: Didn’t you say she just lost a baby? You

can’t discharge her.

Doctor: I'm sorry sir but we need the bed for

another patient.

Me: Are you fucken kidding me.

Doctor: This is a public hospital sir and we need

all the bed. Take your sister to a private hospital
so she can have a proper diagnosis

He muttered emphasizing on the word sister.

Doctor: She needs a MRI and CT scan for her

head injury.

He spins on his heels and disappear on the

corridors. No wonder people die on the
government hospitals, the workers don’t care
about patients. What the fuck am I suppose to
do with her now?


The drum pounding in my head makes me

groan as I drag my body to the pillows behind
me. The excruciating pain on my body and arms
makes me shut my eyes. The white walls and
beeping machines indicate that I’m in the

Voice: Easy.

Flipping my eyes open I shift them, following

the sound of the voice. I found the doctor next
to the bed writing on what I assume is my folder.

Me: How did I get here?

Doctor: What’s the last thing you remember?

I furrow my eyebrows slipping into my thoughts.

Me: The last thing I remember is that I was
hijacked, kidnapped and robbed at the same

Doctor: You don’t have to lie. This is a safe

place to report if you’re being abused.

My eyebrows involuntary furrow.

Doctor: Your brother brought you here claiming

he found you on his driveway.

The frown on my face deepens. I know for one

that my brothers are not on the same province
I’m in. So the question is who brought me here.
Doctor: You can tell me if your husband is
abusing you.

He muttered dropping his eyes to the rock on

my finger.

I groan shaking my head.

Me: One of my hijackers hit me with a gun on

the back of my head but I was able to hear
them before I closed my eyes. I heard them
saying they will throw me out of the car hoping
for someone to find me. Nobody is abusing me.

Doctor: Are you sure? This is a safe place for

you to talk.
Me: I'm not being abused d-

My eyes popped out of their sockets as I

remember the human being growing inside me.
I drop my eyes to my stomach.

Me: How is-

I suck in my breath, bracing myself for the


Doctor: I'm sorry but it was too late when you


A knot settles on my stomach. I could feel a

lump in my throat forming.
Doctor: I'm sorry to tell you this but we need the
bed so you’re being discharged.

I close my eyes feeling the world shutting me in

and I'm drowning fighting to fill my lungs with
much needed oxygen. Everything is happening
within a blink of an eye and I don’t know which
one to grisp first; the fact that my husband
kicked me out of my house for another woman.
Being hijacked and robbed. For having a
miscarriage or the fact that I’m being kicked out
of the hospital. How does one survive such?


A slap on my cheek jolts me from the bed. I flip

my eyes open and the see the devils agents
standing next to the bed.
Me: (groaning) Go back to sleep Mihle.

Nkumbulo: (shaky voice) We are hungry


I resist the urge to snap at them. Don’t they

know my beauty sleep is more important than
them? I wouldn’t be this beautiful without it.

Me: Go ask aunt Maria to make you food.

Mihle: We can’t find her.

The influencer decides to chirp in. I give him a

death stare. What do they want me to do if the
helper is not here? I can’t leave the bed to
attend to them because by the time I came
back to bed I would be fully awake.

Me: Go ask Rene then and please take your

sister with you.

I muttered handing Mihle the baby sleeping next

to me. Yaya whimpers as Mihle squeezes her
on her chest trying to hold her tightly so she
won’t slip up.

Me: Nkumbulo take the diapers and her bottle.

Tell aunt Rene I said she hasn’t taken her bathe
yet and she hasn’t eaten too. May she also be a
darling and bath you two.

They nod and walk out of the room. I fix the

pillow and pull the blankets over my bed.
Closing my eyes I let my body loose and clear
my thoughts before drifting into a deep slumber.
Sleeping in something I usually do when I’m
visiting them because I know Rene and Sis
Maria look after the kids while I sleep.

My mother helps from time to time but I feel

like it’s not enough. Maybe I should ask my
brother to hire a nanny for me, I can’t look after
all of them. Mihle is six while Nkumbulo is four
years old. They both still need my attention but I
can’t because I have my hands full with
Ayabongwa who is seven months and my newly
growing bean in my tummy. It’s nightmare I'm
telling you and honestly speaking I’m nt coping.

Nkumbulo: Mommy.

His hands are pulling the blankets off me while

his voice is shaky.

Me: What now Nkumbulo?

I snapped annoyed. Tears stream down his face.

Nkumbulo: We are hungry.

Me: (yelling) Didn’t I say ask aunt Rene to make

you food?

Nkumbulo: (crying) She's not here. The rude

aunt is in her room and she slapped me for
waking her up.

My eyes popped out of their sockets.

Me: She did what?

I jump off the bed and slip on my sleepers and

storm to my brothers room. I'm fuming. Nobody
has a right to lay their dirty hands on my
children whether they were the one wrong or
not. Throwing the door opening I pull the
blankets off her and slap her so hard.

Amanda: (screaming) What the fuck Yols.

I turn on my heels and padded downstairs. I

bump on my brother on the stairs.

Me: Please tell me you’re going to fetch Rene.

Nka: I'm actually on my way to her house. She
owes me explanation for the shit she did last

He hisses bypassing me ascending the stairs.

Me: Beg her until she cames back. I have a date

tonight and I need her to babysit for me. I don’t
trust Mandy with my kids.

Nka: And why the hell is she screaming anyway?

I ignore him and make my way to the kitchen. A

gasp escaped my lips as I found Mihle on top of
the counter with a cereal box in his hands. His
sister is on the floor wrapped in her blankets. I
run to his aid.
Me: What are you doing Mihle?

Mihle: (smiling) Making food mommy. Aunt

Rene taught me how to make cereals for my
brother and I when she's not there.

Tears blur my vision. As much as Rene and I

don’t get along from time to time I know I can’t
count on her when it comes to my children.
She’s like their second mother and wouldn’t
harm them because they disturbed her sleeping

Toxic Attraction


I step on the brakes as the car that drove pass

me hoots. The driver reverses and rolls down
the window. My sister in law emerges from the
window smiling at me. I was driving to Rene's
house to confront her.

Keitu: Long time no see.

Me: Indeed how are you?

Keitu: I'm good and yourself?

Me: Great.

Keitu: Congratulations by the way. I'm sure

Rene is thrilled. I was driving to your house right
now. Where is she?

My eyebrow furrow.

Me: What do you mean where is she? I thought

she was here.

The smile drops on her face.

Keitu: Don’t tell me you don’t know where she is.

Me: She left last night coming to visit you guys.

My heart pounds in my chest as I lie through my
teeth. She kills the engine and steps out of the

Keitu: She called me last night but I couldn’t talk

because I was swamped at work. I would have
seen her at home or my parents would
mentioned she's home.

She paces up and down the street furiously

punching in on her phone, assuming she is
calling her. I step up of the car and lean on it.

Keitu: Voicemail.

She throws her hands in the air dramatically

and shift her gaze at me. She's fuming.
Keitu: (yelling) Where is my sister Nkanyiso?

Me: I don’t know.

She halts on her steps.

Keitu: What do you mean you don’t know? Isn’t

she your wife?

Me: She is but I don’t know where she is.

Reality kicks in on me that she didn’t arrive last

night. Different scenarios are playing on my
mind but I’m shutting them down with the fact
that she went on a holiday since she withdrew
some cash.
Keitu: You better pray not a single strand of her
hair is lost or else you will know.

She clicks her tongue and steps in her car

before driving off. If Rene is not home where is


Being moved from one hospital to another

wouldn’t be my choice but I had no say in the
matter. The stranger who brought me has been
kind enough to help me through out my journey
from and too the hospital I was in to this one.
He heavily sighed as the doctor walks out of the
Him: Isn’t there anyone we call to inform the
about you, friend, sister or oven your husband?

He muttered the last part looking at my left

hand. Slipping into my thoughts I know I
wouldn’t want to worry my parents about
anything. They are old and too fragile at this
point. My friend is my sister who also is not
another option because of her demand job. I
mentally laugh when thinking about the word
husband. It took 14 weeks for our child to be
killed by him unaware. I somehow blame him, if
it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here in the first
place so no his also not another option.

I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head.

His thick eyebrows knit together. I can see
wheels turning on his mind without him even
Him: Okay since you don’t anyone else to know
about you, may I please know your name.

Me: Rene.

Him: Is it short for anything?

I nod

Me: Reneilwe.

Him: Okay Rene I already paid the hospital bills

and I was hoping I could get my money back
from one of your people but it seems like I
wouldn’t be getting it anytime soon.
I drop my eyes to the sling in arms
embarrassed. I blink rapidly, stopping the tears
from falling out.

Me: I'm sorry.I promise you I'll pay you back

each cent you spent on me.

Him: It’s okay I was just only teasing you. Look

I’ll have to run back to the hotel and get some
much needed sleep and probably a shower. Do I
have to bring anything for you when I came

I shake my head avoiding eye contact. If it

wasn’t for him I would have Ben probably lying
on that road without anyone willing to help me. I
watch him striding to the door.
Me: Wait..

He slips his hands in his pocket and turn to face


Me: I didn’t catch your name.

His deep voice chuckles sending my body to be

covered in goosebumps. A frown forms on my
face. Okay what was that about?

Him: That’s because I didn’t throw it.

He muttered turning on his heels and continued

his way to the door. I sigh disappointedly and
close my eyes. I was hoping to know the name
of the person who help me so that some day I
could show gratitude for helping me. His voice
snaps me out of my daze.

Him: Meli.

My eyes fly open.

Me: What?

Him: Melisizwe that’s my name.

For the first time this morning my lips curve into

a smile as he walks out and shut the door
behind him. His name sorts his character. Don’t
ask me how I know.

Mel: Ready to head home?

I nod leaping up to my feet. He takes my bag he

bought for me and makes his way out of the
room. I follow closely behind him. I'm being
discharged from the hospital and I haven’t had
the courage to tell him to call my family. It's
been a week cooped up in that place and it was
starting to drive me insane. The CT scan
an showed that I didn't fracture my skull and

I don’t want to bother my parents and my sister

with my problems. I'm a big girl and I have to
suck it up and put on my big girl pants and live
with everything life throws at me. He opens the
backseat of the car and waits for me to step in
before he jumps in a closes the door behind
him. The driver brings the engine to life and
speeds of the home I was in for a week. I lean
my head on the window and close my eyes. I
haven’t had the time to grieve for my baby and
honestly speaking whenever that thought
crosses my mind I could feel tears forming in
my eyes.

Mel: We are here.

His voice brings me back from my thoughts. I

remove my head from the window and look at
my surroundings. My eyebrows arch up.

Me: I thought you said you were bringing me


He smiles opening the door and step out with

my bag. He pays the driver.

Mel: This is my home.

I’m bewildered. He closes his side and jogs to

mine and opens the door for me. Such a
gentleman something my husband lacks.

Mel: Come.

I place my palm on his stretched out hand and

step out of the car.

Mel: Thank you.

The driver nods and drives off. I drop my eyes

to the floor as he leads me to his room. I don’t
want people seeing me and run back to report
to my husband.

Mel: Make yourself at home.

He places the bag on top of the bed and

disappear to the bathroom. I sit next to my bed
and stare at the wall. Every time when I’m alone
everything just cames back full force and I can’t
handle it.

Mel: Should I order anything for you?

I quickly wipe the tear that escape my eye and

shake my head.

Mel: You sure?

I nod my head not trusting my own voice. He
nods back and takes his laptop on top of the
pedestal and move to sit on the couch.

Me: (breaking voice) Can I lie down for a minute.

Mel: Knock yourself out.

I kick off my shoes and crawl to the pillows. The

first tear rolls down followed by many more. I
bite my lip suppressing a sob to escape my
mouth but it seems like I’m failing dismally.
Arms wrapped around me makes me cry harder.
He shouldn’t have done that.

Mel: I got you.

Me: I had only weeks 14 weeks with my baby.
14 weeks only and e bohloko haholo. Go
bohloko { It hurts so badly. It hurts.}

He raises my head from the pillow and places it

on his chest. I cling on his shirt crying my lungs
out. He strokes my back and let’s me cry my
eyes out. I can't believe I'm crying on some
strangers arms but what the hell? I use his shirt
to wipe the mucus running on my face and
tears. He chuckles pushing me off his head.

Mel: Did you just wipe your nose with my shirt?

He amusedly muttered arching his eyebrows. I

embarrassingly shift my gaze to the wall
Me: Sorry.

It came almost a whisper. He smiles dropping

his eyes to his shirt and shakes his head. The
was just something about that hug that made
me feel safe in his arms. An urge for me to be
carefree spirited around him and just let loose.
Maybe I’m losing my mind but it’s like I’ve
known him forever.


A week has finally passed and there’s no sign of

Rene. I'm losing my mind right now and I’m
scared of the outcome it my bring. I haven’t had
the courage to tell her parents what’s going on
and I don’t think I would ever tell them until
Rene is found. I haven’t slept a wink since that
day to today. Every time I shut my eyes the last
remory I have of her is when I was dragging her
out of the house to the car and it’s not a nice
memory. I wish I could turn back the hands of
time and maybe I wouldn’t here today. I’ve been
avoiding my family because I’m scared they
might see behind this mask I’m pulling that I’m
falling apart. The door of my office creaks open
and my assistant walks in.

Assistant: Sir the police are here.

I nod for her to let them in.

Assistant: You can come in.

Two officers walking in. I leap up to my feet and

meet them halfway.

Me: Officers.

Officer: I'm sergeant Mchunu and this my

partner officer Chueke.

I usher them to the couch next to the window

while my assistant steps out of the room. I
stand next to the window with my hands in my
pockets facing away from them, just looking at
the beautiful view of the city.

Mchunu: What seems to be the matter sir?

I heavily sigh.
Me: My wife is missing.

Mchunu: Okay how long has she been missing?

Me: A week.

Mchunu: Why are you suddenly reporting her

missing now?

Me: I didn’t think it will take this long. I thought

she was angry at me and acting up.

Mchunu: You will have to elaborate further more.

Another sigh slip out of my mouth. My muscles

are stiff while my eyes have bag eyes under
them, indicating I haven’t a proper night sleep
for days.

Me: We had a fight the night she disappeared.

Mchunu: What was the fight about?

I chuckle dryly.

Me: Old couple fight. A relative of yours just

arrived at our house that night to celebrate my
achievement. She doesn’t know half of my
family because they were not there at our
wedding. My big brother is overseas for
instance and she wouldn’t know him even she
was in her presence. It was a mere fight I didn’t
think it would cause such harm.
I exhaled loudly and continued.

Me: I asked her to sleep at her parents house

which is 26 minutes away from our house to
her parents house in Soweto. We live in
Braamfontein and distance is not that far.

Mchunu: What happened next?

Me: The relative and her had a fall out and they
nearly got physical but I stepped in time to
separate them. After that I dragged her to the
garage and told her to live because we both
needed to cool down before we could exchange
words that we might regret later on. Later on
that night she withdrew a huge amount on one
of her cards.
I turn to face them as scrunch up my noise in
disgust as the statement I made runs through
my mind. I literally dragged her and shove her in
the car. I remember her whimpering when her
back hit the dashboard. I remember her rubbing
her back to ease the pain.

Mchunu: So how do you know she’s missing?

She could be anywhere.

Me: At first I thought she was just acting up but

when I drove to her house the following
morning to confront her, her sister told me she
didn’t arrive last night. She said Rene called her
the previous night but she couldn’t talk because
she was at work so she told her she will get
back to her later. She called her the next day but
her phone sent her straight to voicemail. I also
tried calling her after receiving the notification
but it went straight to voicemail. The tracker
company say that the tracker in the car she was
using has been removed. Please officer find my
wife. I have a very bad feeling about this. Rene
isn’t someone who disappears without
informing anyone. Our fights get intensive at
times but she never dissapears.

He closes his notepad and they rise up to their


Mchunu: We will do our best to find her. I'm

going to be straight with you. We might be
looking for a woman whose on a vacation since
she took the money or we might be chasing a

Me: (frowning) Meaning?

Chueke: We might be looking for a dead body.

He decides to open his mouth, chirping in since

they walking in my office. My intestines freezes
while my heart pounds in my ribcage. I could
feel my breaths labouring.

Mchunu: I'll leave my number with your

assistant in case you remember anything that
might help us to find her. We will keep in touch.

He muttered padding to the door. My brain

sends a message to my legs causing me to
move to the cabinet. My hands are trembling as
I take the scotch bottle. I stumbled to my desk
and sit on my chair. My legs feel like jelly and
they could collapse on me anytime. I open the
cap and hold the bottle with both hands before
gulping the contents in one go, straight from
the bottle. The burning sensation on the back of
my throat makes me cringe. I try her phone
again and it does what it did last week which is
to take me to voicemail. I quickly pick up my
ringing phone think it's her but get disappointed
when I see her sister's name flashing on the
screen. I let it ring until it goes off. The woman
has been a sharp thorn in my butt.

My eyes soften when they fell on the picture on

top of my desk. It’s her on our wedding day. I
run my thumb over it, caressing it slowly.

Me: Where are you Sthando?

Toxic Attraction


Me: I don’t care what about the amount I have

to pay, just find my wife.

I click my tongue and disconnect the call. The

commotion happening outside makes me frown.

Voice: Sutha tseleng ea ka pele ke robeha

maoto ao a hau a masesane. {Move out of my
way before I break those skinny legs of yours. }

Assistant: Ma’am you can’t go in there.

Voice: Watch me then.

Me: Can this day get any better?

I sarcastically muttered. The door of my office

flies open and incomes the liomes who is my
sister in law, seething. I heavily sigh bracing

Assistant: Sorry sir I tried to stop her but sh-

I raise my hand silencing her.

Me: It’s okay. Please close the door on your way


Keitu clicks her tongue after my assistant

closes the door. She shifts her gaze at me.
Me: Keitu how are you.

Keitu: Don’t patronise me Nkanyiso where is my


She hisses narrow her eyes at me. My eyes

move to her shoulder as she violently keeps
hanging her bag on her shoulder.

Me: I haven’t had any lead yet. I've already

contacted the police. As you walked in I was
talking to a private investigator. Your sister will
be home safe with us don’t worry.

Keitu: (yelling) Don’t give me that shit Nkanyiso.

My parents trusted you with her. What kind of
husband goes on a week without knowing
where his wife is?

I run my palms in my face calming myself. I

hate people who undermine me especially a

Keitu: I had so much respect for you but you

lost it. You’re just like all the man out there.
How do we know you didn’t kill my sister and
buried her somewhere no one can find her.

I gasped shocked.

Me: What nonsense is this? Are you insinuating

I killed my wife?

I roared her at. She folds her arms across her


Keitu: If the shoe fits, why not?

She spat disgusted.

Keitu: I took you a bloody week to report her to

the police. You want us to sympathize with you.
Oh poor Nkanyiso I wonder how is he holding
up. I'm not going to be fooled by this act you’re
putting on, maybe someone else with
sympathize with you but not me. I can see right
through this facade you put on that you know
where my sister is.

Me: I may be many things but I’m not a killer. I

love Rene goddammit.
I muttered slamming the desk. She snorts
unfazed by the fury seeping out of my mouth.

Keitu: Then where is she? You better pray to

your god or ancestors that she’s still alive or

I interjects raising up to my feet.

Me: Or else what?

She moves closer to the desk and stand on the

other side, holding me in a staring constant.

Keitu: Ha ke so be le mohopolo o le mong oa ho

ipolaea bophelong bohle ba ka empa u tla ba oa
pele. Ke tla o bolaya Nkanyiso. { I haven’t had a
single thought of taking a life in my whole life
but you will be the first. I'll kill you Nkanyiso.}

Her eyes get darker with each word. I shudder

swallowing hard.

Me: Is that a threat?

An evil smile emerges on her red lips.

Keitu: No brother in law. It’s a promise.

She mockingly muttered before turning on her

heels to the door. She opens it and slams it
behind her. The glass door shutters into pieces
right in from of my eyes.
Me: Fuck.

I bang the desk frustrated. One thing I have

notice with Sthando and her sister’s is that they
act now and ask questions later.


Harsh whisper wakes me up from my slumber. I

follow the sound of the voice and found Meli
speaking in a language I’ve never heard before
over the phone. I sit on the bed trying to
eavesdrop on the conversion but I can’t seem to
catch a word he says. I jump off the bed and
open the sliding door leading to the balcony. I
hold the rail and swing both legs to the other
side. It’s a mission and half to finally be on the
other side. Tears stream down my face as I
finally act on my thoughts. The pain increases
with each second I breath. Shutting my eyes I
wait for the excruciating pain to seep in my
body before I take my last breath but it doesn’t
come. I flip my eyes open and frown when I find
myself still rooted on the balcony. I sigh
disappointedly that I wasn’t brave enough. I
slowly turn so I won’t slip up but there is
something holding my hand. God has given me
another chance and I would say this is the time
I read one of the scriptures that will sooth my
soul but I don’t have my bible with me.

Mel: Usuyasanga yini? Ulindeni gxuma. {Are you

out of your mind? What are you waiting for jump

My eyes widen when I find him holding my hand.

I shake my head with tears rolling down my
Me: You don’t understand.

Mel: I understand perfectly. You’re one self

person who only think about yourself. Have you
thought what your parents and siblings will go
through when they find out you committed
suicide? Not to mention you husband.

Tears just stream down my face.

Mel: Yeka ukuzicabangela wena uzifake

ezicathulweni zabo. Awuyena umuntu
wesifazane wokuqala ukulahlekelwa ingane
futhi nakanjani awuyena owokugcina. Yeka
ukuzicabangela wena kuphela. { Stop being
selfish and put yourself in their shoes. You're
not the first woman to lose a baby and
definitely not the last. Stop thinking only about

I don’t expect him to understand.

Mel: Angisho wena ufuna ukuzenza uSpider

woman. Gxuma ke usalindeni? { You want to be
spider woman. Jump what are you waiting for?}

I just break down crying.

Mel: Jump Reneilwe.

He roared. I shake my head. He clicks his

tongue and wrap his arms around my waist and
scoop me. He walks back in the room and
throw me on top of the bed. I whimper.
Mel: I hate fucken cowards. If you want to take
your life just do if somewhere else not in my
hotel room.

He goes on scolding me like a child.

Mel: If you don’t have anything sane in that

brain of yours just sleep Reneilwe.

He yells storming to the door. I screaming

sinking on the bed. It hurts and I just want
something to ease up the pain.

I must have fallen asleep still crying. I open my
eyes and find him stand over me.

Mel: I brought you food.

My lips quiver as I shake my head. I was hoping

to die from cardiac arrest.

Mel: You didn’t eat this morning and you need

to take your medication.

Me: (crying) I'm not hungry.

His nostrils flared while he clenches his jaws. I

can see the veins popping on his forehead.
Someone is mad.
Mel: Sit up and eat.

He firmly muttered. What part of I’m not hungry

doesn’t he get?

Mel: Now Rene.

He roared. I jumped startled and quickly sit up,

not wanting to be scolded by my newly found
father again. He pushes the cart of food
towards me and peels the lid off. He picks up
the cutlery and the plate.

Mel: Open up.

My puffy eyes bulge out. Don’t tell his going to

feed me.
Me: I can fe-

I quickly shut up as he swap his gaze over me.

My lips quiver as I open my mouth. He shoves
the first spoon and scoops another one. I have
no choice but to swallow and allow him to feed


Yolanda drove her parents to the airport along

with her brats. The house is deadly quiet and
I’m thrilled they finally left. I haven’t had time to
connect with Nka since I came back and this
gives us the time especially the other woman is
still missing. The man hasn’t touched since I
came here because his been worried about her
and it’s starting to piss me off. I'm not a vase or
an ornament to decorate his house. Doesn’t he
know I’ve got needs that need to be fulfilled?

I shove the dress back in the closet and run my

fingers on the folded ones on the shelf at the
back of the closet. I have to admit though she
has good taste when it comes to fashion. Her
clothes are not disappointing like I assumed. I
drag them to the floor looking for one I could
choose from. Something catches my eyes as
they fall. I bend down to pick up the stick and
my blood freezes. I cover my mouth with my

Me: Oh my god she’s pregnant.

I rise up to my full height and start to pace up

and down. My heart is beating abnormal on my

Me: I should tell Nka.

I murmur looking for my phone. I halt on my

steps shaking my head. If I tell him that she’s
pregnant he will shift all his attention on her and
forget about me. She’s taken too much from me
and I can’t just sit back and let that happen. My
lips curve into a smirk as an idea crosses my
mind. I'll just pretend to be pregnant using her
results so he doesn’t forget about me. I pick up
my pace to my phone. I need to order a fake
pregnancy belly.

Toxic Attraction



I've cooked dinner for the two of us. It’s nothing

hectic, just pasta and spicy garlic lime shrimps.
I look at my wristwatch and heavily sigh. It’s a
minute after 8pm and he hasn’t arrived yet. I
pour another glass of wine and wait. The food
is getting cold and I don’t intend to eat without
him. I want to have a proper dinner with him
before I break the news. I shake the empty
bottle of wine and leap up to my feet to take
another bottle. I can’t believe I finished a whole
bottle without him. The sound of keys turning
on the kitchen door makes me wait in
Yolanda: Hey babe.

She cheerfully muttered closing the door behind

her. She's delusional if she thinks I'm over what
happened this morning. I ignore her.

Khaya: Amanda

I nod. What are these people doing here?

Shouldn’t they be in Mgundundluvu right now?

Me: What are you guys doing here? I thought

you were going back home.

Yolanda: Well you thought wrong. Mzala and I

decided to stay behind until Rene is found. We
can’t leave him alone.

Me: I'm here you guys don’t to worry about him.

Maybe you should leave tomorrow.

I bargain annoyed. What’s so special about

Rene that they would want to stay behind just
because she’s missing?

Khaya: Until the police assure us that she’s

okay we are not going anywhere. You might as
well get used to us. Make yourself useful by
making us food instead of asking million
questions like a police officer.

My nostrils flared while my blood boils. I never

liked him because his plain rude. Khayelethu is
the kind of person whether what he says hurts
you or not. He doesn’t buy faces and he annoys
the hell out of me. Whenever I’m around I try by
all means to avoid him.

Yolanda: I'm so fimished did you order


Me: I cooked dinner for Nk-

Yolanda: You’re a star.

She murmured walking out of the kitchen. I take

out the bottle on the fridge and place the empty
bottle on the sink. My stomach churns when I
find Yolanda plating for them.

Khaya: I'm not about to eat something I don’t

know. Amanda make me something to eat.

He protests pushing the plate away from him.

Yolanda: Suit yourself mzala because you’re

missing out.

She shrugs her shoulders shoving a spoon in

her mouth and turn to my direction with a
lopside smile.

Yolanda: This is good, you should cook more


She shoves another spoon. My nose scrunch up

in disgust. I gag shaking my head. I just lost my
appetite. There’s is no way in hell I’m going to
eat that after seeing her eating like a pig.

Me: God created a full functioning human being

with everything in pairs. I'm not your maid

I hiss clicking my tongue. This is one of the

reasons I don’t like him. Ascending the stars, I
make my way to my room to shower and sleep.
I might as well call it an early night. They just
had to ruin everything for me. I don’t know why
didn’t they leave with the others. Their presence
in this house is no longer needed and beside
they overstayed their welcome. Nkanyiso
should send them packing because if he
doesn’t I’m going to be the one living and he will
never see me again.

Sleep couldn’t find me last night. My body was
on high alert even though I was tired. The game
of tossing and turning was the only thing I did
on the bed. I could say my mind didn’t want to
shut down my loud thoughts. I walk out of the
room feeling like the whole world is on my
shoulders. Khayelethu and Yolanda are sitting
in front of the TV with bowls of which I assume
is cereals in their hands.

Me: Morning.

I murmur bypassing them.

Yolanda: Actually babe it’s afternoon. It’s 10

minutes past one.
She throws the popcorns in the air and attempt
to catch them with her mouth.

Khaya: You’re a disgrace to woman Amanda.

Your parents would be ashamed of you.

He spat disgusted. I snort rolling my eyes.

Me: My day doesn’t start after 12pm on

weekends or when I’m in a holiday so I don’t
know what your problem is.

I fire back and storm to the kitchen to make

myself food.

Khaya: No wonder my cousin chose the Sotho

girl over you. You’re lazy shame.
He yells after me. I ignore him and fill the kettle
with water before I plug it. Placing all the
ingredients I need for my tea I rinse the cup and
wait for the water to boil. The door opens and
incomes Nka still in yesterday’s clothes. A lump
forms in my throat when reality kicks in that he
didn’t sleep here last night.

Me: Where were you last night? You could have

called instead of making me a fool. I cook
dinner and waited for you.

I snap agitated.

Nkanyiso: I don’t have time for this.

He attempts to walk out of the kitchen but I

block his way.

Me: You’re not about to walk out of here without

answering me. Where were you?

I tap my feet on the floor and fold my arms to

my chest. He has another thing coming if he
thinks he can walk out of here without
answering me. He heavily sighs running his
hand on his face.

Nkanyiso: (shouting) For the love of god

Amanda for a second use that brain of yours. I
didn’t come home because I was avoiding this.
For once in your life stop making everything
about you. My wife is missing and you’re here
whining about shit that is unnecessary. Grow
the fuck up marn.
He clicks his tongue and pushes me aside. I
stagger and fall on my butt. Laughter erupts
behind me. I use the wall for support and rise
up to my feet. Khayelethu walks in the kitchen
and makes his way to microwave. He pulls out
another bowl of popcorns and gives me a look
before walking out of the kitchen laughing. I
hold the kitchen counter blinking back tears.
Nkanyiso has never acted in that manner with
me. The man has a soft spot for me, that
animal I just saw minutes ago is not my Nka.
The intercom breaks me out of my misery. I
compose myself and wipe the tears away
before marching to it.

Me: Hello.

Voice: It’s me Rene can you please open the


My eyes bulge out. She cannot came back now.

I could feel my palms sweating while my heart
beats violently in my chest.

Me: This is not happening. Think Mandy, think.

I whisper under my breath.

Rene: Hello?

Me: You got the wrong address sweetheart.

I taunted smiling. She better live before

someone else hears her because I'm not
opening this gate for her.
Rene: I’ve got the right address you moron.
Open this damn gate Amanda.

I move away from the receiver and start to pace

up and down. Dammit the girl is stubborn.
Couldn't she read between the lines that she's
no longer needed here?

Rene: (screaming) Hello? Amanda?

Nka: Sthando is that you baby?

My pacing ceases while my whole body freezes.

Shit I should have disconnected it. His in a three
piece navy suit. Damn he looks fine as hell. My
clit vibrates in my panties.
Rene: Yes.

He presses the remote and runs to the door.

His cologne filling the whole room. Yolanda and
Khayelethu also run out. I'm still standing on the
same spot they left me in when they walking in
with a version of what used to be Rene. What
the hell happened to her? It’s not like I care
anyway, whoever did that on her they should
have broke more than what they did.

Rene: I'm okay.

Nkanyiso: What happened to you? Who did this

to you?

Rene: It’s a long story.

Nkanyiso: Don’t you ever scare me like that

He muttered wrapping his arms around her and

shower her with kisses. I’m burning in a feeling I
never thought I would ever feel since I arrived in
this household, jealousy; I clear my throat. I'm
not about to be invincible because of her again.
The spotlight is mine and this is my time.

Me: Nka can we talk.

Nkanyiso: Whatever you have to say can wait.

Come baby.

He softly cooed placing his hand on her waist

and ascending the stairs. Not on my watch.
Me: It’s important.

Nkanyiso: Then say it.

He bellowed halting on his steps and turn to

face me. I smirk shifting my gaze on Rene
whose also waiting in anticipation. Nka arch his

Nka: Stop waiting my time Amanda. My wife

just got home and she needs to rest.

I shrugged my shoulders. Well he asked for it.

Me: I'm pregnant.

I blurt out. Nka sucks in a deep breath while
Rene removes his hand on her waist. Tears
stream down her cheeks.

Nka: She's lying baby.

He shifts his eyes to me.

Nka: (snapping) Amanda stop lying. She's lying


I chuckle shaking my head and push them out

of the way and make my way to my room. I
shuffle with the laundry basket and take out the
test that was in my pocket and padded back to
them. I didn't think I would use this baby so
soon but desperate times calls for desperate
Me: I knew you would say that so I came with

I wave the test in his face. The river of Jordan

flows in Rene's face. My job is done here.

Rene: (breaking voice) You bastard. How could


She screams running outside.

Nkanyiso: No,no, Sthando wait. I can explain.

He murmurs running after. I sigh in content and

sway my hips side to side, cat walking upstairs.
Me: 1 for Mandy and 0 for Rene. Shame better
luck next time.

I giggle closing the door behind me.

Toxic Attraction



Replaying the conversion I had with Meli

yesterday, I woke up determined to fix my life
back the way it was before the whole hijacking
fiasco. At first I couldn’t care less about his
lectures but reflecting on it now, he was right
about many things and one of them was that I
was quite selfish. Not only did I lose the baby
but my husband also did. The sad part for him
was that he didn’t know we were expecting.
Had given the chance to tell him I would without
any hesitation. He deserves to know that we
lost something that couldn’t be replaced. So I
took a decision of going back home to face my
demon’s. I know it won’t be easy but my parents
didn’t raise a coward. I can’t just run away every
time things don’t work out between Nkanyiso
and I. We made vows in front of our families,
friends and god that we will stick together
through thick and thin. For better or worse.
Through sickness and in health and this is the
time we need to stick together in order for us to
get over the miscarriage. He might have not
known we were expecting but I know he would
have laid down his life for the baby.

My palms sweat as the driver presses the
intercom. I could feel my heart leaping to my
throat. The last time I was here my husband
and I were not seeing eye to eye.

Me: Hello.

Me: It’s me Rene can you please open the gate.

A frown makes it’s way on my forehead when

the receiver doesn’t reply.

Me: Hello?

Mandy: You got the wrong address girl.

Me: I’ve got the right address you moron. Open

this damn gate Amanda.

I snapped agitated. Why am I surprised? I

should have known she will be still here.

Me: (screaming) Hello? Amanda?

The driver looks at me like I just my mind and

guess what I don’t give a damn. The woman
just rubs me the wrong way.

Nka: Sthando is that you baby?

I sigh in relief.

Me: Yes.
The gate slides open after my response. The
driver steps on the gas and drives inside the
yard. Nka runs out of the house followed by his
sister and cousin. I know for a fact that
Khayelethu doesn’t give a damn about me so
why is he pretending to be concerned? The door
flies open before the driver could kill the engine.
My husband’s eyes soften when they locked
with mine. Emotions running through his eyes. I
pick up my bag and step out of the car after
thanking the driver. I’m sure they questions for
me but they are holding back and I appreciate
their two minute sympathy. I could feel their
eyes piercing on my back as I make my way
inside the house but no one seems to be brave
enough to ask.

Me: I'm okay.

Nka: What happened to you? Who did this to

Me: It’s a long story.

Nkanyiso: Don’t you ever scare me like that


He muttered wrapping his arms around my

waist, placing kisses all over my face. I
snuggle closer to his chest swallowing the lump
forming in my throat. Someone clearing her
throat breaks out moment. I blink rapidly to
stop the tears from rolling down my face.

Mandy: Nka can we talk.

The she devil muttered, daring acting innocent
like she just didn’t pretend to not know me. I
know by now I can’t say anything bad about this
woman. If I want peace remain in this house, I
bit back my tongue from lashing out. Her
change of demeanor could fool the lord himself.

Nkanyiso: Whatever you have to say can wait.

Come baby.

He softly cooed placing his hand on my waist,

ascending the stairs.

Mandy: It’s important.

Nkanyiso: Then say it.

He bellowed halting on his steps and turn to
face her. She smirks shifting her gaze on me
whose also waiting in anticipation. Nka arched
an immaculate brow to emphasise his words.

Nka: Stop waiting my time Amanda. My wife

just got home and she needs to rest.

She shrugs her shoulders. My stomach churns

knowing very well I won’t like what’s about to
come out of her fish lips. There’s something
just sinister behind those small eyes.

Mandy: I'm pregnant.

She blurts out. Nka sucks in a deep breath while

I remove his hand on my waist. Tears stream
down my cheeks.

Nka: She's lying baby.

He shifts his eyes to her.

Nka: (snapping) Amanda stop lying. She's lying


She chuckles shaking her head and push us out

of the way and stumbled upstairs.

Nka: (panicking) She’s lying baby. You have to

believe me.

Mandy: I knew you would say that so I came

with this.
She wave the test in his face. The river of
Jordan flows in my face. The little thread I was
holding on just breaks down right in front of my

Me: (breaking voice) You bastard. How could


I scream running outside.

Nka: No,no, Sthando wait. I can explain.

He murmurs running after me. I clutch my

chest feeling my heart pounding in my chest
while my knees fail me. I bend down on the
lawn screaming. My heart feels like it’s been
ripped out of my chest and stamped on it. I
shouldn’t have came back.

Nka: Baby.

Me: (crying) Why Nkanyiso? Wasn’t I enough for


Nka: (softly) You were Sthando, I’m sorry.

I furiously wipe the tears and turn my head to

face him.

Me: What? Huh? I trusted you with my heart

Nkanyiso. How could you do this to me, to us.

A tears involuntary slip out of my right eye

followed by many more. He crouches in front of
me and wrap his arms around my body. I glare
at him, yanking his hands off me.

Me: (screaming) Don’t you dare touch me with

those filthy hands of yours.

He gulps raising his hands in surrender.

Yolanda: Bhuti we are going out. It was nice

seeing you again Rene.

She murmured softly. I wish I could say the

same. Faking a smile, I watch them driving out
of the yard.

Me: While I was being hijacked you were deep in

her cunt in my bedroom.
Nka: No, baby that’s not how things happened. I
never brought her here and I never slept with
her in our bed.

A chuckle escape my mouth.

Me: Is that suppose to make me feel better?

He drops his eyes to the ground shaking his


Me: When did this happened?

Nka: Sthando it doesn’t matter baby.

I shake my head.

Me: You don’t get to tell me what matters and

what doesn’t at this point.

I breathed out through my nose in anger.

Me: I bet the business trips were not even real.

I bellowed. He shamelessly nods. I throw my

head back roaring in laughter. He rises his eyes

Nka: What’s so funny?

Me: Me. I'm what’s funny. I'm such a fool.

I laugh sniffing back the mucus but my laughter
turned into sobs.

Me: (crying) The fool doesn’t suspect a thing

baby let’s make a baby.

My rapsy voice attempts to mimick his voice.

Nka: Sthando I-

I interrupt him.

Me: Didn’t you ever for a split second think

about me during those times? Did I ever flash
through your mind? Didn’t you think about using
a condom in that moment or what your blood
was too hot for you to think about your brain
but you manhood?

I fire the questions at once screaming at him.

Nka: Sthando i-

I interjects.

Me: Don’t call me that.

Nka: Baby you-

Again I interrupt him.

Me: (shouting) I said don’t call me that.

Nka: Okay Rene what happened was a mistake.
A foolish mistake that I didn’t mean for it to get
here. I'm sorry.

I sniff wiping my face.

Me: How many times?

His eyes bulge out before he shakes his head.

Me: You said it’s a mistake right?

He nods.

Me: So how many times and where?

Nka: Rene it doesn’t matter.

Me: (snapping) It matters to me. It’s better to

comfort me with the truth than your lies don’t
you think?

Nka: I've lost count.

He whispers under his breath


Toxic Attraction


He sat in his hotel room listening to the phone

ringing on the other side of the line. He was
expecting to wake up to another pity part Rene
was throwing herself in but was surprised when
she woke up like the world didn’t fuck her up.
When she said she was going back he was
shocked. The same woman who nearly throw
herself on the balcony yesterday was gone
replaced by this determined woman to fix her
life and he was happy to know that she wasn’t
giving up on herself.

Voice: Mandy’s office, Eunice speaking how

may I help you?

Meli: This Meli speaking and I would like to set

up a meeting with your boss.

Eunice: Unfortunately sir she’s not in the

moment. She’s out of town for boss.

He bit back the snort trying to escape his lips.

Business huh? If only they knew what he knew.

Meli: It’s a pity I was willing to be one of the

investors in your company but since your boss
is not here then I’ll take my money else where.

Eunice: No, no sir can you hold on for a second.

I'll put you through to our acting CEO.
The shuffling in the background can only mean
one thing. The fish has taken the bait. A smirk
lurks on his lips.

Voice: Good day sir Meli this is Camila speaking.

Meli: Good day indeed Camila.

Camila: Sir Eunice just briefed me about your

proposal and I would like to set up a meeting.

Meli: (chuckling) Straight to the point I like you

already. How about tomorrow around 13pm?

Camila: Perfect.
Meli: I wanted this meeting with your boss but
she’s quite a busy woman.

Camila: I can rest assure you sir that you won’t

regret meeting up with me. My boss made me
an acting CEO because she trusted me to take
decisions that will benefit the company. I know
bringing you on board will be a turn over for our

Meli: (smirking) Smart woman. I look forward

seeing you Camila.

He disconnects the call and opens the bottle of

water and knocks it down. Now that the fish
took the bait it was time to strike where it will
hurt her the most, which is her pockets. Taking
everything she owns bit by bit until she’s left
with nothing. His stupid brother will follow
shortly after her, they both deserve his wrath
after what they put him through.


Covering her mouth with her hands to suppress

the sob to escape her mouth, Rene burst into
tears. How could Nkanyiso do this to her? Was
there something wrong with her that she
needed to change? If he went outside that only
meant something was indeed wrong with her.

Nka: I'm sorry.

Rene: Why Nkanyiso?

Nka: It just happened baby. I'm sorry.

Rene shakes her head attempting to wipe the

tears on her face but they keep falling.

Rene: If it was a mistake it would have

happened once but you kept going back
knowing exactly what you were doing.

She spat raising her voice. Nkanyiso heavily

sighed and bends down on the lawn before
sitting beside her. Things took a different turn
than what he imagined them. He rubs his palms
on his face frustrated. How did things escalate
so fast? This was the time where he should
skipped work so he can tend to his wife’s needs
since he could see the state she was in but his
secrets just popped out nowhere ruining
everything. Looking at him, Rene swallowed
trying so hard to keep it together. The man was
having a baby with another woman who is not
her while she just miscarried their baby, it’s a
bitter pill to swallow for her. The wound of
betrayal was too deep. He broke every vow he
made on their wedding day. To her those vows
coming straight from her heart knowing she
was going to abide by them but to him it
seemed like he didn’t mean anything he said.
He was lying through his teeth when he uttered
them with a smile that made Rene weak to her
knees. Three years down the line there were
dealing with a pregnant side chick that she
didn’t even know exist in the first place. The
man lied about his whereabouts and Rene was
asking herself what else was he lying about.

Nkanyiso: I'm sorry Sthando.

Rene: Why?

Nkanyiso: I'm sorry.

Rene shook her head.

Rene: Don’t give me that crap while I ask you


Nkanyiso: It’s complicated.

She quickly whipped her head to face him. Her

nostrils flared.

Rene: (screaming) Then uncomplicate it for me.

He shook his head dropping his eyes to the

Nkanyiso: You wouldn’t understand.

She clapped her hands in disbelief while

chuckling. Before she could scream at him
some more the door opened and Amanda steps
outside. Her heels clicked on the ground. Rene
but her lip harshly resisting the urge to jump on
her and claw her eyes out. Didn’t the woman
see the wedding band on him or she choose to
ignore it? She knows Amanda doesn’t owe her
any loyalty but Nkanyiso does but she was
expecting more from Amanda because she was
a woman because woman tend to understand
each other sometimes.

Mandy: Can you please borrow me your car I

have errands to run.

Her eyes were sharply looking at Nkanyiso

ignoring Rene’s eyes who were sizing her up.

Nka: Can’t you see we are in the middle of

something? Use an uber.

Mandy: Unfortunately for you in case you

haven’t noticed I’m pregnant and hormonal. My
baby and I don’t think it’s wise to use an uber.
He/she wants me to drive daddy’s car.

Rene chuckled clapping her hands. Her

stomach was not even showing but she was
rubbing it on her face that she was indeed
pregnant with her husband’s child. This was
Amanda, of course the woman brought nothing
but drama in her life. The drama she came with
will be twice when the baby was here, she could
feel it. She will be one of the baby mama’s that
will call at night just to say the baby giggled or
yawned just to make her miserable. Her
mission in this life was to make Rene’s life
miserable like hers, that’s the only logical
explaining she could come with on why the
woman slept with her husband.

Mandy: The keys please.

Nka: On the key rack in the kitchen.

She nodded shifting her gaze to Rene and flash

her an innocent smile before turning on her
heels and stumbled to the house. Her heels
clicking on the ground made a statement.
Nka: (sofly) Sthando?

Rene snapped out of her daze and shifted her

moist eyes to him.

Rene: Is this what I’ll be dealing with for the rest

of my life?

Nka: I'm sorry.

Rene: What are you really apologising for? The

fact that you got caught or the one you broke
your vows and my heart?

She sniffed wiping the tears with the back of

her hands.
Nka: Both. I'm really sorry baby, I swear it was a
mistake. It was suppose to be a once of thing
but I found myself going back to her.

Before she could reply someone snorted. They

both whipped their hands to the door and found
Amanda rolling her eyes. They both didn’t hear
the sound of her heels and the door opening.

Mandy: Just tell the woman the truth Nkanyiso

and stop lying.

Nka: (firmly) This is between my wife and I so

stay out of it.

Rene: What truth?

She muttered leaping up to her feet. She shifted
her eyes glancing both of them. Nka also raised
up to his feet.

Nka: Don’t listen to her Sthando. She’s trying to

ruffle your feathers more.

Mandy: I'm not. Don’t you get tired of the lies

Nkanyiso? It’s been like what? Years and still
you’re still lying to her?

Nka: Amanda.

He raised his voice in a reprimanding tone.

Amanda rolled her eyes and looked at Rene
whose world was falling apart. Clearly she knew
something which she didn’t.
Amanda: Your marriage sweetie was based on
lies from the get-going. I've been always been
there before he married you.

Rene wiped her tears and shifted her eyes to

her husband. Her heart was pounding so hard in
her chest she was sure it would come out.

Rene: What is she talking about?

Nka: Nothing important baby.

Amanda cracked up, laughing.

Mandy: My god Nkanyiso why are you like this?

Nka: (yelling) Stay out of my marriage Amanda.

She rolled her eyes smiling.

Mandy: When it suits you I must stay out of

your marriage but when it doesn’t I have to
listen to you whining about how lazy she is.

A gasp escape Rene’s mouth meanwhile her

lips quiver.

Mandy: (mimicking his voice) Rene is so lazy

sometimes I ask myself what I saw in her. She’s
so stupid to the point that she willingly signed
documents not knowing it was a prenup.

Nkanyiso: Shut up!

He roared at her. Mandy waved her hand
dismissively, not fazed by his outburst.

Rene: (breaking voice) No, he wouldn't do that

to me. She's lying right?

Nka: Sthando I-

Rene: (screaming) Is it true?

He drops his eyes nodding.

Nka: Yes

Air gets knocked out Rene’s lungs. Her breath

accumulated as she stagger. The world was
suddenly spinning on her. She bent down to
empty her stomach but only fluids came out.
She was sick of the lies she found herself in.

Nka: (alarmed) Sthando are you okay?

He muttered rushing to her. Rene found her foot

and yanked his hands off her.

Rene: (sniffing) Don’t touch me.

She marched inside the house while they are

hot on her heels. Fresh hot tears discarded her
face as she ascend the stairs.

Nka: Sthando?
She ignored him and threw the bedroom door
opened. She marched to the closet to look for
her clothes.

Nka: (panicking) Sthando what are you doing?

Don’t do this please.

Rene: (crying) I'm done being your fool. I'm

giving you the platform to be with her freely.

Nkanyiso eyes bulge out while his heart

thudded on his ribcage.

Nka: What are you talking about?

Rene: I want a divorce.

Mandy: I-

Nka: Shup up Amanda.

He roared shifting his eyes to to Rene.

Nkanyiso: (snapping) Don’t be stupid Rene it’s

not like you will walk out of this marriage with
something after all brought nothing except your
pretty face and pussy.

Both women gasped shocked. Looking at

Rene’s eyes Nka knew he fucked up and
regretted the words that left his mouth.

Thank you all for the messages.
Toxic Attraction



I tap my hand on my thigh waiting for Lydia to

pick up her phone. I don’t know why people
have cellphone’s if they could let them ring
more than two times. What’s the use of having
a phone if it’s not always with you? I disconnect
the call and try again calling her. It rings once
before she picks up.

Me: Ya era hora. { It’s about damn time.}

I hiss at her. She chuckles shoving a spoon of
ice cream in her mouth.

Lydia: Alguien esta de mal humor {Someone is


She teases arching her immaculate eyebrow to

emphasise her words.

Me: (yelling) ¿Por qué diablos tienes un

teléfono si no vas a contestar cuando te llamo?
{ Why the hell do you have a phone if you’re not
going to answer it when I’m calling?}

Lydia: Genial yo primero. {Greet me first.}

Me: No estoy de humor para tu maldito sentido

del tarareo- { I'm not in the mood for your shitty
sense of hum-}

The screen goes blank as she hangs up on me.

Fuck! Why did I choose to face time her in the
first place?

Me: (shocked) I must be fucken Santa Clause

because I know she didn’t just hang up on me.

I click my tongue and call her again. She

answers wearing a sweet smile.

Lydia: Hola señor Antonio. ¿Cómo estás? Yo

también estoy bien y gracias por preguntarme
también. ¿Cómo te trata Sudáfrica? {Hello sir
Anthony. How are you? I'm also fine and thank
you for asking me too. How is South Africa
treating you?}

She sarcastically muttered, her smile not

leaving her lips. I click my tongue.

Me: Drop the fucking act Lydia, I didn’t call to

chit chat with you. I'm not in the fucken mood.

Lydia: Tampoco estoy de humor para escuchar

tu voz gruñona, Anthony. Puede que sea tu
empleado, pero no puedes tratarme como una
mierda solo porque pagas mi salario. ¿Qué
carajo quieres? { I'm also not in the mood to
listen to your grumpy voice Anthony. I might be
your employee but you don’t get to treat me like
shit just because you pay my salary. What the
fuck do you want?}
Her accent thickened as she spat while her
nostrils flared. I swear I could practically see
steam blowing out of her ears. The change of
demeanour indicates she’s pissed. Good that
should get her head on the gutter.

Me: Amanda Makhanya. Dile al departamento

de TI que investigue cualquier mierda que
puedan encontrar sobre ella. Su pasado,
presente y futuro. Quiero saber todos sus
secretos pasados, los presentes y los futuros
por venir. Lo quiero hoy antes del final del
negocio. { Amanda Makhanya. Tell the IT
department to dig up any shit they can find on
her. Her past, present and future. I want to
know all her past secrets, the present ones and
the future ones yet to come. I want it today
before end of business. }
Lydia: Got it but if I may ask your highness what
did she do to you?

Me: None of your business. Before end of

business Lydia.

I mumble before hanging up. I toss the phone

on the couch and shift my eyes to the chess
pieces in front of me. A king always protects it’s
queen but in this case I’m blindsiding the knight,
king and the queen herself. Striking on the
queen will shift the kings and knights eyes to
protect her forgetting to protect themselves too,
making them vulnerable to vultures like me to
strike at them from any angle I can. It’s only a
matter of time before my brother falls into the
trap because his stupid and blinded by pussy. I
want watch them in their eyes as I take
everything they have. I'm just only counting
hours before my meeting with Camilla.


Amanda has a disgusted look plastered on her

face as she moves to the door.

Mandy: I didn’t know money and power was so

much important to you.

I snort rolling my eyes and watch her walking

out. I don’t know when did she suddenly
develop a heart to think about others. This is
the same woman who takes pleasure on hurting
on others so she must not make herself feel
better about me. We are in this shit together for
life. A sniff breaks me out of my thoughts.
Sthando: It’s a good thing that I didn’t contribute
anything, imagine fighting for my assets that I
worked damn hard for, for only them to split
into half.

Me: Baby that’s not what I meant.

I plead marching towards her. She raises her

head causing me to stop on my steps.

Sthando: You've turned to this greedy person I

barely recognise, not to mention the web of lies
you brought in our marriage. What else are you
lying about?

I gulp the thick saliva in my throat.

Me: Nothing, I swear Sthando that was the only
thing I lied to you about.

Sthando: You think I will believe anything that

comes out of your mouth right now? After
deceiving me for years?

She yelled raising her voice.

Me: It’s the truth baby, I swear. I'm sorry.

Her lips quiver. She cast her eyes to the floor

crying, I slowly move to her. She shakes her

Sthando: Please don’t.

Me: I'm so sorry Sthando.

Sthando: I just want to know why? Why would

you do something like this to someone you
claim you love?

I heavily sigh, slipping my hands in my pocket

and fish out my phone from my pocket. I’ve got
seven missed calls and three texts from my

***Assistant: Sir where are you?***

I move on to read the second text. I could feel

the urgency of each text. I can only imagine her
panicking as she send each text.
***Assistant: Sir please tell me you’re running
late because I can’t keep stalling Mr Grey for

Dammit I forgot my meeting with Grey


***Assistant: I tried sir to stall them but Mr Grey

wasn’t having none of it. It looks like we lost
them before we can even pitch to them. ***

I suck in a deep breath and close my eyes. My

mind has been running wild since I laid my eyes
on Sthando and I forgot about my meeting.

***Me: Please reschedule another meeting with

them. Give them anything that want as long we
have them on board.***
I fire the text and slip my phone in my pocket
and shift my gaze back to Sthando. She's
staring into space with tears gushing out of her
eyes. It hurts seeing her like this but I was only
doing what I thought was best for me. Her
signing a prenuptial agreement was an
insurance on my side that she wasn’t in to
secure the bag but my heart. Women this days
are only after our bank balance as men not love,
surely she should understand that I was only
trying to protect myself. The prenup wasn’t
internally to hurt her.

Me: I didn’t mean to hurt you, baby.

Sthando: (yelling) Yet you did.

Me: I was only trying to protect myself and
Amanda, okay.

I scream matching her voice.

Sthando: Amanda again, Nkanyiso. What does

she have to do with this?

She screams back. My eyebrows furrow.

Me: What does Amanda have to do with this?

Sthando: (screaming) You tell me because you

just mentioned that you were doing this for her

My eyes widen while my heart pounds in my

ribcage. Shit I was this close to slip out. What
the fuck is wrong with me? I chuckle nervously.

Me: (stuttering) I-I-I

Sweat runs down my spine as my tongue stuck

on the roof of my mouth. I open my mouth and
close it like a fish out of water.

Sthando: What? Cat suddenly caught your


Me: That’s the only thing you grasped on what I


Sthando: You’re not about to do the reverse

psychology on me. I may be a pretty face but
I'm not stupid.

Me: I never said you were.

I murmur earning a glare from her. Thank god

she stopped crying, the damn tears were
starting to irritate me.

Me: Why are you making a big deal out of

nothing? It’s not like you can change anything.

She chuckled in disbelief.

Sthando: More reason to file for divorce and

leave your ungrateful ass. Clearly you see
nothing wrong with what you did.
Me: (yelling) How many times must I keep
apologising to you? I said I’m sorry what more
do you want from me?

Sthando: I want the reason you did that to me.

She also raises her voice. I heavily sigh and

padded to the bed and sit on the edge.

Me: Like I said before it doesn’t matter. We

should just find a way moving forward from this.

She roars in laughter catching me off guard.

Sthando; I don’t know whether you’re deaf or

what but there's no moving forward from this. I
was serious when I said I want a divorce.
Laughter escapes my mouth before I stop
myself. It was my turn to laugh at her.

Me: For better or worse. In sickens and in health.

For richer or poor, until death do us apart. Let it
be no third party that may came between us.
And let no divorce shall it breaks us apart.

I narrow my eyes reminiscing the vows we

share. I could see the wheels in her head start
turning. Fresh tears discard her eyes.

Me: What are you trippin' for? You knew we

don’t do divorce in our family.

Sthando: (gasping) Oh my god, you knew what

were you saying that day. You knew there was a
third party that’s why you said those vows.

My lips curl into a lazy smirk as I leap up to my

feet. I padded to closet and take out her bible
from the shelf and walk back to stand in front
of her. Cupping her face, I murmur sofly.

Me: Divorce is allowed in our family baby so

you’re stuck with me for life. I'll live you to cool
off for a while. Talk to your god and ask him to
forgive me for break my vows. As we pleaded
our case in front of him and our families and
friends I’m also asking you to talk to him on my
behalf. He may listen to you because you’re a
Christian while I’m a sinner.

She shifts her face away from my hands but I

hold it firmly.
Me: I love you Sthando with everything in me.

She squirms on her heels as I place a kiss on

her forehead and peck her lips. Tears stream
down her eyes. I use the pad of my thumb to
wipe them before turning on my heels and walk
to the door.

Me: Kneel down Sthando and pray for me.

Sthando: Ke u hloile Nkanyiso. U ntja. { I hate

you Nkanyiso. You're a dog.}

She screams after me. Her vocal chords will

hurt like a bitch when she's done throwing
tantrums like a baby, because she's been
screaming like a lunatic since she got here. I
sigh walking out of the room to let her cool off.
No divorce shall break us up.

Toxic Attraction



I feel so stupid for giving on his command but

here and I with my knees on the floor, pouring
out my heart to God. Tears haven’t left my face
and at this point I just let them fall without
wiping them. I release a shrill scream feeling
stupid for letting him to deceive me. Was I too
blind to not see the red signs before we tied the
knot, surely they were there but I was too
blinding by love. Nkanyiso did me dirty and I
don’t think I would ever forgive him. He played
with my heart like it never been played before
and I feel stupid for letting him do so. It’s like I
lied a carpet in front of him and opened both
arms inviting him to do so. The fact that he
resided vows like tells me one thing, he doesn’t
respect him and I think he will ever will. He did
that knowing exactly the kind of person I am.
His been observing me on a certain level and
I’m also to blame became I allowed him to think
he can get away with everything. He took that
on one of the traits I have in my personality and
took it for granted. The bastard had a nerve to
use reverse psychology on me without being
Voice: Rene.

The voice shakes me awake from my slumber. I

groan flipping my eyes open.

Voice: Rene?

I follow the sound of the voice and found the

she devil looking at me with a look I can’t
comprehend. I shift my eyes to my
surroundings and frown when I see myself still
in what used to be my bedroom.

Me: (raspy voice) What am I doing here?

She shrugged her shoulders.

Mandy: I just got here so I don’t know. You man

is waiting for you downstairs.

I shut my eyes retracing my steps before I fell

asleep. I remember my argument with Nkanyiso
then he left me weeping after he forced me to
pray. I must have fallen asleep while I was still
praying. The verse in the bible is damp with my
tears. I pick my Bible and leap up to my feet
before padding to the door.

Mandy: Rene?

I halt on my steps.
Me: (snapping) What?

Mandy: I don’t agree with what he said you

know. He went to far this time around.

I snort rolling my eyes and walk out of the room,

slamming the door in the process. I storm to
god knows where just to get away from my
demons. The audacity to tell me she doesn’t
agree with what he said, doesn’t she think I care
about her opinion? She must be out of her mind
if she thinks I care about her opinion. She’s a
none factor in my life who my husband saw was
the perfect candidate to make as a second wife.
I chortle at the idea shaking my head. He might
as well merry her because I know we will never
be the same again. A frown makes it’s way on
my face when I hear this sound of my favourite
song playing softly. My feet move involuntary,
taking me where the sound emerges from. The
first thing my eyes set on are rose petals on the
floor. The aroma of food is mouth watering
causing my stomach to grumble.

I groan bumping to someone. Raising my eyes I

find none other than the traitor I call a husband.
A smile plastered on his face. I want to plug
those disgusting eyes he has that were once
showed me the love he has for me, not knowing
I was only seeing what I wanted to see. Have I
been living in my own world I couldn't pin point
his faults earlier?

“Ngixokile ngiyazi
Ndikumoshile ngiyazi
Ngikumoshile ngiyazi
Ngixokile ngiyazi
Ngekengize ngiphinde ho
Ngeke ngize ngiphinde
Ngu kuphosele oho
Bendingazi koze kube nje
Ngeke ngize ngiphinde
Ngu kuphosele
Ngekengize ngiphinde.”

Nka: Hey baby.

I duck in time as he attempts to peck my lips.

Scrunching my nose in disgust I turn on my
heels running away from him but the idiot
doesn’t get the message he follows me
regardlessly. The devil must be testing me.

Nka: I just got home Rene and I had a long day.

Can you at least for once put your tantrums on
hold just for today and have a peaceful quiet
dinner with my wife?

He heavily sighed behind him. I sharply turn on

my heels to face him, causing him to bump on
my chest. His crazier than I thought if he thinks
a surprise dinner will make everything okay
between us.

Me: Tantrums? I'm throwing tantrums? How old

do you think I am to cause tantrums?

I spat hissing.
Nka: If they are not tantrums what do you call

He hisses back. My boxing gloves are on baby I

think round two is about to begin and I'm more
than ready.

Me: It’s called lashing out.

I retort. He snorts.

Me: (yelling) And that was before I found out

you’re a wolf in a sheep skin.

Nka: I'm still the same man you fell in love with.
I glare at him and shake my head. It’s pointless
arguing with someone who wouldn’t want to
acknowledge their mistake.

Me: The man who I fell in love with will never do

me so dirty like you did. He would be remorseful
for lying to me for over and over again. He
wouldn’t have brought his mistress in my house
and expect me to smile and even show my
wisdom teeth. He would have been graveling to
me for forgiveness.

Nka: Has it occurred to you that I also expect

the same courtesy? I fucked up Rene I know
that but as my wife I expected you to forgive me
so we can move on from the issue. We can’t
constantly fight over the same shit over and
over again.
He heavily sighs.

Nka: It’s tiring and boring now. It’s draining

every oxygen I have. I can’t be over think about
coming home every night because of you. Do
you know I dreaded walking out of the office
today. You know on Fridays I come home early
but I couldn’t because there’s no peace in my
house anymore.

Me: Whose fault is it?

I clap back clicking my tongue. How dare he

accuses me of such? His the one who took the
peace out of this house the minute he decided
to plunge his dick on someone else because he
can’t keep it on his pants. The nerve of this guy.
Nka: At this point we are both to blame Rene.
I'm a man and we always have faults, it’s in our
nature baby and you as a wife you are expected
to cover up my faults and guide me through
them. We should be sitting down and talking
like two adults instead of screaming like a

Me: I'm not your mother Nkanyiso I won’t be

softly speaking to you when you’re wrong. You
never acknowledge any of your mistakes.

Nka: I'm doing so right now. I bought food on

our favorite restaurant. I made an effort on that;
doesn’t that count for something?

Me: You think a bunch of rose petals, food and

gifts are going to bribe me? Clearly you don’t
know me then.
Nka: (yelling) Dammit Rene I’m not bribing you.
And you still want to know why I went out there
to seek pleasure from someone else. You’re
exhausting Rene.

Me: I-

Mandy: Guys?

We both turn to her and scream in unison.

Nka and I: Shut up Amanda.

She raises her hands in surrender and

disappear on the corridors. I turn back to this
Me: You’re also exhausting Nkanyiso. The only
thing you know is to throw money at me. You
think money comforts me at night when you’re
on those stupid business trips of yours?

Nka: They-

I interrupt him.

Me: No let me rephrase this. Do you think

money comforts me at night when you’re deep
inside Amanda’s cunt when I need you the most?
Have you though for a split second what I went
through on the week I went missing?

I shake my head.
Me: No you never think about me that’s why.
You’re always putting yourself first and I you’re
selfish Nkanyiso. Have been the situation in
reverse would you have forgiven me since you
expect me to forgive you?

I ask shutting him up.

Me: Exactly my point you wouldn’t have forgiven

me. The first word you would have uttered is
divorce so please I’m begging you to set me
free before things take a different turn. Our
emotions are high now and we could say words
that might cut deep and we wouldn’t be able to
turn back time once they have left our mouths.
So please for the love of God Nkanyiso let me
A tear slip out of my eye. He groans rolling his

Nka: I thought the tears are over Rene. How

many times are you going to cry over spilt milk?
I swear you can cry for the whole South Africa.

I furiously wipe the tears that are infuriating.

Nka: I only see a baby in a grown woman’s body

whining and nagging about shit she can’t
change. Why can’t you be the proverbs wife you
promise me you will be?

I gasped shocked.

Nka: You just know how to ruin a someone’s

mood shame.

He mumbles turning on his heels.

Me: Don’t you dare walking out on me.

I scream grabbing this nearest thing one me

and throw it on his retreating back. How dare he
walks out on me while i’m still talking to him?
Someone screams when the vase hits him on
his head before it shuttered on the floor. My
chest heavier up and down.

Mandy: (shocked) Oh my God Rene. Are you


He has a thing of making me look crazy when

his guilty. I don’t know when did she came back
in the room but she's with two police officers.
Their mouths gap open. My eyes popped out of
their sockets. He raises his hand to his head
and comes back with blood on his hand, sharply
he turns to me furiously.

Me: I was just so angry I didn’t think. I'm sorry.

The words slip out of my mouth in urgency. He

shifts his gaze to the officer and scream.

Nka: Arrest this crazy woman, what are you

waiting for?

My jaw drops to the floor while the officer shift

their eyes from him to me. Amanda runs to the
kitchen and comes back with the first aid box.
Mandy: Let me see.

She cooed sofly stumbling to him. She grips his

palm and she opens the chair for him to seat. I
don’t know why but I feel some time of way
about their public display affection. A lamp
forms in my throat.

Me: I didn’t mean it. I'm sorry.

Mchunu: I think we came at the wrong time.

Nka: No, officers you came at the right time. I

would like to open a case of assault.

If my eyes when not opened when I throw that

vase on him now they are widely out of my

Mchunu: Sir I think it’s something you both can

resolve before we can get involved.

Nka: Is it because I’m a man? My own voice

isn’t loud enough to be heard? That’s domestic
abuse and you all saw that.

The officer heavily sigh and march to me. I take

a step back shaking my head.

Mchunu: Miss.

Nka: Mrs Reneilwe Makhaya.

He spat hissing. A frown settles on their officer

Chueke: Isn’t that your wife's name?

Nka: Yes and that’s her.

Mchunu: Woah! What the hell is going on here?

Didn’t you say your wife is missing?

Nka: She was missing. She came back this


He hisses, glaring at Amanda. She quietly

murmurs sorry.

Chueke: Didn’t you think you should have

informed us the minute she showed on your
doorsteps? We should have been the first
people to know that.
Nka: It slipped my mind.

He muttered through gritted teeth.

Chueke: It seems you’re doing that a lot lately.

He eyes him suspiciously.

Nka: Are you going to arrest her or what? Do I

have to die in order for you to see how serious
the situation is. She's abusive.

Me: (sobbing) Are you kidding me? You know

I’m not a violent person, you just provoked me.
Mchunu: Mrs Reneilwe Makhanya you are under
arrest for the assault of your husband Nkanyiso
Makhanya, anything you say should be used on
the court of law. You have a right for an
attorney, if you can’t afford one the state will
prove you with one.

Tears stream down my cheeks as they cuff me.

Me: I'm sorry. Baby I didn’t mean it.

I'm thrashing around, screaming to get his

attention but his not giving me one.

Me: I'm sorry. Baby I didn’t mean it.Ke go kopa

please, don't do this
I'm thrashing around, screaming to get his
attention but his not giving me one.

Me: Wena ntja, o ntshwara mosadi wa hao? U

sethoto se ipatileng ka mor'a mapolesa. O re ba
ntokolle pele ke o bontsha mmao. { You dog,
you're arresting me your wife?You're an idiot
hiding behind the police. Tell them to release
me before I show you your mother. }

My high pitched up voice releases insults as we

padded to the door . If he really lays a charge
against me, he will be breaking me beyond

Nka: I only see a baby in a grown woman’s body
whining and nagging about shit she can’t
change. Why can’t you be the proverbs wife you
promise me you will be?

My eyes widen. That was very low of him after

everything he did to her.

Me: Yhoo!

