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Hafid Rahman
D3 Komputer Grafis Stekom Majapahit 605


Majapahit 605 Street,


Hey Chris,

Greetings from across the miles! I hope this letter finds you thriving in your new adventure abroad. I
can't believe you're already exploring the world while I'm here buried in textbooks.

College life has been a wild ride on this end. The usual mix of late-night study sessions, caffeine-fueled
lectures, and the perpetual quest for the perfect pizza place. You know the drill. It's not as glamorous as
your international escapades, but hey, someone's gotta hold down the fort here!

Speaking of which, I'm living vicariously through your Instagram stories. The pictures of exotic
landscapes, unfamiliar street food, and that questionable dance move you attempted last weekend -
absolute gold. Keep them coming; it's the highlight of my otherwise routine week.

I've discovered a newfound appreciation for coffee, considering it's the only thing keeping me awake
during those never-ending lectures. If only we could swap stories over a cup of joe like we used to back
in the good old days.

Enough about me, though. I want to hear everything about your adventures. How's the food? Have you
mastered the art of navigating public transportation without looking like a lost tourist? Fill me in on the

I miss our spontaneous hangouts and endless chatter about everything and nothing. Time zones might
be playing tricks on us, but let's schedule a virtual hangout soon. I'm dying to catch up and hear more
about your global exploits.

Take care of yourself, stay safe, and keep being the globetrotting rockstar that you are!

Looking forward to our next chat,


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