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Facts 1. Jimmys heart rate increase. 2. Jimmys respiratory rate increase. 3. Sweat glands increase the stimulation of sweat.

Ideas 1. The Jimmys heart pump more blood to deliver the oxygen throughout the body. 2. Jimmys breath rate increase because the body need to supply more oxygen to the cell for cellular respiration. 3. The sweat glands produce more sweat to cool down the body temperature. 1. The body need to balance the internal condition. 2. Symphathethic nervous system aids in the most of internal bodys system. 1. The heart, respiratory rate changing cause the digestive system also changing. 2. The digestive system feedback is starting to occcurs. 3. Kidneys play an important in urinary system at that time because it maintain the water level in the body and also the electrolyte must be maintain. 1. Before the race, the blood glucose level in Jimmys body is increasing. 2. The glycogen that stored in the body is convert to glucose by the instruction of hormone glucagon.

Learning Issues 1. What is responsible for raising the Jimmys heart and respiratory rate? 2. What type of process that sweat glands stimulating the the sweat? 3. Why Jimmys sweating? 1. Why the symphathetic division of the autonomi nervous system active before the race? 1. What changes is take place that occur in the digestive and urinary system at that time? 2. Why the digestive system changing? 3. Why urinary changing?

Action Plan 1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books.

1. The Jimmys

nervous system become active.

1. Jimmys digestive system changing. 2. Jimmys kidneys activity also changing.

1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books. 1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books.

1. Glucose level in Jimmys body is increase. 2. Jimmy needs more energy to continue his activities.

1. What happens to the blood glucose level before the activity? 2. What type of hormones that takes place in the activity of

1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books.

1. The jimmys mouth is dry.

1. Jimmys start to rowing the boat at the highest speed. 2. The full speed rowing putting new demands on his body.

3. However, during the activities, the blood glucose level decrease because glucose is needed to generate energy. 1. The salivary glands have started to slow down its excretion of saliva or perhaps it does not produce anything at all. 2. As we know, the urinary process is slow down. Thats mean the salivary glands also slow down. 1. The muscle cell expanding as Jimmy needs to rowing at the high speed. 2. Muscle cells must need more energy to do work. 3. The system in his body will high operates because it needs to maintain the internal condition of the body. 4. The feedback mechanism will start to take place and it will start to increase or decrease to balance the internal system. 5. The blood pressure, breathing rate, metabolic rateblood flow patterns, kidney activities and the digestive system start to changes.

converting the glycogen to glucose? 3. Why glucose is needed to generate energy? 1. Why Jimmys mouth dry?

1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books. 1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books.

1. What are the new demands that occurs in Jimmy;s body? 2. How does his body respond to the new demand? 3. What type of demand that changes? 4. Why we need to respond on that demand?

1. Jimmy muscle feel stress. -Haemoglobin contain oxygen. -Muscle cell need oxygen to do respiration.

1. ATP in Jimmy muscle cell is reduce. 2. Haemoglobin need to unload oxygen. 3. Muscle use oxygen to do respiration. 4. ATP produce. 1. Lactic acid produce. 2. Glycogen are use in muscle cell. 3. Muscle cell need more oxygen.

1. Why Jimmy muscle stress? 2. What Jimmy muscle need to overcome this problem.? 3. Where ATP come from.? 1. Why Jimmy muscle cramp.? 2. What substance make jimmy muscle feel burning. 3. What jimmy muscle need to reduce this problem.? 1. What conflict happen in jimmy body.? 2. What jimmy need to cool down it body.? 3. What substance jimmy need to rid off to maintain body balance.?

1.Search internet. 2.Refer biology book.

1. Lack of oxygen in Jimmy muscle cell meke him feel cramp.

1. Refering biology book.

1. Body temperature need to be maintain. -Waste product need to be remove from our body.

1. We need more water

1.Searching internet.

to make our body cool(hydration). 2. We sweating to remove our waste product. 3. Jimmy need to keep his heart and respiratory rate down.

