Banaras Hindu University Shastri 2013

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& Ky Share 6 QE 7. Be shy tw Cone af SetNo.1 % **? Question Booklet No. 13U/106/28 (To be filled up by the candidate by blue/black ball-point pen) Roll No. Roll No. (Write the digits in words) Serial No. of Answer Sheet .. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only blue/black ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet) 1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that it contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing, In ease of faulty Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendenv/Invigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet. 2, Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Card without its envelope. 3. A separate Answer Sheet is given. It shordd uot be folded or mutilated. A second Answer Sheet shall not be provided, Only the Answer Sheet will be evaluated. 4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of the Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvided above. 5. On the front page of the Answer Sheet, write by pen your Roll Number in the space provided at the top and by darkening the circles at the bottom. Also, wherever applicable, write the Question Booklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places. 5. No overwriting is allowed in the entries of Roll No., Question Booklet no. and Set no, (if any) on OMR sheet and Roll No. and OMR sheet uo. on the Queston Booklet. 7. Any change in the aforesaid entries isto be verified by the invigilator, otherwise it will be taken as anfairmeans, 8. Each question in this Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For each question, you are to record the correct option on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle in the corresponding row of the Auswer Sheet, by pen as mentioned in the guidelines given on the Sirst page of the Answer Sheet. 9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one circle or darken a circle partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect. 10. Note that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to attempt a question, leave all the circles in the corresponding row blank (such question will be awarded zero marks). 11. For rough work, use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet 12, Deposit only OMR Auswer Sheet at the end of the Test. 13. You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14, Ifa candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means, he/she shall be liable to such punishment as the University may determine and impose on hinv/her. Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 [aver Fear feet # sateen arrercor se fed Te Bip SEAL 130/106/28 ROUGH WORK umart 13U/106/28 No. of Questions : 100 weit at de: 100 wae: 90 frre Note : (1) aftefias seit A ee BT a wae St wes we 3 (AIT) aia aT a Bede MAT TO Bs HAL Ue es ATT TNT HAH STARA TEA 02. 03. 0s. wraie yer erm yorg : 300 (2) aie aafirs defers see wet sax & free acta at, at frmean wet oa 3 . Sm: fad ae - ea fe wR: 7 (1) Seen (2) ATT 3) sR, Uy areas fe wx: 2 Q) Sse (2) Farr (3) afer ‘wfery Th met yestafe 2 QQ) 3: (2) am: (3) Fm: 1. FTO: i; ? (1) eye: (2) safe: (3) BETTE: afar ofa ye weg aut: seat vata 2 (1) rR (2) wea (3) steam (4) at (4) aren: (4) FT; (4) stray: (4) aifertt P.T.O. 13U/106/28 06. Safa ee ated aol: sige: efi 2 07. 08. 09. 10. 1. 12. 13, (1) @awa — @) aaa safrerrerrey &: Tae: ? () sree: (2) faerie: Hae: ey WET wt 7 (1) Sifemreto: (2) are: weeuiien: a ? (1) Been (2) seen uy faarnerer fe FAT 2 a) waa (3) saree area uy sateen: #2 (1) TPE: (2) AAR vata: wea es wa ? (1) Serer (2) wach: ‘dara car ora: a ? () see: (2) aie: (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (4) (3) (3) reat die at (4) att wa waa: (4) an: eam: (4) TPT: ARNE (4) fase: arri Tans eT weet aT, Sara: (4) seer Fre (4) sitfacrral aM: 4) aa 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. 