Ire 2024 Kcse Commonly Tested QNS

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A Series of KCSE 2024 Prediction Questions
Prepared by a Pannel of Top KNEC Examiners HQ
All KCSE 2024 Candidates are advised to take the
questions Serious!

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©KCSE 2024 KEY AREAS {500+ QUESTIONS} 2024


1. a) Highlight the lessons derived from the first portion of revelation of the Quran.
(6 marks)
b) Discuss the rationale for the narratives of the prophets in the Holy Quran. (6 marks)
c) State the modern ways adapted in teaching the Quran. (8 marks)
2. a) Discuss any four differences between the Mas-haf of Abubakar and that of
Uthman. (8 marks)
b) Outline the significance of reciting ayatul Kursy. (6 marks)
c) Explain how a Muslim can modify his life according to Suratul Hujurat. (6 marks)
3. a) State any five Shia collections of Hadith (5 marks)
b) Give reasons why the fourth period of Hadith collection is regarded as the Golden age
of Hadith collection. (8 marks)
c) The prophet (S.A.W) said “looking for a lawful earning is an obligatory act next to
obligatory worship. With reference to the Hadith explain how Muslims can eradicate
poverty in the society. (7 marks)
4. a) Discuss the relevance of punishment according to Shariah law. (8 marks)
b) Outline the features of a Juma’a prayer. (6 marks)
c) Mention six main activities of Hajj. (6 marks)
5. a) Discuss the relevance of the sunnah acts observed during the month of
Ramadhan. (7 marks)
b) Highlight five ways of asking for tawbah (5marks)
c) Discuss the challenges of Zakat collection in Kenya (8 marks)
6. a) Give the rationale of forbidding Shirk in Islam (7 marks)
b) Discuss any four stages that a Muslim passes through immediately after death
(8 marks)
c) Explain the incident of Ghadir Khum according to Shia belief (5 marks)

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7. a). State the reasons for the use of narratives in the Holly Quran. (6 marks)
b). Give seven reasons why Muslims find it difficult to recite the Holly Quran regularly in
the 21st century. (7 marks)
c). Discuss the factors that strengthen peace and cohesion according to Suratul Hujurat.
(7 marks)

8. a). Give six importance of Quran to the Muslim community. (6 marks)

b). Identify factors that facilitated the ease of collection and compilation of Quran.
(6 marks)
c). Discuss ways through which the teachings from Surah An-Nur promote security of
marriages. (8 marks)

9. a). Mention the four major Shia of collection of Hadith. (4 marks)

b). Give reasons why the fourth period of hadith collection is regarded as the
“golden age” of the development of hadith. (8 marks)
c). Abu-Hurayra (R.A) reported that a man said to the prophet (p.b.u.h) “counsel me,” so he
(p.b.u.h) said, “Do not become angry.” The man repeated (his request for counsel) seven
times, and each time, the prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “Do not become angry.” (Bukhari and
Muslim). In reference to the above Hadith state the effects of anger. (8 marks)

10. a). Give five differences between faradh ain and faradh kifaya. (5 marks)
b). Explain the importance of visiting Madinah to a pilgrim. (7 marks)
c). Discuss ways through which observance of fasting (swaum) enhance discipline.
(8 marks)

11. a). State the importance of observing the Sunnah acts. (6 marks)
b). Discuss the relevance for application of Islamic penal law. (7 marks)
c). State the contributions of Imam Malik as a jurist in the field of fiqh. (7 marks)

12. a). State the significance of belief in Qiyama. (6 marks)

b). Highlight the characteristics of the revealed scriptures. (7 marks)
c). Explain the lessons that a Muslim from the duties of the Angels of Allah (SWT).
(7 marks)

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©KCSE 2024 KEY AREAS {500+ QUESTIONS} 2024

13. a) Highlight the lessons derived from the first portion of revelation of the Quran.
(6 marks)
b) Discuss the rationale for the narratives of the prophets in the Holy Quran. (6 marks)
c) State the modern ways adapted in teaching the Quran. (8 marks)

14. a) Discuss any four differences between the Mas-haf of Abubakar and that of
Uthman. (8 marks)
b) Outline the significance of reciting ayatul Kursy. (6 marks)
c) Explain how a Muslim can modify his life according to Suratul Hujurat. (6 marks)