1. Jimmy reduce

their activity.less energy needed. -heart beat and respiratory system back to normal.
1. Decreasing the

1. Production of adrenaline is reduce. 2. Less energy demand from muscle.

1. What is the

function of adrenaline.? 2. What happen to level of adrenaline when energy demand is reduce.?
1. What happen to

1. Searching internet. 2. Refering biology book.

1. Blood need to be

heart rate. -Change in nervous system. -Change in respiratory and cardiovascular system.

pump to all body to replace oxygen had been use. 2. Less adrenaline produce. 3. Heart beat decrease. 4. Energy need reduce.

the respiratory system? 2. What make less adrenaline produce? 3. Why jimmy need more oxygen.?

1. Refering biology book. 2. Searching internet.

1. Body need energy. -We need to breath fast. -Heart rate become high.

1. Energy is use to do

work. 2. breathing fast will supply Jimmy enough oxygen to recovery the energy lost. 3. Heart need to pump more fast to supply blood that contain oxygen.

1. Why we need energy? 2. How to get enough oxygen in a short of time? 3. What happen to heart beat when body lack of oxygen?

1. Searching internet.

1. When the body accumulate heat, ones will sweat more. 2. Sweating can

1. Jimmys sweating more because his body accumulate heat, which is lost to the surrounding through sweat. 2. By sweating, his

1. What had made the body sweat more? 2. How the temperature of the body can turn to normal?

1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books.

make the body cool down and back to normal temperature. 1. As the activity in the muscle increase, the amount of blood glucose will reduce. 2. The amount of blood glucose is converted to energy. 3. The use of glucose will increase the carbon dioxide level in the blood. 4. The pH of the blood will drop from alkaline to acidic due to the formation of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. 5. The temperature of the body will increase when the body use energy

body is cool down and back to its normal state.

1. The works in Jimmys muscle will cause an increase in blood flow to the muscle. 2. The increase of activity in Jimmys muscle will reduce the amount of blood glucose as it is converted to energy. 3. Carbon dioxide level in Jimmys blood will increase as it is produce with the use of glucose. 4. The oxygen level is increase as more is needed for energy. 5. The pH of the blood will drop to acidic due to the formation of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. 6. The lactic acid level of the blood will also increase as it is an end product of glucose and glycogen metabolism.

1. What has made the increase of blood flow to the muscle? 2. How is the amount of blood glucose is reduced? 3. How the carbon dioxide and oxygen level in the blood is relate the glucose? 4. How pH of the blood drop to acidic from slightly alkaline?

1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books.

1. Respiratory rate can come down due to the positive feedback loop. 1. Dehydration can cause someone to loss his weight. 1. When someone feels nervous, his heart rate will go up. 2. The stress of the muscle will elevate his heart rate, respiration and temperature.

1. The changes that occurred in the last 10 minutes is caused by the positive feedback loop. This loop function to make the respiratory rate to return to normal. 1. Jimmy is four pound lighter because of dehydration. He was well hydrated one hour before the race begun. 1. The chemical reaction in Jimmys become multiple within his nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and intergumentary system. 2. Jimmy was nervous, which turn made his heart rate go up. 3. He was also sweating before the race and had a dry mouth which showed that he has already dehydrated before the race began. 4. As he used his muscle, his heart rate, respirations and temperature elevate further. 5. He had dehydration synthesis from the cell in his body.

1. What incident occurred in the body to allow the respiratory rates to come down?

1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books. 1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books. 1. Search internet about the related information. 2. Refer the biology books.

1. What has made the body loss weight?

1. What effect has the water loss had on his endocrine system?

1. Drinking a lot of water when the body is dehydrated will make the muscle cramp.

1. Jimmys was dehydrated and he has loss of fluid and electrolytes. 2. Jimmy cannot drink a lot of water and not to restore the electrolyte into his cell because his muscle would have contracted and his muscle will cramp. 3. If he take the small sip of water, his body will be adjusted to the normal state of dehydration.

1. What happen if Jimmy drink a lot of water after the race? 2. Why Jimmy must only take a sips of water after the race?

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