13U/106/28 Hufeneafermress: wee: remy - ea eI HAE? Q) Sra (2) eT (3) arate (4) aner weaerea: fe ? a a 2) 7 (3) Hemi (4) fre: ‘aa Hel Tafel 2 (1) Weegeedrary (2) Geren (3) HpfererarTTa (4) BPafa-arr aaa ht Tafa ? (1) Siferera: = (2) atte: (3) ST: (4) fa: fectaypfremiten afar were aftian 2 (1) FeraRa (2) warn (3) TER (4) afiarrergra aiecrecqrerey 1 cafe 2 (1) sada: (2) afer: (3) afar: (4) Re: aehicd qe wa: dese 2 (1) aifererrer (2) ara: (3) Aer (4) afer: yeoateney a Tafa 2 (1) ee: (2) Mays: (3) ata: (4) re: ache afters ars aol ao - eft eT TET yey? (1) SAR Tey (2) Tay (3) Wagan: = (4) Aeya: 5 P.T.O, 13U/106/28 23. 24, 25. 26. 27, 28. 29. 30. saindenehl afer acter safe? (1) Taare (2) Brea (3) aget: a THT ? (1) arrenfrsq (2) HIER: (3) Steal ofa: a aryReT ? (1) FR (2) 6) reel far? (1) Tere (2) Fava (3) uy aiseiera: 2 (1) aferrreren (2) ATF (3) wel HOTTA 7 (1) afer (2) AaeRATAA (3) afrrga 1: camatfaa aged - fa ea weres werd very? (1) Sremrafey (2) Ter (3) frTaRfiae (4) spractitarai fa area: 2 Q) tree (2) Whew (3) TET (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) 13U/106/28 31. Fea aa valfer aia 2 Q) sre (2) grew (3) fafa: (4) ret 32. Ser: Fer waey as: 2 (1) array, (2) afar (3) Sarees (4) Freee 33. HIMaa: I TAT ? (1) STATere, (2) argue (3) farranfatay (4) tom 34. SRST STIG isc: 2 () wa: (2): (3) agar: (4) Bra 35, STH -saRH, orev: ‘a secrafa 2 0) Seer (2) geri (3) sam (4) EE 36, Hone -aaftton fee aati mothe 2 (1) “rea (2) dairy, (3) Terry (4) ainierevay 37. velafai af Geen aeheing ser 2 Q) 74 (2) 7 (3) Wat (4) 38, aH: Gy oftafora: 2 (Q) very (2) aig (3) way (4) 3g 7 P.T.O. 13U/106/28 39. Tam: wefan: (aes) ? (1) War: (2) 74 (3) 40. Afafraxaci ga ? (1) Sear (2) TAR (3) 41, ARTO HA MAT? Q) For (2) HIOTAHRTA: (3) 42, vee fang sraranfaareory ? (1) aeahratray (2) (3) Fra: (4) 43. serafin af eaters 2 (1) BERT (2) wafaefa: (3) 44. Ty: Brel Sherry sfertera: 7 (1) Feeq qdsrorarer: (2) (3) frees eerroreeret: (4) 45, 7H: we Tae ea? (1) we (2) aBf (3) 46. qeenle: Hes TI: Fare 7 Q) ara 2) FT 3) wa 4) feo, (4) ara Sar, (4) beatae qaanteay, wan: aga (4) Brafefata: ae Pea pores qlee: fat (4) Rear aa: (4) Hire: a 47, WG (fig) Wa: wer ae 2 48. 49. 50. 51. 52, 53. 54, “Reanfererara feast wer safer 2 ya fa eet aye 7 (1) Ferrey (2) Sree viernes &: mpg are: 2 (1) Sroreriar: (2) aeeprdara: TIN: eq aeiter sired: 2 . weaardes wero] a eager 2 HreveaRE AMET a Faraehy 2 way wef egal at aif 2 13U/106/28 (4) FER (4) Strarat (4) ree (4) Arar: (4) Serreetrer (4) oa: (4) Carer (4) 33 P.T.O, 13U/106/28 85. 56. 87. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. : aL - Hemet wer Tenia? (1) FRET (2) Fare (3) way wenferrotta: Fr eg: ? Q) Fafa (2) feat (3) ay fe GET ETAT ? (a) aera (2) sar (3) eda Fea Taft ? () whaqET (2) qariire=ra: (3) Tey erdraonfesrergTeN es ATG ? (1) se staf: (2) 34 FB) qval-gera i WTA: ? w ay (2) Sy (3) eee: farqeTEToy ? (1) aria: (2) frre: (3) rere wea ates time: ? (1) Sara (2) Fae (3) at + Ut - goa we fh OTH? (1) wa (2) wet @) 10 farfa ae wut (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) ‘af saftreet aa: Fer: 65. 67. 68. 69. 13U/106/28 . OR - eerem Ear ferrerEco 7 (1) ere: (2) Sve: (3) aay (4) at ear: wy WeTEI fqereroy 2 (1) aaah: (2) esa (3) wrest (4) ardve: UG Terai ferrerecory 7 (1) Ware, (2) Wa (3) ra (4) area: SRETATGL FA ATR MT? (1) 38a are 7 af: (2) Wea ae xarh ma: (3) Ig: Brea (4) area waa rma: find ae-geaa ‘Fae’ gered aise: 2 Q) freer (2) rat = frat a (3) argEay, (4) Repeat frye arr ? (1) fara at eae (2) Fite wer (3) Wa geenstea (4) 3a: eafea . Far Bl OTH ae & - eae Fh aA ary ? (1) fag anf, (2) Farge sentir (3) fagury war (4) faerie anf 11 P.T.0. 