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Abandon - to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever:

We had to abandon the car.

As a baby he was abandoned by his mother.
Over - above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one
thing covers the other; above:
The sign over the door said "Exit".
She held the umbrella over both of us.
Helicopters dropped leaflets over the city.

Mop -
a floor m op
a dish m op
Brand new -
completely new, especially not yet used:
How can he afford to buy himself a brand new car?
Her coat looked as if it was brand new.
Deaf - unable to hear, either completely or partly:
He's been totally/partially deaf since birth.
Interrupt - to stop a person from speaking for a short period by
something you say or do:
She tried to explain what had happened but he kept interrupting her.
I wish you'd stop interrupting.
Approach - to come near or nearer to something or someone
in space, time, quality, or amount:
We could just see the train approaching in the distance.
Along - moving forward:
We were just walking along, chatting.
Look for - attempt to find someone or something.
Howard has been looking for you.
Reckless - doing something dangerous and not worrying about
the risks and the possible results:
He was found guilty of reckless driving.
Embankment - an artificial slope made of earth and/or stones:
a river/road/railway embankment
Slope - a surface that rises at an angle, esp. a hill or mountain, or
the angle at which something rises:
Students learn to ski on gentle slopes in a straight line.
Detective - someone whose job is to discover information about crimes
and find out who is responsible for them:
a private detective
detective stories
Errand - a short journey either to take a message or to take or collect
I'll meet you at six, I've got some errands to do/run first.
Rough - not even or smooth, often because of being in bad condition:
It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.
Licence number -

Ditch -

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