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Stage 7 Cambridge Progression English Time Allowed one hour 10 minutes

Literacy: send to Jen at by June 15 5pm

If possible, please let your child complete this exam on a computer/laptop. Once the exam
is finished, please save this in the name of your child and email it to your child’s subject teacher.
If it is not possible to do the exam on a computer, use a paper to answers the questions
and take a photo of the answer pages. You do NOT need to write out the questions.

Year 7 Progression Test June 2020 1

Section A: Reading
Spend 30 minutes on this section.

Read the above Text and then answer questions 1–15.

1. What does the narrator dislike about the violin? [1]

2. In lines 1–3, which word does the writer use to show the narrator has mixed feelings about her
violin? [1]

3. In lines 1–6, what effect does playing the violin have on the narrator? Support your answer with
a quotation. [2]

4. Explain in your own words why the narrator stops playing her violin when the doorbell rings for
the first time. [1]

5. Look at lines 8–12.Explain in your own words two ways the writer creates suspense in these
lines. [2]

6. Why doesn’t the mother believe what the old man is saying? [1]

7. ‘It was as if his whole body was weeping tears.’ (line 18)
(a) What literary technique is this an example of? [1]
(b) How does the writer want the reader to feel about the old man? [1]

8. Why does the old man open his wallet ‘... with great care, almost reverently’ (line 21)? [1]

9. Who is the ‘young man’ in the photograph (line 23)? [1]

Year 7 Progression Test June 2020 2


10. Look at lines 27–30.The narrator’s excitement builds up in this part of the text. Explain in your
own words three ways the writer shows this. [3]
Answer 1:
Answer 2:
Answer 3:

11. [3] What is the word ‘slurped’ (line 34) an example of? Bold or underline one.

metaphor personification onomatopoeia idiom

12. Give two things the writer suggests about the old man from the way he drinks and eats.
Support each suggestion with a different quotation. [4]
Answer 1:
Answer 2:

13. Give one sentence from the text that shows the narrator is fascinated by her grandfather. [1]

14. The text is narrated by the girl. The mother does not say much.How does the writer show the
mother’s feelings? Give three quotations from the text and explain what each one shows
about the mother’s feelings at that point.[3]
Quotation 1:

Quotation 2:

Quotation 3:

15. ‘He was obviously too intent on his tea and biscuits to say anything at all.’ (lines 39–40) What
does the phrase ‘intent on’ mean in this quotation? [1]

Section B: Handwriting
Spend 30 minutes on this section. [25 marks]

Imagine you have seen this letter about a competition in a newspaper or magazine. The winner of
the competition will have a play park built by their house. You are going to write a letter back,
hoping to persuade Mr Swing that you have the best idea for a park and he should choose you to
be the winner.

Year 7 Progression Test June 2020 3

Make sure that you:
- Use the correct layout (you are writing a letter – this can be formal or informal).
- Think about what will be special about your park.
- Use appropriate language features to persuade Mr. Swing to choose you.

Your letter should be about half a page long.

Year 7 Progression Test June 2020 4

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