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m•.><.lcrn indu111tnol filXil'tj'. In th•:
and 81'rV ;'\nl Wt:"Tf? d1r,-"t"r nnri

J:N hu, d1ffic:uhi~1o rtmr ivcd and

wor ken. But th'-! 1.ituotion unde
rn,·t!J"'v:tl w:-11 -ty. •n11 n the r~r.1
p~rY.>:ial It W;lt ►:1•) !() ~ p
lndu 4'trm l rebt1 011e i w,.,..,.. vny 111mple
bt< au~ th~ wn.+~:- rr~·Jl d
, morr<.J\IPr. th,.r r. 'N"1r' f' r,,:, r.,':"
rwr· nt a .u:a r.han ge w,t.1, th~ t:r.e
t;nil and dun nc th-!' lat.t r par.
11~...1 ~~ :..X :..1c ,,,:,
-:r,. y-::i •yn r~r- ~ ....,'c.,, -.,..
4!:a11 !y ;,pp:TAICD !;a e:a;
~:.df'd a , ;
.ir~ .r;
d tU!"
afl:t>r thr indu strin t revo)ution in i-.2-:! ~= r=~~ .x-:: .:.
n cha ng~ radi cally the tech mqu..., o( ;;rcriuct.:r,n and
indu rtria J revo lutio ica:. V
and the warlcing clau . ;:, part
imp act on the man kind in gt:"ncraJ a;:n .a! u, • 0 ~
in inve !tme nt of huge- amr/.u:U ,.;(
The indu stria l rc.mlution r~sultcd ition gi£ idp t"~ aar .:7 ~
n.""1:ompin"yT,,rm cf 1JT&iii£s
the ht•n aits ~r larg e scal e productiO lmc nt!: in i.nd usuy . ~ fed :n ~,.:& !'"2. :iz r;f
itav y inv~
1nd1vuiunls 9-·ere not dbie tozn aiel -e:r. pln- n- ~:. .~. s
aKe men t of indw t1:·. The old pi1ilosopby ol emp )c:,e
ownerf:hip and man wor kers !ace d =- a:- :.:~ ~
new indu stria l syst em. The
b«'a mc irrel evan t in the context of s a:id a.~::, __5 .~
as a resu lt of introductiO'll of mac hine
soci~I and psychological probJem.s M j9ui ~U. DT ~ ~
e uruons ~a.i ilsJ .bi.. .end
--tt iem sel V~ m the form of trad .: ; • . trad e u.n.,(J ClS also p..:::c:ed
. .
be__.ginning of the 2Ot ccn u . itions and economic bene nt5 fo :-7
lie ~
y aske d Jor Wtl ei wor king cond ~
stra ight . The indu stria l ticm s beca =:e
and wor kers ' part icip atio n in
as;ement. ~fan agem eo: of anc ~ G
ti-na tion al oom pani es... S:rik .es
grow th of mul
com plex '4ith the eme rgen ce and \-ariO US c:om ..:rie s coa.!d
e a>m mon . In thes e circ ums tanc es. the Go-."'e'rnmeots cf
beca me quit in diff eren t c:ou.ntries to prc: tect
labo ur law.s wer e pass ed
not be sile nt Spec tato rs. Var ious n indc s::rt al ~
tht.> wor kers and to brin g and mai ntai
the social and economic interec;ts o(
in inJu stry . ians . The 1'nl do
a sign ifica nt role in indu,,--n-ial rebt
In Indi a also , the Stat e h31 play ed c.s.. lnd ustr ul Disp utes
regu late the wor king of t111de unio
Uni ons Act w3& pass ed in 1926 to utio n o( indu stria l disputes..
enac ted in 1947 to pro, -ide for a mec hani sm for rvol
Act are ol w-orl:tl"$ &,,-
hav e also h<en p:is5 "d for the welf
A larg e num ber of othe r labo ur laws omic: righ ts of the
cou ntry and for the prot ecti on of econ
mai ntai ning indu stria l peac e in the
capa city .
wor krN i who hav e Jow barg aini nfl the emp loye rs
legal ~na rio. the relatioru:- betw een
ln the prt":-.l.'nt economic and politico- the term 'ind ustr ial
very complex. ~an y peop le pref er
and the emp loy. .,, hav e beco me as roll ttti, ~ ~ -
of f'mployer - employee- f"{'lations
r~h nion s· whic h cove rs such asp,ect.s dlin i. indu stria l disp utes .
t. di~i plin e and grif'\'tlnce han
wen kl'rs ' purt icip atio n in manaJ:e-men
laws , etc.
and intl: rprc uuio n of ruJ~ . labo ur
yee Relations
Objectives of Employer-Emplo
heal thy rebr ions ~t..'ftrt
l rela tion s is to mui ntai n guod ond
TIJe pnn ictry obje ctiv e of indu stria r obJecth"t's rc,-olvtt arou nd this
in the l! All othe
Lhe wur kers and the man agem ent liste d belo-.-:
e imp orta nt or thes e obJectjve-s are
prim ary obje cti\'e . Som e of the mor sea uin g the hig h~t
loye es as well as man agem ent by
Iii To prot ect the inte rest .• of emp
goodwill amo ng them .
level of mut ual und erst and ing and
re of strik es, lock outs o.nd
111) To avoi d indu stria l conl
licL'l and min imis e the on-u rn,n
i;he rnos .
(iii )To minimi&c tabouT turnover
and assenteeism by providing
workers. job satisfaction to the
(ll!) To rai se productivity
lo n hig her level which is
lhe need of the day.
(v) To establish and develop
induatrial democracy based on
management of industry. wo rke n' partnership in
(vi) To establish government con
trol over industrie, lo regulate
relations. production and industrial


Concept of Industrial Relation
The term 1ndustrial Relation,'
refers to all types of relations bet
industry. The parties related to we ,n tht parties con cuM d wit
industry are the workers and the h
the ow nen . Thus. industrial management representing
relations connote a vas t comple
between management and em x of relationships obtaining
ployees, union and managem
between employees themselves. ent. union an d employees and
Both parties to industrial relati
in industry, bu t many a time, ons have a common interest
they are found to be pulling
leads to industrial unrest. There in different directions which
fore, it has become necessary
both workers and management to secure the cooperation of
to achi,we good industrial relatio
Besidea management and wo ns.
rkers, Sta te is another party
relations. Th e interference of associated with industrial
adminiatrative measures i1 qu Government in ind ust ria l rel ati on s thr ou gh legal and
ite common. Thus, the area of
extended to relations among, em industrial relations has been
ploy,:n, employees an clt hu ita
Labour Dictionary, "ln du ,t • te. A cc or di n~ an
em plo yee , ln ind ua try . In a bro • he r-elation.a. bet we en em plo yer 's
ad sen s the ter m als o inc lud , an d
the va r,o u, un ion ,, etw een ea t e re a ion s e we en
em p oyers an t e ata te" . we ll aa the>&t etween the
Thus, indu11 na relations ari&
e ou t of employer-employee
are regulated by the governme interaction in industries which
nt in varying degrees. "'The con
ha s been extended to denote cept of industrial relations
the relation• of the elate with
organieation1. The • employers, workers and the ir
• • •• •
- employers and •• tion
1ution1 overs
In modern uaage, the phraao 'industrial
tha t ariae due to the continuin relations' includes the whole gam
g rtlation,hip bd wt tn the em ut of matters
scope includes three distinct are ployers and tht employres. [ts
Ci) relations between individua
l managers and individual wo
(ii) Lhe collective relations rkers;
between employers and labour
(iii ) the role of govemm•
(trade) unions; o.nd
ot in the regulnlion of theu...tcla
ail oe iite d are u 81'1! oft.en rrferr tional>\p, '.Thcac Lhtte <lw!b'.
ed to respectively u pen oro cl
S"argalnmg and labour I ·11«Uv.c.

