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Q1. Answer in one or two sentences.

1. Define Conclusive proof

(June 19) (Dec 18) (Nov 17) (May 16) (May 15)
2. What is Motive?
(June 19) (May 17) (Nov 16)
3. Electronic record
(June 19)
4. Define admission
(Nov 19) (June 19)
5. Opinion of expert when relevant
(Dec 20) (June 19) (Dec 18) (June 18) (Nov 16) (May 16) (May 15)
6. Which fact need not be proved?
(June 19) (June 18) (Nov 16) (May 16)
7. What is Primary Evidence?
(June 19) (Dec 18) (Nov 17) (Nov 16) (May 16) (Oct 15) (May 15)
8. What is a leading question? In what circumstances leading question cannot be asked?
(June 19) (May 17) (Nov 16) (May 16) (Oct 15)
9. Who may testify?
(Nov 19) (June 19) (Nov 17) (May 17) (Nov 16) (May 15)
10. Accomplice witness
(June 19) (Dec 18) (May 16) (Oct 15) (May 15)
11. What are Private documents?
(Dec 18) (June 18) (Nov 17) (Oct 15)
12. Define “secured digital signature”.
(Dec 18) (May 16) (Oct 15) (May 15)
13. Explain Dumb Witness? Explain Blind Witness? or
How can a witness who is unable to speak give evidence in the court?
(May 22) (Dec 18) (June 18)
14. What is ‘cross examination’?
(Dec 18) (May 17)
15. Define Affidavit.
(Dec 18)
16. What is ‘confession’?
(Dec 18)
17. Define Court?
(June 18)
18. Of which facts evidence may be taken?
(June 18)
19. What are professional communications?
(June 18) (May 17) (Oct 15)
20. What is presumption relating to electronic records which are 5 years old?
(Nov 19) (June 18) (May 17) (Nov 16)
21. Give any two ways by which credit of a witness may be impeached by the adverse party.
(June 18) (Oct 15)
22. Define Information.
(Nov 19) (June 18)
23. What is presumption of fact?
(June 18) (Oct 15) (May 15)
24. Character when relevant?
(Nov 19) (Nov 17) (May 17) (May 16)
25. What is Res Gestae?
(Nov 19) (May 16) (May 15)
26. In civil cases when admissions are not relevant?
(Nov 17)
27. What entries in books of account are relevant?
(Nov 17)
28. What is ambiguous documents?
(Nov 17)
29. How to impeach the credit of witness?
(Nov 17)
Q2. Write short notes (Any four)

1. Estoppel.
(June 19) (Dec 18) (Oct 15)
2. Public document.
(May 22) (June 21) (Nov 19) (June 19) (Dec 18) (Nov 17) (May 17) (Oct 15) (May 15)
3. Rules as to notice to produce
(June 19) (Nov 17) (Nov 16)
4. Dying declaration
(Dec 20) (Nov 19) (June 19) (Dec 18) (Nov 17) (Nov 16) (May 16) (May 15)
5. Oral Evidence must be direct. Establish the relevancy of a hearsay evidence under the act.
(May 22) (June 21) (June 19) (June 18) (Nov 16) (May 16) (May 15)
6. Secondary Evidence.
(June 19) (Nov 17) (Nov 16) (May 16)
7. Plea of Alibi. Cite relevant provision.
(Nov 19) (Dec 18) (June 18) (Oct 15) (May 15)
8. Who is Witness? Examination of Witness. Examination in chief, Re-Examination.
(Dec 20) (Dec 18) (June 18) (May 17) (Oct 15) (May 15)
9. Child Witness
(Nov 19) (Dec 18)
10. Scandalous Questions.
(Dec 18)
11. Relevancy of Facts. Or Define Relevant. Or
When Facts not otherwise relevant, become relevant?
(June 21) (Dec 18) (Nov 17) (Nov 16) (May 16) (May 16) (Oct 15)
12. Presumption of Law.
(Nov 19) (June 18)
13. Relevancy of statement made by a person who is dead.
(Nov 19) (June 18) (May 17)
14. Birth during marriage conclusive proof of legitimacy. Explain
(Nov 19) (May 17)
15. What is ‘May presume’
(Nov 19) (May 17)
16. Conclusive Proof.
(Nov 19) (Nov 16)
17. Judge’s power to put questions or order production.
(Nov 17) (Nov 16) (Oct 15)
18. Privilege communication made during marriage.
(Nov 17)
19. When confession given during police custody is relevant.
(Nov 17)
20. Refreshing Memory
(May 17) (Nov 16)
Q4. Answer the following in detail. (Any Four)

1. What is admission? What is Statement ? What is confession? Compare them in detail

(May 22) (Dec 20) (June 21) (Nov 19) (June 19) (June 18) (Nov 17) (May 17) (Nov 16) (May 16) (Oct 15) (May
2. Explain in detail different Presumption as to documents.
(June 19)
3. Explain in detail exclusion of oral by documentary Evidence. Or
When oral admissions as to contents of documents are relevant? Or What facts can be proved by oral
(June 21) (June 19) (Nov 17) (Nov 17) (May 17) (Nov 16) (Nov 16)
4. Explain in detail Estoppels and different types of Estoppels.
(May 22) (Dec 20) (Nov 19) (June 19) (June 18) (Nov 16) (May 16)
5. Discuss different type of witnesses and their evidential value.
(June 19)
6. Explain in detail theory of relevancy.
(Nov 19) (June 19) (May 17)
7. Define ‘Evidence’. What are the different kinds of evidence?
(Nov 19) (Dec 18) (May 17) (Oct 15) (May 15)
8. When is the statement of third person taken as relevant in the court?
(Dec 18) (Oct 15)
9. “Evidence may be given of facts in issue” – Analyse the statement critically.
(Dec 18) (Oct 15)
10. Explain in “detail burden of proof”. Explain the law relating to burden of proof.
(Dec 20) (Nov 19) (Dec 18) (June 18) (Nov 17) (Nov 17) (Nov 16) (May 16) (Oct 15) (May 15)
11. Judgment when relevant.
(June 18)
12. What are the Documentary Evidence? Examine the law relating to admissibility of electronic record in
the court of law. Or when opinion of examiner of electronic evidence is taken?
(Dec 20) (June 18) (Nov 17) (May 17) (Nov 16) (May 15)
13. Explain and distinguish between direct evidence and circumstantial evidence.
(May 22) (Dec 20) (Nov 19) (May 16)
14. What is meant by “Fact in issue”?
(June 21)
15. When the fact is said to be ‘prove’ and ‘disproved’ ?
(June 21) (May 16)
16. Opinion on relationship, when relevant?
(June 21)
17. Presumptions as to dowry death.
(June 21) (Nov 17) (May 16)
18. Who is an approver ? Can his evidence solely lead to a conviction ?
(June 21)
19. Hostile Witness. Who cross examinee the Hostile witness.
(May 22) (Dec 20) (May 16)
20. Judicial Confession
(Dec 20) (May 15)
21. What is Conduct of accused person relevant in the court of law. Explain
(May 22)
22. How much information received from the accused may be proved. Explain
(May 22) (May 15)
23. can a witness be excused from answers on the ground that answer will criminate him ?
(May 17)
24. Explain in detail provisions of law regarding statement by persons who cannot be called as witnesses.
(Nov 16) (May 16)

Note – Highlighted with Yellow color asked in same segment.

Highlighted with Bright Green color asked in Long Question
Highlighted with Turquoise color asked in Short Notes Segment
Highlighted with Other any color asked in one or two liner question.

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