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National Academic Integrity Network 1

Guidelines for
2 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators


Introduction 2

Part 1: Recommendations 2
What everyone needs to know 2

What lecturers and other educators need to know and do 2

What programme managers and institutional leaders need to do 2

What students need to know and do 3

Part 2: Detailed Guidelines 4

What everyone needs to know 4

What lecturers and other educators need to know and can do 5

What programme managers and institutional leaders need to do 7

What students need to know and do 8

Part 3: Further reading, links, and resources 10

National Academic Integrity Network 1
2 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators
National Academic Integrity Network 3

4 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators


These Generative Artificial Intelligence Part 2 provides the detailed guidelines for each
(GenAI) Guidelines for Educators have been of the four headings.
developed by a National Academic Integrity
Part 3 provides a list of further reading, links,
Network (NAIN) Working Group, as a response
and resources.
to the swiftly evolving and developing field
of GenAI and the challenges that it may pose These Guidelines are not intended to replicate
for academic integrity to educators and their what is currently available to educators, but
students. to provide practical advice which can be
applied to the design of programmes including
They are designed to help support educators
assessments, and be incorporated into
in their understanding of the potential uses of
teaching practice. This area is a dynamic one
Generative AI, both in supporting learning for
which is developing at a very fast pace; this
their students, and most critically, in providing
means that these Guidelines, which will be
a potential ‘short cut’ to students in the
published online, may well need to be regularly
fulfilment of required tasks for assessment.
reviewed and updated.
The guidelines have been written to provide
support and advice for educators to reflect on, We hope however that they will provide some
and as appropriate, to share and discuss with practical support for everyone involved in
their students to enable them to understand tertiary education and that they will have a
and appreciate what is and isn’t permitted. The positive impact in supporting high quality
overall goal is to enable an understanding of teaching, learning and assessment policies
what GenAI can and can’t offer, and thereby, and practices.
to ensure an ethical basis for the use of GenAI
tools, helping students to build their own self-
awareness and knowledge, and avoid breaches Billy Kelly
of academic integrity. Chair, National Academic Integrity Network,
July 2023
The Guidelines are structured so that Part 1
contains a list of Recommendations, classified
under the four headings:

• What everyone needs to know

• What lecturers and other educators

need to know and do

• What programme managers and

institutional leaders need to do

• What students need to know and do

National Academic Integrity Network 5
6 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators
National Academic Integrity Network 7

8 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators

Part 1: Recommendations

What everyone needs to know What lecturers and other

educators need to know and do
1) Tools which include Artificial Intelligence
(AI) can produce impressive outputs, 1) Be familiar with these tools and
whether well-structured and fluently their availability, and recognise their
written reports, images and graphics, limitations and affordances.
computer code, or mathematical
2) As soon as you can, review all your
solutions. They have a huge potential
assessments, replacing or modifying any
range of applications.
which may be completed satisfactorily by
2) This technology is becoming ubiquitous, someone using AI without an appropriate
embedded within major software level of understanding of the subject,
suites (such as Microsoft Office, Google or which are vulnerable to breaches of
Workspace, etc) and browsers, and has integrity or security. If you identify a
spurred the development of a large particular appropriate role for GenAI in
number of new apps and tools proffered your courses, then ensure that students
by a myriad of start-ups and project are aware of what constitutes authorised
teams. and unauthorised use.

3) It is crucially important for everyone to 3) Work with colleagues, and within

be aware that these tools generally are disciplinary communities, to design
based on mimicry and reproduction of assessments which have strong validity
content, style, and genre and are not (i.e., clearly aligned with the learning
always optimised to provide factually outcomes and the skills which they are
correct answers. Nor should their speed, meant to demonstrate) and in which
conversational interface, and apparent there is an appropriate balance of credit
quality of their output be taken as between the process of preparing for and
evidence of any ‘intelligence’ or subject undertaking the assessment and the
expertise. final product, helping students develop
self-efficacy, critical thinking, and a
4) There are concerns about how the tools
professional disposition.
are developed and trained (around
copyright, intellectual property, wellbeing 4) Take the opportunity, at programme
of those hired to screen and label content, level, to review overall assessment
energy usage, etc) as well as how they may volume, range of assessment types, and
be misused or misapplied. alignment with intended programme
outcomes across the complete
5) It is important that everyone is familiar
programme and year cohorts, identifying
with their current institutional policy on
any vulnerabilities, over-assessment, and
the use of GenAI, bearing that it is likely to
opportunities for enhancement.
be updated on a regular basis.
5) Be consistent in your approaches to
student training, assessment practice,
National Academic Integrity Network 9

