Operative Java FS Training Ver 1.6

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Full Stack Java Developer Program

Tools for training

• Inhouse tool for content delivery and
program execution
• Inhouse assessment tool for weekly

Foundation Program Delivery Plan:

• Hybrid model - We conduct 30 minutes

course theory and 45 minutes of application of

theory learnt
• Weekly Assessment of each candidate
Batch size:
• Open to modifications basis of total number
of candidates to be trained
Training Course
Program Details

Course title:
• Full Stack Java Developer
program( Fundamentals course)
• 5 weeks
Overview of
• Programming Languages

Object- • Object Oriented Programming

• Classes & Objects
Oriented • Pillars Of Object Oriented Programming

Programming • OOPS concepts and terminology

• Encapsulation & Examples

(OOPS) • Abstraction & Examples

• Inheritance
concepts • Advantages of OOPS
• Fundamentals of OOPS
What is Java?

Execution Model Of Java

Core Java Bytecode

Programming How to Get Java?

Introduction A First Java Program

of Java Compiling and Interpreting Applications

The JDK Directory Structure
Using Eclipse
• What are data types?

• Primitive Datatypes & Declarations
• Variables & Types
• Numeric & Character Literals

types and • String formatting and Parsing

• String Literals

• Arrays, Non-Primitive Datatypes
• Casting & Type Casting
• Widening & Narrowing Conversions
• The Dot Operator
• What are Methods?
• Method Structure
• Declaration Of Methods

Methods • Calling Of Methods

• Defining Methods
• Method Parameters Scope
• Why static methods?
• Expressions
• Assignment Operator

• Arithmetic Operators
• Relational Operators

• Logical Operators
• Increment and Decrement Operators

Expressions • Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.)

• The Conditional Operator
• Operator Precedence
• The Cast Operator
• What are Control Flow Statements?
• Conditional (if) Statements
• Adding an else if

Control • Conditional (switch) Statements

While and do-while Loops:

Flow • for Loops

• A for Loop Diagram

Statements • Enhanced for Loop

• The continue Statement
• The break Statement
• Concept & Syntax Of Class
• Concept & Syntax Of Methods
Object- • Fields and Methods

• Constructors & Destructors
• Encapsulation

Programming • Access Specifiers

• Access Control
Using • StringBuilder and StringBuffer
• Methods and Messages

Java • Parameter Passing

• Comparing and Identifying Objects
• Inheritance & Polymorphism:

Objects • Inheritance in Java

Objects • Defining a Class
• Creating an Object

• Accessing Class Members
• Instance Data and Class Data
• Defining Methods

• Constructors
• Access Modifiers
• Types Of Inheritance
• Single Inheritance
• Multi-level Inheritance
• Hierarchical Inheritance
Why use • Hybrid Inheritance
• Method Overloading
Inheritance? • Run-time Polymorphism
• Method Overriding
• Polymorphism in Java
• Types Of Polymorphism
• super keyword
• The Object Class & Methods
Java Files and I/O

• What is a Stream?
• Reading and Writing to Files (only txt
• Input and Output Stream
• Manipulating input data
• Reading Lines
• Opening & Closing Streams
• Predefined Streams
• File handling Classes & Methods
• Using Reader & Writer classes
Interfaces and Abstract

• What is an Interface
• Defining Interfaces
• Separating Interface and
• Implementing and Extending
• Abstract Classes
• What is a Package?
• Advantages of using a Package
• Types Of Packages
• Naming Convention

Packages • Steps For Creating Packages

• The import Statement
• Static Imports
• CLASSPATH and Import
• Defining Packages
• Package Scope
• Lambda Notation
• Lambda Syntax

Lambda Built- • Lambda Expression

• java.util.function package
in Functional • Use primitive versions of functional
Interface • Use binary versions of functional interface
• Use the UnaryOperator interface
• Exceptions Overview
• Exception Keywords

• Catching Exceptions
• The finally Block
• Exception Methods

Handling • Declaring Exceptions

• Defining and Throwing Exceptions
• Errors and Runtime Exceptions
• Assertions
• The Collections Framework
• The Set Interface
• Set Interface Methods
• Set Implementation Classes

Collection • The List Interface

• List Implementation Classes

Framework • The Map Interfaces

• Map Implementation Classes
• Utility classes
• Generics in Java
• Primitive wrapper classes
Types of Inner classes with Programs
1. Nested Inner Class
2. Method Local Inner Classes
3. Static Nested Classes
4. Anonymous Inner Classes

Inner Inner Class Example

Local Classes
Lambda Expressions

Classes Method References

When to Use Nested Classes, Local Classes,
Anonymous Classes, and Lambda Expressions
• Processes and Threads
• Thread Objects
• Defining and Starting a Thread

• Pausing Execution with Sleep
• Interrupts
• Joins
• The SimpleThreads Example
1. Thread Interference
2. Memory Consistency Errors
3. Synchronized Methods
4. Intrinsic Locks and Synchronization

Concurrency 5. Atomic Access

1. Deadlock
2. Starvation and Livelock
Immutable Objects

• A Synchronized Class Example
• A Strategy for Defining Immutable Objects
Lock Objects

High Level 1.
Executor Interfaces
Thread Pools

Concurrency 3. Fork/Join
Concurrent Collections

Objects Atomic Variables

Concurrent Random Numbers
• Introduction To JDBC
• JDBC Architecture

• Types Of JDBC Drivers & Differences
• Common JDBC Components
• Importing Packages
• Registering JDBC Drivers
• Opening Connection
Connecting • Executing Query
• Statement Class & Objects

a Java • Getting Information from Database

• Obtaining Result Set Information

program to • DML Operations through JDBC

• Cleaning up Environment

a Database
Agile • Introduction To Agile Methodology
• Scrum & Its Characteristics

Scrum • Sprints In Scrum

• Overview of Scrum Artifacts & Ceremonies

• Advanced Java

• HTML Elements
• CSS Introduction
• CSS Syntax & Selectors

Javascript • Javascript Overview

• Bootstrap Overview

• Types of TypeScript
• Installing TypeScript and Configuring a
• Taking Advantage of Built-in Types
• Writing functions in Typescript
• Creating and using custom Types

• Creating and Consuming Modules
• Application of types to more complex data
structures like arrays and objects.
• Installing and Using a Type Declaration File
• Union Types
• Type Narrowing
• Introduction to RDBMS • Retrieving Records
• Features of RDBMS • Normalization
• Introduction to SQL • Functions in SQL
• Basic Terminologies • Handling Null Values
• PLSQL Data Types • SQL Joins
• Primary Key v/s Foreign Key • Inner joins
• The Unique Constraint • Outer Joins
• DDL Statements • Right Joins
• DML Statements

• Create a new project for JUnit Tests

• Create and Run JUnit Tests
• Write Good Unit Tests
• Use assert methods
• Use basic JUnit Annotations - @Test, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach,
@AfterAll, @BeforeAll
• Test Performance and Exceptions in Unit Tests
• Write Parameterized Tests
• Adhere to JUnit Best Practices
• Use Eclipse to write and run JUnit Tests
Introduction to JSON

• Introduction
• Syntax
• Data types
• JavaScript Xml HttpRequest & Web APIs
• JSON and Databases
• JSON & Server Side Frameworks
Thank you J

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