ING 4 - Possessive Case and Possessive Pronouns

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Possessive case and possessive pronouns

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Possessive case

Utilizamos o possessive case quando queremos indicar que algo pertence a alguém.

Se o nome estiver no singular, acrescentamos ‘s. Por exemplo: Kate’s cat (o gato da

Se o nome estiver no plural e/ou terminar em s, acrescentamos apenas o apóstrofo ‘.

Por exemplo: The boys’ cat (o gato dos rapazes).

Os possessive pronouns substituem os nomes.

Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns

I Mine

You Yours

He His

She Hers

It Its

We Ours

You Yours

They Theirs
1. Write the words in the correct order. Use ‘ or ‘s.
a) shoes / Rita : Rita’s shoes.
b) ball / the boys ___________________________________________________
c) car / my mother ___________________________________________________
d) red hat / Tom ___________________________________________________
e) house / my cousins ___________________________________________________
f) skirt / Mr Smith ___________________________________________________
g) boots / the girls ___________________________________________________

2. Read the questions and answer them.

a) Whose cat is that? (Jack)
It is Jack’s cat.
b) Whose coat is this? (John)
c) Whose t-shirt is this? (Jess)
d) Whose coat is that? (Samantha)
e) Whose toy is this? (James)

3. Whose pet are these?

a) Jake had got a brown cat. That is Jake’s brown cat.
b) Rita has got a white dog. _______________________________________________
c) Carolina has got a yellow bird. __________________________________________
d) Jess has got a turtle. __________________________________________________
e) Our cousins have got a fish. ____________________________________________
f) Charles has got a bunny. _______________________________________________
4. Circle the correct possessive pronoun.

a) This is your computer. It’s your / yours.

b) This is my car. It’s mine / my.

c) This is his telephone. It’s his / her.

d) This is her book. It’s his / hers.

e) This is our bedroom. It’s yours / ours.

f) This is their cat. It’s their / theirs.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun.

a) Kate has got a pink skirt. It’s ____________________.

b) Mary and Kim have got cats. They’re _____________.

c) James has got a new TV. It’s ____________________.

d) You have got a blue coat. It’s ___________________.

e) You and Charles have got a computer. It’s ________.

f) Jim and I have got a baby. It’s __________________.

g) This is my new computer. It’s __________________.

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