and in the implementation of institutional 4) Develop an institutional ethos and culture

academic integrity policies, data which emphasises integrity, honesty,
protection, and assessment regulations. trust, and respect, rather than let the
There must be clear information for conversations be dominated by suspicion,
students that unauthorised submission surveillance, and distrust. Workshops and
of the output of GenAI as their own work training events which promote dialogue
constitutes academic misconduct and and engagement can be valuable in this
will be treated accordingly. regard.

6) In your partnership with students,

emphasise values such as integrity, trust,
What students need to know and
and truthfulness as being at the heart
of learning, knowledge discovery and
creativity. 1) AI tools are appearing everywhere these
days: embedded within packages that are
used to write text, produce slide-decks;
What programme managers and or in new apps and services that get
institutional leaders need to do promoted on social media. They can be
useful for many types of tasks, but they
1) Ensure that there is up-to-date and regular
also have serious limitations and can
training for all staff and students on
give unreliable answers whilst appearing
academic integrity, AI, and assessment,
confident and convincing.
and that appropriate resources are
allocated to this area to ensure that all 2) It is crucial to be aware of what these tools
avail of it. can and cannot do, as well as recognise
the ethical concerns associated with their
2) Programme leaders should work with
development and use.
colleagues to plan and undertake a
comprehensive review of assessment, 3) Assessment is meant to provide
focusing on validity, range of types, and the student with an opportunity to
volume, with a view to enhancing both demonstrate achievement of the intended
the programme design and the student learning outcomes of the module or
learning experience. programme, to the standard required.
Lecturers often use assessment tasks as
3) Update, and regularly refresh, policies on
a means of helping students focus on the
academic integrity, including the use of
key knowledge and skills that they need to
GenAI, and assessment to more effectively
develop and encourage them to practice
reflect and respond to these issues
and build their confidence. It is important
and take the opportunity to reiterate
that students submit work that they have
the valuable educational purposes of
produced and acknowledge the sources
used, as well as paying close attention to
10 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators

the requirements of the task and policies

on academic integrity.

4) In reality, assessment can be stressful,

but to maintain integrity (both personal
integrity and that of the qualifications),
students should resist any attempts to
take ‘shortcuts’ or engage in any form
of misconduct (copying, plagiarism,
submitting materials produced largely
by GenAI, etc). If a student feels unable to
complete the assessment for whatever
reason, they should discuss this with
their lecturer, counsellor, SU Officer
or appropriate person and see what
alternative arrangements can be made.
National Academic Integrity Network 11
12 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators
National Academic Integrity Network 13

