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UNIT#4: FUTURE FOOD Focus: Scientific Innovations & Responsibility

Is a food revolution coming from the USA?

FINAL TASK: interview young American farmers about their agricultural choices.

In pairs, act out an interview between a journalist and an American farmer or an American food innovator:
• Choose one of the food innovations studied in class;
• Play the role of its creator or one of its users;
• Present the innovation and defend it as the best one to revolutionize the food industry in the USA;
Record your presentation and send an audio on my email address ( before the 28th
of May
Make sure to speak for at least 1min30 each!
=> Don’t forget to use the structures we have studied in class! Focus on questions in particular!
=> Don’t forget to use the vocabulary we have used in class!

Exprime Exprime ton En concédant

clairement ton accord/désaccord : certains
point de vue : I agree with you / You are arguments tu
In my opinion / To absolutely right / You said seras encore Fais attention à :
me / To my mind / I it perfectly / Yes, and I plus • Ton intonation : tu seras plus
personally believe want to add that… percutant.e : convaincant.e si tu montres que
that / I’m convinced I disagree with you / I think Yes, I suppose so, tu crois en tes arguments. Mets
that / I truly believe you are wrong here / On however… / l’intonation sur les mots
that… / It is my the other hand / But you Sure, but still … / importants, fais des pauses,
innermost conviction forget that… Admittedly, ralentis ou accélère.
that… yet…/

UNIT#4: FUTURE FOOD Focus: Scientific Innovations & Responsibility

Is a food revolution coming from the USA?

FINAL TASK: interview young American farmers about their agricultural choices.

In pairs, act out an interview between a journalist and an American farmer or an American food innovator:
• Choose one of the food innovations studied in class;
• Play the role of its creator or one of its users;
• Present the innovation and defend it as the best one to revolutionize the food industry in the USA;
Record your presentation and send an audio on my email address ( before the 28th
of May
Make sure to speak for at least 1min30 each!
=> Don’t forget to use the structures we have studied in class! Focus on questions in particular!
=> Don’t forget to use the vocabulary we have used in class!

Exprime Exprime ton En concédant

clairement ton accord/désaccord : certains
point de vue : I agree with you / You are arguments tu
In my opinion / To absolutely right / You said seras encore Fais attention à :
me / To my mind / I it perfectly / Yes, and I plus • Ton intonation : tu seras plus
personally believe want to add that… percutant.e : convaincant.e si tu montres que
that / I’m convinced I disagree with you / I think Yes, I suppose so, tu crois en tes arguments. Mets
that / I truly believe you are wrong here / On however… / l’intonation sur les mots
that… / It is my the other hand / But you Sure, but still … / importants, fais des pauses,
innermost conviction forget that… Admittedly, ralentis ou accélère.
that… yet…/

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