Tenant Rules and Regulation

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Dear tenant. Hope you are well. This is a brief notice involving the rules and regulations of the

desired destination you have to rent.

They include;

1. Rent payment date is on or before 10th of every month. Failure or delay without prior

notice will lead to official action being taken.

2. Water is to be availed twice in a week. Extra/ additional jerricans will depart you with 5/=

per l jerrican.

3. Incase the tenant wishes to vacate, he/ she should give a notice prior to the day of

vacating. This will allow the caretaker to survey the house of any defaults.

4. For the landlord to give you a notice to vacate, you will have reached the third stage;

Stage 1- Delayed/ No payment, official notice.

Stage 2- Closing of the tenant’s premise who is under the said delayed stage 1

Stage 3- Notice of vacating with the official authority’s failure to which your

items can be confiscated to pay for the outstanding arrears, or, payment of the

arrears and vacating the premise.

5. Do not litter in the compound/ premise since a good image of the plot, is a good image of

the tenants. Let’s stay clean together.

6. Welcome and feel at home.

Name: ……………………….

Date: ………………………….

Sign: ………………………….

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