s or Indu stria l Peace

Sign ifica nce of Good Indu stria l Rela tlon
following bcneHta:
Good industrial relntions can lead to the
I. lodu strin l Harm ony. Cordiol indu
strial relations bring h~rmony an~ remove
is on •deal a1tuR t1on for an
caus es of disputes. This leod11: to induatrial peace which
ity and growth.
industrial unit to concentrate on productiv
strial relations, "'.o~kers take inte ~t in
2. High er Prod uctiv ity. Due to cordial induto higber productivity and production ?f
their jobs and work efficiently. This leads
, they will contribute to the econoouc
the enterprise where they are working. Thus
gro,"'•th of the nation.
ona are based on coosultatio':' betw ~n
3. lndu •tria l Dem ocra cy. Sound industrial relati
ts in the establishme~t of 1nd~strial
tbe workers and the management. This aasis employees to cont nbut e thei r best
democracy in the organisation which motivates
to the success of the organisation.
ions are extremely helpful for ente ring
4. Coll ectiv e Barg ainin g. Good industrial relat
s between labour and management.
into long-term agreements os regards various issue oyees in decision-making process
of empl
Effective collective bargaining and a.s.sociation
will bring abou t cooperation between labo
ur and management.
should set sufficient economic and non-
5. Fair Ben efits to Workers. The workers
possible whe n the relat ions betw een
economic bene6Ls to lead a happy life. It is
productivity is high. The emp loye rs
workers and management are cordial and the
can afford high er benefits to the workers.
imply the existence of an atmo sphe re
6. Hig h Mor ale. Good indu •tria l relations
ct with in the ente rpris e. In such an
of mutu al co-operation, confidence, and respe
vate all mem bers of the orga nisa tion
atmosphere, there are common goals, which moti
to contribute their best. Consequently,
there is high er productivity, high er income,
in high er morale of the world"oree.
and increased job satiJlfaction - all resulting
l relations, by crea ting a clim ate of co-
7. Faci litat ion of Change. Soun d indu stria
of chan ge easy. Hence, full adva ntag e of
operation and confidence, make the process
ological adva ncem ents can be obta ined .
lates t inventions, innovations and othe r techn •
chan ges for bette rmen t.
The workforce easily acljusta itsel f to required
and useful to employers and emp loye es
Thus , smooth indu stria l relations are necessary th1
l growth as they crea te indu stria l peace in
They pres ent an ideal situa tion for indu stria poss ible whe n smo otl
economic grow th arc
country. High indu stria l productivity and rapid and othe r mon etnr
work ers get high er wag es
indu stria l relat ions exist. Alongwith thia, ion·
ts. The benefit.a of smo oth indu stria l relat
bcnefit.s nnd tho employers gel high er profi o
rc regu lar and cont inuo us supp ly of goods
""' ov~ilnble ev~n lo consu~1ers as_ they •.-:=u
• ant in the case of ever y c untr :
fair ~rices. . brief, sm~ th 1ndu slno l rel mad e by t~
. All pn•• ible eil"ort&-.a
J'fl ~l•r lv Ill a devcloptng t'Ountry like India i:
nt to achieve and main tain smo oth or cord
~mploy?""· the _"'~ kers and the governme
~~ 1-r eln t,o ns.

Participants or Variables In lnd~strlal Relations

the outcome
The preceding discussion makes it omply clear that industri al relation s are
ships in industry . The stntc influenc es these relation s to a great
of the employment relation
as discnsse d below:
extent. Thus. there are three major varjohlcs in indnst,l sl I dutio:.s
(i) Empl;;;,ees and their Organi sations . The personal characte
ristics of workers, their
rulture, educational attainments, qualifications, skills, attitude towards work, etc.
role in Industri al relation s. Workers'. organis ations or &S9:0Ciation.! of
an important
are formed
worken,. k:uon;. oa fade ygjqns ere Zl]iJ.i~lJn.sJU~,t~ns. Trade unions
for safegua rding the economic and socM11(i Cat& 9f t,9:mrk ers. They put pressure
ott:Ilfe mana,r ment lor tlieacliiivemlfol of these objectives.
(ii) Employ ers and their Organi sations . These cover work teams,
their variations in
size, composition a~~ • ation they impose, internal commun
een oyers' assooat ions
C'!Jployers' as~im ~and so on. Com..J11unicatfon
'!WIJrade.J1.Ssociations is given due importance. ----
al n,lation s
(iii) Govern ment. The government exerts an importa nt influence on industri
through such mea.sures a.s providing employment. intervening in working relation
labour. The
and regulating working conditions through various lows relating to
ations to
government keeps an eye on both the trade unions and employers' organis
keep them disciplined. In case of any dispute, the government can interven ce through
Conciliation Officers, Labour Courts and Tribunals to restore industr ial peace.

E~ TrM)O \JnlOna 1

Fig. 15.1. The Parties to Industrial Relations.


y c,111
be Industr ial P•~ce is fundam ental to the success of industr y. The goals of industr
trust nm! f~ir
de ~•lised best In on •tmosp here of peaceful cooperution, utmost mutual
employ ers ond employees urc fre uentl • dcd
alings. But the relation s betwee
aenae O e •struat and discon en . ese give rtse to industr ial conflicts
:C. spu _es. "Indust rial unrest is lhe most ocuto problem in unv industr ial
. huae It endangers peace in the indu¥tr y, Some of the symptom ·s of industr
organis ation
iul unrest urc
h 11 llibour turnov er dii;ciplinary pro bl cma;, h' h b •
• 11 u sentee1,un und tardme ~s. low ·
. •
morale, reatrlc uon oC output , otc. It is import ant to not-, thut strikes und lockout s h11vc
10 ta
come • Yalmoat l)('rmonently in the industr ial setup of muny ,·ountri
es. Industr ial unreot

in lhf! (orm of 1tnkc1 11nd lockoui. lead• to .cr1uoon of work due tll whiLh the, ,(
the maMi:cmf! nl. wurkt'r-1' and th,: c:omrnumty •utrcr