15. a) State any five Shia collections of Hadith (5 marks)

b) Give reasons why the fourth period of Hadith collection is regarded as the Golden age
of Hadith collection. (8 marks)

c) The prophet (S.A.W) said “looking for a lawful earning is an obligatory act next to
obligatory worship. With reference to the Hadith explain how Muslims can eradicate
poverty in the society. (7 marks)

16. a) Discuss the relevance of punishment according to Shariah law. (8 marks)

b) Outline the features of a Juma’a prayer. (6 marks)
c) Mention six main activities of Hajj. (6 marks)

17. a) Discuss the relevance of the sunnah acts observed during the month of
Ramadhan. (7 marks)
b) Highlight five ways of asking for tawbah (5marks)
c) Discuss the challenges of Zakat collection in Kenya (8 marks)

18. a) Give the rationale of forbidding Shirk in Islam (7 marks)

b) Discuss any four stages that a Muslim passes through immediately after death
(8 marks)
c) Explain the incident of Ghadir Khum according to Shia belief (5 marks)

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19. (a) With reference to Surah An – Nur, describe the prescribed etiquette of entering houses
(b) Give eight conditions that must be fulfilled by a translator of the Quran (8marks)
(c) Mention the dua found in the last verse of Surah Al-Baqara. (Q.2:286) (6marks)

20. (a) Identify the groups of people who are not at a loss according to Surah Al-Asr (5marks)
(b) Explain the differences between the compilation and the standardization of the Holy
Quran. (8marks)
(c) State seven ways through which the Quran is preserved in the Present time (today)
21. (a) Explain ways through which hadith evolved (8marks)
(b) The Apostle of Allah (SAW) said to us. “When one of you becomes angry while
standing he should sit down, if the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he
should lie down” (Abu Daud)
From the above hadith discuss how Muslims can control anger (8marks)
(c) Name the four main shia collections of hadith (4marks)

22. (a) What are the punishment awarded under Taazir (6marks)
(b) Mention acts that nullify wudhu (7marks)
(c) State seven rights that a Muslim should accord other people (7mks)

23. (a) Explain the three types of sijdats (6marks)

(b) Outline the acts that are forbidden for a pilgrim in the state of Ihram (8marks)
(c) State six contributions of Imam Abu Hanifa to the development of fiqh (6marks)

24. (a) Explain the significance of belief in Qadar and Qadha (7marks)
(b) Describe the characteristics of paradise according to Quran and Hadith (7marks)
(c) Mention the duties of the following angels (6marks)
(i) Angel Malik
(ii) Angel Ridhwan
(iii) Angel Munkar and Nakir
(iv) Angel Mikail
(v) Angel Atid and Raqib

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25. a) Highlight the lessons derived from the first portion of revelation of the Quran (6marks)
b) Discuss the rationale for the narratives of the prophets in the Holy Quran (6marks)
c) State the modern ways adapted in teaching the Quran (8marks)

26 a) Discuss any four differences between the Mas-haf of Abubakar and that of Uthman (8marks)
b) Outline the significance of reciting ayatul Kursy (6marks)
c) Explain how a Muslim can modify his life according to Suratul Hujurat (6marks)

27 a) State any five Shia collections of Hadith

b) Give reasons why the fourth period of Hadith collection is regarded as the Golden age of Hadith
collection (8marks)

c) The prophet (S.A.W) said “looking for a lawful earning is an obligatory act next to obligatory
worship” With reference to the Hadith explain how Muslims can eradicate poverty in the society

28 a) Discuss the relevance of punishment according to Shariah law

b) Outline the features of a Juma’a prayer (6marks)
c) Mention six main activities of Hajj (6marks)

29a) Discuss the relevance of the sunnah acts observed during the month of Ramadhan (7marks)
b) Highlight five ways of asking for tawbah (5marks)
c) Discuss the challenges of Zakat collection in Kenya (8marks)

30 a) Give the rationale of forbidding Shirk in Islam (7marks)

b) Discuss any four stages that a Muslim passes through immediately after death (8marks)
c) Explain the incident of Ghadir Khum according to Shia belief (5marks)