14 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators

Part 2: Detailed Guidelines

Recent releases of tools built on ‘Generative What everyone needs to know

AI’ have made headlines across the world.
(1) AI is becoming ubiquitous and embedded
At first glance, their capabilities seem
within more of the tools and software
impressive: writing fluent text on any subject,
we use in everyday life and in research,
eloquently expressed with excellent structure
learning, and teaching. The pace of change
and grammar; producing visually arresting
is rapid and it makes sense to anticipate
images in any specified genre; constructing
further significant advances over the next
(and explaining) computer code for simple
few years. Browsers, word-processing
or complex tasks; suggesting statistical
packages, spreadsheets, presentation
tests for data sets and producing a range of
software, audio, imaging, graphics, and
analyses; solving mathematical and other
video tools are all increasingly making
symbolic manipulation challenges. Their speed
use of such technologies, including core
of response, their conversation-like ability to
product suites from Microsoft and Google.
build on previous prompts and answers, and
By default, users of these tools will be
their (superficially, at least) plausible output,
presented with ‘suggestions’ on anything
however, runs the risk of anthropomorphism
which they write or design.
and the presumption that behind the scenes
there is a nascent, if not fully enacted, (2) GenAI tools such as the ‘Large Language
‘intelligence’. Models’ on which ChatGPT, Bard, and
others are based, are designed to write
The implications of these tools for assessment
well in terms of language, style, and
are very significant as they run the risk of
syntax, rather than in terms of whether
increasing intentional and unintentional
what they write is factually correct or
misconduct. In addition, beyond assessment,
accurate. It is crucially important to
in the wider world, they may well contribute
understand how such technologies work
to the dissemination of misinformation,
and be aware of their limitations as well
false accusations, libel, breach of copyright,
as their apparent strengths. They are
insertion of erroneous computer code into
not ‘intelligent’ in any real sense, nor are
systems, and other legal and ethical issues.
they experts on topics, but rather largely
Used well, they could offer benefits for learners,
rely on statistical predictions of word
document preparation, media production, and
combinations or image features.
even lead to newer forms of creativity. Clearly,
a critical digital literacy which addresses the (3) There are also concerns about ethical
development and deployment of AI is essential (and environmental/energy use) aspects
for all of us. in how such tools are developed, trained,
and deployed and it is important to be
In these guidelines, however, we will focus on
aware of these, particularly with regard the
assessment and have grouped together key
lack of transparency on the information
information and suggested courses of action
that has been used to ‘train’ the systems
for staff, students, and higher education
and whether copyrighted materials have
institutions in the short-term.
been used and sources which are heavily
biased. Some moves are being made
National Academic Integrity Network 15

internationally to consider potential forms (2) Increasingly, educators are sharing use
of regulation, although quite what shape cases of where AI tools might be useful
these will take is very uncertain. in designing courses, lesson planning,
assessment design, student feedback, etc.
(4) As technologies develop, appropriate roles
Whilst as the technology improves, there
in education may be found, but if they
is no doubt that GenAI will be more useful
are used to bypass rather than support
in many professions and contexts, we still
thinking, or used to acquire academic
urge caution, particularly in terms of the
credit which has not been earned via real,
accuracy of its outputs and the fact that
intellectual engagement with the subject
it is largely based on statistical models
of study, then they can undermine the
and hence reproduces or mimics rather
educational enterprise. Part of the current
than being capable of generating original
challenge for educators, learners, and
content. There are many cases where a
institutions is to determine the range of
traditional search strategy (using a search
beneficial applications which might be
engine or library tools) is much more
afforded by such tools.
effective and has the added benefit of
identifying original sources and allowing
you to make judgements about accuracy
What lecturers and other
and quality as well as to provide due
educators need to know and can
credit to the original authors. This is a key
point that should also be included in any
(1) Ensure that you are aware of recent and training of students about information
new Generative AI tools, including those gathering and research.
associated with supporting writing, and
(3) If you are using GenAI tools in your own
others which might be relevant to your
academic practice, then you should
particular discipline, such as those which
model appropriate use with your students,
assist the development of computer code,
acknowledge where GenAI has assisted in
solve mathematical problems, generate
your work, etc. It is important not to input
graphics, video, and audio content,
personal, private, sensitive, or copyrighted
etc. Try to understand what these tools
materials (including student work) into
can and can’t do (including by trying
such tools unless you have appropriate
them out on your own assignments or
levels of legal guarantees. Many of the
subject content), and, in particular, avoid
freely available tools at the moment do
mistakenly attributing subject expertise,
not have such protections in place.
intelligence, or capacity for reflection to
such software. It is useful also to be aware
of ethical and legal concerns over how
such tools are developed and used, as well
as the potential inequality of differential
access (e.g., on the basis of cost).
16 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators

(4) In designing assessment, it is important (6) There will be cases where it is clearly
to ensure validity, i.e., that assessment inappropriate to use GenAI and, in those
should be a means whereby each student cases, state this clearly in the instructions
demonstrates that they have attained provided to students and ensure that
the intended learning outcomes to an you are able to make the format of the
appropriate standard and that this should assessment sufficiently secure and
be the basis on which academic credit is robust.
(7) Academic Integrity is breached if students
• It is important to clarify and reiterate submit the products of GenAI as their
this point with students and to own work without acknowledgement
demonstrate how the assessment fits or without authorisation to use GenAI
this intention. in fulfilling the task. It is important to
ensure that students are informed that
• It may be appropriate to revisit your
this constitutes academic misconduct
original learning outcomes to ensure
and that they should only be seeking
that they are aligned with how you
credit for work which they have
teach, the tasks you set students, and
produced themselves, and that they are
the chosen forms of assessment.
responsible for correctly referencing and
(5) If you intend for students to use GenAI or acknowledging sources and resources
AI-supported tools in any assignment, used in their work.
make this clear. It may not be possible
(8) Review all assessments and assignments
to simply state ‘do not use AI for this
in terms of whether or not they are
assignment’ given the technology’s
susceptible to being completed
ubiquity, so the emphasis should be
successfully by an AI tool without the
on what the student actually does to
student having to engage intellectually,
demonstrate their attainment of the
or personally, with the subject. Some
intended learning outcome with which
common types of assessment should be
the assignment is aligned. If the student
no longer considered to be sufficiently
constructs a report or essay through
robust to award scores which count
clever ‘prompt engineering’ which could
towards official grades. These may still be
have been done by anyone not taking
perfectly valuable for self-assessment and
this module, then this does not provide
formative practice. These include:
the basis for an award of marks or
credit. Where students are expected to • Take-home essays, reports, or similar
use AI tools, ensure there is clarity on documents focused largely on subject
how and why they used such, with an knowledge content and with an ‘all
appropriate declaration on any submitted or nothing’ submission by a single
assignments. deadline and where marks are based
on structure, style, and information;
National Academic Integrity Network 17

• Online MCQs and other similar types of an invigilated examination type

tests delivered online in un-invigilated environment is the option most readily
and/or remote contexts, whether ‘live’ available to you, at least in the short
or asynchronous. term, but do try also to consider what
might be most educationally valuable
(9) The capabilities of current AI systems
alternatives and identify what design
are expanding rapidly, including the
assistance or other support would be
advent of plugins and connections
needed for such.
with other tools and resources (search
engines, mathematical engines, drawing (11) Do not rely on GenAI ‘detection systems’.
packages, etc). This means that the None of the tools which are currently
range of assessment types that it available are fully capable of detecting the
can be used to support (or subvert) is use of GenAI (except in the most obvious
extensive. Tasks such as developing a cases which may also have been identified
plan, a strategy, making a case, comparing by expert reading and scrutiny) and may
and contrasting, inventing data for an also lead to ‘false positives’ (incorrectly
experiment, plotting graphs, producing concluding that human-written text was
a slide deck on a topic, writing code, AI-generated) and difficult-to-interpret
analysing data in spreadsheets, compiling scoring. Detection systems cannot
a list of references, etc, are all within be relied upon to detect use of GenAI
current capabilities. Simply trying to accurately or consistently.
substitute one basic assessment type for
• In addition, there may be serious data
another will not be sufficient to counter
protection, privacy, and intellectual
the challenge to assessment integrity.
property concerns in the use of any
New assessments and assignments
such tool, particularly if it has not
should instead focus on demonstration of
undergone appropriate approval by
personal and academic skills, validity and
reliability, authenticity, and security.
• Turnitin’s detection tool is available
(10) Consider the balance between formative
in some institutions, but users
and summative assessment in your
should be aware of concerns about its
modules/courses, and between
capabilities in terms of more recent
continuous assessment and
versions of GenAI, a reported high
rate of ‘false positives,’ and some
• Practice and formative feedback are ambiguity on how to interpret its
key aspects of learning which can also results.
help students develop self-efficacy and
responsibility for their own learning.

• It may be that you feel that a

shift towards more weighting
for assessments undertaken in
18 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators

(12) Consider what scope there is for content, so, again, be careful about the
assessments which: requirements.