I exclaimed shocked by his outburst. I’ve never

seen this side of my brother or in this case

Rene: (yelling) That was before I found out

you’re a wolf in a sheep skin.
Khaya: Mzala I don’t think we should have came

He mumbles voicing out my silent thoughts. I

nod biting my lip. We just arrived home from
our adventure and the screaming and yelling
could be heard all the way from the driveway.

Me: I'll book us a hotel, I don’t think it’s safe to

go in there.

We turn back to the car and hop on. I step on

the gas and speed out of the yard. I don’t know
how to feel about what I just heard. I never
thought my brother and his wife were those
couple who use words to hurt each other.
There’s one thing that can hurt a person more
than anything, words. They might not mean
anything to your while your in the heat but once
the rage cools off everything comes back like a
tsunami, wrecking down your self-esteem and
confidence. What Nka said there was a low
blow from and I’m highly disappointed in him. I
expected better from him, this really shows you
can never know a person whether that person is
a family member, friend or even a lover. I can
only imagine what’s going on Rene’s mind right
now. I feel a tear slipping out of my cheek. I
quickly wipe it sniffing just as my phone chimes.
I look at the caller ID and let it ring.

Khaya: Are you not going to answer that?

I shake my head stopping on the robots. It rings

again leaving me with no choice to answer.

Me: Hello.
Mbuyi: Yeyi wena sfebe ukuphi?

My heart thudded in my ribcage while my hands

quiver on the steering wheel.

Me: (stuttering) I-I-I

Words stuck in my throat. I gulp shaking. I could

feel sweat running down my spine.

Mbuyi: Khuluma marn doti.

He roars over the line. I jump startled, forgetting

his not in front of me.
Khaya: (alarmed) Mzala?

Me: (stuttering) B-b-babe I...

I swallow hard wiping the tears that stream

down my face.

Me: My brother’s wife was missing and I

couldn’t came back. He need me so I stayed
behind to support me.

Mbuyi: And you only tell me that now?

Me: (sobbing) I didn’t want to bother you about

my family issues. I didn’t think you will want
Mbuyi: That’s your problem you don’t think with
that tiny brain of yours. Tomorrow morning I
want you here in my house siyezwana?

Khaya: Pull over Mzala I don’t want to die young.

Mbuyi: Who is that?

I park on the side of the road and step out of

the car. I don’t want my cousin on my business.

Me: That’ts my cousin.

Mbuyi: Ucabanga ukuthi ngiyisilima wena sifebe.

Ukhohlisa bani, Yolanda?. { You think I'm a fool,
you whore. Who are you deceiving, Yolanda?}
Me: I would never do that.

I wipe the tears with the back of my hand.

Me: I can’t leave now.

Mbuyi: Angizwanga? If you still want this

stokvel of ours to continue you will be here at
8’o clock sharp waiting on my door step when I
came back from my night shift

Me: I can’t leave Mbuyi please understand.

Mbuyi: Yeyi, wena sifebe awuzwa ukuthi

ngitheni? Kusasa uma ngivuka ngikulindele
emnyango wami, ngilinde ukuthi ngikuvulele.
{ Hey, you whore, don't you hear what I said?
Tomorrow when I wake up I'm waiting for you at
my door, waiting to open it for you.}

He clicks his tongue hanging up. I sink on the

car bursting into tears. This only shows how
many Nkanyiso’s are out there, hiding behind
the name of love. I don’t know how did Mbuyi
turn to be this person he is but he was never
like this when we started dating. The sweet,
gentleman that he was is replaced by this
monster I barely recognise.

Khaya: Are you okay mzala?

His voice breaks me out of my mental

breakdown. I quickly wipe the tears and rise up
to my feet, composing myself.
Me: (breaking voice) I'm okay.

I muttered opening the door and step inside the


Khaya: You’re sure?

Me: Yes.

Silence filled the car after my assurance. I’m

thankful to my ancestors for shutting up my
cousin because he can be persistant when he
wants. I bring the engine to life and drive us to
the hotel with one question in mind what will
Rene do in this case because our situations are
Toxic Attraction



Camilla: So Mr Meli what makes you want to

invest in our company?

I lean back on the chair and open the water

bottle before taking a huge sip. I took an early
flight to Kimberly this morning for my meeting
with Camilla. Amanda thought she was clever
when she made her employee the face of the
company. Some people don’t know the real
owner of her business because Camilla is the
one handling all the hard work while she only
gets to gallivanting the whole world.

Me: I've been on the construction business for

many years now and I think it’s time for a
change. Switch up things up a bit.

I lie through my teeth looking at her straight in

the face. I don’t know shit about construction
but she doesn’t know that.

Camilla: Aiming big I see.

I chuckle nodding. If only you knew what I have

on my sleeve you wouldn’t be sitting here
across me, smiling like a retard.

Me: I'm just that person who has big dreams

since I was a kid. Your company has been doing
so well in the last past four years and I know my
money wouldn’t be gone to waste. Your
structure of how you handle the business and
the company records speak for themselves.
Looking at the figures in front of me I know why
you boss made you the acting CEO. This is

I murmur going through the papers infront of

me. She giggles.

Camilla: I'm suppose to do the pitch Mr Meli not

I shrug smiling.

Me: I just know good business from afar

Camilla. I know I won’t regret investing my
money on you guys. It’s a legacy I’m building for
my future kids.

Looking at me lying like I went to school for it.

The woman has been smiling none stop
indicating she's eating on the palm of my hand.
Lydia would be so proud of me if she could see
my mannerisms and the charms I’m dishing out.

Camilla: I also know good business when I see

one Mr Meli.

She raise up to her feet and stuck out her hand.

I also leap up to my feet and shake her hand.
Camilla: Welcome on board Meli. You won’t
regret your decision.

I smirk shaking her hand. Phase one of the plan

is complete now it’s time to to up the notch and
move to phase two.


Amanda tried to beg me to drop the charges

against Sthando but her plea’s fell on deaf ears.
Sthando had to learn a lesson that every action
she takes has consequences. I can’t be running
a household whereby my own wife doesn’t
know my word is the law. She has to listening to
it and abide to it, if not she has to be punished. I
hope her spending a night in jail will taught her
a thing or two because I can’t be having a
hooligan as a wife.

Stepping out of the car I make my way to the

elevator and press the top floor after speaking
to the receptionist. I'm in Mofokeng Law Group
to meet up with the lawyer. The firm's
reputation speaks highly for it’s self and they
hardly lose any case. Knowing my own lawyer
the man is stupid he will curve to Sthando’s
tears and start feeling sorry for her which is
something I can’t afford. The elevator pings
opens, I stumbled to what I assume is the PA's

PA: Good morning and welcome to Mofokeng

Law Group.

She enthusiastically muttered. I wonder where

do this people get so much energy in the
morning because the receptionist was also this
friendly. Their smiles is contagious.

Me: Morning, I have a meeting with Mr

Mofokeng at 10:30.

She nods going through her tablet.

PA: Mr N Makhanya right?

I nod

PA: You’re early.

I chuckle.
PA: Unfortunately for now Mr Mofokeng is still
in a meeting so to pass time you can sit over
there and wait for him.

Me: Thank you.

I stumbled to the couches and fish out my

phone from my pocket before sitting. I look at
the time and I’m 2 hours early. I heavily sigh and
go through my emails to pass time. Two hours
later I’m walking inside the wooden doors to
meet up with Mr Mofokeng.

Kagiso: Morning.

He murmured offering me a sit.

Me: Morning.

Kagiso: I assume since you’re in my office you

have a problem, so how can I be any help to you?

I lean back on the chair and narrate everything

to him, leaving out Amanda’s part. He listens
attentively and rise up to his feet. He makes his
way to the cabinet and pour out his poison.

Kagiso: Drink?

He calmly muttered. I shake my head counting

to ten to calm myself. I didn’t spend hours
waiting for him for only to be offered a drink like
we are old friends.
Kagiso: Unfortunately for you I’m not a family
lawyer but a criminal defense lawyer.
Sometimes a corporate lawyer depending on
the case. I don’t handle family deputes but I can
assure you that you came to the right place
because our juniors will be honoured to handle
your case.

He knocks down his drink in one go and take

the whiskey bottle with the glass and stride
back to his desk.

Me: Juniors? Are you kidding me? Your firm is

highly recommended.

I breathe in anger, my blood is boiling.

Kagiso: That’s because we know our shit.

Me: If you knew your shit you wouldn’t be

passing my case to your juniors. It’s a huge
case and it needs to he handled by you or I’m
walking out of this building and run straight to
the press to spill the beans that your law firm
only wins cases because of your past. I bet you
threatened all the victims your clients are up
against in order to win. Am I right Mr Mofokeng?

I smirk shifting in my seat and pop my elbows

on the desk before placing my face on it sizing

Me: If you don’t want any bad publicity, you will

handle my case. I don’t care whether you’re a
corporate lawyer or a criminal lawyer. I want
you not some bunch of fools that know shit
about law to handle my case. I'm the business
man of the year surely that speaks volume
about how important I am.

He chuckles shaking his head and opens the

cap of the whiskey bottle before he takes a sip,
straight from the bottle and leap up to his feet.
He rounds the table to my side and
unexpectedly punches me. I gasped shocked
falling off the chair. He bends down and
clutches my collar.

Kagiso: A reska tlwaelana blaen san. I don’t do

well with disrespectful people. Who do you
think you’re are walking in my office and tell me
such shit? {Let's not step on each others toes. }

I cough violently.
Me: Do you know who the fuck I am? One bad
publicity from me your law firm will be shut

Kagiso: Shut up wa rasa jou moerskond. O

tletse masepa san. {You're making noise.You're
full of shit boy}

He removes one hand from my collar, rounding

it to his waist he comes back with a gun on his
hand. My breath hitches while my blood runs
cold when I feel a cold metal on my temples.
Gulping out the thick saliva in my mouth, my
eyes bulge out.

Me: (stuttering) I-I-I...

Words get stuck on the roof of my tongue.
Sweat runs down my spine while my heart
thudded on my ribcage.

Kagiso: Cat got your tongue?

I shudder hearing his taunting voice while a

smirk creeps up on his lips.

Me: Please man don’t kill me. I'm about to

become a dad, my baby can’t grow up without

Kagiso: I would be doing that kid a huge favour.

I don’t know who the fuck told you, you can
waltz in my office with that stinking attitude and
threaten me. I'm the law boy those stupid police
won’t do shit to me.
Pee runs down my legs before I could graps
what’s going on as he cocks the gun. I close my
eyes waiting for him to pull the trigger. The door
flies open before he can kill me. Relief washes
over me, whoever just walked in saved my ass.

Voice: Oh my goodness Kagiso are you crazy?

I could hear the sound of heels rushing towards

us. Whatever she was holding is dumped on the
floor. I'm too scared to open my eyes and look
at my saviour.

Voic: (firmly) Mofokeng let him go now.

He clicks his tongue and removes the gun from

Kagiso: You’re lucky she saved you next time
she won’t be here.

I quickly nod with my eyes still closed. I’m too

embarrassed to face them; after all my pee is
decorating his office.

Busi: You can open your eyes now.

I flip them open and find a beautiful woman

standing next to him. She narrowed her eyes to

Busi: How many times must I tell you violence

is not the answer.
Kagiso: He was asking for it.

He shrugged kissing her cheek. She glares at

him causing him to chuckle.

Kagiso: Is it lunch time already? You didn’t bring

anything with you?

She clicks her tongue and shift her eyes to me.

Busi: I'm so sorry sir, my husband has zero

mannerism in his DNA.

That’s his wife? Jesus Christ how can Satan

marry an Angel? He chortles.

Busi: Are you okay?

Kagiso: You should be worried about me
instead of him. I'm hungry.

My eyebrows furrow as he sulks. Is he bipolar

or something? This is the same man who
pointed a gun on me a few minutes ago and
now his acting like a total different person.

Busi: You can be a baby sometimes.

I'm still rooted on my spot watching their

interaction. I'm temporary paralyzed in fear
waiting for my brain to send a message to my
feet so I can run out of this building and never
look back.

Kagiso: (smirking) I'm your baby.

She groans annoyed.

Busi: This is not the time nor place to be your

usual self. Haven’t I walked in here you would
have killed the poor man.

She yells throwing her hands in the air.

Busi: And hide that thing in front of me.

She murmurs glaring the gun.

Kagiso: (chuckling) As you please master.

She glares at him. He giggles shaking his head

and shift his eyes to me. The softens of his
eyes turns into one cold murderous looking. I
swallow hard.

Kagiso: What the fuck are you still doing here?

Get the fuck out of my office.

He aims the gun next to my feet and pulls the

trigger. I scream jumping as high as my feet
can take me before turning on my heels and run
out of the office,nearly tripping on the basket on
the floor. His laughter booms after me as he
walks me out of his office still shooting me.

Busi: You’re lost case do you know that?

She muttered defeated. The PA is not in her

desk when I pass her floor, running to the
elevator. My shaky hands violently keep
pressing the elevator to open. The bullets keep
getting closer meaning his also getting close. I
abandon the lift and run to the stairs. His hot on
my heels, I could see my life flash right through
my eyes. Everything that happened from the
day I met Sthando to the events of yesterday. I
bend down to catch my breath and hold the rail
of the stairs. Footsteps approaching my way
causing me to strengthen up and run as fast as
my feet can take me.

Kagiso: Run boy.

I swear to God the man is sent to punish me for

everything I did wrong on Sthando. Some
people believe God is the one issuing
punishments but I don’t. The man whose
gunning for my life is my only punishment. By
the time I reach the reception I’m sweating a
storm. The pee plastered on my skin is itching.
I'm panting like a dog out of breath while he on
the other hand looks like he hasn’t been running.
He smirks finding me on my knees panting on
the front desk. The bypasses have stopped to
watch the show while their eyes widely open
and jaws on the floor.

Me: Please man I’m sorry.

The elevator opens and his wife walks out.

Kagiso: You should be.

He raises the gun, aiming my way I strengthen

up and picking where I left from, running out of
the building. He laughs behind me. I could feel
every burning gaze on me, they probably
assume I have lost my mind, who wouldn’t think
so? I don’t blame them I would also assume so.
I stop running when I could no longer hear his
voice. I'm shaking like a leaf. Fishing out my car
keys I press the button, waiting to hear the
sound of my car unlocking before I step in and
drive out of this lunatic’s building but the sound
doesn’t come. I look around my surroundings
and find myself on the busy street. The other
side of the road is a taxi rank. I shake my head
trying to clear the fog out of my eyes. Where the
fuck is my car?


I couldn’t call anyone last night because I

arrived to late. I didn’t want to wake up my
sister and disrupt her sleeping pattern. Sleep
hasn’t visited me since I step inside this hell
hole. The place is filthy and the smell of urine
makes want to puke my lungs out. I don’t know
how do the others managed to sleep in such
place but I guess our senses are not the same.
Biting my bottom lip I tap my foot on the floor
waiting for my sister to pick up her phone.

Me: Hello?

A tiny voice of my niece replied.

Mpho: Mama left her phone at home, bye.

She hangs up after that. I sigh and call my

mother. Her phone doesn’t even ring, it send me
to voicemail. I wouldn’t be surprised if she
forgot to charge her phone. My father is
probably at work and he won’t hear it since it
would be on his locker. Tears blur my vision, if I
don’t get anyone to bail me out I might spend
the weekend in jail. Being locked up in this
place is slowly breaking me to pieces. I even
crave something so stupid like basking my skin
into the sun. Seeing the sky at night and watch
the stars. I know I might sound dramatic since I
only spent a night in here but it has take
something from me. Something that would
change me forever. I try calling my phone again
at the results are still the same. I don’t have any
friends apart from my sister. Knowing how my
two others are they would hold that against me
for the rest of my life. So I have no other choice
but to call Satan himself. I wish I knew
Melisizwe’s number by heart.

Nka: (panting) Hello?

Should he be rejoicing instead of panting or
maybe his chewing Amanda. I blink rapidly to
stop the tears from falling out.

Me: It’s me.

Nka: Sthando?

Me: Yea, can you please bail me out. I have no

one to call.

Nka: I can drop the charges if only you do

something for me in return.

I should have know he would want something in

return. And why is he cocky about this? I
expected him to taunt me but his voice is
strained like his tired. I clench my jaw to calm
myself before I can swear at him. His my ticket
to freedom as much as he is my reason to be

Me: What is it?

Nka: You will never utter the word divorce in

your mouth and you will not leave me. I'm doing
this to hurt you Sthando but it’s because of the
love I have for you. I love you Rene and you’re
everything to me. Losing you will be like losing a
part of myself.

Voice: Time is up.

Me: My time is up but I accept.

He sighed relieved.

Nka: I knew you would come to your sense baby.

I'm coming.


Toxic Attraction



It only took us two days to get along before we
were it again, breathing down each others
throat. Honestly we are both toxic for each
other but we don’t want to let go. If it was that
easy as people make out it to be I would have
longed left him and never looked back but the
stupid organ I call a heart is the most deceiving
organ in the human body. When I came back
home from my “mini holiday” in jail Amanda
was gone and so was his sister and cousin. I
didn’t care about their departure because at the
back of my mind I was telling myself they were
giving us space to fix things, not knowing they
were only giving us a platform to claw each
other again. His stupid ass didn’t have the guts
to face me on the third day because when I
woke up he left me a note on the kitchen island
saying I quote “Went to a business trip”. I don’t
know who is he fooling because I now know
there's no “business trip” as he calls them but
he went after his lover. It’s a shame I'm only
seeing everything right now because if I saw
things before we tied the knot, I wouldn’t have
married him in a heart beat.

My sister scowls giving me a once over look as
I navigate my way inside the restaurant.

Me: Hey sis.

Keitu: Rene are you okay?

Concerned laced in her voice as I pull the chair

and sit after kissing her cheek.
Me: Never been better why?

Keitu: Have you seen yourself?

I roll my eyes.

Me: The cottage is full of mirrors Keitu, of

course I’ve seen myself.

I blurt annoyed. I don’t know what’s the big deal

is about. I have lost a few pounds because I
haven’t been eating. I don’t want to touch
anything that man bought, after all I didn’t
contribute anything to our marriage so I’m
saving him a lot of money he used to spend on
Keitu: (frowning) Cottage? What do you mean?

My eyes widen. Fuck my life! wasn’t suppose to

blurt that out. I’m one petty person and I don’t
easily forget to what people say to hurt me. The
words Nkanyiso used on me stuck in my head
like a mantra that refuses to leave. I didn’t feel
at home anymore so I move out of the house
after he left and asked sis Maria to take leave
until her boss is back. I'm unemployed and
broke so I didn’t need her anymore. I locked the
house after packing my clothes and moved in
the cottage. Everything back in the main house
is the way he left it to be and I made the cottage
my new home. Depriving myself food was
something I rejoice to do but I didn’t want
anything bought by Nkanyiso’s money. Sis
Maria may have left some food in the cottage
but the food only lasted me a week and after
that I didn’t find other sources that will provided
me food. There only time I get to eat is when
I’m out with my sister or I’m at home with my
parents but I’ve been avoiding them lately. Their
endless questions about family planning took
me back on the day I lost my baby. I haven't
shared that with anyone except Meli and I don't
think I will tell anyone. I've been crying myself to
sleep everyday because the healing wound was

I nervously giggle washing away the heated

gaze she has on me.

Me: Did I say cottage? You must have heard


Keitu: Don’t you lie to me Rene. I’ve been

observing you for a while now and I can tell
something is worng with you. The weight loss
journey you gave our parents might have fooled
them but not me baby sis. I let that slide but
now I’m not about to let the fact that you’re
living in a cottage slide. What the hell is going

Her voice raises at the end of her sentence. I


Me: We are fumigating the whole house so we

had to move in the cottage.

I wipe the moisture of my palm on my jean,

lying through my teeth.

Keitu: Does the fumigating extends to the food

as well?
Me: What are you insinuating Keitumetse?

I snap agitated.

Keitu: You expect me to believe the lie you just

sold me that you’re fumigating? Rene you have
bag eyes under your eyes. The jean your
wearing was once your size but right now it’s
bigger on you. You've walked in here like you
would collapse the minute you stepped inside. I
can practically see your bones that you hide
under those clothes. Your neck is longer than
before and the bones in your collarbone are

Me: I don’t need a babysitter to be observing me

I yell fuming.

Keitu: Clearly you need one right now Reneilwe.

She also yelled back matching my voice. The

back of my head could feel the burning gaze
from the other diners.

Keitu: Have you seen yourself? Why don’t you

just divorce him if his sucking the life out of you?

Me: I don’t expect you to understand, okay.

Keitu: What’s the to understand when you look

like this.
She bellowed in anger.

Me: You’re unmarried Keitumetse so I don’t

expect you to understand.

She chuckles clapping her hands.

Keitu: If this marriage then I’m good having

Keith as my baby daddy only. If this how it turns
people to be then it can pass me by.

Me: That’s because you wouldn’t last a day

being married. You’re an untamed wild animal
Keitumetse and no man would want.

She throws her back and erupt in laughter.

Keitu: You never cease to amaze me sis. O
sethoto shame.{ You are a fool shame.}

Me: Ua tseba hore na ke phelela eng pele ke

bua ntho eo ke tla ikoahlaela eona. Stay away
from my business. {You know what let me live
before I say something I will regret.}

I push the chair backwards and leap up my feet.

I may seem stupid to her but this is my life and
my marriage.

Keitu: Tsamaya vele. I wish Nkanyiso can drain

you to the point of depression. O sethoto
khaitseli ea ka haeba u ntse u ipatile ka likano
tse hlokang kelello ka letsatsi le nako.{ You’re
are fool my sister if you’re still hiding behind
stupid vows in the day and time. }
She yellow after me as I walk out of the
restaurant. I don’t expect her or anybody whose
unmarried to understand the significant of vows
exchanging. I'm still going to fight for my
marriage until I see fit to walk away. Right now I
still have hope to fix us even though his been
gone for months now. I believe the time apart
will do us both good. The heart grows fonder on
the absence of their significant other half. I sigh
and walk around in town not ready to go back
home. The yard of that house depresses me
everytime I step my foot in.

My eyes lit up in excitement when I see the

name of the hotel I nearly passed by. My feet
move on their own, making their way inside. I
don’t know why didn’t I think this sooner. I
haven’t seen this man in months and I’m hoping
he hasn’t gone back to whatever country he
came from. The friendly receptionist tells me
his still living here. I practically run to the
elevator and press his floor. Few minutes later
I’m stepping out rushing to his door to knock.
The heels of my feet keep bouncing on the floor
unable to stand still. The door creaks open and
the first thing my eyes set on is his stone,
sculpturing, sweating chest. I gulp rising my
eyes to him.

Me: (smiling) Hi.


My eyebrows furrow involuntary when the

woman on my doorstep looks like a version of
Rene: Can I came in?

I shift on the door, making her way for her. I

close the door and closely look at her, the frown
hasn’t left my face.

Rene: I wasn’t sure if you’re still in town or what.

She mumbled lowering herself on the couch. I

padded to the couch and pick up my phone.

Rene: Did I come at the wrong time? You barely

said a word.

I lift my eyes from the phone and shake my

head before dropping them back on the
keyboard. I order a large meal for the both of us
and toss the phone back to the couch. Seeing
her like this makes me want to stuff food in her
until she becomes the Rene I know, I can’t help

Rene: Can you please put a shirt on. You’re

distracting me.

I chuckled.

Me: Sure.

I stumbled to the closet and take out clothes

before marching to the bathroom and close the
door behind me. I strip naked and jump into the
shower after setting the right temperature. The
water discarding on body relieves some tension
on my muscles. I sigh in content when the
water reaches my burning legs and arms. I was
on the middle of a workout when she arrived. I
haven’t seen her in months but I can definitely
tell there’s something wrong. She’s not the
same woman I saved my first night back in the
country. I would say people change as time
goes by but her, it’s not a change that comes
voluntary but circumstances forced her. I lotion
and throw on shorts and a shirt and walk
barefooted out the bathroom. She lifts her eyes
to me and nods. I chortle shaking my head.

Rene: There was a delivery while you’re in the


She points to the paper bag on top of the table.

Me: I hope you didn’t pay because I already paid.

She shakes her head as I make my way towards
her and bend down to the table. Opening the
paper bag her stomach loudly growls.

Me: Someone is hungry.

I tease laying out the food on the table before

sitting opposite her.

Rene: Actually I’m on a diet so I can’t eat.

Me: I can’t eat alone. I've already ordered the

meal for the both of us.

Rene: (snapping) Why does everyone likes to

take decision on my behalf.
I halt on my movements, shocked by her

Rene: If it’s not my sister its you and it’s


Again she snapped. I don’t know what I’ve done

wrong because I was just trying to help. The
woman looked like she's been starved food.

Rene: Oh Rene why don’t you do this. Rene do

that. I'm a fucken grown adult who is capable of
making decisions for myself.

Her chest heaved up and down and she

continues with her outburst. I don’t know what
ticked her off but the woman in front of me is

Me: Are you though?

I challenged raising the spoon to my mouth.

She glares at me.

Rene: (yelling) What is that suppose to mean?

Taking out the serviettes, I wipe my mouth and

narrow my gaze on her.

Me: You’re being unnecessary defensive over

nothing. It’s just food Rene nothing more.

She leaps up to her feet and march to the door.

Rene: (mumbling) Coming here was a mistake

Me: How long will you keep building walls

around yourself?

She sharply turn on her heels.

Rene: I'm not building any walls.

Me: You are. If the relationship is draining you

why don’t you walk out with?

Rene: You know nothing about me.

She yells marching to standing in front of me.

Rene: Just because you once saved me doesn’t
mean you know shit about me and my marriage.

Me: If he was treating you right you wouldn’t be

looking like a walking zombie right now.

Rene: (screaming) How dare you?

She rises her hand and slap me. I swallow the

the food in my mouth and close my eyes, taking
a deep breath.

Rene: I don’t who the hell do you think you are

talking about my husband like that.

I flip my eyes and slowly rise up to my feet,

hovering over her.

Me: You've got 30 seconds to walk out of that

door before I break your jaw.

I calmly muttered. I may seem calm outside but

on the inside my blood is boiling. She clicks her
tongue and storm to the door.

Me: If you loved yourself you would have

walked away from the get going. Relationships
aren’t suppose to hurt like this Rene. The only
thing holding you from not falling is the balance
you have on your feet. You even rolled up the
jean on your waist so it can fit you. Love
yourself enough to know when to walk away.

Rene: I don’t know why do people think I will

walk away from my marriage just like that. I
made a vow to the man and I will abide by it.
Marriage is not easy as ABC as you unmarried
people thing and next time stay away from my

She clicks her tongue and yanks the door open

before walking out, slamming it in the process. I
shrugged and pick up my spoon. I don’t know
why do people love torturing themselves. If the
love and trust is broken between you two, it will
never be restored.
Toxic Attraction


We are few days from our anniversary and I
must say I have never been this happy. Waking
up to arms wrapping around my body everyday
reminds me that his there and will always be
there. He was mine before everything and he
will always belong to me not her. I could say
Rene was just a phase in our relationship and
now his getting over her. He has never stayed
months with me because he was afriad Rene
was going to find out. His business came first
to him and I also placed mine as a top priority
because of circumstances, I guess that’s how
we find ourselves tangled with Rene in between
us. The woman can’t seem to read between the
lines that he loves me and it will always be me
before her. The Rene phase is over and now it’s
my time again, just like how it used to be back
in the days. The platform has been given to me
on a silver platter and I won’t mess it up. I was
tempted to resort to other methods to keep him
but I just can’t imagine finding myself sleeping
with snakes and other things desperate people
like me sleep with or do in order to keep a man.
It’s too gross and sickening to even think about
it. I mean how do you look at yourself the
following day and not have a mental breakdown
after sleeping with a reptile? Do you still love
yourself more or you’re just blinded by the end
goal of keeping the man. Let’s say the whole
thing doesn’t work out, do you still keep the
reptile or do you send it back to it’s owner?
Somethings are just not cut out for me. I may
be a lot of things but my parents never taught
me to be a witch and I won’t start now just to
keep him. There are many ways to keep a man
than witchcraft. People should just learn to use
their brains and words sometimes. Men are
easily manipulated and they are stupid. As soon
the find a new pussy their can even spill their
family secrets if you ask the right questions at
the right time.
Manipulation is easy to people who know how
to use their words correctly. You can’t be
fumbling on your words and say you’re
manipulating somebody. It doesn’t just come
with words only but also action. They have to
see and feel the lie in order for them to believe
you. Stick to one lie in order for you to
remember it. People have a tendency of lying a
lot and forget their own lies. Stick to one story
and I promise you, you won’t be needing
zangomas and other methods in order to keep
him. As a woman our looks and body are made
to seduce men and that’s a very dangerous and
powerful weapon you can use to keep him.
Never lose yourself because of a man.

Lucia stumbles inside my office with a smile
plastered on her face. She looks giddy and

Me: And then?

Lucia: Special delivery for you sister.

She places the two bouquet of flowers that

were hidden behind her when she walked in on
top of the table. My eyebrows knot.

Me: Who are they from?

Lucia: How would I know?

Me: Didn’t you read the card?

She shakes her head causing me to heavily sigh
shaking my head. One thing I love about her is
that she respects someone’s privacy even
though she is noisy. She wouldn’t open your
delivery just to read a mere card. She waits for
you to read out loud for her.

Lucia: Come on, open the card already.

She fixes her spectacles, bouncing on her heels.

I giggle picking up the Red Rose and Sunshine
Bouquet. My eyes lit up while my lips curve into
a smile.

Lucia: Don’t make me snatch that card from you.

She threatens making herself comfortable on

the visitors chair. I giggle, reading out the note
to her.

“You are the sunshine to my

flowers. Thank you for letting our love grow. - I
never thought anyone could make me feel so
loved. Congratulations!”

Lucia: That’s all?

I nod smiling. I already know who the flowers

belongs to. There’s one special man in my heart.
She claps her hands together, breaking my trail
of thoughts. I pick up the Red Rose in Black
Cylinder Bouquet and read the note.

“ Every time you look at these flowers

know that someone far away is thinking of you.
The miles cannot separate our hearts!”
Love Nka

Lucia: That’s so sweet man.

She cooed softly fanning herself with her hands.

Me: Are you crying?

She removes her spectacles and wipes her eyes.

I throw my head back cracking up.

Lucia: Don’t judge okay. I'm a sucker for love.

I nod laughing.
Lucia: I wish I had a man like him.

Me: You will find your mister right.

Lucia: When?

Me: In due time. The only thing you have is to

teach yourself patience.

She snorts rolling her eyes.

Lucia: Girl, I'm getting old. I have zero patience

file in my bone. I’ve been patience since my
diaper days when others were walking while I
was crawling. I was like I also want to walk not
crawl, so I can’t be also be patient in my adult
I clutch my stomach laughing my ass out. She’s
crazy and I love her.

Me: (wheezing) I can’t breathe, Lucia.

She laughs.

Lucia: I-

A knock on the door stops her from replying. I

wipe my eyes and shout coming. Camilla peeks
her head on the door.

Camilla: There’s a meeting in about ten minutes

in the boardroom.
I frown shifting my gaze to Lucia who shrugs
her shoulders.

Me: What is this about?

I hate being summoned like a peasant in my

own company. I'm the one who should be
dictating them not the other way round.

Camilla: The investor I was telling you about

would like to official meet the stuff and the

Me: Meet and greet? His an investor not a

shareholder. I can’t be summoned by investors
in my own company. He/she will have to wait.
Camilla: Unfortunately for you Mandy not only is
he an investor but a shareholder too.

My eyes popped out of their sockets.

Me: (shocked) What?

I push the chair backwards, leaping up to my


Me: How the fuck did that happen?

I bellowed in rage. The only shareholder in this

company is me so I don’t understand how did
someone else become a shareholder in my
company without my knowledge.
Camilla: Investors purchases stock in the
companies they think will go up in value. If it
that, happens the company’s stock increases in
value as well. The stock could be sold for profit.

She murmurs with the duh look plastered on her


Camilla: When you have stock in the company

you’re called a share-

Me: I know what the fuck that means.

I interrupt, snapping at her.

Camilla: I thought I should let you know.

Me: Let me know? You practically sold my
company to a stranger.

I scream at her pacing up and down. Lucia

flinches leaning back on the chair.

Me: Do you know the sweat and tears were

used to start this company? Do you know the
sacrifices I had to do in order for this media
house to be a powerhouse today?

Camilla: If you were around more often then we

wouldn’t have to resorted to sell our stock.

She retort throwing her hands in the air

dramatically before stumbling in.
Me: That doesn’t give you the right to sell my
company without my permission.

I clap back, my pacing hasn’t ceased. Lucia

keeps moving her eyes back and forth between

Camilla: I was doing what’s best for the

company. Our sales were decreasing and I had
to sell some of the stock.

Me: You should have told me first before taking

a decision on my behalf.

I hiss at her. She heavily sigh and stand behind

the chair Lucia occupied.
Camilla: As an acting CEO it my job to protect
the company’s interest. You were unavailable
and I was available so I had to take a decision
that will benefit Mandy Media. I thought that’s
what CEO do. They place their employees
before them.

Defeat seeps into me like a second skin. I pull

the chair and throw myself, defeated. Placing
my elbows on top of the desk, I bury my face in
my hands.

Me: I need a minute to myself.

Lucia: Coffee and muffins will cheer you up.

She mumbles walking out of the room with

Camilla behind her. My hands are shaking as I
look for my phone on top of the desk. His text is
the first thing I see.

***Nka: Did you receive the flowers.***

I smile placing the phone on the desk and pick

up the Red Rose and Sunshine Bouquet and
sniff them before placing them back and doing
the same thing on the Red Rose in Black
Cylinder Bouquet. I could feel myself calming
down. There’s just something about nature that
calms every storm. Picking up my phone I text
him back.

***Me: Beautiful flowers. Thank you,


He replies immediately.
***Nka: Just like you.*

I twirl around in my chair giggling like a high

school teenager who just got kissed by her
crush for the first time. He has a way of calming
me down.

***Me: Are you flirting with me Mr


***Nka: 😂😂😂tell me if it’s working.***

I laugh shaking my head.

***Me: I love you.***

***Nka: Love you too.***

I raise my head when I hear the sound of the

door being opened.

Lucia: Your delivery.

She places the paper bag from Mug&Bean in

front of me. My mouth salivates as the fresh
smell of coffee hits my nostrils.

Lucia: Everyone is in the boardroom and they

are waiting for you.

I smile.

Me: Thank you.

Lucia: Where would you be without me?

We share a look and both giggle.

Me: I'm right behind you.

She nods and walks out. I open the paper bag

and take a bite of the muffins. I moan rising up
to my feet. I may seem unprofessional for
coming to a meeting with food but I don’t care
because this my company and I can do
whatever I want beside I need these just to keep
my tongue on a tight leash before I lash out on
them. I make my way to the boardroom after
picking up my phone and food. I suck in a huge
breath before pushing the closed door open.
The room becomes dead quiet as I stumble in.
The only thing making noise is the heel of my
shoes clicking on the floor.

Me: Sorry I’m late.

I mumble walking to my seat and make myself

comfortable. I pick up my coffee and take a
huge sip before rising my head to face them.
Spitting the hot liquid out of my mouth, I jump
to my feet, knocking the coffee with my hands
in the process when my eyes connect with
another pair I thought I will never see in my life
again. Camilla also jumps to her feet.

Camilla: What the fuck Amanda?

My heart pounds in my ribcage while my whole

body gets covered in goosebumps.
Me: No!

I quick close my eyes, shaking my head to clear

the fog out of them. Opening them I find the
same pair of eyes staring right back at me with
a smirk lurking on his lips.

Camilla: Mr Meli sir I’m so sorry for the

unprofessionalism you had to witness.

He chuckles waving his hand dismissively. He

hasn’t moved his eyes from me.

Meli: It’s okay.

No, it’s not okay. He can’t be here.

Me: It’s just a dream Amanda.

I mumble under my breath.

Camilla: Amanda meet our new shareholder Mr

Meli and Sir this is my boss Amanda.

He smirks leaping to his feet. He makes his way

towards us and stuck out his hand for a

Meli: We meet again Amanda.

I drop my eye to his hand and slowly rise them

back to his mischievous eyes. My breath
becomes shallow as I realise that it’s not a
dream but my reality. Camilla elbows me
snapping me from my misery. My knees
become wobbly while the room suddenly spins.
I'm taking greedy breaths to fill my lungs. The
room is suffocating.

Camilla: A handshake.

Her voice fades away while my eyes roll to the

back of my head. My knees collapse on me.

Camilla: Oh my goodness, Amanda.

Judging by the sound of her heels, she's rushing

towards me.

Meli: She just fainted, she will be fine.

His cold voice that sends chills down my spine
is the last thing I here before slipping into
darkness completely. He can’t be here. My past
can’t back to bite me in the ass.
Toxic Attraction




Flushing the toilet after my business, I wash my

hand and navigate my way around the house
looking for Amanda. She’s a bit distance lately
and I can’t seem to shake of the feeling that
she’s hiding something from me. I pause on my
steps as my ears pick up a sniffing sound.
Switching the lamp on, I find her with her knees
on the couch while her face is buried in between
her thighs crying.

Me: Babe?

She doesn’t raise her head to acknowledge me

instead she cries harder. I rush to her and kneel
in front of her.

Me: Talk me.

I softly murmur begging her.

Me: Is it the baby?

I rush out panicking. She shakes her head
bursting into tears. I release a breath I wasn’t
aware I was holding. I could feel my eyebrows
knotting as her cries are piercing into my heart.
If it’s not the baby then why the hell is she
crying for?

Me: I'm not a mind reader Amanda.

I snap agitated. The least she could do is tell

me why is she sitting in the dark at 00:00 crying
like a witch. She ignores my outburst and
continues to cry. I pinch my bridge nose and
take a huge breathe. Sitting next to her, I pull
her to my lap and let her straddle me. She
buries her face in my chest and continues to
weep like a widow. I wrap my arms around her
waist and stroke her back gently. Her shoulder
shook violently at the impact.

Me: Whatever it is just know I’m here. We will

get through it together.

The only audible is her hiccups as her sobbing

ceases. I stroke her back assuring her with a

Mandy: I'm tired.

She shuts her eyes and place her head back on

my chest. A yawn escapes her mouth. Awkward
silence consumes us as the both of us are deep
in our thoughts. I clear my throat to gain her
Me: When is your next appointment?

She quickly removes her head from my chest

like I’ve burnt her. Her glossy eyes widen.

Mandy: (raspy voice) Why?

I squint my eyes looking closely to her eyes.

Panic flashes through them.

Me: I want to be there.

Mandy: You don’t need to. I'm fine going by


She breathes out unwrapping my arms on her

Me: No I want to be there.

I firmly muttered.

Mandy: You don’t have to be there. I will tell the

doctor to print out the scan for you.

Snorting, I roll my eyes rising to my feet.

Me: I want to hear the heartbeat Amanda.

Mandy: I said I ask the doctor to print the scan

for you.

Her chest rising and falling indicating a

pounding heartbeat as she bellows.

Me: The scan won’t show me what I want to see.

I'm the father of that child and I’m coming to
that appointment.

I roar at her. She blinks looking at me through

her wet lashes.

Mandy: And I’m the mother of this child and I’m

telling you that you will get the scan after the

She screams. I don’t know what’s the big deal

about this. She’s making it seem like I asked her
to kill someone instead of accompanying her to
her doctors appointment. Most woman will be
thrilled by the suggestion but she’s not.
Me: (sighing) Baby you’re blowing things out of

Mandy: I'm not. I'm telling you I don’t want you

to come with me and that’s finally.

She turns on her heels and storms out out of

the room.

Me: I don’t understand what’s the big deal here.

Rene would have agreed without thinking twice.

I blurt out, yelling after her. Her footsteps halt

before they storm back in the room.

Mandy: Maybe because I’m not her and I will

never be her.

I snicker holding back the bubble of laughter

threatening to escape my mouth.

Me: The problem is that you will never be her.

Mandy: This is my body and you can’t force me

to do something I don’t want to.

Me: It’s just a fucken scan Amanda.

Mandy: To you it may seem like a fucken scan

but to me it means everything.

Her lips quiver while her tears discard her eyes.

Mandy: I'm scared that I will get to relax and
enjoy my pregnancy for it to only be a
miscarriage or far much worse giving birth to a
stillborn. I'm scared to let my guard down.

My eyes soften at her confession.

Me: Babe-

She clamps her lips together shaking her head,

silently denying my apology. I feel like a jerk
right now for making her cry. She's pregnant
and doesn’t need stress in her life especially in
her conditions.

Mandy: I'm going to bed.

She turns on her heels and disappear on the
corridors. I throw myself on the couch feeling
stupid for lashing out at her. Well done
Nkanyiso for being a jerk.


I pull the covers over my head and close my

eyes, attempting to shut the world out. The
infuriating tears start all over again. My life is a
mess right now and it’s all thanks to Melisizwe
fucken Anthony Makhanya. Why couldn’t he left
in the past, buried and forgotten? Everything is
becoming to much for me and I'm falling apart.
Nkanyiso nearly caught up on my lie and if the
wheels of on my head didn’t turn on time he
would have caught up with my white lie. I
haven’t had the time to evaluate the fake bump
I’ve purchased because of the chaos my life has
turned out to be. I'm slowly losing everything I
worked hard for and I can’t do anything about
that. My past has finally caught up with me and
there’s nothing I can do about that than just to
watch him do as he pleases. His face is
something I never thought I will see again in my
life. It’s been years and my guard was down
knowing I won’t ever see him again.

Pressing my head on the pillow, I bite my lip to

suppress the heart wrenching sobs threatening
to escape my mouth. Why can’t I find peace and
happiness? Who have I offended or killed in my
past life for them to hate me this much.
Challenges and battles have been thrown my
way and I’ve came back victorious in all of them
except this one. His gunning for my blood and I
just know he won’t stop until he has taken
everything I have.

My head pounds in my skull as I rise it from the

couch I’ve been laid on. I placed both my hand
on my head to ease the forming migraine.

Voice: It’s a shame you fainted before we got

down to business.

I quickly whipped my head to face the voice. I

paled on the couch while my heart skipped a
beat. My breath became shallow in a instant as
I find my nightmare looking at the view in my
office. Nightmares only happen at night but
mine was happening broad day light. I knew
that voice and that body structure even in my
dreams. He turned to face me with his hands
buried deep in his pockets. I swallowed hard.
The motherfucker was still handsome as the
first time I saw him.

Meli: You don’t thrilled to see me.

He muses sizing me up. I jump to my feet,

ignoring the heavy head.

Me: (panicking) What are you doing here?.

Meli: The same thing you’re doing here.

He sighs taking his calculated steps to my chair

and makes himself comfortable on it.

Meli: If it was another day or year I would say

it’s good to see you but that would be a lie.

Me: You haven’t answered my question. What’s

are you doing here?

I grit out rolling my fist.

Meli: I don’t owe or anybody an explanation.

You’re an employee here and as your employer I
expect you to be on the field like the others and
doing your job instead of being noisy.

My eyes widen. I damn know he didn’t just call

me his employee.

Me: Didn’t you perhaps get the memo that I’m

the owner of this company and I want you out
of my office before I call the security to escort
you out.

I yell marching to the desk to pick up the phone.

He leans back in my chair chuckling. I furiously
dial the security and wait for one them to pick

Me: Can you please hurry up to my office.

There’s a cockroach that needs to be removed.

The man in front me just cracks up shaking his

head. His enjoying every minute of it and I hate
the fact that his getting under my skin with just
his mere breath. I slam the phone back on the
desk and page up and down. After this I need to
make an urgent meeting with my employees to
remind them who their boss it. I don’t know
what the fuck where they thinking to let this
man stay behind with my unconscious body. He
could have easily took advantage of me or
worse killed me. I shudder thinking about the

Meli: You’re giving me a headache with you

pacing. Sit your ass down.

I ignore him and continue with my movements

waiting for the damn security to arrive. I want
them to throw him out of this office and out of
my building to the streets. I abruptly halt on my
steps as the door creaks open. The security
barges in. He sure took his own sweet time.

Me: Make sure his out of this building right now.

I scream at him. The security looks hesitant to

escort him out.

Me: (shouting) What the fuck are you waiting


The security gulps shifting his eyes from me

back to the devil behind me.

Security: I don’t think I can do it ma'am.

I gasped shocked.

Me: What? Are you forgetting I’m the one whose

making sure your salary is paid each month, or
perhaps did you forget that?

I'm screaming at him, hovering at his personal

space. Sweet Jesus I'm surrounded by bunch of
idiots in this whole building. From the one who
has the audacity to sell my stock without
consulting me to this bloody fool of a security
in front of me.

Security: Ma’am I'm just following the orders

they gave me. I'm sorry.

Me: You can take that sorry and shove it in your

ass because you’re fired. Pack your shit and the
fuck out my building.

I click my tongue and sharply turn on my heels

to deal with the devil myself. The security
rushes out. After all you can’t send a man to do
a women’s job.
Me: (amused) You know what’s amusing about
this whole situation is that you have no clue.

Me: Get the fuck out of my building Melisizwe

before I call the police on you for trespassing.

I threatening point my finger at him. His ruffling

my feathers and I’m scared of him. I don’t know
what his capable of. One thing I taught myself
is a that to never show your enemy your
emotions. He picks ups the phone and dials a
number. I frown.

Meli: Yes she is awake and I would like her to be

escourted out. She’s trespassing and like I said
this woman is crazy and I want her out of my
building right now.
My eyes widen.

Me: What? How dare you?

I march to him and rise my hand to slap him but

he catches my hand and squeezes it. I scream
squirming in his grip. He rises to his feet with
my hand still in his grip and squeeze harder.

Meli: Never in your life attempt to raise that

hand on me because I will rearrange that pretty

He calmly muttered bending to my level so his

eyes can be level with his as I squirm sinking to
the floor.
Me: (sobbing) Meli you’re hurting me.

I plead clawing his hand.

Meli: As I should. You thought I would let you

get away with what you did?

Me: I'm sorry please. That was many years ago,

please find it in your heart to forgive me.

Meli: I forgive but I don’t forget Amanda. You

broke me after you have stolen from me. You
thought I was going to let you run to the sunset
with my brother beside you after you stole my
company from me?

Me: I'm sorry.

I plead crying. My twisted hand and knuckles
hurt like a bitch.

Meli: It could have been any man Amanda and I

would have let you go but instead you chose my
fucken younger brother.

My shoulder shook as tears refuses to leave my


Me: I'm sorry.

Meli: Sorry isn’t enough. I'm going to make sure

the two of you will feel everything I felt at that
time. You will both pay for making me feel
worthless and every tear I shed.
The tears choke me causing me to cry harder.

Meli: I suggest you run back to the bathroom to

clean yourself up because I'm not going to be
paying you for nothing.

My heart thudded in my ribcage as I rise my

eyes to him with a frown on my face. Confusion
swelling in my eyes causing him to smirk.

Meli: Newsflash sweetheart I’m the new

majority shareholder of Mandy Media.

Me: (gasping) No.

I shake my head refusing to believe his own lies.

Me: I'm the majority shareholder of this

I hiss at him. He snorts rolling his eyes.

Meli: Unfortunately for you it doesn’t seem like


He finally removes his grip from my hand and

walk back to the desk. I breathe out tending to
my hand. He comes back with a brown
envelope and tears it open. Shoving the papers
in my hand, he leans on the desk crossing his

Me: (whispering) What is this?

Meli: Read.

I drop my eyes to the papers and stagger on my

feet, nearly passing out again from what’s
written in them.

Me: No this is a mistake.

Meli: It’s not.

Me: (crying) This has to be a mistake

Meli: I'll leave you to cry your eyeballs out

console yourself.
He coldly muttered padding my way. I hold my
breath as he stops next to me and shift closer
to my ear. He breath on my ears makes the
drum in my heart to be louder than before.

Meli: Be grateful I left you one percent share

while you couldn’t do so. Don't expect favours
because of the share you have. I'm a very
reasonable man unlike you who told the thing
for herself leaving me to fend for myself.

I’m taking greedy breathes to calm my heart

that threatens to burst out of my chest.

Meli: Run Amanda while you still can because

I’m coming for everything you have.

He threatens and makes his way out of the door

and stops.

Meli: And tell that stupid brother of mine his

next and stop flaunting that flat tummy because
we both know there's no baby.

My knees collapse on me as I pull the chair

towards and throw myself on it, shaking like a
leaf as he walks out. I buried my face in my
hands bursting into tears. How he know that?
Dear God why have you forsaken me?


Toxic Attraction



I'm curled up in bed on the spare bedroom like a

ball, crying for my mistakes. I was young and
stupid when our paths crossed and didn’t know
it will affect my future. Melisizwe was first love
and our love was the most beautiful thing I had
in my life until the day he introduced me to his
younger brother. Something in me shifted,
suddenly I couldn’t hear a word Meli was saying.
It was love at first sight kind of thing and I knew
he wouldn’t understand. I still remember his
hurt wrenching sobs when he begged me to not
leave him for him. He said he would take
anything just not his brother but he wasn’t in a
position to negotiate with me because I was so
over him. The smallest thing he did annoyed me
to the core. His breath, his voice and his touch
were repulsive on me. I wanted to puke my guts
out every time he kissed me. His entire
existence was just rubbing me off the wrong
way and he couldn’t understand. I also couldn’t
understand how did things turn out the way
they were. We were so much in love or so as I
thought until I set my eyes on him and I knew
there and then that he will be my forever.
Melisizwe was just there to pave a path for him.
His purpose was to unite us and he had done
that job perfectly.


Me: Stop sign.

The taxi suddenly comes into a halt. I step out
and close the door before shifting my gaze to
the unknown neighborhood. I could feel eyes
gawking at me causing my anxiety to pick up.
Fishing out my phone in my pocket, I quickly
call the last number he called me with.

Me: Hello?

Voice: Hi

His voice sounded unsure. Oh my goodness

that’s not my man. Tears blur my vision as my
heart skipped a beat.

Voice: Hello?
I bit my lip to suppress the sob to escape my
mouth. Melisizwe can’t invite me here then not
answer his phone. The least he could have done
was tell me before I broad the taxi that he won’t
be available.

Me: I'm looking for my boyfriend Meli.

Voice: Yes, yes my brother did mention that his

girl would call. You’re Amanda right?

I nod sighing in relief forgetting he can’t see me.

Me: (sniffing) Yes that’s me.

Voice: (chuckling) Are you crying?

Me: (stuttering) I-I-I was... I was so scared that
he forgot about me. The taxi just dropped me
off on the stop sign like he told me to. For a
second I was so scared he won’t pitch up.

I blurt out rushing each word out. A habit I do

when I’m nervous. I stutterm a lot when I’m
under pressure and at some point in my life I
thought I had a stuttering problem.

Voice: I'm on my way.

He hangs up after that. I clutch my bag close to

my chest and look around for Amaphara that
are nearby. My phone chimes in my hands
startling me. I curse under my breath and place
my hand on my chest to normalise my pounding
heart. I wipe my tears answering the call.
Me: (shaky voice) Hello?

Voice: Are you the girl wearing a black jumpsuit.

Me: Yes that’s me.

Voice: Look behind you.

I turn and find a guy walking towards me. I

squint my eyes to get a better view but the sun
was scorching hot for me to see. As he gets
closer I feel my stomach flipping while my heart
skipped a beat. I suck in a deeo breath before
biting my bottom lip. He was a sight to see and
much more handsome that his brother who was
my boyfriend. His pink lips were so deliciously
full and inviting me to taste them. I run my
tongue on my lips quenching the thirst I
suddenly felt. Goosebumps covered my whole
body as the zoo of butterflies in my stomach
come to life. The last time I felt like this when
my relationship with Meli was still on the
honeymoon phase. Right now I was with him for
stability. The love was not there anymore but he
didn’t know that. My life has to be maintained
and he was my only source of income.

His voice breaks me out of my daze as he wave

his hand in front of my face. I gulp.

Me: Did you say something?

Nka: I said breathe. You looked like you lost

your breath for a minute.
His voice dear Lord, please save me now from

Me: Sorry I’m just nervous.

He chuckles showing his white set of teeth. Are

they suppose to be that beautiful or is it
because I find everything he does beautiful.

Nka: It’s okay. Shall we go?

I nod not trusting my own voice. He leads me to

a black Polo and opens the door for me. I thank
him after stepping in and buckle up. Placing my
hands in my lap I resist the urge to look at him
as he drives us to where my so called boyfriend
is. He switches the radio to kill the awkward
silence we found ourselves in. It doesn’t take
long before he parks the car on the parking lot
and step out. The door on my side creaks open
revealing Meli. My mood suddenly drops to 0 in
an instant.

Meli: Hey babe.

I fake a smile and close the door behind me. He

wraps his hand on my waist and pecks my lips.

Meli: I'm sorry I couldn’t came and fetch you.

Something came up.

I inwardly roll my eyes keeping the tight smile

on my face.

Me: It’s okay.

Meli: Come I need to introduce you to some of
my friends.

He clamps my hands and drags me inside with

him. My neck stretches like a giraffe looking for
his brother as we stumble inside the house.

Meli: Gents this is my girl Amanda.

He yells catching the attention of his friends.

Meli: Babe this are my friends. They will

introduce themselves to you.

Me: Hi.
I wave shyly causing them to crack up. Did I say
something wrong? Or what if there was
something on teeth? Oh my God, don’t tell me I
came all the way with food still stuck on my
teeth cause if I did please let the ground
swallow me, right now. My mind was already
filled with possibilities that could make them
laugh at me. As of cue like he read my mind.

Meli: Ignore them baby. They can be childish


I exhaled loudly, calming my heart. It was good

to know that I wasn’t the problem because I
wanted to make a good impression on his
brother more than anything. First impression
lasts longer.

I jump off the bed and run to the bathroom to
take a bathe as an idea suddenly strikes my
mind. I don’t know why didn’t I think about this
earlier. It’s been 4 days since the incident
happened and I hadn’t had the strength to show
my face at work because of the humiliation I
was subjected to. I close the tape after filling
the tub with water and salts. Striping naked, I
heavily sigh sitting there for a while soaking
myself. If I play my cards right I would have my
company back to me where it belongs. Meli is a
man and no men would say no to free pussy
because they are stupid people in general. I just
have to use my charm and remind him the love
we once we once shared. I know he won’t reject
me after all I’m still his Mandy. I just have to
press the right buttons in order for him to give
in and I know his weaknesses.

Yolanda placed baby Ayabongwa on top of the

bed after changing her diaper. She made her
way outside to dispose the nappy. She passed
Mbuyi leaning on the wall with one foot on the
floor while the other one is on the wall,
smoking. Her bump was slowly becoming
visible and that irked Mbuyi to the core. He
couldn’t understand why does she keep
popping babies left right and center knowing he
doesn’t even like kids. The first time she fell
pregnant he begged her to abort but the
stubborn woman didn’t want to do so. Mihle
was born without his consent and he had to
step up and father the boy even though he was
not ready to have kids. Two years down the line
Nkumbulo followed and he had to make peace
with that they were brought to the world by him.
He started to warm up to them and loved them
like any parent should to with his/her own child.
But the woman had to shake up his world again
and fall pregnant to what he assumed was their
last born, Ayabongwa. The first time he held her
in his arms he knew that she will be his
princess and he will spoil her rotten. Three kids
were okay with him. He had two princes and a
princess to his name and for the first time in his
life he was content with how his life turn out to
be even though he didn’t want them but no
Yolanda decided to bring another mouth to feed

Didn’t she know how expensive diapers cost?

Not to mention the baby formula. She wouldn’t
understand because everything she has is been
paid by her brother. He’s coughing money like
autumn leaves falling in a tree every time
Yolanda ask for money. Hr doesn’t hesitate to
jump at her request and that pisses Mbuyi off.
He doesn’t have that kind of money and will
never have it. It doesn’t grow on trees but
worked hard for, but princess Yolanda wouldn’t
know that because she has never worked a day
in her life.

Yolanda: You’re okay?

Her voice breaks his trail of thoughts. Mbuyi

puffs the smoke in her face causing her to
move back, coughing hysterically.

Yolanda: Not everyone wasn’t to have damaged

lungs like you.

She snaps after calming down and walk back to

the room. Mbuyi throws the cigarette butt on
the floor and step on it before following her
inside. He finds her invading the fridge. He
shakes his head and stand on the door looking
at her. That’s the only thing she knows to do
very well after popping kids like hot popcorns.
Feeling the burning gaze on her Yolanda
strengthen up to her full height and closes the

Mbuyi: You said how far are you?

Yolanda: Don’t make it sound like I’m the only

one pregnant because we are both are.

Mbuyi nods slowly rearranging his choice of


Mbuyi: How far are we?

Yolanda: 15 weeks.

Mbuyi: How long is that?

Yolanda giggles softly. This man of hers was

clueless when it comes to such and it was
funny to watch.

Yolanda: 4months, why?

He shakes his head.

Mbuyi: I'm just counting in my head of how

many months left because I have to prepare for
another mouth to feed again.

He emphasizes on his last words.

Yolanda: Well you don’t have to worry so much.
My brother is willing to chirp in from time to

Mbuyi: Sometimes I’m asking myself if you’re

sleeping with you brother or me, because no
sane man can keep dishing out money like he
does even if you’re his sister.

Yolanda gasps shocked and squint her eyes.

Yolanda: Kahle, kahle uthini Mbuyi? {What are

you saying Mbuyi?}

Mbuyi: Lutho. { Nothing}

He shrugs his shoulder and walk out of the
room. He slips his hands in his pocket and
scroll down his contact list, calling his cousin.

Voice: Yello?

Mbuyi: Ngidinga lawo maphilisi mzala. { I need

those pills mzala.}

Langa: Ngangazi ukuthi uzobuyela

ezingqondweni zakho. { I knew you will come
back to your senses.}

Mbuyi: Uthi unamaviki angu-15 njengamanje,

ingabe izonqanyulwa? {She says she’s 15
weeks right now, will it be terminated?}
Langa: Mawuphethe mina uphethe insizwa.
Khululeka udedele ublood phansi mzala. Akazi
ukuthi izingane ziyabiza kulezi zinsuku? { I
knew you will come to your senses. Doesn’t she
know babies cost this days?}

The master of aborting kids chirps in on the end

of the line, excited.

Mbuyi: Angifuni nokuyikhuluma leyo ngoba

iyangicasula. Angazi ukuthi ucabanga ukuthi
ngiyithathaphi imali engaka yokondla yena
nenkulisa yakhe yonke. { I I don’t even want to
talk about that one because she pisses me off. I
don’t know where does she think I get such
money to feed her and her whole creche.}

He huffs rubbing his face frustrated.

Mbuyi: Emqondweni wakhe ucabanga ukuthi
ngizomshada. { In her mind she thinks I will
marry her.}

He scoffs causing Langa to burst into a fit of

laughter on the end of the line.

Langa: Udakiwe!

Much to his annoyance Langa keeps laughing.

He clicks his tongue hanging up on him. His a
bachelor and doesn’t need babies to be tying
him .

I chuckle at my Godson as he pouts his lips,
attempting to sulk.

Me: ¿Qué tipo de juguetes le gustaría al rey que

le trajera cuando regrese? { What kind of toys
would the king like me to bring him when I
come back.}

A smile creeps on his face while his eyes lit up.

Mateo: Cada juguete que puedas tener en tus

manos. Mami tiene el hábito de esconder mis
juguetes. No sé por qué? { Every toy you can get
your hands on. Mommy has a habitat of hiding
my toys. I don’t know why?}

He shrugged his little shoulders before he

Lydia: Eso es porque no necesita tantos
juguetes. Necesita aprender a compartir
mientras. { That’s because he doesn’t need so
much toys. He needs to learn to share while his
still this young. }

She yells on the background. I snicker rolling

my eyes causing the champ to giggle.

Mateo: Mami, el tío Anthony acaba de poner los

ojos en blanco. { Mommy, uncle Anthony just
rolled his eyes at you.}

Me: Oye, los chicos no se delatan entre

ellos.{ Hey, boys don’t snitch on each other.}

I playfully scold him. He gives me a lopside


Mateo: Sorry.

Lydia: Deja de enseñarle a mi hijo tus modales

groseros, Anthony. { Stop teaching my son your
rude manners Anthony. }

She scolds glaring at me. If looks could kill I

would be six feet underground. I raise up my
hands in surrender as mama bear comes to
play. Before I could say anything more Mateo
starts to scream, jumping up and down

Mateo: Papi, papi. { Daddy, daddy.}

He abandons the phone and runs to him. I smile
leaning back on my chair looking at their
interaction. At some point in my life I thought I
would have that but luck was not on my side.

Mateo: Mami solo estaba regañando al tío

Anthony. {Mommy was just scolding uncle

I chuckle at the little snitch.

Me: Oye, ¿qué dije acerca de que los chicos son

soplones? { Hey, what did I say about boys
being snitches?}

He hides behind his father murmuring sorry

softly. I shake my head smiling. His father also
joins in.
Marco: Si no es el idiota, el mismo Anthony. { If
it isn’t the douchebag, Anthony himself.}

Giggles follow behind him. I erupt in laughter.

Me: Coño {Pussy.}

We share a look before we burst into laughter.

Marco: How are you man?

Knowing him, he wouldn't last long speaking


Me: Pataleando y gritando hombre. Ya sabes

cómo es la selva. {Kicking and screaming man.
You know how the jungle is.}

Marco: Es bueno verte todavía de una pieza.

Seguramente puedo dormir tranquilo por la
noche porque alguien ha estado preocupado
por ti. { Good to see you still in one piece. I can
surely sleep peaceful at night because
somebody has been worried about you. }

He smirks shifting his eyes to Lydia. She

chokes on her wine and glares at him. I chuckle
at my assumption.

Me: Dios mío, no sabía que alguien estaba

preocupado por mí. Me vas a hacer llorar. { Oh
my God, I didn’t know somebody was worried
about me. You’re going to make me cry.}
I mimicking her voice batting my eyelashes.
They roar in laughter.

Lydia: ¿Acabas de imitar mi voz, Anthony? {Did

you just mimic my voice Anthony?}

Me: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I innocently muttered batting my lashes. She

giggles shaking her head.

Lydia: On a serious note when are you coming


Me: As soon I wrap things up here I will be on

my first flight home.
Lydia: Or maybe a certain someone is keeping
you there.

She wiggles her eyebrows before winking at me.

My eyebrows furrow. Marco snorts.

Marco: Cariño, te diré esto por última vez. No

está enamorado. { Darling I will say this for the
last time. His not in love.}

Lydia: Solo el amor puede domar a un hombre y

él, por otro lado, se ha estado comportando
como alguien a quien le acaba de picar el
gusanillo del amor. ¿No es simplemente
hermoso el amor { Only love can tame a man
and he on the other hand has been behaving
like someone who just got bitten by the love
bug. Isn't love just beautiful?}

I scrunch up my noise in disgust.

Me: Espero que no estés insinuando lo que

estás insinuando. Elimina ese pensamiento de
tu cabeza más rápido de lo que parpadeas. { I
hope you’re not insinuating what you’re
insinuating. Remove that thought from your
head faster than you blink.}

Marco: Marco: {Te lo dije, bebé, ahora paga.

{ Told you baby now pay up.}

Lydia groans and shoves a note in his hand. My

eyes widen.
Me: ¿Apostasteis por mí? ¿Quienes son ustedes?
{ You guys took a fucken bet on me? Who are
you guys?}

I throw my hands up dramatically faking to be


Marco: The Hernández. It’s nothing personal my

man just business.

He shift his eyes to his wife.

Marco: Thank you darling.

He plants a kiss on her cheek. I roll my eyes.

The door of my office flies open revealing
Amanda in a long red coat. I arch my eyebrows.
Me: Guys I’ll call you back later. Something just
came up.

I disconnect the video call and place my tablet

on top of the table.

Me: What are you doing here?

She smacks her lips shut and starts

unbuttoning her coat to reveal her smooth skin
glistening in sheer diamonds. Her titts and
pussy are staring right back at me. I clench my
jaws rolling my hands into fists. Fuck I’m losing
control. The blood rushes straight to my cock
and judging by the naughty smile she has she
knows she got me.
Me: What are you doing here Amanda?

I murmured through gritted teeth. She smiles so

innocent and let her coat pool on the floor
before she steps on it, padding my way. She
shakes her hips side to side rounding the desk
and stand behind me. My breath hitches in my
throat as she runs her manicured fingers on my

Amanda: I thought I should pass by and

congratulate you.

She whispers in my ear causing a shiver to run

down my spine. I'm a man and right now I’m not
thinking with my head but my dick.
Toxic Attraction


Amanda had her knees on the floor while saliva

dripped from her delicate lips. She smiled
raising her head to look at the man in front of
her. His eyes were telling her everything she
needed to know. The man was clouded by lust
and nothing more. From her perspective he
looked relaxed and vulnerable. She coated her
fingers with her saliva and ran them on his hard
weapon. Meli hissed closing his eyes. Her
fingers felt so good making him to lose his

Logic flew out of his brain and the only thing he

wanted to do right now was to throw her on the
desk and fuck her until she can’t walk. Amanda
stopped stroking him causing him to quickly
open his eyes. She smiled seductively and open
her delicate lips. She wrapped her lips around
the head of his cock and moved her mouth
down the length.

Pausing to gauge his reaction, she slipped his

cock between her lips. Meli held his breath in
anticipation, waiting for what's about to come.
Grunting, the man threw his head on the chair
he was sitting on. She opened her legs widely
then placed her finger on her throbbing clit,
blowing him. She moaned on his shaft, stroking
herself. Meli clenched his jaws, tightening his
grip on the armrest of the chair.

Meli: Deeper

His strained voice come out husky. She open

her mouth and got more of his length in her
mouth. Tears slip out of her eyes she could feel
the head at the back of her throat. Meli brought
his hands to her head and forced her to take
more before he moved his waist fucking her,
chasing his orgasm. Picking her pace on her clit,
Amanda gagged as tears continued to fall from
her eyes. Her jaw hurt like a bitch but she was
not going to complain. She had eyes at the end
of the goalpost and by the time she is done with
this, it will be worth the pain on her jaw. She
took him out and stroked him with her hand.

Mandy: How does that feel?

Meli: (hissing) So good.

His voice come out almost like a whisper.

Mandy: I can’t let you come unless you give me
something in return.

Meli: Anything you want sweetheart, you can

have it.

Her eyes lit up. The words were music to her


Mandy: Even my company?

She rubbed her thumb on his slit making him to

groan and hiss at the same time.

Meli: Anything you want.

She smiled and brought him back to her mouth.
A groan escaped Meli’s mouth as he exploded
in her mouth. She swallowed not wanting a his
magnificent nectar to spill. Amanda removed
her mouth from his cock, watching as the last
emission of his ejaculate left the head of his
cock. Meli opened his eyes and raised to his
feet. He gripped her arm roughly and turned her
on the desk, bending her. Amanda frowned.
Wasn’t the man going to muff her before they
jump to the deed? And why was he bending her
over her own desk like a prostitute?

Mandy: Meli-

Her words stuck on the roof of her mouth as he

rubbed his head on her slit. He bent her more
on the desk causing her to grip the edge.
Missionary was too intimate for him and he was
not about to change that for her.


He clicked his tongue and furiously called her


Nka: This is the 7th message I’m leaving you,

Amanda. Where the hell are you?

He hissed and hanged up. The woman was

crying one minute and now she disappeared
into thin air without saying a word. If those were
her hormones acting up then he hated them. He
sighed running his hand on his face and threw
himself on the bed. Looking at he ceiling he
close his eyes and let the wheels of his head to

He found himself thinking about Sthando. It’s

been three months since he left and he hasn’t
checked up on her. He wondered if she was
okay. Did she miss her or was she continuing
with her life like he never existed. He flipped his
eyes open and dialled her number. The number
sent him straight to voicemail causing his heart
to skip a beat. He was hoping she didn’t change
her number. If she did he was the first person
she was going to tell right?

He sighed and dialled the landline of his phone.

The phone rang and rang and rang until he gave
up. He threw the phone next to him, convincing
himself that she was probably out. Knowing sis
Maria the woman was probably cleaning far
away from where the landline is or she was in
her cottage.