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a) State the Reasons why the Quran was revealed in Arabic. (7mks)
b) Describe the Process of the Diacriticalization of the Qu’an. (6mks)
c) Discuss the Moral teachings of Surah An Nur- (7mks)
a) Give Reasons why mankind needed revelation of the Qur’an. (8mks)
b) Explain the Background behind the revelation of suratul Hujurat (6mks)
c) What are the Conditions that must be fulfilled by a translator (Mutarjim) of the
Qur’an. (6mks)
a) Difference between hadith Qudsi and Nabawwi. (8mks)
b) The prophet (p.b.u.h) said” every one of you is a guardian and is responsible for his
charges’ in the light of his hadith, explain islam’s position on the care for animals and
plants. (6mks)
c) Mention the six authentic books of hadith (sahih as sita). (6mks)
a) Enumerate Things which nullify wudhu. (6mks)

b) Explain the eight Recipients of Zakat. There are eight categories of people who are
eligible to receive Zakat: (8mks)
c) List the Functions of the Qaadhi`s office. (6mks)


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a) What are The Conditions for preparations of Hajj. (5mks)

b) State the Hudoood offences and their punishments. (10mks)

c. Differences between Islamic law and secular law. (5mks)

Islamic law Secular law

a) Explain the three types of Types of Tawheed. (6mks)
b) Mention the Duties of Sunni Imam in the Muslim society/Functions of an imam.
c) Discuss the Significance of Qadha and Qadar to a Muslim. (8mks)

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37. a. Discuss the importance the preserving the Quran. (8marks)

b. Outline six benefits of tarjamatul Quran. (6marks)
c. What are the limitations of translating the Quran? (6marks)
38. a. Identify the social teachings of Suratul Hujuraat. (8marks)
b. Differentiate between Mus’haf Abubakar (r.a) and Mus’haf used today.
c. Highlight the factors that enabled the process of standardization of the Quran.
39. a. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, “…spread for me even if it’s one verse…”
In the light of this hadith, explain ways in which Muslims help spread sunnah.
b. Outline the significance of Hadith in the life of a Muslim . (6marks)

c. Describe the nature of Hadith in the second period.

40. a. Explain the significance in the belief in tawheed.
b.Discuss the impact of shirk in the community.
c.Identify six roles of prophets of Allah (s.w).

41. a. Outline the qualities of a kadhi (8marks)

b. Highlight the conditions for use of Ijma as a source of shariah .

c. Discuss any six factors that would hinder the application of Islamic Law in Kenya.
42. a. Distinguish between sin and crime according to Islam.
b. Identify the correct order of the obligatory acts of Haj.

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c. Outline six conditions of performance of ibadat.


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43. a)Explain the differences between Makkan and Madina Surahs (7marks)
b) State the benefits of translating the Quran into other languages (7marks)
c) Explain the circumstances that led to the revelation of suratul hujurat (6marks)

44. a) Describe the ways in which angel Jibril assisted Prophet Mohammad in his mission (7mks)
b) Give the reasons why the Quran was revealed in the Arabic (6marks)
c) State the teachings on interpersonal relationships between Muslims according to suratul
Hujurat (7marks)

45.a) The prophet said “The strong man is not the good wrestler, the strong man is in fact the
person who controls himself at the time of anger
In reference to the above Hadith explain in which ways Muslim can manage Anger (7marks)
b) Give reasons why Muslims should care for animals (7marks)
c) What are the characteristics of weak (dhaif) Hadith (6 marks)

46.a) Discuss The significance of tawba to a Muslim (8marks)

b) Outline the six achievements of imam Malik (6marks)
c) State six conditions that necessitate the performance of ghusl (6 marks)

47.a) Explain five differences between the Islamic Sharia and secular Laws (10marks)
b) List five punishments of crimes under hudud laws (5marks)
c) State the conditions to be fulfilled for one to be considered a mujtahid (6marks)

48.a) Explain the significance of divine guidance in the life of a muslim (7marks)
b) Give the meaning of the following attributes of Allah (6marks)
• Al hayyu
• Al qayyum
• Al Razzaq
• Al Rahim
• As-Swamad
• Al quddus

c) State the different interpretations of the term Imamah (7marks)