13U/106/28 ri, area afer a aU HE TRIG - TH: BISGATE: ? 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. (1) saat afearen Preach raft (2) saat sient Frerenfiy (3) gaat nferer Frew wiih (4) waai afeari Prevent (1) BRT: goregreatt i: ? (1) FR: (1) Far: (1) Greet (1) Hen fae wi ofames ated ? (2) fra: (2) San: (2) Far: wanes ferent Her: ? (2) sTerex Uy Yet Gera: Wee: HF: ? (2) afaat _ Sea areas: aaa: 2 (1) eafae: (2) Breefare: (3) Tafa 12 (3) TAR: fren cata fara - ger BisTufeal aa: 2 (3) THR: (3) Be (3) WIA (3) fafae: OMRUGICIAG (4) War: (4) THR: 4) (4) are (4) Wareafas: 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83, 84. 85. ce fay srry 2 (1) ert (2) wR (3) when Bt era: 2 (1) FR (2) fare (3) Tay fiverarac eng eG fan 2 Q) Rett (2) Wess: (3) agraarrey farqerecony 2 () Fret (2) srftrefe (3) AS gene faye 2 (1) Gat (2) arf (ay SaryeTet se wei; 2 (1) wane (2) UHRA (3) wear a faut: 2 (1) rt (2) weet (3) Udy aseriisarrara: 7 (1) Sa: (2) Taft: (3) = TUTE wy Taira 7 () faerna: (2) agate: 8) sresfa-gera i: Ufa 2 (1) gferaPs: (2) ray: (3) 13 wa ae vat Faofeatat ‘werfa wean aera ara: farriata: 13U/106/28 (4) arene (4) fare, (4) wer (4) arr: (4) sera (4) Tara, (4) fern (4) Weare, (4) WR (4) that P.T.O, 13U/106/28 gs. fi ari ary ? (1) Fa et era, (2) Fé oH oA (3) He sara era, (4) Fae aa 89, faafery faa - goa aise: ? (1) wee far F (2) are faa ® (3) faa ® faa ® (4) faa & avid faa & 90, Bel - Fra Higa TEA? (1) ST: «= (2) SER: (3) ART: (4) HATA: o1, HEgEa a ae: ? (1) (2) FR (3) fa (4) 92. UY F: FOIA: WE: ? (1) are: (2) area: (3) Ada: (4) Tae 93, titers w: wee: WAST ? (1) Afar (2) ate: (3) fara: (4) stssfer: 94. wei H fie tal é ? wafer fe ard ary ? (1) faa waft (2) wee waft (3) Fa: wae (4) Fafa Ta 14 95. sanriusla: wer ? (1) Fadl: (2) 3 (3) 96. afa qaferern: aia ? (1) ag (2) wefaafa: (3) aafeferfa: 97, Tare FAH: We: THA: 7 Q) at (2) sr (3) 98, ayes age uaa fe WIT ? Q) a (2) arerr (3) 99. feqanra: &: ? () sera: (2) Fem: (3) 100. 7arardaer: FH: PATH: ? (1) seria: (2) Fe (3) 15 ang: ar: ara Fran: (4) (4) 130/106/28 600 twas sreafirat & fore Freer (ea fete & warm aren yes 7 Aer aAe-aF H aa Par we Srarer sieit-arett wat-wenge i & af fer) rer gfe frend & 10 five 3 ona ai te ai fee ere F at ge age @ alk ag wer eel Fe 2) yferat Sage TA aT We gaat eA eae ae-fatrs wt Bax ET mera a gait yfetar at at a vader rar 8 feresresr wie weter-aw & sofatton, feren a arer ate st er BET ATT Ha ar seat a ere eer War Br Be Ta AS site 7 BF Magra a ge TaT- aa aa fee OAT Sear arts ar ah eaters fren ar ST Seats Te STs aT ais HER STOTT ok Ae B frais ware oe feral sare tey & nem ee a oe rear argarnar Prete ear eer! ar a ea aw angr ae @1 sret- wet arrargaes at at mea-afeten ar arate war we wr Tat afr ea ae here so ero arto ws UT arenes wea, wengterem tem a ae eam (ale ay eH) TAT mengfer oe aM SIT Sito We STC Ut eer wb Mfr W safecrers a sega were was mato wast wit afc aoer Freres eer wont ear enforcer ag was srgfet avert wr water AAT STAT r= after ccban wet a ware deletes gee ed ed Bes pT a danfettas gue a fore ae See a at eae lee ae ae feed art ge at Tee-aw B vee gS a ee Th Fidei & argere a 8 ar area #1 wee oes & See fry Fae we at ga at og wt ew a af get at eT a Wan we ga et ah ae ae Sa Tera AAT PT ear BPs Cem AT TT TT He AT ETT MT OT aT BU a ATT Rese TET aT TAT ‘eh dar erred @, at rater citer & art fed 1d vt eit a ret ots 21 Ue reat oe ET tes fet ore wm are & fore sea-qferar & Tags & sict aren ys wen sae aera & gifs ys ar watt ty adie Sat dae ot ew ome sav-ua Then Taq F TAT az Bi der ware at Syed wer wer B are ort at orqafa vet ehh afe aig sree wen srgfaa arr a wan ae @, at ae faxafeenee are faa és avai, ort ewer

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