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Hearing and the Ear - Multiple Choice Test

Practice questions on hearing system
Name: _________________________ Date: __________ Class: _________________

Another word for the eardrum is the: 6 The three organs of the inner ear include:

A auricle A malleus, incus, and stapes

B pinna B auricle, pinna and eardrum
C external auditory canal C vestibule, semicircular canals and cochlea
D tympanic membrane D none of the above
E all of the above

2 The 3 small bones of the middle ear are: The organs in the inner ear involved with
balance are the:
A malleus, incus, stapes
B malleus, incus, pinna A vestibule and semicircular canals
C malleus, pinna, stapes B vestibule and cochlea
D None of the above C semicircular canals and cochlea
D cochlea and organ of corti

8 The structures in the inner ear invloved

3 Sound vibrations from the eardrum go
through the ____ _____ into the inner ear. with hearing are the:

A oval window A vestibule and semicircular canals

B tympanic membrane B vestibule and cochlea
C eustacian tube C semicircular canals and cochlea
D external auditory canal D cochlea and organ of corti

4 The tube that runs from the middle ear to The ____________ is a spiral shaped
the throat is called the: 9
chamber (that looks like a snail):

A external auditory canal A vestibule

B tympanic cavity B cochlea
C eustacian tube C semicircular canals
D all of the above D all of the above

10 The actual hearing receptors in the inner

5 The inner ear:
ear are called the:
A is filled with fluid
B collects vibrations from the middle ear A organ of corti
C brings vibrations to the hearing receptors B malleus
D is made up of 2 parts C stapes
E all of the above D incus

©Sheri Amsel

Tadesse M.(M.Sc.) Practice question on hearing system
Hearing and the Ear - Multiple Choice Test KEY
Answer of practice question on hearing system
Name: _________________________ Date: __________ Class: _________________

Another word for the eardrum is the: 6 The three organs of the inner ear include:

A auricle A malleus, incus, and stapes

B pinna B auricle, pinna and eardrum
C external auditory canal C vestibule, semicircular canals and cochlea
D tympanic membrane D none of the above
E all of the above

2 The 3 small bones of the middle ear are: The organs in the inner ear involved with
balance are the:
A malleus, incus, stapes
B malleus, incus, pinna A vestibule and semicircular canals
C malleus, pinna, stapes B vestibule and cochlea
D None of the above C semicircular canals and cochlea
D cochlea and organ of corti

8 The structures in the inner ear invloved

3 Sound vibrations from the eardrum go
through the ____ _____ into the inner ear. with hearing are the:

A oval window A vestibule and semicircular canals

B tympanic membrane B vestibule and cochlea
C eustacian tube C semicircular canals and cochlea
D external auditory canal D cochlea and organ of corti

4 The tube that runs from the middle ear to The ____________ is a spiral shaped
the throat is called the: 9
chamber (that looks like a snail):

A external auditory canal A vestibule

B tympanic cavity B cochlea
C eustacian tube C semicircular canals
D all of the above D all of the above

10 The actual hearing receptors in the inner

5 The inner ear:
ear are called the:
A is filled with fluid
B collects vibrations from the middle ear A organ of corti
C brings vibrations to the hearing receptors B malleus
D is made up of 2 parts C stapes
E all of the above D incus

©Sheri Amsel

Tadesse M.(M.Sc.)

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