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49 a. Explain the relevance of narrating stories of the prophet in the Holy Quran.(6marks)
b. Discuss the factors that will strength peace and cohesion in the society according to suratul hujurat
c. State six reasons why the Quran was revealed in bits (6 marks)
50a. Outline ways through which the Qur’an has been protected from interpolation. (8marks)
b. Why was Zaid bin Thabit placed in charge for the compilation of the Qur’an. (5 marks)
c. State where the surah was revealed. (7 marks)
i) Suratul Alaq – ii) Suratul Asr –
iii) Suratul Nasr –iv) Suratul Fiil –
v) Suratul Baqara –vi) Suratul Nur –
vii) Suratul Hujurat –
51a. Discuss the contribution of Hadith to the Development of Islamic culture. (7marks)
b. Enumerate Methods used by Imam Bukhari in the compitation of Sahih Bukhari. (7marks)
c. The prophet said seeking knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim. In what ways muslims in
Kenya have practiced the saying about the acquisition of knowledge. (6marks)
52a.Differentiate between hadith Qudsi and hadith an Nabawwi.(6 marks)
b. The prophet saw said “whoever is merciful even to a sparrow that he slaughter Allah will be merciful
to him on the day of judgment. In light of this hadith and other on caring of animals. Explain the
Islamic teaching of the Hadith on the care for animals. (8marks)
c. Explain the four forms of hadith (4marks)
53a.Discuss the factors that led to the development of school of thought (madhahibs).(8 marks)
b. Describe the performance of swalatul musafir. (8marks)
c. Significance of the concept of Tawba in Islam.(4 marks)
54 a. Explain the three times of Tawheed. (6 marks)
b. Gives the reasons for the revelation of Divine books of Allah. (7 marks)
c. Outline the significance of Qadha and Qadar to a muslim. (7 marks)

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55. a) State etiquettes to be observed during Qur’an recitation. (7mks)

b) State six characteristics of the language of the Qur’an. (5mks)
c) Discuss the reasons why mankind needed revelation of the Qur’an. (8mks)

56. a) Give factors that facilitated the compilation of the Qur’an. (5mks)
b) Why is the Qur’an considered as a miracle by Muslim? (7mks)
c) Explain five benefits of translating the Qur’an into other languages. (8mks)

57. a) Discuss the importance of Hadith. (8mks)

b) Explain the five themes of the forty Hadith of Iman Nawawi. (5mks)
c) “One who takes care of an orphan and I will be in paradise” he raise his force
figure and middle figure by way of illustration in relation to this hadith. Identify five
Islamic teachings in treatment of orphans. (7mks)

58. a) Discuss briefly the ulul Azm prophets and their trials. (10mks)
b) Explain the significance of the belief in Qadar to a Muslim. (10mks)

59. a) State the significances of shahadah. (10mks)

b) What are the functions of a Kadhi in Kenya. (10mks)

60. a) Explain the reasons why it becomes compulsory for a pilgrim to slaughter animals.
b) What are the contribution of Imam Abu Hanifah to development of Figh. (5mks)
c) What are the major offenses of Hudud and punishment of each. (8mks)

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{QUESTIONS 61-120}

61. (a) Discuss the rationale behind prohibition of abortion in Islam. (5marks)

(b)Give seven significances of the Islamic dress code. (7marks)

(c)Highlight effects of sexual perversion in the society. (8marks)

62. (a) Explain the importance of eddat . (8marks)

(b) Mention Seven forms of child Abuse prevalent in kenya. (7marks)

(c) Outline five illegitimate sources of earnings in Islam. (5marks)

63. (a)Describe five ways through which Muslims can assist in the eradication of corruption.

(b)What roles can parents play to ensure proper upbringing of their children? (6marks)

(c) Identify four conditions to be fulfilled be the administration of the estate of the deceased
Muslims. (4marks)

64. (a) Describe seven lessons that a Muslims youth can learn from the Ten Rules of Conduct of
Imam Al Ghazali. (8marks)
(b) State the reforms brought by Uthman Dan Fodio under the Sokoto Caliphate. (6marks
(c) Identify the contributions of Sheikh Abdalla Swaleh Al-Farsy to the growth of Islam in
East Africa. (6marks)

65. (a) Describe the lessons that Muslims can learn from the prophet’s Farewell speech.
(b) Outline the Circumstances that led to the boycott of Banu Hashim. ( 6marks)
(c) State six achievements of Caliph Uthman (R.A). (6marks)

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66. (a) Describe four achievements of Abdulmalik Bin Marwan of the Ummayyad dynasty.
( 8marks)
(b) Why is Abbasid era considered as the Golden Age of Islamic civilization. (7marks)

(c) Highlight the importance of the treaty Hudaibbiyya to Muslims. (5marks)