Industria l Dispute
Io· /\rt 19-47 •fndiutrl al dl,pute mean•
Ac:c:ot•d1n1 lD Sc<t1on 2 of th(; l11Ju1tna u:pu~ d 'irm 1' itn or ~lio««n rmplqyitn
any dlJpuu or dlf{irrrnu Mtwititn itmployirn an p : { h U conMcud with the
and u,or-lfmitn or bt1lu:-ren worltmut and UJ<Jrlrmirn.,I~ :,., or with thit condllioM
rmplo,mit nl or non~mplo ymrnt or thr UrmA of emp oym
of labour of any prraon... _
lndu•tnal db)',uti:. arc armptom• of indu11tnal unre11t 1~ the ume w!y th•t boiU_are
tympV>ml cit II dutm.!et'N! body. Jnduatrial unrttl may take either unorpni.te d or- o ~ d
form. Wht-n 11 ._. unorx_inikd. it i1 maniJe-sted in thir for~ of low ~ • low producta_Ylty,
fn.11tr:.uon. (:tc. Orcan11ed form• or induatrial unreal mclude 1tnke1, drmon.tra t1on1,
gher2os. JocJwut\, ,.LC. . _
'Tbe indun.rlal diapute1 may be individual diaputN auch H dupute1 relating to
n:ffiitat.cment and oompen..aation for wrongful t~nninatio n. Disputes relatina to wa es, bonu.,
uni n wor etc. 11 u