He spanked hard. She let her body loose and

cum on palm of his hand as it connects with her
butt cheeks. She was so aroused and wanted to
be cum right now. Her frustration grew even
more as the man spanked her hard again. Tears
formed in her eyes. Her grip on the desk
loosened as she strengthen her back. She
turned to him and hold his hand leading him to
the couch before pushing him to it.

Have had enough of the torture she’s subjected

to. Meli bounces on the couch before settling.
Amanda placed her legs on his thighs, giving
him her back and into a reverse cow girl
position. She took his cock in her hand and
squatted over him, ease him to her slit.

Meli: Fuck!

She dropped her eyes to his eyes and watched

the magnificent organ stretching her. She held
her breath, suppressing a moan to escape her
lips. The feeling felt sensational and she
wanted to cry. Bouncing up and down on him,
his cock hit all corners in her, waking up any
sleeping feeling she felt. Between going up and
down and her and Nkanyiso’s job they hardly
had time to pleasure themselves. She was had
to run after the man because he was always
with Rene so she wouldn't be suspicious.
Her movements become sloppy. Meli
messages her breast and squeezed the erected
nipples before pushing her face on the couch
and positioned the way he wanted. Her butt
cheeks in the air while her face was on the
couch. He plunged himself into without any
warning. Amanda moaned.

Mandy: God.

She cried out in auto bliss. Her orgasm was

approaching but the man was delaying it. She
grew frustrated. His strokes were violent and

Mandy: Meli please.

He chuckled, loving the feeling of hearing the

word ‘please’ slip out of her mouth. Who would
have thought she would be the one begging him
for cock? Life is a mysterious thing no one can

Meli: Please what?

Mandy: Please let me cum.

Meli: You’ve been very naughty.

The man just ceased his movement underneath


Meli: Cum.

He commands spilling his seed deep in her,

growling. Her legs shook while a scream
escapes her lips. She panted trying to catch her
breath while he does the say. Removing her
legs from his thighs, she got off him and took
her calculated steps to the door, swaying her
hips from side to side. She bent down picking
up her coat making sure she spread her legs to
give him a better view. The man groaned the
couch making her to giggle softly. She tie her
coat and tuned to blew him and kiss and walked
out of the office to the parking lot. She slipped
in her car and dropped her eyes to her stomach.
Nine months from now on and she will fuck up
somebody's life and turn it up side down. She
picked up her flashing phone and rolled her
eyes bored when she sees the missed calls
from Nka. She sighed and let her lips curved
into a smile . Mission accomplished.

Mandy: All hail Queen Mandy.

She giggled turning the ignition.

Mandy: All hail to the power of pussy.

She reversed out of the parking lot and drove

out smiling. In deed the power of pussy cannot
be matched and she knew that. She always win.

Toxic Attraction


Placing a cup of coffee in the tray, I dump the

dirty dishes in the sink and wipe the counter
clean. The sound of her footsteps approaching
the kitchen making me drop the dish cloth and
rush to the door with a rose in in my hand. She
pauses frowning on her steps.

Me: Happy anniversary my love.

A smile curved on her lips.

Mandy: Oh my goodness it’s today?

Me: Yep.
I hand her the rose and usher her to the
barstool. I was planning a set up outside kind of
thing or maybe breakfast in bed after cleaning
up but she had to ruin the surprise.

Mandy: I’m so sorry I forgot. Usually I’m the one

reminding you this kind of things.

She buries her hands on her face and drops her

them to the counter.

Mandy: It’s just that I’ve been so busy, it kind of

slipped my mind.

Me: I figured since we barely spend time

together these days. Last night you came back
very late and jumped straight to the shower and
went to bed after that.
Mandy: Sorry.

She murmurs softly.

Me: It’s okay. I was hoping to surprise you in

bed but you had to ruin the surprise.

She giggles softly as I round the counter and

wrap my arms around her waist. She turns to
face me and cups my cheek before smashing
her lips on mine. I groan opening my mouth for
her. She shakes her head breaking the kiss.

Mandy: I'm hungry.

I smirk.
Me: I'm also hungry.

I bite my lip and drop my eyes to her exposed

thighs. She follows my gaze and giggles. Her
skin feels so soft as I caress her thigh. It’s been
a while since we’ve been intimate. Our bedroom
lacks the spicy and sauce. I don’t know when
did the spark dimmed but I want it back. We are
not an old couple waiting for their pension days.

Mandy: I need food in my system first. Your

baby is starving.

I chuckle and stumble to the other side of the

counter and pick up the tray and place it in front
if her. She clamps her hands together grinning
before she picks up her fork and start eating.
Mandy: I knew you were hiding something when
I walked in. The aroma is what woke me up in
the first place.

She murmurs shoving the piece of beacon in

her mouth. She shuts her eyes and moan softly.
I chuckle and lean on the counter and brought
my arms to my chest and watch her eat. The
woman who I found crying in the middle of the
night a few nights ago is long gone and
replaced by the woman I grew to know and love.
She looks beautiful just like the first day I met

Me: You’re beautiful.

I blurt out. She opens her eyes and flashes me a

smile before scooping the egg in her plate and
move it my way. I stumble towards her and
stand in between her legs, opening my mouth.
She shoves the food in my mouth without any

Mandy: Who would have thought we would be

here, 13 years from now on?

Before I could reply she forces another item in

my mouth. I chuckle at her bossy tendencies
and keeping chewing.

Me: Nobody would have predict it.

Mandy: Love at first sight kind of thing.

I snicker.

Me: Maybe for you my love but not for me.

I muttered holding the bubble of laughter

threatening to escape my mouth as she gasps
shocked. Her jaw drops to the floor while her
eyes widen.

Me: It will be a story I tell our children and their

children from generations to generations to
come. It’s going to be their bedtime story like
the tale of Cinderella.

I muttered teasing her.

Mandy: Absolutely not.

She snaps scrunching her nose in disgust. I
can’t hold it anymore. I crack up so hard making
her to end up joining me.

Mandy: Do you know how ridiculous it would

have sounded to them?

She asks in between her laughter. I smile and

brought her face close to me and capture her
lips, shutting out her laughter. She wraps her
arms in my neck and brings me closer to her.
She opens her mouth as I bite her bottom lip.
Smiling, I salivate the flavours in her mouth and
untie her robe. She hold my hand and quickly
breaks the kiss.

Me: (frowning) What’s wrong?

She heavily sighs.

Mandy: I don’t like my body ever since I fell

pregnant. I feel like it will turn you off.

She drops her eyes and fiddles with her fingers.

I rise her chin and plant another kiss in her
delicious lips that I cant’t seem to get enough

Me: You don’t have to feel insecure about your

body my love. You’re carrying a precious cargo
in there and that’s the most important thing.
You’re still beautiful to me just like the first time
I saw you.

She smiles.
Me: Let me rephrase my words. You’re getting
more beautiful as we grow old. I don’t know
whether it’s my seed that’s making you to glow
but you’re glowing these days.

She blushes.

Mandy: I was worried you will find me less

unattractive now after 13 years being married.

My brow arched.

Me: Why would I do that?

Mandy: Because you have Rene. She’s beautiful

than me.
I hiss shutting my eyes.

Mandy: What?

I flip them back open and stride out of the room

to look for my phone.

Mandy: Babe what’s going on?

I ignore her and call the landline again. The

phone still rings answered again. I pace up and
down waiting for someone to pick it up as I call

Mandy: Nka you're scarying me now. What the

hell is going on?
She yells standing in front of me to cease my
movements. I push her aside and continue my
pacing. I quickly turn on my heels as she
snatches my phone.

Mandy: Are you going to tell me what’s going on?

I run my hand on my face frustrated.

Me: It’s also Sthando’s anniversary today.

Mandy: (shocked) You married her the same

day you married me?

I nod dropping my eyes to the band in my finger.

It took a while to get used to the idea of having
two wives. The back and forth of hiding one
from another was draining the energy I had. The
on and off of switching rings was also a
mission and a half until I came with an idea of
combining the rings to make it one, in that way I
wear both pieces the women I love gave me. I’m
not sure if Sthando has noticed the change of
ring but Amanda picked it up a month after I
tied the knot with her.

Mandy: Are kidding me right now?

She yells throwing her hands in the dramatically.

Me: I will spend the whole day with you then

catch a flight later on to spend the rest of the
evening with her.
Mandy: You’re not about to ruin my anniversary
because of her. Why should I be the one who
gets to comprise everything for her. You went
behind my back and got married to her and I let
that slide then yet again you chose to break my
heart again by marrying her the same day as
mine and you think I will let that slide?

Her chest heaves as she screams.

Me: Just like the fact you’re were acting strange

the last couple of days and I let it slide. You
came back last night and went straight to bed
after your shower not bothering to check up on
me if I had food.

Mandy: That’s because I knew you’re capable of

taking care of yourself. You’re got everything in
you body in pairs. Eyes, nostrils, legs, hands and

She continues to scream. I snort.

Me: Says much the kind of wife you’re. You

were not bothered to check on your husband.
Your were scattered all over the country
meeting new clients for your business and I had
to understand that I married an ambitious
career woman. You business came first and
you forgot about me. I’m not about to apologise
to you for my past mistakes I’ve already
apologised for.

I shout back.

Me: If you took your time to check up on me you

would have noticed that I was lonely and
needed the comfort of my wife.

I spat clicking my tongue and snatch my phone

from her grip before turning on my heels and
stride out of the room. I’ve let everything she
did slide because I didn’t want us to fight just
days before our anniversary but I’ve had enough
of her bullshit. She needs to know I’m the
fucken head of this household not her. My way
or the highway.

Mandy: What are you doing?

I ignore her and threw the suitcase on top of the

bed before marching to the closet for my
clothes. I threw the hangers of on the bed and
slam the door to pack up.
Mandy: You’re not going to leave me and
choose her again.

She snatches the pants I had in my hand and

throws them on the floor. I shove the items with
the hangers still on but she takes them out of
the suitcase and throws them on the floor. I
sigh and padded to the pedestal and pick up my
keys and walk out of the room with her hot on
my heels. I don’t need the clothes anyway so
she can keep them.

Mandy: If you walk out of this house you will

never see me and your child again.

She threatens screaming. I abruptly halt on my

steps and clench my jaws.
Mandy: I dare you Nkanyiso to walk out of that

Sharply turning on my heels to face her I find

her with her hands on her hips.

Me: Are you threatening me, Amanda?

I gritted out.

Mandy: I dare you.

She muttered, ignoring the question I asked her.

I chuckle in disbelief then walk towards her.
Someone is growing wings and I need to clamp
them before they bloom. She takes two steps
backwards. Fear flashes in her eyes. Good!
Me: Then watch me walking out baby.

I gritted out and stride out of the house with her

yelling after me.


I look at the time and heavily sighed before

throwing myself on the bed. It’s a minute after
7pm and his still not back. I was hoping he will
respect this day but the man keeps proving to
me that he doesn’t care. I don’t know why I
always do this to myself but a bit of hope has
never killed anyone.

I don’t know whether to label myself stupid or

naive or a bit of both. I was doing fine staying
with my parents for a couple of day but since it
is our anniversary today I thought I would find
him home. You should have seen my mothers
eyes when she saw me. She’s been stuffing me
with food and I didn’t complain because I was
also struggling on that department. I’ve even
gained a few kilos in just days. The sound of a
honk snaps me out of my daze. I bolt out of the
house and run towards it with the remote in my
hand barefooted. I watch it slide open revealing
a car I’ve never seen before. The owner steps

Man: Sorry to disturb you so late but I'm looking

for the Brown resident.

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach while a

lump stuck on my throat. He chose the mistress
over me. The least he could have done was
respect this day and run back to her the
following day. The man waves his hand in my
face bringing me out of my misery.

Man: Ma’am?

Me: (breaking voice) I’m sorry you were saying?

Concern flashes in his eyes.

Man: Are you okay ma’am?

I nod my head not trusting my voice.

Man: I was asking about the Brown resident.

I swallow back the lump and tears threatening
to escape.

Me: It’s 5 blocks from here.

Man: (smiling) Thank you so much and again

I'm sorry for bothering you so late.

He steps back in his car and honks before

speeding out of the driveway. My knees
collapse on me as I close the gate. I let them
and breakdown on the driveway. Why does love
has to so difficult and hurt this much. Or better
yet why does he keep doing this to me.
Toxic Attraction


I know I could have chosen a different date but I

didn’t want to remember the other one and
forget the other. Didn’t she perhaps got worried
that I was no longer interested about how her
trips were? Or she was just ignorant on purpose?
She would go and on and on but I wouldn’t
bother myself to chirp in like I always do. 10
freaken years I endured that until 3 years ago
where I met this beautiful lady who immediately
caught my eye. I didn’t know it was possible to
love two women at the same time until I met
her. At first I convinced myself that it was lust
but I knew it was more than that. I respected
Amanda and my vows to her but she didn’t
share the same sentimental as me. Knowing
how conniving, charming and manipulative my
wife is, I just know she sucked some dicks or
even far worse, jumped on them to close those
never ending new clients of hers that keeps
popping each and every single day. I’m not
about to apologise for marrying Sthando
because from her I get something I don’t get
from her. Which is TLC { Tender, loving and
Care}. Something I last had with her when we
were still fresh from the alter.

The house looks unfamiliar as I watch the gate

slide open. I drive in and the first thing my eyes
fell on is the high grass on the lawn. I frown and
park the car on the garage and use the door
attached to the kitchen to enter the house.
Switching the lights on I’m caught by a messy
kitchen and dirty dishes in the sink. I gag and
quickly close my nostrils as a foul smell I can’t
pin point hits my nostrils. What the hell is going
on? Where is Sis Maria and Sthando when my
house is like this? I jump the bucket and mop
full of water and make my way to upstairs.

Me: (yelling) Rene? How do you stay in such a

dirty house?

I push the door of our bedroom and switch on

the lights. The room is empty and at least it’s
clean unlike my kitchen. I move to other rooms
looking for her but I come back empty handed
with no sign of her. My house looks like a ghost
house or those houses you see on wrong turn
the only thing missing is blood and pile of dead
bodies. My heart skips a beat as that thought
crosses my mind. I slip my hands in my pants
and scroll down the contact before calling sis
Maria. Her phone rings and rings and rings. I
huff and hang up before trying again. She
answers on the 5th ring this time.
Sis Maria: (sleepy voice) Hello?

Me: Sis Maria I don’t understand how can you

sleep peacefully while my house is this dirty.
What am I paying for if you fail to do your job?

The shuffling on the background indicates she’s

fully awake right now. She should be causing
I’m fuming.

Sis Maria: Nkanyiso is that you?

Me: Who else is paying you?

I sarcastically muttered.

Sis Maria: The school I’m working on right now.

Me: (shocked) What? What are you talking

Sis Maria: Rene gave me a leave after you left

so I assumed since you or her haven’t called me
I was fired. I got a new job as a cooker at this
school around my house. I haven’t received my
last payment for that month you left.

Me: What do you mean you haven’t been paid? I

don’t understand.

My head is spinning. What the fuck is going on


Sis Maria: Look I have children I need to feed

and I couldn’t sit back and wait for you and
Rene to make up your mind.

Me: You were not fired in the first place sis


I heavily exhale, calming myself. This feels like

Deja vu all over again.

Me: I’m sorry for the inconvenient sis Maria.

Should you find yourself jobless you are free to
come back. You’re family and family doesn’t
turn back on each other.

Sis Maria: Thank you.

Me: I'll transfer your payment right now.

Sis Maria: I'll appreciate that.

Me: Before I forget do you perhaps know where

Rene is? I just got home and she’s not here.

Sis Maria: She was at her parent house but it

looks like she left because I haven’t seen her for
a while.

I pinch my nose bridge.

Me: Thank you and again sorry for the

inconvenient. Good night.

I hang up and brought my hand on my face and

cover it. Why does Rene love to do this to me.
Her disappearing acts are starting to piss me
off. Couldn’t I enjoy my anniversary with my
other wife without any alterations?


If someone would have told me 13 years from

now on I’ll be in this position I would have
probably picked Melisizwe over Nkanyiso in a
heartbeat. The crying game has become a
regular thing I do these days. I'm in the same
position I was days ago, curled in the bed crying.
I was furious when I first found out that he went
behind my back and married her. I thought his
family were suppose to be my family too and
didn’t understand how can they allow such
thing to happen but I was quick to remember
that our culture allows such things to happen.
Whether I like it or he would have still went
behind my back and continued with that shame
of a marriage of his. I'm partly to blame by the
outcome of things. Had I priorities my husband
and marriage first none of this would have
happened. We would have been much in love
without her in the picture. I don’t know why
didn’t he sit down with me and laid down his
complaints but instead he found comfort in the
hands of another woman.

What pisses me the most is the fact that he

married her the same day as me. He could have
chosen any date and any month but no he had
to hurt me again not only sharing him with her
but my wedding day. How rude, insensitive and
disrespectful he was on that part. My phone
chimes next to starling me. I quickly wipe the
tears off my face and pick it up, thinking it’s him.

Me: Babe?
Voice: (chuckling) I fucked you once after years
and already you’re giving me pet names.
Touché sweetheart.

I blink once, twice and swallow the lump in my

throat. How convenient of him calling when I’m
at my lowest.

Me: What do you want Meli?

I snap irritated. He chuckles on the end of the


Meli: You sound frustrated. Trouble in paradise

He muses. I can only imagine him arching his
brow to emphasize his statement and the
picture in my head makes me want to claw his
eyes out and wipe of that smirk I know he has
on his lips.

Me: What do you want?

I muttered through gritted teeth.

Meli: It would be nice of you to choose your

words when talking to me, after all I’m still your
boss and your brother in law.

I scoffed.

Me: What the fuck do you want?

My frustration growing seconds by seconds by
just hearing his annoying voice.

Meli: Easy sweetheart. Didn’t hubby give you an

orgasm on your anniversary? He such a dick
don’t you think?

My breath hitches in my throat. How the hell did

he know it’s my anniversary day today? He left
the country before we got married.

Me: (stuttering) H-h-h

Meli: Huh? You will have to speak louder than

that sweetheart because I can’t hear you.
Gulping the thick saliva in my mouth, I rearrange
my speech.

Me: How did you know?

Meli: I know everything I need to know about my


I chew my inner cheek while my eyebrows knot.

What the does that even mean?

Meli: I called to wish you a happy anniversary.

Me: It’s not a happy one if goats like you know it.

He burst into fit of laughter.

Me: What’s so funny?

Meli: You sure know how to crack a joke.

Me: Bye Melisizwe.

I click my tongue hanging up on him. My phone

rings before I could throw it far away from me
and continue with my pity party. I let it ring until
he gets the message but guess what the idiot
doesn’t get it. He keeps calling until I scream
and answer it.

Me: (screaming) What do you want?

Meli: The frustration laced in your voice makes

me think my assumptions were true. Hubby
dearest didn’t give you an orgasm.

I click my tongue ready to hang up but his

words makes me halt on my movements.

Meli: I thought you wanted you company back?

Guess I have to sell it to the highest bidder.

Me: I do want it back.

Meli: Then you have until the end of tonight

because I’m leaving town tonight.

I jump off the bed and rush to the bathroom.

Now his got my full attention.
Me: Where are you? And what time does the
deal end?

Meli: It ends at 22:00pm so sweetheart you

have about 51 minutes remaining before it ends.

I look at the time and it reads 21:11pm.

Me: Where are you?

Meli: The hotel where I’ve been staying.

I groan annoyed and turn on the shower.

Me: Which one?

Meli: Figure it out.

I balance the phone with my shoulder and strip

naked. His being impossible right now. There
are so many hotels and I don’t know which one
his in.

Meli: Time is money sweetheart and I hope you

won’t waste mine. Spain is too far from here so
don’t make me miss my flight.

He hangs up after that. I toss the phone on the

pile of clothes on the floor and jump into the
shower. Five minutes later I’m running to the
closet like a headless chicken looking for
clothes. I scream in frustration as the jean I
picked up doesn’t want go higher than my butt. I
jump up and down like ZCC members trying to
squeeze in.
By the time I’m done, I’m panting like a dog out
of breath. I dash back to the bathroom and
rinse my moist face. I look for my makeup and
bag and settle for a mascara and a vaseline for
my dry and ashy lips. Make up will take longer
and time is something I don’t have. Running
downstairs after I picked up my phone from the
floor to look for my car keys, I open the gate
and the garage and jump in the car. I don’t want
to look at the time because I know I’ll be
panicking. I'm speeding beyond the speed limit
but I don’t care. My company comes first and I
worked hard to get it where it is today for me to
just let this opportunity slip off my fingers.

Minutes later I’m calling him again as I navigate

my way through the traffic. Shouldn’t be people
sleeping at this hour? I understand that it’s
midweek but can’t they see this is an

Meli: Amanda darling you’re running late.

Me: I'm still stuck in traffic and I ask you to give

me more time.

Meli: I'm already at the airport sweetheart and

my flight is about to board right.

Tears blur my vision as I honk and bang the

steering wheel frustrated.

Me: Meli please.

Meli: You 51 minutes ends in about...

He trails off, probably looking at the time.

Meli: 3minutes.

Me: Just give me more time. I'm already in town

just stuck in traffic.

Meli: Hello? The signal is bad and I can’t hear


He yells breaking in between his speech.

Me: (yelling & crying) Meli can you hear me?

Meli: Amanda? Amanda? Fuck I can’t hear you

but if you can hear me just know I’m boarding
right now and you lost the chance to have your
company back. I'm afraid you will remain as my
employee until I return back into the country
and I don’t know when will that be.

Me: I just need more ti.....

(Tu tu tu)

Me: Hello? Meli?

The bastard hanged up on me. I jump startled

as I feel a piercing pain on my feet. I bend down
and find my foot swollen. Haibo where are my
shoes because I know I didn’t forget to put
them on. A bee flies out of the open window
and disappears into the dark night. Where the
hell did a bee come from at night? Aren’t they
suppose to be asleep or producing honey or
something? I pock the bite and immediately
regret it. Tears fill my eyes and I don’t have the
strength to blink them. I just let the fall while my
foot continues to ache. I bang the steering
wheel crying. If I was fast enough I would have
been the owner of my company again. What a
shity anniversary it has been.


Comment of the day: Admin you can do

anything to Rene now I won't mind. 😂😂
comments are cracking me up. Now I know you
guys can't be trusted.
Toxic Attraction


I stare at the ceiling and just let my tears flow.

Maybe I should stop depending on people more
and leave a room for disappointment cause
that’s what human beings do to each other.
They drop you like a hot potato and disappoint
you. I wish I had my phone with me right now so
I can call my sister. I know she would have
listen to me as I vent all my problems to her.
She wouldn’t have hold a grudge against me
since the last time we exchanged harsh words
at each other. I haven’t had the courage to face
her and apologise when I was still at home. She
was avoiding me and I was also doing the same
thing. I’m sure if my parents picked that up they
would have forced us to iron out our differences.
Wiping the tears with the back of my hand, I
swap the wet pillow with the dry one then drag
my body to lean on the headboard.

Why does life have to be unfair to me? Haven’t I

been a good wife to him? If I was another
person I would have left a long time ago. He
would have came back to those stupid
‘business trips’ of his and found his house
without me. I stayed because I love him and I
felt obliged to be on his side as his wife. His
extended family hates me with passion. Oh wait
let me rephrase my words. They loathe me. I
don’t know what I did to them for them to feel
like that about me but I guess not everyone is
going to like and love me. It’s the cycle of life
and I just have to accept it. Whining about it
won’t change a thing, I just have to put on my
big girl panties and just ignore them like I usual
do. If they were loving people I would have
called them to sort out their son but I would just
be wasting my time. His parents are humble,
quiet people who make sure they avoid conflict
at all times. I don’t know how did they end up
being associated to those people but if it was
on our hands to change families I know they
would do it in a heartbeat.


It almost took him the entire night to get the

house clean. He didn’t understand how could
Rene take such decision without consulting him
first. The women are both forgetting their place
in this household and he needs to remind them
that his the leader and they are followers. What
pisses him off mostly is that he has to spend
his day looking for his wife. Rene is starting to
be a problem and loose. She’s not the same
woman she was 3years ago.

A lot has changed and he understands that but

it seems the change is affecting their lives more
than anything. Someone has be the bigger
person and reach out to the other and that's the
whole point of him coming home, but he didn't
not expect to his house like a pigsty. He needs
to be fair and firm on both ladies. They are
slipping out of his grip and if he let's it to
continue like this it will be difficult to put them
back in line.

Heavily sighing he stumbles the kitchen and

release another sigh. He needs to compile a list
for grocery but he doesn’t know a thing about it
because it was Rene’s job to do so. The food
that was in the fridge was off due to the on and
off of the load shedding. The pantry has some
ingredients he can use to make himself food
but his not sure if they are not expired or not.
That grocery has been there before he left and
coming back to still find it means some of the
items have expired. He takes his car keys and
makes his way to the garage. He will just eat
out. Pressing the remote of the gate he
reverses, ready to speed out but something
caught his eyes.

He kills the engine and climbs out of the car

when he sees a skinny woman stepping out of
his cottage. He knows Sis Maria is not home
and Rene is God knows where so who was the

Nka: Sorry sis what are you doing in my yard?

He enquires losing his patience as the woman

smack her lips shut. Tears involuntary slip out
of Rene’s eyes. She knows that voice even in
her sleep. Her heart skipped a beat while her
lips quiver. He came back for her. Her husband
is back home to her. She knew it was a matter
of time before he comes back to his senses.

She snaps out of her daze when Nka roughly

grips her shoulder and turns her around to face
him since she had her back on him.

Nka: Yeyi, sis I asked you are-

A gasp escapes his mouth. His eyes widen.

Nka: (shocked) Rene?

The lump in Rene’s throat tighten making her to
sob. She throws herself in his arms catching off
guard. He staggers before finding his foot and
catch her.

Nka: What happened to you?

She shakes her head and continue to sob. She

didn’t want this moment to end. She wanted to
stay in his arms and revisit everything that has
been a problem to them since they last saw
each other. She cried painfully in his arms. Nka
held her dumbstruck by her piercing cries. The
woman was weeping like a widow.

He tries to break the embrace but Rene holds

him tighter and shakes her head.
Rene: Please just hold me and tell me
everything is going to be okay from now on.

He sigh and picked her up. Rene wrapped her

legs on his waist as he padded to the house.

Rene: Promise me that we will be okay.

Promise me that your relationship with her is
over and you're choosing me your wife over her.

Nka gulped the thick saliva in his mouth. He

couldn’t dare make that promise cause he
knows what connects him with Amanda. How
can he promise her such? Removing her head
from his shoulder, Rene narrowed her glossy
eyes on him, waiting for the man’s answer.

Rene: Promise me Nkanyiso. Swear on our dead

baby that you will never go back to her.

She raises her voice causing the man to halt on

his steps. He chews his bottom lip furrowing
his eyebrows.

Nka: What dead baby? Rene what are you

talking about?

His heart skipped a beat while his mind came

out with different scenarios. He sucks in a
shallow breath.

Nka: Rene what dead baby?

He snaps agitated. The crying ceases. Shit he

wasn’t suppose to know. She took a decision
that she won’t tell him because she's the reason
their baby is still not in her womb right now. If
she didn't act the way she did that night none of
things happened to her would have happened.
She blames herself for the miscarriage. Her
body was weak and maybe that is why
Nkanyiso doesn't hide the fact that his cheat on
her. She’s not strong enough for him. She naive,
weak, pathetic and nagging. She can see now
why Nka hurt her like that. She’s just a pretty
face and stupid because no sane woman can
stay and put up with such. She was a woman in
love with her husband and she was not going to
let society to tell her otherwise. If she was
stupid and naive then it was her problem not
others who like to pock their noses where it
doesn't belong.

She will die still married to this man after all her
kist was still in this household so why live it
behind because of mere problems they can
solve? Nka shakes her bringing her out of her
thoughts. The woman had tears in her eyes and
her mind was very far. He was scared of the
next words that will come out of her mouth.

Nka: Rene?

He shakes her. She shifts her eyes from the

wall and look at him.

Nka: What baby?

He spat emphasizing his words. A frown makes

it’s way on her face.

Rene: I-
Before she could say anything a car parks
behind his and a limping Amanda emerges from
it looking like she hasn’t slept a week. She’s
barefooted with a swollen foot. Nka frowns and
unwrap Rene’s legs from him and leave her to
her feet to attend Amanda. The lump in her
throat rises.

Mandy: (crying) I didn’t know where I was

driving but I spent the entire night on the road.

Nka: What happened to you?

Mandy: I-

Words get stuck on the roof of her tongue as

she swallows hard.
Mandy: I-

She tries again but words refuses to leave her

mouth. She burst into tears sinking on the
ground. Nka rushes to her and scoops her up.

Mandy: A bee bit me and I-

She shook her head crying. Nka made his way

to the house and shut the door behind him,
leaving Rene outside.
Toxic Attraction


It’s a few days since Amanda moved in and I
must say the house is turned up side down. Her
mere presence is suffocating me and Nkanyiso
doesn’t see anything wrong she does. He
believes everything she says because according
them I’m a violent person and I’m always
looking and causing unnecessary drama. I don’t
know when will he take my side for once in his
lifetime. I don’t know why can’t he let me go if I
mean nothing to him. I'm forced to live with
selfish and inconsiderate people. His ego is
bigger than the house compared. I don’t know
how much can my heart take. He keeps
breaking each layer I have on and I’m still
hopeful that someday he might came back to
his senses. I'm stupid right?

Men get tired of their mistress and come back

home to their wives and that’s what I’ve been
praying for. I'm beginning to think my prayers
don’t reach heaven. Why is God not answering
my prayers in time? Haven’t I been following his
word for years? I’ve read the bible more I can
remember and now I know almost each
scripture by heart but he keeps disappointing
me time and time again. I'm losing my faith on
him and by the time he answers my prayers I
know it will be too late.

I throw the pillows on the floor, getting ready for

bed when the door flies open. Nka peeks his

Nka: Can you come to the lounge there is

something I need to talk you about.

Me: I'm coming.

He nods and shuts the door. I throw my robe
over and make my way to the lounge. I found
Amanda also there while Nka is on his feet. I

Me: What’s going on?

Nka: Please take a sit next to Amanda.

I settle next to Amanda and narrow my eyes at


Nka: I called this family meeting to address a

few things.

Amanda snorts beside me. He shoots her a

glare before he clear his throat and gawk at me.

Nka: Amanda will be staying with us for a

couple of days and I’ll appreciate you to make
her feel at home.

I frown.

Me: Few days is how long is that exactly?

Amanda: Until I see fit to live.

She chirps in putting words in Nkanyiso’ mouth.

Her attitude is stinking much worse than the
garbage bin.

Nka: I'm the one who called this meeting so you

will both listen to what I have to say and answer
if you’re asked. Shut up if you don’t have
anything positive to add.

He reprimands her. A smile creeps on my lips

as she pouts her lips and shift her gaze away
from him.

Nka: Like I was saying she will be staying with

us. You two will coexist with each other since
you will be on each others faces everyday. You
will take turns to cook and clean the house
since we don’t have any helper and I’m not
about to look for one until you two learn to
coexist with each other. Do I make myself clear?

I nod causing him to shift his eyes to the

woman beside me. She huffs crossing her arms
on her chest.
Nka: (firmly) Am I clear Amanda?

She slowly nods.

Nka: Glad we are on the same page.

He picks up the papers on top of the table.

Nka: Now moving forward I've compiled a list

on whose does the chores on which day.

He muttered handing both of us a paper to read

his list. Amanda scoffs.

Mandy: I can’t wash the toilet and the dishes. I

have nails to maintain.

I raise my eyebrows.

Nka: You eat and shit almost everyday and you

tell me you can’t wash the things you use on a
regular basis?

She pouts and looks away from him. His not

fazed by her childish acts. I'm mentally doing a
vosho in my head.

Nka: As sister wiv-

I zone out out of his speech. I don’t care what

he says right now because things are starting to
look up for me. I was wrong to say my prayers
don’t reach heaven because right now I’m being

Nka: Sthando?

I snap out of my daze and narrow my eyes at


Me: Sorry I got lost in my head.

Nka: I asked if you are willing to try to coexist

with Amanda?

Me: Of course if she’s willing to try then I will

also try.

I heavily sigh.
Me: It’s really exhausting to be fighting with her
day in and day out. I'm tired of that.

He flashes his breathtaking smile and stumbled

towards and capture my lips.

Nka: I'm proud of you.

I blush and drop my eyes to my robe and play

with the belt. Hearing such words come from
him means a lot to me. I think I might be having
my husband back.

Mandy: Are we done? I need to rest.

He clears his throat and make his way to his

spot which in front of us.

Nka: If we can turn the paper around and look at

what’s written there.

We both turn our page at the same time. My

eyebrows furrow involuntary.

Me: What is this?

Nka: It’s a timetable.

Mandy scoffs.

Mandy: We can see it’s a timetable but what is

it for?
Nka: That is how I will be spend my nights. As
you can see Monday, Wednesday and Fridays
are for you Mandy and your days Sthando are
Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday.

My jaw drops to the floor. I'm tongue tied.

Words have stucked on the roof of my tongue.

Nka: Any questions?

Silence consumes us as we both stare at the


Nka: Glad we are on the same page. Sthando

you should prepare for bed because it’s your
night tonight.
I don’t have to be told twice. I jump to my feet
ready to rush to my room but Amanda’s words
stops me on my tracks.

Mandy: I don’t think I will be able to sleep alone.

The baby enjoys sleeping next to you. He/she
will feel your absence and will start acting up.

His eyes widen in fascination.

Nka: You can feel that?

She nods and rubs her growing belly. I don’t

know whether it’s me or what but when she
arrived here a couple of days ago there was no
sign of any bump. Maybe I’m hoping she’s not
carrying his seed. He heavily sighs and my
stomach churns. I know what his about to ask
me before he says it.

Nka: I'm sorry Sthando but I will have to come

to you tomorrow.

Me: But it’s my night.

I protest.

Nka: I know baby but the baby comes first. I

promise I will pray with you before going to bed
since it’s a Sunday.

I smile nodding as the wheels in my head turn.

It’s a Sunday tomorrow and it’s Valentine’s Days
so how can I deny that.
Me: She can have my night.

I cheerfully muttered and turned on my heels

making my way back to my room. Yes I moved
back in the house because we are fixing our


I'm woke up in high spirit today. Nothing can

ruin my mood. I’ve been humming Benjamin
Dube's song since I woke up. I inhale trying to
locate any delicious aroma coming from the
kitchen but I don’t find any. I make my way
there to investigate and halt on my tracks as I
find my husband on the couch watching cricket.
Me: Hey baby.

I move towards him and peck his lips. He

pushes me aside so he can shift his gaze to the

Me: So?

I'm literally bouncing on my heels in excitement.

Normally on this day I’m dancing my way to the
bank after I get a surprise breakfast in bed and
flowers. During the day he will send me cash to
spoil myself then later on he will take me out for
dinner so I’m waiting for his surprise this year. I
know he will blow me away like he does each
Nka: (frowning) So what?

I chuckle.

Me: Okay I know what you’re trying to do. Let

me go to church and not ruin the surprise.

Nka: What surprise and what are you talking


He muttered not sparing me a glimpse. Okay

I'm getting tired of being ignored.

Me: Do you know what day is it today?

Nka: It’s a Sunday.

Me: (smiling) And???

Nka: It’s a normal Sunday and there’s nothing

special about it.

My shoulders sag while my mood drops to zero

instantly. He can’t tell me he forgot Valentine’s
day. It’s my favourite day after Easter and

Me: Babe it’s Valentine’s day today.

Nka: So?

He muttered dismissively focus on the game.

I’m so jealous right now I wish I was that TV his
been gawking.

Me: So I’m expect you know the usual breakfast

in bed-

He chuckles interjecting.

Nka: Come on Rene don’t tell me you’re crying

for bread with margarine and tea.

I gasped shocked.

Me: I didn’t say per say I want bread and tea.

Nka: Then what do you want cause to me it

sounds like that. You know where the kitchen if
you don’t mind I’m watching the game here and
you’re disturbing me.

My jaw drops to the floor. I thought we were

making progress last night. Don’t cry Rene,
don’t cry. I chant in my head blinking rapidly.
Turning on my heels I walk out of the lounge
with a tail in between my legs.

Nka: Please also make me some. I haven’t

eaten breakfast yet.

I stop and turn to look at him. I shake my head

and wipe the infuriating tears that keeps
popping out of no where. I've shed enough tears
for this man and it’s enough. The miracle I was
waiting for to happen so it can save my
marriage can be taken back by God. His not
going to change and his comfortable with this
set up but guess what I’m not. I storm to my
room and take my belongings and make my
way out of the house. I have a church service I
need to attend and I’m not going to let him
crush my spirit. I'm done licking his ass.


I'm crossing my fingers I wrap the story this
week. So I will keep them coming when I have a
chance. Don't mind me.
Toxic Attraction



It’s one of those days she feels so down and
doesn’t want to talk to anyone. The silent
treatment is something that is becoming a
regular thing she does and the people around
her are becoming aware of that. She’s caught
between a rock and a hard place. She doesn’t
doesn’t know what she wants anymore. Her
brain tells her to pack up and leave while her
heart say otherwise. The treatment is getting
worse day by day and there’s nothing she can
do about it. It’s slowly killing her inside while on
the outside she puts on her facemask to hide
away her emotions. Every time when it’s her
night Amanda becomes sick to the point of
shifting Nkanyiso’s whole attention to Amanda
and forget about her. She has ridiculous
cravings Rene needs to feed because Nka
appointed her Rene to attend to them while his
at work. She now regrets being a house wife.
Her certificates are collecting dust at her
parents house while she’s here. She should
have opted for being a career woman instead of
a housewife. She graduated on top of her class
but she’s not using her degree to look for a job
but instead having a pity party for herself. She
wishes she could turn back the hands of time
so she can apply for the posts her brother once
sent them to her. She would have been far in
life and not depending on someone else to feed
and cloth her.

Everyday she consoles herself with the fact that

she has his ring and surname next to her name
in DHA while Amanda doesn’t. One step forward
today and ten steps back the following day
when her brain stops functioning. door creaks
open and Nka walks in. She wipes her face to
see the intruder before she shifts them back on
the wall.
Nka: You didn’t join us for dinner so I came to
check on you.

She ignores him and continue to stare in space.

Nka: I brought you food.

He murmurs placing the plate on the pedestal

but the woman doesn’t spare him a glimpse.
Nka heavily sigh and sit next to her and cup her
face. The look in her eyes it’s something he has
never seen it before.

Nka: Hey, talk to me.

He cooed softly. Rene shakes her head with

tears streaming down her cheeks. He cups her
face and capture her lips. Rene stares at him
emotionless. Nka frowns and breaks the kiss.
He wipes the tears of her face and tries again,
laying her on her back on the bed. He get
between her legs and rise the night dress to her
waist. In his own mind he thinks she’s mad at
him. She’s lacking a lot of dick in her life and by
the time his done with her she will be the Rene
he knows and loves. He pulls her panties to her
feet and pull her thighs apart. He frowns seeing
the bush residing in there. He likes his pussy
clean and shaved so he doesn’t understand why
the woman didn’t shave. He climbs of the bed
and walks out the room and comes back a few
minutes later with a shaving cream in his hand.
He walks towards her and works his magic but
Rene shakes her head, not moving an inch from
the position she’s in.
He pinches his bridge nose then dumps the
items he was about use long with his pants and
boxers on the floor. Guess he will just have to
look past that forest. He climbs back on the bed
stroking himself and settles between her legs.
He cups her breast and kisses her lips but the
woman is not responding.

Nka: You can’t lie there like a chicken waiting to

be roasted Rene.

He snaps agitated and attempts to kiss her

again but gets the same response. He heavily
sighs and climbs off her. He picks up his items
on the floor and furiously slips then on.

Nka: And you keep asking yourself why I choose

Amanda over you.
Silence is what he gets from the woman and it
looks like she’s planning on ignoring him. He
closes her legs and sit next to her drags her
body to his chest. His growning concerned
right now. The silent treatment scares him
more than anything because he doesn’t know
what she’s thinking. Vocal and crazy Rene is
what he prefers.

Nka: Baby what’s wrong? You’re isolating

yourself this days.

Rene: I'm tired Nkanyiso.

Nka: (frowning) Tired? Tired of what?

Rene: Of everything. When was the last time we

spend time together? When was the last time
you touched me and made love to me?

Removing his hands on her face, he drops his


Rene: When was the last time you told me I'm

beautiful and you love me?

She continues firing all the questions at him.

She’s on her breaking point right now.

Rene: When was the last time you sat down

with me and cook me dinner? When was the
last time we took a shower together or you ran
me a bath? When was the last time you sent me
flowers when you’re at work with a note written
‘Thinking of you or I love you’? When was the
last time you went to pray with me? When was
the last time you went to church with me? When
was the last time you surprised me with a gift
card or a spa voucher? When was the last time
when you took me on a vacation?

Nka's eyes run around the room.

Rene: The only thing you see me as is your

sperm dish. I'm tired and I’m done.

Nka’s heart pounded in his ribcage. What does

the woman mean she’s done? Rene laid on her
stomach and closed her eyes.

Rene: Do your worst Nkanyiso cause I’m already

broken because of you. I'm done.
He releases a shaky breath.

Nka: What do you mean you’re done Rene?

Silence is what he gets. She’s done talking. And

for real this time she's done.

Mandy: Babe?

The fly in our sour milk decides to walk in.


The battles have been drawn and I don’t think

my opponents are aware of that. In Amanda’s
mind I left the country back to Spain but what
she doesn’t know is that I’m still in the same
country as her. She will just get used to seeing
this face because I’m not going anywhere
without causing the havoc I want. What I did to
her are just starters to a three course meal. I'm
busy preparing my main course and by the time
it’s ready to be served she won’t see it coming.
Normally I take two weeks to wrap things up
but I didn’t want to rush things. I want to leave
no stone unturned and beside there’s nothing or
no one I’m rushing back to at home beside my
best friend and his family. I know my company
is being taken care of in my absence. I trust
Marco with my life and vice verse. I wouldn’t
hesitate to take a bullet for him and his family
and I know he will do the same. Blood doesn’t
make you family but loyalties does. That’s
something people should learn.

I knock down the glass of scotch and pour

myself another one. Lucia walks in, just in time.
Lucia: Sir I've trying to call her but her phone is

Me: Send her an email of something. Tell the

HR department to send her a retrenchment
letter and attach her salary schedule form and
all the necessary shit she will need when she
goes to labour and claim her UIF.

Her eyes widen. She gasps shocked.

Lucia: But sir don’t you think that being too

much? I'm sure she’s still coming to terms that
you took her company from her.

Me: Did she apply for any leave?

Her eyes run around the room.

Me: Exactly! I’m running a business here Lucia

not a spaza shop whereby you can take
anything for credit. Amanda hasn’t come to
work weeks and there are million of people who
would love to have her job. Unemployment is a
serious issue in our country. There are
graduates working shity jobs that pays them
peanuts but they still appreciate what they have
so don’t tell me about her going through a lot
because all of us are going through a lot but
you don’t see us skipping work because we can.
Her stake in this company means shit to me
because it doesn’t give her legs to stand on.

Lucia: I'll tell the HR department to get on it Sir.

She turns on her heels making her way to the

Me: Before you leave I want you to call the

estate agent and setup a meeting.

Lucia: You’re looking for a house?

Me: Yes, the back and forth of travel from here

to Jo’burg doesn’t come cheap. On top of that I
still have to pay for my hotel suite in both

Lucia: What kind of house are you looking for?

A bachelor pad or a family house?

I smirk and pour another shot of my poison in

my glass.

Lucia: (frowning) Why does it looks like you

already have a house in mind?

I chuckle and shrug my shoulders.

Me: That’s because I do.

She clap her hands in excitement and lowers

herself on the visitors chair.

Lucia: If you already have a house why do you

need the estate agent?

Me: That’s because I want to buy someone’s

Lucia: Okay before I ask which house is it I
already have the perfect design for it. I'm an
interior designer by profession but didn’t get the
job of my dress instead I settle for being a P.A
because it pays the bills. So I somehow
understand why you want to fire Amanda
because she taking her job for granted.

Even if she didn’t understand I was still going to

fire her and there was nothing her or anyone
else can do about it.

Lucia: Let me see the picture of the house you

have in mind.

I chortle.
Me: You already know the house.

Her eyebrows furrow.

Lucia: You will have to be specific than that sir

because there are a lot of houses I know you
would like.

Doesn’t she know curiosity killed the cat? But

let me muse her. A smirk lurks on my lips as I
say the next words.

Me: Amanda’s house.

Her mouth gaps while her eyes popped out of

their sockets. I did say I'm coming for them so
it’s not my fault she didn’t take my threats
seriously. A scared person would have made
sure she/he protect herself but she didn’t.
Toxic Attraction



I take back my words when I said I was stupid

and naive. It must have been the broken me
who had the audacity to utter such words on my
behalf. The broken me who would do anything
to see her husband happy, but at what cost?
Cause I know it’s also costing me my own
peace of mind and happiness. I'm sick and tired
of the tears I keep shedding for a man who
doesn’t deserve them. I'm sick and tired of my
heart that keeps get broken by him time and
time again but I can’t seem to lean a thing from
his faults. I should have picked it up from the
first year in our marriage that I should always
leave room for disappointment. I should have
shut down my heart to protect it when my
concerns grow because of his so called ‘trips’
but as always I let my guard down and just relax.
No women can think the worst of their
husband’s. I don’t know where did we get such
mentality from but it needs to end. We probably
got it from the word of advice they elders give
us on our lobola negotiations and a day before
the wedding. Well they all lies and needs to be
called out on their lies.

I know the minute I start looking out of this

marriage he will run to them and request a
meeting. They will roast and criticise me
without them asking me my side of the story. I
don’t know why do men easily get away with
such matters. I know the bastard will play a
good son in law in front of my whole family and
they might buy his act and I’ll get tossed back
on the lion’s den without them asking the full
story. Why do parents always do this to their
own kids? Some can see that their child is not
happy with her marriage but they will turn a
blind eye and pretend they didn’t know until the
couple becomes to toxic for each other to the
point of one of them getting violent or killed and
that’s when they will start acting. What pisses
me off the most is the fake concerned
questions. “Why didn’t you came to us” or “Why
didn’t you request a meeting with the elders so
they can solve the matter for you?” or “A
women’s grave is where she’s married at.” Urgh
that on just irks me to the core. Which elders
are they talking about? The same elders that
adviced me that my husband had a right to have
a side chick and I shouldn’t question him
because his a man? In my eyes they are all
fucked up and need to stop advising such
nonsense to their kids because this is the same
advice that kills most women. I had the
mentality to drag that stupid kist and chop it
into pieces before packing my shit and went
back home but I’m not sure which side my
parents will be at especially my father. The man
is old school and still believes the love he and
my mother share is still there. It’s not the 19th
century where man respected their wives and
would do anything to see them happy. Those
time have longed passed and they won’t come
back. It’s the 20th century whereby men abuse
women and children to the point of killing them.
It’s like a sport they are taught to play. I don’t
know who gave them the right to play God with
someone’s life. I bet they also don’t have the
answer like I do.

Voice: Rene? Sthando?

Urgh! What does he want? I left him and his

mistress to play happy family in my own house
so I don’t understand what does he want from
me. His always on my face this days. I slide of
the bed and drag my feet to the door. I duck in
time as he attempts to kiss my forehead. If it
was two weeks ago I would have let him have
the kiss but I took time to self prospect myself
and I found what I was looking for. The man will
never respect me and he will always choose her.
I don’t know why he still wants to keep me
around because he has everything he needs.

Nka: Come on Sthando I thought we were okay.

His more delusional than I thought. Who would
in their right mind be okay living with his
husband and his bitch in the same yard? Worst
part the woman has the audacity to rub it in my
face that she’s pregnant with his child while I’m
not. When his around she acts like a saint and
fakes all the illness I could think of and Rene
has to run around back and forth in town just to
feed her ridiculous cravings. At first I did that so
my husband can see that I was willing to forgive
him for impregnating someone else but as the
time goes by I saw that I was only stupid.
Married women don’t drop everything to feed
their husband’s mistress their cravings but
instead the whop their asses.

Me: (calmly) How can I help you?

Nka: Are we fighting right now?

Me: You tell me Nkanyiso. Are we fighting right

I clap back and narrow my eyes at him. I regret

coming back in this house because the few
kilos I gained when I visited my parents is gone
over these two weeks.

Nka: I know I’m not fighting with you but it

seems like you are.


Me: Is there something I can help you with?

He heavily sighs.
Nka: Amanda and I are going out for lunch and I
thought I should ask you if you would like to

I chuckle and clap my hands once. What kind of

question is that? I don’t think his brain is
working properly. It must have shifted as the
years goes by.

Me: No thank you.

Nka: Come on Rene I’m trying here.

Me: You’re not about to force me to eat with

you and your girlfriend Nkanyiso. I might seem
okay with the whole set up but please don’t
force her down my throat.
He exhales loudly nodding.

Nka: Will you ever forgive me?

Me: I don’t think so. At this point I’m just waiting

for that day you decide that you’re tired of me
and release me by signing the divorce papers. I
wouldn’t be making myself a laughing stock by
demanding half of the things you have since we
got married in community of property because I
didn’t contribute a cent into them, after all I’m
the one who brought nothing in this marriage
but my pretty face and pussy.

He shuts his eyes and release a shaky breath

before he opens them.
Nka: I didn’t m-

He gets interrupted by Queen Elizabeth walking

in, cradling her big stomach.

Mandy: What’s taking you so long. The baby

and I are hungry.

I snort rolling my eyes earning myself a glare

from her. Her nostrils are flaring and I seem to
like the look on her face. I don’t know whether
I’m imagining this but I swear I could practically
see steam seeping out of her ears.

Nka: Um... Um-

I interjects.
Me: Amanda darling you look gorgeous by they
way. Red looks perfect on your face. You need
to tell me where you buy your makeup so I can
also buy mine. The new make up suits you like
a glove.

I sarcastically muttered. The only red makeup is

her pissed off face and I love ruffling her
feathers a little bit. Don’t look at me like that but
I’ve grown a thick skin over the past two weeks.
I don’t cry anymore and everything they do
doesn’t bother me like it usually does. I know
she can read between the lines but the fool

Nka: (smiling) See it wasn’t hard on getting

I resist the urge to smack that smile off his face.
Why is this species so stupid? They need to be
told everything like kids. She clicks her tongue
and storm out of my house. I chuckle and clap
my hands.

Nka: (frowning) And then? Did I miss something?

I shake my head smiling.

Me: Go before she comes back and drag you


I make my way to the door and open it widely.

He slips his hands in his pocket and padded my
Me: Don’t push it.

I murmur gesturing to the door and his

attempts to kiss me again. He heavily sighed
and cast his eyes to the floor before walking out.
I click my tongue and slam the door. They know
how to ruin someone’s day.


The walk from my house to my parents house

is not that long. It’s a 30 to 35 minutes by foot
and 20-26 minutes by a car depending how you
drive. Turning on my street I swallow hard as I
see my sister’s car driving out of the yard. I
can’t avoid her forever so I stop on my tracks
and wait for her. She passes me but quickly
reverses. It’s now or never.

Me: Hey

She arches her eyebrows nodding.

Me: Can we talk?

She shakes her head. I nervously rub my hands

together. The silent treatment only indicates
she’s mad at me.

Me: Look, I'm sorry about the other day. I was

out of line and you didn’t deserve to be lashed
out. You were right when you said I should leave
him because his draining the life out of me. I'm
sorry for being rude and disrespectful to you.
Silence is what I get after my long ass apology.
I’m sweating a storm because my sister and I
are alike. We can hold a grudge for years.

Me: Please say something, don’t shut me out.

She heavily sighed.

Keitu: There's nothing I can say Rene. Honestly

your choose of words were harsh and I
promised myself that I will stay away from your

Me: I'm sorry, please forgive me.

I give her my puppy eyes. She giggles rolling her


Keitu: You’re old for that nonsense now Rene. It

used to work like a charm when we were kids
but not anymore.

I giggle and round the car and let myself in the

passenger seat. She opens her arms for me and
I disappear in her embrace.

Keitu: I miss you.

Me: I missed you too.

I break the hug and kiss her cheek.

Keitu: Can we do dinner tonight because right

now I’m rushing to work.

Me: Sure just drop me in town.

She nods and steps on the gas. The drive to

town is not that long.

Me: See you tonight.

I step out of the car and close the door behind

me. She waves and speed off. My stomach
churns as I walk in the lobby of the hotel. I don’t
know what the outcome of this visit will be but
I’m hoping for the best. The reception and I
exchange greetings. It’s been a while since I
came here but I’m surprised she still
remembers me.
Me: Does he still stay here?

Receptionist: (smiling) You’re lucky he just

come back a few hours ago. Same room.

I smile and thank her before making my way to

the elevator. I wipe the sweat of my palms and
step out of the elevator. My heart skips a beat
as I navigate my way to his room. Standing in
front of the door I suck in a deep breath and
knock before I could turn back. I sigh and turn
on my heels as he doesn’t answer. The door
creaks open revealing him with a towel wrapped
dangerously around his waist. I gulp and rise
my eyes to his face. I don’t want to look beyond
his face because my hormones will get the
better out of me.

Me: Hi.
He nods his head. I watch the drop of water roll
down his shoulder blades and disappears down
his waist. I get a whiff of his shower gel
indicting he just took a shower. He clears his
throat to gain my attention. I shift my gaze
away from him embarrassed to be caught
staring. I don’t know when was the last time I
saw a man naked or half naked. My husband
doesn’t touch me anymore and I wouldn’t also
want to be touched by him. I'm pretty sure
spiders have found a permanent resident down

I shake my head to clear my mind.

Me: Can I come.

I muttered nervously bouncing on my heels. He
opens the door widely and ushers me in.

Me: I'll just wait in the balcony while you get

dressed so we can talk.

Without waiting for his response I rush to the

balcony and shut the door. He chuckles behind
me. I close my eyes and breath in the fresh air.
This place is always calm and peaceful. I
wouldn’t mind staying here but I know that I
won’t get the peace I desire. Nkanyiso would be
pestering me day in and day out. Flipping my
eyes open I turn back and find the man inside
just as he drops his towel. His muscles flexes
as he lotions his body. I bite my lip dropping my
eyes to his firm butt. Good Lord just take me
now. Why does he have to have such body?
Nkanyiso doesn’t gym on regular basis like a
specie in front of me. I clench my thighs
together to rub the ache in between my legs. I
haven’t had time to appreciate good looking
men since I was married to that fool. My eyes
were only for him but the feeling was not
mutual. He turns to face me, probably feeling
my burning eyes on his back. I gulp seeing the
organ in between his legs. Sweet Jesus I’m
ready to sin. I haven’t sin in years and right now
I don’t care about the outcome of my sin as
long I got the chance to taste that. He arches
his eyebrows and drops his eyes to my
squirming thighs and he chuckles shaking his
head. A smirk emerges from his lips as he
raises his head and grips his cock. My breath
labours. He rubs the tip with his thumb and
start stroking himself, keeping his eyes at me.
He throws his head back and moans. These
nothing more sexy than seeing a man stroking
himself. He flips his eyes open and gestures
with his head to my pants. I don’t have to be
told twice because I know what he wants. I
unbutton my jean and slide my fingers in my
panties. I would be embarrassed if he would
take me now because I haven’t shaved in weeks.
I didn’t see the necessity to shave because in
my own mind I knew I wouldn’t be getting some
for a while. The sliding door opens and he walks
out still stroking himself. He bends down and
drops my pants and panties. I step over them
and stand half naked in front of him with my
hands in front, shielding the forest from being
seen. He raises my top and cups my breast
while the bra is still on. Slipping a finger in my
core, he slowly rubs my throbbing clit. I sunk my
teeth in my lips and watch him through hooded
lids as he uses one hand to stroke his hand and
pleasure me at the same time. A moan escapes
my lips as another digit is added.

The sound of his ringing phone clears the mist

in my eyes. I pull his hand out of my core and
pick up my clothes on the floor.

Me: We shouldn’t be doing this Meli. It’s so


I murmur buttoning my jean. If I don't walk out

here I might let my skinny bones jump on him.

Meli: Yet you were moaning.

He brings his finger that is coated with my

juices to his mouth and licks them. I push him
out of the way and dash out of the room with
him calling me.

Me: Hold the lift.

I run to the lift and breathe out. I don’t know
what came over me but fuck that was so erotic
and hot.
Toxic Attraction



My gut feeling is telling me I’m losing Sthando

and I can also see it. I don’t know what went
wrong between us and how did we get here. I
thought I was being fair on both ladies but after
mental breakdown the other day I can see that
I’ve been favouring Mandy more than her. I don’t
want to lie it killed me to see her like that. The
look in her face is something I’ve never seen it
before and it haunts me every time I look at her.
She’s slipping away and I’m the person to
blame for that. I don’t know when was the last
time I’ve seen a smile on her face or heard her
laughter. Months and weeks that followed after
Mandy decided she wants to be my wife again
have been difficult to all of us. The only emotion
I’ve seen on Sthando’s face are tears after tears.
I'm guilty as charged on hurting her like that and
sometimes I wonder how will she react if she
ever find out that Mandy is not just my woman
but also my wife like her?

Mandy: Babe?

Her voice breaks me out of my trail of thoughts.

I breath out and shift my gaze at her

Mandy: You've been quiet since we left the

house. Is everything okay?

Me: Yea, everything is fine.

Mandy: Are you sure?

I nod and pick up the beer in front of me and

take a huge sip.

Mandy: So I was thinking maybe we could go on

a holiday or something.

Me: That’s very nice.

Mandy: I know right? I have this beautiful idea

that I know you would like.
I arch my brow. She grins clamping her hands

Mandy: I was thinking Mauritius, you know. I’ve

been dying to go there but I haven’t found a
reason that will take me there.

Me: As long I’m not forced to have those

ridiculous meni and pedi's of yours.

She giggles shaking her head.

Mandy: What am I going to do with you?

Me: I’m serious this time. You will not drag me

to the spa.
She giggles nodding.

Mandy: So I can start planning it?

Me: We all need a break and I think this trip is

what we just need.

She pushes her chair backwards and rise to her

feet, bending over the table she pecks my lips.

Mandy: Thank you so much baby. I can’t wait-

I zone out on her as I know the trip is the only

thing I will be hearing. My mind is far away on
certain someone while my body is here. I don’t
know what it will take for Sthando and I to go
back to what we used to be and if there’s any
chance I would take it. Maybe she should tag
along with us, it might change things between
us. I shift my attention back to her and the
woman is excitedly talking about shopping for
the trip.

Me: You will discuss everything with Sthando.

I blurt out, shutting her up. She drops her cutlery

and narrow her eyes at me.

Mandy: Why?

I frown.

Me: What do you mean why? You know the

reason why.

Mandy: If she coming then I’m not going.

She threatens picking up her cutlery and start

eating again.

Me: That is fine by me then.

She gaps shocked.

Mandy: You’re joking right?

Me: Does it look like I’m joking with you? I'm

dead serious when I say it’s either she comes or
there’s no trip at all.
Mandy: Urgh!

She exclaims annoyed and picks up her purse

before she leaps out and cradle her big
stomach rushing out of the restaurant and
leave me behind. I sigh and lean on the chair
enjoying my beer. I'm not about to beg her if
she doesn’t want to come. My other marriage is
on the rocks right now and I need to do
everything I can to save it. I'm not losing


Property is a good way to invest and that’s what

am about to do with the Amanda’s house in
Kimberly. I would be a fool if I would choose to
stay in it. I would probably get nightmares on
my fight night on it. I really don’t want that
house to stay in it myself but to sell it to
someone else who needs it. I'm still fine at the
hotel even though they are killing my pockets
but when the time is right I would buy the house
I desire. My house back in Spain is my man
cave and that’s what I would for not a girly
house from my ex.

'M devoted to destruction

A full dosage of detrimental dysfunction
I'm dying slow but the devil tryna rush me
See I'm a fool for pain, I’m a dummy
Might cut my head off right after I slit my throat
Tongue kiss a shark, got jealous bitches up in
the boat
Eating peanut butter and jelly fishes on toast
And if I get stung I get stoked, might choke
Like I chewed a chunk of charcoal
Naked in the North Pole
That's why my heart cold, full of sorrow, the lost
And only Lord knows when I’m coming to the
So I don’t fear shit but tomorrow
And I'm a sucker for pain, ain’t nothing but pain
You just fuckin’ complain, you ain’t tough as you
Just stay up in your lane, just don’t fuck with Lil
I’mma jump from a plane or stand in front of a
Cause I'm a sucker for pain’
I step out of the shower and wrap a towel
around my waist singing along to Lil Wayne -
Sucker for Pain. A knock sounded on the door
causing me to lower the volume and padded
there to investigate. I don’t know whether it’s a
coincidence to find this woman at my doorstep.
The last time she was here she nearly chopped
off my head defending her husband and I made
a mental note not to bring her husband up
should I see her again.

Rene: Hi.

I nod my head. I follow her gaze and find her

eyes roaming around my body. Clearing my
throat to gain my attention, she her gaze away
from me embarrassed.

Rene: Can I come.

I could hear the hesitation in her voice. I open
the door widely and ushers her in.

Rene: I’ll just wait in the balcony while you get

dressed so we can talk.

Without waiting for my response she rushes to

the balcony and shut the door. I chuckle and
lotion my body. I could feel eyes piercing
through my back causing me to turn and find a
pair of eyes on me. Her thighs are clench and
the look on her face indicates that someone is
bothered. She drops her eyes down my waist
and gulps seeing the beast settling in between
my legs. I arch my eyebrows and drops my eyes
to her squirming thighs and chuckle shaking my
head. A smirk emerges from my lips as a
thought crosses my mind. Why not give her a

I raise my hand and grips my cock. She

swallows hard while I rub the tip with my thumb
and start stroking myself, keeping my eyes at
her. She bites her lips hooping in foot to the
other trying to soothe the ache in between her
legs. I throw my head back and groan. Fuck it
wasn’t suppose to feel like this but knowing
she’s out there watching makes me harder than
I am.

Flipping my eyes open, I gesture to her pant

with my head. She doesn’t hesitate to unbutton
her jeans and slide a finger her panties. I want
to hear her moans and see her fingers coated
with her juices. The time she was staying with
me I would caught her checking me out and I
secretly would do so without her seeing me. I
didn’t seem like a pervert who wants something
in return from helping her. We always have been
attracted to each other sexually and I’m
surprised it took this long to act on it. I open the
sliding door and walk towards with my hand still
in my shaft. I bend down and drops her pants
and panties. She step over them and stand half
naked in front me with her hands in front,
shielding her unshaved pussy from my eyes. My
preference and taste changes from time to time.
There are those woman who I fuck with their
pubic hair and there are those who I fuck with
no pubic hair. I don’t have time to dwell on her
pubic hair right now but someday if it comes I
would like her clean and shaved.

Raising her top, I cup her breast while her bra is

still on. They fit perfectly on my palms. I slip in
a finger in her core and smile.
Me: Someone is wet.

I tease and slowly rub her bud. She sinks her

teeth in her lips and watch me through hooded
lids as I uses one hand to stroke myself and
and pleasure her at the same time. A moan
escapes her lips as I add another digit. Shit that
is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. My
phone chimes inside but I ignore it and pick up
my pace. She frowns and opens her eyes and
pull out my hand out of her core and pick up her
clothes on the floor.

Rene: We shouldn’t be doing this Meli. It’s so


I murmur buttoning her jeans. I scoff.

Me: Yet you were moaning.

I bring my finger that is coated with her juices

to my mouth and licks them. She pushes me
out of the way and dash out of the room.

Me: Fuck! Rene.

I grunt picking up my sweats on the bed and

slip them on then try to run after her but it’s
difficult to walk with a hard on. I've never been
irritated to hear my ring tone than right now.

Me: What?

I snap agitated. Whoever it is better have good

reason for disturbing me.
Lucia: Sir I’ve already set up the meeting with
the estate agent for Tuesday.

Me: You called to tell me that should?

I bellowed in rage.

Me: God dammit Lucia you could have emailed

me that.

I hiss and hang up on her. I need another

shower and a cold one this time. I make my way
to the bathroom but abruptly halt on my tracks
as the door flies open and Rene barges in. She
runs to me and captures my lips. I'm taken back
and still trying to grasp the what the hell is
going on. What changed her mind? I grunt as
she bites my lips and open my mouth for her
before pulling her closer and return the kiss.
She breaks the kiss and bat her eyelashes at
me innocently. I cup her face and plant kisses
on her neck.

Me: Your husband?

She throws her head back and moan.

Rene: He can and jump on the highest cliff.

I blew air after biting her and smirk. Music to

my ears.
Toxic Attraction


I didn’t want the moment to end but

unfortunately things don’t happen my way. My
toes curl as I reminisce what happened the
other day. Dear God his strokes and the way he
moved on top me just blew my mind away. I can
go to hell in peace after being worshipped like
that. I run my tongue on my lips. His taste still


Me: I want you now.

I insist, frowning as he pins me against the wall

and gently pull away my hand on his sweats.
Angry tears threatens to spill as he pulls me to
his chest. He shivers against me while he
breathes heavily. I can see the internal battle he
holds within himself, and his hands drop to my
thighs to hoist me up to his chest.

Meli: You don’t want me to romance you?

He teases. I roll my eyes smiling. He wraps his

arms tightly around my back so I can remain
pressed against his chest. The actions causes
my shoulders to pull back and my chest push
forward. He smiles and looks down at me, his
attention slowly shifting over every inch of my
body before he snaps his gaze on mine once

I shudder while goosebumps breaks out of my

skin. He leans in bringing his mouth to my ear,
his warm breath on my ear makes me squirm in
his grip.

Meli: Tell me what you want, Rene.

He pulls back let’s his finger run on my sides

before he hooks the hem of my top. I gulp,
following the actions with my eyes. He slides
his hand beneath the fabric, his warm skin
sending shivers down my spine.

He hums stopping his torturous movements

when I don’t respond and blocks my view with
his hands. I frown stretching my neck for a
better view but the man doesn’t want to show
what his up to. I’m a bit embarrassed that his
magnificent hands are caressing over my bones,
feeling each rib. I hope this is the last time he
feels them. He moves further to my breast
Meli: Tell me what you want, Rene.

He repeats, gently pinching my nipples over the

fabric of my bra. I jerk up surprised. He finally
reaches my back and unhooks my bra, the tight
material promptly separates from my back
making room for him. I shiver as the cooler air
hits my sensitive nipples.

Meli: I'll stop if you don't tell me what you want,


He repeats, gently pinching my sensitive nipples

over the fabric of my bra. I jerk up surprised and
let a moan escape my mouth. He finally reaches
around my back and unhooks my bra, the tight
material promptly separating from my back
making room for him. I sunk my teeth in my
bottom lip as he cups my breast and easily
covers the with his large palms.

A part of me feels a bit embarrassed about my

body. I should have taken care of myself more. I
lack feminine curves and meat in the right
places, I have never distaste something like my
body right now. My chest tightens for a moment,
imagining him disgusted by what he sees but
my uncertainty is washes away as he groans
and buries his head into my chest and rolls the
nipple with his tongue.

I clench my eyes shut and moan. He pulls out

and sharply pinches the bud. Opening my eyes
in shock, I squeak at his rough action, the action
went straight to my core. Guess what, I love
every minute of it.
Meli: What will your answer be, Rene?

He rolls my other nipple between his fingers

and gives it a tug. Another pinch and I’m
throwing my head back with a cry, overwhelmed
as I experience both desire and pleasure.
Surging up my confidence, I reach down and
cup him over his sweats, allowing my hand to
run over the hard length that strained against
the material. He bucks his hips forward against
me, trapping my hand between him and my

Me: I want more. I want this.

I whisper, grinding against him. He groans,

letting me pull down the pants. His cocks
springs out, the tip looks read and angry, ready
to devour me. Shuffling forward he slips in my
core after helping me out of my clothes. I pant
loudly. He looks me over for any signs of
discomfort. It’s been so long since I’ve been
opened up and it's a bit painful.

Meli: You're okay?