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67. a). What are the benefits of commanding good and forbidding evil in the society? (8 marks)
b). Discuss seven ways in which Muslims can help in curbing drugs and substance
abuse in the society. (7 marks)
c). State five forms of sadaqah. (5 marks)

68. a). Describe the rationale for polygamy in Islam. (7 marks)

b). Discuss seven measures put in place by Islam to fight against corruption. (7 marks)
c). State six conditions for the validity of wasiya. (6 marks)

69. a). What are the effects of domestic violence on the society? (6 marks)
b). Describe six circumstances that can lead to dissolution of marriage through faskh. (6 marks)
c). Differentiate between iddul-fitr and iddul-ul Adh-ha celebrations. (8 marks)

70. a). State six terms of the treaty of Hudaibiya. (6 marks)

b). Outline eight contributions of Uthaman bin Affan (R.A) to the development of Islam. (8 marks)
c). What lessons can Muslims learn from the leadership of Khalifa Harun-Ar-Rashid of the Abbasids?

71. a). Describe seven factors that led to the rise of Umayyad Dynasty. (7 marks)
b). Identify seven lessons that Muslims learn from the conquest of Makkah. (7 marks
c). Discuss the contributions of Uthman Dan Fodio to the development of Islam in Northern Nigeria.
(6 marks)

72. a). Give a brief biography of Hassan Al-Banna. (6 marks)

b). Outline challenges encountered by East African Muslim scholars of the 19th century. (6 marks)
c). Explain the contributions of Muslims to the economic development in Kenya. (8 marks)

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73. (a) What are the advantages of enjoining and forbidding good to the Muslim (6marks)
(b) State six effects of gambling to the society (6marks)
(c) Explain ways Muslims can help end corruption in the society (8marks)

74. (a) State the Haram acts in business transactions in Islam (6marks)
(b) Explain four ways in which divorce affect the children in a family (4marks)
(c) (i) identify any five wives of the Prophet (S.A.W)? (5marks)
(ii) For each state reasons that might have contributed to marriage of each wife. (5marks)

75. (a) State duties of extended families in Islam (7marks)

(b) Explain reasons why marriage is considered important in Islam. (6marks)
(c) State the effects of corruption (7marks)

76. (a) state lessons we can learn from the conquest of Makkah (6marks)
(b) Outline ways in which prophet Muhammad (SAW) encouraged religious tolerance (8marks)
(c) Explain problems faced by Khalif Ali bin Abu Talib (7marks)

77. (a) What roles did Akidas and Jumbes play in the spread of Islam (6marks)
(b) State the terms of the Madina constitution (8marks)
(c) What was the importance of Hudaibiyya treaty (6marks)

78. (a) State the contribution of Kabaka Mutesa in the spread of Islam in Buganda (6marks)
(b) Discuss the contribution of Sayyid Qutb (8marks)
(c) Outline lessons we can learn from the speech of Sayyidina Abu Bakar (R.A) (6marks)

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79 a. State eight effects of betting to the Muslim youth (8 marks)

b. Suggest ways of preventing zinaa in the community (6 marks)
c. Give six reasons why it is important for Muslims to conserve the environment (6 marks)

80 a. Describe the duties of the extended family members (6 marks)

b. Discuss how corruption undermines growth of society (8 marks)
c. What is the rationale for Eddat in Islam (6 marks)

81 a. Give seven reasons why agreements and contracts have to be documented in Islam (7 marks)
b. State the rules for jihad in Islam (8 marks)
c.Mention measures that can be taken to guard against hoarding (5 marks)

82.a.State the similarities between the rule of ummayad and Abbasid dynasties (6 marks)
b.Give reasons why umar bin abdulaziz’s reign is regarded as the heydays of the Umayyad
dynasty (6 marks )
c.Explain Four significance of the battle of Hunain to Muslims (8 marks )

83 a. Highlight the human rights issues in madina constitution found in the modern constitutions
(6 marks)
b.Mention the Contributions of Ali bin Abu Talib to the prophets misson. (7 marks)
c.State the achievements of the Abbasid dynasty ( 7 marks)

84 a. Discuss seven contributions made by ibn sina to medicine. ( 7 marks)

b.Mention Lessons a Muslim can learn from Ikhwan al-muslimun ( 7 marks)

c.In what ways can Muslims contribute in eradication of unemployment (6 marks)

