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Cristal Advocates

Navigating Receivership as a means of Debt Recovery

An Overview of Ugandan Legal Considerations

Cristal Knowledge Series

April 2024
Navigating Receivership as a means of Debt Recovery
An Overview of Ugandan Legal Considerations

1. Introduction dedicated to the payment of the creditor (Stephen

Lubega v. Barclays Bank Ltd (1992) KALR
Creditors frequently encounter difficulties in collecting 230).
outstanding debts despite the legal remedies available.
Secured creditors, in particular, often resort to selling While the receiver is considered an agent of the debtor,
collateral to recoup the owed amount. However, this it's crucial to note that the creditor may be held
process is frequently protracted and meets accountable for the receiver's actions if it's
considerable resistance from property owners and demonstrated that the creditor interfered in the
occupants. Moreover, the sale of security typically receiver’s management of affairs (Standard Chartered
yields proceeds below the market value. In this article, Bank v. Walker (1982) 3 ALL ER 938). This safeguard is
we will explore the potential of receivership as a debt in place to ensure that the objectives of the receivership
recovery option, aiming to offer a solution that are met without unfair disadvantage to the debtor and
enhances efficiency and effectiveness in navigating the to foster a harmonious relationship between the
complexities of debt collection. debtor, receiver, and creditor.

2. The basis for Receivership b. Acting with Care

Receivership occurs when a secured creditor appoints a The receiver bears a duty of care to the debtor whose
qualified individual to manage the collateral and property is under receivership. Courts have stressed
ensure repayment of the outstanding loan obligation. that a receiver must consider the mortgagee's interest
While primarily rooted in insolvency law, receivership in obtaining payment of their debt, and if acting in good
is also available under mortgage law. faith, may prioritize the mortgagee's interests over
those of the mortgagor.
According to Section 22(1) of the Mortgage Act 2009, a
mortgagee can appoint a receiver of the income from Even if a receiver decides to continue the debtor’s
the mortgaged property. Thus, the creditor has the business, they must do so in good faith and without
inherent right to appoint a receiver, even without an defying commercial sense. If a receiver sells the
insolvency situation, if the debtor defaults on loan mortgagor’s property without taking reasonable care to
obligations. This appointment can be made in writing, obtain a proper price, they may incur liability even in
with notification to the debtor, as set out in both the the absence of fraud or bad faith (Douglas Medforth v.
Mortgage and Insolvency Acts. James Blake & others 2000 Ch 86).

3. Duties of Receiver 4. Why Receivership

A receiver’s duties include: Receivership proves to be a more effective

debt-collection method compared to outright selling of
a. Agency Duties the debtor’s property, particularly when the collateral is
A receiver is designated as an agent of the debtor, challenging to sell but still generates income.
although not in a formal agency capacity but as a legal Difficulties in selling collateral may stem from its
means of making the debtor, rather than the creditor, expensive nature or a limited target market, as seen
liable for the receiver’s actions and omissions (Lochab with special-purpose machinery, for instance. When
Brothers v. Kenya Furfural Co Ltd (1983) KLR collateral generates income, it's often more
201). advantageous for a receiver to collect the proceeds
rather than for the creditor to pursue a sale.
Under this arrangement, a receiver possesses a broad
range of powers to collect proceeds from the property, In certain instances, the inability to repay debt can be
manage the property, and, in some cases, sell it. linked to poor business management practices, leading
However, all these powers must be stipulated in the to reduced cash flow. In such cases, opting for
appointing document. Since the receiver is considered receivership may be more advantageous than
an agent of the debtor, all powers properly exercised by immediately selling the business, especially if the sale
receivers bind the debtor, even when appointed by the price wouldn't cover the accumulating loan amount.
creditor, and the proceeds of the collection are

Cristal Knowledge Series

April 2024
Navigating Receivership as a means of Debt Recovery
An Overview of Ugandan Legal Considerations

Receivers, often qualified managers, possess the publicity, and competitiveness, ensuring the property
expertise to implement more effective cash flow is sold for the best possible price. The receiver is
management strategies. This enables them to meet loan obligated to avoid conflicts of interest when overseeing
obligations and cover other essential expenses. Such an the sale of property under receivership, thereby
approach not only has the potential to strengthen the mitigating potential liabilities (Emerald Hotel Ltd
business relationship between the debtor and the & Others v. Barclays Bank of Uganda &
creditor but may also create additional business Others, HCCS 170 of 2008).
opportunities for the creditor with the debtor.
5. Conclusion
Receivership offers a means to minimize disputes,
time, and expenses associated with litigation, as well as From the preceding discussion, it's evident that
costs associated with selling the debtor’s property. receivership offers better safeguards for both lenders
Courts are currently overwhelmed with lawsuits from and borrowers. These safeguards primarily stem from
debtors seeking to impede debt collection efforts. Since the appointment of a professional intermediary who
the primary role of a receiver is to collect outstanding manages the conflicting interests of both parties
amounts or improve the situation before considering regarding the same property. The prospect of
selling the collateral, receivership may be more preserving the collateral serves as an incentive for
acceptable to debtors than an immediate property sale. debtors to accept the process, while lenders are assured
of payment through periodic collections or the eventual
However, in cases where the financial situation of the sale of the collateral.
business or property under receivership is irreparable,
the receiver holds the authority to sell it to satisfy the Receivership thus presents a more reliable and
mortgage. A sale by a receiver is typically facilitated mutually beneficial debt collection mechanism for both
smoothly, as the property under receivership is usually debtors and creditors compared to the outright sale of
registered in the receiver’s name in their official collateral. From this perspective, receivership offers a
capacity, representing the debtor in such transactions, less chaotic means of maximizing debt collection,
with proceeds remitted to the lender (AK Detergent especially in cases where the collateral generates
v. East African Development Bank, Court of income and maintains a stable clientele. Even in
Appeal No. 51/1997). scenarios where the collateral is eventually sold,
debtors may find the process more acceptable, as the
During a sale, the receiver must ensure fairness, creditor made efforts to preserve their property.

Cristal Advocates accepts no responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of
material contained in this publication. Further advice should be taken before relying on the contents of this publication.

Cristal Knowledge Series

April 2024
Contacts for this Publication.

Kalema Paul Lincoln Denis Yekoyasi Kakembo


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