Weapons of Labour
Wh~ncver. induatrial dispute• ari111e. work1:n genera.Uy resort to one or more or the
f•,llt1w1ng weapon•. namely, •trike. boyoott. picketing end gh~ao.
(JJ Strike. V.'hcn workers colltttinly C("8AC to work. in an industry. it ia known u
strlko. ·ft mtans a ccuution or work by :a body or penona employed in an indu.atry acting
in comliination; or :, wncert.ed rt'ruHI or any number or persona who an or have btto
"" t:mploy...d to continue to work or to nccrpt employme nt; or a refusal under a rommon
unden~nd ing of any number of •uth penona to continue to work or to acttpt employmc nL•
Pe;, trodt- urwm1, "Lrike i, the m0tit powerful weapon (or forang the ma.n.a~cm@nt to
:,rctJ,t lhmr demand•. Voriou, type• o( •trike• urc dilK'Uucd below
,,, &onomic ,trik'-. Mo.t o(the 1tnlcc1 of workcn ore (or more (.ocilitie.s o.nd iocreue in
wage level,. Jn l'COnomic •trike, the labourcn demand incrt&R in -~~. t.roveUing
allowance:, houao n.-nt ollownncr, dcameu 11llowanct1 11nd other facilities such u
mcr~uo in priVllcge luvc nnd cu.uaJ leavt1,
Uit fhnrrul •trike. Under thi1 typt, o( •trike, mcmben or lhe ""'ority or the trade union,
in an lndw;try or region go on 11lnkc. Such o ,urike ia or11niaed to force demand.a
whit.h are wmrnon to all the worke.n.
fiJ,J 1/un,tr urtlt~. When the workers of un nrga.nmation collectivel y refu.,e lo tab food
to put prtt,urr on the cmployrr for wncedang their demand.a, it i• known a, bun,rtt
lrn) S)mputh,1 1r •tril,~. When workcn of one unit or 1nd~try go on strike in tympathy
with worlu.•ni of another unit nr induttry who are already on ,trike, it UI called a
1 yu,patheti c strike. The worktn of 1ugar induatry may Vo
on at'rike in ayrapalhy
wjtJ1 their felJow workcra o( the ttu:til~ indu.try who may already be on atrike.
I Ml'I.OYI 11-CMl'LOYEF f " I C L A T I O N S
h, St'\'' 111 1trtl.◄•. ln thl11 "'"'''• w<1rkon1 tlo not r,h"o
nl thf'lllflulvofl rrom thrir plncn M
w,1rk wlwn th,1y nn• ,1n itrlk, ,. 'l'lrny k,,,,,, contr ol ovur 11rodurlion fncilitlf"ff
""' w,,rk ~,h·h n f'lrikf' h, nl,m know n "" '1,nn down but ilo
' nr 'tool down ' &trlko.
(l'i) \\'i/d.,•,ot stnk, ·. Undar h, tJ\l' wMk,,r8
wnlk out of tha work 1>lnco wllho ul nulhorhrnlion
h.r thl• trndo \lnlon.
h~1') Slow l)oum 1tril«-. 1n thl11 t.ypa or •lrik u wurkflr11,
remetln on Lhelr Joh, ,uu.t thny dn
not atop 'o\"('lfk. 8\\t thoy roatr lct tho nmou nt of work
in un ortcnnifl,td mnnl \or. Th,,y
ndopt 1fO 11,h,w tnC'tlr, to put preiomro on tJ,air om1,loycr.
(lll hoy" °tt. Tha workoro m11.v docido to boyroU I.ho
ronipony by not u•lns it• product•.
Such •n •Pl"' "' m~• •••• bo mado to tho public In gono
rnl. In I.ho fom,or taao, tha boycott
i1 know n '"' prim o,y and in lhc latte r ,-,con
dnry. I\. l11 n coorclvo moth od wher eby the
m1uu,a;emrnt i11 rot"N'd tn Rrcept thnir dcnumdfl t1,\nco lha
boycott aflect.N tho nHlrkotnb"1t.y
or '"' produclJI.
(3) Plok eUna , When workero oro dlmr ndod from work
by 1111tioninK rcrtn in men nl tho
forlor,· plN , ,uch • •t•p is known •• plckollnK. If pkko
tln~ dO<'• nol involvo ,my violonco,
it i, l"'rl't,ctly l<11•1.
1•1 Oher ao. Ghon,o in Hindi m•••n• to ,um, und. Work
oro mny ~htiroo I.ho n,ombt,rs of
mon•ll'lm•nl by blocking tholr ••itl •nd tbrci n• U,en,
to •lay iru,ido their ••bin s ju•t like
prisonoro. Tho main obj<-<t of Khorno i• to Inflict 1,hyoicnl
and n,ont •I tortu ro to tho person
being ihornOl!d ond honoo thl• wonpon dl1\urba tho lndu
•trial ponro to n l!T"Rt o.,t,n t.
Gh.-raoa ha,•o botin criticu1Ni on both la1tnl and mornl
gro\mdll. I..A.t}lRl\y i,-:hurno11 nmou nt
to imµotcin11 wroni,rul ret■tralnu on tho f'rt,ttdom of
,mmo puno ns to move. 'l'hnt i~ wh.y,
cour t• havo h~ld ii u an lllocal action. Ghor •o• tond
lo inflict phyaital durooa on tho
p<1nion1 aff,..tod. Tho)' olAO croalo law •nd orda r probl
em. Mornlly, to ghoroo a 1><>rt1<m to
preu him to ngn't ) to «rtA ln d~m11nd1 111 unju1t.lflod
lx.'CI\UtlO it nmou nt" to gul\i nt; cons ent
undt"r duro11fl and pro11un,. A poNl<'ln who l■ ahurnotttl
ia 11ubjt-ch1d to humi liatio n. Moreovt1r.
• !)('no n who hu made • p"Ul'ioa7md.r-,r!larao"'111
..j4!tilloil In llOlllt1. bftcli. ovii rtM wurd
oOCJ_r th•t. In ,hart , u pi\1ntad oul by the N•lio nal Com
,iii..,on on1..bour, ~horno r11nnot
00 trofltNI I\■ 11 form or indu■trial proh~•t hKnu11t, lt
in,·oh"t"a phl,•"icu\ coorci<m r:,thc r thnn
<'«11,omk P....HUN !.
Oheraoe •"' qulto common in India not only ln ind\l
llriRI •~t•hlishm11ntt b\lt also in
f'duaalionftl and otho r lnoUtutlono. Ohor1101 cut 111 lho
v11~• root of tho democmtic pro«'..
of <01loctlvc'bal'!l•inin~ •nd mnko work on mor,i tool• in
lho h•nd s of politlcinno. Thon,f~n-.
tthorao tn tho long ,nm ia not in tlw intoroat of lhu work
ers. llndi cal trt,do uniunt1. l'•r
,:hor ao Al fl powe rful Wt"lp on to pr.,11uri1u matn•Vt'mont t('I "~l\ l \ha duml \nd1 Clf t.,bour.
We1 pon 1 of Managament
To put. pN't..urc on tho ,nnployoo1, tho omJ)IO)'Ul'II or nurnn
)tt'nu mt m•~· Uth1 th" fo\lowln~
(1) ltmplo)'1'n' Aao claU on, Tho amployvn,
mftY hnvo their nMoci•tion• or unio n,.
whlr h n10)' rolloctlvoly 01>1m• tho worl<ln11 rln•• 1111d
put ""'" ""'' on tlll' tmdo union~.
eo llm vlnco of em ployn u,nt c,,m,,or11rUy. 1u ,h " •l•
nr m11y rlo ry powerful Wt lll) f)n In
UH LOl·kouc. An "11111loy im of A ,itrllu, an d I• 11 vo
rot um to the place or wo
n u lntko ul. It l11 mv .,r, rk.
1t1 l('('hnir11ll,y rl11n tho w ot bn to
, th , rlu,lfll of o p/ o, , of
r lo C'OCtn:o or prm
rho ha nd • of an rmrJloyc- t.. Ar t, 10◄ 7, "L ,d uu t m, an
to rontlnu, to 1,np/oy
ul Dl ,pu
llrromin~ lo tho lndu•tri the N/ ul' 1I by 011 ,mploy.r
11wn11on uf wo r•. or
t1,tp/u11W1t1 or 1h11 ,11
p/Q ff'{ / by him .• H wo rk ln
o,u, nMmlkir of /JctfM0/11 tm yc,n1 mny lonnlnato lhtt 1ervkot n(thO
lef ', Th o omplo
(3) Te rm in at io n of Serv tulutod to othtir tm pl oy en
,: them. Their 11,lll.a may bo
hy blt1ckli11Un
who are on 111riku
o( H(!Ulng nm11loy1mm
t wllh lhoau ompluyul'II.
1u lo l"f '-lt rirl lhf'ir rhnnC'N
15.4 CAUSES OF INDU •ccount ol tho
ma n1 12 0m un l trn d thu omployoo. may arllO on
Tiu, dJ1,,utt111 between 1h
following f•c1ora. claMIRu<l Rt :
on om fc Ca tuc t•. n1 MC cau..,,- mny bu l Conaumar
( J) t:c
cro uu Jo wa ge • on aC <'O unt of in uo ue Jn AJI Jndl. may
(a> Demand fo r fn
1I W ork er• . Th o do m1 nd fur Jncn,1ao In wa,ro•
Price JndM for Jndu1trf1
tory workt1111.
be for ulf talcgorfor of fac nt.o.
for hi~ hc r cr atu lly nn d other rctlrcmonl beno
lb) Ocmnnd
lrl D•mand for bl 5h cr allowona,.
1ll ow an ct• ,.uch aa ho u1 0 n,nt nllowanta, modicaJ
(d ) Demand (or rc rta ln
oyuncu allowance.
ni,:ht ahln allowant"G, conv
l•l 0. m on d for pold ho
1/) Tfoduclion of wo
rltln~ houra.
IJI) 0. UN worltlng
llt ka l portloo.
o un ion • In lnd lo an , controllod by variou• po In
12) l'o fll lc ul CauNa. Tr
In th e ha nd " or Jk 'ra on• who ar c mom lnt•rv•ted
nihip ve1t.1
In many casrs, lheir Jeadc l rat.lia r th an thu Jn lom tM of Ja bo ur cn . ,
tcn ,1l
:irh1f>vlnt, thoir politlcHI in 1rl al dl1 pu lc1 •r l,o bucnu1u or po no
nn el
Somutlmc1 , lnd u1
13) Po r1 on ne l Ca uH t, tion, utc.
ren rh mo nt, Jayotr, tr11n1fur, promo
pru blr m1 Jiko rel
pla co bu caU JO ol in Jll clp lin c •• d vlolonco
du 1t ria l dl ,p uw • ■ Ito t.a ko
to cu rb
(◄) ln dl oc lp lln o. ln t,., r11 ort cd to by tho m1n1111omonl
orce. Lodlo ul mu y
on tho 1,art of th o workf
,nduw•pllnn an d violoncu
1put11 In India
Causes of lndu1trt1I Dl 1073 onw■ rJ hu bttcn ,h ow
ut o, by rau 1C t1 fro m
'11 10 1K1rct•nLn1,1c
d111trlbut1on o( di lp Ji,pttluo:
blu m v• •l• th • fol low inv CII UI OI or in du 1t rl• I
In T, bl t I. I. Th
a t.a lncNuln11
e I™ > co ot ofllvi111 1 bu K•nerolly 1howed an
I. w.,.,. 1111d AJJowa
oc ea . Si nr
<>I th e ruln11 cool uf
Uvln1 &Dd
hl ch or wa gc o to tDt
been ftirhU!li fur wen, du . lo
lrcnd, 11'0 wo rk cn havu (. 34 .I~ of th , lnd u1 1rial dl ,p ut ,, In 1973
l of Uvirll
to tn m ,u , th ot r 1t.,11Jan

