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Measuring the Thermal Efficiency of Induction Cooktops

Ekamjot Singh1, Devansh Sehgal2 and Anand Kishore3

1,2,3 School of Electrical and Computing Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh, India
This paper presents an experiment to measure the thermal efficiency of induction cooktops. By carefully
monitoring the temperature rise of water heated on an induction cooktop and comparing it to the electrical
energy consumed, the study quantifies the proportion of input energy effectively converted into thermal
energy. This paper teaches the principles of electromagnetic induction in heating and the methodology for
calculating thermal efficiency. By leveraging the accessibility of induction cooktops in almost every
household, students can gain a practical understanding of these fundamental principles. Additionally, it
underscores the potential of induction technology in promoting energy conservation and sustainability in
household cooking practices.
Keywords: Induction cooking, Efficiency, Heat calculation
1. Introduction
The integration of contemporary technology into educational demonstrations enhances the effectiveness of
learning in scientific disciplines. Among the most impactful technologies, induction cooktops stand out due
to their exceptional energy efficiency and precision in temperature control, achieved through
electromagnetic induction. This paper focuses on the experiment aimed at measuring the thermal efficiency
of induction cooktops, providing both theoretical and practical insights into their operation and efficiency.
Induction cooking is often considered one of the most efficient cooking technologies. With this technology,
up to 90% of the energy consumed is transferred to the food. 1 Its mechanism contrasts sharply with
traditional cooking methods, where heat transfer involves significant energy loss to the surrounding
environment. By concentrating heat generation within the cookware itself, induction cooktops promise a
higher efficiency, making them an intriguing subject for energy efficiency studies.
Through the precise monitoring of temperature changes in pan and water heated on an induction cooktop
and the corresponding electrical energy consumption, the study quantifies how effectively these devices
convert electrical energy into thermal energy. This method provides a clear demonstration of the thermal
efficiency concept, essential for both educational and practical applications.
Previous studies investigating the thermal efficiency of induction cooktops have often relied on advanced
instrumentation such as thermocouples to measure temperature changes with precision 2. However, our
approach utilizes readily available and affordable tools like digital thermometers and infrared cameras,
which are commonly found in household settings. By employing these accessible instruments, our
experiment showcases a practical and cost-effective method for evaluating induction cooktop efficiency,
making it accessible to a wider audience.
By bridging theoretical concepts with practical experimentation, this paper aims to enhance understanding
and engagement in the fields of physics and environmental science. Through practical experimentation and
theoretical analysis, we underscore the potential of induction technology in advancing sustainable kitchen
practices and promoting energy efficiency in everyday life.
2. Calculating the efficiency of our induction cooktop

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: (a) Measuring temperature of water using digital thermometer (b) measuring time using stopwatch
(c) measuring pan temperature using infrared thermometer

The experimental setup involved an induction cooktop, a stainless-steel pan, water, an infrared thermometer,
a digital thermometer and a stopwatch. The infrared thermometer was positioned to capture the temperature
of the pan surface, while the digital thermometer was submerged in the water to measure its temperature
For this experiment, we calculated the efficiency of our induction cooktop at various input power settings.
First, induction is connected to power supply and an input power is set from the user interface panel. The
induction is set to the default cooking mode ‘Pressure cook’. The pan was then placed on the cooktop, and
400 ml water was added to it. The digital thermometer recorded the initial temperature of the water as 22°C.
The infrared thermometer recorded the initial temperature of the pan as 28°C. Throughout the cooking
process, the infrared and digital thermometer continuously measure the temperature of the pan's surface and
water respectively. For simplicity, the time is taken until the water rises to 80°C.
Firstly, assuming the density of water to be 1g/ml3, we calculate the mass of water using the formula:
mass = density * volume = 1 gm/ml * 400 ml = 400 g
Also, the mass of pan is known to be 300g.
From these measurements, the power output provided by the induction cooktop could be calculated using
the formula4:
P1 = (m1 c1 ΔT1) / t
P2 = (m2 c2 ΔT2) / t
Where, P1 is the power absorbed by the water (in Watts),
P2 is the power absorbed by the pan (in Watts),
m1 is the mass of the water (0.4kg),
m2 is the mass of the pan (m2 = 0.3kg),
c1 is the specific heat capacity of water (c1 = 4.2 J/g °C),
c2 is the specific heat capacity of stainless steel (c2 = 0.5 J/g °C),
ΔT1 is the change in temperature in digital thermometer in °C
ΔT2 is the change in temperature in infrared thermometer in °C
t is the time required in seconds
The thermal efficiency of the induction cooktop was then calculated by comparing the corresponding power
input (P0) as provided through the UI panel.
Efficiency = (P1 + P2)/ P0 * 100

3. Observations
The following observations were made across different input power ratings.
P0 (W) ΔT1 (°C) ΔT2 (°C) t (s) P1 (W) P2 (W) Efficiency %
200 56.0 58.1 672.4 139.8 15.0 76.4
600 56.0 59.8 227.6 413.0 39.4 75.4
800 56.0 60.1 169.0 556.3 53.3 76.2
1000 56.0 59.8 141.2 665.5 63.5 72.9
1200 56.0 62.5 118.9 790.0 78.8 72.4
1400 56.0 64.1 101.2 928.4 95.0 73.1
1600 56.0 68.1 92.5 1016.0 110.4 70.4
1800 56.0 68.3 82.4 1141.0 124.4 70.2

Table1: Efficiency values for various input power

4. Conclusions
In conclusion, the thermal efficiency of an induction cooktop can be accurately measured by analyzing heat
transfer to both the cooking pan and the water contained within it. Factors such as pan material, water
volume, and power settings all influence the efficiency of the cooktop. We used commonly found tools in
household settings and calculated the thermal efficiency of the induction cooktop. This methodology
enhances practical skills and conceptual knowledge in electrical engineering education.

[1] M. Sweeney, J.Dolls, B. Fortenbery, F. Sharp, “Induction Cooking Technology Design and
Assessment” ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, pp. 9-370, 2014
[2] C. Karunanithy, K. Shafer, “Heat transfer characteristics and cooking efficiency of different
sauce pans on various cooktops” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 932, pp. 1202–1215, Jan. 2016, DOI:
[3] M Tanaka, G Girard, R Davis, A Peuto and N Bignell “Recommended table for the density of
water between 0 °C and 40 °C based on recent experimental reports”, 2001 Metrologia, vol. 38, DOI:
[4] H. C. Verma, “Concept of Physics Part 2”, pp 39, 2014

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