He questions, his worry cutting through my

dazed mind. I blink a couple of time as I bring
his face into focus. Nodding my head, I tilt my
hip back so he has better access to fuck me. He
groans at my actions, dropping his head down
to watch as sink further in his length. Gripping
my hips, he stops me before beginning to fuck
in earnest once more. He watches himself
disappear into me, his loud moans mirroring my
own as the sound of my wetness fill the room
around us. I cry out as he drops his thumb
stretching out and pressing against my clit as
he speeds up his actions, slamming into me
with a deep grunt.

My body shakes with force of his thrust, my tits

bouncing as he drops his forehead against me
and presses his lips to mine once more,
deepening it while his tongue forces it’s way
into my mouth to muffle my moans with his
own. His cock stretches me in a way I've never
experience before, my thighs shake around his
waist as he continues to overload my senses
with his body. My hips grow sore from arching. I
could feel him moving around the room but it's
so difficult to focus. The way my moans are so
loud I wouldn't be surprised if they reach the
lobby. My cheeks heat up as that crosses in
I’m slowly turning to someone I hardly know.
The Rene I know wouldn’t be fucked by a man
she hardly know but it doesn't matter because
that Rene is gone. Who is Nkanyiso again
because I know his a none factor in my life.
Another moan slips out of my lips as he thumb
rubs against my clit, his movements firm and
repetitive as he drives me to my climax.

Me: Meli, I-

I try to warn him but he suddenly stops and sits

on the couch.

Meli: Ride me.

I cried when I reached my climax because he
took me back to the days where I was still Rene
without any expectations, limitations, Nkanyiso
and his crazy family. He made me love myself
again and made me see there is something
beyond this stupid marriage of mine. He made
me see that there are men out there who would
love me as I am and still want me. The Rene
who strived to make herself was back and she's
here to stay.

I have a smile plastered on my face as I water

the plants. I’m planning on going home this
evening to request a meeting with them and his
elders. I want to ambush my father when his
just got back at work because I know he will be
tired then. Should I decide to prolong this and
not tell them it will be a disaster the day they
find out. I know I have my sister in my corner
and she will support me. I don’t know where my
mother’s loyalty lies at this point but I know my
other siblings don’t give a damn about what
happens in my life. If I'm about to move on with
my life he has to be out of the picture for good.
I don’t know why didn’t I think of looking for a
job sooner but I’m also planning on using my
qualifications to look for one. I don’t care even
if I have to scrub toilets everyday as long I’m
not under Nkanyiso’s roof I would be okay.


His been standing not far from where she is for

about a minute now but it doesn’t seem like
she’s aware about his presence. His been
watching her and there’s been a smile toying on
her lips since a few days ago. He came back
with her lunch date with Amanda and went to
check up on her but she was not in her room.
He assumed she went home to her parents and
didn’t mind. But when the woman came back
she was absentmindedly minded with a
permanent smile he last seen probably last year
plastered on her face. He tried to engaged in a
conversion with her but she would reply with
one word answer and go back in her mind.
Whatever happened that day must have been
big to make her so happy.

Nka: Rene?

She turn to follow the source of the voice and

immediately regrets it. The smile on her face
drops while my stomach churns. Urgh she just
had to see his ugly ass so he can ruin her day.
She understands it’s his house but can’t he
disappear somewhere and avoid her?
Rene: What?

She rolled her eyes and shift them back to her

plants. She doesn’t mean to be rude but his
annoying her. She promised herself that she will
tolerate him until she moves out but it seems it
would be difficult because his always in her
face. Nka rises his eyebrows.

Nka: I came to check on you.

Rene: As you can see I’m fine. In fact I’m doing

more than okay. I'm on top of the moon so
please don’t spoil my mood.

He raises his head in surrender and stretches

his neck nervously.
Nka: We are planning a trip and I was hoping
you would come.

Rene chuckles shaking her head and place

down the hosepipe then turned on her heels
and padded to the tap. She closes the water
and bends down taking off her muddy shoes
and walks barefooted inside while his hot on
her heels.

Nka: So what do you think?

Rene: About?

She muttered bored.

Nka: A trip to Mauritius.

Rene: Oh well safe journey.

She lowers herself in front of the TV and switch

in. Scrolling down the channels she settles for
Law in Order.

Nka: I don’t think you understand me. I said we

are going on a trip as a family and we were
thinking of going next month.

Rene: Oh well you will just have to count me out.

I’ve got plans.

Plans of fixing her life back to what it was

before him. Plans of job hunting and moving
out of his house as soon she gets her first
salary because her father might send her back
to Nkanyiso. A frown settles on Nkanyiso’s face.

Nka: What plans?

She lowers the volume and shift her undivided

attention to him because what she’s about to
say she will say it once.

Rene: I’ve got a life outside of this

‘matlwatlwane’ we are playing so if you will
excuse me I've got a series I need to catch up

She pushes him aside and shift her gaze on the

TV then place her feet on top of the coffee table.
Nka’s mouth gaps. Who is this rude woman and
what happened to his sweet Rene?

Rene: Is there something else?

He gulps and shakes his head.

Rene: Then stop staring at me like you’re

planning my death. Jy steur my motho wa
modimo. {You’re disturbing me.}

She clicks her tongue and shift her eyes back to

the screen and pick up the remote to increase
the volume. Shock doesn’t even describe the
look on Nka's face.


Her eyes are popped out their sockets while her

mouth gaps as she reads her emails. She re-
reads the email thrice just to make sure she
wasn’t hallucinating. Her heart skipped a beat
while her hands trembled.

Mandy: This has to be mistake.

She muttered to no in particular and place a call.

Voice: Vibrant News, hello. You’re speaking to

Zuko how can I assist you?

Vibrant News, what the hell? She removed her

phone from her ear to makes sure she called
the right number.

Zuko: Hello?

She breathed out.

Mandy: Hello Zuks, it’s me Mandy.

Zuko gapsed shocked on the end of the line.

Zuko: Mandy wow, it’s been a while.

Mandy: I need you to put me through the HR


Zuko: Sure just hold on for a sec.

She tapped her fingertips on her thighs and
waited for someone to pick up.

Voice: Vibrant News HR Department, Carol

speaking how my I help you?

Mandy: Carol it’s me Amanda.

Carol: Oh hi.

Mandy: There’s an email I got. I'm sure you sent

it by mistake.

She giggled
Mandy: I mean it doesn’t make sense. You guys
can’t fire me in my own company.

Carol sighed on the end of the line.

Carol: I'm afraid the email was not a mistake.

Mandy: (shocked) What?

She bellowed jumping off the bed to her feet.

Carol: You skipped work Amanda more than

twice. There are many people who would kill to
have such opportunit you’re a liability so we had
to let you go.

Fury was what she was feeling. Her body got

covered in goosebumps while her nostrils flared.
She clenched her jaws rolling her hand into a
fist, crushing the phone.

Mandy: (screaming) Do you fucken know who I

am? I started that company from scratch and
hired your ungrateful ass and you today....

Carol: We just did.

She muttered interrupting her. Amanda

chuckles bitterly in disbelief

Mandy: You’re telling me I’m a liability.

Carol: (sighing) Look, Amanda it is what it is.

Just accept it don’t bother going to the CCMA
because we will win.

She hangs up after that.

Mandy: Ahhhhh.

She screamed throwing the device on the wall

and start pacing up and down the room. The
door flies open revealing an absentmindedly
Nkanyiso. He walks in like a zombie deep in his
thoughts. Amanda pauses on her movements
and narrowed her eyes at him as he sits on the
edge of the bed.

Mandy: And then, what’s up with you?

Nka give her once over look and goes back to

his thoughts.

Nka: Rene is glowing. Do you think there’s a

new man in her life?

Hope rose in his eyes as he muttered.

Mandy: I know you just didn’t ask me that


She yelled storming out of the room, forgetting

her fake belly on the bed but the man didn’t
notice it because certain somebody invaded his
Toxic Attraction


I've been staring at this document for the past

three hours. I can’t seem to concentrate
because my mind keeps taking me back on that
day. I don’t know what the fuck came over me
that day but I don’t do missionary period. I must
have been pussy drunk to even allowed her to
touch me. I even kissed her and cum. What the
fuck was wrong with me? I huff and ran my
hand on my face frustrated. I could still hear her
moans echoing through my ears even now.
Slamming the papers on top of the table I made
my way to the balcony and breath in the fresh
air. It’s useless to force myself to work when I
know my mind is not here. I would make
mistakes that will cost me probably a few
I really don’t know what come over me but I
hate to say I enjoyed it. I think they might be a
next time if we could find ourselves in that
situation again. I need to be extra careful next
time and avoid kissing her. She might start
thinking it’s a relationship when it’s not. I'm not
ready to give my heart to a woman. The last
time I trusted someone with my heart she
stamped on it, chewed it and spit it on the floor
in pieces. I had to collect the pieces and mend
the together. It fucken took me months to love
myself again. I don’t see myself in that position
again. It’s a death sentence I’m not willing to
give myself.

Holding the rail of the balcony, I stare at the

view of nature in front of me. Now that I’m
partly done with my ex it’s time to shift my eyes
somewhere else. My next target is my brother. I
don’t know if he has bullet proof vest on him
because I’m coming gun blazing. I want to him
look at my eyes and beg for mercy when I’m
done with him. I want him to remember how I
also begged him to break up with Amanda. The
image of it just pisses me off because I sound
weak and pathetic to my own ears. I stride back
to the room and open the cap of whiskey and
down it straight from the bottle. I need to erase
that memory from my mind because it’s pissing
me off.


Rene this, Rene that. I’m sick and tired of

hearing her name or even seeing her face. My
life doesn’t revolve around her but my husband
keeps making it seem like that. I’ve got bigger
problems that listening to a grown ass man
whining about that man stealer. It’s what she is
because she stole my husband from me. I don’t
think me and her will ever coexist. This man
was mine before she came along so why should
I share him? I'm the one who has to understand
that we are in a polygamy and not say shit even
though I want to clip her wings so she can
came back to the ground where we all are. He
keeps protecting her and I don’t understand
why. I mean any woman would have picked up
their husband’s lies but she hasn’t. I don’t know
whether to say she’s ignorant or plain stupid. I
for one would have forced the truth of that man.

It’s slowly sinking to me that I’m really in a

polygamous marriage whereby the husband
chooses the second wife over the first wife. I’ve
watched that shit only on TV and didn’t think
someday I would find myself in one. Maybe I
should call Musa Mseleku so he can tell sister
wife that she’s in a polygamous marriage. I
mean I just lost my job and need all the cash I
could get. I just hope they not stingy on paying
their clients. Mnakwethu is a very popular show
and the man presenting is loaded so he would
pay right?

Nka: I’m accompany Rene to her house. I'll be


I roll my eyes continue wiping the counter after

making myself a fruit salad. I turn and find his
eyes on me with a frown on his face, assessing
me. His eyes rake over me before he finally
settle on my face.

Nka: Is it me or there’s something different

about you? Is it a your makeup or did you lose
I'm seething. How dare he? I frown and drop my
eyes to my body and they pop out of their
sockets when I find my belly not attached to my
stomach. My heart thudded in my ribcage while
sweat runs down my spine. I could feel my
bladder threatening to let loose while my knees
weakened. He chews his inner cheek still
looking at me.

Nka: If it’s your makeup don’t put to much of it

because it doesn’t suit you. It wipes out the
natural beauty you are.

My jaw drops to the floor as he passes me and

walks out the house. I drop the items in my
hands on the counter and hold it for balance in
case my knees fail me. The roaring engine
could only mean the are leaving. I wait for the
temporary paralysis to fade before I run to my
room. If my eyes when not out their sockets
when I found my bell not my stomach they are

Me: Fuck! How could be so stupid, Amanda?

I scold myself pacing up and down. I don’t think

Nka saw it because if he did he would have
confronted me. I pick it up and strap it back on
my stomach then sit on the edge of the bed
breathing heavily. I close my eyes and count to
ten backwards as my head swell with scenarios
of what would have happened if Nka or Rene
saw this. I’m sure Rene would have a field of it
instead of keeping a secret like good sister wife.
I was careless this once and it won’t happen

Arriving home I found my mother tending to her

garden. The woman natures that garden like
she does with her children.

Me: Dumelang.

She immediately drops her gloves and

envelopes me in a hug.

Mama: Rene we hardly see you these days.

Me: I've been busy sorry.

Mama: You should visit more often. I get lonely

especially when Keitu takes her kids sometimes.
Me: I'll visit mama.

I break the embrace and usher her inside.

Mama: Don’t finish my juice please.

She yells after me as I make my way to the

kitchen. I giggled invading her fridge and take
her special juice and place it on top of the
counter. Rinsing two glasses, I place them on
top of a tray and skip back to the lounge.

Mama: Thank you my baby.

I sigh in content and lean back on the couch. I

don’t know how will she take what about to say
but I just have to wing it because I’m not about
to change my mind.

Me: (sighing) Nka and I are getting a divorce.

She chokes on her juice and sharply turns to me.

Me: I'm not happy in that house mama. In fact

it’s been months since I last tasted happiness.
Nkanyiso has been cheating on me-

Mama: Jale o nahana hore tlhalo ke tharollo? U

tla siea ntlo ea hau bakeng sa mosali e mong
ebe ho thoe'ng? { So you think divorce is the
solution? You will leave your house for another
woman then what?}
She muttered interrupting me. My jaw drops on
the floor. I was expecting this from my father
not her.

Me: Mama ke lapile. Ha a ntlhomphe ’me o ne a

e-na le sebete sa ho mo tlisa ka tlung ea rōna.
Mosali eo a nkopanyang le eena o lula le rona.
{ Mama I'm tired. He doesn’t respect me and he
had the audacity to bring her in our house. The
woman his cheating on me with is staying with

Mama: K eng Rene? Thabela hore hae ea

sebelisa chelete. Chelete ea hau ka hotele le
eena. { So what Rene? Be glad that his spending
money. Your money in a hotel with her. }

She emphasizes on the last part. I slip in my

thoughts looking for tongue prayers we usually
do in church. My mother wouldn’t force me to
stay in an environment where I’m not happy.
This woman is not my mother.

Me: (gasping) Mama ha kea thaba. {Mama I’m

not happy.}

Mama: Ke eng Rene? Na ua tseba hore ke

makhetlo a makae ke sotlehileng lenyalong lee?
Ke qetile lilemo tse 35 ke nyalane le ntate oa
hau, empa re ntse re le teng. Ha ho na letsatsi
leo ke sa kang ka nahana ho nka bana ba ka le
ho mo siea empa ha kea ka ka etsa joalo
hobane monna oa ka. Boitlamo ke ntho ea
bohlokoa haholo eo re e etsang hobane e
hlohonolofalitsoe ke Molimo. {So what Rene?
Do you know how many times I have been
miserable in this marriage? I've been married to
your father for 35 years and we had our ups &
down but we’re still here going strong. There
hasn’t been a day when I didn’t think of taking
my kids and leave him but I didn’t because his
my husband. Vows are very significant thing we
take because it’s blessed by God. }

I roll my eyes and sip my juice. She sounds like

the old me right now.

Me: Modimo a ka se batle gore ke tswelele ke

ikgobatsa. O rata motho e mong le e mong
hobane kaofela rea lekana le eena kahoo ke
hobane'ng ha ke lokela ho iketsa ea sa thabang?
{ God wouldn’t want me to continuing to hurt
myself. He favours everyone because we are all
equal to him so why should I make myself

Mama: Reneilwe o seke wa ntena. U se ke ua

etsa joalo! {Reneilwe don’t annoy me. Don’t!}

She cautions pointing and accusing finger at


Mama:: Ema wena rra gore o tle o mmolelele

bosawana joo. { Wait for you father so you can
tell him that nonsense.}

She clicks her tongue and storms out of the

room. Picking up the glasses, I padded to the
kitchen and rinse them. Waiting for my father
was the plan anywhere. I don’t understand her
and I don’t think I ever will. I stumbled back to
the lounge and lower myself on the couch.

Keitu: And then? Your mother?

She muttered walking in the room. She must
have left the door opened because I didn’t hear
it opening. I roll my eyes and sit up. She pauses
narrow her eyes at me.

Keitu: Your pregnant?

Me: What? Of course not.

Keitu: Then what is it cause you have that glow

on your face.

I shrug and learn back on the couch.

Keitu: (gasping) Reneilwe Who is it?

My eyebrows knot.
Me: (confused) Huh?

She dumps her bags on the couch where mama

was sitting and sit next to me.

Keitu: Whose making you glow?

I shift my eyes away from her and let the run

around the room.

Me: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

She claps her hands once.

Keitu: Come with them baby sis while they are

still hot.

I crane my neck looking for my mother before

leaping up to my feet and pull her with me to
bedroom and shut the door.

Me: Promise me you won’t judge me.

Keitu: If it’s Nkanyiso I don’t want to hear it.

She muttered turning on her heels and hold the

doorknob, ready to leave the room.

Me: No it’s not.

Her interest peaked as she sharply turns on her

heels to face me. A smile creeps on her lips.
Keitu: Come with them.

She throws herself on the bed and pat the

empty space next to her. I follow suite and
narrate everything to her. She screams leaping
up on her feet on the bed an jump up and down

Me: What is wrong with you? You want your

mother to kill me?

I'm not her favourite person right now and I

don’t care. I’m leaving Nkanyiso and there’s
nothing anyone can do about it.

Me: She nearly bit my head off when I told her

Keitu: Oh, that’s why she said I must talk some
sense into you.

Me: Are you though?

Keitu: Of course not. As long you’re happy then

I’m also happy.

I smile picking up her hand and entwine it with

mine before squeezing it. I knew she will have
my back.

Keitu: What about your father? You know how

old school and optimistic he is.

I suck in a deep breath.

Me: I'm not going to be bullied by them into
staying with Nkanyiso.

Before she could reply my father shouting

voice booms on the other side of the door.

Papa: Reneilwe.

We share a look before jumping out of the bed

and stumbled to the lounge.

Us: Dumela papa.

We muttered in unison.
Papa: Ke bosawana bofe boo ke bo utlwang?
{What is this nonsense I’m hearing?}

Me: Papa o feng? { Which one dad?}

He glares at me.

Papa: (yelling) Hore o batla tlhalo. Na ha kea u

botsa makhetlo a mangata hore na u batla ho
kena lenyalong le hore na karabo ea hau e bile
efe? {That you want a divorce. Didn’t I ask you
numerous times if you want to get married and
what was your answer?}

I smack my lips shut and drop my eyes to my

finger on my lap and fiddle with them.
Papa: (mimicking my voice) Papa ke rata
Nkanyiso ebile o a nthabisa. Ke kopa o mo fe
monyetla. { Daddy I love Nkanyiso and he
makes me happy. Please give him a chance.}

There’s no need for him to remind me that

because I know what I said.

Papa: Ke go boditse gangwe le gape mme wa

boa ka karabo e e tshwanang. { I asked you over
and over again and you came back with the
same answer. }

Me: Ene e le pele ho tsohle papa. E ne e se

monna eo a leng eena hona joale mehleng eo.
Ke monya ka. { That was before everything
papa. He was not the man he is now back then.}
I suck in a deep breath.

Me: Ke kopa o utlwisise hore lenyalo la rona le

fedile. { I'm begging you to understand that our
marriage is over.}

Mama: O tlhoka bagolo gore ba tsenye letsogo

mo go seno. Ha ho na lenyalo le felileng {You
need the elders to intervention on this. There’s
no marriage that is over.}

I roll my eyes and not spare her a glimpse,

keeping my eyes on my father because I know I
might say something I might regret later.

Me: Baholo ba ke ke ba re thusa tabeng ena

mama hobane ha ho na letho le ka lokiswang.
Ha ho na boeletsi bo bokae bo tla re thusa. Re
mothating oa ho senya. Ke qhoma ke ferekane.
Khalase e robehileng e ke ke ea lokisoa ho
khutlela sebopeho sa eona sa pele. {The elders
can’t help us on this one mama because there’s
nothing to fix. No amount of counselling will
help us. We are on the breaking point. A broken
glass can’t be mended back to it’s original
shape. }

I snap agitated. She was doing a good job on

closing her mouth.

Mama: O biletse kopano le bona ho tla bua ka

taba eo? {Have you called a meeting with them
yet to address the issue?}

Keitu: Keitu: Mama o tla tlameha ho utloisisa

hore o se a hōlile hoo a ka nkang liqeto tse
thehiloeng bophelong ba hae. U ke ke ua mo
qobella ho lula le Nkanyiso haeba a sa batle.
{Mama you will have to understand that she’s
old enough to take decisions based on her life.
You can’t force her to stay with Nkanyiso if she
doesn’t want to.}

Mama: Thola wena ga o itse sepe ka lenyalo

Keitumetse. Ho e-na le ho bua ka kutloisiso e
itseng ho eena ua mo khothatsa, u tlatsa
hlooho ea hae ka lintho tse se nang thuso tse
joalo.{ Shut up you know nothing about
marriage Keitumetse. Instead of talking some
sense into her you’re encouraging her, filling her
head with such nonsense.}

She hisses. I release a sigh. This won’t end so


Mama: Lenyalo ha le bonolo Reneilwe. U loana

le monna oa hau hang, 'me u fihletse qeto ea
hore u batla tlhalo? {Marriage is not easy
Reneilwe. You fight with your husband once and
you concluded you want a divorce?}

Me: It’s not once mama.

I protest, defending myself.

Mama: Potso eaka ke hore na le kile la bitsa

baholo ho tla bua ka litaba tseo? {My question
is have you called the elders before to address
those issues?}

Me: No!

She shakes her head.

Mama: Empa u batla ho ba bitsa ho ena. Ha e
sebetse joalo ngoana oa ka. U tla tlameha ho
bitsa baholo pele e le hore ba bue ka taba eo
’me ba bone hore ba ka u tataisa. Ka bobeli le
lahlehetsoe ke tsela. {But you want to call them
on this one. It doesn’t work like that my baby.
You will have to call the elders first so they
address the issue and see if they can guide you.
You both have lost you path.}

As if my sister read my mind, she snorts beside

me. I ignore that crazy woman and shift my
undivided attention to my father because her
opinion doesn’t matter to me.

Me: Papa I’m begging you to call the elders so

you can tell them what I have decided.
Papa: Mme ke tla reng ho bona? Hore u batla ho
ba lesole le khutlang? Ha ho ngoan’a ka ea tla
fetoha lesole le khutlang. {And what will I say to
them? That you want to be a returning soldier? }

He hisses.

Mama: O batla ho fetola setsheho ke mang,

Reneilwe? Ha ho ngoana oa ka ea tla fetoha
lesole le khutlang. {Who do you want to
embarrass, Reneilwe? No child of mine will
become a returning soldier.}

A frown settles on my face. Look at The Miz

and Maryse speaking on my behalf. This tag
team doesn’t know me. Come rain or sunshine
I’m divorcing that man.
Me: Masole a khutla ka linako tsohle joale ke
hobane’ng ha ke sa lokela ho khutla? Haele
hantle lona banna le lokela ho ba motlotlo ka
nna hobane ke ile ka pholoha Malawi, Ghana,
Afghanistan joalo-joalo. Ke ile ka loanela
sechaba. {Soldiers return all the time so why
shouldn’t I? In fact you guys should be proud of
me because survived Malawi, Ghana,
Afghanistan etc. I fought for the nation.}

Keitu burst into a fit of laughter. Mama rises

from the couch and slap me so hard.

Note: There's no electricity today so this is the
only one we will get.
Thank you for growing the page. 💃💃💃Can
you belive we are on 9K? It might seem not
much on someone else but it's a lot for me.
Toxic Attraction



They had to leave home before things could get

physical. She didn’t expect her mother to react
the way she did to the point of slapping her. It
was just a slip out a tongue that caused such
havoc. She sighs and places her head on the
window as her sister drives them to her house.
She thought she would sleep over at her
parents house but after the slap and she nearly
retaliated but quickly remembered that this
woman was her mother.
Keitu: I'm coming.

She dashes out the car without hearing her

response. Rene frowns seeing that they are in
town. She rolls down the window and let’s the
cool air hits her swollen cheek. She looks at the
mirror outside and rise her fingers to inspect
her face. She flinches removing quickly
removing as the pain radiate. That woman did a
number on her. She leans back on the chair and
close her eyes. She will fight tooth and nails to
get her freedom even it means getting physical
with her parents. Nkanyiso is a stumbling block
in her life that needs to removed so she can
move on. Her parents are not supportive like
she assumed especially her mother. She
thought she was the one person who will
understand her pain but it look like they don’t
share the same sentimental.
She jumps startled as the boot of the car opens.
She looks at the view mirror and finds her sister
shutting it. She places her hand on her chest to
normalise her abnormal heart.

Keitu: You look like you've seen a ghost.

She muttered stepping inside the car and hands

a plastic.

Rene: You nearly gave me a heart attack. I

thought we were robbed or hijacked.

Keitu laughs bringing the engine to life and

drives them to her house. Her sister watches to
much movies. Rene opens the plastic and finds
a Hawei Nova P70 plus.
Keitu: You’re unreachable and I’m tired of that.
Every time I want to call you I have to remind
myself that you don’t have a phone.

Rene: I didn’t mind because it gave me a peace

of mind. Being unreachable didn’t bother me.

Keitu: It does bother me because I don’t know

what the animal might do to you.

Rene: Thank you, I guess.

She tears the box and takes out the phone

before setting it up. As long she have her
sister’s number and other important people she
will be fine. Social media can wait a bit. She
chuckles seeing the pocketable WiFi.
Rene: I see you mean business.

She teases gesturing to the Wi-Fi.

Keitu: Yep. Let’s take selfies and create new


She turns on the camera and pose before she

clicks the button. They take pic after pic
changing poses.

Rene: I'm tired of the flashlight blinding my eyes.

Keitu snorts rolling her eyes.

Keitu: You sound like koko right now. It’s been
how many months you don’t have a phone?

Before she could reply her sister parks the car

outside her gate and walks to open the gate.
She curses seeing her boyfriend’s car on her

Rene: I could leave you know.

Keitu: I didn’t know he was coming. I’m sorry.

Rene: Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine.

Keitu: Are you sure?

Worry laced in her tone.

She nods jumping in the driver’s seat.

Rene: Yes and I’m borrowing your car.

Keitu chuckles nodding. She walks to the boot

and opens it. She takes out a bottle of vodka
walks back to her after closing it.

Keitu: I’ve got another surprise for you in the

boot. Please don’t scratch my car.

She throws her the keys and walks inside the

yard after blowing her a kiss. Rene steps out of
the car and march to the boot. She nearly
collapses when she finds three bottle of vodkas
and two gins.
Rene: Keitumetse Mohapi, get back in here.

She yells marches to the gate but her giggles

shutting it down.

Keitu: You will thank me later baby sis. Don’t do

anything I wouldn’t do. I love you.

She yells on the other side of the gate and

makes her way to the house.

She shakes her head and makes her way to the

boot and close it before jumping inside the car.
Was Keitu trying to kill her? She knows she
doesn’t drink. Her taste buds don’t know the
taste of alcohol because she has never drank in
her life.

She watches her two daughters walked out of

the home. The other one is disappointed in her
while the other is hurt. She wipes her tears with
her apron and shift her gaze to her husband
who seem deep in his thoughts.

Mrs Mohapi: What are we going to do?

Her shaky voice brings him out of his trailing


Mr Mohapi: I don’t know.

She shake her head not satisfied with his
answer. His a man and needs to make a plan.

Mrs Mohapi: You do know what this divorce will

lead right? We can’t let Reneilwe divorce that
boy because they will want their lobola back
and we don’t have it.

Mr Mohapi: I know the outcome of this divorce

my wife. I will have to request a meeting with
that boy so we can talk man to man.

She sucks in a deep and nod.

Mr Mohapi: I just hope I get through him

because your daughter is stubborn.
Mrs Mohapi: Just work on Nkanyiso then I will
work on Reneilwe. I know that girl like the back
of my hand because I carried her for nine
months. She will have to listen to me and she
will understand that her divorce might cost
Mosa her education. I knew it was a bad idea to
pay for her varsity fees with Rene’s money but
keeping that money and not use it while we
Mosa needed money for her fees would have
been selfish and hurtless of us. I hope Rene

She breathes out in a shaky voice as tears spill

out of her eyes again. He leaps up to his feet
and sit next to his wife. Cupping her face, he
wipes the tears of her and places her on his lap.
He hates seeing tears in her face.
Mr Mohapi: Don’t worry I’ll talk to that boy and
he will knock some sense into her. I don’t like
what we are doing to her but Rene needs to
understand that families make sacrifices for
each other. That’s what we were taught growing
up and that’s what they should also learn.

Mrs Mohapi nods placing her head on his chest.

She hopes her husband can get through
Nkanyiso or else all will break loose when Rene
finds out what they did. Mosa better be
studying in Durban or else she will know her. If
they only knew the last time the girl went to
attend her classes.

She brought the alcohol with her. She could feel
piercing eyes on her as she navigates her way
to his room. How convenient of her coming
here to dump her problems at him. They are not
friends or lover but his the only person she can
talk too right now. She knock on the door and
waits for his response but doesn’t get one. She
knocks again harder this time but the answer is
still the same. No response. She heavily sighs
and slide on the door before making herself
comfortable in front of it. She will just have to
wait for him even though she doesn’t know
when will he come back. The receptionist was
not in her desk when she passed the lobby. She
winces as her cheek connects with the door.
She didn’t get time to tend to it but it hurts like
hell. Her mother’s hand must be made of steel
for her slap to be this painful minutes later she
received it. Casting her eyes to the beverage in
front of her, she opens the cap and scrunch up
her nose before she gulps it straight from the
bottle. She cringes twisting her face in different
facial expression. She’s not a drinker but she
needs something to make her forget about her
day. She swings the bottle on her mouth again
and twist her face again. How do people drink
this on a regular basis? It beats her but that
doesn’t stop her from gulping it down. She
burps after finishing the first bottle and open
the second one. Keitu’s mission was to get her
sister drunk and let loose after what happened.
They drink one at church from time to time so
why not try something else? Jesus made wine
right so he wanted people to get drunk and that
what she will do tonight. Her life is a mess
anywhere and escaping it just for one day won’t
cause any harm, right?

Voice: Rene?
She follows the sound of the voice and finds
him standing there in a grey three piece suit.
She spots his new hair cut and his trimmed
beard. He looks yummy and she wouldn’t mind
jumping on his bones. She bites her lips and
rises her eyes to his and finds him with a frown
plastered on his face. He always wears that on
his face and it wipes out his handsomeness.
She wants to stretch her hands and iron out the
lines in his forehead. She leaps up to her feet
and moved from the door. He makes his way
towards it and opens the room. He helps her
pick up her package and they walk in. She
places everything on the table before throwing
herself on the couch and shut her eyes. Meli
chews his bottom lip looking at her. His
confused more than anything. He didn’t think he
will see her so soon after what they did. He
opens the paper bag from the chest and take
out his eyes drops. He bought two eye drops,
the other one is for when his travelling just in
case he forgot to pack it while the other one will
be he will use it regularly. His eyes are
problematic but he doesn’t want to wear
glasses. He hates them with passion.

Twisting the cap of the eye drop, he lays his

head on the couch and squeezes the eye drop
on his eye before moving to the other one and
does the same. He closes the cap and place it
on top of the table.

Meli: Rene?

She opens her eyes and sits up on the couch.

Rene: I don’t know who else to talk to. My

sister’s boyfriend was in her place when we
arrived and she didn’t know he was coming so I
had to leave.

She burps batting her eyelashes. Looking closer

Meli notices the handprint on her cheek.

Meli: What happened to your face? I hope it’s

not that dog you call a husband.

Look at him seething over a stranger he only

slept with once. Wasn’t he the one who said
they are not in a relationship so why is he
seething? He frowns and looks at the alcohol
on top of the table. He picks up the opened
vodka and gulps it down. He needs to focus and
think straight.
Rene: Actually I had an alteration with my mom.
She doesn’t want me to divorce him.

Meli: Why?

She shrugs and snatches the bottle on his hand

and gulps it down like water. Meli bends down
inspecting her cheek. She flinches and pushes
his hand away from her face and pass him the
bottle. He glares at her.

Rene: I'm not about to drink alone. I have

problems that are huge than the whole South
Africa combined and I could use a friend. My
sister is my only friend and she’s unavailable. I
don’t have any friends so that makes you my
He chuckles and takes of his jacket leaving him
with the waistcoat. She gulps her saliva and
shift her eyes away from. Rolling the sleeves of
shirt, he takes the bottle from her and chunks it
down. Rene watches his Adam Apple bob
causing her to swallow hard.

Meli: Okay friend I’m listening.

He emphasizes on the word ‘friend’. She

narrated everything to him taking sips in
between. He cracks so hard when he hears
what she said to her mother.

Meli: No wonder you cheek looks like that.

She closes her eyes giggling. She blinks to clear

the fog in her eyes but it doesn’t seem to her.
She could feel some parts of her body coming
alive. They are half way the second bottle and
it’s shooting straight to her clit. She shifts
uncomfortable on the couch.
Rene: Let’s play a game.

Meli: What game?

Rene: Truth or dare and spin the bottle are too


She hums reeking her mind. He shakes his head

downing his drink. What did he get himself into?

Rene: How about 21 questions? With each

answer you get it wrong you get to drink up.
A smirk emerges on Meli’s lips.

Meli: I don’t think you will be able handle that

because it seems like you’re already drunk.

She snorts.

Rene: I'm not drink. I’m drinked and drunk.

She protest while her words slur. He laughs


Meli: If you say so.

Rene: So are you game?

Meli: Sure, what harm can a game do?

She clamps her hands excited.

Rene: First question. Whose the president of

South Africa?

He breaks into laughter.

Meli: Is that your question?

Rene: What’s wrong with that?

He shakes his head and answers the question.

The night goes by as they play the game, asking
questions back and forth. Rene was on her 3rd
bottle while Meli was on his second. Someone
was drunk because she got almost all the
answers wrong.

Rene: ( singing) Modimo re ya o boka { God we

worship You}

Re ya o boka. { We worship You}

Re ya o boka { We worship You}

Re ya o boka { We worship You}

Re ya boka { We worship You}

Re ntse re thabela wena. { We find our joy in you

Wa halelela { You are holy}

Wa halelela {You are holy}

She screams hitting the high note. Meli winces

closing his ears. She can’t sing to save her life.

Meli: Okay jeez you’re a terrible singer, Rene.

She ignores him and continues clapping her

hands and stomping her feet on the floor

Rene: (singing) Wa halelela { You are holy}

Mahodimo a butswe {Heavens have opened }

Meli places the bottle on the table and pulls her

to his lap. If his not careful the woman must
burst his eardrum. He shuts her up with a
French kiss. Rene breaks the kiss and shakes
her head.

Rene: Mahodimo a butswe {Heavens have

opened }

He groans and kiss her again but the woman

doesn’t want to be kissed. She wants to sing
her heart out for the heavens to opens. She
jumps to her feet and continues to sing. Meli
smiles shaking his head and made his way to
the bathroom to pee. He washed his hands
after his business and wash his hands. He
looks at himself on the mirror and shake his
head. His eyes are bloodshot. Bending down to
cup the water, he splashes it on his face trying
to convince himself that his not drunk or tipsy.
His just tired and his body is exhausted from
the up and down his been doing. Resting would
be nice right but there's a crazy singing woman
in his room. What where they doing?

Rene’s phone ring on her pocket. She giggled

and took it out from her pocket. She places her
finger in her mouth and whispered.

Rene: Shuuu! I can’t hear it.

The phone rang again.

Rene: I can’t hear it.

She shoved it under the couch and threw
herself on the couch bored. Her eyes set on the
paper bag on the table and eye drop next to it.
She opens the paper bag and found another eye
drop. She looked at where Meli disappeared too
and pick up the eye drops She bit her lip
twisting the cap and squeeze half of the eye
drop on the gin they were drinking. She opens
another bottle and empties the remaining half,
the eye drop gets stuck on the mouth of the
bottle. She clicks her tongue after struggling to
removing it.

Rene: Argh!

She throw her hands in the dramatic.

Rene: Stop struggling Nkanyiso I want to give

you your shot.
She tried again and sighs heavily. She moves to
the last bottle and picks it before emptying the
whole bottle of eye drop and close it. She
chews her bottom lip struggling to removed the
stuck eye drop. She jumps startled as the
bathroom door opens.

Rene: Shuu don’t tell anyone I gave you a shot

because they might want it. It’s for a temporary
paralysis and you will be in the morning.

She giggles and hides the bottle behind her.

Rene: Let’s go to church.

She slurs on her words. Before he can protest

the woman picks up the half bottle they were
drinking and shoves the sealed one on him.
Gripping his wrist, she drags her out of the
room. They stagger on their steps, giggling as
Rene falls and he helps her to her feet. She
gulps down the alcohol and hands him. He
takes his gulp and hands it back to her.

Rene: I think we are drunk.

She giggles as the elevator pings open. Meli

nods clamping his hands on hers. His not a
talker when his drunk. He could feel himself
retreating at the back of his mind and goes with
the flow. They make their way to the lobby to
the reception desk. The reception smiles seeing

Receptionist: Hi.
Rene: Do you know any church nearby.

She slurs, burping in between her speech.

Receptionist: Yea there’s one just down the

road. If I may ask why do you need it?

Rene: (yelling) We are going to get married.

They share a look and burst into laughter before

walking out the hotel to find the church. The
dumbstruck receptionist shakes her head and
watches them walking out maybe it’s an inside
joke she doesn’t understand.


He jumps startled as his head connects with

the steering wheel causing it to honk. It’s late at
night and his parked his car few meter away
from Rene’s gate. His convinced that he will
find the man making her smile like that. He
looks at the time and it reads 20:45pm. He will
wait longer because he knows she can’t walk
out while her parents are still watching tv. She’s
a married woman and that will raises eyebrows.
He looks at the ringing phone and switch it to
flight mode. Amanda has been blowing his
phone and he's not ready to explain himself why
his not home. He throw on the towel at
22:00pm whereby he knows Rene won’t leave
the premises. It will be way past her bed time
making him safe. He will drive home at 5past
ten just to make sure she doesn’t sneak out.
Toxic Attraction



The blinding light on my eyes wakes me from

my slumber. I rub my eyes and found myself
still parked at Rene’s house. I fish for my phone
and curse under my breath when I see the time.
It reads 06:05am. I was suppose to leave after I
made sure the coast was clear. My muscles are
stiff and throbbing. It serves me right for
staying here the whole night stalking Sthando. I
bring the engine to life and speed off before she
can notice my car. I don’t know how will I
explain it to her if she had caught me red
handed. I release a sigh and roll down the
window. That was close and I know next time I
won’t be this lucky. I should be more extra

Parking the car on the driveway I find Amanda

waiting for me in the driveway. I grunt stepping
out of the car. I don’t need this right now.

Amanda: Where are you coming from?

Me: Good morning to you too my beautiful wife.

She ducks the kiss I attempt to place on her

forehead. Oh well suit yourself darling cause I
won’t be begging you. I make my way inside
while she’s hot on my heels.

Mandy: I’m talking to you Nkanyiso Makhanya.

She yells on top of her voice.

Me: Work.

I mumbled descending the stairs.

Mandy: Nkanyiso get back in here I'm still

talking to you.

I ignore her picking up my pace and open the

guest bedroom and lock it behind me. I know I
will find the peace I’m looking for in here
without her nagging and whining. I fish out my
phone and set the alarm to 08H00. At least I
would be at work at 09 o’clock if there’s no
traffic. I kick of my shoes and jump into bed
while she bangs the door.
Mandy: Nkanyiso open this door before I break

I snicker, as if she can. I fix the pillow and close

my eyes wait for slumber to takeover. That
woman on the other side of the door can wait.
Just as I close my eyes my phone pings.

***Khaya: Aunt Jabulile passed away

a week ago and she will be buried this weekend.
Your mother said she will tell you but it slipped
her mind.****

Drowsiness immediately leaves my body.

My head and body hurts like hell. I groan rising
my head from the pillow but quickly place it
back.I feel like those dudes from the Hangover.

Me: Fuck!

How much did we drink last night? I shift my

eyes to the door as a knock emerges.

Me: I’m coming.

I wince as the sound of my voice sounding so

loud. I untangle my hands on the woman
sleeping next to me and jump to my feet. My
eyes widen when I find myself naked while my
dry semens are attached on my thigh like a
second skin. My heart skips a beat when I move
my eyes to the woman sprawled on my bed. It
doesn’t take a magician to know she’s also

Me: Fuck!

I pace up and down. Should I run and come

back when I’m sure she’s gone or I should
check up on her. I choose the latter and slowly
peel the sheet off her. I have never been this
much relieved in my life to find Rene than a
stranger I picked up on the side of the road. The
knock comes again. I padded to the door and
trip on the pile of clothes on the floor. I roll and
lie on my back as the pain in my head intensify.
My butt and body feels cooler on the floor. The
persistent knocker knocks again. I pick up the
pants and slip them in and hide Rene’s naked
body from preying eye then march to the door
the same time it opens. The receptionist walks

Receptionists: Thank God you’re up. I was

starting to get worried.

Her high pitched up voice shoots straight to the

drum in my head. I groan.

Me: Not so loud please.

She nods in understand.

Receptionist: I’ll go tell the manager you’re up.

He was also worried.

She turns on her heels and steps out of the

room. My eyes pop out of their sockets when I
find a fucken ring decorating my finger.

Me: The hell?

She walks in.

Receptionist: Did you say something?

She softly muttered. I could kiss her right now

for keeping her voice down. I raise my eyes to

Me: Can somebody explain to me why do I have

a fucken ring in my finger?

She frowns.
Receptionist: You don’t remember?

Me: I wouldn’t be asking if I remember.

I yelled and immediately regret it. I hold my

head with both and hands cursing.

Me: Fuck! This shit hurts like hell.

Receptionist: You guys walked out in here

looking for a church and come back the
following day already married. I thought you
were bluffing when she said you’re going to get
married. You've been out for a day.

Me: (shocked) What?

God dammit why do I have to be so loud when I
know my voice just intensify the banging drum
in my head? I don’t believe a word she says.

Receptionist: That’s all I know.

Me: Where’s my phone?

She shrugs her shoulders.

Receptionist: I’ll bring you guys some painkillers

and a greasy breakfast cause you will need it.

She walks out the room before I could respond.

What kind of alcohol did we drink that can make
us pass out for a day tops? I lower myself on
the couch and hold my head. A phone chimes
somewhere in the room. I’m not my feet
looking for it but it stops ringing. It rings again
when I start giving up. Bending down on the
couch I found a phone that isn’t mine under it.
There are dozen of missed call on it. I squint my
eyes and nearly collapse on the floor when I
look at the date and day. Its a Thursday instead
of being a Wednesday. What the hell? The door
opens and the receptionist walks in again. That
was fast.

Receptionist: Your breakfast is on it’s way.

I nod.

Receptionist: Here.
She hands me the painkillers and a bottle of
water. I threw the tablets in my mouth and
down the water after opening the cap.

Me: What day is it today?

I’m crossing my fingers she says it’s a

Wednesday. I don’t trust that phone. It’s in the
future while we are in the present.

Receptionist: It’s Thursday.

I suck in a deep breath nodding. I’m still trying

to fill in the missing puzzle pieces. They don’t
fucken fit.

Receptionist: Now I know what caused you to

black out.

I narrow my eyes at her. What is she implying? I

can handle my alcohol thank you very much so I
don’t know what does she mean we blackout.

Me: What are you talking about?

She nudges with her eyes. I follow her gaze and

find my eye drop stuck in mouth of the gin
bottle. What the fuck? I know I didn’t put it th.... I
shift my eyes to the bed and clicked my tongue.
Leaping up to my feet I march to it and shake
her. My breath hitches in my throat when my
eyes fell on the picture on the bedside table. It’s
a picture or Rene and I with a fucken snake
wrapped around our neck. We have stupid grins
plastered on our faces. TF!
Rene: Mm-mmh.

She turns on her side and starts to snore. I

shake her again.

Rene: 5 more minutes.

She murmurs in her sleep. I stride back to the

table and pick up the bottle of water and march
back to her. Peeling the sheet of her body, I
threw the water on her. She screams jumping
off the bed.

Rene: What the hell.....

She trails of squinting her eyes.

Rene: Meli! What the hell Meli?

She drops her eyes to her body and gasp

placing her hands on her feminine parts. I snort
rolling my eyes. It’s too late for that. It’s not like
it’s something I haven’t seen before. She picks
my shirt and slip it on.A smirk creeps on my lips
as I find her pussy shaven. Focus Melisizwe.

Rene: Why am I naked and why is my head

hurting this much? My mouth is so dry like a
Kalahari dessert.

I glare at the receptionist shutting her up as she


Receptionist: I think they need me on the front


Me: Good idea.

She bolts out the room. I turn my undivided

attention to this woman in front of me. The
headache seems to be subsidising.

Me: Can you explain to me why is my eye drop

inside the gin bottle.

Rene: How will I know?

Me: It was the two of us that day. I know I didn’t

put inside so that leaves you.

Rene: I don’t know.

I sit on the edge of the bed and bury my head in
my face. This is some messed up shit.

Rene: Oh yes I remember now.

I rise my head and look at her. She bats


Rene: I kinda poured it inside.

Me: (shocked) You did what?

Rene: Jeez not so loud.

I leap up to my feet and march to her. Gripping

her shoulder, I violently shook her.

Me: Do you know the consequences of your


I roar at her.

Rene: Ouch you’re hurting me.

I remove my hands on her and punch the wall.

She jumps started.

Rene: Meli

Me: What?
I click my tongue pinching my bridge nose. I
need to be calm or else I’m going to kill her.

Rene: Why do I have an unfamiliar ring in my


Me: That’s because we blackout to the point of

getting married.

I bellowed rolling my hands into fists.

Rene: (shocked) God my head. What?

Me: It’s the stupid eye drop you poured in that

bottle. Where is the other one?

I march to the couch looking for it.

Rene: I used both of them. I pour half in the
bottle we were drinking and that is the other
one. I emptied the remaining one on the seal

I fight the urge to slap her for the shit she just
spewed. Who the hell in their right mind pours
two eye drops on alcohol people are drinking? I
don’t know whether to call her her stupid or
what. She smiles looking at me.

Rene: You have to admit though that's a very

cool ring on my finger.

The bottles fly around the room as I throw them

on the wall. She screams.
Rene: Look I didn’t know what I was doing okay.

Me: I don’t want to hear a word from you. Shut

up before you piss me off more that I am.

Rene: I was drunk and you can’t hold that

against me. It was my first time drinking.

She protests picking the gin bottle next to her


Rene: The volume here says it’s 70℅ so it’s

bound for us to blackout.

She muttered batting her eyelashes. She better

not give me that look because I will slap her
back to her senses. I sharply glare at her. My
nostrils flared as she gets the message and
smack her lips shut. Good.

Rene: How do you know the eye drop is the one

that caused our blackout? You can’t put the
blame on me?

Me: (hissing) Are you fucken asking me that

right now? We’ve been out for a day. One fucken
day, Rene and you’re asking me that shit?

Rene: We've been married for what and already

you're showing signs of being abusive? And
don’t use that tone on me like I’m a five year old.

She claps back. Feisty I see. I chuckle staring at

Rene: You can’t hold that against me because
I’ve never got drunk in my life. It was my first

I click my tongue and storm to the closet. I pull

out a gold shirt and thrown it on then make my
way to the door. I need some air before I
strangle her to death. She has a smart mouth.

Rene: Meli?

She calls after me as I open the door.

Me: What?

I muttered not facing her.

Rene: Are we really married?

I shake my head chuckling before turning to

face her. Raising my left hand to show her the
ring I have.

Me: Unfortunately we are honey. Welcome to

our fucked up polyandrous marriage wifey.

I sarcastically and walk out of the room,

slamming the door in the process, leaving her. I
need to get away from her before I kill her. It
took one night. Just one night and I wake up to
find myself married. The fuck?
Toxic Attraction


How would I have know the eye drops would

cause so much damage? I haven’t drink a day in
my life so I don’t now what spikes someone’s
drink and what it doesn’t it. His overreacting
because I’m sure it’s not that bad. The sound of
ringing phone snaps me out of my daze. I
padded to the couch and pick it up. I squint my
eyes as the light blinds my eyes.

Me: Hello?

I swallow hard, moisturizing my dry throat. My

voice sounds funny to my own ears.

Keitu: When I gave you that phone I wanted you

to be available when I call you.

Me: Sorry I’m still getting used to it.

I lie through my teeth.

Keitu: You don’t sound like your normal self. Are

you okay?

Me: I’m okay at the same time I’m not.

Keitu: What is that Rene? It’s either you’re okay

or not.

Me: Fine I’m not okay. Where are you?

Keitu: At work. I hope my car doesn’t have a
single stretch on it or else you will know me.

I place my hand on my head and close my eyes

reeking my brain where could I have possibly
place her car keys.

Keitu: Rene? Is my still in shape?

Me: Of course it’s still in one piece. I’ve got go.

Keitu: Don’t lie to m-

I disconnect the call and place the phone on top

of the table and start searching for her keys.
She will kill me if I lost them. I just hope I didn’t
drive her car while intoxicated because she will
kill. By the time I’m done the room looks like it
was hit by a tornado. I sit on the edge of the bed
and retrace my steps. My huff as my mind
comes back blank. My eyes fall on the
painkillers on the table. No wonder he was
yelling from the top of his voice because he
didn’t feel what I was feeling. His evil. A knock
emegess on the door. I make my way to it and
find a water pushing a cart in.

Waiter: Room service.

He will have to order something for himself

because I'm eating this whole breakfast just to
spite him.


I finally found the keys I was looking for under

the bed. I don’t know how did they reach the but
it shows one heck of a night we had. After
jumping into the shower I bolt out of the
bathroom when I find a large snake slithering
it's way out of the bathtub. My heart violently
pounds in my ribcage. I bolt out the room and
slam the door shut behind me. Oh my goodness
what have I done. Did I catch him on a bad time
or that's not him but his snake? He left the
room a couple of hours ago so that can't be him.
Maybe I wasn't suppose to see he can change
into a serpent in the first place. Oh my
goodness won't he come for me since he saw
that I saw him? I dash out of the room after
picking up my things.
Taking my walk of shame out the hotel to the
parking lot, I look for my sister car. Tears of joy
spring out of my eyes when I found it parked
where I left it that night. I'm shaking like a leaf
as I step inside and speed off. In my drunken
state I’m glad I didn’t think of it but choose
something drastic as marriage again. I've come
to a conclusion that alcohol is not for me and
I’m never drinking again in my life. I’ll stick to
my usual tea and juice.

Keitu: You look like hell.

She muttered as I walk in her office.

Keitu: Why are you still on those clothes?

Me: Don’t ask.

She nods skeptically.

Me: If someone put eye drops in your drink can

it cause a blackout.

Keitu: Yes depending on how much the person

might have drinked. Why are you asking me that?

My eye run around the room.

Keitu: What did you do?

I sigh and narrate everything to her. The

glimpse I could remember.
Me: Long story short we woke up this morning

Keitu: Oh my god Rene do you know the

damage you caused. Consuming eye drops is
extremely dangerous and can be deadly. They
purpose of the is to reduce redness in they eyes,
but when ingested, it can rapidly reach the
blood and central nervous system.

She scold me like a two year old.

Keitu: Dropping a couple in your mouth can

slow your heart rate, hypothermia, lower your
blood pressure or even worse coma and of
course death. Small amount can be toxic even
in a drink.
Me: It's not that bad.

She scoffs and click her tongue.

Keitu: It’s not that bad? Rene do you know the

serious damage you have done? You could get
arrested and charged with adulteration of food
proud meant for consuming if you gave the
drink to someone.

My heart thudded in my chest while a lump

forms in my throat. Tears blur my vision.

Me: I can't go to jail, Keitu. I won’t survive.

Keitu: You should have thought about that

before misusing his eye drops.
I shake my head as tears stream my cheek.

Me: This is your fault. You knew I don’t drink.

Keitu: For once in your life Reneilwe take

responsibility for your actions. I didn’'t force you
to drink but you did that on your own.

I wipe the tears with the back on my hand and

lean on the chair. She’s right though. No one
forced me to do so and even in court my
accusations won't stand a ground. She picks up
her ringing phone.

Keitu: Mama?
She glares at me.

Keitu: She’s been admitted to the hospital that

is why you can’t reach her.

She place the phone down and switch it to loud


Mama: Why didn’t you tell me, Keitumetse? Her

husband has been looking for her.

I roll my eyes biting back the scoff threatened

to escape my mouth.

Keitu: She’s been at my house. Is there

something wrong?
I could kiss her ass right now for lying for me.

Mama: One of his aunts died and she needs to

be back home to help on the funeral

Me: I-

She interjects.

Keitu: I'll pass the message to her and soon

she’s discharge she will take a flight straight to

Mama: Do so my baby.

She hangs up after that. I click my tongue. The

nerve of that man. Now I have to put my life on
hold and act like everything is okay while it’s not.
It should be him instead of his aunt. I just
wonder which one is it because if it’s Jabulile I
won’t bother myself by burying her.

Keitu: (sighing) What kind of eye drops where


I shrugged my shoulders wiping my tears off.

My life is a movie I’m telling you.

Keitu: Let’s just hope its not Vasoconstrictors

which is commonly know as Visine because it’s
the most dangerous one. It contains
tetrahydrozine hydrochloride which can have
severe effects on the nervous system like
sleepiness, vomiting, breathing difficultie, low
blood pressure, hypothermia and a dangerous
slow heart rate that could lead to death.

My head spins trying to grasp everything she’s


Keitu: Dilating eye drops can cause you to pass

out if your blood pressure is low significant
enough to make one pass out if they are
sensitive to it.

I feel my crying my lungs out. How could I be so


Keitu: I’m not taking any chances so I'm

admitting you. Let’s just pray the damage hasn’t
been done. You should call your other husband
and tell him to go to the hospital immediately.
I cry harder as she reminds me the situation I
put myself into.

Me: I don’t know his numbers.

I raise my eyes to look at her.

Me: I don’t have them.

Keitu: Are you kidding me right now?

I shake my head crying.

Keitu: You’re annoying Reneilwe. You married

the man and jumped on his dick probably more
than twice and you're telling me you don't have
his numbers?
I shake my head. She claps her hands once and
leaps up to her feet.

Keitu: Nkanyiso has took a lot from you and he

will keep taking if you give him the power too.
Living reckless and putting someone’s’s life in
danger too is not you sis.

She stumbled to the door and yanks it open.

Me: (crying) He has a snake.

She closes the door and walks back inside.

Keitu: What are you talking about?

I raised my teary face and look at her. Panic
flashes my eyes.

Me: I found a snake in the bathtub this morning.

I jump to my feet and start pacing up and down,


Me: Oh my goodness what if I slept with his

serpent not him?

Keitu: Ren-

I interrupt her.

Me: (crying) I slept with a ritualist Keitu and

married one. My womb is going to turn into a
graveyard because the snake will want to eat
my kids. They are probably singing Ag Shame
Lovey (Mido do do) by Brenda Fassie right now
while Ricky Rick is teaching them how to rap.

Keitu: You didn't use a condom?

I shake my head crying harder.

Me: I can't die Keitu. I have only tasted three

dicks in my life and I can't die without tasting
more. I still need to hop from one dick to the
other before I die. I don't even have a child I will
leave behind. How will you guys remember me
if I don't have a child? They will reject me in

I muttered in between my cries. I sink to the

floor hyperventilating.

Keitu: Rene breath.

Me: I can't die. God will ask me in heaven and

what will I say I left behind?

Keitu: (panicking) Breathe, Reneilwe.

Me: His serpent is going to kill me. It's already

starting, I can feel it.

I manage to say while wheezing.

Keitu: Stop talking and breathe dammit.

It slowly starting to sink in to me that I'm in a
polyandrous marriage.

Me: (laughing&crying) I don't have kids. Cats or

dogs that I will name after me so you will know
it's my baby. I'm dying.

My eyes roll on the back of my head before they

shut down.


I’ve been running around from outside to the

house like a headless chicken. This is the
reason I don’t like funerals. The elders are slave
drivers and they expect everything to be perfect.
I don’t know why don’t they do it themselves if
what I’m doing is not enough for them. I’m so
annoyed right now because my sister wife was
suppose to be here helping me but she didn’t
came back home the next day when the news
of Aunty Jabulile passing. We had to pack up
and leave her behind because her husband
didn’t want to go to her house and fetch her. If it
was me I would have dragged her ass with or
without any shoes on. They babied that girl for
far too long and it’s time she comes off her high

Voice: Amanda they need tea inside.

The person disappears from my sight because I

could scream at her. Don’t the mourners ever
end? Why didn’t they drink tea where they come
from? This is not a factory where it produces
tea. Don’t they know how expensive food is this
days. I excises my breath and drag my feet to
the kitchen. Filling up the kettle, I place
everything on the tray and let it boil. I pour the
water the cups and make my way to the lounge.

Voice: I don’t drink tea with that cup. It’s so

small for me.

Breathe Amanda and stay calm. I chant in my

head. Another voice complains.

Voice: I use raw coffee not this one you came


I nod memorising everything for next time. If

the would be next though.

Voice: The milk is cold and I don’t drink tea with

milk. I drink black tea with no sugar.

I dump the tray next to the feet and straighten

my spine.

Me: Yeyi, nina zalukazi nicabanga ukuthi ikuphi

la? {Hey, old ladies where do you think this is?}

Shock doesn’t even describe the look on the

faces. I narrow my eye to the first complainer.

Me: Why don’t you go drink in your own house if

our cups are so small for you?

I don’t wait for to respond and shift my eyes to

the second one.
Me: How are you going to drink a raw coffee
with nuts because you don’t have any teeth?
You should have came with your raw coffee
because you would have saved us another
mouth to feed. This is a funeral not soup
kitchen where it’s a must to feed everyone. It’s
not coshe it’s COFFEE.

I emphasize on the word. My chest heaved up

and down. I march back to the kitchen and
came back with a strainer and dumps it in her
frail hands.

Me: Hlunga ubisi ekhofini lakho futhi uzothola

itiye elimnyama olifunayo. Sengikhathele nina
zalukazi. Aniboni yini ukuthi ngikhulelwe?
{ Strain the milk from your coffee and you will
find the black tea you're looking for. I'm tired of
you old ladies. Can’t you see I’m pregnant?}
I click my tongue turning on my heels and storm
out of the room. They harsh whispers follow
behind, guess what I don’t give a damn. Where
the fuck is Rene because this is her job?

Toxic Attraction


I’ve never been this angry at anyone like I am
with Rene right now. I would seriously like to
know what the hell was going through her mind
in those moments. She could have killed us
without intending too. Which planet has she
been living in because everyone knows how
dangerous eye drops are in alcohol. If she’s a
first time drinker then she shouldn’t drink again
in her life because next time she will kidnap
people and hold them as her hostages. The
funny part is that she will wake up the next day
or the two days later not remembering shit, if
she wakes up at all. She should stick to juices
and leave us to our alcohol because she has
proven she is a danger to society and herself
when intoxicated. And what kind of husband
let’s his wife gallivant at night? The woman
comes and goes as she pleases in my room like
it’s her fucken house and the husband doesn’t
say shit about that. It really shows the kind of
man he is. His weak and can’t handle his
household. Rene has a beast inside her that
needs to be tamed and I don’t think the
weakling of her husband is aware of that.
Maybe she’s the perfect submissive wife in
front of him but in front of me she’s somebody
else. I know I would fuck that beast into oblivion
and tame it fast.

Walking out of the hospital, I navigate my way

to town on foot. I need to think and hopping on
a cab will not give me time to think because the
driver might want to chat and I’m not in the
mood to do so. The doctor insisted I sleep over
night just for observation but I didn’t see the
point of it. I’m breathing, walking and talking
just fine so why should I spend a night in
hospital while I could spend it in my room
looking for a lawyer? They just want my money
nothing else. Don’t they know it doesn’t grow on
trees but it’s worked hard for? Everybody needs
money in this country even the president
himself so I somehow understand where they
come from. I’ve got a lot of shit in my plate than
spending a night in there. My mission has been
placed on hold because that woman decided to
make us conjoined twins . It’s funny how she
knows where to find me but I don’t. There next
time she sees me I’ll be throwing divorce
papers in her way. I’m praying to whoever is
listening to my prayers that we’re not married.
I’m not ready for that chapter in my life because
I have a past I need to deal with. I have to close
that chapter and erase it like it never existed
before I could move on and think about
marrying someone’s child.
Voice: There he is.

I rise my eyes and find a white man running

towards me. He knocks the air out of my lungs
as he punches me. I stagger holding my jaw. Is
he crazy?

Me: What the hell man?

Man: I’m not your man you thief. Where is

Junior you kaffir?

Wrong choice of words. I know he didn’t just

call me that.

Me: What did you just call me?

Man: Kaf-

He slurs on his words as I punch him back. I

don’t give a chance to recover, I throw punch
after punch. My blood is boiling and I could feel
the anger direct to Rene from earlier on
returning. I don’t even want to see her face that
one because I know I will get angry. Divorce is
the only thing we will discuss after that I don’t
want to see her ever again. She’s a trouble
maker. Why the hell am I thinking of her anyway?

Two pair of arms grip my shoulders removing

me from the screaming man. I glare at his
saviors and find two officers.

Officer 1: What is going on?

Man: Arrest this crazy man officers.

I charge towards him but the officers stand in

front of me blocking me from reaching him.

Me: Why don’t you ask this crazy fucker who

came out of nowhere and accusing me of
stealing his junior? I don’t even know who the
fuck Junior is.

I yell. They shift their eyes to the man whose

wiping his bloody nose. I cast my eyes to my
hands and find my knuckles covered in blood.

Officer 2: Sir what is he talking about?

The man clicks his tongue.

Man: You’re asking me shit instead of arresting

this kaffir.

He yells on top of his voice. Both officers flinch

on the choice of his words. He chuckles

Man: Now I know why it’s because you’re also


The first officer clicks his tongue and punches

him. He falls on the pavement. He picks him up
and cuff him with handcuffs.

Officer: You’re under arrest for defamation of

I zone out as they go reading his rights. I didn’t
know we still have racist in this country. I mean
it’s the 20th century not the 76th where they
had the power to spit on a black man just
because they can. His voice snaps me out my

Man: He kidnapped my snake.

Yeyi, he must never. I’m not a snake-napper. Do

I look like I harbour snakes? What would I do
with a snake anyway?

Me: I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking


I click my tongue and turn on my heel making

my way to my destination. I'm going to sell his
snake should I find it in my possession just
because he used the K-word on me. If he wants
me arrested he will have to look for me first
because I’m not about to wait for him to lay a
charge against me for assault. I just got
married for Christ sake and knowing the spitfire
I married she will kill me. I face palm myself.
Why am I thinking of her because she makes
me so angry.

She opens her mouth and pops the bubblegum.

I scrunch up my nose in disgust and shift my
eyes to my surroundings. I’m in DHA to check
my marital status and the lady in the front desk
has been violently chewing that gum since I
arrived. If it had a mouth it would have longed
talk. I stretch my neck like a giraffe looking for
another consultant. I don’t want to be served by
her. The attitude radiating from her can be
picked up from the bubblegum she’s chewing.

Lady: Next.

She yells and goes on blowing her bubblegum. I

sigh and make my way to her booth.

Lady: How can I help you?

Me: (whispering) I want to check my marital

She raises her eyes and gawks at me.

Lady: Bhuti how can I help you?

Haibo didn’t she hear what I said. I clench my

jaw and muttered through gritted teeth.

Me: I want to know my marital status.

She claps her hands once and throws her head

back bursting into laughter. I’m dumbstruck.

Lady: You threaten everyone with your snake

and you come here to ask about your marital
status. I knew you looked familiar when you
walked in.
My eyebrow knit.

Me: What are you talking about?

She shakes her head and picks up her phone

and shove it my way a few minutes later.

Me: What does a phone have to do with what I

came here for?

I hiss at her.

Lady: Just watch that video.

I skeptically pick the phone and press play. My

eyes bulge out of their sockets as I see Rene
and I with a snake I’ve been accused of
kidnapping it. We are outside the court room
with it. The snake is just few meters away from

Rene: If you don’t get us married right now I’ll

feed you to my man’s snake. Right baby?

Look at me nodding my head like a robot. My

mother once said I become too humble when
I’m drunk and now I understand what was the
meaning of that. If my eyes where not out of
their sockets when I saw their video they are
now after hearing wifey threatening people with
a fucken snake I don’t even own. Where the hell
did we find it? I raise my eyes to the lady whose
dying in laughter.

Me: How many people have this video?

I’m embarrassed to say the least. I stole
someone’s snake and threatened people with it
just for the fun of it. I swear if I see Rene again
I’m going to smack her ass.

Lady: It’s just my husband and I.

Me: You didn’t send it to anyone?

I’m sure social media has a field day with us

right now because everything is filmed this days.
I heavily sigh as she shakes her head.

Me: Can you please send me the video.

She nods laughing and picks up her phone. I call

out my number

Me: Did we really get married?

Lady: Yep. We had to give you guys our rings

because you threatened us with your snake.

My jaw drops to the floor. I don’t even own a

fucken snake. People must think I’m a ritualist
when they see me. I bend down on the counter
trying to grasp everything.

Lady: Can we have our rings back now?

I chuckle in disbelief to the lengths we went

through just to get married. Removing the ring
in my finger, I place it on top of the desk.
Me: I don’t have the second one though.

Lady: She can keep it after all she gave me a

very beautiful ring.

She waves her hand showing the ring in her

finger. That’s Rene’s old ring. I blink my eyes
chuckling. I swear I’m going to kill that woman
when I see her.

Me: Please delete it after sending to me.

Lady: It’s going to cost you.

Me: Money is not an issue.

I blurt out. She smirks nodding. I turn on my
heels and make my way out of the office. I’m
putting out fire that isn’t suppose to be there in
the first place. I don’t know what will I do if I see
wifey again. I can’t kill her though before we get
divorced so she has a chance of living and
breathing the same air as me for now. I need
something that will destruct me from killing her.
Maybe it’s time I pay my little brother a visit.
Toxic Attraction



The taxi finally drops her off at the entrance of

the hospital. She walks to reception desk.
Mrs Mohapi: Hello young man, I’m Dr Mohapi’s
mother and I need to see her it’s urgent.

Receptionist: (smiling) It’s finally great to see

the woman who birthed such a beauty. Now I
see where she get her looks from.

A smile creeps on the woman’s face. The young

man in front of her was such a charmer.

Receptionist: Maybe if I soften your heart your

daughter will finally give me a chance. I’ve been
courting her since I came to work in this
hospital but she doesn’t want me.

Mrs Mohapi laughs at his expense. Oh if he only

knew how much Keitu loves her baby daddy he
wouldn’t bother to be asking her out. They love
each other but they don’t want to get married,
that’s the sad part of it. She makes her way to
Keitu’s office after the receptionist gives her the
green light. She had to lie and say she will talk
to Keitu knowing exactly that she won’t do it.
She knocks on the door and wait.

Keitu: Come in.

She shouts on the other side busy with her

phone. She rises her head and finds her mother
walking in. She jumps to her feet frowning.

Keitu: Mama what are you doing here?

Mrs Mohapi: How bad is your sister?

Keitu: I don’t know. They are still running test on

Mrs Mohapi: She didn’t break her leg or arm


Keitu: (frowning) No!

Mrs Mohapi: Her spinal cord?

Keitu: Of course not.

Mrs Mohapi: She can still talk and walk on her


Keitu: Yes, why are you asking me all this

Mrs Mohapi: That’s because Reneilwe is
suppose to be in KZN with her people. We only
gave birth to her but she’s no longer ours
anyone. Tell whoever doctor is working on her
to discharge her because she needs to be there
for her husband.

Keitu’s jaw drops to the floor. Was this woman

bearing what she was saying. Reneilwe could
be in serious danger right now and the only
thing she cares about is Nkanyiso and her

Keitu: Mama we don’t know the danger she’s in

and I can’t send my sister out there without
knowing if she’s good shape or not. She’s in the
hospital that should tell them that she’s sick.
Mrs Mohapi: I’m not about to argue with you on
this Keitu because you know nothing about
marriage and the expectations it comes with.
Those Zulu are expecting their bride to be there
working alongside other brides because that’s
who Rene is to them. We can’t keep Rene with
us because she no longer our daughter
anymore but there’s. They paid the full mahadi
we demand and keeping their bride away from
the might start causing problems for us. You
said it yourself that they don’t know what’s
wrong with her yet because they are still
running some tests on her.