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85. a) Identify six immoral trends in the Kenyan society (6mks)

b) State seven rules on the code of dress for Muslim women. (7mks)
c) Explain the ways in which Muslims in Kenya can help to eradicate drugs and substance
abuse. (7mks)

86. a) Mention the objectives of marriage in Islam (8mks)

b) Explain six importance of edat in Islam. (6mks)
c) Discuss the essential conditions of mirath (6mks)

87. a) Discuss the significance of wasiya (8mks)

b) State the significance of upholding ethical values in business and commerce (5mks)
c) Identify the factors that can invalidate contracts and agreements (7mks)

88. a) Explain five ways in which the Prophet (S.A.W) promoted equality of all races during his
life time. (10mks)
b) Identify the contributions of Uthman binAffan in Islam during the prophets life, (5mks)
c) Discuss the achievements of Muawiyya bin Abu Sufyan (5mks)

89. a) What roles did Jumbes and Akidas play in the spread of Islam in Tanzania (5mks)
b) Describe the impact of Islam at the East Coast of Africa in the 19th Century (7mks)
c) Explain six factors that led to the decline of the Ummayad Dynasty (6mks)

90. a) Describe the early life and education background of Sheikh Abdallah Swaleh Farsy
b) Explain seven contributions of Hassan al –Banna in Islam (7mks)
c) State six recommendations made by Imam Ghazali towards children’s education (6mks)

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91. a). State the basic principles of Islamic morality. (7

b). How can Muslim Youth in Kenya use social media to promote good and forbid evil. (7

c). Explain six effects of major sins in the society. (6 marks)

92. a). State the differences between Eddah for a widow and Eddah for a divorced woman. (7
b). Discuss how Muslims can help to curb terrorism in Kenya. (7 marks)
c). Explain ways through which Islam has empowered women economically. (6 marks)

93. a). Describe any seven categories of heirs and their shares. (7
b). State the duties of extended family members. (6 marks)
. c). Discuss the remedies for domestic violence in Kenya. (7 marks)

94. a). Factors that facilitated the spread of Islam in Nairobi. (7

b). State six causes of the battle of Hunayn. (6 marks)
c). State the social achievements of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) as a Prophet (7 marks)

95. a). State the roles played by Jumbes and Akidas in the spread of Islam. (6
b). Describe the incident of the first revelation of Prophet Muhammad. (saw) (8 marks)
c). Identify six challenges encountered by caliph Uthman (ra) that attributed to his
(6 marks)

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96. a). State the similarities between contributions of Sheikh Abdallah Al-Farsy and sheikh Al-Amin
Mazrui. (7 marks).
b). Outline the actions considered as war crimes according to Uthman dan Fodio. (6 marks).
c). State any seven views of Imam Ghazal on the correct code of conduct. (7 marks).

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©KCSE 2024 KEY AREAS {500+ QUESTIONS} 2024

97. a) Explain the reasons for divorce in the society (8mks)

b) Give six reasons why abortion is prohibited in Islam (6mks)
c) Identify any six deeds that lead to piety and righteousness (6mks)

98. a) What is the significance of practicing honest in trade (8mks)

b) Explain the importance of Eddat (6mks)
c) State any six rights of a Muslim girl child (6mks)

99. a) Discuss any four factors that will prevent a heir from inheriting (8mks)
b) How does Islam empower women economically (6mks)
c) Describe any six ways through which Muslims can assist in the eradication of corruption in
the society(6mks)

100. a) Discuss four differences between Hijra to Madina and Hijra to Abyssinia (8mks)
b) Identify any six allegations labelled against caliph Uthman (6mks)
c) Outline the achievements of the Ummayad Dynasty (6mks)

111. a) Outline the challenges faced by Muslims in the spread of Islam in East Africa in the
period between 1700 and 1900 A.D.
b) Discuss ways in which the Muslim city states on East African Coast facilitated the spread of
Islam in the region (7mks)
c) Mention five economic activities practiced during the Jahiliyyah period (5mks)
112.a) Describe six lessons that a Muslim can learn from sheikh al Amin Mazrui
b) Explain measures introduced by Hassan Al Banna to reform the Egyptian society (7mks)
c) State Imam Ghazal’s views on children’s education (7mks)

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©KCSE 2024 KEY AREAS {500+ QUESTIONS} 2024