in 1974. lL decreased
demand for higher woges nnd allowances. 'l'his pcrccnlngc wait :16.1%
to wnges and ollowances.
to 23.4% in 1976. During 1985, 22.5% of the disputes were due
Wages and allowances accounted for 26.1% of disputes in 1987,
24.6% in 1992 and 20.4%
inter-union rivalry.
in 2002. The i&1ue of wages and allowanCP.s is sometimes aggravated by
speaking for a group
When a proposed wage settlement is found acceptable by one union
it. Such rejection
of workers, olher unions clniming to represent the same group may reject
al consid erations and a
is not always based on merit, but may simply reflect union's politic
strong presence of outside leadership.
causes have also
2. Perso nnel and Retre nchm ent. Personnel and retrenchment
becaus e of dismissals,
been important. During 1973, 24.3% of the industrial disputes were
chment topped the
rell'enchment, etc. aa compared to 29.3%. ln 1961. personnel and retren
because of personnel
list of causes of industrial disputes with 29.9%. The number of disputes
1987. During 2002,
and retrenchment was 23.0% in 1977, 23.1% in 1985 and 16.4'1 in
chment problems.
about 15.8% of the industrial disputes were due to personnel and retren
dous importance
Industrial conflict over personnel issue is a direct consequence of tremen
sing unemployment,
workers attach to job security. With widespread and continuously increa
unions lake a
those who arc already iD employment fien:ely resist being throwouL Trade core co.uses of
serious vjew of suspension, dismissal and retrenchment which constitute
personnel disputes.
dispute:;. 10.3%
3. Bonu a. Bonus has also been an important factor in the industrial
red to 6.9% in 1961.
of the indust rial disputes in 1973 were because of bonus as compa
197'7 respectively. It
13.8% and 15.2% of the disputes were due to bonus during 1976 and
to bonu• ns compared
is worth- noting that during 1987, only 4.2 of the disputes were due
to 7.3% iD 1985. This percentage wus 4.2 during 1992 and 6.4 during
4. Induclpline and Viole nce. lndu•trial work, being group work,
oonnot be carried on
become nn exception
without discipline. Strict observance of discipline by both the parties hns
ility, autocr atic style of the
rather than the rule, the cause of which might lie in political instab
ond the munogement
management, etc. This spoils the cordial utmosphere between the lobour
which ultimately gives rise to industrial disputes.

11173 1975 111/lO 1945 1991 1992 1995 1996 2002

23.1 17.4 15.5 12.5 19.5 15.8
1. Personnel and Retrenchmool 24.3 29.8 24.3
245 24.8 27.2 24.4 20.4
2. Wages and Allowances 34.1 32.0 28.4 22.5
4.0 4.2 5.8 8.2 6.4
3. Bonus 10.3 8.0 7.3 7.3
18.1 21.1 21.9 18 2 28.6
4. lncisclpline and VIOience 5.7 8.9 8.9 16.1
1.0 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.J
5. Leave ana Hoors ol work 1.5 2.9 2.2 1.8
34.3 34.9 31.6 28.5 280
6. Olher causes 24.1 19.0 289 29.2

So~~ ~ U T Su.Lit lies. 2008, Minj,1 ,y nf ubour

. Government or India.

~0 @ '- ?~ 1/
~ ia
,d 'n\e •Pnd• for ILCISLC mtttinp U tctdcd by th• l.abour
OOMidention the Mu1i,lry afu:r t,d:inic Into
ly, 11Ua-tio n, Mnl to It by nwimber orpniht ioN. n..,.. t - bodiN work
ly with minimum proc•duraJ NIH to frff aod fuller daawiio ns ._.., the inemben.
11'e ILC mNt. once • year, whena1 the Sl,C meet• H and
n: =:~:C:r',~,:,;:.:}-!"J?:M7 .";t;n~!;,! .~tv;; ~"~!,;:;:·~:~
"'Mn n«MIM)",
dttv 0
411 lndie import1ncc ,, J?riween empk,ye
Ti.. ILC the pernme nt on an7 autter ,..fened to
it for adVIC'e. teltinz, inio
aa::ouat tua-tio na rude b7 the ata\a and ,vprnent .ad, or the
and empk,y, ,., orpn~ti oM of •orkr"
The Standla 1 Labour•• main runcttltl'I is to t:nn11ict.,-, an1 des
' sath
- ~ ·~ - - - 1 it by the Pi.nary ConleR"nte or i& Wntn,I CoW!mment
• ~ A'nde___!_~dviclt_,__!!_ki'!!_ into ac,;., .,. • .-, n» m:11
Hbu end I M
'I'M Code ol Diacipline '8 a Mt of M1f,impot,ed mutually acned
TOluntary princip\H ol
dilcipfule and ttlations bctwoeo m.ana~mel\1. 8nd worbn
in the lndu..i-,. •
ID view ol srowin1 induat.ria l conflict. the Fihttnth tndiaa Labour Confenn ca alf'H(i ~bat MIOUld be a ,et oCtsPtA l prinaple s of dlxinlin r wbkb
thz.!14 be lldopu,d by labour
--s;:~r;.~t vol~~ ~~o ;:1j;_:::i-: =-::~~r== :;;~: tn
= •~"!7.
ae.1p u~
b lfUI.JC t.l~UP l.,lflj!imWC 6i\d ':!:i t lb-:~
deta1laf :!!
tl1hemd eared1 tff1 :& .
Sllndln g Orders
Th. tena• ind conditions ol. employ,:r,.tnt bave bten a bone
ol c.-onlffltion between labour
and mana,em ,nt from time imm♦mor ia1. To pn,vent the ,mer1en ce of indu.~tria l 1triket Olltt
lM conditioM ol ainploym cnt., one USlporta nt mu1ure i, lhe St.andin1 Ord.n. Under the
lndw.tria l Employm ent Standinc Ordns M, 19-&6, it was made
1tion ud colloctive bar1aini111 have been di,cuaae d in oblip\«J ' that Standinc
Orden should ~rn the condition s of employm ent of the workers.
..:..- meuure t are diacu~ below! The, Sc.anding Order-.
regulate the conditione ol employm.ftlt from tbe •la~ of entry
U> tha orp.nlaa tion to lhe
11.tie of Wt Crom the Thus, they form \he
fTl\llat.cwy pattem for tndtUtrial
• ~lationa . Since the Slandina: ()rde,. provide Do'• and Don'u..,
they act•• a c-ode of condud
for the empl0)1eea d\lrUll thell' wotlonc li.f, within lhe orsanisat ion..
The pu.tpOM of havinc Standinc Orden at tht plant lt'rtl
LI to resulate indt.l&lrial
ttlatlocu . Thoy define with aufficlent pfffl1ion tho conditio
n. of employment undt-r the
emplo)'e n and hold them Hahl~ lo make tha uid mndidtin
a kMw" tn wtiricm,-n emrtlnyM h)'
,_, _'"'"..
__ ____~-~.
......._ .,..._.,.~
;,.,_ .......... ....,.... ~
. . . . . . . . . . , ................ MUWlne.__..,.
I . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . J ... ,-tM .U.S. . . . , ~ . , , _ . . , . :a.
_, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,_ .. ....., • .._rdheoc:rr.-~ra,c:htbt-tlfft.-.&C!t
, . . . . , , . . , _ _ , _ . , _ , . . . _......,o( _ _ _ _......,1,.i.,...,..,,.,
iii 0a failu,e ttl CIOIICl1iation ,....r.inp, tt-.e ~ ~ - , ~ tJw ~
INT.II-- &o nlff tbt 4i■puw co • ftlluMaty a1ntntor. Voluntat7 art,itn1-. rd.,. 1.1, ~ u-,.
d ..pv\ft Nlded lhlvup u ~ . d n t penon ~ t.,. the put. . m...."'ld &Vl~
and 'l'Ohlohrily.
T1te pn:,ri.;on (nr fl>iuAt.Vy •rbitntion ... made becauM ,~ the Sd:C"J,y l,,pl ~ " f l
IJurd perty lnt.fffffllion in promotinr th• 'l'Dlun&tir, ind torm.lities and rt-tultins delays inw.4~ i.n dju,dja:icn.. 1, ...,, h,,.nw, be GOC.ed
he Jntomation•I ~l:Ntur Orvniulioa hH deflaed c:ondliadon H that arbitrator ia noc Yfti.d witb any Judicial powtn. He ~ h» r,,ow..,. to d.dde U:.
:.• ii • v nf I 16,ui.puiy •m uW in a di1pnle II I.JllUDI di•pute tnnn the l(rftlMftt that pail'UN t.av. mad,e D!t•M"n thttm.,eh•e. f'W'p.nt,nc tlw It'
p,rdo. to reduce the c:a~nl ct their ditrtt11rn:n end to arrive !!._an rererrinc al ditpute: to UM: arbitnw. The arbittator aubmiu >u. ••ard &n the- p ~
,..;;a Mlntioo It I• a pmttu of ratio, TM ~ n t than publiahea it within 30 d.a,- d it.a -.dJmianao-
~ b c l l O f f n the pa,,.• In a dit,pur~ u11dirihipuj ~•rdinc the- pnfonunce of vohu,u.ry arbi:nuoa u • ~ al ,-..,,1...,nr: dav.i~.
The mneitiator ...i,u tho part.ic. to diJ1pute in their ncaotllt.ions by nmoviDC bottlcMCb it can brt said at tbe ff'tJ' ou~ that it ha• f'ailed '°
make math pn:;cnM. Theft
in communication bctwe-en 1.hcm. Conciliation machinery u provided undff the Jnd1.1.1trial pnttal indiffft'fflm a - 1 parti. io UM volwit.aJJ' arlrittatioa u a method ol leUbn&
DUJJK,llff Act. 19<17 I• u under: '°
~ t a . HardJJ 2 3 pa ctCt ol the di,puta not MttW by UIN:iliati,oo a.n mctnd '°
voluntary arbitration. S•tiooal Coauaiuion on Labaut (1969) idcatiliad lollawvic au-. b
-m- Conciliation Otncera. The Act provides (or the appoint..rMnt of'COnci.Uation officen.,
;;c-nnancntly or for ti limited n
M" !' 1n u& •
rrf~ Car mnciliatioo The conciliat.lon omcer t:njoya
the (a.ilurw ol. voluntary artntntioa:
(i) Lack ol ubitnt«, wbo command \M ~ J U. ,-rtin 1,1 lM dap;ita,. ~
olac,vll -- - • • ••• 110 Law.,...._ no ■-1 apioa Iba ....,,s ~by.,..,.,__
lU() £UJ a•ailabililJ o( adjudicaUoft OQ Ula FailUN~al aeptiatioo • ~
-=-===..;,:;;.;;;;;~~:;:;,.,:::::...:::::::.:,-:'7,::-..;?':='=:':'-.pp.,;nt. - \,
{W) 1'bt 1bNnce o( aimpliW prootdUft' &o ba ~ i:a •olt&DW, atb.tndoa.
of Conciliation for promotlo1 Lhe tet.tlt>ment of di•pute, where the Conciliation Offiatr faU.
Lo do so within J.4 d•ya. Tho Conciliation Board ii a tripartite od ltoc body conai.atins of AdJucHcatlon .....
a chairman and two to four ot.her members nominated by Lhe partin lo the dilpute. The
mode nnd procedure of lhe functioning of the Board are 1imilar Lo UlOM of the Conciliation