Keitu: Mama I don’t-

She interjects.
Mrs Mohapi: I’ll close that loud mouth with a
slap that you will never forget my baby. Just
because you’re in a white coat and have
stethoscope around your neck you think you
can talk back? O seke wa ntena, Keitumetse.
{Don’t annoy me, Keitumetse. Go and call you
sister we are leaving tonight.}

Keitu smacks her lilps shut and walks out the

room. She tried defending her sister but she
knows when her mother’s mind has been made
up there’s nothing she can do to change it. It’s
up to the doctor attending Rene’s case and
Rene herself.

His sick and tired of answering endless of

where Rene is. Why can’t people understand his
not her damn keeper they should know that. It’s
starting to piss him off that Rene doesn’t
respect him or his family. She’s taking this too
far and it’s time he puts her back in her place.
Her parents promised to call him as soon they
get hold of her and now he regret leaving
Jo’burg without her. He should jave barge in her
house and dragged her with him kicking and
screaming. Those people could have lied about
her whereabouts to him just to protect her
whoring ways. The glow in her face is much
proof he needs that she’s having an affair. He
never took her as one of those woman who
cheat on the husband’s. I mean the Rene he
knows is a fearing God woman so where did
she learn to be a whore? It must have been that
church she hides behind it. They are being
taught to be whores instead of bible verses.
He finds his elders waiting for him the lounge.
He clears his throat to gain their attention.

Nka: I'm sorry for ambushing you at such notice.

I know this is not the place nor time to address
this but I need you as my elders to intervene.

Sizwe: On what son?

His father calmly muttered.

Nka: Rene and I have been having problems in

our marriage.

Uncle 1: You will have to go into details of what

kind of problems are those.
Nka: She do as she pleases these days and she
doesn’t sleep at home.

Uncle 2: Are you saying she’s cheating?

Nka drops his eyes nodding. Gasps follow.

Sizwe: Are you sure, Nkanyiso?

Nka: I know what I’m talking about dad. You can

ask Amanda she will be my witness.

Silences is what he gets after that. He exhales

loudly slipping into his thoughts. Maybe he
should tell her the truth about Amanda and take
it from there. He knows she won’t leave after
finding out the truth because she loves him just
as much he loves her.

Sizwe: If I may ask son did you tell her what

Amanda is to you?

Nka: She know everything baba. She threatened

me with divorce after finding out.

Looking at him lying through his teeth.

Nka: I told her we don’t do divorce


Uncle 1: You took the words out of my mouth

mshana. Didn’t her family teach her to handle
such issues?
Uncle 2: You did a good thing by coming to us
with the matter. We will go with you to Jo’burg
and request a meeting with her uncles. They
need to put their daughter beak to the line.

He nods leaning back on the wall. Her chances

of getting out of this marriage are zero. She
might just get used to it because she’s not
going anywhere.


Finally the funeral is over there’s still no sign of

Rene. Excuses had to be made and I don’t know
why didn’t he just tell them the truth. I knew that
girl was trouble the first day I met her. She’s
lying to everyone about who she is. The fake
humble, sweet devoted Christian she’s been
portraying was all an act. I knew some day she
will get tired of pretending and show us her real
colors but I didn’t think it would be this soon.

Nka: Pack you bags we are leaving.

He shuts the door after that. His been quiet

since this morning but I know his fuming. What
Rene dod cannot be matched. She called him
and told him she won’t come because they are
getting a divorce. I must hand it to her she has
more guts more than I thought. If it was me I
would have took a flight the same time and do
the walk of shame when I arrive. I jump to my
feet and pull out our suitcase. I’m tired of this
place. I miss my home where I’m not expected
to wake up in the wee hourse to prepare tea and
food for neighbours who came to offer
condolences. I had to fake some illness in order
for them to let me rest. He will have to take his
second wife with him next time because I’m
never coming back here again, if only he finds
her. It seems like I underestimated her. She
brave shame.

My phone chimes somewhere around the room.

I throw the clothes on the floor looking for it. I
look at the caller ID and decide to ignore it after
seeing the unknown number. It chimes again
leaving me with no choice but to answer it.

Me: Hello?
Lucia: Hey girl I’ve been trying to get hold of you.

Me: Lucia is that you?

Lucia: Yep.

I push the suitcase aside and sit where it was.

Me: Sorry it might be the signal.

Lucia: Well I came bearing bad news.

I chuckle.

Me: What’s bad than me being unemployed?

Lucia: Your house was sold this morning.

Me: (shocked) What?

Lucia: Yes the boss man gave us the green light

to do so. Apparently you took money from the

Me: I was going to pay it back. I need to hire a

private investigator so he can find where my
husband lives in Jo’burg. You know how
expensive they are.

Lucia: But they are not that expensive for you to

take such money.

Me: I needed a new car and new clothes.

I protest. She snorts on the end of the line.

Me: (panicking) You have to understand I was

going to pay it back as soon we get new clients.

Lucia: With what money, Amanda? Stop lying.

Me: (breaking voice) I swear I was going to pay

it back. I can sell the car to pay it back some of
the money I took. It’s still new, please don’t let
him sell my house.

Lucia: He already sold it because you owe the

company which is his company right now. I
can’t believe you were paying us peanuts while
you’re harbouring such amount. You’re greedy
and selfish, Amanda. I glad Meli took the
company and your house because I wouldn’t
have known that my salary is suppose to be
R162,691 instead of the 9.5K you where paying

She clicks her tongue and disconnect the call. I

bury my hands in my face and burst into tears.
His out there ruining my life. That house meant
everything to me.
Toxic Attraction



Imagine the shock I was in, waking up to find

the woman who gave birth to me, forcing the
doctor to discharge me because I'm needed
there. She said I looked fine to her and didn’t
need to be kept in the hospital for observation
but the doctor put his foot down and practically
called the security on her. My sister did a great
job by not being my doctor in that moment
because I know my mother would have labelled
her as being disrespectful. African parents are
quick to forget that they are one’s who insult us
before the sun comes until the sun disappears
in the sky. They are very disrespectful to their
children and say whatever they want to say. I
don’t know whether since they birth us that
gives them the right to insult us. I know when I
see her she will throw a fit about not going to
the funeral. I wasn’t going to bury that witch,
Jabulile. May her soul roast in hell. It’s his aunt
not mine so I should I put my life on hold just
for her? It’s not like the funeral will be
postponed for another day because I’m not
there. She stormed out of the ward hurling
insults at me and I couldn’t care less. I wasn’t
going to my life at risk just to please her and my
In-laws. The meaning of being in a hospital
means I’m sick and don’t need that kind of
stress. I don’t know why is she hell bent on
forcing me to go back to Nkanyiso. I was
serious when I said I’m done with him and I’m
not going to change my mind just because his
aunt died.

Keitu: Ready to go?

I nod jumping off the bed. Hospitals have a way

of making me more sick than I am. It must be
the phobia I have for needles. Don’t look at me
like that, everybody has a phobia and mine just
have to be mere needles. She takes the bag and
we walk out of the room. I don’t know how
many times I’ve been in hospital this year alone.

Keitu: Where you going to tell me?

My eyebrows knit together as we step inside

the car. I chew my inner lip, reeking my brain
what is she talking about?

Me: What are you on about?

She places her head on the steering wheel and

burst into tears. I look at at her dumbstruck.

Keitu: You’re my younger sister, Rene and I'm

suppose to take care of you.

Me: I know that so why are you crying?

I’m still wearing the confusion and knitted

eyebrows in my face. I can’t seem to find the
reason why she will cry on my behalf.

Keitu: I saw your folder.

She muttered wiping her cheeks with the back

of her hand.

Me: So?

I mean she’s a doctor so they deal with patients

folders everyday.
Keitu: You had a miscarriage, Rene and you
didn’t even tell me.

My shoulders sag. That’s a chapter in my life I

don’t want to talk about. I have closed it and
don’t need it to be reopened again.

Keitu: (crying) Ain’t we sister, Reneilwe?

Me: We are sis but I don’t want to talk about it.

Keitu: What hurt me the most is that you didn’t

tell me. I would have been there for you.

I heavily sighed.
Me: I know that and I don’t appreciate you for

Keitu: But?

Me: But I just want to forget about that. I know

it won’t just go away because there are days
where I put the blame at myself. Maybe if I did
things differently my baby would be still in my
womb. I've cried until I was satisfied and came
into a conclusion that nobody asks for a
miscarriage to happen to them.

She raises her head and smile through her tears.

Me: What?
Keitu: When did you grow up and become such

I chuckle.

Me: When I decided to marry two different men.

One who lies to me for a whole three years
while the other one I don’t know shit about him.
I don’t know his number, where is he from, his
occupation or even his surname.

She cracks up so hard. I giggle.

Keitu: Your life is a movie.

Me: Tell me something I don’t know. I’m staying

far away from alcohol.
She giggles.

Keitu: On a serious note though what are you

going to do with that.

I shrug my shoulders defeated.

Me: Honestly speaking I don’t know. I’m praying

that we didn’t get married because that will
make him my legal husband. If you remember
correctly that goat Nkanyiso and I are still
waiting for 5 years so we can sign. Our
traditional ceremony isn’t recognised by the law
while the elders do.

Keitu: I’m crossing fingers you’re really married

to him.
I gasp shocked.

Me: You don’t even know the guy but you’re

already choosing his side.

Keitu: I don’t need to know him to know that his

rubbing on you. You’re just swore a minute ago
and the only swear word I’ve ever come from
your mouth is voetsek.

I roll my eyes and playfully push her shoulder.

Her phone chimes disturbing out moment. Her
smile disappears when she sees the caller ID.

Keitu: Mama?
I should have know that she’s the only person
after Nkanyiso who can ruin our mood. She’s
turns to me.

Keitu: She’s here with me. Is everything okay?

Keitu: Okay.

She sighs and turns on the ignition.

Keitu: There’s a meeting at your house. Don’t

ask me what is it about.

I think may have an idea what the meeting is

about. I'm already bored before I can hear what
they have to say.

Rene and her sister arrive at her place. They

walked inside and found Nkanyiso and his his
elders sitting on one side while her's are sitting
one side. Amanda rise to her feet and makes
her way towards them. She graps Rene’s hand
and drag her to the bedroom.

Mandy: You can’t talk to your In-laws wearing


She hands Rene a dress, pinafore, doek and a

scarf. Rene shakes her head.

Mandy: Just take the damn clothes, Rene and

stop being impossible.
Rene heavily sighed and made her way to the
bathroom to change to the clothes she’s given.
They walk back after she changed and took a
seat next to Amanda on the floor. Questions
swimmed in her mind but she had no answer to
them. Why was Amanda here and wearing like a
respectful bride?

Uncle Themba: Makoti this meeting was called

by husband because he noticed certain
behaviour changes from you.

She raised her head to answer but flinches

when someone pushes her head back down,
stopping her from responding.

Uncle Themba: Everyone will be given a fair

chance to speak and we as elders will listen to
both side and deliberate on whose wrong. Am I

They all nod their head. He clear his throat and

shift his eyes to his nephew..

Uncle Themba: Mshana you may start.

Nka: Thank you my elders for availing

yourselves and taking time to come here at
such notice. I once came to you and told you
that I saw a beautiful woman and I want to her
my wife.

His uncles and his father nod.

Nka: You didn’t hesitate to send the letter to her

family and ask for her hand in marriage. We
paid all that was need to be paid for her to
make her a Makhanya. We don’t know the word
peace and happiness in this household.
Nokhukhanya has forgot her place in this house.

Rene scoffed being address by the name her In-

laws gave her. She bit back a yawn threatening
to escape her mouth. It’s funny how quick is for
him to point out her faults but doesn’t see his.

Nka: She is disrespectful and cheeky. There are

days where she disappears sometimes for
weeks and I wouldn’t know where she is.

Rene’s parents gasp shocked while Keitu rolls

her eyes bored. She wants to jump for his neck
and strangle him for lying about her sister. How
dare he makes, Rene the bad guy while he is?
Nka: There was a sudden trip at work and I had
to leave. I didn’t want to leave because when
she came back from one of her disappearing
acts she had a sling in her arm. I want to nurse
her back into shape but I had to go because the
client was a very difficult one.

Rene chuckled disbelief, listening to him

spewing lies about her.

Nka: I left then when I came again my house

was so dirty, I barely recognise it. The dirty
dishes I had left that I left where still there
where I left them. She fired our helper Sis Maria
behind my back and not paid her for that month.
The grass on the lawn was so high even a
snake could have found refuge in here.
Uncle Kenosi: Where was Rene when you came

Rene sharply glared at her uncle. Shouldn't he

shut the hell up? His kids aren't even married.
They have choice assorted baby daddies.

Nka: I was on my way to her house when I saw

this frail, skinny woman stepping out of the
cottage. I went there to investigate to only find
her looking like a sick person. She would have
flew with the wind if it was August.

Another chuckle of disbelief escaped Rene’s

mouth. She so badly wanted to raise her head
and call him out for his lies but she decided
against it.
Nka: She broke down when she saw me and for
a second there I saw a glimpse of the woman I
married. But I knew she had to be sick. She's
much better right now in weight than she was
those days. She was so thin and I was sure I
would bury her. She must have contracted HIV
and AIDS from her lover.

He heavily sighed.Rene casted her eyes to the

floor shaking her head, fighting the urge to jump
on him.

Nka: I thought everything was back to normal

but I was wrong. She spent night out and came
back in the morning.

Rene: That’s a lie and you know it.

She blurts out. She’s done playing nice because
this man is painting himself as a victim while
his not.

Nka: See what I’m talking about? That’s what

I’m dealing with everyday of my life. She refuses
to respect me and the rules I made in this
house. I don’t know when was the last time she
spent time with me.

He shifted his gaze to her.

Nka: When was the last time you cooked for me?
When was the last time you iron my clothes?
When was the last time you run me a bath or
took a shower with me? When was the last time
you complimented me and told me I’m
handsome? When was the last time you sent
me a text at work with ‘ Thinking about you or I
love you?’. When was the last time you visited
my office? When was the last time we had sex?

Blood seeped out of Rene’s hands as she dug

her nails in her palms. She’s livid. How dare he
use reverse psychology on her? Those where
her questions she asked him so why is he
twisting them to make himself come across a

Nka: She refuses to have sex with me and it’s

been months.

Gaps follow after his statement. Rene rose

from her position and jumped on him. She
strangled him. Screams and gasps followed.
Nobody expected her to react that way
especially Nkanyiso. They didn't see this
reaction coming.
Rene: You son of a bitch, why are you lying?

The room become chaotic as the elders leap up

to their feet and pull her off him. The intercom
went off and nobody paid attention to it. A
shocked Amanda stood up and made her way
to the door.

Mandy: Hello?

Voice: Delivery for Mr Makhanya.

She opened the gate and peeked on the curtain,

watching the cab drive all the way to the
driveway. She squinted her eyes trying to see
the person who will step out but she couldn’t
see clearly. She sighed and close the curtain as
the commotion in the lounge become loud.

Rene: Stop lying you bastard.

She screamed on top of her voice. Amanda

shook her head growing impatient bouncing on
her heels as she waits for the delivery man to
knock. She didn’t want to miss the action
because it sounded like it’s going down for real.
A few minutes later a knock came to the door.

Mandy: Finally!

She marches to the door and yanks it open.

Mandy: You can put it ov-

The words died down on her throat. She freezes
unable to utter a single word as she see who
the guest is. Meli removes his sunglasses with
a smirk lurking on his lips.

Meli: Hello sister in law. Aren’t you going to

invite me in?

Words got stuck on the roof her tongue. She

frozen tongue tied. Fear paralyzed her. What
was he doing here? He said he was leaving the

Nka: This is the behavior I’m talking about.

Meli’s lips turned into a grin. He knows that

voice anywhere and it looks like his trip, coming
here won’t be wasted. He pushed the woman in
front of him aside and padded to where the
commotion is.

Meli: Ngaifike kahle kulomuzi ngathola wonke

amaphixi phixi na maxoki amakhehla endaweni
eyodwa. Kungani isimemo somhlangano
ngingasitholanga? { I arrived just in time in this
household and found all the scumbags and old
liars in one place. Why didn't I receive the
meeting invitation?}

The room become dead quiet. Rene ceased her

movements shocked to the core. What was he
doing here? Nkanyiso’s heart thudded on his
ribcage while he paled on his seat. He gulped
the thick saliva in his mouth looking at his older.
A smirk dances on Meli’s lips seeing the look on
his younger brother. He loved the look on him
and it was safe to say it’s going to stay there for
a while. He made his way to his uncles and
father and knelt down in front of them.

Meli: Nkanyiso: Makhanya,

Duze kaMnengwa Gcwabaza,
Thusi, Lingela,
Zukezela, Makhutha,
Wena owakhanyisa ngothi lomshanelo ngoba
ezonda ubumnyama,
Wakhanyisa ngothi lomshanelo kwaze kwasa
luvutha MAKHANYA!!
Indodana yenu yolahleko isibuyile ekhaya.
{ Your prodigal son has returned home.}

Rene’s eyes popped out their sockets. She felt

her palms and armpits itching. How did he
found her and what does he mean? Feeling the
burning gaze on his back, Meli turned his head
to the whole room and look for the source. His
eyes locked with hers and they widen. Both
couple have the same question in mind. What
was the other doing here?
Toxic Attraction


Nkanyiso blinked rapidly to clear the fog in his

eyes. He must be dreaming because there’s no
way in hell his older brother is in front of him.
He opened and closed his eyes just to get a
clear vision. Opening them for the third time he
finds the picture still the same. He was not
hallucinating or anything, indeed his brother
was here in his house. All emotions hit at once
and he didn’t know which one to concentrate on
first; anxiousness, fear, panicking and
shortness of breath. He chest was slowly
closing on him the more he looked at him. He
was really here. He unbuttoned his jacket and
abandon his tie as the room suddenly felt hot
for him. It’s 18° Celsius outside but the man had
sweat running down his spine and forehead. He
swallowed hard shifting his eye away as they
lock with his brother. Meli smirked shaking his
head. Wasn’t he the one who had balls enough
to take his girlfriend and company away from
his so why was letting his eyes run all over the
room like a coward? His eyes caught a
movement and saw Amanda walked back to the
room. Oh how much he loved to see these
looks on their faces. He could spend his last
money just to see them this shaken and
spooked for eternity if he can.

Rene excused herself from the room and made

her way upstairs to the bathroom. Her mind
was working overtime. She left countless
bathrooms downstairs but she wasn't thinking
straight. Her head was spinning. She found
herself staring in the mirror with her palms
resting on the sink, her body slightly slouched.
She was shaken by his presence. What was he
doing here? And what did he man the prodigal
son has returned? She gasped shocked when
her mind connected the dots.

Rene: No way.

The fact that he had the audacity to show up his

handsome face in her house knowing exactly he
was the brother of the man he married. Did he
somehow know they were In-laws? Maybe he
did that on purpose just to spite his younger
brother because from the glimpse she heard
they don't see eye to eye. Nobody has told her
the full story.

Meli: Oh come on guys why do you look like

you've seen a ghost?

Nobody answered him. Rene's father cleared

his throat.

Mr Mohapi: My in-law my family and I want to

step out of the room to discuss this matter. We
are very ashamed of how our daughter behaved.

Keitu loudly scoffed. Her mother sharply glared

at her but she couldn't care less. She will be
dammed if they send her sister back to that

Meli: Sure my in-laws. I hope the patio is okay

for you.

They skeptically nodded and made their way

out with questions in their mind. Who was that
young man?
Meli: I have a phone call to make I'll be right
back family. Stay put.

He muttered and walked down the corridors

looking for her. He went from room to
bathroom but there was no sign of her. He
looked upstairs and ascended the stairs. Seeing
her dressed like that just confirmed his worst
nightmare. He was married to his sister in law
who happened to be his younger brothers wife.
How fucked up is that? Was she aware that she
was wife number 2? Of course she does that’s
why he married the man in the first place. Why
was she settling for less though? From the
glimpse she had told him now he knows why
she doesn’t hesitate to spend a night in his
hotel room because she was miserable. There
was Amanda in the picture of course she was
bound to be miserable.
The man was unbelievable. Snapping out of her
daze she looked up at the mirror and jumped in
sight. There stood the man of the hour behind
her. In a tailored body fitting navy three piece
suit, a white shirt and brown formal shoes
without a tie. His Tag Heuer Aquaracer watch
dangled on his wrist. His cologne was so
intoxicated she swore she was drunk by
inhaling it. The hair cut he had the other day
made look dashing hot. Was she too deep in
her thoughts that she didn't hear the door
opening? Meli wrapped his hand around her
waist and rested his face in the crook of her
neck, looking up at the both of them through the
mirror they stood before.

Meli: What are you thinking about?

He mumbled indulging her scent. It tasted

different than the last time. He hummed. Rene
scoffed and tried to remove his hands on her
waist but he tighten his grip.

Rene: The fact that you my brother in law and

my husband at the same time if we are married

She snapped at him. He chuckled. What was he

going to do with his feisty wife?

Meli: Unfortunately for you sweetheart I am

both to you. I went to the DHA to confirm
everything. Apparently you threaten everyone to
feed them with the snake we kidnapped from a
white racist man if they don't do as you say.

He chuckled placing wet kisses on her neck.

Rene bit her lip suppressing a moan to escape
her mouth. Dammit why would he go for weak
spot. Neck kisses are her weak spot and the
man just went straight to it like she knew her.

Rene: So the snake is not yours?

He paused on his assault on her neck.

Meli: Do I come across as someone who own

snakes to you? I hate those things.

She slowly nodded sighing in relief. She had

made different scenario in her head about the
snake. It was like a weight she’s been carrying
on her shoulders has been removed.
Meli: I found the snake and sent it the nearest
pet facility to take care of it. I hate those things.

He brought out his tongue and licked her neck.

Rene tilted her head to the side to give him
better access.

Rene: I didn’t know shit about you okay. I didn’t

know your surname, your age, your parents,
where are you from, your shoe size, your job
description and many other things. The only
thing I know is the size of your dick.

Her eye widen. She mentally face palmed. That

wasn’t suppose come out, her mouth had no
filter. Meli roared in laughter.

Meli: Melisizwe Makhanya. I’m a 35 year old

bachelor. You know the rest about my family
and background. I’m an IT specialist by
profession and a size six. It’s good to know you
still remember my dick.

He mused. Rene rolled her eyes.

Rene: Don’t be cocky with me that wasn’t

suppose to be heard.

Meli: Yeah sure sweetheart.

He went back to her neck and latched on it.

Rene: Meli I-

Her moaning words were cut short by him,

spinning her around and smashed his lips into
hers hungrily. The two kissed each other like
starved animals being finally fed.

Meli placed his hand on each side of her face

while Rene wrapped her hands on her neck. He
broke the kiss and rested his forehead on hers

Meli: Watch what I’m about to do to you.

Before she can ask, the man spun her back to

face the mirror. She shuddered, waiting in
anticipation. She obeyed the instruction as he
stepped closer and pressed his front on her ass.
She could feel the tent being restrained by the
pants he was wearing. He wrapped a hand
around her neck. As the other one came to her
thigh, he pushed the fabric to the side and
stroked her bare skin. The tingly sensation
automatically sent signals to her already wet

Meli: Let me take blow off the steam, baby.

He husky voice fanned her neck, instantly giving

her goosebumps ad her breath hitched. Wasn't
he bold. She locked eyes with him through the
mirror as his lips attached themselves to her
neck, his teeth gently massaging her skin.

Rene: Meli?

She moaned as he continued his assault on her

sweet spot. The fact that they could get caught
simply added to the thrill. Her stomach twisted
as the thought came in mind. He pulled the
straps of her dress over her shoulder and pulled
it down her waist, leaving her bunched up there.
He let out an animalistic growl as he looked at
her through the mirror as he saw she wasn’t
wearing a bra. He massaged her breast as his
lips made their way to her neck desperate to
leave his mark. Everyone has to see she
belongs to her nobody else. Rene moaned his
name endlessly.

Meli: Fucken take your eyes off the mirror again

you’ll face consequences.

He threatened her. She simply nodded before

he pinched her nipple causing her to let out a
gasp. He pulled the rest of her dress to her
knees and chuckled. Wasn’t his new wife such a
tease? The woman was bare under that hideous
dress she wore. His hand made it’s way to her
core and slide his fingers inside her slit.

Rene: Fuck!

She moaned out, throwing her head back and

resting it in his shoulders as his fingers went in
and out of her.

Meli: I told you to keep your eyes on the mirror.

He spanked her butt. Rene gasped letting out

juices. He added another finger and picked up
his pace. She obeyed him again as the
uncontrollable moans left her mouth while the
sound of her wetness filled the room. He slid in
and out quickly and brought his thumb to her
clit. She clenched on his fingers as her grip on
the sink tightened. His other hand found it’s
way back to her breast, toying with her nipples.

Meli: Are you proud of being fingered in the

bathroom at your husband’s house like a slut
meanwhile your family and In-laws are waiting
for you few feet’s ways.

She couldn’t even muster up the answer ad the

burning sensation spread through her lower
abdomen making her succumb to his mercy.
His dirty words drove her crazy, he begin to hit a
spot taking her to another level of euphoria. As
she felt her orgasm building up her moans grew

Rene: I’m gonna cu-cu- cummm

She managed to let out. At the moment she felt

him retract his fingers from her wetness. She
quickly spun around with the little strength she

Rene: What the hell?

She bellowed, frustrated.

Meli: The first orgasm I want to give you today, I

want it to be against my face.

He picked her up before she could respond and

placed her on the counter by the sink. He
crouched down before he lifting both her legs
up high and spread them wide open, watching
drip all for him. Before she could recollect
herself his tongue grazed up on her throbbing
clit. Due to the previous interaction she was
already close to her orgasm. She threw her
head back moaning from the pleasure. He
sucked harshly on her bundle of nerve while her
eyes rolled to the back of her head. She bucked
her hips forward in attempt for more friction.

Rene: Meli mmm shit.

She moaned shamelessly as her hand shoved

his head more in her. He moaned in between
her sucking harshly. The sound is what drove
Rene more crazy. He slid his tongue down from
her clit to her slit digging it deep into her tight
hole while his thumb rubbed vigorously on her
swollen clit. Her legs began to shake ad she
warned him for her climax. He smirked against
her core as her orgasm exploded without any
control. She squirted, burying her face on his
neck to suppress her screams.
Meli: Taste yourself.

He removed her head on his neck and attacked

her lips with hers. Breaking the kiss he muttered.

Meli: I’m going back before they get suspicious.

She nodded. He helped her down and cleaned

her. There’s one thing that can tame the beast
inside her and she just got it. Her quietness said
it all. A lazy smirk made it's way on his lips.

Meli: You’re okay baby?

He asked her as she began yo put her clothes

back with her wobbly legs.
Rene: I’m fine.

She muttered smiling at him. He smiled back

and fixed his bulge

Rene: What is this really Meli?

Meli: I’m also confused as you. One thing I

know though is that we are not getting a divorce.

He firmly muttered placing a kiss on her

forehead and exit the bathroom. Rene placed
her hand on her chest shocked to the core.

Rene: Oh my God what was that?

She muttered to no one in particular. They way
he command her just showed her how territorial
he is. She opened the tap and bend down to
splash cold water on her face. She need to calm
down her blood before she faces that liar
Nkanyiso. She sighed and close the tap.
Looking at herself on the mirror she looked
flushed. She giggled at the scene replayed it's
self back in her mind. That man is crazy and
should she decide to stay with him she will have
to keep up with him. She shook her head ready
to make her way downstairs but abruptly stop
on her steps. Are those hickeys in her chest and
neck? She scoffed.

Rene: Territorial much?

She shook her head and put her shawl back in

its place and did a once over on her clothes.
She looked perfect like she was before he came
it the only thing flushed is her face and she
can't change it. She exercised her breathe and
padded back downstairs.

Meli found the room dead quiet like the way he

left it before. For a second he thought they ran
away. Everyone looked deep in thought while
Nka and Amanda looked like they have seen a
ghost. Rene family had excused themselves to
deliberate on the patio on how are they going to
handle the matter. His voice brought them back
from their trail of thoughts

Meli: I truly apologise for that. I had to take a

phone call isn't your wife back yet from the
bathroom brother?

He asked fighting back a smirk threatened to

lurk on his lips.
Toxic Attraction



Have you ever felt like your dreaming while

you’re not? This is how I feel right now. I never
thought I would see my brother ever again in my
life. I was so sure that wherever he was, he was
a broken man. A shell of what used to be him
and now imagine the shock I got when I saw
him looking like the son of Patrick Motsepe.
Life must be good for him to be like this.

Me: Bhuti?
I absentmindedly muttered. He rise his head
and looks at me. A shiver runs down my spine
as my eyes lock with his. His look is a
murderous one causing me to gulp nervously.

Me: You’re here?

Meli: Yep.

Me: But how?

He chortle and shake his head. I shudder. The

man is standing next to me and I’m sure he
could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I pick
up the bottle of water on the table with my
shaky hands and gulp it down one go. He
chuckles above me. I’m sweating a storm and
he looks cool like a cucumber.

Meli: It doesn’t matter how. What matters is

that we don’t keep our In-laws waiting for us. I
know and can bet on my last cents you’re the
one who called this meeting.

I shift my eyes around the room. He walks to

the patio to call Sthando’s family.

Meli: Before the meeting can commence I’ll like

to introduce myself. My name is Melisizwe
Makhanya. An older brother to that goat.

He muttered throwing daggers at me before

shift his eyes back to them and smile.
Meli: A brother in law to that bitch Amanda.

My jaw drops to the floor while gasps follow. I

should have known he hasn’t moved on.

Meli: (chuckling) Excuse my language my elders

being away from home for a very long time just
makes you forget your parents teachings and
manners. The world is full of vultures out there
and I had grow up fast because you never know
who to trust. You thought you had a family not
knowing you have snakes harbouring all around

Sizwe: Meli.

He firmly muttered warning him. He smiles

raising his hands in surrender.
Meli: I’m just making conversion baba since no
one is willing to break the ice. Don’t worry I
won’t say a word to the In-laws about how
fucked up my family is.

Again gasps follow. I forgot Sthando’s family

are Christians and swearing is prohibited to
them that’s why the keep gasping like that. Dad
take his handkerchief and wipes his spectacles
before wiping his face while my uncles shake
their head. I’ve decided to keep my mouth shut
because I know he won’t hesitate to fire those
shots my way.

Mandy: Nka are you going to let him speak

about me like that?
I glare at her fighting the urge to throw her out
the room. She’s a big girl and can handle herself.

Meli: Angikhulumi nawe mfazi. { I'm not talking

to you woman.}

He hisses clicking his tongue.

Mandy: I-

Me: Shut up!

I bellowed through gritted teeth. For goodness

sake can’t she see we are on his mercy. One
wrong word he will spill the beans to Sthando
and she won’t hesitate to leave me.
Meli: Now that’s more like it brother. You just
know how to keep your dog on a tight leash.

He pats my head like a little boy. I pinch my

bridge nose and fake a smile. Staying calm is
what I need to do or else this meeting can go
wrong. The elders were starting to believe me
and they were eating on the palm of my hand. I
hate what I’m doing to Sthando but desperate
times calls for desperate measures. A man’s
got to do what a man’s got to do.

Meli: Where was I with my introduction?

He brings his hand on his chin and hums

pretending to think.

Meli: Oh yes I was on lady next to Amanda

wearing a hideous dress. Why is she wearing a
hideous dress?

He smirks. Sthando rises her head and squint

her eyes at him. Knowing her she won’t hesitate
to respond to him and I’m praying she keeps
her mouth shut.

Sizwe: Melisizwe?

He weakly cautions. He chuckle shaking his

head. I shift my eyes to the room and see that
I'm not the only one sweating. My uncles and
my father are also sweating. Dammit he got us
by the balls and he knows it. How the hell did he
know my address anyway?

Meli: I’m still trying to make conversion baba

chill. Anyway the lady with a hideous dress is

He trails of before smirking at Sthando.

Meli: She’s a story for another day.

I frown. Am I missing something?

Meli: My in-laws I suppose you come for very

important matter. So shall we get to it or not?

I release a breath I wasn’t aware I was holding.

Fuck I need something strong to calm my
nerves. Melisizwe is going to kill the elders with
a heart attack one of these days.

I pour myself a glass of scotch then drag a

barstool to the lounge.

Mr Mohapi: My in-laws we heard what our son

in law is saying about our daughter and as a
family we are deeply sorry for her behaviour. We
are ashamed and embarrassed to call her our

I smirk as wifey rolls her eyes. I knew she

wouldn’t last long on that act. See I’ve known
this woman for a short space of time but it’s
safely to say I know her like the back of my

Mr Mohapi: Reneilwe what do you have to say

for yourself.

I swirl the glass in my hand and lean back on

the chair.

Rene: My brain doesn’t function well papa when

I’m hungry.

I throw my head back bursting into laughter. I

knew she will say something off. I could see the
twinkle and mischief in her eyes.

Rene: I just got discharge from the hospital and

I need to bath and have food in my system.

Mr Mohapi: Re-
I interject.

Me: My brain also doesn’t function when I’m

hungry so it’s best we let her eat if we want
answers from her.

She’s buying herself time and I like it.

Voice: I will order in.

Looking at her she's familiar. I think that’s her

sister. She quickly leaps up to her feet and
walks out of the room like she’s been chased by
dogs. I know she’s been looking for an excuse
to be out of here. Silence engulfs us after her
departure. I could feel eyes piercing through my
skin. I lift mine and they lock with my younger
brother. I tilt my head to the side holding the
stare. He gulps and drops his first. I smirk
shaking my head. Such a coward.

Me: Baba don’t you know woman aren’t

suppose to sit on the floor?

I’m not about to let my wife sit on that reed mat

while they are sitting comfortably on the

Sizwe: You know I liked you better when you

kept your trap shut boy.

I laugh.

Sizwe: Yeses marn, Meli you can talk for the

whole nation.
I'm not even offended. If he only knew this is
only the beginning.

Me: But I’m serious baba. Mandy has a bloated

stomach and-

A gasp stops me mid sentence. I turn my head

to locate the source and guess what it’s the
bitch herself.

Me: Oh I’m sorry I meant to say she’s pregnant

and doesn’t need to be sitting there. The reed
mat doesn’t prevent the cold from seeping in
her body. She will struggle when giving birth.

My dad throws his hands up dramatically. I

chuckle because I know I won the argument.
Sizwe: Nkanyiso get them chairs before your
brother gives us another philosophy.

I mentally roll my eyes. His dramatic. Rene’s

sister walks in takeaways.

Mandy: We will set table.

She muttered dragging Rene with her. She rolls

her eyes annoyed and yanks her grip off her. My
little spitfire. They come back a few minutes
later and tell us to move to the table.

Uncle Themba: Too much oil in this.

He murmurs glaring at the meat in front of him.

This is a braai meat so what does he mean too
much oil?

Uncle Sbu: Where is a bowl to wash our hands?

Nka: Just eat the damn food bomalume.

He yells banging the table shutting them up. Oh

someone is cranky. Mandy sits next to Nka and
the only chair available is next to me. I smile
shoving the piece of meat in my mouth. She
makes her way to her chair and takes her seat.
My hand slide down under the table. As
everyone kept their mouth shut, my hand
travelled to the hem of her dress and slowly
raises it to her thighs. She snapped them shut,
crushing my hand in between them. I pinch
them back open causing her to jump startled.
Me: Is there something wrong sister in law?

I calmly muttered. She fakes a smile shaking

her head. I slip two fingers through her slit. I
watch her through the corner of my eyes as see
her taking her bottom lip in her mouth holding
back a moan to escape. I drag the finger to her
clit and rubbed in subtle circles on it. She
clenches her jaws tightening her grip on the
piece of bread she had on her hand before
dropping her sticky hand to my wrist in attempt
to stop the overwhelming pleasure while I
continued eating my food like I ain't doing shit. I
let her pull my hand out of her. I bring my
fingers to my lips and lick them.

Me: Taste so good.

She chokes on her drink and start coughing

Nka: You’re okay?

She nods coughing before she drops her hand

to my thigh and pinches me. I hold back the
smile threatening to form on my lips. She leaps
up to her feet and collect the plates with her
sister. A few minutes later they are back.

Sizwe: Now that everyone is full can we go back

to the discussion at hand.

The elders nod.

Sizwe: We heard our son’s side of the story now

we want to hear yourself Nokukhanya.

No wife of mine will be called that. They better

erase that name from their mouths before I do
that for them. She clears her throat.

Rene: Where to start?

Uncle Sbu: From the beginning makoti?

Rene: It all started the night he won an award as

business man of the year.

She sighs and narrates the story. I listen


Rene: He dragged me to the garage and threw

me on the car. My back connected with the

I clench my jaws rolling my hands into fists. He

did that to her? When I’m done with that boy he
will be sorry.

Rene: I drove home in the middle of the night.

As I was driving I couldn’t breathe so I stepped
out of the car for some fresh air and bended on
the middle of the road crying. I couldn’t believe
my husband would do that to me.

My blood boils while I feel a ping in my chest.

His not her husband I am.

Rene: I got hijacked while I was still driving and

they demanded my car, phone, bank cards.
Basically everything that’s reliable. I gave them
without any hesitation because I didn’t want to

Nka: Why do you insist on lying Rene? The

police never caught those people. You where
not missing and definitely not hijacked. Just tell
the truth that you’re with your lover the whole
week that time.

Of course she was with me you fool.

Keitu: She was missing.

Her sister blurts out.

Keitu: I don’t know how many times I came to

your house and at work to look for her but you
didn’t know where she was.

I'm resisting the urge to jump from this table

and punch him.

Sizwe: Continue.

Rene: We went to to the bank to withdraw and

after that they hit me with the back of a gun
before they threw me out of moving car.

Gaps follow. Are they going to keep gasping like

that every time they hear something shocking?
They are dramatic. Tears filled her eyes as she
shifts them around the room. I close my eyes
and slip my hand to hers under the table. I
gently squeeze it cause I already know this part.
Rene: (sniffing) I woke up in hospital and the
doctor told me that I lost my baby.

She burst into tears.

Nka: (shocked) What baby?

If life had a remote I would switch this fool with

someone else. It looks like I would be taking
more from him for hurting her. I hold on to the
part that she’s my wife legally while she’s his
traditionally. Even if we go to court he won’t
have a leg to stand on because what proof
would he present?

Rene: I was 14 weeks pregnant at that time.

Silence engulfs the room. The only thing audible
is her sister’s sniffs and her's.

Rene: He didn’t bother looking for me and I

needed time to heal. I stayed with the stranger
at that time for a week before I got back.

Nka: Stop lying Rene. Why haven’t you go back

to thank the stranger for saving you? A person
who went what you claim you went through
would have went back to thank the stranger.
And who is this stranger?

She wipes her tears of and chuckles lowly.

Rene: I’ve already thanked him in many ways.

I smirk. That indeed you did wifey.

Nka: What is that suppose to mean?

Rene: For me to know and for you to find out.

Would you look at that. It looks like leaving her

high was the best thing for her. It woke up the
beast. The both of us are not ready to disclose
our relationship to anyone. For now let me just
sit back and wait for her to handle this matter
on her own, unless of course they to attack her.
It's for us to know and for them to find out.

Note: Those who have their comments on spam
on the last chapter just click on not spam to
allow me to see them and approve them. Good

morning morning and Happy Heritage Day
Toxic Attraction



My body is here but my mind is miles away. I

keep taking shallow breaths to keep my racing
heart normal. I should have know his conniving
and a liar. The bastard played me and I fell right
into his trap. His sitting there like he hasn’t
ruined my life. I want to scream and swear at
him but I know this is not the time nor place for
that. Nkanyiso will fuck me up if I mess this for
him. I don’t know why his so hell bent on
keeping this girl around. She’s shown many
times that she wants out of this marriage but
they keep forcing everything down her throat. I
for one knew she was pregnant when she want
missing but it slipped my mind when she came
back. I was too focused on getting Nka’s
attention back to me and forgot about the
pregnancy. It makes sense why she’s not
cradling a big stomach right now.

Sizwe: Nkanyiso we gave you a chance to speak

and nobody interrupted you so shut up.

He firmly muttered. I sigh and lean back on the

chair. I should thank that idiot for making them
to get us chairs. My butt was becoming numb
on that floor.
Sizwe: You may continue.

She heavily sighs.

Rene: When I got I expected a little sympathy

from my husband but you know what he did?

She chuckles.

Rene: He called me a liar and said I was an

attention seeker. Of course I yearned for his
attention because his my husband but he never
gave me one. We fought again and exchanged
harsh words.

The somber mood in the room makes me want

to shut my eyes and drift of to a deep slumber.
They are toxic for each other and they have
proven that time and time again. I don’t know if
there’s anything left to be fixed but I’m crossing
my fingers she walks away. Nkanyiso doesn’t
love her and has proven that. He loves the idea
of having someone like her around knowing
fully well his heart lies with me.

Keitu: What was the fight about?

Her sister chirps in. I didn’t know we were

allowed to speak or is because she’s the in-law?

Rene: About her.

She spat throwing daggers my way.

Rene: She announced her pregnancy right in
front of me. I don’t know whether she was
gloating on the fact that she was pregnant with
his child or she slept with a married man.

She slept with a married man too. What is she


Me: Bitch what are you saying? His my h-

Nka: (yelling) Amanda.

I don’t know why they keep protecting her. She’s

not an egg that will break anytime. They should
tell her the truth and stop lying to her. The bitch
better respect me because I can make her life
miserable in this house should she decide to
stay. After all yimi undlonkulu la.
Rene: This is what I’m subjected too. Peace and
happiness is something I’m unfamiliar with
when I’m around this walls. They suck and drain
the little energy I have.

Nka: I didn’t know you feel that way.

He shamelessly muttered dropping his head

down. Look at the weakling I married. I will keep
saying this but my choice was so bad and I
think I will regret it for the rest of my life. I
should have chosen Meli over him because his
weak compared to him. Moving my eyes across
the room they fell on Meli. His bushy eyebrows
are knitted together while he wears a frown on
his face. God why does he have to be so
handsome right now? I know I should be
thinking like this but I can’t help it. Maybe it’s he
hormones of the little human being I’m baking
for him in my stomach that’s making me feel
this way or it’s just lust. I know I would mind
drop my panties down for him because he
knows how to please a woman. Nka can be a
beast sometimes but it would be nice to
bended over the table sometimes and fucked
into oblivion. I bite my lip as that thought comes
to mind.

Meli is the kind of a guy that gives a woman

rough sex and the same time he can be gentle
when he wants to be. His not afraid to show his
dominance and his claim on you. He should
teach Nka one or two things in that department.
My husband is too formal and boring. His sex
game is weak compared to his and it’s
disappointing because he has the right size but
doesn’t know how to use it. Eating the same
staff time and time again just because boring
and dims the excitement you have the first time
you tasted the food.

I gulp and quickly shift my eyes somewhere

else as my eyes connect with Meli's. Dammit
I’ve been caught staring. Damn I gave him the
power to think his living rent free in my head
while his not.

Rene: You wouldn’t know because you barely

paid attention to me.

Nka: What happened to the baby Rene and why

didn’t you tell me?

Rene: Like I said before I had a miscarriage.

When was I going to tell you because you were
barely home? You were in and out of here like
criminal in jail.

She chuckles shaking her head.

Rene: Like how you got me arrested that night

and made me spend the night in jail the same
night I came back.

Gasps follows.

Rene: He didn’t tell you?

Sizwe: Nkanyiso what is she talking about?

Nka: Baba the situation got out of control and

she was physical with me.
Rene: I guess he left that behind in his

I don’t know why but I don’t like the look Meli

keeps giving her. His eyes are warm and loving.
I don’t know whether his sympathizing with her
or what. Maybe I’m reading to much into the


I’m getting annoyed by the elders. I don’t know

why do they keep dragging this meeting. It
should have been wrapped up already but no we
had to pause every time one of the steps out of
the room to make a bathroom trip of the
kitchen trip for a glass of water. I understand
they are old and all that but they are wasting my
time. I’ve got places to be and a life I need to fix.
My life doesn’t revolve around Nkanyiso
anymore and I’d like to fix it while I still can. I
know there’s a lot to be tackled but I think I’m
ready to step into the big world and fend for
myself. It’s going to be me against the world
and nobody else, becoming the person I should
have been a long time ago before this shame of
a marriage started. I know my parents will
throw a fit for my decision but I’m sticking it no
matter what they say. They may curse at me
and disown me but I don’t care. They will have
just have to accept it and return Nkanyiso’s
lobola money because him and are done like
yesterday history lessons.


Melisizwe can’t keep his hands on himself. His

so touchy and is not even ashamed to show
affection. I’m not used to this but I somehow
kind of like it. Maybe that’s what have been
lacking between my relationship with his
brother. There was no fire that fuelled the
relationship to be exciting and thrilling. The fact
that he eat me up in the bathroom a few hours
ago and pretended like he didn’t do anything
has my blood pumping. If I somehow end up
with him I have to brace myself because I would
be in it for one hell of a ride with him. I love the
fact he notices small few things about me. He
knows when I’m about to blow up and when I
need his comfort. Like right now his hand is
rubbing circles in my inner thighs comforting
me. I wish I got to experience this kind of
relationship first handed. He knows to love a
woman and loves her right.

The waving of a hand on my face snaps me out

of my daze. I blink rapidly and shift my eyes
around the room. I was so lost in my own
thoughts and wasn’t aware that they are waiting
for me to continue with my story. I’m getting
bored for the pausing and playing they are
doing. I'm not a TV they can pause anytime they
want step out if the room. Don’t they know how
much it takes out of me to snap at them and
leave this meeting without them hearing my
side of the story. They have already concluded
in their own heads I’m guilty anyway because
the bastard sitting across me spewed lies about
me and they attentively listened to him without
the up and downs they are doing.

Me: I swear if someone else gets up from this

table I’m walking out of that door and never
looking back. You can insult me all you like and
curse at me but I wouldn’t care because you’re
all not Jesus.

I hisses clicking my tongue. I've been too nice

on these people and they have mistaken this for

Mama: (yelling) Reneilwe what has gotten into


Me: You people have gotten into me. I’m sick

and tired of sitting here waiting for you guys
taking a decision based on my life. I’m a grown
ass woman and can make decisions for myself.
I’ve been watching you taking his side without
hearing what I have to say. Which sane woman
would make out a story about miscarriage
because we all know how painful that is?

Silence is what I get after being called a liar.

Why are they quiet now ain’t they there ones
who had runny mouths that told me I’m a liar? I
sharply turn to woman who gave birth to me.

Me: I’m highly disappointed in you mama.

You’ve seen me came and go at home but you
never took your time to ask me why was I losing
my weight. You never took your time to sit
down with me and ask me what was eating me
up. As long as I smiling everything was okay on
your mind or you brushed that off. Aren’t you
suppose to see behind the fake facade I put on
as my mother and my parent?

Papa: Rene-
I quickly shut up him, interrupting him.

Me: I’m not done papa so you will have to wait

for your turn.

I cast my eyes back to my mother whose crying

like a widow. I’m not fazed by her tears. She can
cry the River of Jordan and I still won’t be

Me: As a woman you know how sensitive and

painful miscarriage is to us. It is what ends
most marriages and what kills every woman’s
self esteem but you have an audacity to sit
there and call me a liar.

I’m surprised I’m still calm as I have started.

Normally I would be screams like nobody’s
business but I’m still calm like when I requested
for food. It must be emotional support that I’m
getting from my thighs. I wish my mother in law
was also here so I can tell her my piece of mind.
That woman is also a hypocrite like my mother.
Birds of the same feathers.

Me: Why are you suddenly quiet mama? Cat got

your tongue?

Uncle Kenosi: Reneilwe this is not how you

speak to your elders.

He angrily spat. He should have shut that trap

of a mouth up. I whip my head to his direction.

Me: Uncle you all spoke and I listen like a good

child should. It’s my turn to speak now so why
should I hold back? You also didn’t think about
your choice of words on me. You’re
disrespectful and quick to judge people not
knowing the full story. Ain’t you Christian’s, and
what does the Bible say about judging people?

Again silence is what I get in return. This is not

the morgue where dead people can’t speak for

Me: You’re all hypocrite and liars hiding behind

the Bible.

Papa: Enough Reneilwe.

His voice booms around the room. This is my

house and I make the rules not them so he
mustn’t get it twisted. He can yell from the top
of his voice and shout till kingdom comes but in
here I call the shouts. I’m the one who yells here
and screams till my throat burns.

Me: No papa. Why should I shut up when I’m

only telling the truth? Should I form a lie and
Cheshire grin like a cat?

My ears rings as a slap from my sperm donor

connects with my cheek. The hand on my thigh
tightens. I turn and find him with his jaw
clenched while his veins are popping on his
forehead. I’m glad his letting me fight my own
battles because I know he won’t hesitate to
fight them for me. I chuckle and turn my cheek
on the other side.

Me: What about this side papa? Who will slap

this side if you only slap one side? Akere you
butter both slices of your bread before eating?

Another slap sends me in temporary paralysis.

Tears fill my eyes but I’m not backing down. He
can slap me until my face becomes swollen I
still won’t shut up.

Uncle Kenosi: Mohau I think that’s enough.

My father clicks his tongue and storms out of

the room with his wife on his heels. They better
come back because I’m not done with them.
Another delaying again. Argh! These people are
annoying. This meeting will never be concluded.
They should have called it a confession
conference instead of a meeting.

A very good morning family. How was your

Toxic Attraction



The meeting has been recessed for another day

which is tomorrow. Emotions are very high and
they need to calm down before they can
continue. The meeting is dragging more that
Nka has thought. In his own mind everything
was going to be said in one day so the elders
can make a decision. He knows his guilty but he
doesn’t want to admit to his own mistakes. The
fact that the was a baby involve and he didn’t
know about it kills him inside. Guilty is slowly
eating him up and there’s nothing he can do.
Footsteps approaching the study indicates
someone is coming. He made it clear that he
doesn’t want to be bothered. He doesn’t raise
his eyes to look at the intruder as the door
opens. Amanda closes the door behind her and
slowly walks inside. She pulls the chair and
makes herself comfortable.

Mandy: Dinner is ready.

Nka: I’m not hungry.

Mandy: Babe i-

Nka: I said I’m not hungry dammit.

He roared banging the table. Amanda jumped

Nka: I made myself clear that I want to be left

alone. Now leave.

She scoffed.

Mandy: Why do I always have to suffer because

of her? Every time things fall apart between the
two of you, you take out your anger on me.

She yelled.

Nka: I think it’s time you go back to Kimberly.

Your presence has brought nothing but chaos in
this house. You will contact me when you’re
close to labour.

She gasped shocked while her eyes widen.

Mandy: What?

She breathed out in rage. The man was kicking

her out. Where was she suppose to go? She
didn’t have any home she can go back too and
she won’t go back home to her parents house
to be turned into a laughing stock by her sisters
and cousin’s.

Nka: I didn’t stutter didn’t I?

Tears filled her eyes.

Mandy: You’re kicking me out? Me your
pregnant wife?

She spat blinking the tears away.

Mandy: Just because of that woman who

showed you time and time again that she
doesn’t love you? I’ve been nothing to you but a
good wife and this is what I get after 13 years?

Nka: (hissing) Keep Rene’s name out of your


Mandy: Why should I huh?

Nka: Amanda leave before I do something I will


He cautiously muttered leaping up to his feet

and padded to the door. He yanks it open and
turns to her.

Nka: Get out.

Mandy: You’re wasting your time because I’m

not going anywhere.

She tapped her foot on the floor and placed her

hands across her chest. Nka’s nostrils flared.
His patience was running out. He clicks his
tongue and march back to her. He pulled the
chair and grip her by her dress. Amanda
grabbed the edge of the desk screaming.
Mandy: Let me go, Nkanyiso.

Nka: Don’t make me use much force on you

woman. Get out.

Mandy: (screaming) I’m not going anywhere.

Let me go.

The commotion happening in the study alerted

the Nkanyiso’s father who was ascending the
stairs. He picked up his feet, running to the
study when heard Amanda screaming. His eyes
bulged out when he finds Nkanyiso pulling the
woman with her dress. Was he insane or what?
Didn’t he see the woman is pregnant?

Sizwe: Nkanyiso what is the meaning of this?

Nka ignored him and pinched Amanda’s hand
from the table. She screamed removing her
hand. Nkanyiso uses that opportunity to grab
her hand and drag her but she manages to hold
the chair.

Sizwe: I’m talking to you boy.

Again silence is what he gets from his son. He

makes his way inside to break them apart. He
pulls Nkanyiso out of the room, leaving Amanda
crying her lungs out. He pushes him to his
bedroom and lock the door behind him.

Sizwe: What is going with you?

Nka: I’m tired of being disrespected in my own

house baba. Amanda has been doing that for
years and every time she does it I will turn a
blind eye because I don’t want us to fight but
she keeps pushing and pushing.

He clicks his tongue.

Nka: The money she has is the one making her

crazy. It has gotten into her head making her to
forget what I am to her.

Sizwe: You think dragging her out of your study

will help the situation? It won’t help but make it

Nka: I know baba okay.

He snapped agitated.
Nka: Then there’s Sthando on the other side.

The lamp in his throat rose while his eyes got

moist. He bit his lip to suppress a sob to
escape his mouth.

Nka: There was a baby baba and I didn’t know.

He shook his head refusing to cry but the tears

roll down his cheeks.

Nka: I didn’t know.

The pain radiated all over his body making

difficult to breathe. Flashbacks of that night he
dragged Rene out of the house to the car come
crashing down on his mind.

Nka: (breaking voice) She should have told me

sooner and I wouldn’t have left her.

He muttered blinking rapidly but they tears

refused to kept at bay. They wanted to roll
down his face and stain his cheek. Man don’t
cry but the pain of not knowing was killing him.
It choked him causing him to burst into tears.
He father sighed and brought him to his
shoulders. His shoulders violently shook as
wailing like a widow.

Sizwe: Kuzolunga Mnguni Phephisa. {All will be


He shook his head crying. Maybe if he knew

sooner maybe things wouldn’t have escalated
to where they are not. Rene was selfish for not
telling him. He had a right to know too.

Nka: My baby is gone baba.

Sizwe: Kuzolunga Mpangezitha.

He cooed softly rubbing his back as he cried his

lungs out. God the pain was too much for him
to handle.

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand

and fixed her clothes. Shock doesn’t even
describe what she’s feeling right now. The man
he chose and love had dragged her by her
clothes just so she wouldn’t say more vile
things about her. She fixed her belly back in
place before leaped up to her feet. She quickly
rounded the table and picked up his phone. She
unlocked it and scroll down his contact list. She
called Rene but the number took her straight to
voicemail. She tried again but got the same
results. She went further down the contact list
and smiled when she saw Rene’s mother’s
number. She sent it to her phone the deleted the
same then stumbled to the door. She went go
her bedroom to look for her phone and called
the number. Mrs Mohapi answered the call on
the 4th ring.

Mrs Mohapi: Hello?

Mandy: Hi ma, it’s Rene’s sister wife, Amanda.

Mrs Mohapi: Hello nana how can I help you?

Mandy: I’m actually looking for Rene. Her phone
is on voicemail.

Mrs Mohapi heavily sighed.

Mrs Mohapi: She is at her sister’s house. She

refused to came back with us after the meeting.

Mandy: Can I have her address. It’s urgent I

speak to her.

Mrs Mohapi: I can send it to you if that’s okay.

Mandy: That would be perfect mama. Thank

you and good night.
She disconnected the call and went to the
kitchen. She took the remote and opened the
gate then took her car keys from the key rack
and stumbled to the garage. She stepped inside
the car and reversed out of the garage after
opening it. Her phone pinged on her lap
indicting a message. She picked it up and read
the message. She typed the address in GPS
then drove off heading to Keitu’s house. It’s
time she had a talk with Rene woman to woman.

Mrs Mohapi placed her phone on top of the

table after sending Amanda her daughter’s
Mrs Mohapi: Do you think I made the right
decision by giving her Keitu’s address?

She asked his brother in law. Her husband was

aside feeding his dogs.

Kenosi: I don’t think that was wise after what

happened this afternoon.

Mrs Mohapi: I think she will talk some sense

into Rene.

Kenosi: There’s nothing that one can say or do

that will make Rene to change her mind. I’ve
been observing her since they walked and I can
tell that she didn’t want to be there. She’s tied
of her absent husband.
Mrs Mohapi: His absent because his working.
Have you seen the house Rene lives in?

Kenosi: I was there sister in law and I saw it. We

don’t know what happens behind those closed

Mrs Mohapi scoffed.

Mrs Mohapi: Rene isn’t abused if that’s what

you’re insinuating.

Kenosi: We don’t know that. I saw the look of

hatred in Rene’s eyes every time that boy
opened his mouth and spoke. She hates him.
Mrs Mohapi: Don’t be ridiculous Kenosi. Rene
will never hate her husband. She loves him
wholeheartedly. She’s just hurt that he wasn’t
there when she had the miscarriage.

Kenosi: That boy doesn’t treat them the same.

Akere in polygamy he isn’t suppose to have a
favourite. They both have to be equal to him
and he should treat them the same. From what I
saw he doesn’t treat them the same. He choses
his first wife over Rene.

Mrs Mohapi: You were reading too much into

the matter and start seeing things that are not
there. Rene is happily married to Nkanyiso.
They are happy in their marriage.

Kenosi: How do you know that? Do you perhaps

live with them?
He yelled getting angry. He couldn’t understand
why was his sister in law so calm on the matter.

Mrs Mohapi: I don’t live with them but I know

when my children are not happy. Rene is happily
married. They are just going on a rough patch
like a normal couple would do. But that doesn’t
mean they should divorce. She’s just hurt and
speaking out of anger.

Kenosi: Are you hearing yourself right now? You

can’t force her to stay with him if she doesn’t
want to.

Mrs Mohapi: If we let then get a divorce then it

means we have to pay their lobola money back
and we don’t have it.
Kenosi: You mean to tell me you guys already
spent all of that money? We are not even in the
middle of the third year of their marriage and
already you’re broke.

He yelled.

Mrs Mohapi: We had to sent Moss to school


Kenosi: Mosa? That rebellious child?

He chuckled leaping up to his feet.

Kenosi: Now I see why you’re pushing for them

to not get a divorce. It’s because she’s the
sacrifice for that stupid daughter of yours. Mark
my words MmaTumelo, Mosa will do nothing
but disappoint the both of you. You’ve babied
that girl for a very long time and I’m scared on
your behalf of the results she will come with.

Mrs Mohapi heart skipped a beat.

Mrs Mohapi: What are you saying, Kenosi? You

think my daughter is like your daughters who
came wigh fatherless children every time they
get a chance? No Mosa is very respectful,
ambitious, focused and a career girl. She knows
what she wants in life unlike your children who
sleep with every man here in Orlando.

Kenosi nostrils flared. He has never been

insulted like this in his life.
Kenosi: MmaTumelo?

He yelled.

Mrs Mohapi: What? The truth hurts right?Huh?

She calmly muttered, unbothered by his yelling


Kenosi: Mark my words Mosa will be the

biggest disappointment of this family.

He turned on his heels making his way to the

Mrs Mohapi: My daughter will never be like your
daughters. I revoke the spirit of blood of Jesus
Christ upon her. I shield her with it and send the
curse back to the sender.

She yelled after him and clicked her tongue. The

nerve of that man to curse her daughter.

Outside Kenosi bumped on his brother.

Mr Mohapi: Leaving so soon?

Kenosi: Now I know why Tumelo doesn’t want

to come here when he takes his leave. It’s
because of your evil hearts. You’re evil man Neo.

Mr Mohapi: What are you talking about?

Kenosi: If you’re not careful you will lose all your
children. Tumelo has been at my house since
last week and I never asked him why he doesn’t
come home to see you. Now I know why.

He stormed to the gate, leaving him


Mr Mohapi: Abuti what do you mean Tumelo is

in your house?

He yelled after him but the man ignored him. He

frowned and made his way inside.

Mr Mohapi: And then?

Mrs Mohapi clicked her tongue.

Mrs Mohapi: Your brother cursed my children

but I sent it back to him.

Curse? Children? What was going on? 5

minutes is what took him to feed his dogs so
how did things escalate that far?

She placed her sister’s plate in the microwave

after dishing up. She made her favorite tripe
and pap and she couldn’t want to sit down and
eat. She walked to the lounge to eat but
abruptly halt on her steps at the honk of a car
makes it’s way to her ears. She placed the plate
on the counter and made her way outside to
open the gate. She looked at the unfamiliar car
driving in and waiting for the owner to step out.
If she knew who was the driver she wouldn’t
have bothered to open the gate.

Rene: What are you do-

She didn’t get to finish her sentence as Amanda

slaps her so hard. She bit her lip gasping in
shock. The taste of the metallic crimson on her
tongue tasted bitter when it hit her taste bud.
She wiped her mouth and raise her eyes to the
woman fuming in front of her.

Rene: What the hell is your problem, Amanda?

Mandy: You’re my problem.

She venomously spat.

Mandy: I don’t know whether you’re Queen

Sheba or what but let me tell you this.

She stepped closer to her. Her sneaker crushing

Rene’s toe.

Mandy: His going to leave you and his going to

come back to me where he belongs. You may
be winning this round but let me give you a free
advice. Walk away Rene while you still cane
before you embarrass yourself because Mandy
always wins.
She turned on her heels padding to her car.
Rene burst into laughter. Confusion swimmed
in Amanda’s eyes.

Mandy: What’s funny bitch?

Rene: You came all the way here to tell me that?

She raised her hand, pretending to wipe her


Rene: A woman who isn’t intimidated wigh the

likes of me wouldn’t have driven all the from her
home just to tell me that.

Amanda rolled her eyes.

Mandy: You don’t intimidate me Rene so don’t
get that twisted.

Rene: Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

Mandy: Walk away he doesn’t love you.

A smirk made it’s way on Rene’s lips.

Rene: Are you sure about that? Because if I

remember correctly he was the one lying
against me just to keep me.

She smiled shaking her head and start singing

He wasn’t man enough for me by Toni Braxton.
Her voice was so terrible but she didn't care.
‘Do you know he begged to stay with me?
He wasn’t man enough for me

Listen girl,
Didn’t he tell you the truth?
If not then why don’t you ask him?
The maybe you can be more into him
Instead of worrying about me
And hopefully you won't find
All the reasons why his love didn’t count
And why we couldn’t work it out

What you thinkin'?

Stop playing me
He wasn’t man enough for me
If you don't know now here’s chance
I’ve already had your man
Do you wonder just where he’s been, yeah?
Not be worried about him
Now it’s time you know the truth
I think he’s just the man for you.’

Amanda nostrils flared. She clicked her tongue

and storm to the car and drove off. Rene
laughed shaking her head and went to close the
gate. She made her way inside and found a text
from her sister.

***Keitu: Keith will drop off Mpho at

school on Monday. Looks like you will be
sleeping alone. Love you .***
She sighed went to warm her food. She was
expecting Mpho’s father not Nkanyiso girlfriend.
Sitting in front of the TV she shoved a spoon in
her mouth, scrolling down the channel list. She
settled for Diary of a mad black woman. Half
way through the movie someone yelled outside.
She groaned annoyed and lowered the volume.
Why didn’t Keitu get a gate that is locked by a
chain and a locker instead of a bloody remote?
She leaped up to her feet and went to the
curtain to peek. The street light shone bright on
the shadow on the gate. She squint her eyes to
get a better view but she was too far. Judging
by the shape of the body it was a woman. She
swore if it’s Amanda again she won’t hold back.
She doesn’t care if she has to spend a night in
jail for assaulting a pregnant woman. She
walked out the house and made her way to the
Rene: What do you want Amanda?

Voice: Ausi Rene.

The voice breathe out. She frowned walking

closer to the gate. That was not Amanda voice.

Rene: Who are you?

Voice: It’s me Mosa.

Her eyes bulge out. She quickly unlocked the

gate and watched walk inside.

Rene: Mosa what are you doing here? Shouldn’t

you be at school?
It’s not like she cared because the girl was a
brat to her but she was worried. If she took time
to be here that means something was wrong
and as her bigger sister she has every right to
be worried.

Mosa bursted unzipping her jacket. Rene’s eyes

widen further more in her face. If her face
doesn’t stretch from her bulging eyes then it
would be a miracle.

Rene: You’re pregnant?

She asked unsure.

Mosa: I’m sorry. He promised me heaven and

earth and I believed him.
She looked her Rene with her lips wobbling.

Mosa: He doesn’t want the baby.

She cried again.

Rene: How far are you?

Mosa: 8

She cried again. Rene’s eyebrows knotted.

Rene: 8days?

The girl shook her head crying.

Rene: 8 weeks?

She tried again but the girl gave her the same
reaction. She chewed her inner lips confused. If
she’s not 8day nor 8weeks what 8 is she talking

Mosa: (crying) 8 months. My due date is next


Rene’s knees weakened on her. She stagger

and hold the wall for balance.

Mosa: I’m sorry. Please don’t tell mama me

She cried harder. Rene shook her head and
dragged her wobbly legs inside, leaving her
crying. Keitu will have to deal with her when she
comes back because she came to her house.
She’s got bigger problems than dealing with the
brat she calls her sister. She has another court
session tomorrow with the elders and she
needs to be on her A-game. She picked up the
plate and covered it with the lid then shove it in
the fridge. She lost her appetite. Mosa walked
in like a cat that’s been on the rain for a while.

Mosa: Ausi Rene please don’t shut me out. Yell,

scream or swear at me but please don’t shut
me out. I need you.

Rene: I don’t want to ruin your life Mosa. My life

doesn’t revolve around you.
She turned and made her way to the room she
used. Mosa cried harder in the kitchen as she
watches her sister walking away from her after
she used the exact same words she once used
on her.

Toxic Attraction



Mosa knocked on the door, begging me to talk

to her last night until she gave up. She cried a
heart wrenching cry on the other side of the
door at some point it got to me but I was quick
to remember that she’s not a kid anymore.
She's still the same brat who doesn’t respect
me and see me as her older sister. I may sound
cruel to her right now but I want nothing that
will associate myself to her. She made it clear
once upon a time that I’ve got no right to
reprimand her because I’m not her mother so
why should I start now? I know how fast and
fun varsity life is. I was once a student myself
but I didn’t let it get into my head like she did. I
had one goal in mind which was getting my
degree and get employment so I can stop living
under my parents shadows but somehow life
twisted and crashed my plans. 2 years of sitting
at home, listening to my mother complain about
everything under the sun. I was hands on
volunteering on whatever needed my help but
they weren’t the cooperate world I imagined
myself into. A charted accounted is what I
studied and wanted to be but unemployment is
another biggest pandemic in South Africa even
if you’re a graduate.

Mosa: Ausi Rene

She knocks softly on the door. Her voice

sounds so rapsy and hoarse. I'm lying in bed
wrapped in my thoughts, dreading the day I
have. Another round of a court session this
afternoon and I’m not looking forward to it. I’m
still on the stand telling them my side of the
story, that will take days, a week depending on
how the fast they want to end this meeting. My
story starts from the begging to the last day I
was with that man and I’m not about to leave
any detail out just to protect him. I’m done
protecting him and shielding him from the world
like a good wife that I was suppose to be. He
used the love I had for him against me and I
wasn’t aware of that until later stage of that
shame of a marriage.

Mosa: Ausi Rene breakfast is ready.

She can bribe me all she wants but there’s

nothing I’m going to say to her. I’m a life ruiner
in her eyes so why should I bother giving her my
two cent advice? It’s not like she will listen to it

Mosa: Ausi Rene?

I smack my lips shut until she heavily sigh and
walk away. She did good because I’m not in the
mood to deal with her this morning or ever.
She’s like a stranger to me who shares the
same parents as me. I taught myself to cut out
people who don’t value me in this life thing and
that’s what about to do with Nkanyiso. I’m
going to cut him out and erase his existence in
my head and heart. The man abused me
emotional and it’s enough. I don’t know why
doesn’t he just let me be so I can live my life.
His got Amanda on his side and their baby on
the way. The can play happy family all the want
because soon I will be out of the picture.

