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Test Paper Unit 1&2

7th grade

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple and present continuous.
1,5 x10= 15 p
Karen:1. ……………………………(you/live) in London?
Maria: No,I 2. …………………… (be) here on holiday. I 3. …………………………(stay) with my sister
for the summer. She and her husband 4. ……………………….(live) near the university.
Karen: 5. ……………………………(you/stay) with them every summer?
Maria: No, I usually 6………. (go) on holiday with my friend, Anna but she 7…………………..(work) on
a farm this summer. She 8.………………..(not have) a holiday this summer. What about you?
Karen: I 9…………………..(do) a drama class at the moment and I 10. …………………(have) fun!

2.These verbs can form nouns by adding –r, -er or –or. Write the nouns in the correct columns:
(1x 10=10p)

 Drum, sail , manage , teach, act, swim, conduct, win, sing, drive, dive.

-er -or -er


3. Match the sentences. Then write one sentence using the infinitive of purpose.( 2x5= 10 p)
1. He got a part-time job. a. He had to post a parcel.
2. He went to the post office. b. He wanted to keep fit.
3. He stayed at college until 8 p.m. c. He needed to finish his project
4. He telephoned Susan. d. He needed to get some extra money.
5. He did some exercises. e. He wanted to wish her “Happy birthday”.
Ex: He got a taxi. He wanted to save time. - He got a taxi to save time
4 .Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past simple: (1,5x10=15 p)
Sandy: What time ………………………did you arrive…………….(you arrive) yesterday ?
Nick: We 1. …………(get) there at 7 o’clock and we 2. ……....(have) something to eat. Then we 3.
……………….(go) to the Leisure Centre.
Sandy: 4. ……………………………………(see) the manager?
Nick: No, we 5. ……………..( not see) him but we 6. ………(meet) the assistant manager. She 7.. ……(be)
very nice. She 8..…………..(take) us round the Centre and 9. ……….(give) us a lot of information.
We 10.…………………..(think) it was great!

5. Complete with so or because: (5p.)

a. It was very noisy………………I didn’t sleep very well.

b. We went back home…………….it started to rain.
c. I slept late this morning………………I went to bed late last night.
d. There was nothing good on TV………………they decided to go out.
e. He wanted to know the answers………………I told him.
6. Read the advertisements for summer jobs and Anita’s postcard.


We need students to pick fruit on our lovely farm in Kent. If you like getting up early,
working hard and having fun in the evening, here’s the job for you!
The more fruit you pick, the more money you earn!


Would you like to work in a large hotel in the centre of London?

During the busy summer period, we need staff to work in the kitchens and
restaurants. Staff work six days a week. Good pay and free meals. Accommodation at
international student hostel- five minutes from the hotel!


We need tourist guides who speak French, German , Italian or Spanish to work on our
“York City Tour” buses throughout the summer. We give you full training and
information about the city of York. Good pay.

Had a good journey and the weather is brilliant! The other students are nice and friendly. We
live in a small house on a farm but we have our meals with the family in the farmhouse. (Mr.
D. Richardson is a great cook!). The work is hard- we get up at 5.30 and have a big cooked
breakfast then start work. We have a couple of hours in the middle of the day when it’s very
hot and of course we are free in the evening.
Mr. Richardson has got some bicycles so Pete, Maria and I went for a ride yesterday into
Hope you’re having a good holiday on the boat- please give my love to your parents.
See you soon.

Answer True, False or Doesn’t say (1,5x10=15 p)

1. The three advertisments are for holiday jobs.

2. Students get free meals on the farm and in the hotel.
3. All the tourist guides speak four languages.
4. A lot of tourists go to York in the summer.
5. The hotel has got more than one restaurant.
6. The hotel workers live in the hotel.
7. Anita’s mother is a good cook.
9. Anita works on the farm in the evening.
10. Anita is writing a postacard to her parents.

4.Imagine you are learning English in Britain.Write a letter to a friend answering these questions.
(20 p)
How did you travel there? Where are you studying? How’s school there? Who are you living with? Are
you enjoying your stay?
0f: 10 p

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