TM ultimate refflfdy I.or the MUltment of an UJU'HCllnd duipute it h"• ~~ bJ

the pwnu,wnt t.o adjudication. Adjudotion may be descnl>ed H • ~ •llldi ,n,,o1,l".,.
• wrwnbOft in the itiapute by a third party appointed. by :bit ~ t . with« wit.hol.'l lt.e
(iiiJ Court of loquJry. In CNe the coociliat.ion proceedings fail Lo aettle an indu■trial
dJ■puu,, the ()cnoemmOl>t bu y9' another option oC referrlnr the dlapute lo the Court of
::.._, of tbe pertia.11 to ,hi d»pute. for th. pu.rpoN ol .ulin& the ditpui.. The ~11".f'Ull:a
of &,,ale lo ~ t l o a i■ flNDW7 when botlo p■rtieo - lo Nletto<a ol 41,...,. lo
Inquiry. The Court i• upoct.ed to stw it.I nport within aiz montha.
Thr performance of conciliation 8'lMlwwry cannoc be ..W to be •ti■ledary· Oaly H1'
of CA. . . are annually handlod. - - • _ , ............ ., ...... - aw ... !MD

. . . . . . . . al tbrvowa acmrd. ud il LI campul.eorywbra ~ w __.

.., ... _ _ . . . - ... _ o 1 ......... - l b a ....... 1.0lba4-... ,,,.
l■-,llll)lopol■■ Ad.lM1--■ •-liff.......,_.....,_i,)

'° ad]u,dinuon
taoarOuto.(ll)~'l'ril>ullol■• aool tw) :<a,-.JTnllual■•
withdnwnlaleJ'onbyw arltorwot......,1f--i-...- _.11r_.._ ~
S"uailulya Juwo■...,_tl,

m -....... :
. t ,. . ,
,-;;;:;:;-:·-·::...-.~-:; ~-~
Dynamac orsanl..atio n• ...u:lt.ain P""•nct1 h.cullinc proc-.dw-.. to attain lM
(I) Th• manaprM nt ca.a bow~ emplO)'...• ("linp aDd opinion•
abwt the c;omp..nJ'•
p>lidN and p r ~ It 5,[eel lM 'pulM' or fflSpJO)'tff,
{ii) With &he of 8 p,naac:e bandhnc pn&a-.,
0.. •1niilo,.e pta a ~
(t'I Ttaht produrtion standarda. to v.ntilata hill r..Unp. H• tu blow off hia ._team' ~ ao offldal th.!Jl.QtL
f4J Dad ph_y11k:al cvndiUona of ,r,orkplacm. (IUI A rtanre pr'OC'edW'e kNpe a check 011 t6i IMI n1aon la dealin w'th t.h\'lt
.., ,-_,. p with I.he 11UptrviN1r. tt,borcUnate.. to w&MI io 1DALM patl.ntly aiia •
f/) Nepfrn, app,oa,ch lo difflpline.
Tha moral• of tha employeM will be hi.h wilh ailtnc. ot proper gmt'l'am.
lliO Gricvancr • N!.u.ltlq from Penonal Fecton
baadlinc pnadure. 1be1 un set tlwlr IJ'M'Vanca r9d.rnMd ln a juat mDnl\C!t' and
Col Narn,w attitude. wi&hin tht llil)Wated time ptriod.
(b) Wnms peraopt.fon M C.rtaia prvblema oft.ha emplorNa can, be aol¥9d bJ their .,,.P",.,;., . becau..
(d Over-•mhitJon. ol MCNN.17 aspm.itt ud 1uthori1y. Undar the Crie"'anee pn,aduR, th• 1mplG)'N1
{d} £cv'1llc per.on•lity. tan approkb tM hlcbtr authoritin rot th• nnwwal or tlwir piflaDCfl.
Sox 1: CONIIOVIATIOHI IN Oe:slOMHO A GAll!VAHCI PAOCEOUAI 15.7.5 Handling of G~IV•n cn
WbUe clulln1 wilb rrir,ancH of aubordinat.._ it ii ..,._,, to Ir.Mp ln raind
1 :::.=::'.:.~
___ .,_ ,:=•=
. ._ ..:-~.
.!." :-.~ ..-....-~"l~
..'°'"'"'li rollowinc point.a;
fl) A l"M'ftnce m-, or IIU)' not bit ,..i.