The bedroom door flies open. I groaned

annoyed rising my head to snap at the brat but
it’s not her.
Keitu: Good morning beautiful.

I smile

Me: And then what’s got you hyped up so early?

I fix the pillows behind me and drag my body to

lean on them.

Keitu: Nothing. The hospital was not busy last

night so that gave me time to sleep.

I giggle.

Keitu: Come on wake up already and jump into

that shower. I've got a day planned for us.

Me: I hope you’re not about to take me into

those crazy corners of yours.

She snorts rolling her eyes.

Keitu: Actually baby sis I booked us into a full

spa treatment. We will getting the full massage,
waxing, mani and pedicures.

I squint my eyes not believing a word she says.

Knowing my sister she wouldn’t take me to the
spa for nothing. She wants something in return.

Me: What’s the catch?

Keitu: Why would you think that? I’m just a
bigger sister taking care of her younger sister.
She’s through a lot and deserves this massage
more than anything. I want you to make a
statement when you enter that meeting this

Me: I so want to believe you right now but I

know you Keitumetse what do you want?

Her face flushed before she throw her hands in

the air dramatically.

Keitu: Is it that obvious?

I giggle.
Me: I know you. Come on spit it out.

Keitu: Okay.

She breathes out looking away from me. A

frown settles on my forehead.

Me: I didn’t hear a word you said.

Keitu: (sighing) I said can you please hook me

up with your brother in law.

My frown deepens. I’m not sure which brother

in law she’s talking about but if it’s who I think
she means she must forget it.
Me: Which brother in law are you talking about?

Keitu: I’m talking about that handsome dude

who walked in the room like he owns the house.
Melikhaya or something.

I bite my lips resisting the urge to claw her eyes

out. We were in meeting arguing about my life
while she was undress my man. How dare she?

Keitu: His bushy eyebrows knit together when

his frowning. The suit he wore yesterday was
like it’s tailored for him.

Me: That’s because it’s a tailored suit.

I snap agitated. I can’t believe her right now.

While I was yelling on top of my voice like a
lunatic she was undress my husband.

Keitu: Argh man did you see the muscles he


Me: I’ve seen them without the clothes on and

they are not that packed like how you want. He
was once a regular customer in the gym but
right now there’s no six or eight pack. It’s
potbelly that will disgust you.

I’m lying through my teeth shifting her attention

away from him without exposing myself but the
woman into her own dreamy world.

Keitu: I’m sure his the type that loves rough sex.
The type that pins you against the wall and let's
you moan in tongues.

Me: I heard his machine doesn’t wake up.

Keitu: (frowning) What?

I jump off the bed and stumbled to the

bathroom with a smile lurking in my lips.

Me: His diabetic.

Keitu: Such a waste.

Me: I know right.

I bend down on the sink washing my teeth.

Keitu: Argh now I regret booking that treatment.

I spit the toothpaste and wipe my mouth before

walking to the door frame and lean on it.

Me: I thought you said you booked it for me.

I arch my brow.

Keitu: Well I kind of lied. It’s such a shame he is

diabetic while his so handsome. A whole snack
that doesn’t know how to use his dick.

I smirk turning on my heels. If you only knew

sister how well that machine works.
Me: You have a visitor by the way.

Keitu: Who?

Me: Your sister Mosa.

Keitu: Mosa is here?

Me: Yep. Didn’t you see her when you walked in?

Keitu: No, I came straight here. I’m coming back.

She leaped up to her feet and walked out of the

room. I rinse off the toothpaste and look at
myself in the mirror. That was a little evil of me
but I’m not about to have another Amanda
Keitu: Mosa what is the meaning of this?

She yelled somewhere around the house.

Mosa: I’m sorry Ausi Keitu.

I roll my eyes filling the tub with water. She’s

not sorry for her actions but sorry for being
caught. Keitu will have deal with her sister while
I soak myself in here thinking about the man I
lied about.


A full body massage and short nude stiletto

nails has me bouncing on my heels. I know I
look good and feel good. I’m in a white dress
shirt with white sneakers. I did my makeup and
opted for a nude lipstick for my lips. My sisters
have been complimenting me since we drove
out of Keitu’s house. I don’t know how Mosa
will explain why she’s not in school and the
bump to her parents. Keitu didn’t want to leave
her alone since she’s so close to giving birth. I
suck in a deep breath as the car parks in the
driveway the same time a cab drives in. I put on
my sunglasses and step out of the car. Meli
also steps out of the cab in a gold T-shirt and
jeans. A Tag Heuer Carrera gold watch dangling
on his wrist. I chuckle seeing him wearing
sunglasses and white sneaker like me. He pulls
his sunglasses to his bridge nose and wink at
me before placing them back on, making his
way towards us. I blush looking away.
Meli: Beautiful ladies.

Us: Hi.

We muttered in unison.

Meli: Can I steal my sister in law. There’s

something I need to talk to her about.

Keitu: Sure. You guys will find us inside.

She helped Mosa out of the car and they made

their way inside. As the soon the door closes hr
pins me on the car and kiss the daylights out of
me. I moan cupping his face.

Meli: I’ve been dying to do that since I stepped

out of that car.

I roll my eyes playfully. I could my stomach

covered in butterflies. His making me feel
things I didn’t know existed.

Meli: You look breathtaking wifey.

I smile.

Me: You’re not looking bad yourself.

He chuckles.

Meli: Just say I look good.

Me: I won’t because my sister has my eyes on
you. I had to lie to her this morning and say your
dick doesn’t wake up because you’re diabetic.
You have to tone it down.

He burst into fit of laughter.

Meli: Is that jealously I smell on you?

I scrunch up my nose in disgust. His being

ridiculous right now. I’m not jealous.

Me: Don’t flatter yourself mister. I’m not jealous.

Meli: Yes you’re.

Me: I’m not.

I protest.

Meli: Yes you’re.

Me: Don’t be ridiculous. I'm not.

Meli: (smirking) Yes you’re.

Me: Not.

Meli: Are.

Me: Not!

Meli: Are.
Me: Argh you’re annoying. I’m not jealous.

I yell pushing him out of the way. He grips my

wrists and pulls me towards him. My back on
his front. He wraps his arms around my waist
and plant wet kisses on my neck. I
automatically tilt my head to the side to give
him better access.

Meli: It’s good you’re jealous about me baby but

you don’t have to worry because I’m all yours.

His breath fans my neck. I curl my toes blushing.

Thank God I’m bit lighter in skin because I
would have been red as a tomato right now. The
sound of a throat clearing breaks us from our
moment. I freeze seeing my sister standing
there with a frown plastered on her face. The
man behind me hasn’t stopped his assault on
my neck.

Me: Meli?

Meli: What?

He blows air after biting my skin.

Keitu: What’s going on Rene?

Me: Nothing.

I murmur unwrapping his arms around my waist.

He shakes his head tightening his grip on my
waist. Is he serious right now?
Keitu: Well it doesn’t look like nothing.

Meli: Should I tell her or you’re going to?

My shoulders sag as he shamelessly drops

another kiss. I did say his clingy this one.

Me: His my husband.

Keitu: (confused) Huh?

He chuckles moving his lips away from my neck.

I bit back the whimper threatening to escape
my mouth at the lose of contact.
Meli: I’m her husband. The other husband if you
get what I mean.

I watch her as her face swirl with different

expression before her eyes bulge.

Keitu: You sneaky little bastard.

She bends down laughing.

Keitu: Oh my goodness why didn’t I see it before.

The lie you sold me this morning was because
you knew his already your husband.

He smirks besides me. I roll my eyes resisting

the urge to smile.
Keitu: I felt sorry for you about your illness. She
told me you’re diabetic.

He chuckles.

Meli: So I've been told.

Keitu: (laughing) I don’t even know what to say


Me: You’re not mad at me?

Keitu: Of course not. As long it’s not Nkanyiso

then I'm okay. I must say though you guys look
good together.

I smile grabbing his hand and lightly squeeze it.

He squeezed it back.

Meli: Looks like I already have sister in law in

my corner.

I snort rolling my eyes.

Keitu: I’m going to head back to check the coast

for you two but don’t take to long. Don’t
anything I wouldn’t do and please use a

My jaws drops to the floor.

Me: Keitumetse.

I sharply glare at the man beside me. He stifle

his laugh and innocently smile at me.

Keitu: What? I’m being a bigger sister.

Me: Isn’t that too later.

Keitu: It’s never too late baby sis. Can I take a

picture? You’re guys are too cute to not be

She muttered fishing for her phone in her


Me: No!

Meli: Yes!
We muttered in unison.

Keitu: I’m going to ignore my sister. Her opinion

doesn’t count.

I roll my eyes.

Keitu: Rene stand in front of him like how I

caught you guys.

I pinch my bridge nose and do as she says. She

stride to us and place Meli's hand on my hip
while the other one is on my waist.

Keitu: Pretend like I’m not here. Kiss her the way
you were doing before I made my presence

He chuckles.

Me: Is that necessary?

Keitu: Ignore her. She will thank me later.

I gulp holding my breath as his lips connect with

my neck.

Meli: Your sister is a character.

Me: A bossy and annoying one.

Keitu: Bathong Reneilwe smile. Ke hobane'ng ha

u shebahala eka u koatile? {Why do you look
like you're constipated?}

I throw my head back laughing.

Keitu: That’s what I’m talking about.

I shake my head.

Keitu: These are so beautiful. I'll frame them

and show it you guys.

Me: Don’t show them to anyone before we wrap

this meeting up.

Keitu: Noted! I’lll stand at the door and be your

security guard but don’t take to long. One round
is enough.

My face flushed while Meli cracks up so hard.

Me: (shocked) Keitumetse.

She laughs padding to the door and halt, turning

to us. She jumps up and down and spin with her
hands in the air. I giggle shaking my head. I
don’t know when was the last time I did a happy
dance as we call it but it’s been a while.

Meli: (laughing) And then?

Me: She’d doing the happy dance.

I mumble laughing. She gives us a thumbs up

before opening the door and close it behind her.
I smile shaking my head.

Meli: We better head back before they send a

search party to look for us.

I nod exhaling lousy. I’m not ready to untangle

myself from his arms. There’s so much peace ,
quietness and safety in here.

Meli: Are you ready Mrs Makhanya?

My skin gets covered in goosebumps. I don’t

know why I’m reacting the way I am because
I’ve been Mrs Makhanya since I could
remember but maybe it’s because my name is
next to his name this time.
Me: As ready as I could ever be Mr Makhanya.

Meli: Give me a kiss.

Me: You’re being a baby right now.

Meli: Woza phela.

I smile and turn my head and capture his lips. I

don’t know the meaning of this but whenever
I’m with him I forget everything and everyone. It
becomes just me and him in our little bubble.
Every time he says something on his mother
tongue my stomach twist. Was I really jealous
though? Nah, I don’t think so.

Toxic Attraction



My brother and Sthando both walk in wearing

sunglasses. She confidently walked like she’s
on top of the world. A smile is plastered on her

Sthando: Dumelang.

Meli: Sanibonani.
They muttered in unison and sit next to each

Me: You look beautiful Sthando.

Sthando: Thank you.

She muttered not sparing me a glimpse. My

father clears his throat.

Baba:: Since we all here we can start. Yesterday

things got heated up and we needed to cool
down before things could escalate too far. We
are here to listen to both sides of the story
before we can give them a chance to decide for
themselves what do they want.
I quickly whip my head to him.

Me: Baba that not what you sai-

He interjects.

Baba: You’re not about to put words in my

mouth boy. I’m still talking.

He firmly muttered. I huff leaning back on the

chair. A smile creeps on Sthando’s lips while my
brother smirks at me. I don’t know why but their
new found friendship just rubs me the wrong
way. I don’t like it at all.

Baba: As I was saying before I was rudely

interrupted. Our son came to us to complain
about how neglected he felt in his marriage. He
told us things that could make one believe them
and we too believed them especially since
Nokukhanya didn’t come to the funeral. We saw
what he meant about her not being the same
woman again but in all honesty he feed us lies.
We took a decision on hearsay. So now Makoti
this is your chance to tell us everything he did.
He told us what you did wrong now we want to
know what he did wrong. Don’t leave anything

Me: Baba-

Again he interrupts me.

Baba: Shut up!

Sthando releases a breath before she starts
narrating everything to them. I clench my jaw
rolling my hands into fist.

Sthando: When I confronted him he said there’s

nothing I contribute in this marriage than my
pretty face and pussy.

The room erupt in multiple gaps.

Baba: (shocked) Nkanyiso?

Me: She lying baba. I would never say that.

She chuckles.

Sthando: I am really lying? I have a witness who

can back up my story.

Baba: If that witness is close by you can call


She turns her head to our direction.

Sthando: Amanda was there.

My heart thudded in my ribcage while my palms

and armpits get moist. Swallowing the thick
saliva in my mouth I turn to face her.

Mandy: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

A smile creeps on my lips.

Sthando: Stop lying Amanda.

Me: You know baba I’m starting to think my wife

needs to be mentally evaluated. Some of the
things she’s saying she made them up.

Sthando: Don’t you dare insult me.

She yelled. Now that’s the crazy Sthando we all

know. I wouldn’t be surprised if she jumps over
that table and strangle me. I wonder who will
now believe a crazy screaming woman over me.
She’s acting crazy right now.

Me: Should I intervene?

I softly whisper to her. She glares at me then

turn her eyes to face them.

Rene: No!

Me: Then calm down..

Rene: You were there Amanda so why are you


Mandy: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I'm starting to think what Nka said about you
being mental disturbed is true. You’re really
Rene: (screaming) What did he promise you for
you to lie for him?

Me: (whispering) If you start screaming right

now like a mental disturbed person you will give
them the power to provoke you further more.
Just calm down and think about your happy
place. Let him fire those shots on you but don’t
fire back. Just let him end his bullets then that’s
where you will fire back. You’re giving him
power wifey and I don’t like it. Calm the fuck
down before i intervene.

She slump back on the chair and close her eyes,

breathing in and out.

Mandy: I'm just telling the truth. His been trying

to make time for her but she’s always not home.
It’s either she disappears without a trace or she
locked herself in her room. When she comes
out of it I alwayy have to be the fire fighter,
putting out fire she started.

Uncle Themba: Meaning?

Mandy: She gets physical with him. I

sometimes wonder what did he saw in her.

Mrs Mohapi: (gaspig) Reneilwe?

She flood her eyes open.

Rene: Ma?

She calmly muttered. A frown settles on my

brother face.
Mrs Mohapi: You’re abusive to you husband?

Rene: A lot mama. Akere his not listening and

doing what I want so whooping his ass is the
only way to get on the line.

She sarcastically muttered. I chuckle shaking

my head. My little spitfire is back. I guess she
doesn’t need alcohol to spit venom with her

Rene:That man would do anything to drag me

down and you all don’t see it. His a conniving,
lying, bastard that can’t keep it on his pants.

Nkanyiso scoffs.
Nka: It’s not like you were giving me anything
because you would lie there like a corpse in a
morgue. Your so cold in bed and if I were you I
wouldn’t be even talk. That’s the reason I
cheated it’s because you’re cold Reneilwe and
it’s not even funny. You want to be told what to
do every time. You never initiate sex or try to
spice things up in our bedroom. At your age
you’re wearing granny panties and they are not
attractive at all. They are a turn off to modern
men like me. Did you borrow then from your

She throws her head bursting into laughter.

Rene: Me a corpse? Granny panties?

She roars in laughter. I bite my lips stifling a
laughter knowing very well his lying. The
woman had on a lacy underwear the first time I
took her. The second time I wouldn’t remember
because we were drunk then yesterday she had
a thong on so I don’t know which Granny
panties his talking about. His trying to break her
but it’s not working the way he was hoping.

Rene: I’ve got a drawer full of laces and a

another one full of thongs fake husband so I
don’t know what you’re talking . And for your
information I llike my man to dominate me a
little for time to time. I wanna gulp. I wanna gag,
I wanna chokechoke, I want you to touch that lil'
dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat.
My head game is fire just say you can’t handle
me honey because I’m a beast in bed.

Nka’s nostrils flared while Meli burst into fit of

laughter. The elders didn’t know what to say
anymore. They mouths gap open. Shock
doesn’t even describe what they are feeling.
Keitu picked up her glass of water to hide the
smirk lurking on her lips. Now that’s the Rene
she knows and grow up with. The crazy Rene
who was blunt and vocal about anything and
everything. She wanted to leap up to her feet
and do the happy dance on behalf of her sister.
She was finally fed up with Nkanyiso’s bullshit
and was not afraid to tell him in front of the

Rene: If you want to spite me just go for

something that will hurt me the most not my
sex game.
Nka: Oh like how you couldn’t carry our baby for
a full term?

Keitu sucks in deep breath while Meli flinches.

Rene swallowed hard feeling the punch going
straight for her heart.

Nka: (smirking) What cat got your tongue now?

Weren’t you the one who said I should go for
something deep than your sex game?

Meli: That’s a low blow Nkanyiso.

Nka: I was not talking to you bafo.

He shifts his eyes back to Rene whose blinking

rapidly. Meli veins popped on his forehead. His
blood was boiling.

Nka: Are those tears I’m seeing in your face,


He taunted curving his lips into a smile. The

metallic taste of blood filled Keitu mouth. She
raised her hand and dipped a finger in her
mouth. Her finger came back coated in blood.
She leaped up to her feet and stumbled to the
bathroom. She rinse her mouth and inspect her
tongue. She was so lost in her thoughts she
wasn’t aware she was hurting herself. She
wiped her hands and made her way back.

Nka: God did you a favour by taking that baby.

Imagine the going in and out of the hospital
because your body is so weak to handle a
human being.

Sizwe: That’s enough Nkanyiso.

He chuckled

Nka: No baba she has to hear this. She was the

one gloating about being good in bed while she
fails to keep a simple things as a baby. How
was I suppose to stay faithful to her if she can’t
give me children? She’s good as a barren in my

The room erupt in gasps. Meli opens his mouth

to tell him his piece of mind but Rene holds his
hand under the table and shake her head. He
slump back on his seat shaking.
Rene: I'm also glad God saw fit to take the baby
away from me. I would have been tied to you for
the rest of my life.

She spat wiping her unshed tears with the back

of her hand. The elders shook the heads
defeated. They could see the relationship was
beyond repair. It was doomed and should they
force them to stay together they will kill each
other. They are toxic for one another.

Nka: At least I won’t be struggling to have

family because I already have one on the way.
You’re so stupid you can’t even notice that my
ring isn’t the same as the one you gave me.
Newsflash Sthando, Amanda is also my wife
you’re the second wife.

Rene, Keitu and Mosa gasp shocked while

Amanda lips curve into a smirk.

Nka: Oh I’m sorry I forgot you didn’t know.

He taunted smirking at her. Rene heart thudded

in her ribcage. She turned to her parents.

Rene: You knew?

Her parent’s shamelessly dropped their eyes to

the floor.

Rene: You knew and you didn’t say anything.

You practically sold me to him knowing exactly
he was married.

She chuckled bitterly as everything started to

make sense. They way Amanda speaks to her,
the way he speaks to her. The treatment he
gave her was not the same he gave Amanda.
The trips we went to was because he was going
to his other wife. Basically he was living a
double life under her nose. She felt so stupid for
even loving him. She couldn’t believe her

Rene: How could you?

Mrs Mohapi: He asked for your hand in

marriage the same time we needed money for
Mosa's varsity fees.

Bursting into fit of laughter, Rene shook her

head in disbelief.
Rene: You used that money to pay for the brat
fees? The same child who doesn’t even respect

Mosa: Ausi Rene I-

Rene: Shut up!

She breathed out in rage. She pulled the chair

and march towards her and pulled her to her

Rene: Take out that jacket off.

Mosa’s heart skipped a beat. Tears filled her

Mosa: Please don’t do this.

Rene: It’s either you do it willingly or I’m doing it

for you. Trust me you won’t like it.

Tears stream down Mosa's cheeks. She raised

her eyes to Keitu, pleading her to save her but
the woman turned her head the other way. She
was not going to get involve.

Mosa: (sobbing) Please don’t do this.

Mrs Mohapi: Reneilwe what are you doing?

She ignored her and pulled the zipper of the

jacket revealing Mosa’s prudent belly. Uncle
Kenosi shook his head while his Rene's father
closed his eyes in pain. They had so much faith
in Mosa. His never been this disappointed in his

Mrs Mohapi: (shocked) Mosa what is this?

Mosa: (crying) I’m sorry mama.

Mrs Mohapi: (screaming) I don’t want your sorry

Mosa. I’m asking you what is this

Mosa bottom lip quiver as tears roll down her

face. Mrs Mohapi knees weakened. She
clutched her chest struggling to breathe. She
felt suffocated.

Mrs Mohapi: (stuttering) M-m-m-Mosa you’re

going to kill me with a heart attack. What is this?

Mosa: (crying) I’m sorry.

Mandy: Finally! I don’t know how many times I

wish to tell you that and get your from your high

Her voice broke out the family drama that was

going on. She rubbed her belly with a smirk
lurking on her lips. Mrs Mohapi exercised her
breath before she dragged Mosa out of the
room. The girl has embarrassed her enough.
How could she?

Mandy: How does it feel to be second best?

Rene: Are you talking to me?

Mandy: No I’m talking to the vase behind you.

She sarcastically muttered.

Mandy: Of course I’m talking to you sister wife.

Rene chuckled and made her way to her sit.

Rene: I was once second best but not anymore.

Amanda your husband did me a favour by
making me his trash. A man’s trash is one
man’s treasure honey. You see where I am I
don't cook, I don't clean. But let me tell you, I got
this ring honey.
She raised her hand and waved it in front of her
face, sassing. Keitu grins in her corner while
both her and Meli smirk. Nka's heart skipped a

Nka: That’s not the ring I gave you. Where’s

you’re ring?


It took me the whole day to finished writing the

two chapters. I have a feeling I would be
slacking this week. I apologise in advance,
fatigue has me by my tits.
Toxic Attraction


Rene chuckled, waving her hand dismissively.

Rene: This is my ring.

She calmly muttered.

Nka: That’s not the ring, Reneilwe.

He protested like a baby throwing a fit. Rene

stifle her laughter.
Rene: If that’s not the ring you gave me where is

Nka: I don’t know but I know that’s not my ring.

Rene: (chuckling) You know I’m starting to think

you’re the one who needs a mental evaluation.

Nka: Don’t you dare insult me. I know what I’m

talking about and that’s not my ring.

He roared in rage. Rene amusedly rose her


Rene: (calmly) Why are you angry?

Meli: Remind me to never mess with you .

He whispered next to her. Rene smiled.

Rene: It’s not like it’s something you wouldn’t be

able to handle.

She whispered back. Meli chortle.

Meli: That’s right wifey. Mind games are my

specialty baby you wouldn’t be able to handle

Rene: Wanna bet?

She muttered a smirk toying on her lips.

Meli smirked.

Meli: Challenge accepted Mrs MK.

Mandy: That’s because you’re making him

angry, you idiot.

She spat yelling, breaking the little back and

forth battle. Rene throw her head back laughing.
She wiped her imaginary tear.

Rene: Damn I don’t know when was the last I

had such good laugh.

Her facial expression changed from being jolly

to a serious one. Nkanyiso’s brow knitted. He
was trying to read her but he was failing
dismally. The woman just changed in front of
his eyes from being jolly to a mad destruction.

Rene: I don’t know why is your man so angry,

Amanda. He bought me a ring and I wore it. He
asked for my hand in marriage and I accepted it
with open mind and heart. He treated me like
shit and I allowed him do you all to know why?


Rene: I’ll tell you anyway. It’s because I felt

obliged to do so.

Nka: You’re lying. You love me.

Laughing escaped Rene’s lips.

Rene: Who told you that? Abuti you’re not the it
after slice of bread.

Nka: You may lie to them but your heart beats

for me.

He gloated beating his chest proudly. Rene’s

twisted her face in disgust.

Rene: O Jesu wena akere. You know my heart

and thoughts?

Nka: I know that. I've been with you for 3 years

now and I know you like the back of my hand.

Rene eyes bulge out. She gasped dramatically.

Rene: Yhoo ntate Jesu I didn’t know you came
back to earth. When did you arrive?

She sarcastically muttered. Nkanyiso’s nostrils

flared. Somehow her sarcasm was pissing him
off. Rene tilted her head amused in her seat.
She could practically swear she could see
steam seeping out of his ears.

Mandy: We all know you love him.

She chirps in. Rene rolled her eyes bored.

Rene: Why am I not surprised? I forgot you're a

package deal. A tag team. The Miz and Maryse
fighting each other battles.
Mandy: I-

Meli: Shut up wena!

His voice boomed interrupting her. Amanda’s

eyes popped out before she smack her lips shut.
Her thudded in her ribcage while her hands
starts to tremble. She gulped the thick saliva in
her mouth while her breathe laboured.

Nka: You’re not about to talk to my wife like that

in my house bafo.

Meli: I’m not your brother and don’t walk around

telling people that.
Nkanyiso’s heart shattered. He was hoping as
the years go by he will his brother forgave him.

Nka: Bhuti-

Mandy gripped his hand and shook her head

with her eyes popped out. Her heart was
threaten to leap up to her throat. If he keeps
provoking him them Meli won’t hesitate to spill
the beans.

Meli: Good to know you still hold him by his

balls, Amanda.

Amanda faked a smile. Sweat formed in her

forehead. Meli squinted his eyes and smirked
seeing the woman shift uncomfortable in her
seat while her forehead was covered in beads
of sweat.

Meli: Can somebody turn the Aircon on. I think

in my sister in law’s stomach is acting up. She’s

Mandy: I'm fine.

She muttered with her voice breaking. She

didn’t want the attention to be on her.

Nka: You’re sure mkami?

He emphasized on the word, rubbing salts in

Rene’s wound. Rene laughed clapping her
hands once.
Rene: You sound so stupid right now. You think
that will hurt me? No darling, I'm a fucken
survivor. A soldier who went saw and went
through obstacles that would make one to give
up. Your mere words don’t faze me anymore.

Nka: If you’re not affected you wouldn’t be

responding to anything I say. Your response
shows you’re affected.

Rene snorted.

Rene: In your dreams.

Nka: Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

Rene: If you only knew I don’t sleep at all. I'm

screaming my lungs out until my voice
becomes hoarsely then I woke up the next day
like I’ve been hit by a tornado.

She clapped back. Meli bursted in laughter

while Keitu giggled. Everybody got the meaning
behind her statement except for the elders who
looked lost. They were whipping their heads
and from Rene to Nka every time one opened
their mouths to speak. They have never seen
anything like this since they were born. They
were like they were invincible to Rene and Nka
as they insult each other. They were not scared
to be blunt with one another and it somehow
scared them. Should they take the decision for
them they won’t lost long before they are called
again to bury one of them. Each and every
marriage or relationship has it’s ups and downs
but this one only had the ups. There was no
curve, no stop sign or a highway. It was only a
hill after hill. They asked themselves how did
they stay together for 3 years. They were
tearing each other up like wolves feasting on
their meals. How did they survive? That’s a
question nobody can answer for them. Nka was
barely home and Rene was home all the time
mostly by herself that’s how they survive to stay
3years in this marriage but they didn’t know that.

Nka: I always knew you’re a slut.

He retorted.

Rene: Of course honey akere that’s why you

married me?

She fired back. Nanyiso’s hands shook under

the table while his blood boiled. He has never
been this disrespected in his life.

Nka: So you’re confirming that you have been

cheating on me?

Rene: I don’t know whether you’re deaf or stupid

in general. I just confirmed that or should I spell
it our for you?

Meli snickered.

Nka: (chuckling) It’s a shame you opened your

chicken thighs for another man. Your pussy
ain’t gold, Rene.

Meli and Rene roared in laughter. Frowned

formed in their faces while Keitu smiled with a
knowing look.

Meli: Should I tell him or you will?

Rene shook her head laughing.

Rene: Nah!

They laughter echoed around the room.

Meli: I swear I haven’t laughed like this in a


He muttered in between in his laughter.

Rene: (laughing) Same here. Your brother is a

whole comedy shame. Comedy Central has
nothing on him.

Tears rolled down on Keitu’s face. She couldn’t

hold her laughter anymore. She clutched her
stomach laughing her lungs out.

Rene: It's gold honey. It's like the Marikana Mine

that was shut down but people keep coming
back for more.

Nka angrily leap up to his to his feet and

marched to them. He rose his hand and slapped
Rene so hard. Her face turned the other way
due to the slap, ceasing their laughter. The
room erupted in gaps. Meli sunk his his nails in
palms fuming. He shook his head breathing
heavily, trying to calm himself but it was not
working. Veins popped in his forehead while his
hands quivered. He pushed the chair backwards
and stood to his feet and looked him straight in
his eyes.

Meli: I dare you boy.

Rene hold his shaking his hand. The man turned

to her with a murderous look on his face. She
immediately dropped her hand to her lap scared
on Nka's behalf.

Meli: I dare you to touch my wife one more time,

Toxic Attraction


Two men stand head on against each other.

There other was so lost trying to fill up the
puzzle pieces but the didn’t fit in his head. In
fact the don’t ever fit in his eyes. He chuckled
nervously and backed down a bit.

Nka: You’re defending someone you don’t know?

He muttered in disbelief. Wasn’t his brother

insane? He doesn’t know the woman and
already he was taking her side. The freshly cut
wound of betrayal become to deeper. His
brother is suppose to be on his side not her
side. Yes traditional his also her husband
should anything happen to him but for now they
weren’t anything to each other but brother in
law and sister in law in his eyes. It would make
sense why his brother would stand up for her.
It’s because they don’t have a past together like
he does with Amanda. Their past is what put
them in this moment. It is why the man hates
the both of them, Amanda and him. Rene was
too clean in his eyes and his brother is fondly of
her. He was being a brother in law protecting
his sister in law from him. Wasn’t he taking the
role a bit serious though?

Nka: You’ve known her since yesterday and I

can tell you’re fond of her. You have every right
to be as her husband I’m telling you bhut to
stand down and let me handle my household.
The woman has been disrespectful enough and
I’m not about to let her go on with her
disrespectful tendencies anymore. I make the
rules because it’s my fucken house and I’m her
fucken husband. She seems to forget that and
needs to reminded her role in this household.
I’m the head of the table and she is the follower.
A neck in simple words or a supporter for
someone who didn’t understand. I'm still much
alive brother so that makes her my wife. You
will be her husband once I die.

Meli so badly wanted to punch the arrogancy

out of him. The mentally chuckled. The fool still
doesn’t get it and maybe he shouldn’t also put it
out there. Let him think what he wants to think
and should he found out it won’t be their
problem because his being ignorant. They told
him and everyone else around the room but
they chose to ignore it. It was a sign from above
that it wasn’t time yet to reveal it. That cards
needs to be picked up from the table and
shoved at the back of the box of cards. It was
not time yet to use it but it accidentally slip out
of the box. Meli exercised his breathe and
slowly retracted back on his chair. Rene
breathed out a sigh of relief. She knew things
could get ugly and was ready to call the
ambulance which her sister placed on her
speed dial. The timing to announce her
marriage was not the right one. She wants to do
it by her T&C. How the announcement comes
out it will be on her condition. She wanted to
rub it in Nkanyiso’s face when he finds out. He
wanted the man admitted to the nearest
hospital for a heart attack or stroke. That’s
what he deserves after putting her in so much
misery. She will be his hell on earth and the fool
might not even notice it. By the time she is done
with him it would be too late for him to notice.

Rene: So this is what we’ve become?

She calmly muttered rubbing Meli’s thigh in

circles under the table in a comfortable manner
to calm the storm in him.

Rene: The crazy couple who wants to tear each

other up every chance they get? Don’t you see
how toxic we are for each other?

Nka: We are not toxic for each other. You’re just

rude and disrespectful.

Rene scoffed.

Rene: When are you going go admit that you

were wrong? It wouldn’t hurt nobody if you just
admit your mistakes.

A frown settled on Amanda’s face. Not so long

ago this people were ready to tear each other
up but now they calmly like nothing happened.
She didn’t like the direction this meeting was
heading. If they are able to speak with each
other calmly then that means it would be easy
for them to forgive each other. She gulped her
saliva, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. She
couldn’t let that to happen. One way or another
Rene has to go and if she let’s this opportunity
to pass her by she won’t get another one. She
clear her throat to gain their attention.

Mandy: Let’s not forget how disrespectful and

rude she is to her in laws. The swear words you
carelessly throw at your husband are not just
words that needs to be taken lightly. This
shows how you can’t handle the pressure of
being in polygamous marriage.

Rene: You mean polyandrous marriage.

She whispered under her breath, zoning out on
her. Meli chuckled beside her.

Rene: What’s the plan? There’s idiot need

everything to be spelt out for them.

She whispered to him.

Meli: We cripple their finances and wipe them

clean. You’re not walking away with nothing in

Rene’s lips curve into a smile.

Rene: I like.
Meli: I’m already a step ahead in you with your
sister wife.

Rene: She’s not not my sister wife.

She spat hissing. Meli stifle his laughter. It was

so easy to piss her off and he knew the right
buttons to do so.

Rene: Does your brother needs to be spoon fed

everything so he can understand?

Meli: Unfortunately for you sweetheart that’s

how his always been. His lazy to start his own
thing. He just keeps taking and taking from
people without giving anything back.
Rene: (frowning) What did he take from you?

Meli: You wouldn’t believe it if I tell you.

Rene: Try me.

Meli: I had a little company I just started when I

met her. My grandfather was the investor in that
company because he saw how passionate I
was with media.

Rene: Hold up. Didn’t you say you’re a IT

specialist by profession?

Meli: Media was my first love. I walked media

media. Eat media, breathed media but my
dreams quickly perished when I met someone
who I thought was the love of my life. She
turned my life up side down in a blink of an eye.

Rene: Who?

Meli: Amanda.

Rene gasped in shocked.

Rene: What?

Her voice was suppose to be a whisper but it

didn’t come the way she projected. The whole
room turned to her with questionable eyes. She
glared at the man beside her as he does the
same pretending his didn’t just drop a
bombshell on her.
Mandy: Do you have anything to add on from
what I said?

Attitude radiated from her. Rene scoffed.

Keitu: My sister is just shocked that she needs

to pay a fine for her behavior. Akere Rene?

She chirped in. Rene slowly nodded and made a

mental note to thank her sister for saving her.

Rene:( whispering) Amanda is your ex?

She spat bitterly. It left a bitter taste in her

mouth to know that he was her lover before her.
Meli: That’s a story for another day.

She shook her head, refusing to let the matter


Rene: No we are talking about it right now.

She hissed under her breath.

Meli: Are we having our first fight?

He bit his lip suppressing the smile threatening

to form on his lips.

Rene: Damn straight we are.

She hissed.

Meli: Save the argument for later. They will

notice you’re not paying attention.

Rene: Do I look like I care?

She yelled on top of her voice. Meli mentally

laughed. He was in it for hell or a ride with this
one and he had to brace himself. The little vixen
was keeping on his toes and he liked it.

Mandy: So you don’t care what happens from

now on?

Rene: Why should I care? I'm not going to pay

any fine.
Nka: Stop being difficult Rene.

Rene: This is a two way street ntate. You will

also have to pay for the emotional trauma you
caused me. You will pay for my vagina for
fucking it. You will pay for my egg that carried
your weak seed. You will pay for my mouth that
you shoved that slimy tongue of yours and
kissed it. You will pay for my forehead that you
assaulted with those sloppy kisses making it to
extend further more.

She shifted her eyes to her sister.

Rene: How much does that cost? I need to have

forehead surgery to reduce the one I have.
The room erupted in laughter. The elders found
themselves laughing. They were a lost cause.
At this point the elders were just letting them to
tear each other up. It was clear that they don't
need them and they don't care about their
presence. Nka and Mandy’s nostrils flared.

Nka: You’re not even sorry for your behavior.

Rene: Why should I?

Nka: I don’t know what was I smoking when I

took a woman from Soweto and tried to turn
her into a wife.

Rene: I don’t know what was going through my

mind when married a stupid man from
Mgundundlovu. Isn’t a prenup for real couples
who get married in community of property?
Unless of course matlwatlwane re o bapalang
ke lenyalo la community of property. Does it
count though? { Unless of course the house
house we are playing is a marriage of
community of property.}

Nka quickly leaped up his feet while Rene does

the same this time.

Rene: Touch me one more time I promise you,

you will regret it.

She muttered pushing him back. Nka staggered

on his feet losing his foot. He quickly hold the
table for balance and marched back to her.
Mandy rose form her seat to break them apart.
She pushed Rene back but the woman held her
dress for balance, unstrapping the fake
stomach. Both woman’s eyes bulge out while
the room does what they do best which is
gasping. Meli was dead with laughter.

Nka: Amanda what the hell is this?

Rene dropped the belly on the floor.

Rene: Heelang! Ke ne ke sa tsebe hore ke 'mele.

O belehile ngoana oa hau?. { I didn’t know I was
a midwife. Did she give birth to your baby?}

She turned to Nkanyiso who was fuming and

hummed. Uncle Themba rose from his seat to
get a better view.

Uncle Themba: Maye!

He exclaimed collapsing on the floor, fainting.

Rene: O shebahala joalo ka uena { He looks like


She shifted her eyes to the belly on the floor.

Rene: Hello little Nkanyiso. You’re such a

handsome boy like your father.

She sarcastically muttered rubbing in salt to his

wounds. If that's the baby he was bragging
about then he can produce more of them. They
must expand and multiply to keep the
Makhanya surname.
Toxic Attraction



My father excused himself with his brothers

and went upstairs, after picking uncle Themba
on the floor. I could see the disappointment
swimming in his eyes. I’ve never been this
embarrassed in my life. The woman has turned
me into a laughing stock in front of my whole
family and in laws. I can’t even lift my eyes to
the people around this room and face them. Is
this how my life turned out to be? The man who
married two woman without their knowledge on
the same day but years apart. The other one is
a career driven and a liar while the other one is
someone who keeps showing me I don’t know
her each day. I’ve come to know I don’t know
Sthando at all and that’s my fault. I'm to blame
because I was never home. I focused more on
Amanda and my business. In my own head I
thought everything was okay. We were fine as
long they don’t step on each others toes. As
long the other one stays in Kimberly focusing
on her business while the other one I stay with
her everyday.

I mentally chuckle bitterly. I stayed with this

woman for almost three years now and I don’t
know shit about her. What kind of husband
does that make me? People make polygamy
seem easy and I thought why shouldn’t i try it? I
love both women and I have been trying my
best to treat them equal but I fail dismally in
that department. I’ve given Amanda the power
to think she can do as she pleases and I’ll let
that shit slide because I love her. The woman
had the audacity to lie to me for months. I just
wonder how far along was she with her lies. She
never told me how far long she was and I never
bothered myself by asking because in my own
head I thought all woman become secretive
when it comes to such. We even stopped
having sex for goddammit. She said it will hurt
the baby and as the fool I was I believe each
and every single lie she spewed with her mouth.
I’m the biggest fool in the history of fools.

Sthando and my brother’s laughter haven’t

ceased by my misery. They are rejoicing on my
down fall. My brother is rejoicing for all the
things I’ve done to him in the past. His girlfriend
and his business which I took and gave it to
someone who I thought was my wife. The love
of my love. Someone who I will share the rest of
my life with but it turned out I just harboured a
snake in my house. A whose full python waiting
for eating me out unexpectedly. I just wonder
how long was she willing to keep up with her lie.
How didn’t I see it before?

Me: Why Amanda?

Mandy: I’m sorry.

She muttered in between her sobs. I shook my

head blinking the tears away from falling. Men
don’t cry.

Me: I don’t want your sorry. I just want to know

Mandy: (crying) You were giving her too much
attention and I wanted to shift that a little to me.
You forgot about me as if I didn’t exist. Have I
didn’t come back that night you wouldn’t have
bothered to check up on me. When you’re
around her you forget about me. I come second
best to you when she’s around.

Me: So you chose a drastic decision that didn’t

only embarrass you but me.

My voice rose with each word I spat. The

unshed tears in my eyes blur my vision while
the lump in my throat chokes me. I breathed out
loudly to calm myself.

Me: You’re only sorry for being caught.

Mandy: I was desperate okay. I was desperate
for my husband’s attention.

Sthando: I know the feeling girl. Desperate

times calls for desperate measures.

She chirps in with a smirk lurking on her lips.

She’s enjoying this and it’s evident enough on
her face. She’s having the time of her life and I
can’t blame her. I treated her like shit while I
thought I had something real going on with
Amanda, only to find out it’s all a lie. A white lie I
can’t even spin.

Mandy: Shut up!

She wipes the tears with the back of her hand.

Sthando: Why should i? Because I’m rejoicing
on behalf of your enemies even though I don’t
know them. I’m having the time of my life.

Mandy: This is all your fault?

Sthando: Heelang! Did I say lie to him about

something huge as pregnancy?

She calmly muttered.

Mandy: If you had walked away none of this

would have happened. This is your fault.

Sthando: If you mean by being a midwife and

help you give birth then I’m guilty. But I’m not
about to let you shift the blame to me. Own up
to your shit, Amanda.

She hisses clicking her tongue.

Sthando: You and your husband have played on

top of my head for far too long and that shit
stops now. I’m not the same Rene who ran
around the whole Braamfontein trying to feed
your ridiculous cravings. The woman who you
see today won’t stand for any of your shit.

Me: Re-

She interjects screaming.

Sthando: Shut up! I'm still talking.

I frown taken back by her outburst.

Mandy: Don’t you dare talk to my husband like


She yelled wiping her tears off. She still has a

mouth to talk after what she’s done. Rene
quickly whipped her head back to Amanda.

Sthando: I'll talk to him anyway I see fit. If I

where you I would be so ashamed of myself
and my actions.

Mandy: It’s a good thing I’m not stupid and

pathetic like you. I wouldn’t day a dream being
I'm too hurt to answer any of them. What she
did cannot be matched. Unspoken questions
filled my head. Was she perhaps going to adopt
a baby or steal one if her nine months have
passed? How long was she going to keep this
up for? Is this the real reason she don’t want me
to go with her on her regular checkups? But she
always always me back with a scan written the
date of the day so where did she get that? Was
she paying someone for those scans also?

Sthando: And I also don’t want you to be me

darling. I’m not a liar like you.

She retorts.

Mandy: At least I have a womb to carry a baby

unlike you.

She claps back. Rene burst into fit of laughter.

Sthando: Which baby? You mean the one who

accidentally fell on the floor few minutes ago?

Mandy furiously marched to her and raised her

hand to slap her but Rene holds the hands and
slap her so hard. She stagger, gasping shocked.
My eyes keep moving from Amanda to Rene but
haven’t moved from my spot. I'm paralyzed in
shock and I’m still trying to process everything.
My brain hasn’t sent a message to my feet for
me to move.

Sthando: I'll wipe this floor with you face nou.

Le tlwaela batho masepa lona.
She hissed twisting her arm. Mandy’s face got
heated up while she squirmed in her spot.

Mandy: (screaming) You’re hurting me.

A smirk creeped on Rene’s lips before she

twisted the arm furthermore. She screamed.

Mandy: Someone help me. Nka baby she

breaking my arm. She breaking my arm.

She muttered in urgency causing me to break

out of the paralysis I was in. Stumbling to them,
My brother quickly leaps up to his feet and
stand next to Rene. I ignore him and yank
Amanda’s arm away from Rene and spun her
around. She gasped shocked when my hand
connected with her cheek.

Mandy: (shocked) Nka?

Tears filled her eyes. I raise my hand and slap

her again. Her face twisted the other way.

Me: Months and months you've been selling me


Mandy: (crying) I’m sorry.

Me: You’re sorry?

I chuckled bitterly as the lump in my throat rise

up again. The pain radiates through my whole
Me: You’re sorry?

Mandy: Yes.

She breathed out, wiping her tears away.

Mandy: Yes I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you

and for things to get this far.

Me: What did you expect to happen?

I spat hissing. Pressing my lips together, I

blinking rapidly as the tears roll down my face.
Shit I don’t know when was the last time I cried.
Mandy: Babe we can still fix this please.

I scoffed wiping the tears away. This bitch must

be out of her mind. She’s delusional than I

Me: Fix it? How the fuck are we going to fix it?

I scream at her, I can’t help it. Seeing her just

pisses me. I'm fighting the urge to put my
hands on her. I can’t believed I chose her over
Sthando. I swallow hard and shift my eyes to
Sthando. The woman is having the time of her
life by seeing me miserable. I don’t blame her
for what I put her through.

Mandy: We can still have a baby, my love. We

can even make it right now.
She desperately muttered, kneeling in front of
me. Sthando and her minions throw their heads
back and roar in laughter.

Me: Are you hearing yourself right now? I’m

expecting a baby in a few months and you want
us to make a baby right now?

She rises her moisty eyes and nods vigorously.

Mandy: (pleading) Please.

Sthando claps her hands once.

Sthando: Qaluyiva.
Mandy: Shut up Rene.

Sthando: I have a diarrhea mouth fake baby

mama and I’m sure you don’t want to take me
on .

I turn my eyes to the room.

Me; Everyone out.

I roared at them. Rene’s elders quickly rush out.

I don’t care whether I sounded disrespectful or
what but I need a minute with this lying woman
in front of me.

Sthando: We are not going anywhere. That was

the opening prayer and now it’s time to dive
straight to the agenda of the day. Mandy please
resume Ausi with the crying. The movie was
just reaching it’s climax.

She sarcastically muttered. My hands trembling

while my nose flare. I have had enough of these
women disrespect me. Don’t they know that
this my fucken house. They are under me not
the other way around so they shouldn’t get it
twisted. I’m the man meaning the head and they
are the followers.

Me; Reneilwe don’t make dra-

Sthando: Somebody please bring the popcorns

Keeping up With The Makhanya's is about to
She yelled. Her sarcasm is pissing me off. I did
say this before and I will say it again. I don’t
know this woman and I didn’t even know she
was this sarcastic and so loud. She has a smart
mouth that won’t shut the fuck up.

Me: You seemed to forget me who I am,

Reneilwe. I’m your fucken husband. The head of
the table.

Sthando: (sarcastically) Who would forget who

you are, Roman Reigns. You remind us every
time you get tribal chief.

She rolled her eyes bored and cast her eyes to

her freshly well done nails.

Me: Refrain from doing that.

I murmur through gritted teeth. She smirks and
roll her eyes again. She’s pissing me off on
purpose and it’s working.

Me: (gritted teeth) I said refrain from doing that.

My chest heavier up and down as I slip my

quivering hands in my pockets.

Sthando: You’re not the boss of me, Nkanyiso. I

can roll my eyes until they are crooked.

She clicks her tongue.

Mandy: This is what I’m talking about.

She yelled jumping to her feet.

Mandy: Rene this, Rene that and I’m sick and

tired of it.

She screamed.

Mandy: Oh did you know Sthando loves flowers?

She muttered mimicking my voice.

Mandy: She loves Red roses.

Sthando: Hate them.

Meli: (amused) She loves the lilies actually.

Mandy: When will you stop drinking. You know
Rene doesn’t drink.

Meli: Oh she does. Like a fish tank.

He chirps in again. Sthando groans beside him.

Sthando: Are you ever going to let that go?

Meli: Not a chance sweetheart.

Mandy: Her favourite colour is green.

Meli: Blue not green.

My eyebrows involuntary furrow.

Me: How did you know-

Meli: So much about her? I don’t know how

many times must I tell that she’s my wife.

He muttered interrupting me.

Me: If you want my wife bhuti just say so. I

haven’t died yet for her to be your wife.

Sthando & Keitu: Amen!

They exclaim in unison.

Meli: I gave up on you shame.

He murmurs defeatedly and shakes his head.

Me: If this is your way to squaring up the score

then I know my wife won’t fall for you. Try
someone else Bhuti like your ex.

Amanda chuckles bitterly and wipes the tears

that escaped her eye.

Mandy: if she’s your wife what am I ?

Me: My ex wife. I went a divorce.

Her eyes popped out of their sockets. I grip her

arm and drag her to the door. She claws my
hand screaming.

Mandy: You’re hurting me

Nkanyiso. Please baby don’t give my enemies
something to talk about. We can still fix this
and be the family you want us to be. We just
have to go upstairs a and try for that baby.

I ignore her and yank the door open. I push her

out and rush back to the lounge to pick up the
trash she left in my living room.

Me: You disgust me. I never want to see you

ever again. Your mere presence repulses me.

I muttered throwing the plastic belly in her face.

Tears roll down her face but they don’t move
me. A chuckle causes me to shift my eyes form
her to find the source. There stood Sthando
with her minions on the door way.

Sthando: Talk about double standards,

Nkanyiso. Didn’t you forget the motto of the
Makhanya residence?

She turned to the weeping woman in front of


Sthando: Don’t worry Mandy. His bluffing

because there’s no divorce in the Makhanya
household. You’re in it for life.

Does she ever shut the fuck up? I have never

hated any woman like I hate Amanda right now.
She sold me a dream and I willingly bought it.
She better leave my yard before I do something
I will regret late on. I slide down on the floor and
breakdown crying. The pain is fucking too much
for me to handle. I bragged about a baby only to
find out there’s none. I neglected and hurled
insults on Sthando because I thought Amanda
and I had a good thing going on.

Sthando: Ya neh! How the mighty have fallen.

Just hearing her voice brings more tears out of

my eyes. The Bible teaches them to forgive and
forget about trespass and forgive those who
have passed against us. Knowing Rene she will
forgive me and take me back because I’m her
husband. She loves me. With that thought in
mind, I quickly wipe my tears off and face her.
I’m about to beg for forgiveness.


Toxic Attraction



Whoever said man don’t cry was lying. My

brother just had a breakdown in front of us
while his wife has been banging the door to be
opened for her. I should be content with what I
see but I’m not. His not crying blood but salt
water so his yet to cry. This is just the beginning
of a three course meal. We already laid our
cards on the table for him but he can’t seem to
grasp them. At this point we have to spell
everything out for him in order for him to
understand. He pulls his shirt over his face and
cries out. I stifle my laughter as wifey rise up to
her feet and starts dancing like the IPCC Gospel
group. She’s steel as a pole.

Rene: Who would have thought the mighty

Nkanyiso Makhanya will be crying some day.
This life thing is unpredictable shame and I
respect it.

Call me evil but I don’t feel sorry for him. He did

this on his own and must reap the
consequences of his actions. He made his bed
and must lie in it.

Rene: If only I know how to dance the floor

would be wet right now. The man high up
decided to not give me that talent but worry not
I can still do the tsipa-tsipa, the vuma, phuliqolo,
the gqopetsa and the ngwazi. God is really
jealous of me cause I know I would be far with
my dancing skills. He knew that giving me those
dance moves means challenging people like
this weeping man in front of me to a dance

I’m in stitches as she holds her dress and

pinches her butt cheeks; atttempting to do the
tsipa-tsipa. People still dance those dance
moves? Which planet is she from? I have my
hands full on this one and I’m in content. She’s
a full soapie and I don’t need to tune to another
channel to get drama. I chew my bottom lip as
my brother drags himself to my wife's feet. He
wipes his face with his shirt.
Nka: I know I have wronged you many time
mkami Kodwa ayidle ishiyele. Ngiyaxolisa mfazi
wam omuhle.

Rene: (chuckling) Are ke muhle. Do you know

how many time I’ve longed to hear you say that?

Nka: I’m sorry. I was making my baby a priority

and forgot about you.

He wrapped his arms around her legs and just


Nka: Ngiyaxolisa.

Pulling my chair back, I rise to my feet and

stumbled to them. He ceases his weeping,
anticipating my next move. I pull her toward me
and wrap my arms her waist and smash my lips
on hers. She gasped shocked causing me to
slip my tongue in her mouth. She moans
cupping my face. My lips curve into a smirk
before I’m roughly pulled out of her delicious
lips. A punch lands on my jaw before I could
comprehend what’s going on. He swings
another one and punches me again. Screams
erupt around the room. The metallic taste of
blood taste bitter on my taste buds. Fuck I bit
my lip.

Nka: I knew you want her bhuti. I should have


He murmurs swinging another punch but I duck

it in time and throw my own. He stagger losing
his balance. Not giving him another chance to
recover, I punch his nose. My knuckles feel
numb by the impact.

Nka: Fuck my nose.

I roll my hand and pop my knuckles. He abruptly

on his movements and wipe the blood of his
face and rise to look at me.

Me: Inkinga ikhona ndoda?

A teasing smirk playing on my lips while my

brow arch to emphasize my point.

Nka: You’re my problem brother.

He spits, anger brewing in his eyes.

Me: What are you going to do about that?

I challenge massaging my bruised hand. That

punch nearly broke my knuckles.

Rene: Stop it!

She mutters in urgency. We both ignore her,

sizing each other out.

Me: Woza mfana. Show me what you got.

Clenched jaws, rolling fist and flaring nostrils is

what I get from him before he dives straight to
me. I step side way and he goes straight for the
wall. I chuckle.
Me: Ah bafo is that all you got?

I taunt. He rushes towards me and knocks out

the air out of my lungs. He dives straight to me,
taking us to to the floor. I punched him back
angrily. He throws another punch but I dodged
it; rising to my feet. Ignoring the blood seeping
out if my nose, I land my sneakers on his ribs.
He winces curling into a ball. I fucken love these
sneakers for them to coated in this bastards

Me: Ucabanga ukuthi wenzani mgodoyi?( What

do you think you're doing?)

Rene: (screaming) Please stop.

We ignored her continuing fighting. He hold my
foot and pushes me away from him. I stagger
and fall to the chair, crushing it to pieces. I
wince rolling to the floor while he limps my way
and kneel in front of me. He rises his fist to
punch me but wifey holds him back. He yanks
his hands out of her grip and back smack her
with his left hand. She flies straight to the floor.
Her sister screamed rushing to her.

Keitu: Rene? Sis are you okay?

Oh hell no he didn’t just put his hands on my

fucken wife. I furiously push him off me and
rush to wifey. Her sister quickly steps aside.

Me: Rene? Babe?

Taking advantage of the distraction, the bastard
pushes me off her and tends to her wounds.

Nka: Sthando I'm so sorry. I swear baby I didn’t

mean too.

I cluck my tongue and push him off her.

Me; Get your filthy hands off my wife.

I hisses placing her head on my lap and caress

her face.

Me: Are you okay?

She nods.
Rene: I'm fine.

Me: Are you sure?

Rene: My head hurts. I think I landed hard on the

floor. You have a cut on your lip.

She wipes the blood off my lips.

Rene: Does it hurt?

Me: I'll be fine.

Wrapping my arms around her, I peck her lips

and help her to her feet.
Nka: Rene what’s the meaning of this?

Me: Step out of the way boy before I knock your

teeth off.

Nka: I'm not talking to you, Melisizwe but to my


I charge to him and pock his forehead,

emphasizing my point.

Me: I damn know you’re ain’t taking about my


He yanks my hand off from his forehead.

Nka: You’re so desperate Bhuti to the point of
picking peoples wife as yours.

Me: Ungjwayela amasimba wena shlama. I

don’t know how many times must I tell you that
she’s my wife.

Nka: N-

Rene: Shut up!

She bellowed interrupting him.

Rene: Shut the fuck! I’m sick and tired of

hearing you voice. It’s always about you all the
damn time. What Nkanyiso wants must go and
fuck everyone else. This shit stops right now.
His eyes widen.

Nka: (stuttering) W-w-wwhat do you mean?

Rene: I mean I’m leaving your sorry ass for

someone better than you could ever be.

Nka: You think you can leave me?

He breaks into a brief chuckle.I amusedly fold

my arms across my chest and let her have this

Nka: No men out there is going to love you like I

Rene& I: (smirking) Are you sure?

Nka: I’m sure. You’re just setting yourself for a

heartbreak your fragile heart can’t handle.
You’re weak, naive, pathetic, stupid and nagging.
No men out there can put out with your shit.
Not to mention that you’re womb less.

Rene: Your insults don’t wound me anymore. If

it was another day I would be bawling my eyes
out but I can’t be crying over a spineless man
like you. Insulting and degrading women is one
of your specialties. Why am I not surprised.

She clicks her tongue and picks up her bag.

Nka: If you walk out of that door, Rene never set

your foot here ever again.
Rene: Or what? Are you going to drag me like
how you did to Amanda? Don’t worry I was also
leaving and I’m not coming back again.

Nka: I’m warning you Rene.

He cautions stepping forward. I push wifey

behind me and stand in front of her as a shield.
She types something on her phone then shift
her eyes to me.

Nka: What the fuck is this? Why is my brother

shielding you?

A few minutes late Nka's phone beeps on top of

the table. He marches to it and picks it up. A
frown settles on his face.
Nka: What the fuck is this Rene?

Rene: It’s a timetable.

Nka; I can see it’s a timetable. What the fuck is

that for?

He spits raising his voice.

Rene: It’s for how I’m going to divide my time

and nights from now on. This is no longer a
polygamy but a polyandry so you better keep up.

Nka: (shocked) What?

Rene: Let me introduce myself again to make it
clear to you. My name is Reneilwe Makhanya
the wife of Melisizwe Makhanya.

Nka: (stuttering) W-w-what?

Me: We like Romeo and Juliet. Bonnie and Clyde

kind of shit. Ying and Yang. Husband and wife
in your language.

Rene: Now that is out of the way. You will

discuss everything regarding the cleansing for
our baby and appeasing the ancestors for
confusing them with him. You were holding on
for your brother and now that his here you and I
have nothing that will to talk about. I’m your
sister in law from now on and that ends there.
Baby let’s to home. I'm tired.
Me: You heard my woman mfana, I hope we
won’t be butting heads from now on because I
will bury you alive if you try any shit with her

Note: I'm selling PDF's of any two of my
previous stories and the third one is suppose to
be our next book. All three books will cost R60.
Good night
Toxic Attraction


The drive home was awkwardly silent and it
made Mosa uncomfortable. She didn’t know
what was in store for her when they arrive home.
Her mother hasn’t said a word since they left,
making her restless. The woman is vocal but
now has turned mute. She gulped down the
sniff threaten to escape and lean on the window.
She didn’t want to sniff or shift the attention to
her. She wanted the drive to take longer before
they reach home. Unfortunately for her things
don’t happen according our way. The car parks
outside the gate, her parents stormed out of the
car to the house. She knew the interrogation
room is waiting for her inside and she was not
looking forward to it. Why didn’t God give us
powers? It’s a mystery nobody knows except
God himself. Before she can get lost into her
thoughts hoping for a miracle to happen; the
door gets yanked open and she locked eyes
with her furiously mother.
Mrs Mohapi: Get out of the car.

She shamelessly drops her teary eyes to the

floor and step out of the car. The woman clicks
her tongue and storm back to the house. She
takes her walk of shame to the house and finds
both parents waiting for her.

Mrs Mohapi: Mosa what is this?

Mosa: I'm sorry.

Mrs Mohapi: I’m not asking for your forgiveness,

Mosa, but I’m asking you what is this?

Mosa: I’m pregnancy mama.

She whispered softly fiddling with her fingers.
Her bladder was making itself known and she
desperately needed the bathroom but it would
seem like she’s disrespecting them if she walks
out. She will soldier on until they finish scolding

Mrs Mohapi: Didn’t I send you to school?

Mosa: You did.

Mrs Mohapi: Then what is the meaning of this

She yelled causing Mosa to shrink on the wall

she was leaning in.
Mrs Mohapi: You want to turn me into a
laughing stock? What will people say when they
find out my youngest daughter is pregnant
while the other one wants to divorce her

Mosa: (crying) I’m sorry.

Mrs Mohapi: Shut up! I don’t want your sorry. I

don’t even want to hear a word from you. You’ve
killed and buried me alive, Mosa. You killed me

Her voice broke in between her speech.

Mrs Mohapi: You better find yourself

somewhere to stay because I can’t stay with a
woman in my own house. Two bulls can’t stay
in the same kraal.

She hissed and stumbled to the bedroom

leaving her with her father, crying.

Mosa: Papa I’m sorry. Please don’t shut me out.

Mr Mohapi: I’m disappointed, Mosa.

Mosa: I’m sorry. It was a mistake.

Mr Mohapi shook his head disappoint. He has

never felt this kind of pain. Out of all children
the last born had to be the biggest
disappointment of the family.

Mr Mohapi: Why, Mosa?

Mosa continued to cry not understanding his
question. How does one answer to that?

Mosa: It was a mistake, papa. Please stop

mama from throwing me out. I need her.

Mr Mohapi ran his palms on his face,

swallowing hard. They expected a lot from this
child. Why did she have to disappoint them like
this? She was given everything on a silver
platter while her siblings had to work for their
education. From Tumelo to Rene they worked
piece jobs in order for them to have a pocket
money in varsity. Mosa was an exception
because she was the last born. Her siblings
were working and she was the only child at
home so they gave her privileges and freedom
others didn’t have not knowing they shoot
themselves on their feet’s.

Mrs Mohapi: What is this demon child still doing

in my house, Mohau?

She muttered walking back to the room. There

only facial expression she has on her face was

Mosa: Mama please.

Mrs Mohapi: Get out of my house. I’m not

about to become a laughter stock because of
you. I’m a highly respected woman of God in
this neighbourhood and I can’t associate myself
with sinners like you. I follow the bible
scriptures from Genesis to Revelations and they
don’t allows such acts. Your sister has dome
that and I won’t allow you to do so too. Who
would want to marry you?

Mosa chuckled bitterly rising up to her feet. She

had enough from God’s right hand woman.

Mosa: What kind of bible to you use in your

church because it’s fucked uo, mama.

The woman gasped shocked.

Mosa: Instead of sitting me down like a child

and scold me, your throwing me out. Where do
you think I’ll go? This is my father’s house and
you don’t have a say in such matters. You’re a
wife to Mohau Mohapi and I the daughter of
this family. Let’s not fool each other because
the only person who will leave here is you not
me. You cane here by marriage and I the
permanent stamp of this family because of
being Mohau’s seed. So if you want to leave
Deputy Jesus you can do so because I’m not
going anywhere.

Mrs Mohapi jaw drops to the floor. Shock

doesn’t even describe what she was feeling.

Mosa: Nywe, nywe sinner. Nywe,nywe unholy

acts se geet marn.

Her chest heavier up and down as she yelled.

Mosa: Hiding behind the bible is your specialty.

If we had to peel out your skin right now we will
find nothing but an evil heart.
Mrs Mohapi gasped with tears blurring her
vision. Out all her children she had to be
disappointed and sweared by her favorite child.
Why has God forsaken her?

Mosa: Sies marn mama.

She spat on the floor.

Mosa: What kind of mother are you who throws

out her pregnant daughter to the street just
because of what will people say? People will
always talk and I’m not the first child to come
home with a baby instead of a degree and
probably not the last. Stop acting like you didn’t
make mistakes when you’re young because if I
would say let’s revisit your past I’m sure we
would pass out by your shenanigans.
She shifted her eyes to her father.

Mosa: And wena papa you act like someone

who was feed a love potion. Who on their right
mind marries their daughter to a man whose
already married? You knew that he had a wife
but you went ahead and let Ausi Rene to marry
him. She wants out and Jesus secretary is the
first to object that and you’re not saying
anything. This is your daughter we are talking
about not someone who was picked on the side
of the road.

She side glimpse her mother as she muttered

the last words.

Mosa: I’m sick and tired of you guys telling

everyone who has an ear to listen to your
bullshit that how good your parent skills are and
how well behaved your children are. Let me tell
you something we will make a lot of mistakes
are you’re yet to cry. Your parenting skills suck
shame. So mother and father you better get
used to seeing this face and big belly because
I’m not going anywhere. I will give birth and you
will nature the baby like the grandparents you
guys should be. Modimo will not allow people
like you in heaven because you’re evil.

She clicked her tongue and cradle her stomach

to her bedroom, leaving both parents

Sizwe left his brothers upstairs and made his
way downstairs to check what was going on
after he heard the commotion. He finds the
lounge in a mess while Nkanyiso is rooted in his
spot, blood seeping out of his nose.

Sizwe: Nkanyiso.

His voice broke him out of his trail of thoughts.

He blinked rapidly to normalise his
surroundings before he set his eyes on his face.

Sizwe: What happened and where is your

brother and the others?

Nka ignored him and stormed to the kitchen

while his hot on his tails.
Sizwe: Nkanyiso I’m talking to you.

Silence is what he gets. Nkanyiso furiously pulls

the drawers looking for something. His father
turned him around to face him.

Sizwe: Talk to me what are you looking for?

Nka: I’m looking for a weapon that will end that

bastards life baba.

Sizwe bit his lip confused. He was speaking in

riddles and he doesn’t understand a word his

Sizwe: What are you talking about and whose


Nka: Your son’s life.

He spat and rage clouding him. He was only

seeing red. His brother just popped out of
nowhere and he will be dammed if he let’s him
take his wife.

Sizwe: Nkanyiso this is your brother we are

talking about.

Nka: I damn well know that. That bastard son of

yours will not take my wife away from me.

Sizwe: Son we can talk about this as a family,

just calm down.
He cooed softly, not liking the direction where
this conversion was heading.

Nka: Where was the family when they

announced their marriage?

Sizwe: (shocked) Ini?

Nka: Melisizwe, baba is married to Rene and I

can’t sit back and do nothing about that. Hell
will freeze the day I let him take my wife away
from me.

He turns to the drawer and picks up the

sharpest knife.
Sizwe’s eyes popped out of their sockets.

Nkanyiso: Baba step out of the way.

Sizwe shook his head.

Sizwe: You don’t need to do this.

Nkanyiso clicked his tongue and pushed his

father aside and made his way outside. Sizwe
fell on the floor with a thud. The man was
delaying him on purpose so he won’t end his
precious son’s life but not on his watch. His
anger rose furthermore as they stood next to
Keitu's car laughing their lungs out.

Rene and Meli had their backs facing him and

Keitu was inside car waiting for them. They
were about to step inside the car when Amanda
blocked the passenger seat Rene was suppose
to sit in.

Rene: (annoyed) What is it now?

Mandy: Please just talk to him.

Rene: I have nothing to say to that man. Him

and I are done.

Meli: You’re wasting our time woman. You

heard her she said she doesn’t want to talk to
him so move.

Mandy: (crying) I have no one to turn to and my

parents are far away. Please Rene he listens to

Rene: I don’t know which language am I

suppose to say this but I want nothing to do
with that man. His has done nothing but break
me and I loathe him. I hate him with passion. If
life had remote or a time machine I would have
long went back in time just to stop us from
meeting each other.

Mandy: (crying) I understand you but I’m

desperate and your my last option. You broke
my marriage and the least you can do is to try
and help me.

Rene scoffed folding her arms across her chest.

This woman has to be out of her mind. Her
marriage ended the minute she decided to lie
about a baby knowing that there’s none in the
face place.

Rene: Whose fault is it that your marriage is

ending? It’s yours not mine so please don’t
make it sound like I broke a happy home.

Mandy: (screaming) It’s your fault.

Meli: Udakiwe. Move.

He hisses stepping forward. Amanda shifted to

the side crying. Meli opened the door for Rene.
She smiled and stepped inside the car after
thanking him. Just as he was about to open the
backseat he feels a knife driven straight from
his back. Amanda screams echoes in the air,
alerting others. Nkanyiso heart thudded on his
ribcage while his hands shook as Meli urned to
face his brother. Rene and Keitu stepped out of
the car and freezes.

Meli: Only cowards stab people from behind.

The next time you do this face me ndoda. Don’t
creep on me like a thief at night.

Nka’s nostrils flared as the man with the knife

in his stomach smirks at him. Tears roll down
on Rene's cheeks as she snaps out of her daze
and rush to him. She could swear she was
screaming but nothing was coming out of her
mouth. Her vocal chords has shut down on her.

Rene: : Somebody call an ambulance.

She yelled holding Meli from falling. Everyone

was to shock to move even the Nkanyiso. He
couldn’t believe his anger made him do that.
Blood coated her white dress making it seem
like it was red as she drops to her knees on the
ground with him.

Rene: (screaming) Call an ambulance.

Snapping out her daze Keitu opened the


Keitu: The ambulance will take longer, Rene and

he might die. We will have to take him to the
hospital by ourselves.

