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Prerequisite: None
Course purpose
The course seeks to introduce learners to the discipline of statistics. The course will mainly
deal with fundamental statistics to enable the learner to appreciate the use of statistics in
social science subjects in general, data analysis presentation and application.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course learners should be able to:
1. Appreciate statistical methods of data processing.
2. Apply various tools of data analysis
3. Understand the role of statistics in various business analyses.
Course Description
Introduction to statistics; Definition of Statistics, Types of statistics, Importance of Statistics;
Data identification; Data collection; Methods of Data collection, sampling, Methods of
sampling, Tools of Data collection, Data collection process; Data classification and
Tabulation; Data presentation; Measures of central value(central tendency);Arithmetic
mean, weighted mean, mode, median, Measures of Dispersion(variation);Range, inter-
quartile range(quartile deviation),average deviation, standard deviation and variance.

Teaching Methodologies
Lecture method, group activities and discussion, use of demonstrations and illustrations.

Instructional materials
Smart board,LCD projector and computers and tablets,Flipcharts,Televisions and Videos.

Course Assessment
CATs, Assignments 30%
End of semester examinations 70%
TOTAL 100%

Course Text Books

1. Mukras,M.S.(2004)Elements of Mathematical Economics . Kenya Literature Bureau.
2. Doughlas.A.L,Marchal.W.G&Wathen.S.A.(2012).Statistical Technique in Business &

Reference Text Books

1. Mason.R.D, Doughlas.A.L Marchal.W.G(1996).Statistical techniques in Business and
2. Arora.P.N.Arora.S(2008).Comprehensive Statistical Methods.
3. Burton.G,Carrol,G&Wall Stuart(2002).Quantitative Methods for
4. Onyango.J.P.(1994).Business Statistics and Calculations

Course journals
1. Journal of statistics Education
2. Statistics and computing journal

Reference journals
1. Electronic journal of statistics
2. Journal of applied statistics
3. The Canadian journal of statistics

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