\ -~~-~~~~~.~-~.,~• ;, 1.,.:;. ,. ,'·-. :,~~-,;~~..\(;\-~. (U) Orinuc. may llriM OU\ of DO\ one CIUM, but. roultifariou
t. A~ancx.« rb4dlilllll iW'ttl ... Wi.......a l h ~ ....... ,_•10-,, 111'\~, CIIUH,
t, CiU) Effl'J' lnd.Mdual dON not Ffl upnulon to hit l"W'"MU .
thouid,.. .tlill~._N 9ffi'IWC Wltl,lpllW .•ff"Ytit . . . .bNtl•&o ,irie.,t;
' .,,,,.,.._ .,.,...,"!!'!olllE >'ol,U_,, .be......,o lNllffll.... ...,,-,.1· "41 For th• purpoM of handlin.s SfMTUC'ft .tftci•utly, it i• MntNry to ftnJ and
tho fl'M·nntcia o( tha 1ubordinat.._ tr a sritt'11lk'I i• found lo bl c"nuino
or real. tha
comctlve action ahould be \.IUQ But. lit.ha IN"'anc.U IMt due to
~ tdft ,W'(Wrlft ~ • • ' It•~"•~•• , t• I -:• -~ ' ,:f, -:...;\ t ar d'-t1trt.d h1n1 ol mind ot lhe WORff, it. ii Ml"INM.ry IO np\ain and
2 ....., .. ,...,._..... _ ..., .... , _ ~ - •.. - D o i - • ! dnr up the
. _..,,.,_,.,(Jp■,..,.,,. _ _ ,.,._Ngl! W.,.,,,.. .. .,,,,.,,..g
o.:,.1,\'~ Mlltt', a.r..
dt1lln1 with \he IN'f•ncet. IMlr C.IMN anual. be - ~ - Rut •Mn tha
l s.,,o,_ _ _.~,o■,;.,.,,,,_,,_,, _■Od
pinucN an no\ aiVR ti....._ by Iha aubordiu i-. 1, ia tuftllff1 )rib to detect thl
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.,lil 1 plMiWe srinancw aod lMlr ca...._ He may ...U.. the nialean cl cnnucu
, ......,. ,...,-,,
, ..,,.,... ,,l(d.O
- ·- - lbl-•'
.... ,,. ~ii:d' /W·"'
w1111•1 ''il°J;
11i11,w. ,)-,,;tt,·
..., Wah .....,. l\lrDOlfff. blab rate ot a'-nl.Nia m aod poor quality of work. • • - - ol
Th... probl•ma
wU1 . . • ■ultlplyiq lf lhe taUN ol srin•ncet .,. not cund.
\ ~mu AtlATlONS
'l\e . . , _ C.. N c,n dt<l with diop
uta ,.lll tlnr "" C'OIIMrlld llntli IM tom pal'l f thol
or iMq&IUoblt.•Thil dellnitKJl'I i.,