Blood seeped out of Meli's mouth as he tries to

speak. Rene shook her head, lost in her own
world. She couldn’t hear a single word her sister
was saying.

Rene: Stop trying to talk because you will choke.

Hold on for me. (crying) Please hold on for me. I
just found you Meli and you can’t die on me. I
can’t lose you.

Her eyes sunk as she stooped him from talking.

Meli breath become shallow while he fought
with his eyes, to keep them open.

Keitu: (snapping) Rene snap out of it already or

else he might die. He have to take him to the

Raising her moist eyes, Rene connects them

with her sister.
Rene: (sobbing) His going to die before I had a
chance to tell him,I love him. He won’t hear that.
I love him, Keitu.

She released a heart wrenching cry holding him

close to her.

Rene: Don’t leave me.

Good Morning ❤
Toxic Attraction


I’m pacing up and down the living room shaking

like a leaf. I didn’t mean for things to get that far.
I was just so angry at him for always being
better than me. Why does he get to have
everything on a silver platter while I work hard
for everything? My life was a smooth sailing
boat before he came along and caused havoc. I
ran a tight ship with no passengers getting off
and I was a fucken good captain until he came
along. My ship sank to the bottom of the ocean
since he came along and as a captain I can’t do
shit about it. I was just doing everyone a favour
and I know someday they will thank me
especially that slut Rene. If she thinks I will take
her back when her boyfriend is dead she has
another thing coming. I will ship her straight to
Orlando faster before she could blink. I’m not
the courier guy who takes second goods back.
She will have to see where she goes after the
funeral because I don’t want to see her skinny
legs in my house. Knowing her parents they
don’t take her back because they are too afraid
what the society will say about them. They are
hypocrites who hide behind the Bible. If we
were to remove that fake holy act they put on
we would faint.

My father walks in just as I down my dinner with
the red wine. He looks destruct and beyond

Baba: You’re sitting here enjoying your dinner

like you haven’t committed any crime.
He hissed. I place the glass on the table and
pick up the napkin to wipe my mouth.

Me: What do you want me to say?

I calmly muttered.

Baba: You brother is fighting for his life.

Me: So what? What do you expect me to do?

Should I go to the hospital and hold his hand or
strap him on my back so he won’t die?

I sarcastically muttered, filling up my glass.

Baba: I swear to my forefathers if anything
happens to your brother you will know me boy.
You will know me.

He roared.

Me: I always knew you choose him over me. His

always been your favourite.

I spat picking up my glass.

Me: You couldn’t wait to play father of the year

to someone who you haven’t seen in years.
Who was the golden son who had to feed you
all at home when you lost your job? Who had to
take care of Yolanda’s brats every month? Who
paid the hospital bills each time Yolanda
decided to not use a condom?
I yelled rising to my feet.

Me: Me, me and me. I hope your precious son

dies like the dog he is.

I clicked my tongue and pushed him aside. I

have phone calls to make and a funeral to plan.
I want to make a grand entrance at his funeral
so I can pees and spit on his grave. I’m not
going to let my father ruin my mood. I may have
sounded remorseful at first but now I’m not.
Two bulls can’t be in the same kraal. He had it
coming when he came back to South Africa.
This country ain’t big for the both of us.

Me: Drive faster Keitu.

I snap wiping the blood seeping out of his


Keitu: I’m doing the best I can okay.

She snaps back changing the gear. I press my

lips together to suppress the sob to escape my
mouth. His eyes are closed but this breath and
pulse are faint. I’m sacred of the outcome
should we not making it on time to the hospital.
His the best thing that’s ever happened to me
and I can’t lose him. I can already feel myself
losing my mind and I know things will get worse
should anything happen to him.

Keitu:: Hey stop thinking the worst.

Her voice breaks me out of my trail of thoughts.

Me: (sniffing) I can’t help it sis.

Keitu: His going to be okay.

Me; We don’t know that.

Keitu: Stay positive, Rene. We have arrived.

She parks the car and dash out before I can

respond to her. I press a kiss on his head.

Me: We are in the hospital my love just wait a

little bit long.
The backseat is yanked open by my sister. The
two doctors she's with gasp shocked by what
they see. I know it’s not the pleasant sight to
see but Keitu don’t want me to remove the knife
because she says it might wipe out Nkanyiso’s
fingerprints and also I can accidentally drive it
straight to his spine.

Me: Will he make it?

They ignore me and place him on the stretcher

on his stomach, facing down. I slam the door
and door and run after them.

Doctor: You can’t go in there.

Me: His my husband and he needs me.

Keitu: Rene let the do their job. You will have to
fill in his details.

I slowly nod and let them rush him to theatre.

His father, uncles and Amanda run ti the

Sizwe: My son was just brought in here. How is


Reception: What’s his name?

Me: They just took him to theatre.

They shift their eyes to me and make their way

towards me.
Sizwe: How is he?

Me: (crying) I don’t know.

Keitu:: His got the best doctors attending to him

and his on safe hands. I'll get the admission
forms for you.

I nod and sinks on the benches. It’s going to be

a long night. Nkanyiso better pray nothing
happens to him or else he see another side of
me he hasn’t seen before.

I've been sitting on this benches since 6pm and
my butt feels numb right now. It’s close to
23pm and the doctor hasn’t came out from the
theatre to update us. His father and uncles left
around 9pm and I understand because they are
old. It’s just my sister, Amanda and I left. She’s
been crying none stop beside me and her
crocodile tears are infuriating me.

Keitu: I think we should go home and come

back in the morning.

Me: You can go and I will stay behind. Someone

needs to be here when they doctor comes out
of that room.

Keitu: Rene, this things take time. For all we

know they could take the whole day since he
was stabbed close to his spine. I don’t want to
lie to you baby sis, his operation might be a
dangerous one. We must brace ourselves for

Amanda starts to cry louder beside me. I wipe

the tears and furiously turn to her.

Me: What are you trippin' for? Stop pretending

like you cared about him because you didn’t.
For all we know you here just to make sure you
finish him.

Mandy: (sobbing) That’s not true, Rene and you

know it.

Keitu: Rene you’re being harsh on the poor

woman. You’re cranky and need some sleep.
Me: I don’t need no damn sleep. Why is she

Keitu: Sis you’re looking for someone to blame

and right now since she’s the closest thing to
Nkanyiso you blame her.

Me: Don’t you ever mention that name in my


She sucks in a deep breath.

Keitu: I hate seeing you like this. You’re falling

apart and Meli would hate seeing you like this.
You have blood all over your dress and hands,
his blood and I’m sure he won’t like seeing that
on you. Don’t bring back the last imagine of his
pain back.
My lips quiver as I shake my head.

Me: Don’t I deserve to be happy?

Keitu: You do sis. There’s no one in this world

who I know deserve happiness like you.

Me: Then why are these things happening to me?

Just when I thought I finally found someone
who gets me and understands me this happens.

Keitu: You just have to be positive. No news

means good news.

Me: Stop trying to make me feel better.

I snap agitated wiping the stupid tears that
won’t stop falling.

Me: My husband is lying in that bed and I

haven’t heard a thing about him. The doctors
haven’t updated us and it’s killing me.

Keitu: These things take time sis. I won’t say I

know how you feel because I don’t but I can
only say that you will have to be positive.

She murmur stroking my back gently. I break

free from her embrace and leap up to my feet.

Me: My heart won’t be able to handle bad news

I muttered pacing up and down.

Keitu: You’re still in shock.

Me: I won’t be able to handle it.

Keitu: Hey stop talking like that. His going to be


Me: You don’t know that.

I snap ceasing my movements.

Me: We don’t know if he will surv-

I burst into tears sinking to the floor. She

quickly rushes to me as I cry my lungs out. My
heart feels like it’s been ripped out of chest and
stumped on it.

Keitu: Rene calm down. We still have to hear

what the doctor says.

Me: (crying) They have been there for ages and

with each minute passing I feel like I’m losing
my mind. I’m losing my mind sis.

Keitu: You’re giving me no choice but to sedate

you, Rene.

Me: Please do so. My heart is sore and broken.

Keitu: Stay put I’ll be right back.

She mumbled rising uo to her feet and
disappear around the corridors. Amanda makes
her way towards on the floor and sit next to me.

Mandy: He will be fine, Rene. Meli is a fighter.

I ignore her and continue to cry. She chuckles.

Mandy: His the most strongest person I know.

I swear to God if she doesn’t shut I’ll tbrow her

on the nearest window. I want to cry in peace
without any interference. Why is she here

Me: I don’t need you sympathy. We both know

you’re having the time of your life seeing me

Mandy: You make sound like a villain.

I whip my head to her.

Me: Ain’t you one?

Mandy: People have a way of misunderstanding

me. I’m not a bad person; it’s just that
circumstances forced me to be the way I am.

Me: Is that suppose to make me feel better?

Mandy: I’m just trying to make you see that we

can work together and destroy The Makhanya
family as a whole. Nkanyiso both used and
played with us and we can’t let him get away
with that especially for what he did to Meli.

Me; What’s in it for you?

Mandy: I’m doing this for my baby. He/she can’t

grow up without a father.

Me: What are you talking about?

Mandy: I'm pregnant Rene and Meli is the father.

My intestines freezes while my heart thudded

on my ribcage. My breathe laboured in seconds.
I could feel myself taking greedy breathes just
to fill my lungs with the oxygen they need.
Tears haven’t left my eyes. Just when I thought
I’m tasting happiness it’s snatched out of my
fingers before I can even enjoy it. He made me
believe we had something so special going on
but it was only an act. God I feel so stupid for
falling for him and falling hard. I should have
safe guarded my heart after Nkanyiso but I just
gave it to him without thinking twice. I knew he
was just too good to be true.

Mandy: The doctor is here.

Her voice snaps me out of my daze. I just shift

my sunken eyes to her as the news I just heard
sucked out the energy in my body.

Doctor: The operations was-

Me: Just get to the damn point. Is he going to
live or not?

Interjects snapping at her. She arches her

eyebrows at my outburst. I didn’t mean to snap
at her but she’s wasting our time about her
philosophy. Her shoulders sag as she heavily

Doctor: I’m sorry –

Me: (screaming) No! No!

I stagger losing my foot.

Me: (screaming) No!

I thrash on the floor screaming.

Mandy: Rene?

She cooed softly trying to get my attention but

I’m too consumed by the pain to hear what she
has to say.

Keitu: Hey, hey, look at me.

Me: His dead Keitu. What an I going to do with

the love I have for him? Why didn’t I tell him
sooner that I love him. He died not knowing I
love him.

Mandy: (sobbing) Rene let the doctor finish

What’s the point of listening to what she says.
She will just break my heart furthermore.

Keitu: Doc I’ll take it from here. This person isn’t

thinking straight right now and she's in distress
and that will lead to another miscarriage. She
won’t be able to handle that.

She drops her eyes at me and shake me


Keitu: You need to calm down for the sake of

your baby, Rene.

Me: (crying and shocked) What?

Keitu: I just went through my emails now and
your test results are back. You’re pregnant.

My whole just shattered right in front of my

eyes. I might as well miscarry because what am
I going to do with this baby on my stomach? Oh
I hate you Nkanyiso for taking away my joy. And
I hate you Melisizwe for lying to me and making
me believe there are still good men out there. I
hope your soul burns in hell for leaving me with
a fatherless child.
Toxic Attraction



Keitu had took a decision on behalf of her sister
and sedated her. It broke her heart seeing her
like this but there was nothing she could also
do. It was her journey to walk on and
tribulations to face in in order for her to come
victorious. She place a kiss on her cheek and
caress it softly. She needed the rest after the
hectic week they had and what happened
yesterday. If her parents were not going to
stress Rene out she would call them but
knowing her mother; the woman would cause
unnecessary drama that they don’t need. She
only understands when it’s her lying on the
hospital bed that he/she is sick. Heavily sighing
she leaped up to her feet and made her way
outside. She fished for her phone and dialled
her father.

Mr Mohapi: Keitu.
Keitu: Papa, Rene is in the hospital.

Mr Mohapi: (alarmed) What? What happened?

Keitu: It’s a long story.

Mr Mohap: Is she okay? What is the doctor


Keitu: Well we just found out that she’s


Mr Mohapi sucked in a deep breath, harshly on

the end of the line.
Keitu: You guys are causing her stress she
doesn’t need. If you and your wife will be here to
cause her stress don’t bother showing up. I’m
not going to let you guys kill my niece/nephew
with your toxicity. You’re guys are like a venom
who kills in mere seconds. While Rene is lying in
here I’m in charge of her health and I’m telling
you that you and your wife should stay away
from her until she’s fit enough to speak for

Mr Mohapi: Keitumetse, that’s my daughter we

are talking about.

He yelled on the end of the line.

Keitu: And she’s my sister. As her doctor I’m

saying she doesn’t need you. We are cutting out
toxic people from our lives and you happened
to be on the top of the list.

She cut the call and padded back to the room.

She found Rene stirring up.

Keitu: Hey how are you feeling?

Rene blinked to clear the fog in her eyes before

she shifted her eyes around the room.

Keitu: You’re still in the hospital.

Tears filled her eyes as she swallowed hard.

Rene: (breaking voice) How long was I out?

Keitu: 6hours.

Rene gasped shocked.

Rene: What?

Keitu: The sedative wears off after three hours

so I had to up the dose a little. You needed the

She rolled on her side, facing away from her.

Rene: I feel like I’m walking around in circles.

My life is spiralling out of control and there’s
nothing I can do about it.

Keitu: Hey stop talking like that.

Rene: It’s the truth. Happiness is not meant for

Keitu: Don’t be ridiculous, Rene. Everyone

deserves to be happy.

She protects dragging the chair to the side she

was facing. She made herself comfortable and
took her hands in hers.

Rene: Then why is everything snatched away

from me before I could enjoy it?

Keitu: Not everything is easily in life sis. It’s the

storm before any calmness and peace. You’re
on the wave of the storm that might end
anytime before you reach the peace and
calmness you seek. You’re in a battlefield and
it’s time to be selfish sis. Put yourself first and
cut out everyone who you think doesn’t deserve
to be in your life.

Rene: Like our parents?

Keitu: Especially them.

Rene: Will it be selfish of me to cut them out?

Keitu: Like I said sis this is your life and you’re

doing you. What Rene wants goes from now on.
Be selfish for once. You have a bundle of joy
you need to think about and if you feel like our
parents don’t deserve to be in his/her life then
cut the out. They are a headache and bring
stress anyway.
Rene giggled softly. She slowly moved her hand
to her stomach and caress it gently. A lamp
stuck in her throat rose while tears filled her
eyes. Why did the man have to die after he
showed her a glimpse of what true love is? He
won’t be here when this baby comes and being
a single mother has it’s hardships at time
especially if you don’t have any support system.

Keitu: You’ve been crying a lot since yesterday.

Please don’t turn to those women who are cry
babies when they are pregnant because they
are manipulative.

Rene scrunched up her mose in disgust before

she throw her head back laughing. She wipes
the tears that escaped her eyes and shook her
Rene: I have too much water in my eyes and I
need to reduce them.

They both giggle.

Rene: I can’t believe I’m bringing a baby in my

fucked up world. In a week I’ll be sitting on a
mattress mourning for the father.

Keitu: His not died.

Rene eyes shoot up to her.

Rene: What?
Keitu: His much alive but still in a critical

Rene: But the doctor said-

She interjects.

Keitu: You assumed that his died. You didn’t let

her finish what she was about to say. The
operation was a success and his stable for now.
They will be observing for the next 24hrs to see
if he will pull through. The knife was
centimeters away from his spine.

Rene blinked rapidly to stop the tears from

falling. She was not a cry baby and she won’t
start now. At leas the man didn’t leave her in a
mess she didn’t know how she will clean up.
God there’s Amanda on the side and she's a
baby mama straight from hell.

Keitu: You let your judgement cloud you. You

two are still much husband and wife and a
parents to that little bean growing in you.

Their lips curve into a smile. Rene chuckled

feeling emotional.

Rene: I’m going to be a mother.

Keitu: And I an aunt. I'll spoil that little rascal


They giggled.
Rene: (crying) Sis I’m going to be a mother.

Keitu: And I bet on your tiny butt you will be one

hell of a mother.

Rene: (laughing) Tiny butt, really?

They laughed.

Keitu: And she’s back ladies and ladies.

They share a look before erupting in laughter.

Rene: You’re so stupid and you’re suppose to be

the older one.
She muttered in between her laughter.

Keitu: (laughing) Leave me alone.

Rene: I love you sis and thank you for everything.

Keitu: You’re going to make me cry. I love you

too sis.

She leaped up to her feet and placed a kiss on

her head after embracing her.

Placing the phone down he could feel a
headache forming in his skull. His children were
cutting him off and it left a bitter taste in his
mouth. First it was Tumelo, Lewatle shortly
followed. Keitu's twin sister Rea doesn’t even
come home anymore. Now Keitu and Rene just
cut him off just like that before he can be a
grandfather to Rene's baby. Mrs Mohapi walks
in the bedroom with a glass of water and found
his husband deep in his thoughts. She fixed her
pantyhose on her head and sat next to him.

Mrs Mohapi: What’s wrong Papa?

Mr Mohapi: I just got a call from Keitu and Rene

is in the hospital.

Mrs Mohapi: (frowning) I’m not following.

Mr Mohapi: She’s pregnant and is cut us out of
her life.

Mrs Mohapi: (shocked) What?

She jumped to her feet and start to pace go and


Mrs Mohapi: Over my dead body. She can’t do

that to us. We are her parents for Christ sake.
Does she know that?

She fired all the questions she had answers too

at once.

Mrs Mohapi: I don’t know what has gotten to

that girl.
Mr Mohapi: It’s not only Rene who is cut us out.
Keitumetse is also cutting us out of her life.

Mrs Mohapi laughed in disbelief.

Mrs Mohapi: They are crazy if they think my

grandchildren will grow up without me.

She marched to the wardrobe to look for her


Mrs Mohapi: (frowning) What are you doing?

Mrs Mohapi: What does it look like I’m doing?

I’m going to that hospital to knock some sense
into theem.
Mr Mohapi: You will not do such thing.

He snapped agitated. Mrs Mohapi’s eyes widen.

In their years of being married the man never
raised his voice or yelled at her.

Mr Mohapi: My children are all distancing

themselves from us because of you. The harsh
treatment you gave them is what made them to
take out this decision. Look at yourself in the
mirror my wife and you will see you’re your own
worst enemy.

He clicked his tongue and stormed out the

bedroom. Mosa who was in the corridors
quickly rush to her room before she can get
caught giggling. Finally the fog in her father’s
eyes was rubbed off.

His laying facing up in his study when the door

opens. Hs furious father walks in. He pushed
his body to lie on his stomach.

Nka: Oh you’re back? When is the funeral?

Sizwe shifts aside and let’s the two officers to

walk in. Nka's heart skipped a beat.

Nka: Baba what’s going om?

Sizwe: Take him away officer.

The officer stumbled in and took out his

handcuffs. He pulled him to his feet and cuffed

Officer 1: You’re under arrest for the attempted

murderer of Melisizwe Makhanya. Anything you
say shoall be used on the court of law. If you
can’t afford an attorney the state will provide
you one.

Nka: Baba what the fuck is this?

He muttered squirming on the cuffs.

Nka: Yeyi, wena mgodoyi release me.

The officer ignored him and pushed to the door.

Nka: (screaming) Do you know who the fuck I

am? Release me now.

They pushed him out the house with his father

and uncles behind.

Nka: Baba ubopbisa Mina? Mina indodana


Sizwe: I gave birth to a son not a murder.

Nka: Jail won’t bring back your precious son

from the dead.
He soat jumping inside the van.

Sizwe: If you only knew his much alive and not

dead like you thought.

Nkanyiso’s heart skipped a beat. Beads of

sweat covered his forehead while some ran
down his spine.

Nka: (shocked) What?

His eyes rolled on the back of his head before

he fall on the ground, having a seizure.

Sizwe: Make sure he gets to jail. I don’t know

how you’re going to do it but just do it. He has
to learn that not everything is about him.

He clicked his tongue and made his way back

the house not fazed by seeing him having a
seizure like his brothers. He will learn and the
hard way this time.


I thought I said I don’t want to see him but the

stupid organ I call a heart dragged me here. It’s
been two days already and he hasn’t woken up.
Is he having a conversion with God or what
because that’s the only thing that could explain
why his still not woken up. Seeing him attached
to machines brought back the tears I shoved in
the back of my eyes. I have cried to last me a
life time so I don’t know where are the tears
coming from. Sitting on the chair next to his
beg, I hold his hand and squeeze it lightly.

Me: Hey it’s me.

I bit my lip, swallowing the lamp stuck in my

throat. I refuse to cry.

Me: I don’t know if you can hear me or what but

if you can just wake uo already. The hospital
bed doesn’t loon sexy on you.

I giggle at my stupid with tears blurring my

vision.I make a mental note to bring flowers
next time. My mind has been working overtime
and I forgot about that.

Me: There’s a lot I need to tell you and one of

them is that we are expecting. I’m rooting for a
boy and I know you will agree with me on this
one. My sister wanted me to do an ultra sound
to determine how far along am I but I refused
because I didn’t want you to be left behind.

I suck a deep breath and lean back on the chair.

Me: You can’t die on me after making me

pregnant. I swear Meli I’ll pull your body from
that coffin and chop off your dick.

I threatened closing my eyes. I haven’t slept a

wake yesterday. I tossed and turn the whole
night ,waiting for the sun to rise. The first thing I
did when the sun come out was make the bed
and jump into the showers. My destination was
the hospital and my sister was not surprised to
see me here when she was doing her rounds in
the morning. She brought me breakfast as said
she knew she will find me here.

The door of the room flies open startling me. I

creak my eyes open and nearly bit her head off.
What the hell is she doing here?

Mandy: Hey.

I glare at her. I’m not in the mood to deal with

her bullshit today after the bomb she dropped
on me yesterday.

Me: What are you doing here?

Mandy: I just came to check on my baby daddy.

I close my eyes and do the breathing exercises.
In and out. In and out, Rene. It’s too early to be
dealing with the devil. Flipping my eyes open I

Me: As you can see his okay, now leave.

Before she could respond a light squeeze on my

hand makes me drop my eyes to intertwined

Me: Meli? Meli can you hear me?

He opens his eyes and blinked rapidly. My lips

quiver while tears fill my eyes.

Meli: (smiling) Hey.

His voice sounds like it’s protected. I didn’t
know I was longing to hear that.

Me: Don’t speak. I'll call the doctor for you.

He lightly shakes his head.

Meli: She can’t be pregnant with my baby.

Say what now? Wasn’t he suppose to be with

the dead and not listen to our conversions? And
how long has he been awake?

Mandy: What do you mean I can’t be pregnant

with you baby?
Meli: I had a vasectomy done.

Us: What?

Shock doesn’t even describe what I’m feeling

right now. If he had a vasectomy what made me
pregnant? The holy ghost?

Mandy: You’re lying.

She protest.

Me: How far are you?

Mandy: I don’t know. I haven’t seen my periods

this month.
Is she being for real right now? I want to drive to
the wall for causing me to have breakdown like

Me: How sure are you that you're pregnant?

I muttered through gritted teeth.

Mandy: I don’t know.

The doctor walks in. I’m praying to whoever is

listening to my prayers that she’s not pregnant.
I can’t be dealing with her again.

Doctor: How is my patient doing today?

Me: Doctor is it possible to do a pregnancy test?
We want to clear out some confusions before
we move along.

Doctor: Sure just follow me.

I glare at Amanda. She walks out with the

doctor, leaving us in silence. Call me evil but I
don’t want the test to come back positive.

Meli: You have nothing to worry about.

I ignore him and start to pace up and down. I

don’t know how will I handle her carrying his
baby. I could already see the drama she will
come with. The doctor comes back after what
feels like a long time with Amanda behind her.
Me: (panicking) So?

Doctor: The results are back and they are


Mandy: No!

She shook her head staggering.

Mandy: No, no, this can’t be happening.

She jumps up and down like a frog running

away from salt.

Mandy: Damn you Melisizwe. Damn you.

The man besides me lips slowly curve into a
smirk. I sharply glare at him. He removes the
oxygen mask on grunts.

Meli: Imagine having a crazy baby mama like

you. I'll probably hang myself.

I glare at him.

Meli: Don’t hate the player baby, hate them


He winks at me. How I so want to slap that

smirk off his face.

Mandy: (screaming) This is far from over. This

is far from over.
Doctor: Lady you’re disturbing my patients
peace. I'll ask you to leave.

She storms out of the room. I smirk. Oh it is

over baby girl. I’m mentally doing our signature
happy dance. I don’t have to deal with her and
her drama.

Doctor: Oh that was intense. How are you


Meli: My back hurts a little. I think the

antibiotics you gave me just numbed the pain.I
can't feel anything right now.

Me: You’ve been awake this whole time?

I bellowed in pissed.

Doctor: He woke up last night.

I chuckles in disbelief and lower myself on the

chair beside him. I’m done with him.

Meli: Doctor my wife is pregnant and I had a

vasectomy. How is that possible?

If I was not mad at him I would be comforting

his ugly ass but I’m mad as hell. He will twist
and turn his facial expression until kingdom

Doctor: The chances of a pregnancy are rare

but it is possible. Sperm can live in your vas
deferens for months after your doctor severs
them, which means you have a chance to
impregnate your partner.

I know I understand English very well. Hell I

passed that subject with a distinction so she’s
talking Greek.

Meli: Elaborate doctor.

Doctor: During a vasectomy, your doctor cuts or

blocks the tubes, called the vas deferens, which
carry sperm from your testes to your penis. In a
vasectomy reversal, your doctor has to rejoin
these tubes back together so that sperm can
reach the semen you ejaculate during orgasm.
Meli: Can they be reversed?

Doctor: This is can be done using one of two

methods. The first is through vasovasostomy,
where your doctor sews the ends of the vas
deferens from the testes to the penis back
together The second method is
vasoepididymostomy. Here, the doctor attaches
the vas deferens to the small organ at the back
of each testicle that holds sperm. It’s far more
difficult than a vasovasostomy. Your doctor
may only choose this method if you can’t have a
vasovasostomy or if they don’t think it will work.
Vasectomy reversals are performed in a
hospital or clinic. You’ll be given anesthesia so
you’re not awake and don’t feel anything during
the procedure. It usually takes about 2 to 4
hours, and you usually go home the same day.
Recovery takes about 2 weeks. Vasectomies
can be reversed a number of times. But the
success rate may decrease with each reversal.

She breathes out.

Doctor: If you have a vasovasostomy, it could

take 6 to 12 months before sperm return. And if
you had a vasoepididymostomy, it may take
even longer than a year for sperm to appear in
your semen. Once your sperm comes back,
your chances to conceive could go up, too. But
the success of your vasectomy reversal surgery
will depend on many things, including the type
of surgery you originally had, and if there are
any other factors keeping you and your partner
from getting pregnant.

I think I’m running out of data bundles to

download her English. My head is spinning with
her Oxford words. I can’t understand a word she

Doctor: In simple terms your procedure didn’t

work. Your doctor didn’t permanently shut down
your sperms. Congratulations your case is a
very rare one.

She smiled and tuned on her heels making her

way out of the room.

Meli: I love you.

My heart pounds in my ribcage.

Me: What?

Meli: I love you so much.

I’m not going to cry. I’m not going to cry. I chant
in my head blinking rapidly. It’s one thing for a
man to be terrorial about you but when he
declares his love it becomes another thing.

Me: (smiling) I love you too.

Meli: I love you so much MakaMircacle.

Oh hell no! No child of mine will be called that.

His stupid ass shouldn’t have woken up from
the dead.

Toxic Attraction




My phone chimes on top of me. I groan and

pick it up. Looking at the caller ID, it's an
unknown number. I should have let Rene keep it.
I hate picking up calls from numbers that are
not on my contact list.

Me: Hello?

Voice: We are at the airport.

My eyebrows furrow. I remove the phone from
my ear and look at the number properly.

Me: Lydia?

Lydia: Who did you expect? When I said I’m

going rogue I didn’t mean go MIA on me.

I chuckle.

Me: Oh my goodness is Lydia missing me?

I tease stifling the laughter threatening to
escape my lips.

Lydia: Of course I do. How can I not miss my

husband. Damn it’s been months hubby and I’m
losing my mind.

She teases back. I burst into fit of laughter. I

hear Marco doing the same on the background.

Me: You’re really here?

Lydia: You bet your ass we are. We decided to

bring Spain to you since you don’t want to come
back home.

Me: Oh the love of my life, you’re such a darling.

She snorts on the end of the line.

Lydia: Don’t get girly on me and send that damn

She hangs up after that. I chuckle shaking my
head and send her the location and the room
number. A smile graces my lips as they walk in
three hours later. Mateo runs to me.

Mateo: Uncle Anthony.

Me: Hey buddy.

Lydia: When I gave you the green light to come

back here I didn’t include you being in the

She scolds fixing the pillows behind me. I

snicker.Mateo takes out his tablet and makes
himself comfortable on the couch far away
from us.
Me: I know mother but shit happened and I
found myself here.

I sarcastically muttered. Marco bit his lips to

stifle his laugh. She shifts her eyes to him and
glares at him. He innocently smiles at her and
kiss her cheek. I laugh.

Marco: Such a bully woman.

Me: I know the feeling. I have my own bully and

she keeps me on my toes.

Lydia’s eyes widen.

Lydia: I knew it. Only a woman can put you in a


I playfully roll my eyes.

Me: If you must know it’s not my wife but the

coward I call a brother.

Them: (shocked) Your what?

They muttered in unison.

Lydia: Back up a minute. When did that happen

and what the fuck is going on.

I heavily sigh and narrate everything to them.

By the time I’m done narrating their jaws are on
the floor.
Me: You can close your mouth right now.

Marco: I guess this is the part where we say


Before I could reply the sound of clearing throat

shifts our eyes to the door. I smile like a retard
when my eyes locks with hers.

Rene: I didn’t know you have visitors. I could

came back later.

Me: Nonsense baby come in.

I could feel Lydia’s eyes piercing through my

skin but I ignore her and keep them locked with
hers. She blushes and cast her eyes on the floor
as she walks in.

Rene: Hello.

She shyly muttered. I smirk arching my eyebrow.

Since when is she shy. I’m so going to tease her
about that.

Lydia: Hi.

Me: Where’s my kiss?

Her eyes popped out of their sockets.

Rene: Ain’t you suppose to do the introductions

first before we do any PDA in front of them?And
beside there’s a child.

She muttered through gritted teeth, maintain

the smile.

Me: So what? It’s not like they don’t know it.

Give me a kiss first and I’ll introduce you later.

I shift my eyes to Mateo.

Me: Close your eyes buddy.

He giggles and closes his eyes with his hands.

Me: No peaking.
Mateo: (laughing) Okay.

She bends down and peck my lips.

Me: What’s that?

Rene: It’s a kiss you requested. Please don’t

annoy me more than I am because Miracle has
done that this morning.

Me: (frowning) Miracle? What did the poor baby


Rene: The poor baby decide to give me

insomnia. I’ve been up since 3am.

I laugh. Only my spitfire can blame an innocent

baby for her insomnia. Its not even a week we
heard we are expecting.

Me: Babe they are my best friends. The

Hernández family. Lydia, Marco and that champ
over there is Mateo their son.

I shift my eyes to my friends.

Me: Family meet the two additional member of

our family. My wife Rene and our baby.

Lydia screams jumping up and down, squashing

Rene in a bone crushing hug while Marco
punches the air. I think Lydia is rubbing off on
Marco: That’s my boy. Congratulations man.

I chuckle.

Me: Lydia that’s enough. You’re crushing them.

Lydia: (giggling) I’m sorry. I’m just so excited

and I can’t help you. Oh my goodness I can’t
wait to corrupt you.

She muttered pinching Rene's cheeks. Oh my

poor baby is in it for a ride of her life time with
Lydia. If she only knew that she doesn’t need to
be corrupted because she’s already corrupt.

The Hernández family left hours later to the

hotel. I gave them my hotel room keys because
I will be spending a lot of stuck in this bed and
the bill won’t stop just because I’m in hospital.

Rene: They are good people. I like them.

Me: Just wait until Lydia starts annoying you.

You can come and tell me that.

Rene: I think me and her will be best of friends.

I’ve could already see the disaster of a

friendship it will be. They will both influence
each other with bullshit nothing more.

Me: Enough about them. Uncle Themba was

here yesterday and guess what.
Rene: His begging you to drop the charges right?

Me: Yes. Apparently he had a stroke after he

had a seizure.

Rene: His not the first person to go to jail while

sick. They should stop whining because he will
be fine.

Me: I said the same thing but-

She interrupts me protesting.

Rene: I don’t want to hear it. You nearly died

because of that wizard.

I laugh. She glares at me. I stifle my laughter.

Me: But baby we have to consider all angles.
Nka is vulnerable right now and we have to take
advantage of that. He owes you and we will be
taking what’s due to you.

Her lips curve into smirk. I think I created a



Walking inside his room, this is not what I was

expecting. The tears I’ve shed because of him is
what put him in this position right now. His left
side looks crippled, his head is lopsided and his
mouth as well. His right hand is cuffed to the
bed. Where did he think he will end up?
Me: Can you talk?

Nka: Y-

He gulps his saliva and flash me a smile. I don’t

want his smile. This stroke should have taken
his voice also.

Nka: (wheezing) You look beautiful.

Me: All thanks to my man. You know how good

his treating me. Sometimes I asked myself if
I’m not dream, if it a dream I don’t want to wake
up from it and face my reality that is you.

I brag smiling at him innocently. Tears filled his

eyes. He must never.
Me: Why are you crying?

Nka: I lost you to him.

He manages to say even though it’s difficult. I

have to crane my ear close to his mouth to hear
what he says.

Me: This was not a bet or a competition where

on loses or wins. You had your fair chance and
he also had his and you decided to play with
yours. So if you want someone to blame pick up
a mirror and look back at the reflection staring
at you and you will find your answer.

I breathe out in anger while my chest heavier up

and down. I’m not going to give him the power
to piss me off. I pinch my bridge nose counting

Me: I’m here to offer you a deal.

Nka: What kind of deal?

If someone have told me years back I’ll be

standing here and patiently waiting for him to
finish his sentences when he speaks I would
have called that person bluffing.

Me: A deal of a life time. My husband want to

drop the charges against you.

Nka: What’s the catch?

Me: Your freedom in exchange of everything
you own. Your house, money, company, cars etc.

Tears stream down his cheeks. Hubby did say

there’s nothing that kills a man than being

Nka: There must be something else. Please

Sthando.I love you and can still make you happy.

He must never! I have never hated a name like

that one. It used to be music to my ears but
now I loathe it.He just loves the idea of having
me around so he must not confuse it with love.

Me: Don’t call me that.

I spat, snapping at him. How dare he?

Nka: Where will I go?

Me: Don’t make your problem mine. So what’s it

going to be?

He cries louder and guess what? I’m not fazed

by his tears. That’s salt water not blood. I have
them too and if I decide to cry right now he
won’t know what to do.

Me: Are you done now?

Nka: (pleading) Please Rene. Have a heart.

I throw my head back roaring in laughter. He

seems to forget his the one who turned this
heart evil.

Me: You made me like this, so deal with it.

I click my tongue.

Me: What’s it going to be?

He cries and cries and cries.

Me: I’ve got all the time in the world so when

you’re done just let me know.

I muttered making myself comfortable on the

seat next to him. He made me this evil.


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Toxic Attraction




I’ve been sitting in this same position since this
morning and nobody has bothered to check up
on me. I don’t know where Amanda is. I can’t
count on my sister because I know she doesn’t
give a shit about me. After losing everything to
my brother I moved back home with my sister
because I didn’t want to bother my parents;
after all my father and I don’t see eye to eye
since my brother pitched up from nowhere. He
must took him years to plan such revenge. The
man wiped me clean and I don’t a cent next to
my name. I’m depending on Yolanda whose
complaining about that each chance she gets. I
don’t understand her because when I still had
money she complained about everything under
the sun and I had to cough out money when she
needed it but know it’s my turn she doesn’t
return the favour. I have been infuriated in my
life. Being stuck in a wheelchair and depending
on people is the most thing that depresses and
kills me. Yolanda has a habit of locking the
cardboards someday and I know on those day
Amanda and I will starve until she decides to
have mercy us but not before she tells us how
expense food is. I damn know her monthly
expenses because I was maintain her for every
shitty bill she had. It really shows that she only
loved me when I had money since now I’m
broke and out she doesn’t give a shit.

Honestly speaking there are days where I miss

Rene. I know I lost her for good but a man can
only dream. I cried when I saw cradling her belly
on the day of the cleansing ceremony. That
could have been my baby in there but I had to
mess it up. She looked so beautiful and happy.
My brother couldn’t keep his hands on himself
and she also did the same. It left a bitter taste
in my mouth. The pill was too big for me to
swallow. They were really happy and in love. I
was hoping he would mess and she would run
back to me but they are like tooth nail, you can’t
separate them. A fair chance was all I was
begging for but the woman didn’t even spare
me a glimpse. My brother was hovering all over
her like a bad rush and I don’t like it one bit. He
had the audacity to kiss her in front of me and
moan. It shows how insecure he is and how
control he is. I bet his the type that controls her
on what she eats and what she wears. That
happiness they were portraying has to be fake.
The elders might have bought it but I didn’t. I’m
sure behind close door he beats the hell out of
her and she’s too scared to live that relationship.
There’s no way in hell they are madly in love
with each other. Rene is in love with me and
trying to spite me using my older brother and I’ll
forgive her for that. I'll forgive everything she
ever did and put it behind us so we can move on.
We both love each other and I’m only realising it
now. My love for Amanda ended when she lied
to me. Her betrayal is too deep and I can’t look
past it. I don’t know why she’s still with me
because I don’t love her. I have made it clear
many times but it doesn’t sink in on her yet.

Yolanda walks in with her nose scrunched up. I

already know she will bite my head off but if I
was able to move on my own and do things for
myself like I used to do before the stroke I
would have long left.

Yolanda: No bhuti I can’t do this anymore.

You’re too old to be shitting on yourself. Don’t
you know where the bathroom is?

She yells poking my head. I swallow the lump in

my throat and blink rapidly to stop the tears
from falling.

Yolanda: I can’t be cleaning up my kids shit and

also do so to you. Umdala marn.

Tears stream down my cheeks and she

furiously push the wheelchair to the bathroom.
She fills the tub with water then roughly helps
me out of my clothes. She pushes me on the
tub and I fall face first, crying. The water is cold
and I’m angry at myself because I can’t do shit.
I’m at her mercy. My stomach decides it’s the
right time to grumble. I haven’t eaten since
morning and my intestines have been reminding
me that for a while now. There’s a cramp on my
stomach indicating hunger but my sister
doesn’t give a shit about that.

Yolanda: Bathe yourself and wash those clothes.

She muttered in disgust. She knows I can’t

move around and I need assistant to do so.

Yolanda: I wouldn’t blame Amanda if she left

you for someone better because you don’t
deserve her. She deserves someone in her
league and you ain’t.

With that she turns on her heels and makes her

way out the bathroom and slams the door
behind her. I burst into tears. Why can’t I die
once and for all because this is not a life I want
for myself. I can’t be burden to people for the
rest of my life.


I woke up earlier and bathed Nkanyiso and

made him food before I left. I don’t know why
am still with that man but blame it on the stupid
organ on my chest. I hate it for being deceitful
and stupid. If I was any woman I would have left
him but it’s funny that the love I have for him
erased any decision of leaving from my head.
His still my husband after all and I love him
even though he made it clear that he doesn’t
love me anymore. I understand I lied about
something so big like baby but his also to
blame. He has his fair share of lies and I can
count them for him, I’m scared he might faint or
much worse die. I’m broke and out so I won’t be
able to handle being a widow.
Wiping the sweat on my face, I stand under the
shade a take a huge breath. The sun is
scotching hot and I’m tired. I’ve been going door
to door looking for a job. I never thought one
day I would find myself in this position where I
had to beg someone for a job and beg my sister
in law food and money. My pillow is always wet
with tears that I shed every night. Yolanda is
impossible to live with and she makes it clear
that she doesn’t want us on her space. She
hides food, locks the cardboard, hide the
remotes and switch off the main switch
because electricity is expensive and since we
don’t contribute anything we abide to her rules. I
don’t when was the last time I sat down and eat
peacefully or watch tv peacefully. There was a
day where she took 2 eggs out of her room and
said I must share with her brother. I cried the
whole time making that food because I don’t
understand how can someone be so evil. If she
doesn’t me to eat then it’s fine the least she
could do is think for her brother whose sick. If
my former employees can see me right now
they would have a field about it. I lost about 12
pounds and if I continue living under her room I
might lose more.

Dragging my feet to the last house, I make my
way to the door and knock. Every house I
knocked on they all have the same answer that
they don’t have anything for me. There others
slammed the door on my face. The door creaks
open revealing a woman whose my age. I jump
straight to the opportunity of selling myself. I’ve
been doing that since morning and now it’s the
afternoon. If I don’t get anything I know Nka and
I will sleep hungry. I force a smile and mutter.

Me: Good day ma’am. My name is Amanda and

I’m looking for a job. I can do the laundry, the
dishes, wash your car, your pets or even
underwear’s. I’m not picky.

How the might have fallen. At this point I look

and sound desperate but I don’t care. I have to
fend for myself and that man whose stuck in a

Lady: Sorry sis but they already have someone.

My shoulders sag. A lump forms on my throat

while tears fill my eyes.
Me: Oh thank you.

Voice: Nomuzi whose at the door?

The voice sounds familiar. I might be losing my

mind but I know that voice anywhere.

Nomuzi: It’s someone looking for a job madam.

I already told her you have someone.

Voice: Oh! It’s a shame marn. Please let

her/him in so I could give her food. Some of
them are hungry and looking for their next meal.

Nomuzi opens the door wider for me. I slowly

walk inside and keep my hands on my pockets.
I don’t want to accidentally knock out
something because I wouldn’t know how to pay

Nomuzi: This way.

I follow close behind her looking at the beautiful

interior design. The woman has taste and has
my style. This is what I was hoping to have in
my own house but the devil I call Melisizwe
took that away from me. We make our way to
the kitchen and found a woman wiping the
counter. My heart thudded in my chest while my
armpits itch. Her back is facing us.

Voice: Where is she? I don’t have anything on

me right now but she/he can have the platter I
was about to eat.
She turns to us with a smile on her face but
quickly disappears when her eyes locked on
mine. The plate she had falls on the floor and
shutters into peace. Tears discard my eyes.

Me: Ma?

Nomuzi looks at me like I’ve grown two heads.

My mothers stumbles towards me and engulf
me in a bone crushing huge. The floods gates
open for me.


After the crying session we did on the kitchen

we moved to the lounge and I told her
everything. From how I lost my business to
Nkanyiso being crippled. She cried with me until
my eyes became dry. I have cried enough to last
me a whole year and I’m tired. I didn’t know life
will suddenly fuck me over like this.

Me: It’s getting late ma and I have to go.

Ma: Nonsense my baby. Stay for the night.

Me: I wish I can ma but I can’t. Nka needs me.

Ma: (sighing) Promise me you will visit soon.

Me: I will.

Ma: Just don’t make a promise you will break,

Amanda. I get so lonely sometimes.
I frown. I know I’m the only child but she has my

Me: Lonely? Where is dad?

Ma: He passed away a few years ago. That’s

why I moved from our old house. Each corner
reminded me him.

She sadly muttered. My heart drops to the pit of

my stomach. God when I thought I was finally
having my big break after a nightmare of a year
I had to hear this.

Me: No ma please tell me you’re lying.

Ma: I’m sorry sisi but it’s the truth. You
distanced yourself from us so I didn’t know
which oary of the country where you in. I'll sleep
better at night knowing you’re still alive. I've
been praying for someone to knock at my
doorstep, bringing your body back home. I
wouldn’t care if you came in a coffin because
you’re my daughter. I would have taken you
baby back ngoba awukho umgqomo wokulahla
ingane yakho. { There's no bin to throw your

I harshly bite my lip to suppress the sob

threatening to escape my mouth.

Me: I’m sorry for making you feel like that.

She weakly smile at me shaking her head.

Ma: You chose what made you happy.

I jump to my feet and make my way to the door

after our conversion. I know if I stay here that
man might die without me. Yolanda doesn’t give
a damn about him and his my responsible right
now. My mom didn’t want me to leave and I
also didn’t want to do so but Nka had only me
right now. I promised her that I’ll visit. Heck I’m
even thinking of moving with her. She’s much
better than the wicked witch of the west.
Arriving at home around 4pm, I found Yolanda
sitting under a tree with her friend.

Yolanda: Please clean up his shit. I couldn’t do it.

I ignore her and make my way inside at they

laugh behind me. My eyebrows knit when I don’t
find him in the bedroom. I rush back outside

Me: Where is Nka?

Yolanda: Left him in the bathroom.

She muttered dismissively and turn back to her

friend. I march to the bathroom and yank the
door open. I freeze seeing him on the tub.

Me: (screaming) Yolanda how can you leave

him like this?

I drag my feet to the tub and pull him out. His

body is heavy as I place him on the floor. Tears
stream down my cheek as I do CPR and mouth
to mouth. His pulse is faint. He can’t die on me.
I’m not ready to be broke widow.

Me: Don’t do this to me Nkanyiso.

I pump his chest again panicking but he doesn’t

respond. Just as I lose all faith he starts
coughing. I silently pray and thank whoever
saved him. He looks at me and burst into tears.
I embrace him and cry with him. This is what
we’ve become. Hobos. I don't know how will my
mother feel if I show up with him on her
doorstep but after today we are moving out. I
can't trust Yolanda with him.

Toxic Attraction




I don’t know how many times I’ve watched this

video but it doesn’t bore me. I’m still trying to
digest that an ant like me bullied a whole
elephant to marry me. I mean it doesn’t make
sense. He was not that drunk that night but he
did everything I said without any hesitation. I’ve
seen him drunk a couple of times and I must
say he becomes someone else. His just melts
like cheese and becomes soft like a
marshmallow. I always tease him about that
and he hates it. He becomes so mad to the
point of sleeping on the guest bedroom. I
thought I was the drama queen in this marriage
but I think I married a drama king. His sensitive
to some things and I’ve taught myself to let
them go. His just that type who wants to tease
others but doesn’t want to be teased back. Sigh!
There things we get ourselves into but above all
I love him. With his naughtiness and everything.
I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

His rubbing my scalp softly and I’m starting to

doze off. We are sitting in front of the TV
watching the video of our “so called wedding”.
His sitting on the couch while I sit on the carpet
with Rare in between my thighs, sleeping.

Meli: I did say you’re bully.

I smile rolling my eyes.

Me: I know once you start saying something I

won’t hear the end of it.

He chuckles and continues rubbing my scalp.

Meli: When we land back home we have to

introduce Manqoba to his ancestors.

We are in Spain in our home and I must say I

love this house more than anything. I’ve already
did renovations to accommodate all of us. The
house was screaming bachelor from afar and
that needed to change. After he was discharged
from the hospital we took a vacation and we
have been here since. My sister is dying to see
nephew in person and I’m also dying to see my
niece. Mosa gave birth to a baby girl and she’s
still much living with our parents.

Me: Whose Manqoba?

His body vibrates as he chuckles.

Meli: Whose in between your thighs right now.?

I drop my eyes to my thighs and giggle.

Me: You know my situation.

I’m the worst mother in all history of mothers.

After finding out we were expecting and he
came with the name Miracle, I also came with
mine. Rare and Magic and that sometimes
makes me forgot his real name. His father
named him Manqoba and I call him with any
name that first comes to mind. They just grew
on me while I was pregnant and I was tempted
to add them on his birth certificate.

Me: I think that’s a great idea.

I sigh and place my head between his thighs.

Me: Honestly speaking I’m not ready to go back.

I give him my poppy dog eyes, pouting. He
bends down and pecks my lips. I’ve became a
spoilt brat and it’s all his fault. Whatever I need
he just gives me without any except but I know
when he puts his foot down he becomes my

Meli: If it’s up to you we would stay her but we

have to take that flight the day after tomorrow.
Keitu worked hard to make that wedding to be
what you want and we can’t just disappoint her
by not showing up.

Before I could reply my phone chimes next to

him. He hands me and stood to his feet. He
takes his son on the floor and they disappear on
the corridors. I roll my eyes answering the call.
His just running away from arguing with me
about the last preparations of the wedding.
Me: Hey sis.

Keitu: Am I the only one excited about your


She cheerfully muttered on the end of the line.

Me: I’m just excited as you. Meli and I had a

fight recently about the list I sent you. He says
he wants something small and intimate while I
want something big. I’m only doing this once sis
and I feel like I need to make it memorable.

Keitu: I understand what you’re saying but it’s

not only your wedding.
I heavily sigh, rubbing my temples. This is what
he exactly said but I can’t help it. I only live once
and if I might die today or tomorrow I want to
die knowing I had the best wedding. Something
I will remember even in my after life, if we have
thoughts in there.

Me: He said the same thing but we came to an

agreement. His compromising the white
wedding for me because apparently its my
wedding and I have to compromise the
traditional wedding for him. He said I can make
it as big as I want but I have no say in the
traditional wedding because that would be his
wedding not the white wedding shit.

I mumble mimicking his voice. She giggles on

the end of the line.
Keitu: You know I sometimes wish I could be a
fly so I can see how you two are alone. Meli is
the male version of you and you’re the female
version of him. They say opposite attracts each
other but in this case it’s not.

I giggle

Me: We are not like your normal couple.

Keitu: (amused) I picked that up the first day I

saw him.

Me: Enough about that. So did you send the

invitation and how many have responded to it.

Keitu: So far we have thirty four who RSVP.

Me: What are they saying?

Keitu: All of them?

Me: Yes I want to know whose coming and

whose not.

Keitu: Okay hold on.

I hear shuffling on the background indicating

she’s busy with something.

Keitu: Okay. The two are saying the same thing.

1.Rosetta Rose: Rene ore chella eye

drop kara bev akem tshephi 😭💔🤣🤣
2.Mbela Cezula: I’m most definitely
there will bring eye drops just incase..
Lol☺ 🎉🎉
Me: They sound dangerous. Tell the security to
search everyone who comes to the wedding. I
don’t want people to be out before I can say my

3.Pista Mtyeku: Umyiyizelooo

endizomenza aphoooo ninani
🤸🏼 🤭🤸🏼 ♀ 🤸🏼
ningandinqandiiii….. ♀
♀ 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Me: Add to the list chillies, halls and strepsils.
Her voice will be hoarse after she’s done that.
4.Aviwe Kum Nyamakazi say: I Will Be
5.Nontokozo Ngobese: I will be there 🥳
6.Boitumelo Gogo Nkanyezi Taaibosch:
I am there no doubt 💃💃💃💃💃
I hum.

7.Khomotso Maredi: Plus nna I’m the

matron of honour shame.

Me: There’s only one matron and that’s you.

Kindly tell her she can’t be one and remind her
to bring a present.

8.Yamkela Mafunditya: I will be doing

phuliqolo; don’t know how to dance 🥴🥴😂😂
9.Kgauhelo Ramorena: I be waddling like a
penguin in heels 😄😄 so I’m definitely making it
to the wedding. And I can only do tsipa tsipa.......
I will borrow someone else’s phone

10.Njabulo Ma Veda: 💃💃💃💃ngwazi

here I come.

11.Zinziswa Maramnco: Im coming I can

do tsipa tsipa nomlando kuzoshuba 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
12.Tiisetso Queen Monyeki: I will be
there 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
13.Slindoor Kuhleer Pretty: I’m going
to do tsipa-tsipa even though I have a flat
ass😌🤣 pity me because I’m using Hisense

I throw my head back laughing.

14.Kandis Mokete:
😂😂😂😂😂😂👐 aiyoh

15.Zamaswazi Pamela: UMAKOTI


16.Omolemo Patience Mabitsi: I will be

@12:59 on the dot 🤞🤞
17. Lwanele Mamdumane Ntoni: I’m there.
And I comply with the rules my dear

18.Takie Waka Gumede: 💃💃💃🍾🥂

19.Jeanette Shelton: I will be there. I will
follow the rules.

20.Asanda Ngcobo: I am definitely coming.

21.Nkonoane: I can only do vuma, so I’m

definitely coming.

22.Nokwazi Mkhize: Ngiphakathi.

23.C'nqobile Ngobese: I will be there

mtakabawo 😂❤ ngbuya nase salon.

Me: Tell them they’re excused from bringing


Keitu: Noted! Can I continue?

Me: Yes.

24.Nanah Beata Nomaswazie Mlaba:

Mayeee can’t wait we guys 💃💃💃 sizobe
siphakathi sishaya ivosho.
Me: Make sure she stays rooted on her seat.
We don’t want a trip to the hospital.

She laughs.

Keitu:: You’re one hell of a demanding bride.

Me: Ain’t all brides like that?

Keitu: From what I’ve seen you’re the worst.

Bridezilla is you.

I snort rolling my eyes.

Me: Did you read them all?

Keitu: I've got a few more to go.

Me: Okay shoot.

I leap up to my feet and make my way to the

kitchen. Opening the fridge I take out a bottle of
water and lean on the counter. I open the cap
and take a sip.

25.Ntoza Mlindeni Dipholo: This is

madness 🤞🤣🤣🤣🤣
26.Lucia Tselane: Haii ngeke guys don’t
go through the corners tell us if you don’t want
us at your wedding 😂
27.Gina Rose Rose: Clearly you don’t
want people on your wedding but don’t worry I
will be there.

Me: Make sure the security have their pictures.

They are not attending after those comments.

28.Given Tear: Front row sit is mine next to

keitumetse 😂😂
29.Awethu Mene: plz save me a front row
sit am there❤😂💃
Me: Find them a seat at the back because front
row is for my enemies.

Keitu: (laughing) You’re dramatic sis.

Me: I’m not.

I protest closing the cap of the bottle and place

it on top of the counter.

30.Pea Pyle: My Addy and drama? 🖇🖇🖇

31.Nokwazi Mkhize: Aibo d might
Nkanyiso is down dn’t blv it.

Me: Let them join the group of those who are

not coming.

Her laughter boomed on the end of the line.

32.Ladytsg Tshego: Are we inviting
Skhumba or Celeste also coz that’s our bride’s

33.Tangy Dumakude: Is Top Billing gonna

be there? And who are we killing with the dress?
Is it Amanda or Nkanyiso 🤨🤔
I’m definitely bringing my Huawei

34.Sandra McDonald: Hayibo, what’s

wrong with heels? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m going to bring the crew from “our
perfect wedding”, it needs to be on TV so
Mandy, Nka, Rene’s parents and anyone else
that is an enemy can watch 😌
Me: Add three more chairs for them on your
table. They just gave me idea that I didn’t think
about. Book an artist that will sing when I walk
down the aisle and call the press. I want every
magazine there. The front page should be
wedding of the century and that will catch
people’s eyes.

She groans on the end of the line.

Keitu: Is that necessary?

Me: It’s my wedding sis so of course it’s


Keitu: Can this wedding end already? By the

time the preparations are over I swear my hair
would have turned grey.

She mumbles something under her breath. I


Me: I promise sis when everything is done I’ll

pay for your expenses. You can choose any
province or even a country.I'll pay for your

Keitu: You better because I haven’t slept a wink

this week. Between juggling my job and
planning your wedding it’s tiring.

She breathes out. Now I feel so bad for

dumping everything on her shoulder.
Me: I appreciate you sis and I love you. Thank
you for being in my life.

Keitu: And I love you too. Before we can get

emotional can we finalise everything because I
need to make few changes. Let me read the last

35.Innocancia Mamakamo Stuurman:

Bathong kgale re emetse Banyadi le make-up
wa senyega 🚮😂😂😂
I bend down clutching my stomach, laughing.

Me: If she only knew we ain’t even in the same

country as her. Apologise on my behalf on her
and tell her she can be 30min late just to fix her
We burst into fit of laughter. Hands wrapping
around my waist ceases my laughter.

Meli: Awuqedi?

He murmurs planting a kiss on my neck. I tilt

my head to the side to give him more access.
His hands rubs my stomach before he slips his
hand inside my shorts. I place the call on hold.

Me: A few more minutes baby and I will be all

yours after that.

Meli: Once you two start talking you never finish.

I giggle and playfully push him with my butt.

Me: Let me say goodbye to her then.

I remove the call on hold.

Keitu: Why was I on hold?

Me: I was attending to Rare. He was crying.

Keitu: Oh I can’t wait to meet that little


I smile.

Keitu: Guess whose the last person to RSVP?

Me: Who?

Keitu: Rea.

My eyebrows creases.

Me: Which Rea?

Keitu: How many Rea's do you know?

Me: There are many.

She scoffs.

Keitu: I’m taking about Rea. As like Reabetswe,

my twin sister and your sister.
Me: (shocked) Shut the front door! Are you sure
it’s her?

Keitu: I know my twin, Rene and-

The phone is snatched out of my grip before I

could hear more. He disconnects the call and
bends me further in the counter. Pulling the
shorts out, he parts my legs and he thrust in.
My eyes widen. Haibo, his been naked all along?
His brain is on his feet because there’s baby
and he can’t find out his parents are pornstars.

Meli: That phone needs to be thrown out of the


He muttered thrusting in and out. His strokes

are too fast and I can’t get his rhythm. I arch my
butt more and moan.


Meli: (smirking) Need a hand?

I’ve been lying on the floor since our session.

I’m too tired to stand up or even use my brain. I
need someone to think for me.

Meli: Oh well I guess I won’t show you that

surprise I was talking about earlier.

He shrugs, tying the strings of his shorts then

turn on his heels. I drag my body and jump to
my feet.

Me: I’m up baby.

He laughs.

Meli: I knew that will do the trick.

He picks up my top and blindfolds me.

Me: Where are we going?

He smacks his lips shut and continues to guide

me to my doom. My ears pick up the sound of a
door opening.
Me: Where are we?

Meli: Patience is virtue baby.

I roll my eyes resisting the urge to remove this


Meli: Ready?

I breathe out nodding. He removes the top and

my jaw drops to the floor.

Meli: You've been eyeing my car for a while now

and I thought I should get you yours.

Me: Somebody pinch me please.

He chuckles and pinches me. I scream jumping
to his arms. He staggers losing his foot before
he laughs and holds me tight.

Meli: You like it?

Me: I love it baby. Thank you so much.

I jump off him and run to the car. Opening the

door I slip and a feel the leather seats on my
butt. Who would have thought I would own a G-
Wagon some day?

Me: (smiling) I think I’m going to sleep in here.

Meli: Don’t even think about it because I will

take those keys and you will never get the
chance to drive it.

He threatens opening the door and helps me

out. I smash my lips in his and pull him closer.

Me: I love you.

Meli: I love you too.

I smile and pull him by his hand back inside. He

will just have to sleep alone tonight because I’m
sleeping on that car.


It’s late at night when the baby monitor goes off.

Me: Sleep I got hi-

I murmur patting her side of the bed and frown

when I find it empty.

Me: Babe?

I jump off the bed and stumbled to the

bathroom. Yanking the door open, I find it
empty. Manqoba cries louder on the monitor. I
walk out of the room and make my way to his
room. The foul smell of his nappy is the first
thing my nose get a whiff of. I chuckle. Who
relieves themselves at night?

Me: Daddy is here, boy.

I pick his nappy and change him. After I’m done
I pick him up and make my way to the kitchen
to throw the nappy. I make a mental note to
take out the trash in the morning. The light
coming from the garage makes me turn on my
heels and make my way there to investigate. My
eyebrows creases. Everything seems fine so
why are the lights on? I hum and make my way
back inside.

Me: Baby? Rene?

Silence. I walk room to room looking for her and

I come empty handed. I shift my eyes to my son
and chuckle.

Me: Don’t tell me that crazy woman slept in her

car, boy.

I shake my head and padded back to the garage.

Yanking the door of her car open, I find her
snoring lightly while the seat is pulling
backwards. No wonder I didn’t see her before. A
smirk graces my lips as a thought comes to
mind. I open the backseat and place Manqoba
before I can continue with what I have in mind.
I’m crossing my fingers Manqoba doesn’t cry
and wake his mother up. The garage door takes
longer to open and I’m sweating a storm. Rene
is a heavy sleeper so I know the door won’t
wake her up. I’m tiptoeing like a thief as I place
her feet on the brakes and her hand on the gear
after I pushed it to gear mode. I slowly close the
door after picking my son and watch as the car
reverses out of the garage. I hide behidnd the
boxes just incase she needs to be saved but I
doubt it will lead to that because the gate is
very far from the garage so I’m not worried
about her crashing the car. She screams after a
while. That’s my cue.

Me: Took you long enough.

I murmur striding upstairs. Laying on the bed, I

close my eyes and place my boy on top of my
chest. Footsteps approaching the bedroom
makes me creaks my eyes open. She throws
the door open. Behold incomes a shaken Rene.

Me: Are you okay?

I’m trying by all means to hold the laughter

bubbling in my throat. She shakes her head and
start to pace up and down.
Rene: I swear my hands where not anywhere
near the gear. I was lucky I was fast enough to
hit the brakes.

She throws her hands in the air dramatically.

Me: What are you talking about baby?

I murmur stifle my laughter. She’s really shaken

shame but at this point she needed to learn a

Rene: I was sleeping in the car and out of

nowhere it just reversed itself.

Keeping a straight face, I mutter.

Me: You’re slept in the car?

She freezes on her steps and turn to me with

her eyes bugle out.

Rene: Yes. I mean no. Wait..Did I say that?

Toxic Attraction




The day everyone has been waiting for has

finally arrived. The couple landed back on the
home land yesterday and they haven’t had time
for themselves. As soon the flight touched the
ground they know their bubble was broken. The
time they had for each other was no longer their
own. KZN was their first stop to introduce
Manqoba to his ancestors. His parents were
happy to see them but the feeling was not
mutual on the new parents. They were there
because they had to do right by their child not
to be buddies with them. They didn’t even
mention Nkanyiso on their presence and they
also didn’t bother to ask. Meli had everything
and he somehow hoped to his brother before
they tied the knot. He was willing to bury the
hatched because hating on him was not worth it
anymore. He cleaned him up and that was
revenge enough for him. They won’t be what
they used to be before Amanda came along
over night but he had to try. They had to learn to
be patient with each and build up the trust and
loyalty they lost over the years for one another.
The little ceremony was a success and they left
immediately. No they couldn’t stay because
Keitu would have killed them. Their arrival in
Jo’burg meant that the bride had to go through
the decor and all other necessity they need just
to make sure everything was on point and up to
her standard. She was happy with everything
and she couldn’t stop singing praises to her
sister for pulling such task. The woman did a
phenomenal job on her own, better than any
wedding planner could have done. Her sister
knew her style, taste and preferences and she
included that in her planning. Indeed it was her
dream wedding and she couldn’t wait to walk
down the aisle.

The surprise bachelorrete was not something

she expected. Her sister went all out to make
her day special and she was asking herself
what would she done if it wasn’t for her.
00:00pm striked and they called it a day. The
had a big day along the and it would cause a
stare should the bride come to her own
wedding exhausted from the festivities. And
now it was just around 5am when her phone
chimed. She fish it out under the pillow and
smiled seeing the caller ID.

Rene: Mr MaK.

He chuckled on the end of the line.

Meli: Mrs MaK why do you sound like you’re


She laid on her stomach and kicked her feet in

the air.
Rene: I’m just to excited to sleep. How was the

Meli: It was epic. Marco went all out on that. We

just came back now.

He murmured yawning. If it was up to him the

party would be still on full force right now but
mknowing the woman she’s married to, he had
to shut it down and let his body relax. Jet leg
and jet fatigue were playing their role on his
body. He hasn’t slept since they arrived and his
sure his wife too was tired.

Rene: Now? Have you seen the time?

Meli: It’s 5 past 5 baby and I promise I will be up

and ready before 10am.
Rene: You better mister or else I’ll skin alive.

He laughed.

Meli: I trust you to do so.

Rene: Let me not keep you up because I need

you up and ready in there.

Meli: I’m always up and ready baby.

He huskily muttered. Rene bit her lip.

Rene: Are we ready now?

He drop his eyes to his sweats before slipping
his hand on the waistband of his boxers.

Meli: Yea.

His voice faded as he stroked himself. Rene

listened attentively and found herself imagining
what he was doing now. She laid on her back
and raised nigtdress up to her waist. She sank
her teeth on her bottom lip as she worked to
drop her underwear to her ankles while
balancing the phone with her shoulder. Raising
her knees up, she rubbed her bud. Meli’s breath
accumulated on the end of the line after hearing
a moan slipping out of her mouth.

Meli: Imagine me between your thighs and

working on that clit.
Rene panted, pinching her boobs.

Meli: My tongue swelling on that pussy, licking

all the juices your produced.

His eyes were closed shut as he muttered. Rene

moaned throwing her head back on the bed.
She opened her legs wider and finally sunk the
finger in her slit. Oh she loved hearing talking
dirty to her during sex.

Rene: Ahh..

She choked out a moan adding another digit in

her slit. Somehow the digits where not reaching
that part she wants like his fingers.
Meli: (husky voice) Yes baby let those moans

His thumb swiped off the precum on his tip

causing him to grunt. That sound alone was
music to Rene's ears. She picked up her pace,
vigorously plunging her fingers in and out. Meli
knew she was close so he also picked up his
pace. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as
she panted. Meli matched up her breath
working faster so he can cum with her.

Meli: Cum baby.

She licks her lips rubbing her clit. Her legs

shook, she was so close to her climax.
Meli: Let it out baby.

He command on the end of the line panting.

Rene's chest heavier as she worked on herself.
She could feel her body letting loose to his
command. Loud footsteps sounded in the
corridor before her sister’s voice rang to her

Keitu: Rise and shine sleepy head.

She cheerfully muttered on the end of the door

before pushing it open.

Rene: Shit!

She rolled on the bed running away from her

preying eyes but ended on falling on the floor.

Meli: (grunting) I hate you sister right.

He muttered disconnecting the call. His eyes

lingered on his hardon that still much up and
ready for action.

Meli: Fuck!

He cussed under his breath and wobbled to the

ensuit to take a cold shower. Rene nodded on
the end of the line and removed her fingers on
her slit. She was so frustrated and cranky.
Doesn’t the woman know she disturbanced her
Keitu: Rene what are you doing on the floor?

Her footsteps approached where she was lying.

She shut her thighs up and fixed her nightdress.
Keitu has become her enemy right now. How
dare she snatch her orgasm out her grip?

Rene: I was just looking for my phone.

She snapped agitated. She couldn’t help it.

Keitu: You sound cracky this morning. Is

everything already?

Rene: Everything is fine.

She lied through her teeth faking a smile.

Everything was far from being fine. She didn’t
cum because of her, so how can everything be

Keitu: Okay even though I don’t trust you. The

make up artist will be here around 9am and we
both know how slow you are, now on so drag
your lazy ass to the shower and make yourself

Rene dragged her body to her feet and marched

to the ensuit. Her feet violently stomping on the
floor. Keitu giggled shaking her head. She will
thank her later.

Meli wrapped a towel on his torso then padded

to the room. His become a regular on this hotel
and the manager didn’t give him a hustle when
he wanted the same room. Marco's room was 4
feet from him and he was probably knocked out
wherever he was. He picked up his bag and
looked for the first aid kit. He goes through
each tablet looking for painkillers. The drum in
his head was going to be much worse when he
wakes up.

Meli: Fuck!

He cursed under his breath when he doesn’t

find the. He makes his way to the door after
closing the bag and slipping his clothes on.
Yanking the door open, he finds Marco standing
there ready to knock.

Marco: Shit man don’t you have painkillers? I

think I went too hard on the booze.
Meli: I was also coming to your room to ask the
same thing.

Marco: Fuck! We are screwed, we can’t show up

in there like this.

Meli: Don’t you think I don’t know that?

He run his hand on his face frustrated.

Marco: Not so loud.

Meli: Let me ask wifey if she doesn’t have

painkillers in her kit.

He stumbled inside and picked up his phone.

Keitu was laying on top of the bed when Rene's
phone rang. She looked at the caller ID.

Keitu: (yelling) Rene, hubby is calling.

Rene: Answer it!