• Focus on ‘process rather than product’. • Are based on whether the learning
In other words, where credit is outcomes have been achieved by the
associated with the various tasks or student, rather than leading to a grade.
stages that the student goes through
• Use in-class writing assignments or
in order to lead to the final product.
problem-solving tasks.
This can be done by breaking down
assignments into key stages and • Are based on, or partially include, an
incorporating student reflection/ oral component in which the students
reporting on how they found their are asked to answer questions around
sources, what aspects they explored, the topic and how they approached the
what challenges they overcame, etc task. There are many examples where
(or whatever is appropriate to the orals have been used successfully,
particular assignment) so that there is even in large class contexts, and in
a developmental journey. which there are particular formats
(interactive orals for authentic
• Are clear in terms of whether the
assessment) which align with the
emphasis is on the development of
discipline or profession. Where it isn’t
writing skills (something the AI tools
practicable for a very large cohort, at
can do very well) or on understanding
least consider undertaking a number
of the specific topic and assess each
of orals either on the basis of random
of these with appropriate methods and
selection or to clarify any concerns
in a particular submission (i.e., this
• Are reflective and based on personal/ is where the main assignment is an
professional experiences and which essay, report, video, etc, and the oral is
are authentic to the discipline or to check on integrity and/or on student
profession. Note that many of the AI understanding).
tools will readily invent ‘reflective’
(13) Work with colleagues to develop an
content if so asked, so try to ensure
effective strategy for assessment which
that the task is genuinely connected
ideally would address issues of student
to the student, or the specifics of
(and staff) workload, the scheduling of
particular aspects discussed in class.
deadlines/due dates, and ensuring that
• Are in different or multiple formats, programme level outcomes are being met.
such as video or audio content, a
• We know that academic misconduct
mix of presentation (with questions
can arise when people inappropriately
and answers) and ancillary materials
react to:
(e.g., reference list, handouts), etc.
AI tools can produce slide decks ◦  ressure and stress caused by too
and write scripts for video/audio many overlapping deadlines;
National Academic Integrity Network 19

◦  n amount of routine assessment

a and assessment, and the overall
that is so large, over the course assessment workload;
of the semester, that it loses its
• Develop a clear map of all
perceived learning value to the
assessments, assignments, and
deadlines for students and staff in
◦ lack of opportunities for the programme or year cohort, and
resubmission or development of seek opportunities for synergies,
an assignment after feedback; rationalisation, and scope for
enhancing formative feedback and
◦  erceived lack of consequence for
supporting student development;
such behaviour.
• Establish clear rubrics for
(14) Always comply with and follow your
assessments and aim for consistency
institution’s academic integrity policy
of practice (where appropriate) and
and report any suspected cases. Being
alignment with programme outcomes.
consistent in policy implementation is
something which will shape students’ (3) Whilst it might seem that a switch from
perceptions about the seriousness of continuous assessment, coursework,
the issue and that the policy is one and assignments back to traditional
which focuses on education and the end-of-semester formal examinations is
development of professional values, the easiest way to ensure the integrity of
reducing the potential for repeated assessment this can run counter to the
misconduct and protecting the reputation strength of more authentic assessment
of qualifications. which aims to develop skills, knowledge
in context, and other professional and
graduate attributes. A short-term re-
What programme managers and weighting of assessments may be
institutional leaders need to do necessary to respond quickly to these
new challenges, but the longer-term goal
(1) Ensure that all staff are informed and
should be to take a more holistic approach
kept up to date and provide training
to assessment as/for/of learning.
opportunities for all staff and students on
these issues and technologies. (4) Review policies on academic integrity and
assessment to more effectively reflect
(2) Review approaches to assessment across
and respond to these issues and take
programmes to:
the opportunity to reiterate the valuable
• Identify and replace any existing educational purposes of assessment.
practices which may be vulnerable to
(5) Ensure that appropriate resourcing is
successful completion via the misuse
available to support academic integrity.
of GenAI;

• Consider the scope for greater focus

on programme level outcomes
20 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators

(6) Refresh study/academic skills supports (2) Ensure that students understand what
for students to provide clarity on is required of them for any assignment
acceptable as well as unacceptable uses or assessment, including the extent to
of such technologies. which there is any allowable use of such
technologies and how this may need to
(7) Work as a sector on issues regarding
be acknowledged. All assignments and
technological developments, data
assessments are designed to determine
protection, protection of IP, and ethics.
whether students can demonstrate
(8) Engage with QQI and other awarding or attainment of the specified learning
accreditation bodies on these issues and outcomes of their module or programmes.
ensure that guidelines and regulations are In other words, the credit is awarded for
clear to all staff and students. their work not that of others or produced
by GenAI systems or obtained from other
(9) Foster an institutional ethos and culture
sources. This means that students need
(reflected in your communications) which
to understand their institution’s academic
emphasises integrity, honesty, trust, and
integrity policy and be able to clearly draw
respect, rather than let the conversations
the line between what is permissible and
be dominated by suspicion, surveillance,
what may constitute misconduct.
and distrust.
(3) Learning is about ‘sense-making’, about
juggling ideas, trying to see where
What students need to know and they fit or where they contradict, about
do rethinking what we thought we already
knew, about seeing things in new ways. All
(1) AI (including so-called GenAI) tools are
of this can be difficult, students can feel
becoming widely available and embedded
vulnerable if something doesn’t appear
in many of the technologies which we use
to be immediately obvious to them and
to write documents, analyse data, design
they need to put in lots of effort or seek
presentations and to support learning. It
help for things to ‘click into place’. It is
is crucially important to understand how
not a weakness or a sign of lack of ability.
such technologies work and be aware of
It’s what university-level education is
their limitations as well as their apparent
about, but it should be counter-balanced
strengths. They are not ‘intelligent’ in
by the sense of achievement and the new
any real sense, nor are they experts on
perspectives and skills that students
topics, but rather largely rely on statistical
ultimately acquire through this effort.
predictions of word combinations or
image features. There are also concerns
about ethical aspects in how such tools
are developed, trained, and deployed and it
is important to be aware of these.
National Academic Integrity Network 21

(4) If a student is struggling, or feels under

pressure, advise them to talk to their
lecturers, tutors, SU officers, counsellors,
or whoever is most appropriate. Advise
them not to take ‘short-cuts’ with
assessments that avoid them properly
engaging with the subject, and to resist
any the social media and other messages
that come in from online ‘cheating
services’ with ‘promises of assignment
support’. Students need to be encouraged
to reach out and ask for support.

(5) Being a student should be a time in which

they can develop new perspectives, learn
more about themselves and society, find
opportunities to express their passions
and creativity, identify where they can
engage with community and help make
the world a better place. Central to this is
living up to values of trust, cooperation,
integrity, and truthfulness, all of which are
central to education and society.
22 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators
National Academic Integrity Network 23

links, and
24 Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators

Part 3: Further reading, links, and resources

In producing these guidelines, we have been 4. 

European Commission, Directorate-General
informed by a wide range of documents, for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture,
policies, articles, and other contributions Final report of the Commission expert
(including webinars, discussions, and group on artificial intelligence and data
conversations) from across the international in education and training – An executive
educational community. summary, Publications Office of the
European Union, 2022, https://data.europa.
Some particularly useful further reading which
we would recommend include:
5. U
 nlocking the Power of Generative AI
1. A
 Generative AI Primer, by Michael
Models and Systems such as GPT-4 and
Webb, JISC National Centre for AI, https://
ChatGPT for Higher Education: A Guide for
Students and Lecturers, Gimpel et al, 2023,
AAIN Generative Artificial Intelligence media/23-03-20_Whitepaper_ChatGPT.pdf
Guidelines, Australian Academic Integrity
Turnitin Guide for approaching AI-
Network (AAIN) Generative AI Working Group,
generated text in your classroom, https://
March 2023,
Maintaining quality and standards
101 Creative Ideas to use AI in education,
in the ChatGPT era: QAA advice on the
Nerantzi, C., Abegglen, S., Karatsiori, M. and
opportunities and challenges posed
Martínez-Arboleda, A. (Eds.) (2023) DOI:
by Generative Artificial Intelligence,
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher
Education 2023, 8. 
Five Principles for the Effective Use of
docs/qaa/members/maintaining-quality- Generative AI, UTS, Sydney, https://lx.uts.

The NAIN GenAI Guidelines for Educators were developed by the Working Group Chair, Iain MacLaren
(University of Galway) and Greg O’Brien (Griffith College), with contributions from Working Group
members - Elva Casey (Hibernia College), Gavin Clinch (ATU, Sligo), Naomi Jackson (CCT College),
Brid Lane (IBAT College) and Cathy Peck (DCU).
National Academic Integrity Network 25
Published by Quality & Qualifications
Ireland (QQI), August 2023 (1st edition)

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