103. (a).Discuss the measures put by Islam to guard the society against zinaa. (10 marks)
(b) State the manners of visiting the toilet according to Islam. (5 marks)
(c) What is the rationale for the prohibition of Israf? (5 marks)

104. (a) State the conditions for nikah. (5 marks)

(b) Identify reasons that may force a husband and wife to divorce each other (7 marks)
(c) Explain the different types of eddat in Islam (8marks)

105. (a) Identify five illegal ways of earning money according to Islam. (5marks).
(b) Give the conditions that an agreement has to fulfill for it to be binding to two Parties
according to Islam. (8mks)
(c) Describe the Islamic teachings on co-existence with non-Muslims. (7 marks)

106. (a) Explain five challenges Kenyan Muslims face in education. (10mks). (10 marks)
(b) Give reasons why Sayyidina Uthman Ibn Affan was elected Caliph (5marks)
(c) Mention five contributions of Caliph Umar bin Khattab to the development of Islam.

107. (a) Mention the contribution made by the Abbasids to education. (6marks).
(b) Explain ways through which Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) eliminated racism. (7marks)
(c) Discuss the factors that led to the fall of the Ummayads (7marks)

108. (a) Discuss four ways in which Islamic culture has influenced the Kenya society.(8
(b) State Ibn Khaldun’s views in education. (7marks)
(c) Identify five contributions of Ibn Sina to medicine. (5 marks)

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©KCSE 2024 KEY AREAS {500+ QUESTIONS} 2024

109. (a). State the benefits of having the virtue of Sidq (Truthfulness) (5marks)
(b) Identify five importance of preserving the physical environment. (5marks)
(c) Discuss five ways Muslims can help in the fight against drug and substance abuse.

110. (a) State five significance of marriage in Islam. (5 marks)

(b) What are the rights that a Muslim husband is entitled to (7 marks)
(c) Explain four Islamic teachings on how eddat should be observed (8 marks)

111. (a) Under what circumstances can a business agreement be considered null and void in
Islam (8marks)
(b) Identify seven forms of child abuse which are common in the society. (7marks)
(c) Mention five reasons that can lead to revocation of a Wasiya. (5 marks)

112. (a) Name six wives of the prophet (p.b.u.h). (6 marks)

(b) Identify the contributions of Abubakar (R.A) to the prophet’s (p.b.u.h) mission. (7marks)
(c) Explain the factors that led to the decline of the Fatimid dynasty. (7marks)

113. (a) Explain the roles that city states played in the spread of Islam along the coast of East
Africa (10 marks)
(b) Identify the social contributions of Muslims in Kenya (5marks)
(c) Outline five achievements of Harun Ar-Rashid of the Abbasids (5 marks)

114. (a) State six contributions of SeyyidQutb in Islam (6 marks)

(b) Explain seven of the ten rules of conduct formulated by Imam Al Ghazali. (14marks)

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115. (a) Discuss the rationale behind prohibition of abortion in Islam.


(b)Give seven significances of the Islamic dress code. (7marks)

(c)Highlight effects of sexual perversion in the society. (8marks)

116. (a) Explain the importance of eddat .


(b) Mention Seven forms of child Abuse prevalent in kenya. (7marks)

(c) Outline five illegitimate sources of earnings in Islam. (5marks)

117. (a)Describe five ways through which Muslims can assist in the eradication of corruption.

(b)What roles can parents play to ensure proper upbringing of their children? (6marks)

(c) Identify four conditions to be fulfilled be the administration of the estate of the deceased
Muslims. (4marks)

118. (a) Describe seven lessons that a Muslims youth can learn from the Ten Rules of Conduct
of Imam Al Ghazali. (8marks)
(b) State the reforms brought by Uthman Dan Fodio under the Sokoto Caliphate. (6marks
(c) Identify the contributions of Sheikh Abdalla Swaleh Al-Farsy to the growth of Islam in
East Africa. (6marks)

119. (a) Describe the lessons that Muslims can learn from the prophet’s Farewell speech.
(b) Outline the Circumstances that led to the boycott of Banu Hashim. ( 6marks)
(c) State six achievements of Caliph Uthman (R.A). (6marks)

120. (a) Describe four achievements of Abdulmalik Bin Marwan of the Ummayyad dynasty.
( 8marks)
(b) Why is Abbasid era considered as the Golden Age of Islamic civilization. (7marks)

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(c) Highlight the importance of the treaty Hudaibbiyya to Muslims. (5marks)

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