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Workplace Simulation (library@bar)

Izzul: Hye Ammar. What are you up to? We are going to have a team lunch soon. Let’s
go! Aren’t you joining later?

(Doing task)Ammar: Eh Izzul!…Hye there Izzul! Have a seat. I have some works to do
here. Thank you for the invitation but I’ll have my lunch here. I bring my lunch box from

Izzul: Thanks Ammar. Are you sure? It will be so much fun because I heard there are
going to be lucky draws for lucky person.

Ammar: It’s alright. If I’m joining later, I don’t think I could not handle my work. How’s
your day been?

Izzul: Yeahhh good you?, why do you look so tired and stressed today, is it okay so far?

Ammar: Hmm, I think I have a lot of work that has always been assigned to me that is
not within my scope.

Izzul: Haaa are you serious?... you can share your feelings to me don’t worry okay?

Ammar: Uhhhh.... since I am the new worker in my workplace, the senior colleague
always assigns me with too many tasks which make me so stressed and burden me a
lot. For example, I must do a lot of photocopy for their work, make a coffee and maggi if
they want and so on…. Haa

Izzul: I understand, Ammar. It would be very uncomfortable and stressful to do the work
that is not within our job scope. Why don’t you make a report to a higher department or
tell them that this is not your task.

Ammar: As I know from my friend’s experience, the new worker or an intern must face
this phase where they must do a lot of work by the senior colleague. So, I think I must
obey them and do whatever they ask me to do.

Izzul: No Ammar, this is the wrong statement. A new worker must be given work that
they should do only, not the work that will make it stressful and so on… I think you
should tell to the senior colleague to stop giving you a lot of work that are not suitable
for you… say to them “I am so sorry this is not what my offer letter told me to do within
this job”.
Ammar: Hm… I feel scared to talk to the senior colleague about this….. hm is there any
other option to overcome this problem?

Izzul: Other solutions is that you can make a report to the human resource department
so that this matter will be solved.

Ammar: yes, that’s a good idea since human resource department is the one that can
take action against the worker.

Izzul: Great to hear that, Ammar! Be yourself and let your personality shine. You will be
amazed when you allowed it to shine. Are you ready for team lunch later?

Ammar: Thank you for the talk, Izzul! Yeah, I am ready and I should give myself a
chance too.

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