OIi rmp w,« ll,it tb. litli ny,
ve,y brN d and COf fn •II Jund t
or f"ll'f'I {NII, u 11nfair. u1tj11.JI,
al dW.t11foct:tOn w!lid1. tn
i'-~- .., .i. ,., -u ., Bludloc A srin "•nt ei m•r Y •ny di,a:,nu-
ntll!fflf or di.M tUlh cbon
,,..1op1111oran onlf f puo od bf .. emp '°1M hN wtu J. doinl' hi9 job.
f'nttrpriM" where he i• wo,lcinf. h
may not bo npr eue d
WU11 out al uJth ttla1ed to th• Mthin1 bu hap pen ~
•nd ewn may not be valid. h •!'U
N wht o ,n emp '°Y" feel-' that 110!
... i-,. .c.1 1oo o(5 'ud ioo 0r,l ,n. un!a ir, un.iu.t or uwq u1ub le.
t oln!Hef'to them . or t, ,oin , to u.,, ,.n wNCII lf of p,rMnaJ inj,u tiM
Iand dl8IIUIINI olworbM!n and pu t: ., "any rtOI or IMOKIMd fn/111.1
lep. Keith Dav i, hall drtfuMd SJWYanc pien nce n,pn Nnt . a
f .~ · I olan.7 atat olor 7 contWllion or prm u,JilcA an ,mp layw Ao. con« n1i,
w ltU 1mp ky,. ,nt ttlalioluAip." A
him hu hap ~ne d
, • .... ,,._ ola QJ ltri b•l ocb
aituation in whic:b an ea1ploy,M
Ceet. that IOG!nhll'I• unfavourable to
1riH b«a1JH of M"Tffllll
6od la the lhlrd ochodole o/ lodU
MN I Di,p uloo Ad, IIM7, 1tria l enterpt'\M', rrie nnc e m•Y
n DOl 1p,a or i, roin l lo happen. In an indu
, _ . lhejuritcfitdoo or Indu stria l (act on ,uch u: ldnc c:onditicwu,
with lhe followlnc a11t tww : ,-po n,il, ility .och ff poor wor
1111. 'l1le IDd catr ial TnDUIWS can dn1 (a) YiolaUoo o/ JMDAplM'ftt'•
and prK ticn .
•\l,e por iocl udn >Od >o( ..,.. ..L (61 'fiotadot1 of company'• rul •
fc) violation ofe olh dm berpiDin
c apw n>tn t.
intervala. (d)T iola t.ioo ofla bov ..... .. t in promM.ion.. etc:.
► ju.Ilia- such u unfa ir trtat men
I bol. ia,.. _ (,) violat.ioo or tlnl Nle t of
;, ~l fw wl ~~ llt lty . van ce
, thJD in acao rdan o. with ,t&
orde:n. 15.7.2 Nature of Em plo yH GM
The CSM:ntitlt cl• IMf tntt " ia
an orra nisa tion are u unda r.
e out of -olN thia , connected
wltll the arpn laat Joo .
Ci) Tbe diacooteatmezat ariN Dffl t ti, the .aupttri,w,r,
in ('' fllcb u ullW I' ttuU
The aou rm ofJrin 'aoc es lie wil.b the C:unily, tvftftid. with
nal reu oiu S!Kh u illn na in
violation of comJ)Q1 nile t, rit. ~l'IO nt an t.y,o nd the fflnU"OI
i. a crievanct"- &,c h wts ide aow
tha t . . , be prNCribed. h, u the a Mighbour, etc. do not <0n sti1u
nt for thol e disp uta whic
. n .. tn"bonal, .,. mnonu o( the .mployer.
cl or 1.-u u wbk h an likely lO be Hli oaa l or ll'T&Llou.L Rati
onal sricYanu ii a pui M
~ of aatiocal (ii) Tb• dbc oni .ot QI.a,)' ban4 . thef t .,.. IP"" "uc a
. . . . . ol me n than OM NW
, tha maaq,eme-nL On tM
OM which must be rt!DCWtd by U, CW,toned per«"ptjao. lack "'
a pria wy IUU U,. of re«Jwina"
di1p uUI.
&NI hue d oa. NGLimen
UN adjudic:atioft U
dica tion. rnachlra.ry on an aver11e whk h an •mo dona l lo Mtu n aod lly itntionAJ or P')'Cholqrkal. tl UI difflealt lo handle
Lot 111,put.N .,. ffle ned lO adju prop er lhw :ioe , ttc. 1\le14t .,.
'1 h• not bee-a very utisfaet.ory,
11amdonina o/M jud otio n mach1N ineffioeot impleme1ualion ol l1 euie r lo idanti!y
- (I) the debi11 iDVQMCI. a.nd (if) tba !d or lmp,Ued. h '9 compara1i-1•
(W)A ll"k 'Yut ee -.y ba es:p l'ftM e, acfr n nitic:itm,
i(e.led in ane ral ways, 1,1., s-ai pi.n materialt,. poal"
od. AbouC 60 to eo ,- Cllltlt ol tlw l H:pnaaad ~ n., .,.. rnan .
INJudieation LU• undul1 Jon1 peri l tab betw eta 8 to 12 aaonUI&. owr , carelU&DNS ia the UM ol lools
~t ati oa . l ~ labo ur twu
work. day dna min ,,
Iha.a a year . Aod. 26,t. ol ea.M alto imp lifd by indlff'itNON to
tl)tflt.ation) NI allo not wry workmamhlp. etc. Orievanot1 an cet• odo ver loo k
•lat .ion ol •••r dl (n,quirin1 impM the daW ol ealo ram .BL otW LN to~ Oft b-n pr.. -dlN "an
tmented by &bM flt.N itm ,tar din cu,, tc.l titn .,.. mon ~ lh&o
_ . . Clll1 awa rd, are noc i,np& u.Kd w impliad pieo ,UC M
■-'fpiclon• in tM min d, al wur km th• unu pnu td ODN . lo Cact. WW 1Q1r.ue il I• nol known when. the implied ~ auy
impl1NDeat,ition of award.a crw■lH tht pin a.N U whi ch ~ N-k d btui ideolify .ath piev anc u.
lndl l'm. chin ery. .r ol l ror a.n Hl'C\ltiv• to
a:plodt. Jt nqu iret • hish ordt
INC i! HANDLING AN D RED l>C 15.7.3 Sources of Grievances irt;
man qem ent polic
Tht n1u .n ol pirt a.aN t m-., bt
pou ped und.e-r th.rM hHd&. 1/U.. (1)
1!1111 OI l:fflDIO ldll( C llllfG M 01'1 ei«i
(i1) worltlna condi1iona; (i/1) peNOna
l fart on. Th,M aro di.Kuaud u
orili 111 OW of .II
it:Q I'""" ° or IWf 0"11 WNI IIU IIGli d or ""'·
~£\o\~"°" '°"-
,...,..,.:a o/t>.. ttu.'r' ·---.
"" L.~rr,••~- .._to•.._,,_... .._.,,._.
; " ~.. llfr,;-;:_" • h o ~ - L •
...... ...--:;
.. .-,- I
1'lod Ctltov•nc.
,. •diq1• ._ r:-.._
'4ct..•Ppl· --Id ................
nflh.n,~,-.:-bl•to afL~ ' ..:~.::--............,;
. . -.........:.
_ _ _.., _ _ _ _ _ . , . , .alll!I_
• ..
"""""'td <-.. •Dd ..
• ...
rro-.;,.· ·"•far .. .,__~_.. ~
---·~'1S',;-~1-,0, :-:n;.t.•-~p;,IN'II =
ion for •t IC'41N • ~ U.
-~·""-' - • . ......-1
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sse11tf•I• Of..,
Co t,
Pl'ODNfu,w should ..._,.__le di.:
"'hould bu d:•=~ wtU. the oa!IIUq . . . . .

lt~4::::~,~ :", -"•· ·

~:i~I-...a _ _~_
•",{:;~~<':.;;..a::.·'• ~ _
'", •. . , _ ,__
tho Prua:-duro t:an n tnnfDrmi'1 with lbo ....._
for. make uao o( IIWh IRedtl,_,, •
Cll AcceptablUty. The ~ proaachuw • ........
\. e,q,ialn •
or-do- t,, ho Pfterally ~ . it mut . . _ .
" --
Workrr, (b} JMJKtnable C&ffl::i• or ■ut.borit,y 1M
or the! union.
13l Slmpllclty. Tho c,;...,.,.. ~iq"''lliii,W ~

: .,..,
fl'CP'J' . .plo,w,. The ■Lepe: llltould ~. . , _. . . . . . . . .
~ ,-•i,I',._..,......,.,
___,,.. .: ...
3- -·
2- v,1rtalar

•hould be mnollallr d...1opoc1. ~ m,.. -
••riaua levela. Information •bo~t Uie Jn'O(Tdllf'I CM Ill
■n1p&oy.oe &brouah pl~tufflll, thuia. cl:ie1n11na, - .
s. _,
'4J ,.,,_ptn--. SJ>l"IX,(y ~-ttJt11ffll!nfD1'a ....._.. I. SuQI
policy. Juallcw dola)'l!d.iaJ08&ice d•niod. T h e . . -
- · Thia <an be achi..m by ,• ...,....u.....
,-:~i~~~~~~ ·:: ·' 1. -
I. £>I:
le) M fbr-H JNtM11Jla. ~.sft009 ahouW .. ~~~t.•-~,~:lt';,~
I. E>I
, ;\I S;;,_Code o l ~. •., '":
lbl Ho ma"'"' abould onlinarily ha 1aba • •
- .-1d be ool,y ooo ap-1. • '.i'e. ~~ '\O. WI
.r.~:-1o&~:.:--·. .,.-, i~i.t', •• ,,. "1t
frl .,._, l7i- of'"...""'" may • ., .. ~ ,.. ,...,~ d
,.1~~f:r·:n,., .
ldl 'lllM llmJI ahould be_ pl■«d •• NCh-, \2. l
11,e...,.......,........... .
I- In order to eNIUN eff'Kt.lYe..: u.
n,. -'ins of the .,ir,.-
. - -. . . . - • aod . _ , , . ~-,~ 1-&;..~it
. -.~ ......--•--
-,~--- . ·•

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