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Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Nama Anggota kelompok

1. Stefanus Prima Nugroho, S.Pd., M.B.A

2. Antonius Hanung Prasangka, S.Pd

Nama Penyusun 1. Stefanus Prima Nugroho, S.Pd., M.B.A

2. Antonius Hanung Prasangka, S.Pd
Asal sekolah SMP Santa Theresia, Pangkalpinang
Alokasi waktu
Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Kelas 9
Profil Pelajar Pancasila  Mandiri
 Kritis
 Kreatif
Jenjang SMP
Fase D
Jumlah Siswa 31
Model pembelajaran Tatap muka

Domain Mapel Narrative Text

Tujuan Pembelajaran Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis dengan kriteria berbahasa yang

Kata Kunci
Deskripsi umum

Materi Ajar Teks Naratif dalam bentuk PDF
Alat dan bahan 1. HP
2. Kertas
3. Spidol
4. Buku catatan

Komponen Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pertanyaan Pemantik  What is a narrative text?

 What is the importance of learning a narrative text for our life?
 How to write narrative text?
Ketersediaan Materi Pengayaan untuk siswa CIBI : YA
Alternatif penjelasan, metode, atau aktivitas, untuk siswa yang sulit
memahami konsep: TIDAK
Asesmen Yang

Tes diagnostic awal  Can you give me a sentence in Simple Past?

 Anyone knows about fairy tales? What are the examples?

Kegiatan Awal Siswa mengamati gambar dan menjawab pertanyaan yang

diberikan .

Observe the following movie titles and answer the questions!

1. Have you watched the movies above?

2. What is your favourite movie?
3. Have you read those stories in a novel or story book?
4. Do you think such kind of story interesting? Why?
5. Is it important for us to read such kind of story? Why?
Kegiatan Inti Siswa berkelompok mendiskusikan pertanyaan yang diberikan dan
(berdiferensiasi, dan mempresentasikan apa yang telah didiskusikan.
berbasis IT)
Discuss in group the following questions
1. Decide one movie
2. Mention the characters in that movie?
3. Tell the plot of the story
4. Do you learn something from the story?
5. Which part is impressed you a lot and which one is not?
6. Present the result of your discussion in class.
Siswa melihat gambar dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan.

Look at the following picture and answer the questions

Siswa membaca teks yang diberikan dan menebak makna dari kata
– kata yang ada di cerita.

Open this link and watch the video

Guess the meaning of the underlined word

1. The fox was very hungry, he searched for food everywhere.
2. He saw a crow flying with a piece of cheese in its beak.
3. The crow sat on a branch of a tree
4. How fine your feather are. How bright your eye are
5. Please let me hear your voice
6. I declare you the queen of the birds
7. The crow was truly delighted by the compliments,
8. The crow lifted up her head, and began to caw her best.
9. But the moment she opened her mouth, the cheese fell down, and
it was snapped up by the fox.
10. You foolish crow, you should never trust flatters!
Siswa menjawab pertanyaan informasi tertentu dan informasi rinci
dari teks yang diberikan

Answer these questions.

1. What is the story about?
2. How was the fox that day?
3. What did he search?
4. What did he see when looking for something to eat?
5. What did the fox do then?
6. What did the fox do to get the cheese?
7. What did the crow do that he lost his cheese?
8. How was the end of the story?

Kegiatan Penutup Siswa berdiskusi dengan guru terkait pentingnya mempelajari teks

It is important for us to read such kind of stories. We will be entertained,

enrich our vocabularies, and we will learn moral values of the story.

1. Do you agree with such kind statement? Explain your answer!

2. What part of the statement attract you a lot?
3. What will you add to the statement above?

Kriteria ketuntasan 1. Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi

Tujuan Pembelajaran terperinci dari ragam teks lisan/tulisan yang disajikan dalam
(KKTP) bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.
2. Menjelaskan konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci
dari ragam teks lisan/tulisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk
multimoda dalam lingkup global.
3. Mengemukakan ide dari berbagai ragam teks yang disajikan
dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup global.
4. Menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ragam
teks yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup
5. Menganalisa struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dan konteks dari
ragam teks yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda pada
konteks yang berbeda dalam lingkup global.
6. Mengaplikasikan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ragam
teks yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda pada konteks yang
berbeda dalam lingkup global.
7. Merancang berbagai ragam teks tulisan maupun lisan
sederhana yang disajikan dalambentuk multimoda dalam lingkup
8. Memproduksi berbagai ragam teks tulisan maupun lisan
sederhana yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam
lingkup global.
Refleksi Let’s reflect
 What is the most interesting activity have you experienced?
 What area do you feel you still need to practice or improve on?
 What can you do to try to improve for the next lesson?
 What information will you be able to use in the future?
 Is there anything you would like to learn more?

Daftar Pustaka
Rubrik Penilaian

Materi Pengayaan Please, Read a fable story from Indonesia.

Kegiatan Remedial 1. Reread the story of the Fox and the Crow
2. Try ask the teacher or your friends to get more understanding
of the story
3. Let’s check

Complete the following sentences with your own words. Add your
1. The fox was searching for food because he was …..
2. The crow sat on the branch of the tree alone because she
wanted to….
3. The fox got flattered the crow because he wanted to….
4. The crow was foolish because she …..
5. The fox was cunning because he ……
1. Bahan pelajaran english-moral_00607016/
2. Lembar Kerja
3. Soal Tes

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