She yelled back smearing the shower jell on her

back before she picked up the orange sack to
scrub her back. She doesn’t need people
noticing things that aren’t suppose to be there
in the first place. Eg, her dirty back.

Keitu: Hey brother in law. Rene is in the shower.

Meli: Morning sister in law. Can you please

check on her kit if she doesn’t have any
She leaped up to her feet and stumbled to
where Rene's bag was. She dropped to her
knees and opened the bag.

Keitu: She has them.

Meli: I desperately need them.

He croaked out. Keitu giggled.

Keitu: Hangover has you by tits.

He laughed.

Meli: Ain’t you guys suppose to have one too?

Keitu: After the eye drop saga I made sure we
drink non alcoholic champagne. We will drink at
the wedding on behalf of her.

Meli roared in laughter on the end of the line.

Rene peaked on the door.

Rene: What are you guys laughing?

Meli laughed harder causing his head to

intensify. He grunted. He knew the woman was
curious and she couldn’t help herself.

Keitu: Curiosity killed the cat sis.

She teases.
Rene: It’s a good thing I’m not a cat then.

Keitu snorted.

Keitu: Just get back in the shower Rene and

stop wasting time. You know how time flies.

Rene: Can I talk to him?

Keitu rolled her eyes and made her way to her.

She handed her the phone and went back to the

Rene: Babe?
Meli: Mkami.

Rene: I’m sorry about earlier. Keitu has no

timing at all.

He chortle.

Meli: She knows you take longer in there. She

did good by waking you up even though you
were not sleeping.

Keitu: Hurry up, Rene.

She banged on the door. Rene snorted and

rolled her eyes.

Rene: I swear she took up the role of being

maid of honour seriously.

Keitu: I heard that.

Rene: Opsie.

She giggled. Meli found himself smiling on the

end of the line. He has to thank his brother for
messing things up with her. He was one lucky
son of a gun.

Meli: I’ll be waiting for you at the end of the


Rene: And I’ll be the one walking down to you in

The call was cut after that. Rene handed the
phone back to Keitu and went back to
scrubbing her body. Keitu padded to the bag to
pick up the painkillers. Her phone chimed
startling her. She placed down the painkillers
next to the sleeping pills and answered her

Keitu: Hey.

Rea: Hey, you didn’t respond to my text nor my

RSVP like you did to the others.

Keitu: Sorry I just got busy.

Rea: Can we meet and talk.

Keitu: Now?

Rea: Yes now.

Keitu: I can’t right now. Can we do this after the

wedding. Rene needs me and I can’t disappoint

Rea sucked in a deep breath on the end of the

line before releasing it.

Rea: Okay. Can I come?

Keitu’s eyebrows creased.

Keitu: Bathong Rene, of course you’re.

Rea: I was just making sure. I don’t want to ruin
her day.

Keitu: Don’t be ridiculous. You know Rene will

love seeing you there.

Rea: I’m not so sure. Our relationship is not so


Keitu: Rene moved on from that. Just come and

you will see for yourself.

Rea: Okay.

She disconnected the call. Keitu looked her

phone and shook her head. She will never get
involve in whatever sibling war they had. Rea
thinks she's above everyone and she will let her
think she is while she's not. The money she has
was making her a snob. She heavily sighed and
picked up the painkillers not knowing they are
the sleeping pills.

Keitu: (yelling) Rene I’m coming.

Not knowing the woman heard her or not, she

rushed out. She knocked on the door and
waited for Meli to open.

Meli: Come in.

She pull the door and padded in. She found him
with Marco looking like shit. She giggled.
Keitu: Moooorning.

She sang closing the door behind her. Both man

glare at her.

Keitu: I got what you asked for and I have to had

back before bridezilla demote me from my

She rolled her eyes placing the pills on top of

the table and skipped to the door, leaving both
man laughing.

Marco: You know I thought Lydia was the worst

but Rene takes the cup.

Meli laughed walking to the bar fridge. He took

two bottles of water and stumbled towards him.
He handed Marco the bottle and took his sit
next to him after picking up the pills. He twisted
the cap and threw two pills in his mouth and
take a huge sip. Marco did the same and throw
his back on the couch. The fall into comfortable
silence and wait for the pills to work. Marco
stretched his arms yawning.

Marco: I'll just crush here. My room is far.

Meli nodded opening his heavy eyelids. He

made his way to the door and lock it then
padded to the bed and throw himself.


Keitu panicked looking at the alter. It was

11:40am and the matrimony was suppose to
start at 11am. The guests were starting to get
uncomfortable and growing out of patience.
She run back to Rene's room like a headless
chicken and found her sisters and Lydia with
her. Lydia pulled her to the side.

Lydia: Anything?

Keitu shook her head looking at her sister

laughing to what Rea was saying to her. They
had their heart to heart moment and they are
okay now. Rea laid out her complaints and they
also did that too. Her, Mosa and Rene and now
they were okay.

Lydia: (panicking) We can’t let her know the

groom hasn’t showed up yet.
Keitu: I'll ask them to keep her busy while I go
and search for him.

Lydia: I’m aslo coming with you. I need to knock

some sense in Marco. What kind of best man
let’s the groom to be late? I know when they are
together they’re filling up their heads with shit.

If it was any day Keitu would have laughed her

lungs out but the circumstances wouldn’t let
her. She walked to where they are and pulled
Rea aside.

Rea: (frowning) What’s going on?

Keitu: The groom is no where to be seen and

I’m panicking. Keep her busy while we go
search for him.

Rea: Noted.

She walked back where Rene was while Keitu

and Lydia walked out of the room.

Rene: I think it’s time guys.

Rea: All brides are suppose to be later Rene. It’s


Mosa: I disagree with that. You don’t want to

keep your guest waiting until they decide to

Rene: Yep I agree with you on that one. Let me

do last minute twirl in the mirror and we are
heading out.

Rea eyes bulge out while her heart skipped a

beat. What was she going to do?

Rene: Let’s go.

She walked out of the room, leaving Rea

scolding Mosa.

Rea: Well genius since you gave her the idea

that she’s ready to walk down the aisle with no
groom you must find a way to stop her.

Mosa: (panicked) Shit! No groom? Where is he?

She fired the questions at once.

Rea: I don’t know.

Mosa: We can’t let her find out.

They both hiked their dress on the hands and

ran outside. They found Rene standing few
meters away from the garden waiting for the
artist to sing.

Rene: Artist sing please.

She yelled gaining the attention of the guests.

All head whipped to her as she cast her eyes
om the floor and smiled walking down. She
didn’t want to look at him because she will end
up crying. She will just have to see his suit when
she’s standing next to him. Few murmurs could
be heard.

Mrs Mohapi: The boy ran away. When will Rene


She quickly smack her lips shut as her husband

glares at her. She drops her eyes to her lap and
breathed out. Mosa and Rea ran to Rene but
she already was standing on the aisle alone.
She raised her head and turned her head to the
side with a smile plastered on her face and
found an empty spot. She quickly turned to her

Rene: Where is he?

She muttered through gritted teeth. Turning on
his side Meli released a fart before he opened
his mouth snoring louder. Marco mumbled in
his sleep and snuggled closer to the pillow, droll
seeping out of the corner of his lips.

Toxic Attraction



Rene stared at her sister waiting for a perfect
explain that could make that man be not here
right now.

Rene: Mosa where is my husband?

She breathed out in rage. Mosa dropped her

eyes to the floor and fiddled with her fingers
then shrugged her shoulders. That action alone
infuriated Rene more.

Rene: Ke eng hoo? U ke ke ua sheba fatše feela

joalokaha eka ke eena ea buileng le uena.
Mpolelle nnete. { What is that?You can’t just
look at the floor like it’s the one who spoke to
you. Tell me the truth.}
Mosa raised her teary eyes to her and shrugged.
Mosa: Ha ke tsebe hantle. Ha re tsebe moo a
leng teng. { I don’t know okay. We don’t know
where he is.}

Rene: What did you mean you don’t know where

he is? What what are you trying to imply?

Rea: His running a bit late, Rene. They kind of

lost the rings.

She chirps in defusing the situation but that

angered Rene more. She sharply turned to her.

Rene: Ha u ncheba na mohlomong u bona

sethoto?Na phatla ea ka e ngotsoe booatla ho
uena? {When you look at me do you perhaps
see a fool? Is my forehead written stupid?}
She gritted out.

Rea: Of course not Rene.

Rene: Then don’t make me one.

She shifted her eyes to Mosa.

Rene: Mosa weee! Ke tlil'o u botsa sena hape

hape 'me ke kopa u mpolelle 'nete lekhetlong
lena. { Mosa weee!I’m going to ask you this one
more time and please tell me the truth this time.}

Mosa: I don’t know anything. I swear.

She muttered in a shaky voice. Rene nodes and

stumbled to where her parents were. Everyone
was waiting in anticipation for her next move.
She picked up her son from her father’s lap and
padded back to her room with her sisters hot on
her heel. Harsh whispers from the guest
followed behind them but she held her head
high not showing any sign of emotion. She was
not about to cry in front of them. Her enemy
would have a field day about her and she was
not going to give them something to talk about,
especially the paparazzi she invited.

Rea: Rene?

She slammed the door in the faces and locked

it. She kicked off her sneak and placed
Manqoba on top of the bed. She stripped him
the tux off and check his nappy.

Mosa: Ausi Rene?

She knocked on the door. She ignored them and
unclipped the hair clippers in her weave. She let
it pool to her shoulders and also stripped naked.
She placed the jumpsuit/dress on top of the
bed and walked barefoot to her bed. The
coldness of the tiles seeped in her feet was
calming her burning body. She slipped on her
jeans and shirt before then pulled shorts and
vest for Manqoba. She didn’t know how to feel
at this point. The knock on the door was also
adding to her frustration.

Rea: Rene bula.

She murmured on the side of the door defeated.

She smacked her lips shut and dressed
Manqoba. He smiled at her talking the gabbish
language babies talk. She smiled back and
blinked rapidly as the unshed tears threatened
to discard her eyes. She was not going to cry
but goddamit it hurt like a bitch. The lump in her
throat rose choking her. Tears involuntary fall
from her eyes. She sank on the floor and cried

Rea: Rene please. You’re scarring us right now.

Just say something.

She curled into a ball on the floor and cried

silently. She spoked to this man this morning
and he was eager to marry her or was it just her?
He could have told her that he doesn’t want to
get married and he wasn’t going to hold it
against him. She would have cancelled
everything with a snap of a finger even though
Keitu would have bit her head off.
Rea: Rene?

She continued banging the door to gain her

attention but the woman was just in her own
daze. How could he embarrass her like this? Did
he suddenly get cold feet? It’s not like they were
sober when they first got married. Maybe he felt
obliged to be her since they have a child
together. Nothing was making sense to her
right now. They love each other or was it just
her mind making her see what she wants to see.

Mosa: (panicking) What if she harms herself?

Rea eyes widen. That thought hasn’t crossed

her mind yet but now since Mosa raised that
she scared.
Mosa: I think we should call the parents. I’m
scared Ausi Rea.

She breathed out with her eyes popped out of

their sockets. Her heart was violently pounding
in her chest. Rea nodded.

Rea: I’ll stay here and try to talk to her. Hurry up.

Mosa nodded and turned on her heels, running

to the garden where the matrimonial ceremony
was going to be held. She could feel eyes
piercing through her as she runs to her parents.
The press haven’t stopped taking pictures. Her
father leaped up to his feet and meet her

Mr Mohapi: What’s going on, Mosa?

Mosa: We don’t know where the groom is.

She whispered in his ear not wanting the guests

to panic and give the paparazzi something to
write about. Mr Mohapi eyes bulge out.

Mr Mohapi: What? Where is Rene right now?

He whispered back. Mrs Mohapi jumped to her

feet and walked towards them.

Mrs Mohapi: The guests are starting to be

uncomfortable and I heard some complaining
about their makeup. We don’t want mocking us
after this. Is the wedding on or off?
Mosa's nostrils flared. The only thing she was
worried about was ABS ( Abantu Bazothini
Syndrome) while the situation is between life
and death. Is she being serious right now? It
took everything in her not to leash out. They
were in front of people and she had to hold
herself. She sucked in a deep breath and
ignored her. That was the only thing that could
help her right now.

Mosa: She locked herself in her room and she

hasn’t breathed a word out. There’s no sound
coming out of the room an we are scared of the

Mrs Mohapi snorted.

Mrs Mohapi: Reneilwe is dramatic bathong.

She’s a drama queen.
Mosa: If you don’t have anything positive to say
shut the fuck up.

She hissed under her breath. Her mother


Mrs Mohapi: Mohau are you going to let her

speak to me like that?

Mr Mohapi: Shut up!

He shifted his eyes to Mosa.

Mr Mohapi: Take me to her.

They rush to to Rene’s room, leaving the woman
with her jaw on the floor. She turned to the
guests and faked a smile.

Mrs Mohapi: The groom and the best man had

a flat tyre and they are still trying to fix that.
Please be patient.

She rushed to her seat and made herself

comfortable. She scrunched up her nose in
disgust. She had just lied to people because of
her rebellious children. Oh she was sure she
was going straight to hell.

Rea: Rene please say something sis. Anything.

The woman inside just let her tears flow. In

DHA they were married and this was just a way
to fullfil their dreams on how their wedding
should be like, so why didn’t he pitch up? The
man hasn’t given her any reason to doubt
herself so what changed? Was he using her all
along? Since now he was done with his revenge
was he throwing her away like a used
bubblegum? Or was she also part of the
revenge? Those questions swimmer her mind.
She shook her head trying to stop the tears
from falling but it was no use. They kept
streaming down without her permission. She
only had one person in mind and that was the
little human on top of the bed. What was she
going to say to him when he grows up? That
thought made the lump in her throat to choke
her harder. She placed her hand on her mouth
to muffle the sob escaping her mouth. The man
she knew was madly in love with her and she
also loved him. She has never doubted his love
for her because he made sure she feels it and
see it. She knows there’s no extra extra side
chick or a side chick. In fact she was a three
course meal to him; an extra extra side chick
which is dating two women at the same time
apart from her out there, the side chick and a
main chick so what went wrong?

Mr Mohapi: Where is she?

He muttered walking towards the door.

Rea: She’s inside papa.

Mr Mohapi: Can I try?

Rea nodded and moved aside.

Mr Mohapi: Rene ngoanaka ntate oa hao. Bula.

{ Rene my baby its your father. Open up.}

His soflty muttered on the other side of the

door. She wailed harder as the betrayal seep
deep in her. He could have told her earlier on
and she would have cancelled everything. Hell
she would even not want her money back. She
was just going to let it go to waste.

Mr Mohapi: Bula ngwanaka, ke a o kopa. { Open

up my child, I’m begging you.}

He pleaded with her but he got the same

answer they were getting which is silence.

Rea: Na Keitumetse o ile Eastern Cape? Ke'ng e

li nkang nako e telele hakaale? { Did Keitumetse
go to Eastern Cape? Whats taking them so

She muttered throwing her hands in the air

dramatically. She sucked in a deep not knowing
what to do. Mr Mohapi continued to knock on
the door. He has never felt this useless in his

Mr Mohapi: Rene?

She could hear them inside but she didn’t have

the energy to face them not to mention the
whole nation she invited. She didn’t care if they
talk about her until judgement day comes. The
only thing she has in her mind was her son.
What was she going to do when the man really
decide not to show up. There are many single
mother’s out there and she was sure she could
manage just fine with a support system around
her but she was not ready to answer his
questions when that comes.

Keitu and Lydia banged on the door.

Lydia: Marco Hernandez.

She screamed banging louder.

Lydia: Juro por Dios que cuando rompa esta

puerta me conocerás. { I swear to god when I
break this door you will know me.}

She threatened banging harder. Keitu just

looked at the seething woman beside her
talking in a language she has never heard
before. She was sure it was Spanish even
though she doesn’t know it and it sounded

Keitu: Meli.

Lydia: Confié en ti para tomar mejores

decisiones y juicio, Anthony. { I trusted you to
make better choices and judgements, Anthony. }

She screamed fight with the door. The

bypassers kept stopping to look at them and
Lydia would snap at them. She didn’t care about
they preying eyes. The manager was swing by ti
stop her from disrupting the guest and Lydia
gave him a mouthful of insults before she
continued with what she was doing which is to
bang the door. The manager left after he was
threatened to deal with the bridezilla. He has
seen the woman once or twice and he knew she
was handful. The only thing in Lydia’s mind was
to get her best friend to the alter before his wife
finds out he went MIA. Marco groaned flipping
his eyes open. The noise on the door woke him
up from his slumber. Her rubbed his eyes to
clear the fog in them. He could swear he heard
his wife's voice and a seething Lydia was a
dangerous one.

Keitu: Meli.

Lydia: (screaming) Anthony.

His eyes widen. He was not dreaming, the

woman was on the other side of the door. He
jumped to his feet and immediately regretted it.

Marco: Fuck!
Lydia: Marco Hernandez.

Marco: Joder, ya voy bebe. { Fuck, I’m coming


He croaked up holding his banging head. He

stumbled to the door and yanked it open. Lydia
pushed him aside and stormed in.

Lydia: (seething) Qué diablos es el significado

de este Marco? {What the fuck is the meaning
of this Marco?}

Marco: No tan fuerte mi amor. { Not so loud my

Lydia: Gritaré y gritaré hasta que esa cabezota
tuya entienda lo que estoy diciendo. { I will yell
and scream until that big head of yours get
what I’m saying. }

She shifted her eyes to the bed and clicked his

tongue. She padded towards it and pulled Meli
by his feet. Keitu found herself laughing while
Marco was trying to understand what did they
do wrong.

Lydia: Estás durmiendo mientras tu esposa te

espera en el altar. ¿Qué carajo te pasa? {You’re
sleeping while you’re wife is waiting for you in
the alter. What the fuck is wrong with you?}

She muttered struggling with his legs. Marco

eyes widen.
Marco: A la mierda la boda. {Shit the wedding.}

Meli creaked his eyes open and find the woman

dragging him to the floor.

Meli: ¿Qué mierda estás haciendo? {The fuck

are you doing?}

Lydia: Hacerte entrar en razón como lo haría

cualquier mejor amigo, ya que ese idiota al que
llamo esposo no sabe su trabajo. { Knocking
some sense into you like any best friend would
do since that idiot I call a husband doesn’t know
his job.}

She bit her bottom lip, struggling with his feet.

They played tag war with her feet and Keitu was
dead with laughter while Marco didn’t know
what to do.

Meli: Cállate, Lydia.{ Cut it out, Lydia.}

Lydia: Hasta que no te des cuenta de que estás

a punto de quedarte sin esposa, entonces yo no
lo haré. {Until it sink in to you that you’re about
to be wifeless then I won’t.}

Meli’s eye popped out their sockets.

Meli: René.... La boda. Joder, joder, me va a

matar. {Rene.... The wedding. Fuck, fuck she will
kill me.}

He pulled his feet and jumped to his feet.

Keitu’s phone chimed in her hand. She looked at
the caller ID and looked at the people in the

Keitu: It’s Mosa.

She pressed the green button.

Mosa: Please tell me you found him.

Keitu: We did.

Mosa breathed out on the end of the line.

Mosa: Thank God. Hurry up because she found

out that his missing and she has locked herself
in her room with Rare. We are scared she might
harm herself and Rare.

Keitu’s heart skipped a beat as she hangs up

after that. Rene can be many things but being
suicidal is not one of them.

Meli: I don’t like the look on your face right now.

Keitu sucked in a deep breath.

Keitu: She found out and took Rare with her.

She’s locked up in her room.

Meli: Fuck okay. Can somebody please bring

me painkillers while I jump into the shower.

He turned on his heels and run to the bathroom,

ignoring his throbbing head. Marco also run to
his room. Keitu squinted her eyes to the pills on
top of the table and she paled.

Lydia: What?

She gulped and picked them up.

Keitu: I gave them these and they are sleeping

pills. I had them in my hand then my phone rang
and I place them back in the bag to answer it. I
sabotaged the wedding.

She muttered with a breaking voice.

Lydia: Hey, it’s okay. We all make mistakes and

that’s how we know we are human. You’ve been
running around for months to make this
wedding to be what is is now and on top of that
you have a demanding job. Don’t beat yourself
up because it was only a mistake.

Keitu nodded blinking rapidly.

Lydia: Let’s go and do damage control.

They rushed out of the room to the garden.

Lydia: I know how impatient you’re all are and

it’s understandable. What’s a wedding without
any drama?

She chuckled along with the guests.

Lydia: We are only asking for your patience. The
waiter will bring snacks so long. Thank you.

Not waiting for the response she run to Rene’s

room and found her father and sister pleading
with her on the door.

Rea: About time.

She muttered annoyed. They ignored her.

Keitu: Is she still in there?

They nodded.

Keitu: Let me try.

They paved a way for her. She knocked.

Keitu: Rene?

Rene’s sob ceased.

Keitu: If you don’t want to open the door then

that’s fine by me but don’t hate me when I start
driving your G-wagon. Meli had it shipped just
for you and I’m dying to sit on those leathers

Oh hell no! Rene jumped to her feet and run to

the door. Keitu smirked when she heard the key
turning. She knew she will skin anyone alive
with her car that she was banned from driving it.
Keitu looked at the bed and found Rare
peacefully sleeping. She smiled walking in.

Keitu: Hey sis.

She cooed softly and engulf her in a hug. She

burst into tears holding her sister closely to her.

Keitu: It’s all my fault and I’m sorry. He asked

for painkillers and I mistakenly them with
sleeping pills.

Rea& Mosa: Keitumetse.

Rene broke the hug.

Rene: So he didn’t leave?

Keitu: No. I’m sorry.

Rene shook her head.

Rene: I shouldn’t have dumped everything to

you. I’m sorry too.

Before Keitu can reply Meli barged in the room

with his shirt unbuttoned revealing his
sculptures chest. His tie was on his teeth while
he was fiddling with his belt.

Meli: Babe I don’t know what happened. Please

forgive me.

Rene: I guess this is how we are meant to get


Meli: Meaning?

She sniffed back the mucus and wiped her

tears off.

Rene: Well the painkillers were not painkillers

but sleeping pills. It was an accident and-

He chuckled interrupting her.

Meli: I should have known. You’re dangerous

my love and I’m starting to question if I’m safe
around you.

She snickered rolling her eyes.

Mosa: So the wedding is still on?

Rene nodded smiling.

Rene: Let’s get this show on the road good

people. The Queen is getting married so let’s

They laughed as she ran to the bathroom to

wash her face.
Toxic Attraction


Meli and Marco made their way to the alter after
the misunderstanding earlier on. He sucked in a
deep breath popping his knuckles. He shifted
his eyes to the entrance and found Amanda
pushing Nkanyiso with his wheelchair. He
glared at them. What the fuck where they doing
in his wedding? If they think they will ruin it they
have another thing coming. Nka slowly raised
his head and nodded at his brother, even though
it was difficult. Any person from a far distance
wouldn’t have seen the movement but Meli did.
He knew his brother like the back of his hand. A
sign of acknowledgement. Meli squinted his
eyes at him before he nodded back. He didn’t
trust the man and he won’t start now. They have
a long road ahead of them if they want to be
what they were used to be. Baby steps is what
they will take if both of them are willing to fix
their relationship.
Marco: Whose he?

He whispered in his ear.

Meli: My brother.

He muttered still keeping his eyes on them.

Rene will not be happy about this but he won’t
cause a scene because he will think he feels
threatened by his presence which his not.

Marco: What the hell is he doing here?

Meli: That’s what I’m trying to understand also.

Marco: I’ll ask someone to keep an eye on them.
I don’t trust them.

Meli: The feeling is mutual. They are up to no


He muttered still looking at them. Amanda

waved and smiled at him. He scrunched up his
nose in disgust causing the smile on Amanda
to drop. They were his enemies and he needed
to watch his back. They could be here to stop
the wedding but it won’t stop the fact that they
are already marriage just doing this to fulfill
their dreams. Amanda heavily sighed
disappointed. She knew it was a bad idea to
come to this wedding but she hoped they will
let bygones be bygones. She understands the
role she played to make the man hate her and
she was ashamed of herself. Not only did she
steal his company from him but also stole his
brother. She ruined their relationship and turned
them into sworn enemies. Of it wasn’t for her
none of this would have happened and she
knows that. The past few weeks were very hard
for them. From living a nightmares with Yolanda
to moving in with her mother. The woman
straight up told them they deserve everything
that was coming to them. Where did they will
end up after taking and taking from people and
leaving them bare. Their tears are what caused
them to be where they are today and it’s yet to
rain for them. The tears they shared because of
them will be twice what they will go through.
Meli shifted his eyes to the entrance waiting for
his drama queen to show. The bright sun was
killing his eyes and wished he took Marco's
advice by wearing sunglasses. For now he will
soldier on until the vows are exchange.
Standing in front of the mirror for the last time,
Rene exhaled loudly. She could feel her hands
shaking while her palms got moist. She opened
them and picked up Manqoba’s wipes and
wiped them. She was waiting for this moment
for her whole life and she was ready. She
exercised her breath and made her way to the
door. Just as she was about to open it,
someone else opened on the outside. She
stumbled back and looked at her sister walking
with two men behind her.

Keitu: I’ve got a surprise for you.

She cheerfully muttered, bouncing on the heel

of her feet. She moved aside revealing her two
brothers. Rene’s eyes widen.

Rene: No way. You’re here?

Her brothers smiled nodding.

Tumelo: (chuckling) We couldn’t miss your


Rene blinked back the tears threatened to spill

out and laughed before running to them.
Lewatle picked her up and spun her around.
Keitu smiled fondly at the scene. She loved her
siblings and this is the kind of relationship she
wants to have with them.

Rene: Oh my god I’m dreaming right? Somebody

wake me up from this beautiful dream.

They laughed as Lewatle placed her on her feet

and kissed her cheek.
Lewatle: I feel like the word beautiful won’t
describe how you look right now.

Rene smiled and twirled around. They laughed

while she giggled.

Rene: I don’t know what to say guys. This is the

best wedding gift I could have dreamed off.
Thank you for availing yourselves for this day. I
don’t want to cry because I’m saving my tears
for his vows.

They burst into fit of laughter.

Tumleo: I though you outgrew being dramatic.

She playfully gasped.

Rene: Who, me? Heaven will have to freeze on

that day.

They laughed.

Lewatle: Let’s get you married baby sis.

Rene smiled and hook her arm on Tumelo. Her

father won’t mind and since Tumelo is the older
one it’s his role after his father. As soon as they
approached the garden Bucie leaped up to his
feet and started to sing, Thandolwethu.

“They said we will never make it

We were going to far
But we went the distance you and I
And Here we are
I hope you still have patience
To try and reach for the stars
We still trying to make it to the sky carry on
carry on

Thando lwethu baby is amazing

Sometimes don’t deserve it
Noma bathi thina solahleka
Love is navigating and we’re almost home.”

Taking her calculated steps, Rene locked her

eyes on him this time just to make sure he was
there. Her white lace sleeve long wedding
jumpsuit pants pooled on the grass. Everything
and everyone around them faded. It was just
him and her, nothing else mattered. He winked
at her causing her eyes smile to widen. His eyes
locked on hers while hers do the same on him.
It was like a magic spell striked them and they
wouldn’t hear what the next person close by to
them will say. This was it and indeed some
people said they will never make it but they
proved them wrong. Their love navigated the
way for them and they were at home right now.
They beat against all odds to be here. From the
eye drops to the sleeping pills nothing was
going to stop can stop this moment for them.
They were on the finishing line and whoever has
a mouth to say something they will deal with
them. They snapped out of their daze when
Kwesta stood up from the guest and sang his

“Bheka, See love lives, and Love dies

Love forgives, and love tries
Love comes, and Love goes
And I love all of this love shown
Cos bengigazi kungaba so
Mangiya ekasi sewu actor so
My paint brush
My heartfelt song
The paint dries
Mara yi art lento
See I talk and you speak
Then I walk and you scream
I found you I found love
You find me you find us”

Rene so badly wanted to cry but she held

herself. The tears were saved importantly for
the vows. Her sister should take event planning
as a side hustle because she outdid herself.
She didn’t think she will book an artist that
would portray their love that those two just did.
They ran their race and now they were at the
finishing line. As crazy as it is when they started
they wouldn’t trade any moment for it. Each
moment has it’s own memory, beautiful ones I
might say. Marco rolled his eyes seeing Lydia

Marco: Women.

He retort shaking his head. Meli followed his

eyesight and chuckled before fixing his gaze
back on Rene. The woman might kill him and he
doesn’t want to set her off after that incident
earlier on.

Meli: I thought Mandela was six feet.

His eyebrows creased

Meli: I swear they are taking a long walk to

freedom. What’s so hard on picking their pace?

He didn’t understand the cat walking they were

doing. Marco stifled his laughter beside him.

Marco: Patience my man.

He squeezed his shoulder. He exercised his

breath. Rene smiled ear to ear as she walked
down the aisle much to Meli's annoyance. The
sun was playing his part and not to mention the
hangover he has.
Meli: Finally!

He whispered under his breath as they hand

him Rene's hand. Marco placed his fist in his
mouth to muffle the laughter bubbling out in his

Tumelo: Take care or her.

Meli nodded shaking his hand. He made his way

to his seat as the couple faced the front.

Meli: Pants really?

He whispered.

Rene: Who still buys wedding dresses this days?

She whispered back causing him to snort.

Meli: You’re look ravishing hot tough. I can’t

wait to tear them up later on.

Rene giggled softly.

Pastor: Welcome to all of you, who have come

to share in this important moment in the lives of
Reneilwe and Melisizwe. I ask you to join
together in celebrating, acknowledging, and
honoring this day and the vows that they will be
making. By your presence, you witness and
affirm the truth of their love and commitment to
each other. If there’s anyone here who don’t
want these two be married speak now or
forever hold your peace.
The whole garden become dead silent. Meli
quickly whipped his head to Amanda and Nka's
direction. Rene followed his eyes and frowned.

Rene: What are they doing here?

She gritted out.

Pastor: Very well then. Now Rene and Meli,

please face each other.

They smiled facing each other.

Pastor: Please invite us to come around to the

table and include your words on unity and
coming together as one by pouring the white
and red wines together.

He shifted his eyes to them.

Pastor: Nope we are skipping that part. A litte

birdy told me that the bride can’t handle her

They guest and the couple erupt in laughter.

Pastor: Bride and Groom”, If you are ready to

step into the holy circle of matrimony please so
indicate by joining hands.

They holding each others hand. Meli squeezed

in lightly before he raised them and kissed her
knuckles. She blushed while the guest cooed
softly at the public affection.

Pastor: Do you, Melisizwe take Reneilwe as your

wife, to love her, to cherish her, nurture her, and
support her, in times of joy and in times of
difficulty? Do you promise to remain by her side
regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in
the presence of temptation to forsake this love,
do you promise to remain steadfast and true?
Do you promise with all your heart and soul to
honor this vow till death do you part? If so
answer now.

Meli: (smiling) I do.

Pastor: Do you, Reneilwe take Melisizwe as your

husband, to love him, to cherish him, nurture
him, and support him, in times of joy and in
times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by
his side regardless of what trouble befalls you,
and in the presence of temptation to forsake
this love, do you promise to remain steadfast
and true? Do you promise with all your heart
and soul to honor this vow till death do you part?
If so, answer now.

She nodded blinking rapidly. This was really


Rene: I do.

Pastor: Can we have the rings please.

Mateo made his way towards them with the

rings. The pastor took the little pillow on him
and he ran back to his mother. The guest
Pastor: And so we come to the presentation of
rings by which you symbolize and bind your love.
Let the seamless circle of these rings become
the symbol of your endless love and unending
faithfulness. Your wedding rings are most
special because they say that even in your
uniqueness you have chosen to be bonded, to
allow the presence of another human being to
enhance who you are. As you wear them
through time, they will reflect not only who you
are but also the glorious union that you are now
creating. Now the couple has written their own
vows. Rene you may start.

She took a huge breath and took the ring from


Rene: I thought this would be easy but it’s

difficult than I thought.

The guests laughed while Meli smiled.

Rene: I have a lot to say but I’ll just keep it short.

I remember that evening at the hospital the first
day I met you. You could have left me there to
die on my own after being hijacked but you
decided to be my own knight.

Meli laughed. She slipped the band on his finger

and hold his hand.

Rene: I’m not going to dwell much on the band

because it can slip out of your finger and goes
missing anytime. But I can with my hands baby
they will always be there for you.
These are the hands of your best friend, young
and strong and full of love for you, that are
holding yours on your wedding day as you
promise to love each other today, tomorrow and
These are the hands that will work along side
yours as together you build your future.
These are the hands that will passionately love
you and cherish you through the years
These are the hands that will hold you when
fear or grief temporarily comes your way.
These are the hands that will countless times
wipe the tears of sorrow and of joy, from your
These are the hands that will tenderly hold your
These are the hands that will give you support
and encouragement to chase down your
These are the hands that will hold you tight as
you struggle through difficult times.
These are the hands that will give you strength
when you need it.
And lastly, these are the hands that even when
wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours,
still giving you the same unspoken tenderness
with just a touch.

Meli smiled blinking rapidly.

Rene: I love you.

The guest multiple voices rose up after those

vows. Some smiled fondly at them while others
wiped their tears especially the ladies, including
Amanda. Releasing her breath Rene went
through her list on her head.
1. Heart skipped a beat ✅
She blinked to make sure the tears were still on
the verge of her eyes.

2. Tears on standby ✅
3. Cheshire grin like a cat ✅
Now broaden her smile waiting. Her list was

Meli: Our lives are about to be more

complicated than what they are right now. Are
you ready baby to take that step with me?

Rene frowned looking at him. She waited and

waited and waited but there was nothing
coming out from the man’s mouth.

Rene: That’s it?

She furiously yelled.

Rene: That’s all you got. What happened to love

is patient, love is kind? It does not envy or boast.
It is not proud , rude or self-seeking. It is not
easily angry and keeps no record of past
mistakes. It does not delight in evil. It only

She seethed out tears rolling down her eyes.Is

the man being serious, right now? How dare
Rene: Or better yet, Roses are red my love.
Voilets are blue. Sugar is sweet and that’s why I
love you.

She retorts frowning and drop her eyes to her

chest and found it wet with her tears. Quickly
raising her fingers to her cheeks, they came
back moist.

Rene: No, no,no it’s not their time yet. Cut, cut!
Toxic Attraction



Writting wedding vows it’s not easy as ABC.
They have to shoot straight to the heart and you
have to mean each word you say. I thought this
woman in front of me knew me that I’m not a
man of many words. I can’t express my love in
words but I can definitely show her by my
actions. She’s expecting me to standing in front
of these people and lie to her because each
word I would speak from now on would be a lie.
I love my woman and I thought she knew that. A
bunch of words won’t change how I feel about

Me: That’s all baby. If I have to express my love

for you in words I would have to count each
breath you take. Each cell in your body and each
organ you have. I can’t express it in simple
words but I can definitely show you. Each day is
a proof of that.
She creeks a smile.

Rene: You have to say that again because my

heart was not ready for that. The tears were
saved for those vows but they came late.

I laugh while she giggles. I cup her face and

wipe her tears with the pad of my thumb.

Pastor: Well I guess this is the part I chirp in.

The bride has poured out her heart and the
groom also did so, even though they were late
they meant something. Ladies and gentleman I
present to you Mr& Mrs Makhanya. Mr
Makhanya please show us what you do behind
closed doors.
The whole garden erupts in laughter. Wrapping
my arms around her waist, I pull her closer and
bit her bottom lip while she cups my face. A
light peck first on her lips before I devour them.
She lock her arms around my broad shoulders.
I’m resisting the urge to grab her butt when a
soft moan slips out of her throat. Breaking the
kiss, I place my forehead on hers and murmur

Me: I love you.

Rene: I love you.

I press my lips on hers, filling her mouth again.

The guest cheer loudly and clap their hands.

Rene: We did it my love.

She whispered as we make our way to take
pictures. I’m already dradding this part because
I know she will want us to take million pictures.
We hired someone to take a video for heaven
sake so why do we still need pictures? I
seriously do not understand women in general.

Me: Even if the wedding didn’t go through baby

we were already married.

Rene: It’s insane how we fkrst met. Maybe it our

paths were meant to cross paths. Our fate was
written before we were born.

Me: I don’t care what it is. One thing I know

though is that I scored myself a Marikana Mine
with you. Your pussy is gold baby and I can’t get

We share a look and burst into a fit of laughter

before she playfully shoves my shoulder.

Me: Don’t shoot the messenger for quoting your


Rene: I was trying to spite him that time and

didn’t think someone was listening to me.

Me: Don’t feel bad baby because he asked for it.

She clicked her tongue.

Rene: Let’s not ruin our mood by talking about

your brother. His a none factor in our lives.
Me: You do know his Manqoba's uncle, right?

She heavily sigh.

Rene: Can I hate him in peace please. I’m still

not ready to move on from what he put me
through. Don’t get me wrong baby, if you want a
relationship with him just do it and don’t count
me in that. Rare will choose himself when his
old enough if he wants a relationship with him
or not but for now I don’t trust your brother and
his wife around him.

I heavily sigh.

Me: OK
She glares at me as her siblings continue
embarrassing her. I can’t help it they are funny.

Lewatle: In all sis we love you. I can’t imagine

our lives without you.

She blinks rapidly and leap up to her feet and

engulf him in a hug. He kisses her cheeks and
makes his way back to his seat. My eyebrows
furrow as Mandy jumps to her feet and makes
her way to the front. Wifey grips my hand under
the table and squeeze it. I shift my eyes to her
and find her with a frown matching my own.

Mandy: Afternoon everyone and those who

don’t know me I’m Amanda Makhanya and I
have a message for the bride a groom from my

My frown deepens. I lean back on the chair and

chew my lips as she unfolds the letter in her

Mandy: Mnguni,
Duze kaMnengwa Gcwabaza,
Thusi, Lingela,
Zukezela, Makhutha,
Wena owakhanyisa ngothi lomshanelo ngoba
ezonda ubumnyama,
Wakhanyisa ngothi lomshanelo kwaze kwasa
luvutha MAKHANYA!!
Ngiyaxolisa bafo ngakho konke engikwenzile.
Bengingaqondile ukukwenza isitha sami, kodwa
umuntu ongazenzi ugcina esezakhele izitha.
Inhloso yami nesifiso sami sasifana nesakho.
Bengingaqondile ukukhipha isinkwa emlonyeni
wakho kanye nentombi yakho kanye nje. Ngaba
nomona ngoba yonke into yayihamba kahle
futhi impilo yami yayibhidlika. Ngibheka wena
njengomfowethu omdala. Bengifuna ufane
nawe ngazo zonke izindlela. Bengifuna uwe
manje, ngikhohliwe ukuthi umuntu nomuntu
uhamba ngendlela yakhe. Singase sibe
nesibongo esifanayo kodwa impilo ngeke
isihambe kahle sonke. Ngiyazehlisa phambi
kwakho nomkakho nginamahloni ngoba angeke
ngisakwazi ukuma phambi kwakho
ngizikhulumele. bengifuna ukuzikhulumela,
ngimele amacala ami kodwa isimo asivumi.
Kwadingeka ukugula kwami ukwazi ukuthi
nginizwise ubuhlungu. Rene ngiyazi ngeke
kuthathe usuku ukungixolela kodwa
ngiyathemba ngelinye ilanga uyokuthola
ukuthula enhliziyweni yakho ungixolele. Yobe
Mnguni, Qwabe, Phathwayo! Ngiyaxolisa bafo.
{ I’m sorry guys for everything I’ve done. I didn’t
mean to make you my enemy, but a person who
doesn’t do things ends up making enemies. My
purpose and desire was the same as yours. I
didn’t mean to take the bread out of your mouth
alongside your girlfriend at once. I was jealous
because everything was going well and my life
was crumbling. I look up to you as my older
brother. I wanted you to be the same as you in
every way. I wanted you to fall now, I forgot that
each person goes their own way. We might
have the same last name but life will not go well
for all of us. I’m humbling myself in front of you
and your wife ashamed because I can no
longer stand in front of you and speak for
myself. I wanted to speak for myself, to
represent my cases but the situation does not
allow me. It took my illness to know that I hurt
you guys. Rene, I know it won't take a day to
forgive me, but I hope one day you will find
peace in your heart and forgive me. Yobe
Mnguni, Qwabe, Pakhathwayo! I’m sorry guys.}

She folds the letter after that. My eyes get

moist while my vision blurs. I didn’t expect that
from him. I push the chair backwards and made
my way towards him.
Nka: (crying) Ngiyaxolisa bafo.

I bend down and engulf him in a hug. Tears roll

down my cheeks. This is how I expect my
brother to act like when he messed up. To
apologise when his wrong and own up to his
shit. Right now his being a man and I appreciate
the effort he made to put those words together.
He was not my enemy in the first place but he
made himself my enemy.

Nka: (crying) Ngiyaxolisa.

His heart wrenching sob makes the tears on my

eyes to fall down faster. I didn’t expect to cry in
my own wedding with my brother in my arms,
crying like a little baby. It pains me to see him
like this. It also pains me to know how little he
thinks of himself. Eny doesn’t get anyone
anywhere. It’s okay to be envious or something
but not act on those thoughts. They are the
ones destroying friendships,relationship etc.
People have a mistake of letting their envy to
cloud their better judgement. Envy comes and
goes but the people close to you won’t be there
anymore when you come back to your senses.
I’m glad I get to witness my brother
acknowledging his mistakes. It must have taken
a lot of guts and efforts to put that letter
together and I respect him for that. He has
earned my respect for being a man.

Me: You owe me bottle of the finest whisky for

making me weep like this on my wedding day.

He creaks a smile.

Nka: Is it the one I know or taste have changed

over the years.

Me: Still the same.

Nka: As soon as I’m back on my feet I’m buying

you one, if that day ever comes.

He muttered sadly.

Me: How about I pay for your treatment? Trying

a second opinion wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?

Tears roll down his eyes.

Nka: I don’t even know what to say. I’m suppose

to give you a gift but I have nothing on me.
Thank you.
I shook my head.

Me: You gave me the best gift by

acknowledging your mistakes and apologising.
That’s all I ever wanted from you.
Nka: Thank you so much. You find a rare gem
with Rene.

I smile and shift my eyes to the table. She’s

looking at us, wiping her tears with the back of
her hand. I wink her at causing her to blush.

Me: Indeed I have.

Nka: Congratulations for being a husband and a

father. I caught a glimpse of your boy and he
shares both of you. Amanda and I were arguing
about who he looks like between the two of you.

I shift my eyes back to him.

Me: What’s the story with her anyways?

Nka: She’s the only person I have close to

family. Everyone turned their backs on me and I
don’t blame them.

He chuckled.

Nka: She’s proven to me that she’s the proverb

31 woman.

Me: Don’t mess it up then.

I chuckle and wipe my tears.

Me: I can’t believe you make me cry like a bitch

on my wedding day.

He laughs.

Nka: I love you bhuti.

I engulf him in a hug. I swear his mission is to

make me cry.

Me: The only person I utter those words to is

my wife.
We both laugh as I leap up to my feet.

Me: The feeling is mutual though.

I muttered padding back to the table.

Me: Hey girl can I have this dance?

She threw her head back and roared in laughter.

She places her hand on my mine and we walk to
the dance floor. They can save their speeches
for another day. I have had enough for one day.
It’s time for us to have our first dance as a
married couple before we allow the DJ to take
this party on another level.

Rene: Your moment there with him was


Me: Yea.

Rene: I don’t hate him like before but it will take


Me: Take all the time you need baby.

I nibble with her lips before caging them with






I wouldn’t have thought years later I would be

here. I’m a father of two beautiful kids, a boy
and our new additional to the family our little
princess. She’s the apple of my eye but of
course I can’t say that loud. Her mother will skin
me alive and I like my body just the way it is.
Warona came unexpectedly and we had to
make huge drastic adjustments to
accommodate her. I love both my kids but I love
my baby girl more. Her mother is starting to
notice that but doesn’t voice it out. Manqoba
will also be my proud and joy but there’s just
something about girls that have their father’s
wrapped up into their little fingers. The ups and
down from here to Spain had to come to an
stop. We can’t seem to make a decision which
country should we stay in. She wasn’t Spain and
I don’t care what she chooses because I go
wherever she goes but I’ve got businesses here
also that needs my attention.

In Spain I know I have The Hernandez and they

take care of the business on my absence while
here I don’t have anyone. Yes my relationship
with my brother is okay but I don’t trust him
enough to live everything with him. This is the
same man who wiped me clean like I was
nothing to him and I don’t want to make that
same mistake again. I gave him the benefit of
the doubt instead of trust. It might take years
for me to fully trust him and I hope he won’t
dissapoint me because I would hate to hurt him
with my bare hands this time.

Closing the car door after buckling up the kids, I
jog to my side and slip in. I tap my fingers on
the steering wheel waiting for Queen Elizabeth
to come out of the house. Honestly I don’t know
what’s taking her so long. She said she was
done and that was 15 minutes ago. I honk again
probably for the 5th time.

Rene: I’m almost done, baby.

She yells on the door and runs back inside after

that. I chuckle shaking my head. That’s what
she said minutes ago. If we don’t leave now we
might get stuck in traffic. Slipping my hand in
my shorts, I fish for my phone in my pocket and
call her.

Me: If you don’t came out of that house in the

next 3 seconds don’t bother coming out.
I firmly muttered as soon she picks up.

Rene: I’m done baby.

I snort.

Me: Yea right.

I hang up and shift my eyes on the door. She

locks the door and rushes out like she’s been
chased by dogs. Her make up not even close to
being done. What the hell has she been doing in
that house if she’s not even done? She slips in
and slams the door behind her. I smile and start
the ignition.
Rene: Do you know the hours it take to make
this beauty alive?

I unbothererly shrugged.

Rene: Don’t talk to me. For the stunt you just

pulled you’re sleeping on the dog house tonight.

She clicks her tongue and shifts her gaze to the

mirror and continues with what she’s doing.

Me: (smiling) We will see about that.

Rene: I said don’t take to me.

She snaps agitated. I amusedly nod knowing

she won’t last even a second. See my wife can’t
shut her trap and shame it’s something she’s
used too. The woman can talk for the whole
South Africa or even Africa as a whole and I’m
used to that. To other people she might come
across annoying but I prefer this jukebox over
anything. Angry Rene is like a demon in earth.
She makes you feel her wrath and I prefer
jukebox, Rene than angry Rene.

Rene: Are you being serious right now?

She glares at me. I shift my eye to her and

nearly die in laughter. Her eyebrows are not the
same. The left one is bigger than the right one
and the mascara is all over her face. The car
bumped into a pothole that I didn’t see until the
last minute so she can’t blame me for that. If
she would have woken up earlier none of this
would be happened.
Rene: Ain’t you going to say something for

I smile shaking my head. She clicks her tongue

and takes out wipes and wipe her face. The
road is bumpy and full of potholes. She insisted
we take this route because it’s a short cut to her
sister’s house and I’m sure she wasn’t aware
she shot herself in the foot. Another potholes
comes our way just as she applies her mascara.

Rene: You got to be kidding me!

I could feel her burning gaze on me but I keep

my eyes on the road ahead of us. The tears are
threatening to roll down my cheeks from the
laughter bubble from my throat. One look at her
and I know I won’t be able to hold it.

Rene: Just stop the car.

I step on the brakes and watch her step out of

the car. She padded to the boot and slams the
door. I open it and watch her turn it into her
dressing table. I release the laughter and shift
my eye back to my kids. They are both deep in
their slumber. Knowing Manqoba the boy would
have laughed out seeing her face like that. I
smile fondly at them and wait for the Mrs to do
her thing. Just as I start to forget she steps
inside looking beautiful. Her eyebrows are well
drawn and the mascara is no longer all over her
face. Her face beat makes her look chubbier.

Rene: Ain’t you going to say anything?

I shake my head and continue with my task
which is driving.

Rene: Jealous don’t look good on you hubby.

She buckles herself up and shift her eyes to the

back. Watching her from the corner of my eyes,
her eyebrows knit together.

Rene: Why are you wearing matching outfits

with the kids?

I shrug my shoulders. Manqoba and I are

wearing shorts with white t-shirts and white
sneakers while the princess is wearing a white
dress with white shoes. She squints her eyes.
Rene: You’re not planning on taking them
somewhere without me right?

That’s exactly what I have in mind. I’m taking

my kids to the zoo after dropping her off to her
sister’s. A daddy and kids day without her and I
know once she finds out we left her behind we
will pay dearly. Wifey has a habit of doing things
and excluding me but once I turn things around
she cries like nobody business. She loves
starting out fire she can’t put, like right now she
forbid me from talking to her and she forgot
that. She forgets things easily and I don’t. I love
toying with her when she’s like that.

Rene: Babe I’m asking.

I press my lips together to hide the smile lurking
on my lips. I did say she forgets easily knowing
she’s a jukebox.

Rene: I’ll take that as a yes. Do you know the

other day I bumped to my ex friend from high
school at the mall parking lot.

And the gossiping queen starts forgetting she

said I must not talk to her. I’m just going to let
her speak to herself until she releases what’s
she’s done.

Rene: Iyhoo babe she thinks she’d the next

thing after slice of bread. She didn’t even greet
me and I was as silently praying she trips on
those stilletos so I can laugh at her.
She giggles and turns to me.

Rene: That was funny and evil of me right?

I ignore her and whistle. She unbuckles the

seatbelt and turn to me.

Rene: Okay what the hell is going on?

Me: With what?

Rene: You barely said a word to me since I got


Me: You forbid me from talking to you and I’m

just following your rules.
She snorts rolling her eyes.

Rene: Haibo Makhanya, and you took me

seriously? You know I talk a lot and sometimes
forget what I said a minute ago. Who on their
right mind listens to us women because we
don't know what we want.

Me: Right.

I amusedly nod.

Rene: You can talk now.

I nod.
Rene: So baby as I was saying my ex friend she
had a nerve. I wanted to claw her eyes out and
teach her how to take care of her weave.
Morghul catwalked out of the parking lot with a
weave that look like MaMnisi’s steel wool and
have the nerve to give me that stinking attitude.
Has she seen me? No she doesn’t know me. I’m
going to ask my sister we talk a walk around
her street so she can see me. I’m Reneilwe
Makhanya nna not some wannabe woman who
doesn’t know where she belongs.

She clicks her tongue. I silently laugh feeling

sorry for that woman. I know once she sets her
mind into something she will do it no matter
how crazy and stupid it is. This is Reneilwe
Makhanya the woman I chose to marry and my
crazy wife that I wouldn’t hesitate to choose
again. I park at her sister’s gate and watch her
step out. She rounds the car and comes to my
side. I roll down the window.

Rene: Are you sure you’re not going anywhere

without me?

I chuckle.

Me: No!

Rene: Then why are you wearing matching


Me: (amused) I’m taking the kids to the park

after that we heading back home after having
ice cream.

She nods still squinting her eyes.

Me: (smiling) What?

Rene: Why do I have a hard time on believing

you? What are you up too Makhanya?

I chuckle.

Me: Nothing.

Rene: I don’t believe a word you say.

She opens the backseat and shakes Manqoba.

He yawns and rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

Rene: Let’s make a deal baby. I’ll buy you that

spiderman t-shirts you wanted if you tell me
later on what you and daddy do this afternoon.

I chuckle shaking my head. His eyes lit up.

Manqoba: Really mommy?

Rene: Yes my love as long you tell me

everything you and daddy did, okay?

He nods smiling from ear to ear.

Manqoba: Okay.

She pecks his cheek and moves to peck Wawa

too. Manqoba scrunches his nose in disgust
and wipes his cheek. He hates those kisses but
this is Reneilwe you don’t tell her what to do.

Rene: I’ve got my bodyguard so I’m not worried

of being left behind. He will be watching every
move you do and I trust my baby to report
everything back to me.

I smirk. If you only knew wifey. She bends down

and brushes her lips over mine.

Manqoba: Euw!

We laugh breaking the kiss.

Rene: I love you guys.

She blows us a kiss and padded to the gate. As

soon she shuts it I turn to my son.

Me: What if I tell you I buy you that truck you

wanted and take you to the zoo today.

Manqoba: Really daddy?

I smile nodding.

Me: We can eat anything you want.

Manqoba: Anything?

The smile and excitement radiating from him

tells me I won him over.
Me: Yep buddy. Pizza, hot dog, burger, pie just
name it my boy and I’ll buy it for you. As long
you don’t breathe a word to mommy about what
we did. So what do you say champ?

Manqoba: Okay.

Me: Deal.

He stuck out his hand and clamps it on mine

before shaking it.

Manqoba: Deal.

I smirk and turn my head back to the road and

bring the engine to life. Sorry wifey but you will
have to sit this one out because it’s daddy and
kids day without you. She will kill me when she
finds out.


Amanda has been bouncing on her heels since

we arrived here. She’s giddy and can’t sit her
butt down. I don’t know who told her if she sits
down her level of excitement will tone it down.
We are in a orphanage for an update to the
adoption of new born baby we made. It turns
out we can’t have a baby of our own. She can’t
carry a baby to a full term and it nearly killed the
progress we were doing. I’m able to do things
on my own right now and I can walk perfectly
fine. True to his word, Melisizwe paid for my
treatment and I was able to get a second
opinion. My lips are still lopsided indicating I
had a stroke. The physiotherapy said this things
take time. To others they don’t get like to use
their hands after the stroke so I was one of the
lucky ones. Reflecting on my life right now I
know I can’t change the past but I can make the
future better. I’ve learnt from my mistakes and I
don’t think I will repeat them ever again.

I don’t want to see my parents or my sister.

Those people showed me their true colors
when I need them the most. They only loved me
when I coughed out money to them but when I
need help they turned their back on me like they
never knew me. I will always be grateful to my
late mother in law for the love she showed me
when she was still on earth. She made me feel
welcomed in her home and there’s never a day
where I didn’t feel like I don’t belong there. After
her death Amanda since she was their only
child inherited everything she had. We started a
small baby boutique and a baby spa with the
payouts and business is doing very good for us.
Our first customer’s was my brother and his
family. I’ve seen him with Rene behind close
door and seen them in public and they love
each other. I’m in a better space where I don’t
even think about her. I only see her as my sister
in law now than before. I’m in content with what
I have I don’t think I would want to mess up the
thing Amanda and I have. The woman showed
me that she loves me when she stood with me
in time of need. She bent her back for me and
choose to starve with me. If it was any other
women they would have left and I wouldn’t
blame them. I mean who wants to be tied down
to a broke man who was in wheelchair and
couldn’t do shit for himself?

I admire her strength and her guts because it

took a lot of them. With the help from a
counselling I can safely say I love my wife and
I’m happy where I am right now.

Social worker: Your adoption was approved.

Mandy screams with tears streaming down her

cheeks while mine blurs my vision. I know how
much she wanted kids.

Mandy: Oh my God. Really?

Social worker: (smiling) Really Mrs Makhanya.

You guys can take baby Lolo home.

Me: You've given us the biggest gift of being

parents. Thank you so much.

Social worker: It was nothing. I love bringing

happiness into home.

Mandy: Babe can we take our baby and go

home now. I just want to hold her in my arms
and shower her with love.

I smile at her.

Social worker: Let me not keep you guys waiting

and bring that baby to her new parents.

She leaps up to he feet and disappear on the

corridors. I shift my eyes to the giddy woman
and smile at her.

Mandy: Can we believe it we are going to be

Me: I hasn’t sink in yet my love.

Mandy: I love you.

Me: I love you too.

The social worker brings out moment before we

can get carried away.

Social worker: Someone wants to say hello.

We both leap up to our feet and meet her


Mandy: Hello my baby. This mommy.

She coead softly rocking her back and forth. I
take out my phone and take a video.

Social worker: Congratulations guys.

Us: Thank you.

I pick up her bag and we made our way out of

the orphanage to the parking lot. She buckles
her up and slip in after I open the door for them.
Scrolling down the contact list, I place a call.

Meli: Bafo.

Me: Guess who just become a parent to a new

Meli: Fuck, no way. The adoption was approved?

Me: Fuck, yes ways. As we speak we about to

go home with her.

Meli: I don’t even know what to say man.

Congratulations.Welcome to the daddy club or
father club whatever woman say.

I chuckle.

Me: Thank you.

Meli: We will talk I have my hands full with the

kids today.
I chuckle.

Me: Okay.

I disconnect the call and raise my head to the


Me: Thank you God.

Note: Decided to cut it into two since it's long
and some of you can't see it.

I place the gift on top of the table and look for
my sisters. We are at Rea’s house for the
gender reveal. I thought I was dramatic but it
turns on I’m not the only one. You should have
seen the list of ridiculous presence she wanted
and my husband bought them with a smile on
his face. His wasting my children’s money on
gifts that won’t be even used. She should have
said she’s robbing us because this delight
robbery. I’m a working mother and I pay for my
bill but when it comes to my children’s money I
go berserk. She doesn’t need all of this things
but just taking an advantage of us.

Mpho: Aunt Rene.

I smile and open my eyes for my niece.

Me: You are growing up so fast, what is your

mother feeding you?

She giggles.

Keitu: I’m feeding her nutrients and vitamins.

I playfully snort before breaking the embrace

and turn to my sister.

Me: Hey sis. You look gorgeous.

Keitu: You also look stunning.

She murmured engulfing me in a hug.

Me: So you also bough what she asked?

She chuckled.

Keitu: I always wondered who you took after

because papa is not dramatic and mama is well
mama. I’ve been asking myself this question for
years only to find out the answer I’m looking for
is my other half.

We giggle.

Keitu: She demand a stroller and a lot in that list.

Me: Same here and the list almost took my

whole salary. Meli bought the presents because
I told him I’m not about to chop my money on
unnecessary things her baby needs.
Keitu: I thought I was the only one with that
mentality but quickly remembered that she’s my
twin and expects me to buy her a jet if I can.

We laugh. Rea makes her way to us smiling and

hands up the platters.

Me: Hey mommy.

Rea: Hey auntie. I can not wait to push out this

baby and be me again.

Me: Good luck sis you will need it.

Rea: Slow done Rene you will choke.

Me: Where did you buy them? They are so good.

My taste buds just came alive.

Rea: I don’t know where Mosa bought them.

You’re eating them like your eating for two.

My movements ceases. I wipe my fingers with

the saivette. I just lost my appetite.

Rea: You should have seen your face sis. I’m


I fake a laugh and excuse myself. I’m not

feeling the party anymore and I want to go
Keitu: You know how insensitive she is. Just
ignore her.

I don’t know where she came from.

Me: I work so hard to loose the baby weight.

Day in and day out.

Keitu: That’s why am saying ignore her. Rea

sometimes says things that hurts someone’s
feelings unaware. I don’t know how many times
she hurted me. Here drink this and calm down.

I blink and take the bottle of water and open the

cap. I take a hug sip and close it.

Keitu: Don’t limit yourself just because of what

she said. Eat as much as you want after all we
contributed a lot of money to make this what it
is now.

I nod and pick up the platter again.

The uber just dropped me off. I make my way

inside and found them sitting in front of the TV
watch cartoons. I smile leaning on the door
frame before taking a picture.

Manqoba: Mommy.
He jumps to his feet and runs to me. I crouch to
his level and pick him up.

Me: Hey baby.

Manqoba: Daddy bought me a firetruck.

Me: Wow how thoughtful of him.

I muttered making my way to the couch. He

wiggles himself out of my arms and runs back
to his seat. I pick my baby girl and kiss her
cheek. She looks at me and smiles before going
back to staring at the ceiling.

Me: Hey daddy.

Meli: Hey mommy.

I peck his lips and settle next to him.

Meli: How did the gender reveal go?

Me: She’s having twins.

Meli: Oh that’s nice.

Me: Yea, considering the fact that she’s also a

twin. Anyway enough about that, what did you
guys get up too?

Meli: Nothing much. We want to the park then

bought him ice cream and some few toys
before we came back home.
Me: Are you sure?

Meli: (chuckling) You can even ask him.

Me: Manqoba what did you a daddy get up too?

Manqoba: We want to the park and daddy

bought me ice cream.

He cheerfully muttered before shift his gaze

back to the screen. I don’t believe that. That
answer sounds rehearsed.

Me: I could buy you that spiderman t-shirt.

Manqoba: Daddy bought me one.

He muttered not sparing me a glimpse. Damn I
must give it to him his good.

Me: I can take you to the beach.

I bargain, desperately.

Manqoba: No!

When I was his age I wouldn’t have missed the

opportunity so his child is he because his
definitely not mine.

Me: We could visit Mateo, uncle Marco and aunt

Manqoba: No!

Me: You can sleepover at aunt Rea, aunt Keitu

or uncle Tumelo and Lewatle's house.

He shakes his head.

Me: Grandpa Mohau and aunt Mosa.

Manqoba: Mommy I’m trying to watch the show.

I throw my hands in the defeated. Hubby

chuckles beside me.

Meli: Babe let the poor boy be.

I glare at him.

Me: You know I’m going to find out what you

were up too.

Meli: (smiling) I know, detective Rene.

I snort and lean back on the couch.

Me: Babe you know my sister said something

earlier and it hasn’t left my mind.

Meli: What did she say?

Me: She said I’m eating like a pregnant woman

and that offended me. So on my way back I
bought the pregnancy test.
Meli: Why do you care what she says? Her
opinion doesn’t matter but only mine matters so
ignore her.

Me: Okay, but I’m still taking the test anyway.

I place Wawa on blanket laid for her on the floor

and march to the kitchen. I took out the stick
and walk to the bathroom. He follows behind
me and lean on the frame.

Meli: Even if you’re pregnant it wouldn’t be a

bad thing. We are such great parents to our
kids. Another mini me and you wouldn’t kill

Me: I know right. You’re the best dad I have

come across.

I continue boosting his ego knowing the test

will come back negative. His smile widens.
There’s no way in hell I could be pregnant again.
I just gave birth 9 weeks ago. I would have
broken the record of all records if this test
comes back positive. First thing first is to
divorce his ass and leave him with his kids.
Pulling my panties up, I fix my dress and stand
to my full height.

Me: Now we wait.

He nods as hand him the stick and wash my


Meli: I'm okay with whatever come out.

He wraps his arms around my waist and
tightens them. I smile.

Me: I love you.

Meli: I don’t think I’ll get tired to hearing you say

that. I love you too.

He whispers and cage my lips with his. My

breath hitches in my throat. Before I could
salivate his lips he breaks the kiss and shifts
his eyes to the stick. He eagerly picks up the
stick, however, his face falls. He places the
back on the counter.

Meli: It’s negative.

Me: Really?

I’m grinning ear to ear like a fool but who cares?

I just proved my sister wrong and I can’t wait to
rub it in her face. I know he was also eagerly for
another baby but it’s too soon. He will be fine as
time goes.

Meli: You sound happy.

Me: Of course I am. Don’t get me wrong my love

I want us to have big family but it’s too soon.
We have our hands full with Wawa and Rare.
Another baby will mean we have to shift our
attention to it and give the two less attention.

He chews his bottom lip nodding.

Meli: I guess you’re right.

Me: Let me go and call my sister.

I kiss his cheek and run out of the bathroom but

abroudly halt on my steps and rush back inside
to pick the stick and run to the kitchen where I
left my bag and phone. Placing the stick on top
of the counter, I scroll down the contact list and
place a call. She answers on the second ring.

Rea: Sis is there something wrong?

Me: Everything is fine. I just called you to tell

you that I’m not pregnant. I just took the test it’s
Rea: Bathong Rene I was just joking.

Me: Well I didn’t like your joke. You know how

hard I work to lose the baby weight. It really
offended me.

She breathes out on the end of the line.

Rea: I didn’t mean to offend you sis. I’m sorry.

Me: It’s okay.

Turning the stick, I pick it up and nearly collapse

on the floor.
Me: No, no,no.

Rea: Rene what’s going on?

I gulp the thick saliva in my throat.

Me: Let me call you back. There’s something

that just came up.

Not waiting for her response, I hang.

Me: (screaming) Melisizwe Anthony Makhanya.

Meli: Shit, is the whole number plate necessary?

Whatever it is baby I didn’t do it.
His footsteps approach my way.

Me: How may lines did you see on the stick?

I'm seething. Confusion swirl in his eyes before

his eyebrows knit.

Meli: Two why?

His an idiot with the capital letter I. Who doesn’t

know two lines means positive and one means
negative? This is the same man who has two
children. One, two kids and he doesn't know the
difference between a positive and negative
pregnancy test. I could feel tears lurking in my
Me: The test it’s positive.

I manage to breath out in my turmoil. He looks

at me in shock before a massive smile graces
his face.

Meli: Really?

He exclaims make his way to me.

Meli: Fuck, I thought two means negative and

one means positive.

He whispers to himself still smiling. Men and

their love for kids.

Meli: We are having another baby.

He laughs and picks me up before spinning me

Meli: Fuck, yes we are having another baby.

I let the tears flow. How could he be so happy

while I’m miserable. Doesn’t he see the danger
we are facing? The baby might be a premature
or much worse have complications not to
mention Warona being slow as she grows up
because of what we did to her, the idiot from
Mgungundlovu doesn’t care about that. I swear
this is not what signed up for and definitely not
what I was expecting after I rode him like a
rodeo weeks back. He places me back on my
feet and frown.
Meli: And now?

I smack my lips shut and shake my head. His

back on being banned from talking to me.

Me: It’s too soon.

I muttered in between my sobs. Why is he calm?

We should be both panicking.

Meli: I asked you if you were ready and you

nodded like a hip hop artist jamming to a new
track he/she just released.

I rise my sobs. I’m crying for the whole Africa as

a whole. How could men do this to us?
Me: I didn’t think I will be pregnant so soon.

Meli: Pho ukhalelani? { So why are you crying?}

Me: Because it’s too soon. 9 weeks ago we had

a baby and now I can’t be pregnant again.

Meli : (amused) Uyazi, ngididekile ngendaba

yakho. Ucele ingane ngakunika. Manje yini
inkinga mama. {You know, I'm confused about
your story. You asked for a child and I gave it to
you. So now what's the problem?}

Me: (crying) I didn’t ask for a baby but an


I yell in between my sobs.

Meli: (amused) Ngenzenjani-ke ngoba ingane
isikhona? {What should I do then because the
baby is here?}

I swear if I hear the word ngane again I will lose

my mind.

Me: (sobbing) Take it back to your sperm sack.

He cracks up so hard and shakes his head.

Meli: Ngiyakuhalalisela-ke ngokungilinga

nokukuqumba phansi. Ingane yakho lena futhi
angingeni ndawo. Uyicele. { Congratulations
then for tempting me and knocking you up. This
is your baby and I'm not getting involved. You
asked for it.}
Me: (crying) But it’s too soon. I don’t want
ingane again.

Meli : (smirking) Ngakutshela mkami futhi mina

nocansi asixabene. Sifana namathe nolimi,
wakhetha ukungilinga ngakho ngiyakubongela.
ngikufisela inhlanhla ngengane yakho yakusasa.
{ I told you my wife and I don't fight with sex.
We are like spit and tongue, you chose to tempt
me, so I congratulate you. I wish you the best of
luck with your future baby.}

I jump up and down like a Kangaroo navigating

it’s way around the jungle. He turns on his heels
and makes his way back to the living room.
Avbob better have my coffin ready because I
want to die and be criminated. My ashes have
to to be scattered all over South Africa so that
fool I call a husband doesn't find them. His
proven to be dangerous to the society and the
gender of women as a whole. I want to take him
back to planet stupid because this is not what I
signed up for. Manqoba makes his way to the
kitchen and halts on his steps before he drags
his step ladder to the sink. Filling his glass with
water he starts singing.

Manqoba: We Nomathemba
Usha yo wubani

Me: (crying louder) Hiiiiiiiii!

It’s official Ngane has no parents while

Manqoba doesn’t have a mother’s. I’m
demoting myself as his mother.
****THE END****

We are closing off with baby fever. Danko

family for taking your time to read what I gave
you guys. You made it easy for me to write this
story because it was Ina Ethe. Keep inviting
your friends and sharing the page. Our family is
growing day by day and thank you for that. The
humor in me didn’t want to be shoved to the
back of my head because Rene was suppose to
be naive woman from the get going until the
last chapter. My previous books are on VW.
Don't forget to leave a tip behind

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